Monash University, Australia
flowchart I[Monash University, Australia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (338)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (75)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Monash University, School of Astrophysics
- Monash University, School of Earth Atmosphere and Environment
- Monash University, School of Geosciences
- Monash University, School of Mathematical Sciences
- Monash University, School of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Icy Volcanism on Ganymede
- Origin and Bulk Chemical Compositions of the Inner Planets
- The Australian Computational Earth Systems Simulator
- Quantifying the Growth History of an Ancient Border Fault System, and the Role of Normal Fault Growth on Sedimentation During Basin Formation: a Case Study from the Late Cambrian Owen Conglomerate, West Coast Range, western Tasmania, Australia
- Capturing Intuition Through Interactive Inverse Methods: Examples Drawn From Mechanical Non-Linearities in Structural Geology
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Northern Alaska and Other Arctic Regions
- Gradient Recovery Methods for Improved Stresses and Strain Rates in Geodynamic Models
- Electrical resistivity structure of a transitional ocean-continent subduction zone: the Marlborough strike-slip system, northern South Island, New Zealand
- Magnetotelluric Surveys Using Near and Very far Remote References
- The leaf economic spectrum drives litter decomposition within regional floras worldwide
- A High Resolution Southern Ocean Cyclone Climatology
- Biophysical controls of carbon exchange in old growth Mountain Ash stands
- Effect of soil water content on soil thermal conductivity under field conditions
- Modelling An Estuary Over Long Time Periods
- Study Of Estuary Entrances Through One Dimensional Modelling
- The force balance at convergent margins: implication for trench motions and mantle flow
- A Regime Diagram for Subduction
- A characterization of cloud base aerosol and associated microphysics in southeast Queensland
- A novel thermodynamic framework for multi-scale data assimilation: First applications from micro CT-scans to meso-scale microstructure (Invited)
- Bubble expansion, gas percolation and preservation of pyroclasts (Invited)
- Cloud and precipitation regimes revealed by combined CloudSat and ISCCP observations
- Constraining denitrification in permeable wave-influenced marine sediment using linked hydrodynamic and biogeochemical modeling
- Effects of near-bed turbulence and micro-topography on macroinvertebrate movements across contrasting gravel-bed surfaces (Invited)
- Estimates of evapotranspiration and CO2 fluxes in a biofiltration system
- Non-coaxiality and particle size effects in pressure sensitive materials
- On the spectrum of soil moisture from hourly to inter-annual scales (Invited)
- Scaling Underworld - building up from personal clusters to high performance centers
- The Kauring Airborne Gravity Test Site, Western Australia
- Working on Opposite Sides of the World
- Continents, Super-Continents, Mantle Thermal Mixing, and Mantle Thermal Isolation
- Cratons' birth, quiescence, and demise over Earth's history
- Estimation of the vertical distribution of tree biomass using last significant return laser altimetry returns from Eucalypt trees in New South Wales, Australia
- Halogen Degassing during Emplacement and Crystallization of the Chaitén Rhyolitic Lava Dome(s)
- Integrating turbulent flow, biogeochemical, and poromechanical processes in rippled coastal sediment (Invited)
- Models based experimentation: numerical modelling of 3D basin scale architecture heat & fluid flow
- Numerical modeling of a desiccation mechanism for formation of Crater Floor Polygons on Mars
- Reuse of Winery Wastewater by Application to Vineyard Soils
- Rheology of Magma at Tungurahua, from the Magma Chamber to the Eruption
- Rheology of Pure Glasses and Crystal Bearing Melts: from the Newtonian Field to the Brittle Onset
- SMOS ground validation in Australia : results from summer and winter campaigns
- Stochastic modeling of soil salinity
- Stochastic modelling of water and nitrogen fluxes in stormwater biofiltration systems
- The Rise of Flowering Plants and Land Surface Physics: The Cretaceous and Eocene Were Different
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiments (SMAPEx) for SMAP Algorithm Development (Invited)
- A long-term analysis of E. coli concentrations in a highly urbanised estuary: The Yarra River, Australia
