Monash University, School of Geosciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Reflux Brines and Saline Groundwater, Murray Basin, Australia
- Vegetation Feedbacks Explain Recent High-latitude Summer Warming in Alaskan Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems
- Carbon Exchange Along a Vegetation Gradient from Arctic Tundra to Boreal Forest
- Mantle detachment faults and the break-up of cold continental lithosphere
- A Test of the Optimality Approach to Modelling Canopy gas Exchange by Natural Vegetation
- Changes in Synoptic Weather Patterns in the Arctic During the 21st Century
- Energy feedback in the Jelly Sandwich
- Formation of Ore Deposits Triggered by Aseismic Ridge Subduction
- From top Above to Down Under: Linking the Real World With UnderWorld Models
- Palaeoecological Evidence for Early Holocene Climates in Southeast Australia
- Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Continental Extension: the Transition From Core Complexes to Rigid Block Faulting
- A factorial analysis of flooding due to storm surge in Barrow, Alaska
- Explosive volcanism lessons learned from Mentos and soda eruptions
- Geodynamics of core complexes: Bridging the gap between continental, passive margin and oceanic detachments
- Integration of U-Series and Os Isotopic Data From the Azores: Insights Into Processes Controlling the Generation and Transport of Melt Within the Mantle beneath Ocean Island Volcanoes
- Long-term Impacts of Land Clearance and Climate Variability on Water Resources in Semiarid Niger, Africa
- Melt Segregation and Extraction From Deforming Plutons
- Numerical Experiments on Ductile Fracture in Granites
- Past migrations of the Intertropical convergence zone in NE Australia during Heinrich events: a tropical perspective on abrupt climate change
- Porosity and Dissolved Salt Load Estimation from Geophysical Airborne Em and Borehole EC
- Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques to map Groundwater Recharge and Discharge
- Time Slice Analysis of the Australian Summer Monsoon During the Late Quaternary Using the Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model
- U-series constraints on the genesis of high-Mg andesites at White Island, new Zealand
- A Southern Ocean cyclone climatology based on high resolution NWP model output
- Ancient crust in the world's youngest giant porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea
- Columnar jointing in non-welded Cerro Galan ignimbrite: Paycuqui, Argentina
- Crystal Control on Pore Pathways and Degassing of Mafic Volcanic Rocks
- Grenville-era Crustal Architecture of Central Australia, and its Importance in Constraining Rodinia Models.
- Higher Melt Fractions are Generated in Metamorphosed Hydrothermally Altered Rocks: Significance to Ore Genesis
- Hydrochemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Chemical Weathering and CO2 Fluxes: An Example From the Australian Victorian Alps
- Indian Ocean Dipole and Australian Monsoon variability in model simulations of the late Quaternary
- Intraplate deformation on north-dipping basement structures in the Northern Gawler Craton, Australia: reactivation of original terrane boundaries or later intra-cratonic thrusts?
- Mantle detachment faults and the break-up of cold continental lithosphere
- Sponge Cake or Champagne? Bubbles, Magmatic Degassing and Volcanic Eruptions
- Where Does The Carbon Go? Carbon Dynamics And Fire of a North Australian Tropical Savanna
- 3D Thermochemical Numerical Model of a Convergent Zone With an Overriding Plate
- A Mesoproterozoic Continental Flood Rhyolite Province: The end Member Example of the Large Igneous Province Clan
- Electrical Conductivity Structure Of Central Victoria, Australia From Magnetotelluric Measurements
- Evidence for Changes in ENSO in the mid-late Holocene From Fossil Corals in Galápagos.
- Joint ARM/GCSS/SPARC TWP-ICE CRM Intercomparison Study: Description, Preliminary Results, and Invitation to Participate
- Potential field analysis images Paleoproterozoic terrane boundaries in the unexposed Northern Gawler Craton, Australia
- Rare Earth Element Behavior During Incongruent Weathering and Varying Discharge Conditions in Silicate Dominated River Systems: The Australian Victorian Alps
- Textural evidence for strain partitioning in highly vesicular volcanic rocks
- When Does Magma Become Permeable?
- Estimates of evapotranspiration and CO2 fluxes in a biofiltration system
- Interaction between mantle and crustal detachments: a non-linear system controlling lithospheric extension
- Reconstruction of Early Pleistocene climate in southern Australia, and implications for Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation
- The opening of Sirte basin:Result of slab avalanching?
- The use of zircon crystals as tracers for pre-eruptive magmatic processes at Cerro Galán caldera, NW Argentina
- Thermal self-regulation of continental strength
- Upper plate controls on deep subduction, trench migrations and deformations at convergent margins
- Cities as Water Supply Catchments to deliver microclimate benefits
- Detection of variable groundwater inflow in rivers with geochemical tracers: Using major ion chemistry and radiochemistry to evaluate radon 222Rn as possible tracer, an example from the Avon and Mitchell rivers, southeast Australia
- Kimberlite pyroclasts - what and why?
