University of Warwick, Department of Physics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Effect of Water on the Structure of Melts and Glasses Along the Join NaAlSi<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB>- NaBSi<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB>
- Alfvén Waves in Multi-ion Coronal Plasma: Observational Implications
- Ion acceleration in quasi-perpendicular PIC simulations of a reforming heliospheric termination shock
- Characterising the Scaling Properties of the Local Rate of Dissipation in Incompressible Isotropic Three-Dimensional MHD Turbulence
- Fluctuations in Total Quantities as a Probe of Complex Behaviour
- Intermittency, Self- Similarity and a stochastic dynamical model for Solar Wind Turbulence
- PIC simulations of reforming perpendicular shocks- implications for ion acceleration at SNRs and the heliospheric termination shock
- Robustness and scaling: Key Observables in the Complex Dynamic Magnetosphere
- Scaling and a Fokker-Planck model for AU and AL- Solar Cycle Dependence.
- Toward a Synthesis of Auroral Index Scaling Measurements
- Compressibility in Solar Wind Plasma Turbulence
- Extended Self Similarity in Solar Wind Turbulence
- Large Scale Numerical Simulations of Compressible Isotropic 2D MHD Turbulence, Phenomenology and Scaling Laws
- Magnetoacoustic Solitons in High-β Plasmas
- Scaling Collapse and Structure Functions: Identifying Self-Affinity in Finite Length Time Series.
- The Scaling Properties of 2D compressible MHD Turbulence: Challenges and Results from High Performence Computing
- A Minimal Self-affine Stable Model for Space Physics Time Series
- A method for extracting the scaling exponents of a self-affine, non-Gaussian process from a finite length timeseries.
- Extracting quantitative measures from finite length nonlinear timeseries- complex systems approaches
- Fractional Levy motion as an Alternative Model for Apparent Multiaffinity in Solar Wind Time Series
- Magnetic Field Line Random Walk in Arbitrarily Stretched Isotropic Turbulence
- Quantifying the intermittency independent scaling exponents in the anisotropic solar wind.
- Scaling in sub- substorm scale fluctuations in epsilon, AU and AL- solar cycle dependence.
- A new Differential Equation for Anomalous Diffusion with Potential Applications to Nonlinear Space Plasmas
- Characterisation of edge turbulence in relation to edge magnetic field configuration in L-mode plasmas in the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak.
- Characterizaton of Materials in Jupiter's Interior with First-Principles Computer Simulations
- Distinguishing non- stationarity from finite interval effects in the intermittent solar wind.
- Generalized Reynolds numbers and points of contact between intermittent turbulence and Self Organized Criticality
- Multi-Spacecraft observations of nonlinear spatial correlation properties of solar wind fluctuations- Mutual Information estimates and solar cycle dependence
- Mutual Information as a Non-linear Measure of Correlation in Multi-point Measurements in the Solar Wind
- Quantifying the scaling properties and the crossover between the inertial and dissipation ranges in solar wind turbulence with CLUSTER magnetic field observations.
- Scaling properties of the solar wind driver and the Akasofu's ɛ parameter at solar maximum.
- The observed scaling properties of fluctuations in the solar wind and in geomagnetic indices: intermittent turbulence and coronal driver.
- The scaling properties of inertial range turbulence and coronal ~ 1/f fluctuations as seen by ULYSSES
- Using Self-affine and Multifractal Testbeds to Calibrate Tests for "SOC" and "IT".
- A Fractional Differential Kinetic Equation and Applications to Modelling Bursts in Turbulent Nonlinear Space Plasmas
- Distinguishing physical from pseudo- non time-stationarity in finite interval observations of the scaling exponents of turbulence.
- Effects of Partial Ionization: From Waves to Reconnection
- Fluctuations in the solar wind that show scaling- MHD turbulence and coronal origin.
- Observing and quantifying the solar wind signature of the magnetically complex corona.