- Edge-driven Rayleigh Taylor Instabilities at Transtensional Continental Margins: Western North Island, New Zealand
- Effect of root distribution on modelling percolation and groundwater evapotranspiration
- Impact of urban cover fraction on SMOS and SMAP surface soil moisture retrieval
- Nitrous oxide production in groundwater in the Newer Volcanics basalt aquifer system, Western Victoria, Australia
- Scaling tower flux and satellite measures of ecosystem function across biomes, seasons and extreme dry to wet years in Australia (Invited)
- Soil-atmosphere greenhouse-gas exchange in a bioretention system
- The effects of size, configuration and distribution of continents on the efficiency of heat transport
- The role of spatially variable terrain slope and compaction processes on snow avalanche occurrence statistics
- Underworld and multi-basin heat flow
- 'Striated Delta' Clouds As Tracers Of Inertia-Gravity Wave Emission From Upper Jets And Extratropical Cyclones
- Aerosol indirect effects in tropical shipping corridors: global modeling corroborates results from observations
- Applications of electrical resistivity imaging for characterizing groundwater-surface water interactions from local to regional scales
- Competitive exclusion: an ecological model demonstrates how research metrics can drive women out of science
- Evaluation, Projections and Impact on Australian Precipitation of The Link Between ENSO and North Australian SSTs
- Relating Global Precipitation to Atmospheric Fronts
- The effects of continental block configuration on the Earth's heat loss
- Underworld Goes Global
- A Climatology of the Precipitation over Macquarie Island Employing Surface Observation, ERA Interim Analysis and CloudSat
- A-Train Observations of Maritime Storm Track Cloud Systems: Comparing the Southern Ocean against the North Pacific and Atlantic
- An Evaluation of ACCESS simulation of Boundary Layer Clouds over the Southern Ocean with in-situ, ground-based and space-borne Observations
- Analysis of Scale Effects in the Assimilation of Smos Data Into Land Surface Models
- Assessment of DInSAR Potential in Simulating Geological Subsurface Structure
- Assessment of the indirect calibration of a rainfall-runoff model for ungauged catchments in Flanders
- Characterising cloud regimes associated with the Southern Ocean shortwave radiation bias
- Comparing the skill of precipitation forecasts from high resolution simulations and statistically downscaled products in the Australian Snowy Mountains
- Constraining the fault slip rate using morphology of normal fault footwalls: insights from analog and numerical models (Invited)
- Convective instability within the Tibetan Lithospheric Mantle (Invited)
- Data disaggregation and evapotranspiration modeling: a synergism between multi-spectral/multi-resolution remote sensing data (Invited)
- Deformation of plate boundaries associated with subduction of continental margins: insights from 3D thermo-mechanical laboratory experiments (Invited)
- Dynamics of Continental Accretion
- Dynamics of diachronous back-arc extension: insights from 3D thermo-mechanical analogue experiments
- Evaluation of A-Train cloud products in the Southern Ocean using in-situ observations
- Evolution of subduction-induced mantle flow around the slab edges in analog models of free subduction
- Magnesite precipitation at low temperature (< 50C)
- Magnetic Imaging of the Curie Isothermal surface under Guangdong Province and its application in Guangdong geothermal modeling
- Observations of the Thermodynamic Structure and Cloud Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over the Southern Ocean (Invited)
- Responses of tropical root crops to climate change: implications for Pacific food security
- Scaling tower flux and satellite measures of ecosystem function across biomes, seasons and extreme dry to wet years in Australia (Invited)
- Simulated Climate Sensitivity Uncertainty: Control Climate Bias vs. Perturbed Physics
- Stochastic streamflow dynamics in urbanizing basins
- The Monash University Interactive Simple Climate Model
- The effect of grain boundary sliding on the rheology of polymineralic rocks: Nature and numerical experiments
- The potential use of Gaussian sum filters in hydrologic data assimilation
- Two-dimensional S-wave Velocity Structure of Erzincan Basin (Turkey) and Its Use in Engineering Applications
- Underworld results as a triple (shopping list, posterior, priors)
- Underworld: What we set out to do, How far did we get, What did we Learn ? (Invited)
