Southern Methodist University, Texas
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Design and Evaluation of an Inexpensive Infrasound Microphone
- Folding in a Cooling Crust with Elasto-visco-plastic Rheology: An Example from Venus
- Implications of Forearc Thermal Structure for Arc-Volcanism and Seismicity: Examples from Southern Mexico and Northern Costa Rica
- Near-source and Regional Experiments to Quantify Coupling and Propagation Effects of Seismic and Infrasound Signals from Mining Explosions
- Preliminary Relocations on Kilauea's Southwest Rift Zone and Western South Flank
- Upper Crustal Shear Structure of NE Wyoming Inverted by Regional Surface Waves From Mining Explosions-Comparison of Niching Genetic Algorithms and Least-Squares Inversion
- Infrasound Sensors on a Budget - A simplified design
- Local Site Effects at the Nevada Seismic Array (NVAR)
- Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of pedogenic phyllosilicates and iron oxyhydroxides: Development of modern surface domain arrays and implications for paleotemperature reconstructions
- Using Environmental Isotopes, Geochemistry, and Aquifer Temperature to Address Flow Regimes Within the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.
- A Comparative Study of Intermediate-Period Surface Waves From Kiloton-Size Mining Explosions in Northeast China and Western United States
- Analysis of In Mine Acoustic Recordings for Single Fired Explosions
- Avalanche-Generated Infrasound Signals
- Charting a Course for the Infrasound Renaissance
- Development of a Suite of Seismic Discriminants for Characterizing Mining Explosions in Southeastern Arizona
- Infrasound Noise Reduction using Inexpensive Microphones
- Infrasound Signals from the Space Shuttle Columbia
- Report to the Department of Defense on Infrasonic Re-entry Signals From the Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) (Revision 3.0)
- Seismo-Acoustic Observations near explosion sources in a Copper Mine
- Analysis of Regional Seismic Waveforms From Mining Explosions in the United States and Russia
- Interpretation of Heat Flow and Seismic Data from Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park
- Intra-storm Variation in Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Precipitation from Dallas, TX: 2001-2003
- Holes In The Hole-in-the-plate Model: The Late Cenozoic Thermal Regime Of Coastal California
- Moment Tensor Inversions of Single-Fired Mining Explosions at a Copper Mine in Arizona
- Oxygen Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Syntectonic Veins: Significance for Fluid-Rock Interaction in Convergent Margins
- Heat Flow in the Archean Cratons: New facts and Insights into Lithospheric Thickness and Distribution of Radioactive Elements.
- Oxygen Isotope Constraints on the Significance of Greenstone Belts for Archean Tectonics
- Scanning Apollo Flight Films and Reconstructing CSM Trajectories
- Thermal implications of the cessation of subduction in the Sierra Nevada and Baja- California arcs
- Birch's Crustal Heat Production-Heat Flow Law: Key to Quantifying Mantle Heat Flow as a function of time
- Correlation of shear deformation and heat flow along the Coast and Insular belts of Western British Columbia, Canada
- Crustal Structure and Tectono-Magmatic Processes of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain System From Gravity-Density Measurements and Strength Models Employing Seismic Constraints
- Secular Evolution of Mantle Heat Flow in Precambrian Terrains
- A Tale of Two Countries, Three Discriminants, and Many Mining Explosions
- A Tribute to Hank Bass: The Past, Present, and Future of US Infrasound Research
- Dispersed Infrasound Signals in the "Zone of Silence"
- Infrasound Observations at USArray Sites - A Preliminary Investigation of the Utility of Seismo-Acoustic Observations on a Regional Scale
- Observations of Infrasound-to-Seismic Coupling at Earthscope Stations Using Co Located Infrasound Microphones
- Ramps, Relays, and Rotation: Interbasin Accommodation Structures in the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Analysis of Recent Earthquakes in the Ft. Worth Basin near Dallas, Texas
- Concentration And δ13C Values Of Occluded CO2 In Coexisting Gibbsite And Goethite Of A Cenomanian Paleosol
- Experimental Characterization of Seasonal Variations of Infrasonic Travel Times on the Korean Peninsula
- On the Interaction of a Vigorous Hydrothermal System with an Active Magma Chamber: The Puna Magma Chamber, Kilauea East Rift, Hawaii
- Size Effect of the 2-D Bodies on the Geothermal Gradient and Q-A Plot
- A Network of Infrasonic Arrays in Utah
- Abrupt Climate Change & Paleoindian Environments in western Colorado from 17-9 ka yr BP
- Development of Exploration Methods for Engineered Geothermal Systems
- Experimental Determination of the Effects of Dissolved CO2 in Alkaline Dissolution rates of Enstatite at Earth Surface Conditions
- Latitudinal Variation in δ13C derived from Terrestrial Plants during the Cretaceous
- New Techniques for Heat Flow Calculations and Mapping Temperature-At
- Source process of the 1999 Xiuyan earthquake of MS5.4 as revealed by relocation of earthquake sequence
- Tectonic Drift, Climate, and Paleoenvironment of Angola Since the Cretaceous
