Technical University of Delft, Netherlands
flowchart I[Technical University of Delft, Netherlands] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (750)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (206)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- Technical University of Delft, Faculty of Technical Geosciences and Engineering
- Technical University of Delft, Institute for Earth Observation and Space Systems
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Crustal Strain in Greece and the Aegean from Multiply Repeated GPS Measurements in the Interval 1988--2000
- GPS-based verification of space-borne accelerometer observations
- A new assimilation technique for estimating global tidal currents, application to tidal energy dissipation.
- High-Concentration-Gradient Dispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media: A Numerical Study
- Parameter estimation in PS-InSAR deformation studies using integer least-squares techniques
- Analytical modelling of chemical and electro-osmosis in clayey soils
- Mechanical Clogging Processes in Unconsolidated Porous Media Near Pumping Wells
- Numerical Experiments to Investigate how Processes Form Strata.
- Numerical Modeling of Plumes Controlled by Transverse Dispersion
- Paleoclimate Variability Inferred From Size Distributions of Deep-Sea Sediments: A Comparison of Different Methods
- Predicting Plume Development of Reactive Solutes Using an Analytical Transport Model
- Representing Holocene and Recent Sediment Source-to-Sink Processes of the Central Italian Adriatic Sea
- Canyon Effects on Nearshore Infragravity Waves During NCEX
- GPS Observations Indicate Postseismic Deformation in the Vrancea Region, Romania
- Molecular Fossils as Time Indicators for the Evolution of Diatoms.
- Retrieving the Green's Function by Cross-correlation: a Comparison of Approaches
- Experimental Investigation of Clogging Processes in sandy aquifers Near Water Supply Wells, using X-ray Chromatography
- Fossil DNA as a Recorder of Ancient Microbial Communities and Palaeoenvironments
- Identifying Surface Water Content From Full-Wave Inversion of off-Ground Monostatic Ground-Penetrating Radar Signal
- Measuring Interseismic Deformation Across The North Anatolian Fault: Comparison of InSAR techniques
- Subsurface Heterogeneity Characterization using Random Cellular Automata
- An X-Ray Diffractometer for Mineralogical Analysis of Exomars Mission
- Constraining time-lapse off-ground GPR Green's function inversion using hydrodynamic modeling
- Continuous distributed stream temperature observations along fiber-optic cables for watershed characterization
- Contrasting rip current circulations
- Correlated Polar Change Detection from Coincident ICESat and GRACE Data
- Microbes Caught in the Act: Disentangling the Role of Biofilms in the Formation of Low Mg Calcite Ooids in a Freshwater Lake
- Multi-Objective Calibration of Conceptual and Artificial Neural Network Models for Improved Runoff Forecasting
- Ultrabasic Spring Geomicrobiology of the Cedars Peridotite
- 3D stratigraphic modelling of the interaction of marine and land processes
- Dynamic Multicriteria Evaluation of Conceptual Hydrological Models
- Global-, Teleseismic- and Regional-Scale Green's Function Retrieval: on the Sampling of the Surface Integral
- Hydrogeophysical inversion of time-lapse proximal ground-penetrating radar data for shallow subsurface hydraulic characterization
- Implications of Bed-Schematization in Morphological Models with Graded Sediment
- Measurements and Modeling of Capillary Pressure Behavior for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Applications in Aquifers
- Morphodynamic Estuarine Evolution Using a 2D Numerical, Process-based Approach
- Numerical and experimental studies of drying and shrinkage induced microcracking in concrete
- Weighing trees: Measuring interception and evaporation dynamics by monitoring sub- micrometer tree trunk compaction
- 1992-2000 InSAR time series analysis at Hekla volcano, Iceland: Inflation periods and the 2000 eruption co-eruptive changes.
- Analysis of complex causal networks through time series
- Analytical Description of Tidal Dynamics in Convergent Estuaries
- Applications of EOF filter methods to GRACE
- Controlled-source seismic interferometry with one way wave fields
- Data Requirements for the Retrieval of Regional-Scale Reflection Responses by Cross Correlation
- Evaluating the water resources management of China's Shiyang River basin using in-situ and satellite observations
- Full-Waveform Hydrogeophysical Inversion of Time-Lapse, Proximal GPR Data to Remotely Estimate the Soil Hydraulic Properties
- GRACE Observes Small-Scale Mass Loss in Greenland
- Green's function extraction for general linear systems
- High-resolution, real-time mapping of surface soil moisture at the field scale using ground penetrating radar
- Hydrotopes and large scale soil moisture campaigns
- Large two-dimensional laboratory experiment with biodegradation of a PCE source zone
- Microscopic Investigation of Martian Soil Samples at the Phoenix Site
- New Approaches to Modelling an Ungauged Basin
- Optimal Complexity of Nonlinear Rainfall-Runoff Models
- Phoenix Magnetic Properties Experiments Using the Surface Stereo Imager and the MECA Microscopy Station
- Physical Properties of the Icy Soil at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Reflection Profiles Extracted From Ambient-Noise Using Seismic Interferometry
- Regional Climate Change Impacts on California's Irrigated Agriculture: Water Demand and Salinity
- Seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution as a means to compensate for anisotropic illumination
- A calibration framework for data scarce basins: sequential use of information from conventional and remote sensing data
- A new perspective on continental moisture recycling
- Affordable Acoustic Disdrometer: Design, Calibration, Tests
- Assimilating GRACE terrestrial water storage data into a conceptual hydrology model for the River Rhine
- Changes in Sea Levels around the British Isles Revisited (Invited)
- Evaluation of WindSat Land Surface Data over West Africa
- Feedback Between Fissure Flow And Differential Displacement In Slow-Moving Landslides
- Greenland ice sheet mass loss variations observed by GRACE
- High Resolution Temperature Observation For Monitoring Hydrological Features In Unstable Slopes
- High resolution temperature observations and modeling to quantify groundwater-surface water interactions
- Improving Short Wave Breaking Behavior In Surfbeat Models
- Interaction between magmatic and faulting processes in the Long Valley caldera, California
- Remotely Estimation of the Soil Hydraulic Properties by Using Full-Waveform Hydrogeophysical Inversion of the Time-Lapse GPR Data
- Revealing structure in large MIMO-LTI systems using a network approach
- Scalable robust solvers for unstructured FE geodynamic models, with an application to geoid calculations from high resolution tomography models in a subduction setting
- Simulation of the constitution of delta distributary networks
- SoilDTS: Using data assimilation to determine in-situ surface and root zone soil moisture from Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Topography driven conceptual modelling (Invited)
- Uncertainty Assessment of Head Measurements Using Time Series Analysis
- Visualization of Coastal Data Through KML
- Weighing trees - tree rainfall interception measured by stem compression
- Wii mote as hydrological sensor: observation of water level fluctuations
- A generalized GPR full-waveform forward modeling approach for wave propagation in multilayered media
- Acoustic throughfall measurements in a semiarid cloud forest, Dhofar, Oman: First results
- Bayesian Model Averaging Using Ensemble Particle Filtering
- Bayesian analysis of structural uncertainty in hydrologic modeling
- Can SMAP radar observations be used to determine vegetation moisture status and root zone soil moisture?
- Centimeter-level group-delay altimetric precision using the new PARIS interferometric technique
- Coastal Growth Patterns in Northern Sumatra as a Potential Tool in Seismic Hazard Assessment
- Coastal Response on Multiple Scales: a Pilot Study
- Color changing large climate sensors as communication and outreach device
- Crust and upper-mantle imaging with noise
- Cryosat-2 precision orbit determination with Doris and satellite laser ranging
- Distributed landsurface skin temperature sensing in Swiss Alps
- GOCE Level 2 Gravity Gradients
- Genomic Insights Into the First Cultured Member of the Zeta-Proteobacteria, the Fe-Oxidizing Mariprofundus Ferrooxydans PV-1
- Greenland Mass Loss Observed by GRACE
- Hydrologic studies at the savanna-agriculture interface in Burkina Faso (Invited)
- Hydrological Model Output Space and Prediction Uncertainty
- ICESat laser full waveform analysis for the classification of land cover types over the cryosphere
- Intrusion Triggering of Explosive Eruptions: Lessons Learned from EYJAFJALLAJÖKULL 2010 Eruptions and Crustal Deformation Studies
- J2: an evaluation of new estimates from GPS, GRACE and load models compared to SLR
- Multiple meteoroid impacts in Antarctica at 481,000ky: a possible cause for the mid-Brunhes Event/MIS 11 Stage via the disruption of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet?
