Technical University of Delft, Faculty of Technical Geosciences and Engineering
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Inclusion of Dynamic Capillary Pressure in Unsaturated Flow Simulators
- Simultaneous Brine and Heat Transport in Porous Media: Non-Boussinesq Semi-Analytical Solutions
- A Numerical Study of Hydrodynamic Dispersion in Porous Media: From Tracer to High Density
- Comparison of three techniques for modeling the Earth's gravity field on the basis of a satellite orbit
- Rip-Currents and Large Beach Cusps
- Simulations and Theory of Density-Dependent Dispersion in Weakly Heterogeneous Porous Media
- The Torrey Pines Rip Currents
- Seismic Monitoring of Fracture Formation
- Multiple meteoroid impact in Antarctica
- On the value of data for catchment modelling.
- The St. Clair Delta: examining depositional history using geophysics and well cores
- An Open-source Community Web Site To Support Ground-Water Model Testing
- Approximate modeling of transient wells and line-sinks with analytic response functions
- Parameter Estimation for a Physically-Based Model Using Multi-Objective Approach Constrained With Additional Internal States
- Sinusoidal Testing of Multi-Layer Aquifers
- Uncertainty Analysis in Environmental Modeling: Towards Improved Evaluation and Diagnostics of Hydrological and Environmental Models (2nd International IAHS-PUB Workshop 15th-18th July 2007 in Bertinoro, Italy)
- Analysis of the Temporal Dynamics of Model Performance for Hydrological Models
- Bayesian Spectral Likelihood for Hydrology
- Forecasting coastal morphologic response to extreme storms
- Sinusoidal Hydraulic Testing of a Two-Layer, Multiple-Porosity Aquifer at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Site, Carlsbad, NM, USA
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Interception Experiments in Luxembourg
- Use of Distributed Temperature Sensing for Soil Water Measurement
- A non-linear meander model: Development and Implications
- Regional and local controls on evaporation from a small reservoir in northern Ghana
- Simulation of the constitution of delta distributary networks
- Assessing spatial variability of soil moisture and thermal properties within controlled agricultural plots using Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Evaluation of P2-C2 bias estimation
- Flow Separation and Morphology in Sharp Meander Bends
- Salinization may attack you from behind: upconing and related long-term downstream salinization in the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes (Invited)
- Active Distribute Temperature Sensing to Estimate Vertical Water Content Variations in a Loamy-Sandy Soil
- Catchment internal flow dynamics and how virtual flux tracking can inform about changes in water age and switches in dominant flow generation
- Coherent structures in random waves
- Distributed Temperature Sensing of the Atmosphere with Fiber Optic Cables of Different Diameters and Albedos
- Holey buckets! Monitoring plot-scale runoff
- Hydrological Land Classification Based on Landscape Units
- Interferometric imaging with global phases
- New Rainfall and Evaporation Recorder
- Regional medicine use in the Rhine basin and its implication on water quality
- Simulating and Understanding Transient Effects in Multi-Layer Systems
- Soil moisture and flux sensing at 0.25-10,000 m scales using fiber optics
- State of the Art for Distributed Soil Water Content and Fluxes Monitoring Using Heated Fiber Optics
- The Influence of Non-linear 3-D Mantle Rheology on Predictions of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models
- The answer is blowing in the wind: using wind induced resonance of trees to measure time varying canopy mass, including interception
- Wetland river flow interaction in a sedimentary formation of the white Volta basin, Ghana
- A data-driven approach for the determination of Antarctic GIA
- Analysis and Modelling of Sea-Surface Doppler Spectra
- Balancing model complexity and measurements in hydrology
- De-convolution of stream flow and tracer responses: which secrets can be revealed by flux tracking?