- Thermal Stabilization Temperature of the Archean Cratons
- Travel Time and Signal Characteristics of Infrasonic Arrivals at Regional Distances
- A Volcano Monitoring Seismo-Acoustic Network in the CNMI
- Advancing Explosion Source Theory through Experimentation: Results from Seismic Experiments Since the Moratorium on Nuclear Testing
- Direct observations on the interaction between lower- and upper-crustal magmatic systems in a virtually complete section through 25 km of pre-Apline crust in the Sesia Valley, northwest Italy
- Dissolution Mechanism of Wollastonite in Alkaline Solutions in Relation to Other Ca- and Mg-Bearing Pyroxenes
- Egs Exploration Methodology Development Using the Dixie Valley Geothermal Wellfield as a Calibration Site, a Progress Report
- Empirical Relationships from Regional Infrasound Signals
- Geochronology and Regional Correlation of Continental Permo-Triassic Sediments in West Texas
- Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE Program of a Newly Proposed, Low Temperature-EGS Prospect in the Central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Modeling the generation of infrasound from earthquakes
- National Geothermal Data System
- Automatic Infrasound Detection and Location of Sources in the western US
- Consolidation state of marine sediments west of Martinique, Lesser Antilles volcanic arc: preliminary geotechnical analyses from IODP Expedition 340
- Cyclostratigraphy of Uppermost Carboniferous-to-Lower Triassic Terrestrial Deposits in Bogda Mountains, NW China - A Potential Astrostratigraphic Proxy Section
- Geophysical analysis of the upper crustal magma system at the Geysers/Clear Lake area, California, using heat flow, gravity and earthquake hypocenter data
- Heat flow in the Lesser Antilles island arc and adjacent back arc Grenada basin
- In-situ physical properties of submarine slides along the Lesser Antilles Arc derived from rock physics models
- Integrating USArray and Cooperative New Madrid Seismic Network Data to Establish Central US Catalog Location and Magnitude Sensitivities
- Key geophysical indicators of seismic vulnerability in Kingston, Jamaica
- Low latitude (12°N) climate signatures preserved in the stable isotope composition of soil phyllosilicate and calcite, northwestern Ethiopia, Africa
- Migration of a Caldera Eruptive Center, Newberry Volcano, Oregon
- Recent changes to the Gulf Stream causing widespread gas hydrate destabilization
- Subducting slab structure and seismicity in the region of the 2010 M8.8 Maule earthquake: results from multi-scale P-wave tomography and relocation
- The role of ocean circulation on methane hydrate stability and margin evolution
- Thermomechanical Characteristics of the YNP/SRP Region
- Trace Element Geochemistry of the Dolomite Member of the Neoproterozoic Ibex Formation, Death Valley National Park, CA
- Urban Infrasound Observations - Examples from July 4th 2012
- Variability of High Resolution Vp/Vs and Seismic Velocity Structure Along the Nicaragua/Costa Rica Segment of the Middle America Subduction Zone
- Alaskan Beaufort Sea Heat Flow and Ocean Temperature Analysis: Implications for Stability of Climate-Sensitive Continental Slope Gas Hydrates
- Dynamic triggering potential of large earthquakes recorded by the EarthScope U.S. Transportable Array using a frequency domain detection method
- Evolution of bimodal volcanism in Gona, Ethiopia: geochemical associations and geodynamic implications for the East African Rift System
- Holocene Activity of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault in Lake Enriquillo Derived from Seismic Stratigraphy
- Infrasound Observations of the Massive Landslide at Bingham Canyon Copper Mine
- Infrasound Propagation Modeling for Explosive Yield Estimation
- Lake Enriquillo Water Level History and Implications for future flooding in the Southwestern Dominican Republic
- Refining Fault Structure and Seismic Behavior along the Kuril Islands, Russia, using Teleseismic Double-Difference Relocation
- Relative Seismic Source Scaling of North Korean Nuclear Explosions Utilizing Regional Data
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Western Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- The Complementary Nature of Seismic and Infrasound Technologies in Regional Monitoring (Invited)
- The ENAM Explosive Seismic Source Test
- The temperature of the western United States lithosphere and areas of likely mantle compositional variations
- Velocity and Attenuation Heterogeneity Along the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Seismogenic Zone
- Zircon oxygen isotopes reveal Ivrea-Verbano Zone source characteristics of the Sesia Valley Caldera
- Characterizing North Texas Seismicity with a High Density Network of Exploration Seismic Reflection Recorders
- ENAM: A community seismic experiment targeting rifting processes and post-rift evolution of the Mid Atlantic US margin
- Estuary Tides Using Satellite Altimetry And SAR/InSAR Data
- Ground Deformation Mapping of Houston-Galveston, Texas Using InSAR Time-Series Analysis
- Half a Century of Oman Ophiolite Studies: SSZ or MOR, the Arc Disposal Problem
- Investigating the long-term geodetic response to magmatic intrusions at volcanoes in northern California
