Central Washington University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Preliminary Neotectonic Map of Taiwan, and its Implications for Future Destructive Earthquakes
- Aseismic moment release and triggered creep following the June 23 2001 Peru event.
- Cooling History in Mabja Dome, Southern Tibet: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of the North Himalayan Gneiss Domes
- Evidence for Prehistoric Coeseismic Folding Along the Tsaotun and Chushan Segments of the Chelungpu Fault Near Nan-Tou, Taiwan
- Horizontal and Vertical Deformation Near Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Oregon, From Leveling, EDM, and GPS
- Open-System Magmatic Processes: Energy-Constrained Recharge, Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization (EC-RAFC)
- Origin of the 1974 Eruptions of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, by Magma Mixing: Evidence From Mineral Chemistry, and Crystal Size Distributions
- The Complex Geochemistry of Magma Bodies Undergoing Open-System Processes: Energy-Constrained Recharge, Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization (EC-RAFC)
- A Change From Inflation to Deflation at Sierra Negra Volcano, Galapagos Revealed by GPS and Gravity Monitoring
- A Diamond Anniversary Perspective on "The Effects of Assimilation": Energy, Mass and Chemical Constraints on Open-System Magmatic Processes
- Aseismic Slip and the Nisqually Earthquake
- Characterization of slow faulting with subdaily GPS positioning
- Earthscope Science Target: Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Silent Earthquake Recurrence Along the Cascadia Plate Interface From the Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array
- Evidence for Prehistoric Coseismic Folding Along the Tsaotun Segment of the Chelungpu Fault Near Nan-Tou, Taiwan: Seismic Hazard Along Active Fold Scarps
- Five Years of GPS Observations Along the Length of the Cascadia Margin: Fate of the Eastern California Shear Zone and Entrainment of the Cascadia Fore-arc in Oblique Subduction
- Neotectonic Crustal Deformation and Seismic Risk in the Puget Sound Area of the Cascadia Forearc, Washington State
- Observations About the Holocene Inner-Shelf Sequence in Southwest Washington and Northwest Oregon Based on Vibracores
- Paleoseismology Study on the Shanchiao Fault in Taipei Basin, Northern Taiwan
- Preseismic, Postseismic and Slow Faulting in Subduction Zones
- Shoreface Behaviour Along a Partially Allochtonous Shelf and Coast of River-derived Sand
- Before PBO: What Do We Know About Ground Deformation in the Cascade Range?
- Duration and Extent of the 2003 Cascadia Slow Earthquake
- Magmatic Evolution of the Skye Igneous Center, Western Scotland
- Open-System Magma Chamber Evolution: an Energy-Constrained Geochemical Model Incorporating the Effects of Concurrent Eruption, Recharge, Imperfect Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization (EC-E'RAχFC)
- Paleoseismic Investigation on the Pinto Mountain fault at the Oasis of Mara, Mojave Desert, California
- Prehistoric Earthquakes Along The Sanchiao Fault, Taipei Basin, Northern Taiwan
- Spherical Viscoelastic Finite Element Model for Cascadia Interseismic Deformation
- The Role of Dimethyl Sulfoxide in the Reductive Dissolution of Iron in Marine Aerosols
- Coupling Thermal and Chemical Signatures of Crustal Magma Bodies: Energy-Constrained Eruption, Recharge, Assimilation, and Fractional Crystallization (E'RAχFC)
- Interseismic crustal deformation of Taiwan: A new insight with constraints of block model on 7-year GPS results
- Kinematics of the southern Alaska constrained by westward-decreasing post-glacial slip-rates on the Denali fault, Alaska.
- Late Pleistocene to Holocene extension along the southern Sierra Nevada frontal fault zone, California
- Long Baseline Tilt Meter Array to Monitor Cascadia's Slow Earthquakes
- Progress towards a multiple-use GPS array in the Puget Sound region
- The 2004 Cascadia Slow Earthquake
- The PBO Nucleus: Integration of the Existing Continuous GPS Networks in the Western U.S.