- Observation and modeling of land surface state and convective activity over the Qinghai - Tibet Plateau
- Orbital Gravity Gradiometry Beyond GOCE: Geophysical Applications
- Orbital Gravity Gradiometry Beyond GOCE: Instrument Concept
- Orbital Gravity Gradiometry Beyond GOCE: Mission Concepts
- Quantile hydrologic model selection and uncertainty assessment
- Seismic interferometry by crosscorrelation and by multi-dimensional deconvolution: a systematic comparison
- Simulations of the Interactions between Shallow Cumulus Clouds and their Environment: A Lagrangian and Time Depending Perspective. (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal variability of catchment transit times
- Spectral Properties of Soil Grains as Inferred from Images of the Optical Microscope onboard the Phoenix Mars Lander
- The EUCLIPSE/GCSS model intercomparison study of a stratocumulus to cumulus cloud transition as observed during ASTEX
- The Trans African Hydro Meteorological Observatory
- The record of bedrock incision dynamics by optical luminescence data
- The rising bubble technique for discharge measurements
- The use of handheld GPS to determine tidal slack in estuaries
- Using existing satellite constellations to complement current and future dedicated gravity field missions
- Wave damping across the Louisiana shelf
- What happens when catchments get excited? Exploring the link between hydrologic states and responses across spatial scales
- What is the total water storage in catchments and can tracers help?
- A 3D numerical investigation of reservoir monitoring with borehole radar and its application in smart well
- A Digital Martian Soil based on In-Situ Data
- Afm Measrurements of Martian Soil Particles Using Mems Technology - Results from the PHOENIX Mission
- Allogenic forcing of autogenic processes: inferences from an aggregated process-based model of fluvio-deltaic systems
- An evaluation of a combined scanning probe and optical microscope for lunar regolith studies
- An investigation into new advances in geodesy utilizing future satellite constellations
- Assessment of Holocene climate change impacts on river discharge in forested watersheds on Vancouver Island, Canada
- Bayesian Selection of Hydrological Models Using Sequential Monte Carlo Sampling
- Continental deformation in response to changes in loading (constrained by GRACE satellite data)
- Delta Shell: Integrated Modeling by Example
- Distributed Temperature Sensing as a tool for measuring soil heat flux
- Distributed Temperature Sensing at the SMAP-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST)
- Early Results from the Soil Moisture Active Passive-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (SMAP-MOISST)
- Estimating soil moisture on a spatial and temporal scale beginning with temperature signals collected via Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Exploring the hydrology of China from space
- Extracting subsurface information from GPR reflection and transmission data
- GEOScan: A Geoscience Facility from Space
- GLDAS Land Surface Models based Aridity Indices
- High resolution constraints on ice load changes in the Antarctic Peninsula and Iceland using radar interferometry
- Importance of precipitation partitioning into vaporization and deep percolation in estimation of evaporation and transpiration
- Information, uncertainty and surprise in discharge measurements obtained by salt dilution method in an Alpine watershed
- Inversion of multiple geodetic data sets for geophysical processes and global geodesy
- Inversion of satellite orbital motion changes associated with the great 2011 Tohoku-Oki (Japan) earthquake to constrain the earthquake's magnitude, depth, and focal mechanism
- Multidisciplinary analysis of the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake and implications for the estimation of strain accrual
- Ocean contribution to co-seismic crustal deformation and geoid anomalies
- Optimal Filtering in Mass Transport Modeling From Satellite Gravimetry Data
- Planetary Surface Analysis Using Fast Laser Spectroscopic Techniques: Combined Microscopic Raman, LIBS, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Regional patterns of ocean mass change from GRACE satellite data
- Shared-earth models involving poroelastic wave propagation to estimate in-situ soil properties
- The concave river long profile: a morphodynamic steady state?
- The inflation and deflation episodes in the Krísuvík geothermal area
- The late-Holocene progradation of the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia - A case study of tidal, tropical deltas
- Towards a new generation of the Earth's gravity field models based on satellite gravimetry data
- Understanding Low Cloud Feedbacks with High-Resolution Models: The CGILS LES Intercomparison
- Variable dissolution and ecological impact of atmospheric phosphorus deposition
- A POGIL approach to teaching engineering hydrology
- A group intercomparison of GRACE Antarctic and Greenland ice loss estimates, as part of the Ice Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise (IMBIE)
- Accurately measuring volume of soil samples using low cost Kinect 3D scanner
- Calibration of GOCE Accelerometers by Precise Orbit Determination
- Calibration validation revisited or how to make better use of available data: Sub-period calibration
- Can diurnal variation in radar backscatter in vegetated areas be explained by changes in dielectric properties?
- Carbon storage potential of managed mountain grasslands under future conditions - Inverse modelling and uncertainty analysis
- Combined Earth's gravity field models based on satellite and terrestrial data: are they necessarily better than satellite-only models?
- Cookbook Recipe to Simulate Seawater Intrusion with Standard MODFLOW
- CryoSat Plus For Oceans: an ESA Project for CryoSat-2 Data Exploitation Over Ocean
- Deciding Under Uncertainty vs. Reducing Uncertainty by Observations: the Optimal Observation Problem
- Design and use of a sparged platform for energy flux measurements over lakes
- Detection of cavity migration risks using radar interferometric time series
- Detrainment in deep convection
- Diurnal differences in global ERS scatterometer backscatter observations of the land surface
- Dynamics of Kilauea's Magmatic System Imaged Using a Joint Analysis of Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Earthquake slip distribution estimation, using a random vector approach
- Eruptive cycles at Icelandic volcanoes: Constraints on inflation/deflation patterns from geodetic measurements and modeling
- Filtering reflection data to construct a subsurface image of primary reflections
- GEOScan: A GEOScience Facility From Space
- Higher hydrologic model parameter dimensionality need not imply higher complexity or prediction uncertainty
- Infrasound Interferometry for Active and Passive Sources: A Synthetic Example for Waves Refracted in the Stratosphere
- Laboratory measurements to determine the grain size distribution of a sand-gravel bed surface and substrate: image analysis and CT scanner analysis
- Lagrangian studies of mixing in deep cumulus clouds
- Land-atmosphere interactions in the West African Savanna
- Marine Low Cloud Sensitivity to Idealized Climate Perturbations: The CGILS LES Intercomparison
- Modeling the effect of dune sorting on the river long profile
- Numerical modeling of the deformations associated with large subduction earthquakes through the seismic cycle
- Parameterization of the vertical velocity equation for shallow cumulus clouds
- Quantifying uncertainty in future water availability using probabilistic graphical models
- Stochastic parameterization of moist convection estimated from LES data
- The effect of a varying bedload layer thickness in computations using a sand-gravel morphodynamic model
- Tree Structure Generation from Ensemble Forecasts for Short-Term Reservoir Optimization
- Understanding the influence of wind pumping on temperature profiles in the topsoil
- A socio-hydrological model to explain the 'pendulum swing' in human-water system dynamics in the Murrumbidgee catchment, Australia
- A theoretical framework for analyzing the effect of external change on tidal dynamics in estuaries
- An open framework for hydrological data assimilation
- Application of Three-Dimensional Hydrothermal Model for the Temperature Dynamics at Small and Shallow Lakes
- Assessing the contribution of ice sheets and land glaciers to sea level change
- Climate warming increases Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance variability
- Comparison of drift velocities of nighttime equatorial plasma depletions with the ambient plasma drifts and the thermospheric neutral winds
- Contrasting roles of interception and transpiration in the hydrological cycle
- Dealing with the safety paradox of delta-branches closure; a geomorphology study
- Developing a coupled analytical model for analyzing salt intrusion in alluvial estuaries
- Development Of A Methodology For The Application Of Synthetic DNA In Stream Tracer Injection Experiments
- Development and Validation of New Advanced Ocean Altimetry Products From Cryosat-2 in Conventional and in SAR Mode
- Diurnal effect of water stress on the dielectric properties of corn
- Effect of spatial input data and landscape heterogeneity on performance and consistency of model structures
- Elastic scattering and inversion for the spatially heterogeneous distribution of compliance of a single fracture
- Endogenous technological and demographic change under increasing water scarcity
- Estimation of Confidence Intervals of Hydrological Models with PyMC
- Extending the record of time-variable gravity from GRACE and conventional tracking data
- Far-Field and Middle-Field Vertical Velocities Associated with Megathrust Earthquakes
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in the static gravity field of Fennoscandia
- Global Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response to the April 2010 Geomagnetic Storm
- How much additional model complexity do the use of catchment hydrological signatures, additional data and expert knowledge warrant?
