Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia
flowchart I[Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (6)"] AW["Affiliated Works (833)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (150)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science
- CSIRO Australian Telescope National Facility
- CSIRO Division of Applied Physics
- CSIRO Division of Radiophysics
- CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
- CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Source to Sink Explanation for Clastic Sediment Around Islands on the Middle Shelf of the Great Barrier Reef Platform
- Application of in situ-produced 10Be to the study of Australian stone line induced by termite activity
- Aseismic stress transfer between shallow and medium depths in transition zones of the San Andreas fault
- Development of Multi-Functional Measurement Techniques for Vadose Zone Characterization
- Eddy Flux Measurements and Energy Balance Closure
- Evidence for a Flushing Mechanism of Nitrate Export from Susannah Brook Catchment
- Fluid-Dacite Interaction in the PACMANUS Subseafloor Hydrothermal System - Preliminary Results From Secondary Mineral Chemistry and Geochemical Modeling
- Forest Fragmentation Effects on Simulated Biomass Accumulation Using Remotely-sensed Data with Varying Spatial Resolution
- Hydrothermal Corrosion: A Major Pre-Ore Forming Process Documented by ODP Leg 193 (PACMANUS, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea)
- Incorporating Continents into a Theory of the Earth's Heat Loss
- Internal Facies Organization of a Deep-Marine Dacite Volcano Hosting an Active Hydrothermal System (ODP Leg 193, Manus Back-Arc Basin, Papua New Guinea)
- Inverse Modelling of Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Discrimination During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Assimilation Within a Forest Canopy
- Modeling Recharge - can it be Done?
- OZFLUX: Water, Energy, and Carbon Cycles in Australian Terrestrial Systems
- REE and Sr Isotope Geochemistry of Anhydrite From the PACMANUS Subseafloor Hydrothermal System
- Sr and Stable Isotope (S,O) Chemistry of Anhydrite and Sulfide Phases From the PACMANUS Hydrothermal System, Site 1188, ODP Leg 193.
- Subduction of the Woodlark Spreading Center: Geochemical and Tectonic Effects
- The Australian Computational Earth Systems Simulator
- The Multidecadal Rainfall Decline Over Southwestern Australia: Analysis Using a Stochastic Downscaling Approach
- What Makes a Craton a Craton
- A Multi Resolution Valley Bottom Flatness Index for Mapping Valley Fill Storage Zones
- A continental-scale Inventory of Soil Organic Carbon and Stable Carbon Isotopes from Australian Sandy Soils
- Anthropogenic CO2 uptake by the ocean based on the global chlorofluorocarbon dataset
- Calculating Dust Deposition to the Surface Waters of the Western Pacific and Coming up Short
- Daily European CO2 fluxes inferred by inversion of atmospheric transport
- Dissolved Fe in the Central and Western North Pacific: Results from the 2002 IOC Cruise
- Dissolved Iron in the Australian Sector of the Southern Ocean During Spring: Implications for the Seasonal Cycle of Iron in Antarctic Surface Waters
- Improving regional and continental CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux estimates with surface concentration measurements
- Measurements of Near-Surface Sea Temperature From R/V Ron Brown During EPIC2001
- Multi-tracer constraints on ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
- Rainfall Measurements on the R/V Ronald H. Brown During EPIC2001
- The Atmospheric Dust Concentration and the Fractional Solubility of Atmospheric Al in seawater
- Two-Dimensional Airflow within Canopies on Hilly Terrain: Implications for Flux Monitoring, Inverse Models, and Data Assimilation
- What are the Outstanding Questions in Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange?