- Three Sequential Ruptures Along the Rueisuei Segment of the Longitudinal Valley Fault, Eastern Taiwan
- Aseismic Deformation Monitored by Long Baseline Tiltmeters and Absolute Gravity near Seattle
- Endeavour basalt geology and petrology
- Gravity Study of the Queen Valley Pull-Apart Basin, Western Nevada
- High-resolution imaging of the anticipated 2005 Cascadia ETS slip transient
- Kinematics and temporal evoluation of silent earthquakes along the Cascadia convergent margin
- Onset of Middle Crustal Flow, Southern Tibet: Evidence From U/Pb Zircon Ages
- Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Data Analysis
- Signal Coherence and Improved Bandwidth in Kilometer-Scale Water-Pipe Tilt-Meters for Monitoring Slow Earthquakes
- Strontium isotopes evolution of groundwater in a floodplain, Rio Icacos, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
- Unraveling the Earthquake History of the Denali Fault System, Alaska: Filling a Blank Canvas With Paleoearthquakes
- (U-Th)/He Apatite Age Data From the Inyo Mountains, California: Implications for the Timing of Extension and Dextral Slip Rates Along the Western Boundary of the Basin Range Province/Eastern California Shear Zone
- Automated Tremor Analysis From the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Basalt Geochemistry of the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Controls on large landslide distribution in the southeastern interior Columbia River basin
- GPS constraints on 34 slow slip events within the Cascadia subduction zone since 1997
- Interseismic Crustal Deformation and Seismic Potential in the Luyeh Area, Eastern Taiwan
- Long-Term Slip Rates of the Longitudinal Valley Fault Inferred From Uplifted Terraces of the Bieh River, Eastern Taiwan
- Petrologic evidence for thermal rejuvenation of crystal mush in the Bandelier Tuff
- Phase Equilibria Impetus For Large-Volume Explosive Volcanic Eruptions
- Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) Measurements of the North American Plate Boundary
- Preliminary Results of Paleotsunami Deposits Along the Sunda Megathrust, Simeulue Island, Sumatra
- Source of the Columbia-Snake-Yellowstone Melting Anomaly (COSYMA): geochemical evidence
- Strategies for Exposure Dating Coarse Alluvium Strain Markers
- Strontium isotope ratio variations in plagioclase phenocrysts from the Imnaha basalt
- The Magma Chamber Simulator: A Comprehensive Tool for Modeling the Evolution of Magmatic Systems
- The Role of Fluids in Trace Element Partitioning During Melting and Crystallization
- The preservation of past tsunami deposits along the Sumatran coastline, Padang, western Sumatra.
- Timing of Cenozoic E-W Extension in the Tangra Yum Co-Kung Co Rift, south-central Tibet
- 35 Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip events observed on GPS, seismic, and strain/tiltmeter arrays
- A Biostratigraphical Record of Repeated Great Earthquakes on the Sunda Subduction Megathrust, Northern Sumatra
- A Simple Three Pool Model Accurately Describes Patterns of Long-term Litter Decomposition in Diverse Climates Across Two Continents
- Comparison of Two Landslides and Related Outburst Flood Deposits and Their Effects on River Evolution, Owyhee River, Oregon
- Constraining the Early Isotopic and Trace Element Signature of the Yellowstone Mantle Plume: Evidence from Imnaha Basalts
- Discovery Of Pre-2004 Tsunami Deposits On Simeulue Island, Southern Aceh Province, Indonesia
- Evaluating the Timing of Volcanism at Baitoushan Volcano (North Korea/China) in the Context of Open-system Effects: Insights from Sr, Nd, and Pb Isotopes at the Single Grain Scale
- Evidence for Late Holocene Paleo Earthquakes on the Aceh Portion of the Sumatran Subduction Zone, Northwest Sumatra
- Fault Slip Partitioning in the Eastern California Shear Zone-Walker Lane Belt: Pliocene to Late Pleistocene Contraction Across the Mina Deflection
- Frequently Shifting Magma Sources at Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Imaging Subduction, Episodic Tremor and Slip in the Pacific Northwest: Cascadia Arrays For Earthscope (CAFE)
- Infusing interdisciplinary place-based watershed research into K-12 curricula and university collaborations
- Interdisciplinary watershed research with 5-11th graders
- Interseismic crustal deformation of Taiwan: A new insight with constraints of block model on 7-year GPS results
- LiDAR Acquisition for the GeoEarthScope Community
- Progressive Landslides in Uplifted Volcanic Plateaus: Persistent Loci of Channel Perturbation
- The Aeolian Volcanic Arc: New Insights From Subduction Zone Thermal Models and Mineral Solubility Scaling Relationships
- The Magma Chamber Simulator: An Interactive Computer Program for Modeling the Chemical and Physical Evolution of Complex Magmatic Systems
- Tremor Constraints on Moment Release During the 2007 ETS from Surface and Borehole Seismometers
- Vorticity Studies in Mabja Dome, southern Tibet: Late Eocene-Middle Miocene Ductile Flow in the Middle Crust
- Application of Microfossils to Reconstruct a Paleoeseismic Record of the Sunda Subduction Megathrust, Northern Sumatra
- CAFE: a seismic investigation of water percolation in the Cascadia subduction zone
- Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip events observed on GPS, seismic, and strain/tiltmeter arrays
- Comparison of Natural Dams from Lava Flows and Landslides on the Owyhee River, Oregon
- Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Historical Mount Etna Basalts from MELTS Modeling
- Evaluating Young Volcanism at Baitoushan Volcano: Insights From Single Mineral Crystal Sr and Pb Isotope Analyses
- Evidence of DMS and other biogenic gases affecting iron bioavailability in remote marine aerosols
- Exhumation rates recorded by zircon and monazite, North Qaidam UHP terrane, NW China
- Geodetic Transect in Central Nepal
- Geomorphic Environments of Tsunami Deposits, Southeastern India
- Impact of Landslide Dams on River Profile Evolution
- Rapid assessment of Cascadia tsunamis from real-time PANGA GPS crustal deformation measurements
- Seismic and geodetic constraints on Cascadia slow slip
- The Role of Late-Cenozoic Lava Flows in the Evolution of the Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon
- Calculating snowfall on central Himalayan glaciers: significant winter snowfall on "summer accumulation" glaciers