- Urban population vulnerability to climate extremes: mitigating urban heat through technology and water-sensitive urban design in Australian cities (Invited)
- 3D numerical modelling of the steady-state thermal regime constrained by surface heat flow data: a Monte Carlo approach
- A hybrid approach to identifying cloud regimes for model evaluation applied to the Southern Ocean cloud and radiation biases
- Addressing the Challenges of Diverse Knowledge Systems through Landscape Analysis: A Case Study in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
- Assessment of Catchment-Scale Evapotranspiration in a Process-Based Integrated Model Via Boundary Condition Switching Vs Root Water Uptake Modeling
- Changing Summer Precipitation Pattern Alters Microbial Community Response to Fall Wet-up in a Mediterranean Soil
- Decadal SST Variability in the Southern Ocean in CMIP Simulations
- Factors Controlling Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in the Hyporheic Zone Induced by Fish Egg Nests
- Impact of Boundary Conditions on Pumping in a Fully Bounded Aquifer
- Impact of Different Data Assimilation Strategies for SMOS Observations on Flood Forecasting Accuracy
- Mantle Plumes in the Vicinity of a Subducting Plate: The Ordinary Interaction
- Mineral Carbonation Employing Ultramafic Mine Waste
- Multisensor estimation of evapotranspiration in a semi-arid grassland
- Overriding Plate Controls on Subduction Zone Evolution
- Patterns of Seismic Anisotropy Around Subduction Zones: Model Predictions and Implications for Subduction-Induced Mantle Flow
- Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling of Gravity Currents on a Dry Porous Medium
- The Break-up and Drifting of the Continental Plates in 2D Models of Convecting Mantle
- The Intersection between the Gloria Transform Fault and the Tore-Madeira Rise in the NE Atlantic: New Tectonic Insights from Analog Modeling Results
- The Record of Collision and Accretion in the History of a Convergent Margin
- The Relationship Between Monsoon Onset and Synoptic Scale Features of the Australian Monsoon
- The Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study (SOCRATES): An Observational Campaign for Determining Role of Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation in Climate System
- Uncertainty of Areal Rainfall Estimation Using Point Measurements
- When Boundary Layers Collide: Plumes v. Subduction Zones
- Challenging the Concept of Natural Distributions: Global Change Turns Trees Into Weeds
- Examining the Suitability of a Sparse In Situ Soil Moisture Monitoring Network for Assimilation into a Spatially Distributed Hydrologic Model
- Impact of Land Use on Soil Respiration in Southwestern Victoria
- New Tools for a New Age: Evolution or Revolution?
- SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Significant Contribution from Organized Deep Convection on Observed Changes in Tropical Rainfall
- The Dynamics of Bursts in the Australian Monsoon
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland
- The hysteresis response of soil respiration and soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration to soil temperature
- Urban Stormwater Quality: Linking Pesticide Variability To Our Sustainable Water Future
- Validating SMAP L2/3 Products
- Validation and attribution of solar induced fluorescence (SIF) from OCO-2: first results
- Weekly Water Stress Monitoring in a Savannah Environment using a new Data Fusion Drought Index
- What Drives the Phenology of Carbon Exchange in an Australian Temperate Woodland?
- <p>Improving Fire Risk Estimation through Investigating Fire Intensity, Moisture and Temperature Anomalies
- 2000-2014 Antarctic sea ice expansion driven by tropical Pacific decadal climate variability
- A New Framework for Cumulus Parametrization - A CPT in action
- Advantages of Analytically Computing the Ground Heat Flux in Land Surface Models
- An evaluation of meteorological drought in CMIP5 model simulations
- An extratropical influence on Australian monsoon bursts
- Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Ca and Sr Isotope Sytematics in Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Fluids
- Ca isotope fractionation and Sr/Ca partitioning associated with anhydrite formation at mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems: An experimental approach
- Calcium isotope systematics in the NaCl-H<SUB>2</SUB>O system at elevated pressure and temperature
- Discrepancies between Leaf and Ecosystem Measures of Water-Use Efficiency
- Do we need a spatially and temporally variable observation error?