- How the Young Hydrologic Society can rejuvenate hydrology
- Ice Mass Changes in West Antarctica from Satellite Gravimetry: GOCE Adds Spatial Resolution to GRACE
- Incorporating expert knowledge in a complex hydrological conceptual model: A FLEX-TOPO case study for a central European meso-scale catchment
- Investigating Storm-Induced Total Water Levels on Complex Barred Beaches
- Investigating TIME-GCM Atmospheric Tides for Different Lower Boundary Conditions
- Large eddy simulation of the Grey Zone cold air outbreak model intercomparison case
- Lateral variations in subduction zone rheology from combined GRACE and GPS observations
- Latitudinal and seasonal variations of nonmigrating tides in the thermosphere: comparison of WAM simulations with CHAMP observations
- Morphological changes to the Acehnese coastline in Sumatra, Indonesia, since the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
- Observation of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes Over a Mixed Savanna - Agricultural Catchment in the Semi-Arid Sudanian Savanna, Burkina Faso
- Planetary surface exploration using Raman spectroscopy for minerals and organics
- Pore scale modeling of porosity-permeability relations in reacting porous media
- Predicting Bankfull Discharge in Ungauged Estuaries by Explaining the Physical Relation Between the Morphology and Hydrology of Estuaries
- Progress on Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and GRACE constraints on ice loss (Invited)
- Projections of Twenty-first Century Regional and Coastal Sea-level Changes (Invited)
- Quick and low cost measurement of soil parameters using a Kinect 3D scanner
- Realism test of a topography driven conceptual model (FLEX-Topo) in nested catchments of the Heihe River Basins, China
- Receiver-pair seismic interferometry and the cosine method
- Remote hydro-acoustic sensing of two large icebergs in the southern Indian Ocean: Implications for iceberg monitoring
- Small reservoirs in the West African savanna: Usage, monitoring and impact (Invited)
- The TAHMO sensor design challenge: unlocking and empowering local African talent
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Budyko Hypothesis for Water Balance (Invited)
- The characterization of subsurface structures in the Malargüe region using seismic interferometry
- The impacts of land cover change to savannah on the convective rainfall in the southeastern Burkina Faso
- The role of process inclusion for the prediction of daily flow values
- Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO): A network to monitor weather, water, and climate in Africa
- Understanding the relation between extreme precipitation intensities and temperature using conceptual and large-eddy-resolving models
- Using SnowScat to characterize the backscatter response of water stress in an agricultural canopy
- Using combined hydrological variables for extracting functional signatures of catchments to better assess the acceptability of model structures in conceptual catchment modelling
- Variability of moisture recycling using a precipitationshed framework
- 3D Observations of Dispersion, Mixing and Reaction in Heterogeneous Rocks
- A Depolarisation Lidar Based Method for the Determination of Liquid-Cloud Microphysical Properties.
- A Framework for Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Monitoring
- A Laboratory Experiment on the Evolution of a Sand Gravel Reach Under a Lack of Sediment Supply
- A Numerical Study of Nonlinear Wave Interactions
- A Smallholder Socio-hydrological Modelling Framework
- A space weather information service based upon remote and in-situ measurements of coronal mass ejections heading for Earth
- Alteration of Mean Streamflow and Evaporation Under Snow Loss
- An analytical solution to river profile concavity and downstream fining
- Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment from an inversion of satellite and in-situ observations
- Assimilation of Synchronous and Asynchronous Active/Passive Microwave Observations at Different Spatial Scales for Improved Soil Moisture and Crop Growth
- Bolus generation by a river plume in coastal Gulf of Mexico
- Broad-scale gravity changes following the 2011 Tohoku-Oki thrust and 2012 Indian Ocean strike-slip earthquakes and implications for coseismic dilatation and viscoelastic relaxation
- Characteristics of the Sinking Branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Global Ocean Model - the Impacts of Model Resolution
- Communicators' perspective on snow avalanche risk communication
- Comparative analysis of planetary laser ranging concepts
- Comparing Tide Gauge Observations to Regional Patterns of Sea-Level Change (1961-2003)
- Constraining Earth's Rheology of the Barents Sea Using Grace Gravity Change Observations
- Construction of Late Pleistocene Laurentide Ice History on Earth with Composite Rheology
- Detailed Measurement of Horizontal Groundwater Velocities Without a Borehole
- Determining Green's Functions for Coupled Elastic Waves and Electromagnetic Fields in a Homogeneous Porous Medium
- Development of an Advanced Technique to Correct Along-Track InSAR-Derived Surface Current Fields for Contributions of Wave Motions
- Does optimal complexity that is required to model a basin depend on its hydrologic characteristics?
- Drones at the Beach - Surf Zone Monitoring Using Rotary Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Effect of Uncertainty in Viscosity Maps from Seismology on GIA Modelling
- Effects of Sediment Loading in Northern Europe During the Last Glacial
- Emplacement and fluctuations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet across the Eocene-Oligocene transition
- Exploring the Influence of Student Focus Groups in Their Professional and Personal Development
- Field Measurements of the Vertical Structure of Rip Currents
- Fractal analysis of urban environment: land use and sewer system
- High Resolution, Consistent Online Estimation of Potential Flood Damage in The Netherlands
- Identifying Preserved Storm Events on Beaches from Trenches and Cores
- Improved Oceanographic Measurements from SAR Altimetry: Results and Scientific Roadmap from the ESA Cryosat Plus for Oceans Project
- Inner Shelf Surface Dispersion in the Florida Panhandle
- Investigation of the Solution Space of Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Inversion Problems By Using a Genetic Algorithm
- Low Frequency Seiche in a Large Bay
- Monitoring soil water dynamics at 0.1-1000 m scales using active DTS: the MOISST experience
- Near-Inertial Surface Currents and their influence on Surface Dispersion in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico near the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Numerical Modeling of Seismoelectric Fields through Thin-Beds
- Observations of fine scale stratigraphy using a digital imaging system
- One exhibition, many goals. A case study on how to combine scientific questions with stakeholder views on effective communication of risks.
- Preliminary Model Results of Beach Profile Dynamics with Stratigraphy
- Processes Governing the Location and Depth of Convection in the Labrador Sea - Lessons Learned from an Idealized Model Study
- Progress and Challenges in Coupled Ice-Sheet/Climate Modeling with CESM
- Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FLEX-TOPO
- Reactive Transport Modeling of Subsurface Arsenic Removal Systems in Rural Bangladesh
- Reconstructing the Alcatraz escape
- Rip-current Persistent-foam Streaks Outside of the Surf Zone
- Robust Lake Level Extraction in Mountainous Areas By Retracking Cryosat Sarin Mode Waveforms.
- RumEnKF: running very large Ensembles Kalman Filter by forgetting what you just did.
- Saturation-dependent Coupled Seismic and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Porous Media
- Shallow properties of faults in carbonate rocks - The Jandaíra Formation, Potiguar Basin, Brazil
- Shaping the Scientific Community: Why You Should Get Involved
- Simplicity of Monthly Climate and Its Implications for Hydrologic Signatures at Various Time-Scales
- Size Stratification in a Laboratory Gilbert Delta Due to a Varying Base Level: Measurement, and Numerical Modelling
- Stratocumulus Cloud-Feedback to an Idealized Global Warming Scenario
- Studying the Hydrology of Landslides: Pore Water Pressure, Preferential Flow and Feedbacks Between Slope Displacement and Hillslope Hydrology
- The Effect of Tidal Exchange on Residence Time
- The Response of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds to Idealized Climate Perturbations
- The Use of Signal Dimensionality for Automatic QC of Seismic Array Data
- Tidal-Induced Internal Ocean Waves as an Explanation for Enceladus' Tiger Stripe Pattern and Hotspot Activity
- Towards a Next Generation Gravity Field Mission
- Understanding How Snowmelt Manifests in Streamflow
- Water Accounting from Ungauged Basins
- Why Bother and Calibrate? Model Consistency and the Value of Prior Information.
- eWaterCycle: Live Demonstration of an Operational Hyper Resolution Global Hydrological Model
- A Method to Retrieve the Multi-Receiver Moho Reflection Response from SH-Wave Scattering Coda in the Radiative Transfer Regime
- A new chapter in environmental sensing: The Open-Source Published Environmental Sensing (OPENS) laboratory
- Actively Heated Fiber Optics for Distributed Soil Moisture Measurements: Addressing Field Calibration and Spatial Variability
- Algebraic Multiscale Solver for Elastic Geomechanical Deformation
- Assessing Flood Risk from Hurricane-induced Precipitation and Storm Surge: A Bayesian Network Approach
- Beyond seismic interferometry: imaging the earth's interior with virtual sources and receivers inside the earth
- Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in the Presence of Convective Mixing and the Capillary Transition Zone
- Crop modeling: Studying the effect of water stress on the driving forces governing plant water potential
- CryoSat Mission over the Ocean: A Review of Product Validations, Evolutions and Scientific Exploitation
- Data-driven prediction of present-day glacial isostatic adjustment in North America
- Degree 1 and 2 Temporal Gravity, Ice Sheet Mass Loss and Glacier Mass Change.