- Constraints on the Physiochemical Evolution of Crustal Magma Bodies (Invited)
- Developing an Automated Seismic Tremor Detection and Location System
- Field and Laboratory Observations on Fluid Budget of the Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip System, Olympic Peninsula, Washington
- Improved Moment Release Estimates of ETS Across Cascadia from Joint Seismic and Geodetic Analyses
- Integrating MELTS Modeling with In Situ Textural and Chemical Plagioclase Data to Document Ascent and Storage Conditions of Four Historical Mount Etna Magmas
- Kinematics and vorticity in Kangmar Dome: Testing patterns of mid-crustal ductile deformation during the Himalayan orogeny
- Preservation of Holocene Paleo-Earthquakes, Sungai Pinang, Western Sumatra
- Preservation of Paleoseismic and Paleogeodetic Records of mid to late Holocene Subduction Zone Earthquakes in Different Coastal Settings
- Recent Increase in Black Carbon Concentrations from a Mt. Everest Ice Core Spanning 1860-2000 AD
- Seismic Anisotropy of the Antarctic Upper Mantle from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis of POLENET and AGAP Seismograms
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning Activities at UNAVCO: New Support Resources and Project Highlights
- Thermochemistry and Dynamics of Assimilation-Fractional Crystallization
- Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria of Concurrent Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization (AFC) in Crustal Magma Bodies
- UHP Metamorphism and Exhumation of Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic Protoliths, North Qaidam UHP terrane, NW China
- Acid Monsoonal Rains in Nepal in August 2008
- Aeolian Dust Dynamics and Synoptic Atmospheric Circulation Patterns in the Black Sea Region Since Marine Isotope Stage 15
- Asian Ice Core Array (AICA): Late Holocene Atmospheric Dust Reconstruction over Asia
- Detection of Seismic Sources Associated with Ice Movement in Antarctica using the AGAP and POLENET Seismic Deployments
- Exploring the relationship between Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization of Basalts with the Magma Chamber Simulator (MCS)
- Fluid Overpressure and Connections to Seismicity, Cascadia Tertiary Accretionary Prism, Olympic Peninsula
- GPS and LBT inferences of the August 2010 and August 2009 ETS Events
- Geological Evidence of Predecessors to the 2010 Earthquake and Tsunami in South-Central Chile
- Glacier Seismicity and Basal Sliding: Field Experiments at Engabreen, Norway
- Granulite-facies metamorphism and partial melting associated with UHP rocks, North Qaidam terrane, NW China
- K-20 educator collaboration effective at conveying EarthScope science to middle school teachers
- New constraints on inner core anisotropy structure from data recorded at newly deployed seismic stations in Antarctic
- Passive seismic imaging of the subglacial environment beneath West Antarctic Ice Streams
- Plugs or Flood-makers? The Unstable Landslide Dams of Eastern Oregon
- Preservation of Holocene Prehistoric Earthquakes, Sungai Pinang, Western Sumatra
- Quasi-Periodic Stick-Slip of Glaciers and Ice Streams (Invited)
- Receiver functions on ice: crust and mantle properties from POLENET
- Repeated Surveys and Historical Nautical Charts Support Elastic Rebound Model on Megathrust at Santa MARÍA Island, Chile, (37°S) Through One and One-Half Seismic Cycles
- The Antarctic POLENET Project: Status, Initial Results, Future Challenges
- West Antarctic Rift System: Extension and Collapse of a West Antarctic Plateau
- Aeolian dust dynamics and synoptic atmospheric circulation patterns in the Black Sea Region since marine isotope stage 15
- Application of InSAR and in-situ geodetic data to constrain a variety of source processes at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- Applying GIS to Interpret Erosional History of Landscapes
- Black Carbon Concentrations from ~1850-1980 from a High-Resolution Ice Core from Geladandong, Central Tibetan Plateau
- Communicating Regional Geology and Geohazards to K-12 Teachers
- Continuous spatio-temporal inversion of Cascadia ETS transient slip
- Crustal Assimilation and Magma Recharge in the Recent Mt. Etna Magma Plumbing System: Evidence from In Situ Plagioclase Textural and Compositional Data
- Detection of Seismic Sources Associated with Ice Movement in Antarctica using POLENET Seismic Array, AGAP Seismic Array, and GSN Seismic Stations
- Evaluating the Mesozoic West Antarctic Plateau collapse hypothesis: Results from apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He analyses from Byrd Glacier Outlet
- Evidence for hydrological changes in far-field seismic waveforms from Whillans Ice Stream fast slip events
- Evidence for magma recharge and cumulate assimilation within the Fossa delle Felci (Salina Island, Italy) volcanic sequence
- Experimental modelling at the grain scale of bedload on steep slopes
- GPS Earthquake Early Warning in Cascadia
- Measuring Black Carbon Concentrations in Liquid Samples Using the Single Particle Soot Photometer: Addressing Black Carbon Losses During Sample Storage and Nebulization
- Mixing, Assimilation, Storage and Homogenization, Aeolian Islands, Italy: Evidence from In situ Plagioclase Data from Alicudi Island
- Part 2: (U-Th)/He data from the Kung Co rift-Middle to Late Miocene Extremely Rapid Exhumation, Southern Tibet
- Part I: E-W extension at 19 Ma in the Kung Co area, S. Tibet: evidence for contemporaneous E-W and N-S extension in the Himalayan orogen
- Receiver functions from west Antarctica; crust and mantle properties from POLENET
- Source models for the March 5-9, 2011 Kamoamoa fissure eruption, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i, constrained by InSAR and in-situ observations
- Spatial and Seasonal Variations in Black Carbon Concentrations in Snow and Ice in the Solu-Khumbu, Nepal
- Strain evolution and the relative role of heat and strain rate during continental rupture
- Surface and Subglacial Measurements of a "Spring Event" at Engabreen, Norway
- Tracking the Effect of Sea Ice Cover on Microseismic Noise Using Two Seismic Arrays in Antarctica
- Transient bedrock channel evolution across a precipitation gradient: A case study from Kohala, Hawaii.
