University of Warwick, UK
flowchart I[University of Warwick, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (63)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (23)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Finite Size Scaling in the Solar Wind Magnetic Field Energy Density as Seen by WIND
- Scaling of Solar Wind Epsilon and the AU, AL and AE Indices
- Degradation of Methyl Bromide and Methyl Chloride in Soil Microcosms: Use of Stable C Isotope Fractionation and Stable Isotope Probing to Identify Reactions and the Responsible Microorganisms
- Toward Synthesis of Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Scaling Exponents: a Fractional Levy Motion Model
- Macroscopic Elongation of the Diffusion Region: Theoretical and Observational Consequences
- Do Burst-over-threshold Distributions and Structure Functions allow us to Infer the Coexistence of SOC and Intermittent Turbulence in Natural Systems ?
- The SOLAS Bergen Mesocosm Experiment 2008: The Role of the Sea Surface Microlayer in Air-Sea Gas Exchange.
- Noah, Joseph and Convex Hulls
- Inversion of Ground Motion Data from a Seismometer Array for Rotation using a Modification of Jeager's Method
- Turbulent characteristics of a solar quiescent prominence observed by the SOT on board Hinode
- Deformation of magnetic cloud (MC) boundaries
- Evidence for Inhomogeneous Heating in the Solar Wind
- Explicit Computations of Instantons and Large Deviations in Beta-Plane Turbulence
- Improved diffusion Monte Carlo and the Brownian fan
- Increased component isotropy and plasma magnetic compression at sub-ion Larmor scale turbulence in the solar wind as seen by Cluster
- Kinetic Processes and Intermittent Turbulence in the Solar Wind Plasma
- Prediction of Rare Transitions in Planetary Atmosphere Dynamics Between Attractors with Different Number of Zonal Jets
- A survey study of sub-ion scale turbulent fluctuations in the solar wind - observational constraints for the 'Turbulent Dissipation Challenge'
- Association of Suprathermal Particles with Coherent Structures and Shocks
- Intermittent Dissipation at Kinetic Scales in Plasma Turbulence (Invited)
- Magnetic Reconnection and Intermittent Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Modeling the Uptake of Scientific Information by the Public and Opinion Flow in Society (Invited)
- Proton Kinetic Effects and Turbulent Energy Cascade Rate in the Solar Wind
- An Observationally-Centred Method to Quantify the Changing Shape of Local Temperature Distributions
- Anisotropic Intermittency of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Exploring Plasma Turbulence in the Kronian Magnetosheath Using Cassini Data
- Magnetic Reconnection and Intermittent Turbulence
- Paleoceanography in Pelagic Clay of the South Pacific Gyre
- Plasma Beta Dependence of Magnetic Compressibility in Solar Wind Turbulence
- Sub-ion scale intermittency and the development of filamentary current structures from the Hall effect
- Vlasov Plasma Turbulence in the Solar Wind at Proton Kinetic Scales
- Correlating organic carbon concentration and composition with mineralogy in deep-sea pelagic sediments
- Dust, Volcanic Ash, and the Evolution of the South Pacific Gyre through the Cenozoic
- Elucidating Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Composition of Organic Carbon in Deep Pelagic Sediments
- Fully Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Atmospheric Flow.
- Iron Cycling in Sediment of the North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from R/V Knorr Expedition 223
- Oxic and Anoxic Regions of Subseafloor Sediment
- Preformed Nitrate in the Glacial North Atlantic
- Statistical Methods for Quantifying the Variability of Solar Wind Transients of All Sizes
- Dynamical Networks Characterization of Space Weather Events
- Forecasting of Radiation Belts: Results From the PROGRESS Project.
- Generalised and Fractional Langevin Equations-Implications for Energy Balance Models
- Quantifying variability in fast and slow solar wind: From turbulence to extremes
- Rebased Global Mean Temperature comparisons between Global Climate Models and observed Global Mean Temperature: constraints and implications
- Habitability of water-radiolytic worlds
- North Atlantic Last Glacial Maximum Salinity Reconstruction
- Testing for the direct propagation of scaling fluctuations from the outer corona to the solar wind
- AE, Dst and their SuperMAG Counterparts: The Effect of Improved Spatial Resolution in Geomagnetic Indices
- The Contribution of Water Radiolysis to Marine Sedimentary Life
- Deep North Atlantic Last Glacial Maximum Salinity Reconstruction
- Prediction of Wave Overtopping from Coastal Defence Structures using Neural Networks and Ensemble Machine Learning Approach
- Statistical quantification of the variation in return period, amplitude and duration of space within and between successive solar cycles.
- The Universal Route to Rogue Waves via Instanton Theory
- Unearthing Diversity and Activity Patterns of Bacteriophage Communities in an Agricultural Soil Ecosystem
- A Study of Flares in the Ultra-Cool Regime from SPECULOOS-South
- Microbial Soil Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides and their Impact on Atmospheric Composition in a Deciduous Forest Clearing
- Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Electromagnetic Ion Beam Instabilities in the Terrestrial Quasi-parallel Foreshock
- Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic storms and Energetic Radiation (PAGER)
- Probing the solar corona with sungrazing comets: determination of the magnetic field and coronal density from the striae in the tail of Comet Lovejoy
- The mycorrhizal associated nutrient economy hypothesis: New formulations, context dependencies and research needs
- Beyond Hasselmann and Leith: The Challenge of non-Markovian (and Fractional) Stochastic Climate Modelling
- Lattice model of bed load sediment transport based on collective entrainment
- Magnetic topology of Actively Evolving and Passively Convecting Structures in the Turbulent Solar Wind
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrienne B. Keller
- Ashley K. Lang
- Benjamin V. Rackham
- D. Queloz
- D. Ruffolo
- Elsa Ducrot
- Eric Deal
- F. J. Pozuelos
- G. Zimbardo
- Giuseppe Nisticò
- J. Taylor Perron
- Jeremy G. Venditti
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Lionel Garcia
- Michael W. Liemohn
- Nicholas W. Watkins
- O. Santolı́k
- P. S. Stevens
- Richard P. Phillips
- S. Perri
- Sandra C. Chapman
- Santiago J. Benavides
- Y. Y. Shprits