CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
flowchart I[CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (87)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (14)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- First Survey For Submarine Hydrothermal Vents In NE Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Inclusions of Sulphide Immiscible Melts in Primitive Olivine Phenocrysts from Mantle-Derived Magmas; Preliminary Results
- Subseafloor Boiling Within the PACMANUS Hydrothermal System Indicated by Anhydrite-Hosted Fluid Inclusions from ODP Leg 193 Cores
- The Third Dimension of an Active Back-arc Hydrothermal System: ODP Leg 193 at PACMANUS
- Water content in high dimensional defects in the Earth's Mantle
- A novel thermodynamic framework for multi-scale data assimilation: First applications from micro CT-scans to meso-scale microstructure (Invited)
- A core observational data model for enhancing the interoperability of ontologically annotated environmental data
- Modelling Hydraulic Fracture Breakdown, Shut-in, and Reopening for In Situ Stress Testing
- Fully quantified, micron-resolution, whole thin section synchrotron XRF mapping of trace elements in geological materials
- IGSN e.V.: Registration and Identification Services for Physical Samples in the Digital Universe
- Internal crystallography and thermal history of natural gold alloys
- Mineral Physicochemistry based Geoscience Products for Mapping the Earth's Surface and Subsurface
- OWL representation of the geologic timescale implementing stratigraphic best practice
- Sampling and specimens: potential application of a general model in geoscience sample registration
- Self-Organizing Maps: A Data Mining Tool for the Analysis of Airborne Geophysical Data Collected over the Brazilian Amazon
- Texture and Anisotropy of Shales from The Officer Basin, Western Australia
- Upper and lower dissipative bounds for THMC Coupling
- Assessing different airborne EM systems for delivering information on aquifer geometry and character: A case study from the Musgrave Province South Australia
- Dating brittle deformation in the Archean Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
- Dome and Keel dynamics in the hot Archean lithosphere: a numerical approach
- Frequency-dependent seismic attenuation in shales: Experimental results and theoretical analysis
- Hyperspectral Mapping of Bif and Iron Ores
- Influence Of Changing the Flow Rate In The Acoustic Response And Saturation During Forced Imbibition In A Limestone
- Metamorphism and heterogeneously distributed metasomatism in the Fortescue Group, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia
- Multi-physics and multi-scale characterization of shale anisotropy
- Overpressure during indentation and the origin of ultra-high-pressure rocks in the Alps
- Predictions for a natural spacing within dyke swarms
- Reaction front deposition of Au from hydrothermal fluids
- The Virtual Geophysics Laboratory (VGL): Scientific Workflows Operating Across Organizations and Across Infrastructures
- CO2CRC's Otway Residual Saturation and Dissolution Test: Using Reactive Ester Tracers to Determine Residual CO2 Saturation
- Complete Release of Horizontal Shear Stresses During Geothermal Reservoir Stimulation
- Mineralogy, geochronology and geochemistry of early Triassic blueschists in the Lancang metamorphic zone of Southwest China: fingerprints of the Paleotethyan subduction
- Origin and magma pathways for intraplate volcanism: a new damage mechanics model
- Reconstructing the formation and in-filling of Lake Manuherikia, Otago: Linking geodynamics and surface processes
- Spectral Information System for Australian Spectroscopy Data
- Compaction bands in high temperature/pressure diagenetically altered unconventional shale gas reservoirs
- Folding and Boudinage As the Same Fundamental Energy Bifurcation in Elasto-Visco-Plastic Rocks
- Keeping Research Data from the Continental Deep Drilling Programme (KTB) Accessible and Taking First Steps Towards Digital Preservation
- Mechanical Weakening during Fluid Injection in Critically Stressed Sandstones with Acoustic Monitoring
- Modeling episodic tremor and slip events in the ductile carbonates of the Glarus thrust
- Physical properties of the Nankai inner accretionary prism sediments at Site C0002, IODP Expedition 348.