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Beneath West Antarctica from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis of POLENET/ANET Data
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Whitmore Mountains, West Antarctic Rift System, and Marie Byrd Land from Body-Wave Tomography
- Was the September 3 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield, New Zealand Earthquake Triggered by the 2009 July 15 MW 7.8 Dusky Sound, New Zealand Earthquake, 500 km Away?
- A 1750-1999 AD Atmospheric Record of East Asian Black Carbon Emissions from the Prospector-Russell Col Ice Core, Mt. Logan, Yukon Territory
- Analysis of and results from the GPS component of the Plate Boundary Observatory
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Black Carbon Deposition on Glaciers and in the Seasonal Snowpack in Western Washington's Mountainous Regions
- Black Carbon and Dust in Snow and Ice on Snow Dome, Mt. Olympus
- Comparing lake and soil records to climate model simulations of hydrologic conditions across the western United States at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of Antarctica from Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Crustal Thickness across West Antarctica from Polenet
- Delineating future megathrust rupture in southern Cascadia with episodic tremor and slip
- Developing A Large-Scale, Collaborative, Productive Geoscience Education Network
- Documenting deformation patterns and exhumation across Gianbul Dome, NW India
- Documenting magmatic processes at Filicudi Island, Aeolian Arc, Italy: Integrating Quantitative Modeling, Plagioclase Textural and In Situ Compositional Data
- Estimates of Crustal Structure in Antarctica from S-Wave Receiver Functions
- Geologic Records of Pacific Rim Geohazards in the Russian Far East - Focus on Paleotsunamis
- InTeGrate: Transforming the Teaching of Geoscience and Sustainability
- Indo-Asian collision in the Sikkim-Bhutan Himalaya
- New Estimates of Late Pleistocene Slip Rates on the White Mountains Fault, Eastern California
- Paleoseismology from Paleoshorelines: Combining Lidar Data and Geochronology to Resolve Displacement of Pleistocene Pluvial Shorelines along Normal Faults in the Northwestern Basin and Range
- Real-time GPS monitoring throughout Cascadia
- Seismicity and Subglacial Hydrological Processes During Early Melt Season, Engabreen, Norway
- Source characteristics of a West Antarctic ice stream
- Subglacial volcanic seismicity in Marie Byrd Land detected by the POLENET/ANET seismic deployment
- The Evolution of the Historic Mt. Etna Magma Plumbing System: A Comprehensive in situ Plagioclase Compositional and Isotopic Study
- The Magma Chamber Simulator: Modeling Compositional, Temperature and Mass Variations in a Composite Magma-Wallrock System
- The Magma Chamber Simulator: Modeling the Impact of Wall Rock Composition on Mafic Magmas during Assimilation-Fractional Crystallization
- The application of micropaleontology to recognize coseismic uplift and characterize tsunami deposits on the central Chilean coast
- The application of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in geophysical investigations of geothermal systems
- The burial of headwater streams in drainage pipes reduces in-stream nitrate retention: results from two US metropolitan areas
- UNAVCO Enhanced data products for the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, COCONet, and other regional networks
- Using Repeat LiDAR Surveys to Determine the Geomorphic Changes Related the Removal of the Marmot Dam on the Sandy River, Oregon
- Zirconium-in-Rutile thermometry: increasing resolution of temperatures in the Dulan ultrahigh-pressure region, northwest China
- A Fast-Convergence Stream Editor for real-time Precise Point Positioning
- An Investigation of Wintertime Air Quality in Yakima Washington: Ratios of Primary Pollutants
- Analysis of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath West Antarctica using P-wave receiver functions
- Assessing the Seismic Potential Hazard of the Makran Subduction Zone
- Comprehensive Study of the Crust and Upper Mantle within East and West Antarctica Based on S-wave Receiver Functions
- Comprehensive seismic monitoring of the Cascadia megathrust with real-time GPS
- Dreams of a Digital Riverscape Ecosystem (Invited)
- Early inventory of black carbon particulate size in accumulated snow and ice
- Earthquake Early Warning using a Seismogeodetic Approach: An operational plan for Cascadia
- Engaging teachers, interpreters and emergency management educators in disaster preparedness and EarthScope science through joint professional development workshops (Invited)
- Exploring a Common Origin for Slow Slip and Tremor in Cascadia