- Decadal vertical deformation of the Netherlands via the geodetic integration of gravimetry, GNSS, leveling and SAR interferometry
- Diverse Sedimentological Signatures of the Mid-Holocene Highstand in Brazil
- Exploring Interannual Sandbar Behavior Along a High-Energy Dissipative Coast
- ICESat-1 Elevation Changes of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets as Derived from Repeat Tracks, Crossovers, and Overlapping Footprints
- Infrasound Interferometry for Active and Passive Sources: A Synthetic Example for Waves Refracted in the Stratosphere
- Modeling Regional Seawater Intrusion Using One Model Layer Per Aquifer
- Modeling of Compositional Effects of Foam Assisted CO2 Storage Processes
- Nearshore Operational Model for Rip Current Predictions
- Potential contributions to space geodesy from the IridiumNEXT constellation
- Regional sea level change and the fingerprint of ice mass fluxes
- Sensitivity Analysis of Distributed Soil Moisture Profiles by Active Distributed Temperature Sensing
- The Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory: Leapfrogging in water and climate science
- Aerosol direct effect retrieval over clouds from space-borne passive hyperspectral measurements (Invited)
- Characterizing floodplain evolution by joint analysis of SAR, GOES IR and local precipitation data: Case study of Rio Colorado, Bolivia
- Data-driven inversion of 3D GPR data for layered media
- Gravity changes associated with recent great earthquakes from a decade-long observation of GRACE gravity fields: Inversion of the earthquake source parameters and constraint to the Earth's viscoelastic structure
- Marginal value of complementary data in reducing parameter non-identifiability: uncertainty analysis of an agro-hydrological (SWAP) model at agricultural field scale
- Monitoring glacial elevation differences on the Tibetan plateau, using ICESat laser altimetry data from 2003 to 2009
- Multi-century projections of Greenland ice sheet evolution with a coupled ice sheet-AOGCM: paleo-trend, sensitivity to greenhouse forcing, and evaluation of elevation-feedback
- On computation of atmospheric de-aliasing products and its impact on GRACE-derived mass estimations
- Satellite-based estimates of present-day Antarctic GIA and ice mass change
- Surface wave tomography applications at exploration scale (Invited)
- The impact of Late Quaternary climate oscillations on the Golo River system, Corsica, France
- The magmatic system beneath Torfajökull volcano, Iceland: A combination of radar and seismic interferometric analysis
- eWaterCycle: Developing a hyper resolution global hydrological model
- Advances in the use of Distributed Temperature Sensing for measuring soil moisture
- Autogenic Scour and Channel Widening in Sharp Bends of the River Mahakam
- High Contribution of Gallery Forests to Local Evaporation in Semi-Arid Burkina Faso
- Plant Water Stress Detection Using Radar: The Influence Of Water Stress On Leaf Dielectric Properties
- Preliminary Model Results of Beach Profile Dynamics with Stratigraphy
- Rapid setup of the high resolution interactive hydrological / hydraulic model for flood forecasting at global scale
- Robust Lake Level Extraction in Mountainous Areas By Retracking Cryosat Sarin Mode Waveforms.
- RumEnKF: running very large Ensembles Kalman Filter by forgetting what you just did.
- Towards Using Radar to Detect Water Stress: Observations of an Agricultural Maize Canopy from the SnowScat Scatterometer
- Use of Symmetry in Calibration of Looped Duplex DTS Measurements
- eWaterCycle: Live Demonstration of an Operational Hyper Resolution Global Hydrological Model
- Automated estimation of river bathymetry using change detection based on Landsat imagery and river morphological models
- Beyond seismic interferometry: imaging the earth's interior with virtual sources and receivers inside the earth
- Characteristic Fracture Spacing in Primary and Secondary Recovery from Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
- Crop modeling: Studying the effect of water stress on the driving forces governing plant water potential
- Detecting tree mass changes using accelerometers
- Efforts to Unravel the Cause of Shrinkage of Lake Chad: Development of Hydrologic Real-time Observatory Network in the Lake Chad Basin
- Estimating Time-varying Trends from Geodetic Time Series
- Foam Flows in Analog Porous Media
- Importance of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Cover for Energy Balance partition in Burkina Faso
- Improved estimation of geocenter motion and changes in the Earth's dynamic oblateness from GRACE data and an ocean bottom pressure model
- Modelling of Reservoir Operations using Fuzzy Logic and ANNs
- Recent Developments in Active and Passive Distributed Temperature Sensing for Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Social media for disaster response during floods
- Soil moisture and properties estimation by assimilating soil temperatures using particle batch smoother: A new perspective for DTS
- The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions
- Version 3 of the GEOMAGIA50 Paleomagnetic Database
- Wireless Sensor Networks: Some Insights Gained in West African Hydrology
- eWaterCycle: Recent progress in a global operational hydrological forecasting model
- Application of seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to ambient seismic noise recorded in Malargüe, Argentina
- Can Low Frequency Measurements Be Good Enough? - A Statistical Assessment of Citizen Hydrology Streamflow Observations
- Infrasound Analysis: Reduction of Missed Events and Detection of Simultaneous Signals.