- Lake salinity variations resulting from wind direction, Gobi Desert, China
- Multiple Use of Magma Pathways: Mechanism for Hybridization
- Multiple magma fracturing events: rhyolite degassing and defusing explosive eruptions at the Mt Pilato-Rocche Rosse eruptions, Italy
- Photosynthetic physiology of eucalypts along a sub-continental rainfall gradient in northern Australia
- SPECIAL - The Savanna Patterns of Energy and Carbon Integrated Across the Landscape campaign
- Simultaneous explosive and effusive activity at Chaitén volcano, Chile
- Slab width control on current global plate and trench velocities, and on Cenozoic western North America tectonics
- Slab-rollback induced upper mantle upwelling near lateral slab edges: A new mechanism for generating intra-plate magmatism in the central Mediterranean
- The Karakoram Shear Zone dike swarm: syn-kinematic magma transfer linking source to batholith
- The role of the Denali fault, slab geometry, and rheology in the deformation of the overriding plate in Alaska
- Volatile Contents, Degassing Behaviour and Hydration of Early-erupted Rhyolitic Pyroclasts and Ashes from Vulcan Chaitén, Chile
- A novel silicon diffusion membrane method for high-resolution continuous quantification of groundwater-surface water interaction using 222Rn
- Atmospheric moisture transport over the Southern Ocean: interannual, seasonal and regional variability and change
- Bridging the Gap between Scientific and Indigenous knowledge to Better Understand Social Impacts of Changing Rainfall Regimes
- Decadal- to millennial-scale interactions among climate, fire, and ecosystem processes in subalpine forests of the US Rocky Mountains
- Fore-arc deformation at the transition between collision and subduction: results from first 3D thermo-mechanical laboratory experiments
- Granitic Magma Transfer from Source to Batholith: the Karakoram Shear Zone Dyke Network, NW India
- Holocene Substrate Influences on Plant and Fire Response to Climate Change
- Potential Lacustrine Records of Cascadia Great Earthquakes
- Pure and Simple Shear Partitioning at Microscale Revealed by Quartz Fabric in the South Tibetan Detachment, Zanskar, NW India
- Reconciling geochemical and physical tracers of groundwater-stream interactions
- Remote sensing for assessing post-fire effects
- Resolving the Ross-Tyennan-Delamerian subduction paradox
- Slab edge interaction with a back-arc spreading center: 3D instantaneous mantle flow models of Vanuatu, SW Pacific
- Three-dimensional subduction models of overriding plate deformation and mantle flow
- Vesicle texture analysis of juvenile pyroclasts from the Pleistocene Lake Purrumbete Maar, Newer Volcanics Province, southern Australia
- A Comparison of Disturbance Events in Cascadia Lakes to Marine Seismogenic Turbidites
- A comprehensive classification of collapse calderas
- A previously unrecognised major orogenic front in Argentina
- Chloride imbalance in rivers from landscapes undergoing hydrological change
- Clast Rotation and the Origin of Thick Ultramylonites: the El Pichao Shear Zone (Sierra de Quilmes), NW Argentina
- Complex mantle flow around heterogeneous subducting oceanic plates
- Contributions to dynamic topography from shear-driven mantle flow at lithospheric edges
- Development of seismic anisotropy during subduction-induced 3D mantle flow
- Diatexite Deformation and Magma Extraction on Kangaroo Island, South Australia
- Dynamics of Withdrawal and Backflow of Sulfide Liquids and the Formation of Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE Sulfide Deposits: Theory and Analogue Modeling
- Insights Into Sill Formation Processes From Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Analysis of Layered Elastic Media Experiments
- Lithospheric control on basaltic magma compositions within a long-lived monogenetic magmatic province: the Cainozoic basalts of eastern Victoria, south-eastern Australia
- Multiple Observation Types Jointly Constrain Terrestrial Carbon and Water Cycles
- Overpressure during indentation and the origin of ultra-high-pressure rocks in the Alps
- Predictions for a natural spacing within dyke swarms
- Site Characterization Based on Multi Mode Spatial Autocorrelation Analyses of Microtremor Data in Eastern Section of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey)
- The Influence of a Mantle Plume Head on Subduction Zone Dynamics
- Underworld Goes Global
- Water-Fluxed Melting of Continental Crust
- ?18O signature of phytoliths from the last interglacial Lynch's Crater sediments (Qld, Australia): insights on changes in precipitation sources
- Analog modeling of strike-slip surface ruptures: Implications for Greendale Fault (New Zealand) mechanics and paleoseismology
- Assessment of DInSAR Potential in Simulating Geological Subsurface Structure
- Controls on carbon mineralization in ultramafic mine tailings
- Developing and testing models for creep of polycrystalline ice: new laboratory approaches
- Granulite Migmatization and Retrogression: Result of Pervasive Melt Influx? (Invited)
- Influence of humidity and temperature on the dehydration of Mg-carbonate minerals: Implications for optimizing stability of CO2 storage in minerals
- Mesoproterozoic Australo-Antarctic tectonics; a new model from ICECAP data
- Microbially mediated carbon mineralization: Geoengineering a carbon-neutral mine
- Microstructural and Chemical Reappraisal of Mineralogical Inheritance in Partially Molten Rocks: Implication for Fabric Resetting in Granitoids
- Multiple Melting Events During an Orogeny and the Role of Water
- Origin and magma pathways for intraplate volcanism: a new damage mechanics model
- Plume head - trench interaction: impact on subduction dynamics
- Remelting and Remobilization in a Magmatic Arc: the St Peter Suite, South Australia
- Slab break-off influence on the formation of the major intra-continental faulting systems during India-Asia convergence
- Strain Partitioning in Crustal Shear Zones: the Effect of Interconnected Micaceous Layers on Quartz Deformation
- Strain localisation and thermal evolution of a thick ultramylonitic shear zone
- Subduction and break-off controls on Indentation tectonics during India-Asia convergence
- Underworld results as a triple (shopping list, posterior, priors)