- Near- Source, Seismo-Acoustic Signals Accompanying a NASCAR Race at the Texas Motor Speedway
- Noise Analysis of the Northern Mississippi Embayment
- Numerical Errors in Coupling Micro- and Macrophysics in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Observation and Modeling of Infrasound Signals Generated By Rocket Motor Tests and Rocket Motor Demolitions in the Western US
- Onset of uplift and environmental change in East Africa: paleoaltimetry constraints from a 17 Ma beaked whale fossil from northern Kenya
- Post-2008 Inflation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from InSAR
- Pre-2014 mudslides at Oso revealed by InSAR and multi-source DEM analysis
- Quaternary Deformation Across the Proterozoic Alabama-Oklahoma Transform Imaged By High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Data
- Seismic Source Characterization of Small-Scale Contained Explosions Utilizing Near-Source Empirical Data
- Slope instability and post-emplacement lava flow deformation revealed using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
- Stow or Blow: The Perspective from Global Satellite Observations of Deformation.
- Understanding North Texas Seismicity: A Joint Analysis of Seismic Data and 3D Pore Pressure Modeling
- Using InSAR for Characterizing Pyroclastic Flow Deposits at Augustine Volcano Across Two Eruptive Cycles
- Waveform Cross-Correlation for Improved North Texas Earthquake Locations
- Assessment of the Appalachian Basin Geothermal Field: Combining Risk Factors to Inform Development of Low Temperature Projects
- Characterization of the 2015 Dallas-Irving Earthquake Sequence
- Characterization of the 2015 M4.0 Venus, Texas, Earthquake Sequence Using Locally Recorded Seismic Data
- Characterizing hydrologic changes of Great Dismal Swamp using SAR/InSAR technology
- Comparison Study between North Texas Earthquake Sequences from 2008-2015
- Composition, Geometry and Emplacement Dynamics of a Large Volcanic Island Landslide Offshore Martinique, Lesser Antilles: New Insights from IODP Expedition 340
- Coulomb Stress Change and Seismic Hazard of Rift Zones in Southern Tibet after the 2015 Mw7.8 Nepal Earthquake and Its Mw7.3 Aftershock
- Detection of Regional Infrasound Signals Using Array Data - Testing, Tuning, and Physical Interpretation
- Discriminating Between Induced vs. Tectonic Seismicity From Long-Term History of Fault Behavior in Intraplate Regions
- Evaluation of Sensitivity and Robustness of Geothermal Resource Parameters Using Detailed and Approximate Stratigraphy
- InSAR Analysis of the 2011 Hawthorne (Nevada) Earthquake Swarm: Implications of Earthquake Migration and Stress Transfer
- InSAR observations of ground surface deformation and lava flow emplacement at Pacaya volcano, Guatemala
- Longevity of Crystal Cargo vs. Transience of Melts in Magmatic Plumbing Systems
- Mapping Slumgullion Landslide in Colorado, USA Using Airborne Repeat-Pass InSAR
- Marine Heat Flow Measurements of the Northern and Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Oblique Rift Opening and Graben Collapse in the 2014-2015 Bárðarbunga (Central Iceland) Rifting Event
- On the development and testing of a database-centric pipeline for the analysis of a regional infrasound network
- Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal.
- Source model and ground shaking of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Mw7.8 earthquake
- Studies of Aleutian volcanoes based on two decades of SAR imagery
- Study of the Northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Permafrost Active Layer Depth Rate Using Satellite Geodetic Observations
- The relationship between seismicity and wastewater injection in Johnson County, TX
- Assessment of Infrasound Detection Capabilities in the Western US Using a Combination of Infrasound Arrays and Single Seismometers
- Current crustal deformation characteristics and its relationship to ground fissures of Fenwei basin, central China, revealed by GPS observations and modeling
- Earthquake Source Characterization of Induced Earthquakes in the Fort Worth Basin, north Texas
- Effective Collaboration Between Scientists and Local Governments to Improve Scientific Communication for Public Safety in Dallas and Irving, Texas
- Electromagnetically Inferred Structure of the Caja del Rio Plateau, New Mexico
- Ellenburger wastewater injection and seismicity in North Texas
- Episodic inflation of Akutan volcano, Alaska revealed from GPS and InSAR time series
- Evaluation of the Potentials and Challenges of an Airborne InSAR System for Deformation Mapping: A Case Study over the Slumgullion Landslide
- Full Wavefield Recordings of Oklahoma Seismicity from an IRIS-led Community Experiment
- Imaging crustal structure using local earthquake and ambient noise tomography in North Texas
- Implicit-Explicit Time Integration Methods for Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Models
- Improving Infrasound Signal Detection and Event Location in the Western US Using Atmospheric Modeling
- Investigating the Relationship Between Waveform Correlation and Seismic Source Mechanisms
- Kinematic inversion of postseismic deformation following the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake for the distribution of brittle and ductile crustal processes.