- Estuarine Salinity Mapping From Airborne Radiometry
- Evaluating the ENSO-dynamics in CMIP Simulations in the framework of the Linear Recharge Oscillator Model
- Evaluation of SMAP downscaled brightness temperature observations using airborne data in Australia
- Exogenic and endogenic Europa minerals
- Factors influencing the skill of synthesised satellite wind products in the tropical Pacific
- Future Changes to ENSO Temperature and Precipitation Teleconnections Under Warming
- High Resolution Analysis of Dyke Tips and Segments, Using Drones
- High spatial resolution mapping of folds and fractures using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry
- Impact of a low-permeability layer on saltwater upconing
- Implementation of remote sensing data for flood forecasting
- Physical and chemical controls on ore shoots - insights from 3D modeling of an orogenic gold deposit
- Plate motion changes drive Eastern Indian Ocean microcontinent formation
- Relating Seismicity to Dike Emplacement, and the Conundrum of Dyke-Parallel Faulting
- SMAP soil moisture drying more rapid than observed in situ following rainfall events
- SMOS and AMSR-2 soil moisture evaluation using representative monitoring sites in southern Australia
- Seasonal, inter-annual and decadal drivers of tree and grass productivity in an Australian tropical savanna.
- Shining a light on Jarosite: formation, alteration and stability studies using in situ experimental synchrotron and neutron techniques.
- Strain Rate Dependency of Fracture Toughness, Energy Release Rate and Geomechanical Attributes of Select Indian Shales
- Temporal rainfall estimation using input data reduction and model inversion
- Terestrial Freshwater Lenses: Unexplored subterranean oases
- The Seasonal Soil Respiration-Temperature Hysteresis Relation Regulated by Photosynthesis and Soil Moisture
- The role of partial ionization in solar chromospheric heating
- Towards the Relationship Between Surface Roughness in Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
- 3D Thermomechanical Modeling of Rifted Margins with Coupled Surface Processes: the North West Shelf, Australia
- A comparison of near-surface potential temperature variance budgets for unstable atmospheric flows over vegetated and non-vegetated flat surfaces and a gentle slope
- Ambient groundwater flow diminishes nitrogen cycling in streams
- Congested subduction in New Zealand driving plate boundary reogranisation and accretion
- Effects of trees on momentum exchange within and above a real urban environment
- Exploring the dynamic links between microbial ecology and redox state of the hyporheic zone: insight from flume experiments
- Hydrologic and hydraulic flood forecasting constrained by remote sensing data
- Joint Sentinel-1 and SMAP data assimilation to improve soil moisture estimates
- Large eddy simulation modeling of particle-laden flows in complex terrain
- Large-eddy simulation of slope flow over and within a vegetation canopy
- Modeling the Horizontally Averaged Wind Profile Within and Above the Urban Canopy Layer
- On the spatial coherence of temperature within and above a vineyard under drainage conditions
- Parameterization of L-, C- and X-band Radiometer-based Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm Using In-situ Validation Sites
- Remote Sensing of Surface Soil Moisture using Semi-Concurrent Radar and Radiometer Observations
- Testing the fidelity of the Sr/Ca proxy in recording ocean temperature in a western Atlantic coral
- Top-down Nazca subduction controls on volcanism location and explosive nature in the Andes
- Understanding the Sharp Decline of Antarctic Sea Ice in Austral Spring 2016
- Underworld - Bringing a Research Code to the Classroom
- Web-Based Water Accounting Scenario Platform to Address Uncertainties in Water Resources Management in the Mekong : A Case Study in Ca River Basin, Vietnam
- A Data-driven Understanding of the Key Spatial Controls on Riverine Water Quality
- A New Urban Ecohydrological Model to Quantify the Effect of Vegetation on Microclimate and Water Fluxes in Cities
- A Weaker Asthenospheric Sub-Layer at Convergent Margins: Implication for the Evolution of a Congested Subduction Zone.