- A Watershed Similarity Index for Characterizing Homogeneity in Storm Runoff due to Saturation Excess Overland Flow
- Back to Basics: Allard Lake to Mars
- Changes in Gross and Net CO2 Fluxes Over the Last two Decades Deduced from CO2, 13C, and 18O Atmospheric Measurements
- Fluvial Responses to Holocene sea Level Variations Along the Macdonald River, New South Wales, Australia
- Global estimates of the oceanic emission of dimethylsulfide under enhanced greenhouse conditions
- Impacts of Vegetation Change on the Water Balance of Superficial, Coastal Aquifers: a Comparative Study of Pre-clearing and Post-clearing Recharge Under Native Vegetation, and Pine Plantations
- Impacts of vegetation change on groundwater recharge
- Improving the Dupuit-Forchheimer Approximation for Free Surface Flow in an Unconfined Aquifer
- Integrating Multiple Sources of Terrestrial Observations to Calibrate Carbon Models
- Is the Wilson Cycle Caused by the Memory Effect of Water?
- Mapping of hydraulic fractures from tiltmeter measurements
- Mapping the Extent and Rate of Overbank Deposition Using Mine-Derived Sediment Tracers Along the Strickland River, Papua New Guinea
- Modeling CO2 profiles for satellite validation
- Modelling Tropical Forest Productivity Incorporating Spatial Variation And Diffuse Light Within 3-PG
- On Boreholes and PBO Borehole Strain
- The Impacts of Vegetation Change on Regional Groundwater Balances - an Australian Perspective
- Aragonite Undersaturation in the High-Latitude Surface Ocean Within the 21st Century
- Assessing the environmental costs and benefits of plantations under future carbon pricing scenarios
- Compound-Specific d13C And dD Analyses Of Plant And Soil Organic Matter: Implications For Water Sources And C3-C4 Vegetation Change Studies
- High-Resolution Strain on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield Before, During, and After the September 28, 2004, M6 Earthquake: Implications for Fault Response, Loading, and Nucleation.
- Linking leaf photosynthesis to eddy-covariance measured fluxes on complex terrain
- Modelling Borehole Wave Propagation using a 3D Variable-Grid Finite-Difference Scheme
- Nonlinear Joint Inversion to 3D Geological Models
- Presence and Expression of Microbial Genes Regulating Soil Nitrogen Dynamics Along the Tanana River Successional Sequence
- Rates and spatial patterns of sediment dispersal across the lower Strickland River floodplain, Papua New Guinea
- Seasonal Characteristics of Circulation in the Southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean
- Simulating the effects of native vegetation configurations on water quality using a multi-agent system coupled to a distributed hydrological process model
- Temporal evolution of the CFC distributions along the SR3 section between Tasmania and Antarctica
- Tensor Strain Seismograms: a New Tool for Earthquake Science
- The George V Land Continental Margin (East Antarctica): new Insights Into Bottom Water Production and Quaternary Glacial Processes from the WEGA project
- Upper Thermocline Salinity Anomalies in the Indian Ocean
- Changes in Pore Pressure due to Repeated Gas Hydrate Dissociation/Formation in Shallow Marine Sediments
- Geochemical Controls on the Mobility of Lead and Silver in Tropical Floodplain Sediments.
- Intergrowths in Multidomain Hematite: Source of High NRM Intensities and Coercivity?
- Modelling of Thermal Advective Reactive Flow in Hydrothermal Mineral Systems Using an Implicit Time-stepped Finite Element Method.
- Seasonal heat budget in the mixed layer of the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean in a high-resolution ocean general circulation model
- Site- and Patch-Scale Patterns of Near-Ground Solar Radiation Along the Grassland / Forest Continuum: Are There General Trends?
- Standardizing geologic data interchange: GeoSciML from the IUGS/CGI datamodel collaboration
- The Geometry of Shallow Sills and Hydraulic Fractures
- The role of water in connecting past and future episodes of subduction
- Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Continental Extension: the Transition From Core Complexes to Rigid Block Faulting
- Thermodynamic Geodynamics: The Power of Volume Change
- Trading water for carbon with biological carbon sequestration
- Using the Assay Data Exchange standard with WFS to build a complete minerals exploration data-transfer chain
- A rigorous tool for evaluating the importance of viscous dissipation in sill formation: It is in the tip
- An assessment of thermal infrared remote sensing and its usefulness in determining regional stream temperatures
- Damage, Stress Transfer and Mineralisation Around Major Faults
- Decadal sediment accumulation rates on the floodplain of the Strickland River, Papua New Guinea
- Exchanging observations and measurements data: applications of a generic model and encoding
- Exploring for the Sources of Internal Elastic Deformations Using Potential Fields and Their Poisson Wavelets; Possible Applications to InSAR Observations
- Impacts of Land Use Changes on Water Resources: Examples from Australia and China
- Incorporating Remotely Sensed Measures of Vegetation Into Budyko's Hydrologic Model.