- Long-term evolution of Wink sinkholes in West Texas observed by high-resolution satellite imagery
- Multi-Phenomenological Analysis of the 12 August 2015 Tianjin, China Chemical Explosion
- Preliminary Analysis of the Oklahoma Wavefields Demonstration Dataset
- Relationship Between Magmatism and Extension Along the Eastern North American Margin (ENAM) From Onshore-Offshore Active Source ENAM Community Seismic Experiment Refraction Data
- Resolving Seismic Locations and Ground Deformation from Coseismic and Large Aftershock InSAR Images of the 2016 Pedernales Ecuador Earthquake Sequence
- Retrieval of interseismic displacement from multi-temporal InSAR measurements: challenges and solutions
- Seismic Yield Estimates of UTTR Surface Explosions
- Seismic and Infrasound Characteristics of North Korean Nuclear Explosions Utilizing Regional Data
- Site Assessment of a New State-Wide Seismic Network in Texas (TexNet)
- Study of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Permafrost Active Layer Thickening Rate Using ALOS-1/-2 Interferometric SAR Data
- Surface Deformation and Source Model at Semisopochnoi Volcano from InSAR and Seismic Analysis During the 2014 and 2015 Seismic Swarms
- Systematic assessment of atmospheric uncertainties for InSAR data at volcanic arcs using large-scale atmospheric models: Application to the Cascade volcanoes, United States
- Tectonic history in the Fort Worth Basin, north Texas, derived from well-log integration with multiple 3D seismic reflection surveys: implications for paleo and present-day seismicity in the basin
- The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Sequence, A Series of Cross-fault and In-fault Triggering Events
- UAVSAR derived 3-D surface deformation from repeat-pass interferometry and pixel tracking at the Slumgullion Landslide
- A Temporal Decorrelation Model for L-Band Data
- A model for thermal rejuvenation and eruption of a granitic magma chamber, Valle Mosso pluton, Sesia Magmatic System (Southern Alps, Italy)
- Ambient Noise Tomography Applied to Nodal Data Sets in Induced Seismicity Regions
- An agent-based modelling framework to explore the role of social media and stubborn people on evacuation rates during flooding events
- Brown Dog: A Data Transformation Ecosystem for Research - Advancing from Beta to 1.0
- Characterize the hydrogeological properties and probe the stress field in Salt Lake Valley, Utah using SAR imagery
- Crowd Sourcing to Improve Urban Stormwater Management
- Data Quality Control Tools Applied to Seismo-Acoustic Arrays in Korea
- Deformation at Longyao Ground Fissure and its Surroundings Revealed by ALOS PALSAR PS-InSAR, North China Plain
- Digital Elevation Models of Patterned Ground in the Canadian Arctic and Implications for the Study of Mars
- Flood Water Segmentation from Crowdsourced Images
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift Area, New Mexico
- High-resolution earthquake relocation in the Fort Worth and Permian Basins using regional seismic stations
- Imaging fault structure using cross-correlation and relative earthquake location from the IRIS Wavefields community dataset in Oklahoma
- In-situ measurement of sulfur isotopic ratios in zoned apatite crystals via SIMS: a new tool for interpreting dynamic sulfur behavior in magmas
- InSAR Surface Deformation and Source Modelling at Semisopochnoi Island During the 2014 and 2015 Seismic Swarms with Constraints from Geochemical and Seismic Analysis
- Latest Rate, Extent, and Temporal Evolution of Growth Faulting over Greater Houston Region Revealed by Multi- Band InSAR Time-Series Analysis
- Linking Incoming Plate Faulting and Intermediate Depth Seismicity
- Localized geohazards in West Texas, captured by multi-temporal Sentinel-1A/B interferometry
- Modeling long-runout submarine landslides
- Non-traditional Infrasound Deployment
- One Basin, One Stress Regime, One Orientation of Seismogenic Basement Faults, Variable Spatio-Temporal Slip Histories: Lessons from Fort Worth Basin Induced Earthquake Sequences
- Recent Seismicity in Texas and Research Design and Progress of the TexNet-CISR Collaboration
- Seasonal deformation and active landslide thickness revealed by spaceborne InSAR observations: a case study of Crescent lake landslide, WA
- Seismic Source Scaling and Characteristics of Six North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Stress Drop Estimates from Induced Seismic Events in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas
- Stress Orientations in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas, Determined from Earthquake Focal Mechanisms
- The ins and outs of mélange diapirs: a multidisciplinary approach to formation, ascent, and observation
- Transitioning from Faculty-Led Lecture to Student-Centered Field Learning Facilitated by Near-Peer Mentors: Preliminary Findings from the GeoFORCE/ STEMFORCE Program.