- A comparison of near-surface potential temperature variance budgets for unstable atmospheric flows with contrasting vegetation cover flat surfaces and a gentle slope
- A data-driven understanding of the key temporal controls on event mean concentration of water quality constituents in the Great Barrier Reef catchments
- A new algebraic subgrid-scale model for flow over and within vegetation canopies
- Adaptive Ensemble Kalman Filter to Mitigate Error Misspecifications in GRACE Data Assimilation
- Aerodynamic roughness parameters of vegetated urban canopies
- Airborne, ship- and ground-based observations of clouds, aerosols and precipitation from recent field projects over the Southern Ocean
- An assessment of array types and processing algorithms for microtremor observations, via the COSMOS Blind Trials
- Building a multipurpose Geoscience Virtual Research Environment to cater for multiple use cases, a range of scales and diverse skill sets.
- Catchment characterization through hydrograph rising limb analysis: results from a laboratory experiment
- Choosing the future of Antarctica: a perspective looking back from 2070
- Craton formation, stabilization and the initiation of plate tectonics
- Delivering IGSN to Australian Academics from Multiple Laboratories via a Centralised National Service
- Does Maximisation of Net Carbon Profit Explain Vegetation Behaviour in Savanna Sites Along a Precipitation Gradient?
- Drivers and Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Pacific Shallow Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Eco-hydrology of natural urban reserves
- Energetic constraints on climate model errors in precipitation - is deep convection really the culprit?
- Intercalibrating the Disparate Precipitation Estimates Input to IMERG
- Large wind farms can destroy stratocumulus clouds - evidence from large eddy simulations
- Large-eddy simulations and turbulence statistics of the hurricane boundary layer
- Making data from a national catalogue discoverable by Web data search tools
- On the Spatiotemporal Impacts of Flood Extent Assimilation
- Scientific Software Solution Centre for Discovering, Sharing and Reusing Research Software
- Similarity function for katabatic flows from field observations
- Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Oceans
- The Observed Relationship Between Precipitation Efficiency and the Large-Scale Environment for a Location in the Tropics
- The Underworld renovation project using PETScDS
- The Water Budget of Dry and Salty Soils
- The energy side of Budyko
- The interactions between atmospheric large-scale regimes and tropical convection properties using radar data from 1998 to 2017 in Darwin, Australia.
- Uncertainties associated with microwave link rainfall estimates in an urban environment: Insights from an experimental setup in the Melbourne CBD
- A Multimodel Assessment of Aerosol Impacts on Deep Convective Cloud Systems
- A PhD Students' Perspective on the Suitability of Jupyter Notebook as a Tool to Facilitate Learning, Improve Research Collaborations, Support Feedback and Encourage Reproducibility
- A meteorological study of a blue discharge-producing Australian thunderstorm captured by ASIM on the ISS
- Application a gap-filling routine to improve seasonal and annual ET measurements from weighing lysimeters
- Comparison of C- and L-band downscaling of SMAP
- Conceptual Understanding of the Simulated Precipitation Response to Climate Change
- Covering the TRMM and GPM Eras with IMERG
- Deployment of Silica Gels to prevent CO2 leakage in and near wellbore environment
- Dissolved oxygen-based proxy metabolism to assess function of stormwater green infrastructure
- Drag and Drag Partition on Vegetated Urban Canopies
- Drivers of Centennial-Scale Pulses of Outlet Glacier Thinning in East Antarctica
- Exploring for the Future in Australia: Characterizing and Assessing the Lithosphere for Resource Discovery
- Exploring the potential of Flood Inundation Mapping with combined CYGNSS and HAND model approach