- Monitoring Earth's reservoir and lake dynamics from space
- Monitoring stress-related mass variations in Amazon trees using accelerometers
- Multi-scale Modeling of the Evolution of a Large-Scale Nourishment
- Observed Soil Moisture-Precipitation Feedback in Illinois: A Systematic Analysis over Different Scales
- On the Infrasound Detected From The 2013 and 2016 DPRK's Underground Nuclear Tests
- The Effect of Organic Matter Oxidation and Drying on the Geomechanical Behaviour of Anoxic Mud
- The Graded Alluvial River: Variable Flow and the Dominant Discharge
- The Trans-African Hydro-Meteorlogical Observatory (TAHMO): Interactions with Schools, Students, and Citizens
- eWaterCycle visualisation. combining the strength of NetCDF and Web Map Service: ncWMS
- <p>Simulating Anomalous Acoustic Transparency between Earth, Ocean and Atmosphere Using the Fast Field Program
- Counting Raindrops and the Distribution of Intervals Between Them.
- Do we understand the temperature profile of air-water interface?
- Explicit and Observation-based Aerosol Treatment in Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrieval over China from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- Fore-arc Deformation in the Paola Basin Segment (Offshore Western Calabria) of the Tyrrhenian-Ionian Subduction System
- GLOFRIM - A globally applicable framework for integrated hydrologic-hydrodynamic inundation modelling
- Mapping surface heat fluxes by assimilating GOES land surface temperature and SMAP products
- Seabed sediment classification for monitoring underwater nourishments using time series of multi-beam echo-soundings
- Sediment Connectivity and Transport Pathways in Tidal Inlets: a Conceptual Framework with Application to Ameland Inlet
- Seismo-acoustic analysis of the DRPK nuclear tests
- Solving the African Climate Observation Puzzle, and Concurrently Building Capacity
- The global coastline dataset: the observed relation between erosion and sea-level rise
- Water Stress Impacts Tree-Atmosphere Interaction in the Amazon
- Water reservoir characteristics derivation from pubicly available global elevation data
- Working Towards Deep-Ocean Temperature Monitoring by Studying the Acoustic Ambient Noise Field in the South Pacific Ocean
- 'Winds of Opportunity': the Influence of Wind on Mudflats Accretion
- A Recipe for Sustainable Water Data Collection: Young Researchers + Citizen Science + Mobile Technology
- A comparison of methods to estimate vertical land motion trends from GNSS and altimetry at tide gauge stations
- Application of fully-focused SAR altimetry to the Wadden Sea
- Bedform Migration and Bedload Sediment Transport in Combined Wave-Current Flows
- Evaluating and improving ice sheet clouds, radiation, and precipitation in the Community Earth System Model
- Field evidence on major intertidal flat growth initiated by sediment disposals in an estuarine channel
- Global empirical GIA models based on GRACE data.
- Heterogeneous effects of non-uniform tidal heating on Io's interior
- Improved Retrieval Methods for Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean and recommendations for implementation: ESA SCOOP Project Results
- Investigating morphological responses to sediment flux alterations and land use changes in the Mara Wetland, Tanzania
- Large-scale field campaign for improving nourishment strategies in the Netherlands - Exploring the effects of wind
- MODEX: Using Wave-Resolving Models to Understand Observed Sand Mound Deformation
- Marchenko redatuming for multiple prediction and removal in situations with a complex overburden
- Monitoring sediment transport patterns on an energetic ebb-tidal delta using dual-signature tracers
- Morphological diffusivity of sediment: First results from the MODEX laboratory experiment
- Observations of Subsurface Meltwater Lake Collapse on an East Antarctic Ice Shelf
- Scalable Methods for Citizens to Measure Spring Discharge - a Canary in a Coal Mine for Changing Hydrological Systems
- Sea-Level Change Projections for the Dutch Wadden Sea During the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Sensors for TWIGA: New observations in Africa to produce actionable information for agriculture, energy generation, and disaster response.
- Systematic detection and correction of instrumental time shifts using crosscorrelations of ambient seismic noise
- TWIGA: Transforming Water, weather, and climate information through In situ observations for Geo-services in Africa
- Tidally-induced inertial waves in the subsurface ocean of Enceladus
- Timeseries modeling of piezometric heads: determination of precipitation response in the presence of other stresses and hydrogeologic heterogeneity
- Tsunami potential of the 2018 Sulawesi earthquake from GNSS constrained source mechanism
- Utilizing GPS to investigate past ice mass change in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
- eWaterCycle II
- A New Localized Particle Filter Based on Gaussian Process Regression for High Non-linear Observation Operators in data assimilation
- A revised acceleration rate from the altimetry-derived global mean sea level record.