- Yield Scaling of Frequency Domain Moment Tensors from Contained Chemical Explosions Detonated in Granite
- A 3-Tier Seismic network for Controlling Hazards and Industrial Applications in Finland.
- A Decade of Seismicity in the Shallow Subduction Zone of Nicaragua-Costa Rica
- Along-strike Refraction Tomography Results from the ENAM Community Seismic Experiment within the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly
- Basal Geometry and Retardation Time of Seasonally Rainfall-triggered Landslide Revealed by InSAR Time Series
- Characterization of slow-moving, deep-seated landslides using geodetic InSAR observations
- Complete Lithospheric Rupture Extent in the Wharton Basin Revealed from Teleseismic Double-Difference Relocations of the 2012 Aftershock Sequence
- Dead Sea Fault area microearthquake observations from 4 borehole stations
- Design and Implementation of a Traffic Light System for Geothermal Stimulation in Finland
- Engaging high school students from underrepresented minorities in the geosciences through graduate student-led, challenge-based learning
- Evaluation of Implicit-Explicit, Additive Runge-Kutta Method Efficiency in HOMME-NH
- Exploring eruption mechanisms at Okmok Volcano using physics-based modeling to define evolution of the local stress regime
- Heifangtai Loess Landslide Failure Modes Analysis With Ascending And Descending Spot-mode TerraSAR-X Datasets
- High Resolution Seismogenic Fault Imaging using Double Difference Relocation in Azle-Reno, TX
- How the ground deformation in the Wink sinkholes, Texas, has evolved?: Perspective from multi-temporal InSAR monitoring and anthropogenic activities
- InSAR measurement and modeling of ground deformation caused by salt water injection in West Texas
- Infrasound Signals from the 2017 North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosion and the Subsequent Collapse Event
- Maoxian Landslide Pre-Slide Deformation Accurately Retrieved by Insar Technology
- Mapping and characterizing land deformation over the Texas Gulf Coast using multi-temporal InSAR processing
- Multitemporal Loess Landslide Inventory Mapping with C-,X- and L-band SAR Datasets- A Case Study of Heifangtai Loess Landslide in China
- New Heat Flow Measurements on the U.S. Beaufort Margin: Implications for Fluid Flow and Methane Hydrate Stability in the Western Arctic.
- New borehole seismic instruments, installations, and data from 3 different geologic settings
- Onset Time of Possibly-Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin, West Texas
- Oxygen Isotopic Record of Silicic Magma Genesis in Iceland through Time: Evidence Suggests Abrupt Late Pleistocene Onset of Glacial Climate Influence
- Reconciling Sinuosity Changes in Ancient Mississippi River Meanders in the Context of Late-Pleistocene and Holocene Active Faults
- Relative Seismic Source Scaling of P<SUB>n</SUB> Phases from Six North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Repeating Aftershocks Following the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan Earthquake
- Six kilometers to heat: drilling, characterizing and stimulating the OTN-III EGS well in Finland
- Soil Moisture Influence on Multi-looking phase and Phase Triplet
- Spatio-temporal Characterization of the Reno-Azle Earthquakes, 2013 to present, Derived via Template Matching
- Sulfur Systematics Record the Volatile-Rich, Oxidized, and Recycled Nature of the Canary Island Mantle Source
- The August 3, 2014 MW 6.1 Ludian Earthquake: Application of GPS and RADARSAT-2 SAR Interferometry on a Complex Conjugated Ruptured Event in the Northwestern Yunnan Rift Zone, SW China
- Thermophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Data
- Tracking reservoir stability through multi-data stream statistical data assimilation: Application to the 2008 eruption of Okmok, AK
- Using isotopes to reconstruct ancient climates during the Middle Stone Age in the lowlands of Northwestern Ethiopia
- 3D Seismic images of double BSRs at the northern Hikurangi margin and the implications for subduction processes
- Analysis of the Same Data Set Using Different Approaches to Characterize Seismicity in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.