- Grounding line control of rupture initiation and propagation during Whillans Ice Stream slip events (Invited)
- Imaging basal conditions using naturally occurring seismic emissions
- InTeGrate's model for developing innovative, adaptable, interdisciplinary curricular materials that reach beyond the geosciences
- InTeGrate: InTeGrate: Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future
- Innovations in making EarthScope science and data accessible (Invited)
- Making Earth Science Relevant in the K-8 Classroom. The Development of an Instructional Soils Module for Pre-Service Elementary Teachers Using the Next Generation Science Standards
- Observations of erosion and damage along barrier islands following Hurricane Sandy
- Preliminary Black Carbon Record (1805 - 1943 AD) from the High Altitude Dasuopu Ice Core (7200 m) in the Central Himalaya
- Proxy-based reconstructions of earthquakes and tsunamis over the past millennia, Quidico, central Chile
- Quantifying sediment distribution and channel changes following removal of the Glines Canyon Dam, Elwha River, Washington
- Stream Water and Soil Water Chemistry Following the Table Mountain Wildfire, Washington
- Taxonomy Of Magma Mixing I: Magma Mixing Metrics And The Thermochemistry Of Magma Hybridization Illuminated With A Toy Model
- Taxonomy of Magma Mixing II: Thermochemistry of Mixed Crystal-Bearing Magmas Using the Magma Chamber Simulator
- Three dimensional crust and upper mantle velocity structure of Antarctica from seismic noise correlation (Invited)
- Tomographic evidence for recent extension in the Bentley Subglacial Trench and a hotspot beneath Marie Byrd Land
- 20th Century Black Carbon and Dust Deposition on South Cascade Glacier, Washington Reconstructed from the South Cascade Ice Core
- Comparing Geodetic Data Quality from PBO and non-PBO GPS Stations at Decadal and Continental Scales
- Comparison of Conventional, Trace Element, and Pseudosection Thermobarometry in UHP Eclogite, North Qaidam Terrane, Western China
- Crustal Structure in West Antarctica from Regional Waveform Modeling
- Developing Expert Interdisciplinary Thinkers: Online Resources for Preparing Pre-service Teachers to Teach the NGSS
- Development of the Next Generation of Seismological Instrumentation for Polar Environments
- Evidence from P-wave receiver functions for lower mantle plumes and mantle transition zone water beneath West Antarctica
- Flow of Ice near a Large Melt Channel in the Ross Ice Shelf
- GPS data analysis and results from the Geodesy Advancing Geosciences and EarthScope (GAGE) project
- Infusing Sustainability Across Disciplines to Build Student Engagement
- Investigating the Crust and Upper Mantle of Antarctica based on S-Wave Receiver Functions Deployed in Ice Stations
- Map Your Hazards! - an Interdisciplinary, Place-Based Educational Approach to Assessing Natural Hazards, Social Vulnerability, Risk and Risk Perception.
- Merged Real Time GNSS Solutions for the READI System
- New Materials for the Undergraduate Classroom to Build Pre-Service Teachers' NGSS Skills and Knowledge
- Paleomagnetic Correlation of Late Miocene-Pliocene Basalt Flows in the Northwestern Basin and Range: Documenting Timing of Faulting, Volcanism and Vertical-axis Rotation in Surprise Valley, Northeastern California
- Paleoseismic Records of Multiple Great Earthquakes from the Subduction Zones of Sumatra, Chile, and Alaska
- Progress in using real-time GPS for seismic monitoring of the Cascadia megathrust
- Quantifying Channel Morphology Changes in Response to the Removal of the Glines Canyon Dam, Elwha River, Washington
- Seasonal and Elevational Variations of Black Carbon and Dust in Snow and Ice in the Solu-Khumbu, Nepal and Estimated Radiative Forcings
- Spatial Heterogeneity in Ice-bed Interactions Revealed by Variable Seismic Coupling and Basal Seismicity on the Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica
- Strong Seismic Scatterers Near the Core-Mantle Boundary North of Pacific Anomaly From PKP Precursors Recorded by Antarctica Arrays
- Textural and Thermodynamic Model Evidence of Fluid Release from Eclogite, North Qaidam UHP Terrane, Western China
- The Integrate Student Portal: Online Resources to Prepare Students for the Workforce of a Sustainable Future
- The Role of Black Carbon from Wildfires in Accelerating Snow and Glacier Melt in Washington State
- The West Coast Earthquake Early Warning Global Navigation Satellite System Working Group
- The global precipitation of magnetospheric electrons into Titan's upper atmosphere
- Comparison of Tsunami Deposits Surveyed in 2010 and 2015 From the 2010 Maule Earthquake and Tsunami in South-Central Chile.