- Comparing basin-scale avulsion dynamics in three ancient fluvial systems to understand how floodplain sedimentation influences avulsion patterns
- Constraint of GIA signal and uncertainty contributions to vertical motion and sea level change in northern Europe and Scandinavia
- Development of earthquake correction models for GRACE and GRACE Follow-On gravity data time series
- Do subduction earthquakes influence slip rates on nearby major, transform faults? The Sulawesi case.
- ERA-Interim vs ERA-5 Hydrology Comparison
- Earthquake shaking intensity and source mechanism passively retrieved from remote infrasonic signals
- Ecohydrology in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: A Convergence of Opportunities for Global Sustainability and Social Justice and Equity
- Estimating Supraglacial Melt Water Storage from ICESat-2: First Results and Validation
- Estimating forces and rheology from kinematic observations in the western Mediterranean
- Improved Retrieval Methods for Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean and recommendations for implementation: ESA SCOOP Project Results
- Intervalometer (Slight Return)
- Marchenko-based target replacement in laterally varying media
- Modelling the Feedback of Io's Tidally Induced Heterogeneous Interior on Tidal Dissipation
- Practical Considerations for the Creation of Virtual Sources and Receivers in the 3D Subsurface
- Process-Based Biogeomorphologic Modelling of the Establishment and Survival of Salt Marshes Under Changing Abiotic Conditions
- Promoting FAIRness in Hydrology or "Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is"
- Shallow Crustal Reflection Imaging Using Distant, High-Magnitude Earthquakes
- The Challenge of Selecting Precipitation Products for Extreme Weather Services in a Data Scarce Environment
- The Lithospheric Density Structure of the Antarctic Continent from Integrated 3D Gravity and Petrological Modelling
- The eWaterCycle platform for Open Science Hydrology
- The first five years of the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological observatory (TAHMO): From nice idea to a network of 500+ stations
- The scalar context behind the changing Water-Energy-Land Nexus in the city of Amsterdam
- Tidal dissipation in ice-covered, homogeneous-density oceans of variable thickness
- Using Multiple Focal Points in Fully-Focussed SAR Processing to Reduce Waveform Land Contamination
- eWaterCycle: Putting the Public in Charge is Only FAIR
- 3D Viscosity affects GIA-induced Uplift Rate Patterns in North America and Greenland
- A method for constraining the causes of active tectonic deformation using 2D finite element models in a Bayesian framework
- Assessing changes of anthropogenic footprint on water-limited ecosystems
- Bayesian quantification of errors in citizen science data: Application to Nepal rainfall observations
- Ensemble data assimilation to forecast slow-slip events and earthquakes: a synthetic laboratory test
- Estimation and Forecasting of Seismic Cycles using a Fault-Slip Model with Uncertain Parameters - Implications for Data Assimilation
- Experimental investigation of turbidity currents triggered by an upstream water jet
- Exploring High-Dimensional Applicability of the Particle Filter in Increasingly Complex Systems - A Case Study for Compacting Reservoir and Subsidence.
- Hydrological Model Experiment Setups Using the eWaterCycle Platform
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone and inland water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Keeping our feet dry and safe from the big water by using lots of very tiny rocks
- Monitoring and modeling land subsidence due to hydrocarbon production integrating geodesy and geophysics
- Morphodynamic Response of Intertidal Shoals to Sea Level Rise
- On the use of partitions to assess the influence of atmospheric indices in the New Zealand area
- Peak grain forecasts in the U.S. High Plains amid withering waters
- Planetary resilience jeopardized by homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle
- RainRunner - A Multi-Satellite Rainfall Retrieval Algorithm for Northern Ghana Based on Deep Learning and Earth Observation and Supported by Citizen Science
- Reconstructing a continuous record of internal water content from sparse destructive vegetation sampling and hydrometeorological data
- Sediment Connectivity of Estuaries around the World
- Subsurface monitoring using virtual sources and receivers
- The African Rainfall Project: High resolution (1km) weather modeling at continental scale thanks to the World Community Grid
- The Spatiotemporal Variability of Cloud Radiative Effects on the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance
- Titan Gravity and Tides from Cassini Tracking Data
- Towards Reproducible Hydrological Modelling with eWaterCycle
- Tsunami generation due to supershear earthquakes: a case study
- Volcanic exomoons and their potential observability