- Assessing the impact of a challenge-based, Collectivist approach to learning on minority student engagement in the Geosciences
- Combining an Underground Explosive Source Model with the Rayleigh Integral to Predict Acoustic Signals from the Source Physics Experiment
- Combining infrasound and seismic data for joint location: application to ground-truth events
- Constraints on glacial isostatic adjustment in the Southern Patagonia Icefield from high-resolution seismic reflection imaging of glacial lacustrine deposits in the Lago Argentino, Argentina
- Dead Sea Fault microearthquake observations using 40 s-to-400 Hz Fullband sensors in two, 500 m deep, slim-borehole stations near Sea of Galilee
- Ductile thrust splays off a pull apart - new earthquake data from Lake Kinneret
- Evaluation of Implicit-Explicit, Additive Runge-Kutta Method Efficiency in HOMME-NH
- Finite element, multiphysics eruption model: Okmok 2008 eruption characterized from InSAR, GPS, seismic, and petrologic constraints
- Green Infrastructure Cost/Benefit Assessment at Multiple Spatial Scales Across Urban Environments
- Ground Deformation of Wuhan, China, revealed by Multi-temporal InSAR
- High-Resolution Marine Seismic Study on Syn- and Post-Glacial Deposits in Lago Argentino (Patagonia, Argentina)
- Incorporating Rainfall Infiltration and Pore-Pressure Diffusion Models for Simulating Landslide Initiation and Runout
- Inflation of Okmok volcano during 2015 to 2018 from PS analyses
- Landslide analysis in Eldorado National Forest based on InSAR
- Late Changhsingian Variation in Climate Proxies of the Daptocephalus Assemblage Zone, Karoo Basin, South Africa
- Lessons from Fort Worth Basin Induced Earthquake Sequences
- Leveraging crowdsourced traffic data to detect the risk of urban pluvial flash flooding along streets
- Mapping the geohazards in the Permian Basin using the spaceborne InSAR
- Martian Infrasound: Listening from NASA's InSight Lander
- Modeling Injection Induced Stress Changes in the Fort Worth Basin
- Modeling magma system evolution during 2005-2007 volcanic unrest of Atka volcanic center, Alaska
- Modeling the Effect of Soil Moisture Changes on InSAR phase and SAR intensity
- New Portable Geothermal Gradient Probes for Rapid Heat Flow Measurement
- New Submarine Heat Flow Measurements on the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc
- Optical seismometer for the Lunar Geophysical Network
- Poroelastic finite element modeling of injection-induced ground deformation observed by InSAR in West Texas
- Refining Infrasonic Detection Algorithms using Ground Truth Events
- Removal of Mixed Heavy Metals Cd<SUP>2+</SUP>, Pb<SUP>2+</SUP>, and Zn<SUP>2+</SUP> from Aqueous Solutions by Dairy Manure- and Douglas Fir- Derived Biochar
- Seismogenic Zone Characteristics Along the Nicaragua/Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Spectral Characteristics of Ground Motion from Induced Earthquakes in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas Using the Generalized Inversion Technique
- Study of Hooskanandan landslide by integrating InSAR and offset tracking measurements
- The latest rate, extent, and temporal evolution of ground deformation over the Gulf Coast of United States by InSAR
- Tracking Sulfur Behavior in the 1257 CE Samalas Magma Reservoir (Indonesia) Using Apatite
- 10-year global evaluation of tropospheric noise corrections derived from routinely leveraged weather models
- A Regional 3D Velocity Model and Template-based Earthquake Catalog for the Fort Worth Basin, Texas
- A decade of land displacement evolution over the Gulf Coast of United States using multiple InSAR data sets
- An Overview of Little Ice Age and Holocene Glacial Isostasy of the Patagonian Icefields
- Assessing the Temporal Coherency of the Stratosphere Using Infrasound Signals from Repeating Explosions
- Assessment of infrasound location capabilities using ground truth infrasonic events from the Utah Test and Training Range, Utah, USA
- Comparison of Infrasound Wind Filter Designs
- Crowd Sourcing Design Preferences from Social Media using Natural Language Processing: Insights on Green Infrastructure Design
- Discontinuous High Velocity Lower Crust and Early Margin Segmentation along the Eastern North American Margin's Rift to Drift Transition
- Early Miocene evolution of C4 vegetation and open ecosystems across equatorial East Africa
- Experimental Models of Extraterrestrial Minerals: Propionitrile Ice
- GUANACO Afloat: Large-lake Kullenberg Sediment Coring Informing the Dynamics of the Southern Patagonia Ice Sheet