- Correlations between earthquake recurrence and paleolake changes in Surprise Valley, CA
- Creating Next Generation Teacher Preparation Programs to Support Implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards in K-12 Schools: An Opportunity for the Earth and Space Sciences
- Development of a GNSS-Enhanced Tsunami Early Warning System
- Field Testing GEOICE: A Next-Generation Polar Seismometer
- Garnet: a key to unraveling Earth's dynamic lithosphere
- Giant Plagioclase "Mosaicrysts" and Other Textures in the Steens Basalt, Columbia River Flood Basalt Province
- Hidden Intra-Basin Extension: Evidence for Dike-Fault Interaction from Magnetic, Gravity, and Seismic Reflection Data in Surprise Valley, NE California
- New Petrologic and Geochemical Insights into Differentiation Processes Required to Produce the Lower Steens Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Province, SE Oregon
- Ocean-Based Seismic Noise Sources Recorded by a Moderate Aperture Array in Antarctica
- Paleotsunami Recurrence And Inundation Estimates From Shoreline Reconstructions In The Central Kuril Islands
- Progress on the CWU READI Analysis Center
- Prolific Sources of Icequakes: The Mulock and Skelton Glaciers, Antarctica
- The Brave New World of Real-time GPS for Hazards Mitigation
- The G-FAST Geodetic Earthquake Early Warning System: Operational Performance and Synthetic Testing
- Vertical land motion of Pacific Northwest
- A reference model for crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica
- Constraints on the variable subglacial structure of Whillans Ice Stream from ambient noise Rayleigh wave H/V ratios
- Crustal structure beneath seismic stations deployed on rock in West Antarctica: New constrains on crustal shear wave velocities, Poisson's ratios and Moho depths
- Delayed Triggered Slip following the 1905 Kangra M7.8 Earthquake: Macroseismic Constraints from the 2015 M7.8 Gorkha Earthquake
- Distinctive Sedimentary Record of a Landslide Generated Mega-tsunami, Taan Fjord, Alaska
- Fjord Delta Modification by a Massive Landslide Tsunami in Taan Fjord, AK
- Full Waveform Adjoint Seismic Tomography of the Antarctic Plate
- Geochemical Evolution of Steens Basalt: Quantification of Mantle vs. Crustal Contributions to an Evolving Flood Basalt Magmatic System
- High-resolution Body Wave Tomography of the Ross Sea Embayment, Antarctica
- Increasing the Efficiency of Electron Microprobe Measurements of Minor and Trace Elements in Rutile
- Increasing tsunami preparedness through educator professional development in coastal Cascadia communities
- Post-Wildfire Black Carbon Deposition in the Cascade Range, Washington State: Temporal and Spatial Variability with Implications for Accelerated Melt
- Refining shoreline hydrograph chronology and hydroclimate estimates for Pleistocene Lake Surprise, California
- Sedimentary and diatom evidence of the 2015 tsunami on the north-central coast of Chile in the absence of significant coastal deformation
- Seismic Events and Tidal Forces near the Grounding Line of Beardmore Glacier, Antarctica
- Spectral Reflectance of Sub-Micron Scale Light Absorbing Impurities Using Hyperspectral Microscopy
- Subtleties of Estimating Scale Changes in Regional GPS Networks and Their Impact on Height Estimates.
- Supporting the Creation and Publication of Reviewed and Tested Teaching Modules through the InTeGrate Project
- The Brave New World of Real-time GPS for Hazards Mitigation
- Timing of mid-crustal ductile extension in the northern Snake Range metamorphic core complex, Nevada: Evidence from U/Pb zircon ages
- U-Pb zircon geochronology and Zr-in-rutile thermometry of eclogites from the Dulan area, North Qaidam ultra-high pressure (UHP) terrane, western China
- A case study of the variability of Titan's ionosphere: T118 and T119
- Assessing Potential Tsunami Sources for Extreme Wave Deposits on Southwest Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico, Using Numerical Simulations and Hydrodynamic Boulder Transport Equations
- Black Carbon, Dust and Organic Matter at South Cascade Glacier in Washington State, USA: A Comprehensive Characterization of Temporal (1865-2014) and Spatial Variability
- Constraints on the thickness of the long-lived North Qaidam UHP terrane, China: evidence from T-t trends and phase equilibria modelling
- Continuous Fine-Fault Estimation with Real-Time GNSS
- Decadal GPS Time Series and Velocity Fields Spanning the North American Continent and Beyond: New Data Products, Cyberinfrastructure and Case Studies from the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) and Other Regional Networks
- Full Waveform Adjoint Seismic Tomography of the Antarctic Plate
- Geothermal Heat Flux and Upper Mantle Viscosity across West Antarctica: Insights from the UKANET and POLENET Seismic Networks
- P and S Body Wave Tomography of the West Antarctic Rift System: Evidence for Recent Cenozoic Rifting
- PASSCAL Instrument Center Support for Cryoseismology: Methodologies, Challenges, Development and Instrumentation
- Partitioning the Contribution of Light Absorbing Aerosols to Snow and Glacier Melt Using a Novel Hyperspectral Microscopy Method
- Popping Rocks Revealed: Investigations from 14°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Repeating earthquakes and subglacial conditions.