- Flash drought in CMIP5 models
- Forming continental crust in collision zones
- Fracturing SPH Particles: A New Continuum Approach to Model Desiccation Cracking in Clay Soils
- Horizontal Averaging of Urban Canopy Flows
- Hot Miocene Geology and Rifting in Tibet-Himalayas Above a Tear
- Impact of model mean sea surface temperature bias on the simulation of Pacific decadal variability
- Impact of the spatial resolution of satellite images on the evapotranspiration estimation of urban green spaces using optical remote sensing
- Influence of Effective Stress on Mechanical and Chemical Alteration Processes at the Cement-caprock Interface: Application to CO<SUB>2</SUB>-brine Leakage at the Wellbore
- Large-eddy simulations of hurricane boundary layers and scrambling of coherent turbulence structures
- Large-scale Characteristics of tropical convective systems viewed by MODIS and IMERG
- Lithosphere differentiation controls Archean tectonics and craton formation
- Local similarity functions for katabatic flows derived from field observations over steep- and shallow-angled slopes
- North America's mid-continent rift: a chanced meeting of a plume and a rift
- Observations of the Daytime, Anabatic Winds over a Steep Alpine Slope
- Observations of the thermodynamic structure of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer over the Southern Ocean
- Optimizing Targeted SAR Acquisitions for Flood Extent Assimilation to Improve Inundation Forecasts
- Optimizing rainfall gauge weightings to improve hydrological modelling skill
- Post-collisional felsic rocks produced by re-melting of syn-collisional rocks in southern Tibet
- Research Driven Educational Tools with Jupyter notebooks and Juptyerhub
- Rethinking the definitions of modes of decadal climate variability
- Satellite and in-situ observed recent rejuvenation of deep groundwater in the North China Plain
- Scalar Transport in Turbulent Flows over Rough Surfaces
- Simulating Fragmentation of Hard Granitic Rocks during Electropulse Drilling
- The Unusual Impact of the 1997 El Niño on East Australian Spring Rainfall
- The formation, and evolution of Archean cratons
- The interaction of tropical convection with its environment - new observational insights
- To Scale or Not to Scale: The Question is Truly How to Characterize the Integral Scales of Turbulence.
- Understanding Southern Hemisphere Circulation and Rainfall Trends: the Role of Ssts
- Understanding the Warm Water Volume precursor of ENSO Events and its interdecadal variation
- Using a deep learning model for improving rainfall retrieval from commercial microwave links
- Versioning of Research Data - Patterns and Principles
- Want to break into Hard Rock? Ride the lightning! Electropulse stimulation of Granite: Numerical models and experimental results.
- Wintertime In-situ Cloud Microphysical Properties of Mixed-phase Clouds over the Southern Ocean
- A review of ENSO atmospheric teleconnections in the present and future climate
- Adding Regional Economics to Natural Resource Development with Bluecap: Evaluating the Economic Fairways for Mineral and Hydrogen Production
- Benchmarking Simulated Precipitation in Earth System Models
- Best Management Practices for Diffuse Nutrient Pollution: Wicked Problems Across Urban and Agricultural Watersheds
- Building Australia's Scalable Drone Cloud
- Carbon dioxide as a proxy for orogenic gold source
- Connections of climate change and variability to the 2019/20 Black Summer megafires in southeast Australia
- Contribution of Subtropical Spiciness Anomalies to Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability
- Development of an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Strategy for a Novel Immiscible Fracture Flow Model
- Elliptic approximation of the space-time temperature correlation function thaws turbulence with random sweeps
- Geothermal Outburst Risk Management
- How did the convergence history influence the evolution of Tibet and the Himalayas?
- How to make space for magma fingers?