- InSAR observation and poroelastic finite element modeling of injection-induced ground deformation in West Texas
- Inflation of Okmok volcano during 2008 to 2020 from PS analyses and source inversion with finite element models
- Landslide Monitoring and Deformation Interpretation base on InSAR and Geological Analysis
- Long-range atmospheric infrasound propagation from subsurface sources
- Micro Fabricated Optical Seismometer "FROSTY"
- Movement monitoring and runout simulations of the Gold Basin landslide complex using LiDAR, SAR, and numerical models
- Multirate Time Integration Methods for Atmospheric Microphysics
- Nine Months of Seismic Network Records of Munition Disposal Reveal Multi-Scale Atmospheric Variability Controls on Near-Ground Explosion Monitoring Capabilities
- Polar Science with the Lunar Compact Infrared Imaging System
- Predicting roadway flood susceptibility using crowdsourced traffic data
- Projecto PaleoAngola: Geoheritage and Conservation Paleobiology as Science for Development in Angola
- Seismic structure and the extent of the slab window beneath the Northern and Southern Patagonia Icefields
- Shear Wave Splitting and Pore Fluid Pressure in Northern Oklahoma Using the Community Wavefields Experiment Array
- Solid Earth response of the Patagonian Andes to post-Little Ice Age glacial retreat: a multi-pronged approach
- Sources and Spatiotemporal Patterns of Anthropogenic Infrasound in Urban Areas
- Stress Drop Changes with Distance from Disposal Wells in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas
- The Permian/Triassic Boundary in West-Texas (USA): What the Terrestrial World Was Like in Western Equatorial Pangea
- Timescale-Dependent Glacially-Derived Sediment Yields and Erosion Rates in Lago Argentino (Patagonia, Argentina)
- Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismological Insight into the Seismogenic Zone: A View from Nicoya, Costa Rica
- A Framework for Automated Detection of Ground-Motion Signals on Seismic and Infrasound Arrays using Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Sensor Fusion
- An Expanded Template-based Earthquake Catalog and Coupled Geomechanical Model for the Fort Worth Basin, Texas
- Atmospheric Model Inversion using Infrasound Signals from the North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosion and the Subsequent Collapse Event in 2017
- Deformation mapping and source modeling of the Makushin volcano during 2011 to 2021
- Enabling Cloud-based InSAR Science
- Heat Flow Measurements Planned for Upcoming Robotic Lunar-landing Missions
- Initial Results from Campaign and Continuous Heat Flow Measurements in Mono Lake, California
- Irrigation-induced landslides in a Washington desert: kinematics regulated by slip-surface geometry
- Kinematic Rupture Model of the 2021 M6.0 Antelope Valley Earthquake from Joint Inversion of Seismic, GNSS and Sentinel-1 InSAR Data
- Late Holocene relative sea-level changes in the tropical western Pacific Ocean: implications for geophysics and archaeology
- Mapping cascading hazards in Glacier Bay using PSInSAR approach
- Monitoring Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards by Exploiting SAR Data at ASF
- Multi-fault rupture during the 2020 Mw6.5 Stanley, Idaho earthquake
- Predicting Roadway Flood Severity Based on Waze Traffic Alerts Using Machine Learning
- Quantifying the Influence of Short Timescale Atmospheric Dynamics on Infrasound Propagation
- Seismic Stratigraphy of Neoglacial Ice Fluctuations in Lago Argentino (Patagonia, Argentina)
- Seismic and Thermal Detection of Internal Waves, Seiches, and Methane Release in Mono Lake, California
- Slow-moving landslides over the U.S. West Coast: InSAR-derived inventory and geologic controls
- Thermal erosion of the lithosphere in the Patagonian slab window and implications for glacial isostatic adjustment
- Time Series Clustering Using Granger Causality to Identify Time Series Applicable for Forecasting Internal Waves in Lake and Marine Environments
- Titan Cryomineralogy: What Discoveries in the Laboratory Can Tell Us About Titans Surface
- Using neural networks to detect and locate aftershocks for the 2020 Stanley, Idaho earthquake
- We are scientists
- A DEM-based river tracing algorithm for levee identification
- A Deep Learning Approach for Induced Seismicity in Azle-Reno, North Texas
- A typical global lake ice phenology dataset from remote sensing
- ALOS-2 Observations Across Spatial Scales in Central and Northern California
- Calibrated locations for induced earthquakes in the Delaware Basin, Texas, spanning 2009-2017
- Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Cd(II) and Pb(II) in Saturated Soil: Laboratory Batch Kinetics, Column Experiments and Numerical Simulation
- Data Quality Control Tools Used to Monitor Seismoacoustic Research Arrays in South Korea
- Detecting Complex Functional Lake-to-Channel Connectivity in the Mackenzie Delta
- Detecting and locating aftershocks for the 2020 MW 6.5 Stanley, Idaho earthquake using convolutional neural networks
- EcoPro: Ecological Projection Analytic Collaborative Framework
- Exploring Machine Learning-Based Detectors and Associators for Induced Earthquakes and Complex Network Geometries in the Oil and Gas Fields of Texas and Oklahoma
- Ice to Meet You: Machine Learning Classification of Ice Blocks in Europa's Chaos Regions
- Investigating sustained and episodic volcanic deformation of Seguam Island, Alaska, using data assimilation and finite element modelling
- Investigations of open magma system behavior at Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska
- Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations of Europa's Ice Shell
- Late Holocene Fluctuations of Upsala Glacier, Southern Patagonia
- Lessons Learned from Seismoacoustic Observation of DPRK Nuclear Explosions
- Modeling Ejecta Blanketing Around the NASA/VIPER Investigation Site Near the Lunar South Pole: Implication of Material Transport and Burial of Water Ice
- Natural gas fugitive leak detection and quantification using a continuous methane emission monitoring system and a simplified model
- New Topography, Illumination, and Thermal Models of Mercury's South Pole from MESSENGER MDIS-NAC
- OPERA Coregistered Single Look Complex products from Sentinel-1 data
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- Piecing Together the Chaos Puzzle: Preliminary Results and Implications of Europan Block Identification Using Machine Learning
- Quantifying and analyzing injection-induced ground deformation in West Texas using InSAR and hydro-geomechanical modeling
- Revealing the Depth and Sub-surface Structure of Ganymede's Ice Shell from Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Sediment Entrainment by Shallow Mass Flows Over Sloped Topography
- Shallow Heat and Fluid Flow around Lava Domes and Faults in Mono Lake, California
- Submarine Record of Disastrous Earthquakes at a Strain Partitioned Transpressional Boundary: NSF RAPID Response of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault, Jamaica Passage
- Synergizing P/L/C-band SAR to monitor landslides along the U.S. west coast
- Tracking dynamic wetland vegetation communities after a flood event with airborne AVIRIS-NG, UAVSAR, UAV LiDAR, and PlanetScope data in Peace-Athabasca Delta
- Unraveling Natural Gas Migration Rate and Extent from Leaking Underground Pipelines Under Varying Environmental Conditions
- Using controlled subsurface emission experiments to improve leak detection solutions' protocol: The UPSIDE project
- Utilizing the Near Real-Time Methane Detector Network to Study and Quantify Underground Natural Gas Leakage from the Pipeline
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. N. Deutsch
- Andrew D. Wickert
- B. D. Hamlington
- B. W. Crowell
- Ben Leshchinsky
- Bingxu Luo
- Brett Buzzanga
- C. A. Nixon
- C. J. Gleason
- Chao Wang
- D. J. Stevenson
- Daniel Zimmerle
- Darren M. Gravley
- David Bekaert
- David Butman
- David Lloyd George
- David Lumley
- Douglas A. Wiens
- E. D. Kyzivat
- E. J. Fielding
- E. R. Ivins
- Emi Ito
- Emre Havazlı
- Fenix Garcia‐Tigreros
- H. F. Mark
- Heather R. DeShon
- Hejun Zhu
- Hiroo Kanamori
- Il‐Young Che
- Jelle Assink
- Jhardel Dasent
- Jidong Yang
- Jonathan I. Lunine
- Jonghyun Lee
- Julianne Davis
- K. F. Tiampo
- Kathryn Materna
- Kimberly P. Wickland
- L. C. Smith
- L. E. Bonnefoy
- M. B. Magnani
- M. C. Nolan
- M. R. Head
- Mary-Grace Bato
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Mathieu Choukroun
- Matías Romero
- Merritt E. Harlan
- Michael J. Malaska
- Michael Manga
- Michael S. Steckler
- N. L. Chabot
- R. A. Beyer
- R. Gens
- Richard Kilburn
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert G. Striegl
- Robert Hodyss
- Robert Zinke
- Roland Bürgmann
- S. J. Bolton
- S. M. Levin
- S. Nagihara
- Sang Seom Jeong
- Sean P. S. Gulick
- Shang Gao
- Shaul Hurwitz
- Shaun A. Marcott
- Shuai Zhang
- Sidharth Misra
- Simran Sangha
- T. Pavelsky
- T.K.K. Chamindu Deepagoda
- Theodore Langhorst
- Thorne Lay
- Tuan Vu
- V. J. Bray
- Walid Mansour
- Xiao Yang
- Xinxiang Zhang
- Younki Cho
- Yuankun Xu
- Yuexin Li
- Yunjun Zhang
- Zachary D. Smith
- Zhong Lü