- Investigating the Influence of Magmatic Volatile Input and Seawater Entrainment on Vent Deposit Morphology and Composition in Manus Basin (Back-arc) Hydrothermal Systems
- Modeling Mechanisms of Saucer-Shaped Sill Formation
- New understanding of the complexity of groundwater flow in Chalk catchments of the UK
- Permafrost Degradation and Effects on Watershed Chemistry and Hydrology
- Retrieval of Vegetation Structure and Carbon Balance Parameters Using Ground-Based Lidar and Scaling to Airborne and Spaceborne Lidar Sensors
- SO2 oxidation in Seasalt Aerosols: Enhanced NSS Production due to Biogenic Alkalinity and Aerosol Indirect Effect RF
- Saucer morphologies of magmatic intrusions and sand injectites
- Simulating Coupled Processes in Hydrothermal Ore Systems for Predictive Mineral Discovery
- The ASPeCt sea ice data set Recent products and applications
- The Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Carbon: Isotopic and Spectroscopic Insights From an Upland Mediterranean Catchment
- The Brittle-Ductile Transition - A Self-Consistent Approach.
- The OGC Sensor Web Enablement framework
- Towards improved understanding of the linkage between irrigation and groundwater systems in tropical Australia
- A Predictable Terrestrial Signature to Riverine Dissolved Organic Carbon?
- Analysis of Changes in Biochemical Composition Under Free-Air CO2 enrichment by 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Leaf Litter, Roots, and Soils From Oak Ridge
- Bioavailability, Composition and Fate of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Swan-Canning Catchment, South-Western Australia
- CALIPSO Aerosol Backscatter and Extinction Characterization Using the MODIS and OMI Products
- Constraining Parameters of the Reciprocal K-Primed Equation of State Using Normal Modes
- Determining the Anisotropy of Remanence Tensor Using a Conventional Electromagnet: Overcoming the Hematite Problem and Correcting for Inclination Error in Redbeds
- Earth's deep water cycle
- Effects of Climate and Fire on Thermal Habitats Within Mountain Stream Networks: An Example With a Native Charr Species
- Estimating Fractional Cover of Photosynthetic Vegetation, Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation and Soil in Savannas Using the EO-1 Hyperion and MODIS Sensors
- Improving Probabilistic Rainfall Projections for Australia
- Information Viewpoints and Geoscience Service Architectures
- Insights Into the Mechanisms of Shallow Dike Intrusions Through Particle Code Modelling
- Integration of Multiresolution Data using Geostatistics, Stratigraphy, and Seismic Inversions to Build Realistic Flow Simulation Models
- Leverage and Delegation in Developing an Information Model for Geology
- Multi-Sensor Model-Data Assimilation for Improved Modeling of Savanna Carbon and Water Budgets
- Numerical and Physical Modeling of Width Dynamics on Fluvial Fans
- Physical Constraints on Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Scaling Relationships for Deep and Shallow Magma-Driven Intrusions
- Some Transient Analytical Groundwater Responses for Basis Spline Pulse Inputs
- The Araguainha impact crater at the Permo-Triassic boundary: implications for the carbon isotope excursion and the mass extinction.