- Detection and location of earthquakes along the west coast of Chile: Examining seismicity in the 2010 M 8.8 Maule and 2014 M 8.1 Iquique earthquake rupture zones.
- Determining upper mantle structures using gravity, seismology, and GIA modelling in Fennoscandia
- Effects of beach morphology and waves on onshore larval transport
- Estimating Time-varying Trends from Geodetic Time Series
- Estimating decadal variability in sea level from tide gauge records: an application to the North Sea.
- Estimating sub-monthly TWS using MODIS and GRACE satellite observations, a case study over Tonlé Sap floodplain
- Evolution of Root Zone Storage after Land Use Change
- Feedback between deglaciation and volcanism in arc settings: the example of the Mount Mazama volcanic system, Crater Lake, Oregon
- First synchronous realistic simulations of Antarctic and Greenland SMB in a fully coupled climate model
- GPS and Relative Sea-level Constraints on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in North America
- GPS-derived Horizontal Velocities Constrain Viscosity Contrast Beneath the Transantarctic Mountains
- Gravel Wedge Progradation in Sand-Gravel Laboratory Experiments: New Insights on the Gravel-Sand Transition
- Groundwater Impacts on Urban Surface Water Quality in the Lowland Polder Catchments of the Amsterdam City Area
- How uncertain are the process parameterizations in our models?
- Impact of Orbit Position Errors on Future Satellite Gravity Models
- Improved estimation of geocenter motion and changes in the Earth's dynamic oblateness from GRACE data and an ocean bottom pressure model
- Improving Hydrologic Prediction at the Basin Scale through State Updating
- Influence of soil and climate on root zone storage capacity
- Lessons and challenges from adaptation pathways planning applications
- Measuring Soil Moisture using the Signal Strength of Buried Bluetooth Devices.
- Micromagnetic Tomography in Practice
- Modeling the transition between upper plane bed regime and sheet flow without an active layer formulation. Preliminary results.
- Modelling of Reservoir Operations using Fuzzy Logic and ANNs
- Mono-static GPR without transmitting anything for pavement damage inspection: interferometry by auto-correlation applied to mobile phone signals
- Nationwide Assessment of Potential for Subsurface Arsenic Removal Technology in Bangladesh
- Recent Developments in Active and Passive Distributed Temperature Sensing for Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Reflection imaging of the Moho and the aseismic Nazca slab in the Malargüe region with global-phase seismic interferometry
- Societal organization and human water use: tipping points in socio-hydrology
- Soil moisture and properties estimation by assimilating soil temperatures using particle batch smoother: A new perspective for DTS
- The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions
- The Impact of Aerosol Vertical Distribution on Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Using CALIPSO and MODIS Data
- Total Land Water Storage Change over 2003-2013 Estimated from a Global Mass Budget Approach
- Transit Time Distributions, Legacy Contamination and Variability in Biogeochemical 1/f^α Scaling: How are Hydrological Response Dynamics Linked to Water Quality at the Catchment Scale?
- eWaterCycle: Recent progress in a global operational hydrological forecasting model
- A Comparison of the Crustal Deformation Predicted by Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Seismicity in the Baffin Region of Northern Canada
- A numerical method for reorientation of rotating tidally deformed visco-elastic bodies
- Adaptive Kernel-density Independence Sampling based Monte Carlo Sampling (A-KISMCS) for inverse hydrological modelling
- Beach and dune building processes: Linking nearshore to backshore and events to decades
- Break-of-slope linked to unexpected downstream grain size coarsening in experimental and natural turbidites
- Can Low Frequency Measurements Be Good Enough? - A Statistical Assessment of Citizen Hydrology Streamflow Observations
- Climate Literacy Through Learning-by-Doing: Engaging Communities in the Production of Accessible Research-Based Information
- Co-Producing Accessible Climate Knowledge: Case Study of a Scientific Challenge
- Coda-Wave Interferometry in the Precursory Detection of Inelastic Deformation
- Constraints on a Water Layer in Jupiter's moon Ganymede from Tidal Deformation and Forced Librations
- Cross-Validation of Ambient-Noise and Earthquake-Based Observations of Love- and Rayleigh-wave dispersio
- Data-driven constraint of the present-day GIA signal in Fennoscandia and northern Europe
- Deciphering the Changes in the Lithospheric Structure of Antarctica by Combining Seismological and Satellite Gravity Gradient Data
- Deep ocean sound speed characteristics passively derived from the ambient acoustic noise field
- Derivation of Integrated Tropospheric Refractivity from Radar Satellite Data and its Application in Atmospheric Models
- Deriving Deep Ocean Temperature Changes From the Ambient Acoustic Noise Field
- Designing hydrological and financial instruments for small scale farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa: A socio-hydrological analysis
- Estimating Geocenter Motion and Changes in the Earth's Dynamic Oblateness from a Statistically Optimal Combination of GRACE Data and Geophysical Models
- Evaluating the performance of Sentinel-3 SRAL SAR Altimetry in the Coastal and Open Ocean, and developing improved retrieval methods - The ESA SCOOP Project.
- Examining seismicity patterns in the 2010 M 8.8 Maule rupture zone.
- Experiment to determine ideal height for sensor placement when using accelerometers to measure tree canopy mass change.
- Extensive meltwater storage in an East Antarctic ice shelf
- Full-Field MDD for Body-Wave Reflections from Passive Transient-Sources under Severely Limited and Irregular Illumination Conditions
- How Long And How Frequent Should We Measure Groundwater Heads?
- Hydrological Evaluation of Precipitation Intensity-Duration Thresholds for Regional Landslide Hazard Assessment
- Hydrological modeling of an Alpine watershed for the identification of trigger conditions leading to flash floods and debris flows
- Hydrological modelling of the Mara River Basin, Kenya: Dealing with uncertain data quality and calibrating using river stage
- Ice Sheet/Climate Coupling in the Community Earth System Model
- Internal Waves and Wave Attractors in Enceladus' Subsurface Ocean
- Intertidal Sandbar Welding as a Primary Source of Sediment for Dune Growth: Evidence from a Large Scale Field Experiment
- Inverting Ground-Based Polarisation Lidar Measurements to Retrieve Cloud Microphysical Properties over Ascension Island
- Monitoring stress-related mass variations in Amazon trees using accelerometers
- Multi-scale Modeling of the Evolution of a Large-Scale Nourishment
- OMI, TROPOMI, TROPOLITE: Towards 1 x 1 km2 Air Quality and Emission Monitoring
- Observed Soil Moisture-Precipitation Feedback in Illinois: A Systematic Analysis over Different Scales
- Performance Measurement of Location Enabled e-Government Processes: A Use Case on Traffic Safety Monitoring
- Phenological Impacts on Litter Interception in a Pinus elliottii Stand, Southeastern US
- Porosity, petrophysics and permeability of the Whitby Mudstone (UK)
- Seismic interferometry by autocorrelation applied to fracture seismicity from Planchón-Peteroa Volcanic Complex, Argentina-Chile
- Seismic interferometry using ghost reflections applied to laboratory measurements for monitoring supercritical CO2 sequestration
- Sensitivity of modelled snow cover to turbulent flux parameterization and forcing data: a case study in a high altitude basin of the dry Andes, northern Chile
- Separating steric sea level and ocean bottom pressure in the Tropical Asian Seas
- Shoreline response to seismically induced land-level changes - A case study from West Aceh, Indonesia
- The Complexities of Urban Flood Response: Hydrologic Analyses for the Charlotte, North Carolina Metropolitan Region
- The Graded Alluvial River: Variable Flow and the Dominant Discharge
- The Influence of Preferential Flow on Pressure Propagation and Landslide Triggering of the Rocca Pitigliana Landslide
- The Role of Aeolian Transport Processes in the Intertidal Zone on Sediment Exchange Between Marine and Aeolian Coastal Zones.
- The added value of remote sensing products in constraining hydrological models
- The importance of considering lateral variations in mantle rheology when investigating past and present Antarctic Ice Sheet change
- The sea level budget along the Northwest Atlantic coast: GIA, mass changes and deep sea-shelf interaction
- Uncertainty in the ITRF2014 Origin and Comparison with Surface Mass Transport Models
- Updated SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Estimates over China using OMI/Aura Observations and the CHIMERE CTM
- Vegetation Water Content (VWC) dynamics in during SMAPVEX16
- Visualizing water
- eWaterCycle visualisation. combining the strength of NetCDF and Web Map Service: ncWMS
- A 3D Finite Element Model with Improved Spatial Resolution to Investigate the Effect of Varying Viscosity on Antarctica
- A New Approach to Look at the Electrical Conductivity of Streamflow: Decomposing a Bulk Signal to Recover Individual Solute Concentrations at High-Frequency
- A numerical investigation into the dynamics of Uranus' mu-ring
- A simple topography-driven, calibration-free runoff generation model
- AGU Student and Early Career Leadership
- Accounting for Ecohydrologic Separation Alters Interpreted Catchment Hydrology
- An atmospheric turbulence power factor to improve the estimation of surface deformation and atmosphere phase screen using SAR interferometry
- An overview on Bernese projects in planetary geodesy and deep-space orbit determination
- Blowing snow detection in Antarctica, from space borne and ground-based remote sensing
- Bridging the gap between the deep Earth and lithospheric gravity field
- Counting Raindrops and the Distribution of Intervals Between Them.