- Impact of microplastics exposure to macrophytes of constructed wetlands
- Innovative Application of CubeSat Imagery to Predict Wheat Yield Without Ground-Based Data
- Map Analytics: Deconstructing geological maps
- Modelling of Igneous Intrusions Based on Emplacement Mechanisms
- Modelling the Effect of Heterogeneity on the Hydromechanical Response of Large-Scale Fracture-Networks in Brown Coal Slopes
- Modification of Particle Viscosity and Morphology of Secondary Organic Aerosols with the Uptake of Isoprene Epoxydiols (IEPOX)
- Near Real Time One-kilometer SMOPS Soil Moisture and Its Potential Applications
- Non-stationary Influences of Large-scale Climate Drivers on Low-flow Characteristics of Streamflows in Southeast Australia.
- On the coherence of natural climate cycles of the past 1ka in multiple proxies from central Europe, the Arctic and east Asia.
- Quantifying the Impact of Observation Operators on Flood Inundation Forecast Quality
- Reef-cloud-radiation-SST interactions over the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) during the trade wind season
- Role of tropical variability in driving decadal shifts in the Southern Hemisphere summertime eddy-driven jet
- Sheltering of Roughness Elements in Analytical Models for Drag and Drag Partitioning
- Spectral Contrast in Chromospheric Quiescent Emission
- The Effect of Solidification on Sill Propagation: An Experimental Approach With Application to Visco-Elasto-Plastic Host Rocks
- The Role of Sea-level Rise in Coastal Flooding and the Emergence of Tide-only Inundation in Sydney, Australia.
- Towards improved understanding and predictability of Tropical Pacific variability through a redesigned Tropical Pacific Ocean System: the role of new observational platforms
- Using GRACE estimates of groundwater storage changes in the Zhoushui river alluvial fan, Taiwan
- pyrolite: Tools for Data Driven Geochemistry
- 3-D Thermo-Mechanical Numerical Approach to Propagating Rifts under Rotational Boundary Conditions
- A comparison of observed and simulated multi-layer mixed-phase clouds over the Southern Ocean
- CO2-induced Chemical Degradation at the Cement-Casing Interface
- Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system
- Cloud microphysics and precipitation processes over the high-latitude Southern Ocean: A case study from CAPRICORN 2018
- Computationally efficient flood inundation modelling for ungauged regions
- Deep Java Deformation Drives Sumatran Seismicity
- Do Archean cratons impact the initiation of subduction?
- Dynamical and Thermodynamical Interactions in Monsoonal and Non-Monsoonal Precipitation Regimes in the Western Himalayas
- Effect of time and temperature gradients on releasing microplastics
- Effectiveness of the South-to-North Water Diversion Middle Route Project on Water Delivery and Groundwater Recovery in North China Plain
- Hot rocks and Hotspots: How Fine-Scale Geothermal Heat Flow Anomalies Influence East Antarctic Subglacial Melt
- Influence of Species-Specific Hydraulic Traits on Stomatal Response to Water Stress: Insights from a Tree-Level Hydrodynamic Model (FETCH3)
- Joint parameter and model dimension reduction for Bayesian ice sheet inverse problems governed by the nonlinear Stokes equations
- Microstructural Processes Governing the Behaviour of Basal Marine Shelf Ice
- Modelling Three-Dimensional Stress Distribution in Subducting Slabs: Implications for Large Magnitude Seismicity at Active Margins
- Precipitation Occurrence Frequency, Intensity, and Synoptic Regime Projection over Macquarie Island
- Risk analysis of injection-induced seismicity associated with geological CO2 storage through enhanced oil recovery
- Role of canopy density and structure on the applicability of Taylors frozen turbulence hypothesis
- Subduction dynamics and Tectonic coupling along seismically active margin: the relevance of Trench-parallel forces