- Post failure localization instabilities in chemically active creeping faults: Steady-state bifurcation and transient analysis
- Publication of sensor data in the long-term environmental monitoring infrastructure TERENO
- REDBACK: an Open-Source Highly Scalable Simulation Tool for Rock Mechanics with Dissipative Feedbacks
- Sources and transport of microbial tetraether membrane lipids in Karst Systems
- Stress-Induced Microseismic Events during a Gallery Excavation in a Clay Formation : Spatial Distribution and Damage Mechanism.
- Supporting the scientific lifecycle through cloud services
- A Mobile App for Geochemical Field Data Acquisition
- Enabling dynamic access to dynamic petascale Earth Systems and Environmental data collections is easy: citing and reproducing the actual data extracts used in research publications is NOT
- Exploring the impact of big data in economic geology using cloud-based synthetic sensor networks
- IGSN at Work in the Land Down Under: Exploiting an International Sample Identifier System to Enhance Reproducibility of Australian Geochemcial and Geochronological Data.
- Sample Identification at Scale - Implementing IGSN in a Research Agency
- The changing microstructural arrangement of graphite during deformation and hydrothermal alteration of amphibolite-facies mylonite, Alpine Fault, New Zealand.
- Using Feedback from Data Consumers to Capture Quality Information on Environmental Research Data
- AnisoVis: a MATLAB™ toolbox for the visualisation of elastic anisotropy
- Data You May Like: A Recommender System for Research Data Discovery
- Insight into the different couplings involved in the weakening of faults and their effect on earthquake nucleation
- Potential Biases in TEX<SUB>86</SUB>-Reconstructed Temperatures from Lake Malawi, Africa
- Progress Towards an Open Data Ecosystem for Australian Geochemistry and Geochronology Data
- Scalable persistent identifier systems for dynamic datasets
- What is Next? Linking all Samples of Planet Earth.
- A numerical model for modeling microstructure and THM couplings in fault gouges
- Airborne electromagnetics data interactive visualisation and exploratory data analysis using Cloud technologies
- Building a Generic Virtual Research Environment Framework for Multiple Earth and Space Science Domains and a Diversity of Users.
- Experimental Evidence of Volcanic Earthquakes Induced by Different Fluid Types
- Towards seamless workflows in agile data science
- Boosting Data Science in Geochemistry: We Need Global Geochemical Data Standards and Networking!
- Building a multipurpose Geoscience Virtual Research Environment to cater for multiple use cases, a range of scales and diverse skill sets.
- Comparison of the performances of visco-plastic and Cosserat THM numerical models for describing faults behavior
- IGSN: Toward a Mature and Generic Persistent Identifier for Samples
- Muon imaging and monitoring at the Mont Terri underground rock laboratory, Switzerland.
- Pore morphology, permeability, and constraints on gas hydrate accumulation in sediments from the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, NZ
- Revisiting the giant Ruatoria Debris Flow on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: results from IODP Expeditions 372 and 375, Site U1520.
- Simulating reservoir leakage across reactivated impermeable faults
- An Energy Based Constitutive framework for Multiphysics Geomechanics
- Leveraging Web Architecture to Scale Metadata to Gigascale
- Middle-atmosphere Dynamics Studied with a Portable Muon Detector at the Mont Terri Underground Rock Laboratory, Switzerland.
- Our Treasures Need No Longer be Buried: Advancing Physical Samples from Personal Items to Globally Shared First Class Objects of International Research.
- Versioning of Research Data - Patterns and Principles
- Building Community and Road-Testing the New IGSN System Architecture
- Fault Reactivation Experiments and Modeling Highlight Aseismic Fault Leakage in Caprock Analogue and the Risk of Induced Seismicity
- AuScope Virtual Research Environments: Building a Data and Analytical Framework to Support a Decadal Plan for a Downward Looking Telescope.
- Converging Identifier Infrastructures: the Proposed Partnership between IGSN and DataCite
- IGSN 2040 Physical Samples Graph: Connecting Data and Knowledge to The Physical World
- Is Spatial AI Special?
- The Future of X-informatics Lies in Collaborative Convergence: an Exemplar from the Global Global OneGeochemistry Initiative.
- Challenging the Status Quo: What Databases/Data Compilations are You Using for Your Data-Driven Geochemical Research? Will they still be accessible in 2030? Are your data compilations ethical?