- Seismic Structure of the Antarctic Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Unearthed by Full Waveform Adjoint Tomography
- Seismic and thermal structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica from inversion of multiple seismic datasets
- Teaching Field Geology in the Nepal Himalaya with a Geohazards and Intercultural Emphasis
- The impact of Saturn's magnetosphere on Titan's upper atmosphere: What have we learned after more than a decade of observations?
- Tsunami Amplitude Estimation from Real-Time GNSS.
- Characterizing Tsunamis from Paleotsunami Deposits in Queule, South-Central Chile Based on Forward (GeoClaw) and Inverse (TSUFLIND) Numerical Simulations.
- Continental Scale Patterns of Seismic Anisotropy from more than a Decade of Shear Wave Splitting Measurements in Antarctica
- Determination of Particulate Matter Oxidative Capacity with Antioxidant Glutathione
- Effect of Carbonaceous Nanoparticles on the Oxalate Mediated Reduction of Ferrihydrite
- Effect of Iron on the Oxidative Capacity of Carbonaceous Nanoparticles
- Elemental and Mineralogical Characterization of Light Absorbing Particles in Seasonal Snow and Glacial Ice using Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy on a Scanning Electron Microscope
- Expanding the Stratigraphic Record of Tsunami Inundation Along the Semi-arid, Siliciclastic Coast of North-central Chile
- Getting to "Why": Focusing on the Societal Relevance of Science
- Mantle transition zone beneath West Antarctica: Expanded mapping in previously unstudied region
- Operationalizing GNSS as a Fourth Observation for Local Tsunami Warning
- Organic Acids and Ferrous Iron in Marine Aerosols over the Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Recent Advances in the Characterization of Light Absorbing Particles Using a Hyperspectral Imaging Microscope Spectrometer and a Scanning Electron Microscope
- Seismicity in Central West Antarctica Revealed by POLENET Seismic Stations
- Spatial and Temporal Characterization of the Petrified Springs Fault, Central Walker Lane, Nevada: Documenting Middle Miocene Dextral Slip
- The Role of Black Carbon and Dust in Albedo Reduction and Radiative Forcing on the Juneau Icefield, Southeast Alaska
- Tsunami Excitation Estimation from Real-time GNSS
- Uncovering Historical Earthquake Rupture Parameters through Combining Finite-Slip Earthquake Sources, Tsunami Simulations, and Paleotsunami Deposits in South-Central Chile
- Upper Mantle Heterogeneity Revealed in Central and Eastern West Antarctica from P and S Body Wave Tomography
- 25-Second Determination of 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Coseismic Deformation from Global GNSS Seismic Monitoring
- A Multiscale Seismic Deployment with 463 Sensors Following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in Eastern CA
- Assessment of rapid earthquake source characterizations for local tsunami forecasting along the Cascadia subduction zone
- Building a Geophysical Earth Observatory for Ice-Covered Environments (GEOICE)
- Comparison of Carbon Budget of Shrub-Steppe and Agricultural Soils in Central Washington, USA
- Comparison of Glutathione and Dithiothreitol Decay for Determining Particulate Matter Oxidative Potential
- Decrease in Acid Rain over 29-Year Study at Paradise, Mt. Rainier National Park
- Effect of Iron on the Oxidative Potential of Carbonaceous Nanoparticles
- Expanding the stratigraphic record of tsunami inundation along the semi-arid, siliciclastic coast of north-central Chile
- Geologic Evidence of the Largest Historical Tsunami of Metropolitan Chile Constrains Future Tsunami Hazard in the Countrýs Most Populated Coast
- Geological evidence of 5000-year old tsunamis in the region of the giant 1960 Chile earthquake
- Heterogeneous Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath Central and Eastern West Antarctica
- Insight into arc magma recharge and fractional crystallization processes using the Magma Chamber Simulator: Parinacota Volcano, northern Chile
- Investigating Recent Environmental Change Using a 7.9 m Long Trace Element Firn Core Record from South Cascade Glacier, Washington State, USA
- Large scale electrical resistivity characterization at a legacy environmental site to support long-term environmental management
- On-Ramps to More Effective Teaching: Quick-Start Guides to Strategies for Actively Engaging Students in The Classroom to Improve Learning
- Opening Access to Results of the National Geoscience Faculty Survey
- Radio-echo sounding of Crary Ice Rise reveals abundant marine ice in former ice shelf rifts and basal crevasses
- Testing different configurations of GNSS-based rapid source products for tsunami and ground motion characterization
- The Spectral Reflectance of Light-absorbing Organics in Seasonal Snow and Ice Using a Hyperspectral Imaging Microscope Spectrometer