- A Distinct Dune-Formation Regime on Mars
- A new approach to imaging deep crustal structures across passive continental margins: The Role of Pre-Rift Structures in Southeast Australian Triple Junction Formation
- Antarctic Ice Stream Thickening under Pliocene Warmth
- Conditions for Climate Interpretation in Aeolian Stratigraphy
- Cranky Uncle - a multi-lingual critical thinking game to build resilience against climate misinformation
- Effect of Injection Strategy on Induced Seismicity Risk during CO2 Storage
- Evaluation and Mitigation of GPROF-TMI and -GMI Along-Scan Beam Position Precipitation Biases for IMERG V07
- Evaluation of PMW Precipitation and Implications for Algorithms and Future Satellite Missions
- Examining species-specific hydraulic traits using multi-scale measurements and the hydrodynamic canopy transpiration model FETCH3.14
- Hurricane Boundary Layer Depth Determination using Large Eddy Simulation Model
- Indian Ocean Geoid Low: Unravelling the Crustal and Upper Mantle Sources
- Making Dataset Quality Information FAIR - Supporting Open-Source Science and Enhancing (re)Use and Trustworthiness of Scientific Data
- Monitoring New Zealand Glacier Change through In-Situ, Remote Sensing, and Modeling Efforts
- Multi-region, Cross-Sensor Transfer Learning for Segmentation of Crop Field Boundaries in Satellite Images with Limited Labels
- Numerical Simulations of the India-Eurasia Collision: A Faulted Viscous Continuum Model
- On the Existence of Multiple States of Low Flow Extremes
- Role of wind in the modulation of urban surface temperatures
- Simulations of orographic extreme precipitation in the Western Himalayas during the summer monsoon
- Slab segmentation, tearing, and the development of anomalous arc magmatism
- The Making of a Geoscience Sustainability Atlas: Communicating the Contributions and Influence of Geoscientists in Advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- The Weakening of the Tropical Circulation Is Caused by the Lifting of the Tropopause Height
- The crustal architecture of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt: Implications on position of India during the Proterozoic supercontinental cycles
- The moist convective heat engine in a warming climate
- Understanding the Significance of Microporosity in Pore-Scale Fluid Flow Modelling Within Carbonate Reservoirs Using Multiscale Pore Networks
- a Paleo Suture at the Southern Egmb Revisited by Using the Potential Field Geophysical Data: Implications on the Proterozoic Supercontinent Amalgamations
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. M. Fridlind
- Alain Protat
- Alina-Catalina Donea
- Andrew Gunn
- Andrew Hooper
- Anya M. Reading
- Arpita Mondal
- Ashley M. Matheny
- Chong Zhang
- Christine F. Dow
- Damien Przybylski
- Dan Sandiford
- David J. Prior
- Edoardo Daly
- Estefania Montoya Duque
- Estella A. Atekwana
- Fabio A. Capitanio
- Felicity McCormack
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Gabriele Morra
- Ge Peng
- George J. Huffman
- Gideon Rosenbaum
- Gil Bohrer
- Gokul Venu Sreebindu
- H. K. Ramapriyan
- Hannah Kerner
- Huw Horgan
- Jackson Tan
- John R. Elliott
- Justine Missik
- K. Everard
- Kaylin Bugbee
- Krishna AchutaRao
- Lauren Vargo
- Lior Rubanenko
- Lisa Bock
- Lisa Craw
- M. G. A. Lapôtre
- M. G. Giometto
- Marcela Silva
- Martin S. Singh
- Mathieu Morlighem
- McKenna W. Stanford
- N. A. Ritchey
- Nathan P. Gillett
- Nathaniel A. Lifton
- Nicolas Bellouin
- Noémi Petra
- Olaf Morgenstern
- Pallavi Goswami
- Pat J.‐F. Yeh
- Paul J. Durack
- Peter A. Cawood
- Prasanna Mahesh Gunawardana
- Prasanth Babu Ramesh
- Qingyun Duan
- Richard S. Jones
- Robert R. Downs
- Robin Armit
- S. L. Kesav Unnithan
- Seung‐Ki Min
- Shaun Eaves
- Shayne McGregor
- Shobha Shukla
- Suma Bhanu Battula
- Sumit Saxena
- T. J. Craig
- T. J. Peterson
- Tanveer M. Adyel
- Tim Wright
- Tobias Stål
- Veronika Eyring
- Yashvardhan Verma
- Yun Pan