- Quantifying the Anisotropy and Solar Cycle Dependence of the "1/f" Energy Range of Solar Wind Fluctuations Observed by ACE
- Solar Cycle Dependence of Spatial Correlation Lengthscales in the Solar Wind- in situ Turbulence and Coronal Signatures
- The Spatial Correlation Lengthscale of Evolving Nonlinear Fluctuations in the Driven Solar Wind
- ULYSSES at High Solar Latitudes: The Signature of Evolving Turbulence in Quiet Fast Solar Wind
- Use of multi-point analysis and modelling to address cross-scale coupling in space plasmas: lessons from Cluster
- Comparing the character of inertial range magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the solar polar wind over the last two minima
- Generalized similarity and the physics of the outer scales in evolving solar wind magnetohydrodynamic inertial range turbulence as seen by ULYSSES
- Global scale-invariance of small-scale magnetic fluctuations in solar wind turbulence as seen by CLUSTER
- How large a dataset should be in order to estimate scaling exponents and other statistics correctly in studies of solar wind turbulence
- Modelling the Burstiness of Complex Space Plasmas Using Linear Fractional Stable Motion
- Scale-invariance and Anisotropy of small-scale magnetic fluctuations in solar wind turbulence as seen by CLUSTER
- Turbulence and Self- Organized Criticality under finite driving- how they can look the same and how they are different
- Uniting Mandelbrot’s Noah and Joseph Effects in Toy Models of Natural Hazard Time Series
- Universal nature of the outer scales in evolving solar wind magnetohydrodynamic inertial range turbulence as seen by ULYSSES
- Evidence for a single stochastic physical process for fast solar wind magnetic field magnitude fluctuations at 1AU across `turbulent' and `1/f' temporal scales
- Generalized similarity in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence as seen in the solar corona and solar wind
- Macroecological patterns as indicators of when ecosystems are dynamically balanced or are close to rapid change
- Magnetic compressibility and Isotropic Scale-Invariant Dissipation of Solar Wind Turbulence
- Noah, Joseph and Convex Hulls
- Quantifying the spatio-temporal characteristics of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence seen in HINODE/SOT images of solar prominences
- Avalanches, extreme events, and finite size effects
- Ecosystem control parameters and complexity thresholds from dimensional constraints
- Generalized similarity observed in finite range magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the corona and solar wind
- Global scale- free behaviour in compressive fluctuations in the fast solar wind, and pseudo- dynamic alignment
- How big, and how long-lasting, will an extreme burst above threshold be ? Lessons from self-organised criticality
- Non-axisymmetric Anisotropy of magnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind dissipation range
- Non-axisymmetric Anisotropy of the Inertial Range in the Turbulent Solar Wind
- Plasmoids and flow-driven instabilities in the eruptive corona
- Sensitivity of Local Temperature CDFs to Global Climate Change
- Dyanamics of Residual Energy in Strong MHD Turbulence
- Evaluating the sensitivity of local temperature distributions to global climate change
- First identification of intermittent turbulence in fully self-consistent kinetic (PIC) simulations of reconnection
- How do discontinuities affect our understanding of solar wind turbulence?
- How measurement uncertainties impact upon the observed scaling properties of MHD turbulence in the solar wind
- Intermittent dissipation at kinetic scales in collisionless plasma turbulence
- Local anisotropy and power spectra in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Multi-mission conjunction to probe the spatial and temporal aspects of the magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- Relationships between intrinsic and extrinsic macroecological variables from dimensional analysis
- Rheology and Structure of Chlorine, Fluorine and Water-Bearing Na<SUB>2</SUB>O-CaO-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Melts
- Statistical analysis of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection
- Turbulence in a solar wind like plasma: Kinetic simulations and observations
- Anisotropic Intermittency Scaling of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Field Line Random Walk in Isotropic Magnetic Turbulence up to Infinite Kubo Number
- Variance Anisotropy of Solar Wind fluctuations
- Wavenumber anisotropy in spectra, statistics and scaling in the turbulent solar wind using a locally defined background magnetic field
- Parametric Study of Preferential Ion Heating Due to Intermittent Magnetic Fields in the Solar Wind
- Robust Features of the Size-Above-Threshold Distribution of Space Weather Events Seen in Geomagnetic Indices
- Data analytics and 'deep time': Determining statistically reproducible properties of space climate over the last five solar cycles
- Detailed chemical constraints on exoplanet cores, mantles and crusts through stellar autopsies
- Testing for the direct propagation of scaling fluctuations from the outer corona to the solar wind
- The Implications of Climate Model Evaluation for Climate Model Interpretation
- Using dynamical networks to characterize the full spatio-temporal dynamics and information propagation across 100+ SuperMAG ground based magnetometers
- AE, Dst and their SuperMAG Counterparts: The Effect of Improved Spatial Resolution in Geomagnetic Indices
- Dynamical networks: a tool for identifying the evolution of spatio-temporal pattern in spatially irregular, multi (>100) point observations
- Generalized Langevin Equations and the Climate Response Problem.
- Quantifying the statistical distribution of extreme space climate and its variability within and across multiple solar cycles
- Using Driven Particle-In-Cell Simulations to Examine Electron Diffusion by Whistler-Mode Waves
- Warming trends in summer heatwaves and extended warm spells in winter seen in the Central England Temperature timeseries
- Accelerating and Supersonic Density Disturbances in Solar Polar Plumes
- Effect of Higher Radial Harmonics in Sausage Oscillations in Coronal Loops
- Multiscale, Nonlinear Space Physics `In the Wild': From Fundamental Physics to Quantifying Risk
- Network analysis of Pc waves using the SuperMAG database of ground-based magnetometer stations
- Network-based quantification of the Substorm Current Wedge
- Quasilinear and Nonlinear Electron Interactions with Whistler-Mode Waves
- Statistical quantification of the variation in return period, amplitude and duration of space within and between successive solar cycles.
- The Hale Cycle Clock