- The growth of new crust: tracing the chemical and textural evolution of magma through multiple stages of magmatism, Chelan Migmatite Complex, North Cascades, Washingtion
- Towards GNSS Enhanced Local Tsunami Warning
- Twentieth Century Black Carbon and Dust Deposition on South Cascade Glacier, Washington State, USA as Reconstructed from a 158 m Long Ice Core
- Using Paleotsunami Deposits to Interpret Earthquake Source Parameters in South-Central Chile
- Water Isotopes in the Geographic Classification of Wines
- Zircon Geochronology of Subducted Crust: Interpreting Zircon-Garnet Equilibrium and Disequilibrium, North Qaidam Terrane, Western China
- Antarctic Network - Polar Earth Observing Network: Achievements from Ten Years of Autonomous Measurements
- COVID-19: Kick-starting a community-driven effort to build inclusive and accessible field experiences
- Event Detection for Cryoseismology
- GNSS driven local tsunami warning performance for non-megathrust tsunamigenic events
- Historical Tsunami Observability for Izu-Bonin-Mariana sources: Can an Mw 9.0 hide in the Pacific Ocean
- Impact of Paleoclimate Variation on the Settlement History of the Columbia Plateau
- Magnetospheric O<SUP>+</SUP> Precipitation and Sputtering at Titan
- Natural and human contributions to pre-monsoon snow and stream chemistry in the Khumbu/Mt. Everest region, Nepal
- Noise Characteristics of Operational Real Time High Rate GNSS Positions in a Large Aperture Network: Implications for Early Warning Applications
- Progress Towards Operational Rapid Tsunami Forecast via GNSS analysis
- Refractory Black Carbon Concentrations and Mass Size Distribution in a West Antarctic Shallow Core
- Spatial variations of stochastic noise properties of GPS time series
- The Post-Wildfire Impact of Burn Severity and Age on Black Carbon Snow Deposition and Implications for Snow Water Resources, Cascade Range, Washington, USA
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy of Antarctica from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- A Comparison of Carbon Storage with Depth for Varied Soils from Kittitas County, WA
- An Elevational Transect of Light Absorbing Particles on Snow at Mt. Rainier, Washington, USA.
- Azimuthal Anisotropy of the Antarctic Upper Mantle
- Geoscience in the time of COVID-19: Lessons learned from the early days of the pandemic
- Getting a holistic view: Documenting change in undergraduate science teaching
- Light absorbing particle induced snow aging enhances radiative forcing in Southwest Greenland.
- Paleoseismic Excavations Across a Releasing Bend of the Western Nepal Fault System Reveal Previously Undocumented Earthquakes.
- Sedimentary Structure and Bathymetry Near the Grounding Line of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica.
- Small Scale Spatial Variability of Light-Absorbing Particles in Snow on Mount Rainier, Washington State, USA
- Spatial Variability of Light Absorbing Particles (LAPs) in Snow in the Washington State Cascades and Implications for Snowmelt
- The Impact of Carbon Amendments on the Carbon Budget of Soils on a Farm in Central Washington
- 100 Giant Alaska Landslides
- A comparison of foraminiferal and diatom-based transfer function estimates of coseismic subsidence during the 1700 CE earthquake along the Oregon and California coasts
- GNSS Radio Propagation through Trapped Atmospheric Lee Waves in the San Bernardino Valley, CA
- GeoCrate: Modern Data Containers For Geophysical Data in the Cloud
- Hydroclimate and Biomass Burning in the Interior Pacific Northwest During the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age: Reconciling Different Proxy Archives
- Increasing Alaskan geohazard resilience through educator collaborations, high quality teaching resources, and working with rural Native students
- Leveraging Multidecadal Remote Sensing Data to Evaluate Interactions Between Century-Scale Ice-Dynamics and the Local Evolution of Crary Ice Rise
- NESSP: Connecting with Communities and Creating Authentic STEM Experiences Based on NASA Mission Science and Engineering
- The Preservation of Hurricane Irma's Overwash Deposit in Mangrove Forests from Southern Florida, USA: Implications for Paleo-storm Reconstructions
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. Nyblade
- Alejandro Fernández
- Byron A. Steinman
- Chad Trabant
- Christian J. Sanders
- D. Mencin
- Dale R. Durran
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Devarati Bhattacharya
- Diego Melgar
- Douglas A. Wiens
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- Erica M. Lucas
- Erika K. Wise
- H. T. Berglund
- Harvey M. Kelsey
- J. P. O’Donnell
- J. Paul Winberry
- Jeffrey R. Moore
- Jennifer Walker
- K. Bateman
- Kristen St. John
- Logan Grey
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- N. J. Accardo
- Nicholas Holschuh
- R. C. Aster
- Robert C. Witter
- Robert Kopp
- Sonia A. Nagorski
- Suoya Fan
- Susan J. Conway
- T. Dittmann
- Walter Szeliga
- Winnie Chu
- Å. K. Rennermalm