- Coupling Effects of Unsteady River Discharges and Wave Conditions on Mouth Bar Formation
- DNA-tagged Microparticles for Tracing Water Flows and Travel Times in Natural Systems: The First results from Controlled Laboratory Experiments
- Deblurring Directional-source Effects for Passive Surface-wave Surveys using Multidimensional Deconvolution
- Detecting Dewatering of Peatland Pastures Using Sentinel-1 Satellite Radar Interferometry.
- Determining Individual Grains' Magnetic Moments by Micromagnetic Tomography
- Distributed Memory Parallel Computing with SEAWAT
- Do we understand the temperature profile of air-water interface?
- Early Results from TROPOMI on the Copernicus Sentinel 5 Precursor
- Effects of Unsteady River Discharge on Delta Progradation: A Modelling Perspective
- Exploring the effect of East Antarctic ice mass loss on GIA-induced horizontal bedrock motions
- Global projections of extreme sea levels in view of climate change
- How spatial and temporal rainfall variability affect runoff across basin scales: insights from field observations in the (semi-)urbanised Charlotte watershed
- How to Assess Vulnerabilities of Water Policies to Global Change?
- Hydrology in Lichens: How Biological Architecture is Used to Regulate Water Access to Support Drought Resilience and Nutrient Transport
- Information extraction from dynamic PS-InSAR time series using machine learning
- Isolating magnetic moments from individual grains within a magnetic assemblage
- Mapping surface heat fluxes by assimilating GOES land surface temperature and SMAP products
- Measuring river from the cloud - River width algorithm development on Google Earth Engine
- Mercury's Lithospheric Magnetization
- Methods for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage planning; The hidden side of cities.
- Modeling subgrid-scale turbulent fluxes in the "Grey Zone"
- Monitoring earthen dams and levees with ambient seismic noise
- Multiscale Modeling of Poromechanics in Geologic Media
- Physical rock properties at in-situ conditions of pyroclastic rocks from Ngatamariki geothermal field, New Zealand.
- Predicting tidal marsh survival or submergence to sea-level rise using Holocene data
- Properties of sediment-algae flocs as function of shear and environmental conditions : a laboratory study
- Radio Occultation Experiments with Venus Express and Mars Express using the Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) Technique
- Re-assessing Present Day Global Mass Transport and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment From a Data Driven Approach
- Sediment Connectivity and Transport Pathways in Tidal Inlets: a Conceptual Framework with Application to Ameland Inlet
- Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean: performance assessment and improved retrieval methods in the ESA SCOOP Project.
- The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI): towards a 14 Year Data Record and Applications in the Air Quality and Climate Domain
- The Sensitivity of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in West Antarctica to Lateral Variations in Earth Structure
- The Young Hydrologic Society: five years of creating community for early-career hydrologists
- The five times ten things everyone should have had in their hands before they are ten and two years old.
- The global coastline dataset: the observed relation between erosion and sea-level rise
- The optimal estimation of mass anomalies in Greenland with the mascon approach, in the presence of random noise and model errors
- Tides Stabilize Deltas until Humans Interfere
- Using Distributed Temperature Sensing for measuring vertical temperature profiles and air temperature variance in the roughness sublayer above a forest canopy
- Using Large-Scale Cooperative Control to Manage Operational Uncertainties for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage
- Using a Gaussian Process Emulator for Data-driven Surrogate Modelling of a Complex Urban Drainage Simulator
- Water Stress Impacts Tree-Atmosphere Interaction in the Amazon
- Water reservoir characteristics derivation from pubicly available global elevation data
- Working Towards Deep-Ocean Temperature Monitoring by Studying the Acoustic Ambient Noise Field in the South Pacific Ocean
- 'Winds of Opportunity': the Influence of Wind on Mudflats Accretion
- A Recipe for Sustainable Water Data Collection: Young Researchers + Citizen Science + Mobile Technology
- A comparison of methods to estimate vertical land motion trends from GNSS and altimetry at tide gauge stations
- A many-objective optimization approach for inter-basin water transfers
- Application of fully-focused SAR altimetry to the Wadden Sea
- Assessing anthropogenic and natural contributions to decadal lake changes in Ebinur and Sayram basins of Xinjiang, China
- Contemporaneous VLA and ALMA observations of Jupiter during the Juno mission
- Coupling Effects of Unsteady River Discharges and Wave Conditions on River Mouth Bar Morphodynamics
- Dual Permeability Mass Transfer Functions and Their Effect on Riverine Dike Stability Assessments.
- Dune morphology and hysteresis in alluvial channels during long-duration floods revealed using high temporal-resolution MBES bathymetry
- EasyMonitor: Easy online measurements tracking using the Particle platform
- Effects of deforestation on catchment travel time distributions and the role of water holding capacity in the root-zone
- Elevation classes as a surface mass balance downscaling method for coupling of ice sheet and climate models
- Estimation of specific discharge using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) measurements of the heat pulse response along cables inserted with direct push
- Evaluating and improving ice sheet clouds, radiation, and precipitation in the Community Earth System Model
- Fault State Estimation in Subduction Zones Using a Particle Filter with Time-Lagged Particle Generation
- Field evidence on major intertidal flat growth initiated by sediment disposals in an estuarine channel
- Finite-fault slip inversion for the Mw 6 Mutata earthquake (2016), Colombia
- Global empirical GIA models based on GRACE data.
- Global groundwater storage estimates through assimilation of GRACE data into a land surface model
- Greenland-wide Glacier Response to Runoff and Retreat: Evaluating Outlet Glacier Changes on Monthly to Multi-year Scales
- Hydro-social metabolism: scaling of birth rate with regional water use
- Hydrological interpretation of a statistical measure of basin complexity
- Hydrological response to land degradation and rehabilitation in the important tributary of the Nile River basin using Wflow-PCRaster/python modelling framework
- In-situ characterization and dynamics of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the Rhine river front during neap tide
- Infrasound Signals from the 2017 North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosion and the Subsequent Collapse Event
- Investigating the consistency and reliability of multiple datasets in estimating water balances in major Canadian river basins
- Large-scale field campaign for improving nourishment strategies in the Netherlands - Exploring the effects of wind
- Lichen Symbiosis: Turning photosynthesis on & off via water (de)hydration as revealed by real-time kinetics of electron transport, O<SUB>2 </SUB>&CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange between alga & fungus
- MODEX: Using Wave-Resolving Models to Understand Observed Sand Mound Deformation
- Marchenko redatuming for multiple prediction and removal in situations with a complex overburden
- Marine Contributions to Coastal Foredune Growth
- Monitoring sediment transport patterns on an energetic ebb-tidal delta using dual-signature tracers
- Morphodynamics of Knickpoints Active Turbidity Current Channels
- Net Rainfall Partitioning by Herbaceous Plants in a Pinus palustris Understory
- Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Saltmarsh Plant Spartina alterniflora to Long-term Wave Exposure: A Laboratory Study
- Prediction of a watersheds temporal susceptibility to debris flows using multiple hydro-meteorological variables
- Present and future ice mass loss of the North-Atlantic glaciers estimated from satellite observations
- Quality of rainfall data collected from citizen weather stations: automated detection of unobserved rainfall
- Reimagining AGU's Diversity and Inclusion Policies and Practices
- Rheo-optical analysis of natural sediments under continuous and oscillating shearing action
- Rising Temperatures Increase Importance of Oceanic Evaporation as a Source for Continental Precipitation
- S5P/TROPOMI: The first year in orbit
- Scalable Methods for Citizens to Measure Spring Discharge - a Canary in a Coal Mine for Changing Hydrological Systems
- Sea-Level Change Projections for the Dutch Wadden Sea During the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Sensors for TWIGA: New observations in Africa to produce actionable information for agriculture, energy generation, and disaster response.
- Shape-based Performance Metrics For Hydrodynamic Models
- Small Pacific and Indian Ocean Islands among first hit by Sea-level Rise
- Socio-hydrological Interpretation of Rural-urban Migration in Jiangsu Province, China
- Summary of Results from the NOAA Shale Oil and Natural Gas Nexus (SONGNEX) Study
- TWIGA: Transforming Water, weather, and climate information through In situ observations for Geo-services in Africa
- Temporal Gravity Field Recovery Using The Swarm Mission Constellation High-Low GPS Tracking Data And Energy Balance Approach
- Towards a global forecast for wave-induced flooding on coral reef-lined coastlines
- Towards improved travel time estimates that account for interfaces in the hydrological cycle
- Tsunami potential of the 2018 Sulawesi earthquake from GNSS constrained source mechanism
- Understanding Water and Gas Transport in Algal-Fungal Symbionts: Integrating Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Modeling of Lichens
- Virtual seismology: from hydrocarbon reservoir imaging to induced earthquake monitoring
- What hydrological information would we like to have from remote sensing for better regional landslide hazard assessment?
- Young Hydrologic Society (YHS): vision, mission, and strategy
- eWaterCycle II
- A revised acceleration rate from the altimetry-derived global mean sea level record.
- Analysis of Satellite Remote Sensing Data of NO<SUB>2</SUB> over U.S. Oil and Gas Production Areas
- CESM2 climate forcing (1950-2014) yields realistic Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance and recent trends
- Calibration of bankfull river depth in global river routing models based on satellite altimetry data.
- Convectively Driven Wind Variability in Connection to Wind Biases in the ECMWF Operational Model
- Data-driven approaches to solve geohydrological problems: No need anymore for old-fashioned numerical models?
- Decadal wave attenuating capacity of foreshores under extreme wave conditions
- Deforestation reduces the water holding capacity in the root-zone and increases the fraction of young water in streams
- Development of earthquake correction models for GRACE and GRACE Follow-On gravity data time series
- Dredging in the Upper Peruvian Amazon Rivers: Effects of dumping operations on turbidity for large rivers
- ERA-Interim vs ERA-5 Hydrology Comparison
- Effects of Unsteady River Discharge on Deltaic Morphodynamics
- Estimating Supraglacial Melt Water Storage from ICESat-2: First Results and Validation
- Evaluating a Fuel-Based Bottom-up Inventory of Oil and Natural Gas Emissions with OMI and TROPOMI Satellite Retrievals.
- Feedbacks between regional water availability, food security and migration in Jiangsu province China: a socio-hydrological analysis
- How sociohydrology can help address the global water crisis
- Institutional accountability is a strong predictor of national surface water coverage
- Interaction of climate, vegetation, and water age in catchments across scales and climate zones
- Intervalometer (Slight Return)
- Lithospheric structure of the Spanish Central System
- Micromagnetic Tomography applied to natural samples: first steps towards deriving rock magnetic and paleomagnetic data from subsets of magnetic grains in lavas
- Micromagnetic Tomography: determining the optimal sample dimensions
- Modeling soil moisture to define hydro-meteorological thresholds for improved forecasting of rainfall-induced shallow landslides
- Observed influence of moist convection and cloudiness on boundary layer wind and momentum flux profiles over land
- Optimal Strategy for Time Variable Gravity modelling based on GRACE and GRACE-FO for Precision Orbit Determination of the CryoSat-2 Mission.
- Overview of activities during the 2019 TROpomi vaLIdation eXperiment (TROLIX'19)
- Photosynthetic Adaptation to Carbon Dioxide Gradients in Yellowstone: A glimpse into the future of climate change?
- Practical Considerations for the Creation of Virtual Sources and Receivers in the 3D Subsurface
- Small-scale-induced anisotropy of a 3D subsurface model: quantitative analysis and numerical simulations of waves within
- Steered Stratospheric Aerosol Injection: Aircraft and Operation Design, Economic and Environmental Impact
- The Challenge of Selecting Precipitation Products for Extreme Weather Services in a Data Scarce Environment
- The development and application of DNA-encapsulated nanoparticle tracers in hydrological studies
- The interaction of tropical convection with its environment - new observational insights
- The performance of Harmony's two-dimensional sea-ice-drift observations
- Tidal dissipation in ice-covered, homogeneous-density oceans of variable thickness
- Tools and criteria for URBAN groundWATer management_URBANWAT
- Using Multiple Focal Points in Fully-Focussed SAR Processing to Reduce Waveform Land Contamination
- Video Map - generating and visualizing video map tiles from EO data
- Video Map - visual stories of change
- Water storage capacities in the unsaturated root-zone: a key to estimate root-zone soil moisture from remotely-sensed near-surface soil moisture
- eWaterCycle: Putting the Public in Charge is Only FAIR
- A state space filtering framework to jointly evaluate satellite geodesy and model products in Antarctica
- Analysis of Noise in Ranging Data From the GRACE Follow-On Satellite Mission
- Attribute-Enrichment of Satellite InSAR Deformation Measurements Based on Contextual Information
- Bayesian quantification of errors in citizen science data: Application to Nepal rainfall observations
- CC or super-CC? A critical appraisal of temperature-precipitation scaling rates at sub-hourly timescales.
- Climatology of monsoonal rainstorm events over the Lower Mekong Region: A regional analysis using a spatiotemporal Object-based rainfall method for GPM-IMERG
- Clouds and Convective Self Aggregation in a Multi Model Ensemble of Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Companion satellites measuring within day surface kinematics in the cryosphere
- Complex-Envelope Signal Detection and Timing: Application to Geophysical Exploration, and to Active Lithosphere, Volcano, and Reservoir Parameter Monitoring
- Copula-based Statistical Modelling of Compound Flooding and the Effect of Climate Variability: A Case Study in the Netherlands
- Daedalus, a Candidate Mission for the Exploration of the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere: Mission Performance Demonstration of Multi-point Sampling Capability
- Deep Aquifer Characterization with Magnetotellurics, Self-potential, and Hydrogeological Data Sets
- Efficient and Accurate Long-Term One-Dimensional Morphodynamic Simulations in Alluvial Rivers Using Simplified Models - From Theory to Praxis
- Endogeneity in household water treatment behaviour in developing countries
- Estimation and Forecasting of Seismic Cycles using a Fault-Slip Model with Uncertain Parameters - Implications for Data Assimilation
- Experimental investigation of turbidity currents triggered by an upstream water jet
- Exploring High-Dimensional Applicability of the Particle Filter in Increasingly Complex Systems - A Case Study for Compacting Reservoir and Subsidence.
- Exploring the changing efficiency and equity of the agricultural sector in the Vietnam Mekong Delta due to evolving human-environment regimes
- Geometric Deep Learning for Modeling, Prediction and Forecasting in Urban Water Systems
- How wind shear affects trade-wind cumulus convection by modulating cold-pool dynamics
- ICESat-2 melt depth retrievals: Revisiting surface melt on Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone and inland water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Informing the Design of Adaptive Policy Pathways in a Complex World: Considering multi-sectoral Dynamics and the Value of Deep Uncertainty Methods
- Modeling ice-ocean dynamics in ice-shelf rifts.
- Modelling flocculation: towards an integration in large-scale sediment transport models
- Monitoring and modeling land subsidence due to hydrocarbon production integrating geodesy and geophysics
- Mrs. Evaporation: The Big Forest Ghost
- Multi-satellite sensor approach to determine the impact of waterlogging on agricultural productivity
- Non-Parametric Confidence Sets for Change Points in Time Series of Extremes
- Numerical Experiments on Bore Merging over Mildly Sloping Beaches
- On the Influence of Vertex Connection for the Efficacy of Parameter Estimation in Time Series Radar Interferometry
- Open-Source Landscape for Three-Dimensional Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Modeling
- Opportunistic sensors for hydrometeorological monitoring and nowcasting
- Optimising the design of bamboo structures for mangrove restoration
- Pore-scale modelling of collective dissolution of bubbles in a regular porous medium
- Progradation and termination of subaerial river-dominated delta networks
- Radiative Transfer Modeling of Jovian Hot Spots and NH-3 Plumes with HST and Keck NIRSPEC
- RainRunner - A Multi-Satellite Rainfall Retrieval Algorithm for Northern Ghana Based on Deep Learning and Earth Observation and Supported by Citizen Science
- Restoring mangrove forests using bamboo structures
- Rheological and structural analysis of mud from Port of Hamburg, Germany
- Rural-urban Migration in Jiangsu Province, China: Socio-hydrological Interpretation of Driving Factors and Prospect of Migration-alleviating Interventions
- Securing urban water infrastructures with digital twins
- Sediment - Organic matter interaction in coastal area of Rhine- ROFI\ from Laboratory to in situ
- Shallow Cloud Field Organisation has Four Interpretable Dimensions
- Shallow Landslides in the North Tanganyika-Kivu Rift Region: Interactions Between Deforestation and Landscape Rejuvenation
- Short ship-track lifetimes explain limited liquid-water path responses
- SmartPhones4Water: Lessons from Asia, Africa, Europe, North American, and Beyond
- Subsurface monitoring using virtual sources and receivers
- The African Rainfall Project: High resolution (1km) weather modeling at continental scale thanks to the World Community Grid
- The Momentum Budget during EUREC4A
- The Nelson-MiP project: a large-scale multi-model inter-comparison project of hydrological processes in the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill river basin in Canada
- The Spatiotemporal Variability of Cloud Radiative Effects on the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance
- The importance of geomorphology for debris-flow activity in Alpine catchments
- Thermal convection in subsurface oceans with variable thickness: Application to Enceladus.
- Tidal propagation in single-layer and multi-layer systems bounded by tidal rivers, seas, and oceans
- Titan Gravity and Tides from Cassini Tracking Data
- Volcanic exomoons and their potential observability
- YUTPA as a design tool for climate change adaptation: Insights from Nzoia River Basin
- A New Methodology to Detect Changes in Displacement Rates of Slow-Moving Landslides Using InSAR Time Series
- A Novel Methodology for Mapping Ebb-Tidal Delta Morphodynamics and Stratigraphy
- A Probabilistic Assessment of the Causes of Active Deformation in the East Central Mediterranean Using Spherical Finite Element Models
- A bird's-eye view on ambient infrasonic soundscapes
- Adapting Natural River Processes to Mitigate Long-term Channel Bed Erosion in Engineered Rivers
- Advancements in visualization of marine and inland traffic
- Air-sea heat and momentum fluxes measured by Uncrewed Surface Vehicles during EUREC4A/ATOMIC
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- Building the In-Situ Data Strategy for GEO: Understanding the Drivers and Requirements Through Selected Use Cases
- Channel Response of the Lower Rhine River to Climate Change and Human Intervention over the 21st Century
- Commercial Microwave Links as a Complement to Weather Radars for Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Precipitation
- Creating virtual measurements inside a medium using spherical recording arrays
- Deciphering Earthquake Nucleation in Groningen: How Much Slip is Aseismic?
- Direct Experimental Characterization of Intrinsic Contact Angle of Pure H2 and H2-CH4 Mixtures in Contact with Brine and Reservoir Rocks
- Direct and Indirect Pathways of Convected Water Masses and Their impacts on the Overturning Dynamics of the Labrador Sea
- Dry periods influence the ecohydrology of the rainforest
- Earthquake Forecasting: Estimating Fault State Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter on 1D and 2D Synthetic Experiments
- Effect of Greenland Ice Sheet Freshwater Fluxes on the AMOC in a Warming Climate
- Emerging approaches to assessing aerosol-cloud interactions in warm marine boundary layer clouds
- Estimating Shallow Water Tides from Satellite Radar Altimetry
- Field-scale sugarcane prediction with multi-sensor satellite remote sensing
- Flooded with Plastics: Riverine Plastic Emission from Accra into the Ocean.
- GRASIMU: A Gravimetry Forward Modelling Web App for Arbitrary 3D Density Models
- High Resolution Precipitation for Pluvial Flood Forecasting in the Urban Data Scarce City of Alexandria, Egypt.
- Hydroacoustic Travel Time Variations as a Proxy for Passive Deep-Ocean Thermometry
- Implementing a transient PCR-GLOBWB-MODFLOW global groundwater model at 1 km resolution using high performance computing
- Improving Landslide Hazard Assessment and Early Warning Systems with Hydrological Information: What Have We Learned?
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over Inland Water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Improving the Incorporation of Ice Streams in North American Ice Sheets by Combining Datasets of Subglacial Geology, Landform Evidence and a Revised Model of Subglacial Hydrology
- Inclusion of sea ice induced seasonal modulation in a tidal model
- Introducing the eWaterCycle Platform for computational hydrology to support decision making based on transparent big climate data analyses.
- Introducing the eWaterCycle Python package for open and FAIR hydrological modelling
- Methodologies for the study of change in hydrology and society
- Mismatches in Central Planning and Ground Implementation of Policies on Climate Change Adaptation. A Case Study in the Actively Living With Floods Approach in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
- Modeling tube waves generated due to acoustic-poroelastic coupling in a fluid-filled borehole at a heterogeneous fault zone
- Modelling the Backscattering Properties of Anisotropic Rough Snow Surfaces: Implications for the Evolution of Near Surface Features on the Ice Sheets
- Multimodel Rainfall Intensity DurationFrequency curves for infrastructure design and risk assessment in a changing climate
- Near-surface Seismic Characterization Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing with a Combination of Helically Wound and Straight Fibres: A Pilot Field Experiment in Groningen Area
- Neutrons fast and slow: Boron-based Large-scale Observation of Soil Moisture (BLOSM)
- Observations of Coastal Aeolian Sediment Transport in an Active Surface Layer using Tracers
- On advanced, coupled Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance, ice flow and global climate evolution: century and multi-century simulations with CESM2-CISM2
- On the applicability of a particle method in models of increasing complexity: a case study for modelling subsidence.
- On the cause of enhanced landward motion of the overriding plate after a major subduction earthquake
- Parameter estimation for interseismic surface deformation using data assimilation
- Pore-scale simulation of methane transport in complex nanopores using a stabilized lattice Boltzmann method
- Quantifying NOx Emissions from U.S. Oil and Gas Production Regions using TROPOMI NO2
- Radar Rainfall Nowcasting for Hydrologic Forecasting: Evaluating 1000+ Events in the Netherlands
- Recurrent transient deformation in NW Sulawesi
- Remote Sensing of Ice Shelf Thinning and Basal Melt Rates of the Dotson Ice Shelf
- Saved by sediment: a review of sedimentation enhancing strategies for river deltas
- Scaling Analysis of Two-Phase Flow in Permeable Media with Fractal Permeability Fields
- Secular Changes in the Global M2 Tide from Satellite Altimetry
- Shallow Cloud Organization during EUREC4A in Multi-day Model Runs using Large-Eddy Simulation and the Mesoscale Weather Prediction Model HARMONIE
- Solid Earth uplift due to contemporary ice melting above low-viscosity regions of Greenlands upper mantle
- Speaking Simply About Complex Coastal Morphodynamics
- Supershear shock front contributions to the Palu bay tsunami following the Mw 7.5 Sulawesi earthquake
- Terrestrial Microwave Links for Ground Validation of Space-Based Precipitation Observations: Potential and Limitations
- The Effect of Marine and Aeolian Processes on Time Dependent Vertical Grain Size Variability in the Intertidal Area
- The Impact of Wind-waves and Sea Level Rise on the Morphodynamics of a Sandy Estuarine Shoal
- The Rainstorm Tracker system: An operational monitoring and alert system for the Lower Mekong Region
- The Trade-Wind Momentum Budget and Wind Stress Profiles during EUREC4A
- The eWaterCycle platform for open and FAIR computational hydrological research
- The impact of model-based hydrodynamic leveling on the quality of the European vertical reference frame using a realistic noise model
- The quantification of supply limited wind blown sediment transport; implications for experimental studies and numerical modelling.
- The response of the ozone layer under abrupt 4xCO2 in CMIP6
- Tides in Enceladus' Porous Core
- Timing of Global Change
- Towards Improved Spatio-Temporal Resolution Surface Meltwater Detection on the Antarctic Ice Shelves from the Synergy of Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
- Towards constraining water and carbon cycle processes with radar data through assimilation
- Understanding Locality in Spatial Scaling of the Distributed wflow_sbm Hydrological Model Using the CAMELS Data Set
- Understanding the Information Content in the Hierarchy of Model Development Decisions: Learning From Data
- Using PS-InSAR observations to detect aseismic fault slip in the seismically active Groningen gas field
- VenSpec-H: an Infrared Spectrometer to Study Venus' Activity
- Venus Surface and Deep Atmosphere Temperature from Near Infrared Imaging
- Weird waves cause big trouble on small lands in the middle of the big blue wet thing
- 22 Years of Coal Pollution and Premature Deaths in the Medicare Population
- A stability-landscape view of cloud states and transitions
- Absolute Elevation Time Series of Peat Soils from InSAR Observations using Integrated Geodetic Reference Stations
- An Automated Anomaly Detection Study to Map Cemetery Lot Using GPR
- Application of the Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA) over Africa
- Assimilating ASCAT backscatter and slope into land surface model: case studies at ISMN stations in Europe
- Can streamwise variation in floodplain geometry and peak flow rate explain river bed elevation change during and between peak flows?
- Channel-shoal sediment exchange caused by tidal and subtidal flows
- Complexity-based robust hydrologic prediction: extension of statistical learning theory to conceptual hydrological models
- Deployment and Operation of Low-cost GNSS Stations for Atmospheric Monitoring in the East Africa Tropical Region
- Design and Performance of a NO2 Camera for Urban Air Quality Monitoring
- Ductile-Brittle Damage Mechanics using a Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Cohesive Zone Model
- Earthquake Nucleation on Reactivated Faults with Velocity-Strengthening Friction
- Evidence of tipping of a fluvial system?
- Floc Analysis: A Comparison between two Techniques
- Frozen-soil Hydrological Modeling for a Mountainous Catchment at Northeast of the Tibetan Plateau
- Functional Inversion of Glacier Rheology from Ice Velocities using ODINN.jl
- Global Water Cycle Shifts Substantially Beyond Stable Pre-industrial Conditions - Planetary Boundary for Freshwater Change Transgressed
- How Does a River Bifurcation System Respond to Peak Flows? A Case Study of the Upper Dutch Rhine Bifurcation Region
- Imaging of the Earth's Inner Core Using Non-Physical Reflections Retrieved from Seismic Interferometry
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over Inland Water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Induced Earthquake Source Characterization Using Multi-stage of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Algorithm
- Influence of ice loading and earth properties on horizontal GPS motions in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
- Investigating the Atmospheres at Venus and Mars through Aerobraking
- Investigation of Induced Polarization Effects in Transient Electromagnetic Data Obtained in a Single-Loop Configuration for Conductive and Resistive Media
- Large-eddy simulation of urban air quality: A 'Ruisdael' case study of the city of Rotterdam
- Leaf wax n-alkane composition of modern plants from Western Ghats, Southern India, and their chemotaxonomic significance
- Linear Stability Analysis Put into Practice for River Bed Waves with Lengths larger than the Water Depth
- Low Cost Sensors from TAHMO and TWIGA: Development, Deployment and Governance (DDG).
- Modeling Underground Hydrogen Storage in Saline Aquifers with Different Types of Cushion Gases
- Modeling the Migrations of the Capelin, an Indicator Species for Climate Change
- Modelling Light Exposure History for Tracing Coastal Sand Nourishment Dispersal
- Monitoring sugarcane and waterlogging with a multi-sensor approach for sustainable agriculture
- Morphological Regimes and their Spatial Scales in Low-Level Mixed-Phase Stratocumuli in the Southern Ocean
- North Atlantic cooling is slowing down mass loss of Icelandic glaciers
- Observational Covariance Estimation Based on VCE and Its Implementation on GRACE Processing
- On the Potential of Efficient Earthquake Inversion from InSAR data using the Weakly-enforced Slip Method
- On the cause of enhanced landward motion of the overriding plate after a major subduction earthquake
- Predicting the Timing of Global Change
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- Searching for Order in the Jungle: Probabilistic Assessment of the Causes of Active Deformation in the East Central Mediterranean Using Spherical Finite Element Models
- Sensitivity of Subsidence Data in the Northeastern Netherlands to Geological Complexities
- Small investment at a local scale in Argentina leading to national and international cooperation projects
- Speaking Simply About Complex Coral Reef Hydrodynamics
- Swarm in-situ neutral horizontal winds based on Swarm plasma and neutral density measurements
- The Atmosphere and Rings of Uranus at 25 mas Resolution with ALMA
- The Ozone Monitoring Instrument: Overview and Future Perspective Supporting Continued Exploitation
- Thermosphere-ionosphere conditions during the moderate geomagnetic storm of 3-4 February 2022 that led to the loss of 40 Starlink satellites
- Tidal Amplification and Enhanced Intrusion in Response to Land Reclamation
- Towards Estimating Postseismic Parameters and Processes Using Ensemble Data Assimilation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. R. Niemeijer
- A. Rius
- A.J.F. Hoitink
- A.J.F. van der Spek
- Adele Young
- Adrián Flores-Orozco
- Ahmad Shakeel
- Alex Gardner
- Alexander L. Handwerger
- Alexandra Urgilez Vinueza
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Aleš Bezděk
- Amir AghaKouchak
- Andrea Castelletti
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Anna Possner
- Annisa Triyanti
- Astrid Blom
- B. Vermeulen
- Bert Wouters
- Bette L. Otto‐Bliesner
- Björn Birnir
- Boris Maletckii
- Brian McDonald
- Brice Noël
- Byron D Tapley
- C. K. Shum
- C. R. Esposito
- C. W. Fairall
- C. Ylla Arbós
- Caroline A. Katsman
- Celine P. Marsman
- Cenlin He
- Chelle Gentemann
- Chinchu Mohan
- Chris Moeckel
- Clara Orbe
- Clinton P. Conrad
- Cornelis Weemstra
- Deyan Draganov
- Dmitry A. Duev
- Dongxiao Zhang
- E. Harald van Brummelen
- Edward Molter
- Ehsan Forootan
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Elmer Ruigrok
- Elvira Astafyeva
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Eric Kendrick
- Eric Villard
- Eugenio Realini
- F. Nimmo
- Fabien Maussion
- Fabrizio Fenicia
- Facundo Sapienza
- Farrukh Chishtie
- Fernando Jaramillo
- Frances Dunn
- Franziska Glassmeier
- Franziska Hoffmann
- Gabriel Chiodo
- Geet George
- Geir Moholdt
- Graham Feingold
- Guifre Molera Calvés
- H. M. Worden
- H. Svedhem
- Hadi Hajibeygi
- Hannes Müller Schmied
- Heidi Villadsen
- Hermjan Barneveld
- Himanshu Save
- Hongkai Gao
- Imke de Pater
- Inger Bij de Vaate
- Isabel L. McCoy
- J. A. de Gouw
- J. Helbert
- J. P. Veefkind
- J. Tamminen
- Jaap H. Nienhuis
- James Keeble
- Jan Adamowski
- Jan Friesen
- Jana Cox
- Jasper R. F. W. Leuven
- Jelle Assink
- Jessica Danker
- Joana Fernandes
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- Joeri Brackenhoff
- Johannes Karstensen
- John K. Hillier
- John Naliboff
- John S. Selker
- Joseph H. A. Guillaume
- Julie D. Pietrzak
- Justin Erwin
- Karin van der Wiel
- Kurt D. Retherford
- L. I. Gurvits
- L. K. Emmons
- La Ode Marzujriban Masfara
- Leigh N. Fletcher
- Leila Hashemi
- Leo van Kampenhout
- Linda Bogerd
- Lucas Henneman
- M. Codrescu
- M. Fedrizzi
- M. W. Herman
- M. van Koningsveld
- Marc F. P. Bierkens
- Marcus Löfverström
- Mario D’Acquisto
- Marius Wouters
- Mark Bakker
- Markus Hrachowitz
- Martyn P. Clark
- Mehdi Hosseini
- Melissa Haeffner
- Meng Li
- Meng Ling
- Michael G. Bevis
- Michael T. Roman
- Michel Van Roozendaël
- Mick van der Wegen
- Miguel Laverde-Barajas
- Miina Porkka
- Miren Vizcaíno
- Mohamadou Diallo
- Mohammad Kifayath Chowdhury
- Musab Al Hasani
- N. M. Pedatella
- Naota Hanasaki
- Nicholas Cohn
- Nick van de Giesen
- Nickolay A. Krotkov
- Nicolai Nijholt
- Niels Drost
- Niko Wanders
- Nils Müller
- Noël Gourmelen
- Ole Andersen
- Olivier F. C. den Ouden
- P. J. Tackley
- Paquita Zuidema
- Pasquale Marino
- Paul Spence
- Pauline Rivoire
- Peer Nowack
- Peter Kalverla
- Petra Döll
- Pieter Smets
- Pippa L. Whitehouse
- Prabhakaran Ramya Bala
- R. Uijlenhoet
- Rajesh Kumar
- Ralph Mathias Johannes Schielen
- Rebekka Steffen
- Redouane Lguensat
- Regine Hock
- Reinier Schrijvershof
- Riccardo Riva
- Richard F. Katz
- Rob Govers
- Robert R. Downs
- Roberto Greco
- Rolf Hut
- Ruben Imhoff
- S. E. Smrekar
- S. Martínez‐Alonso
- Sabrina Speich
- Saket Pande
- Saman A. Aryana
- Sarah Bradley
- Sean Bruinsma
- Shervan Gharari
- Shohei Minato
- Sierd de Vries
- Simon N. Gosling
- Sofie te Wierik
- Stefanie Ypma
- Stefano Bertone
- Stefano Vignudelli
- Stephan R. de Roode
- Stuart Pearson
- Sébastien Lebonnois
- Taco Broerse
- Taras Gerya
- Thom Bogaard
- Tim van Emmerik
- Timothy Kodikara
- Tirthankar Roy
- Tomoko Matsuo
- Tzu‐Wei Fang
- Vili Virkki
- Wenfu Tang
- William Lipscomb
- Wolfgang Wagner
- Wouter van der Wal
- Yadav Ankit
- Yang Liao
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yuhang Wang