- A Preliminary Assessment of the Effects of River Water Dynamics and Chemistry on Uranium Fate and Transport at the Hanford 300A Site
- An Analysis on Spatiotemporal Variations of Soil and Vegetation Moisture from a 29 year Satellite Derived Dataset over Mainland Australia
- An application of spatially constrained inversion using FD Helicopter EM data to characterise spatial variations in groundwater salinity across the floodplains of the Murray River in South-eastern Australia
- Arsenic Speciation in Groundwater: Role of Thioanions
- Constraints on Aeolian Degradation Rates on Mars from Erasure of Rover Tracks
- Evaluation of Methods for Estimating the Effects of Vegetation Change and Climate Variability on Streamflow
- Evaluation of the performance of SiBcrop model in predicting carbon fluxes and crop yields in the croplands of the US mid continental region
- How much energy is transferred from the winds to the thermocline on ENSO timescales?
- Linking the Timescales of Orogenic growth and Climatic Feedback in Southern New Zealand: A Pilot Study
- Mars Aeolian Features and Processes Observed Concurrently From Orbit and the Ground
- Methylmercury distribution in the Upper Part of the Southern Ocean Water Column
- Multiple Stable States in Hydrological Models: An Eco-hydrological Example
- Oxygen Isotope Composition of Phytoliths From Australian Tropical Forests: Towards a New Paleoclimate Tool for the Tropical Pacific area
- Plant water uptake at the single plant scale: experiment vs. model
- Stilling and the terrestrial hydrologic cycle
- Subduction of SAMW/AAIW in the Upper Cell of the Southern Ocean
- The use of Hydrologic Regionalisation Techniques in the Australian Sustainable Yields Projects
- Use Of MODIS Leaf Area Index To Improve Rainfall-Runoff Modelling In Ungauged Catchments
- An Analysis of the Impacts of Sodic Soil Amelioration on Soil Hydraulic Properties, Deep Drainage and Groundwater Using the HYDRUS Model
- An OGC Hydrology and Hydrogeology Interoperability Experiment
- Application Of New Spatial Statistical Stream Models For Precise Downscaling Of Climate Change Effects On Temperatures In River Networks
- Can agricultural soils effectively remove legacy carbon from the atmosphere? Lessons from Australian long-term soil experiments. (Invited)
- Changes of the variances of global precipitation based on the IPCC AR4 Climate Models
- Comparisons of in situ observations of bulk near-surface meteorological variables, turbulent and radiative fluxes, and cloud properties with operational NWP models in the VOCALS region
- Determining the Desorption Kinetics of U(VI) from Contaminated Sediments Under Complex and Changing Solution Conditions
- Development of Hydro-Informatic Modelling System and its Application
- Experimental Determination of the Osmotic Properties of Sensitive Shales
- Geometry, scaling relationships and emplacement dynamics of a ca. 6 Ma shallow felsic sill complex, Calamita Peninsula, Elba Island, Italy
- Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100 for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Hydrological Information Systems an Australian Perspective
- Identifying sources and processes influencing nitrogen export to a small stream using dual isotopes of nitrate
- Isotopic imprint of denitrification on the natural terrestrial biosphere (Invited)
- Modeling Field-Scale Uranium Reactive Transport in Physically and Chemically Heterogeneous Media (Invited)
- Modelling the Influence of Magma Weight on the Growth of Laccoliths and Large Mafic Sills
- Monitoring desertification from space: From measuring photons to advising policy makers (Invited)
- On the Role of Contrail Ice in the Chemistry of Aircraft Exhaust Plumes
- Physically-based modeling of water exchange between surface water and groundwater : Conceptual and applied simulations (Invited)
- Radiocarbon Age Variability of Deep Sea Corals from the North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean
- Reactive transport modelling of a remediation measure at a former gasworks site in Southern Germany
- The Case for a Geocentric rather than Heliocentric Origin of the Late Stage Heavy Bombardment (LHB) of the Moon and Tidal Evolution of its Orbit
- The Potential Impacts of Nutrient and CO2 Variations on Ecosystem Oxidative Ratio
- The Role of Science and Technology in the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)
- Thermomechanical Earth Reference Model
- US Southern Ocean CTD/Hydrographic/Carbon/Tracer Meridional Transects Contributing to the IPY
- Weather and fire behaviour during the Victorian bushfires of 7 February 2009
- When Does Averaging Equal Scaling? Thoughts on Isotopic and Geophysical Methods in Hydrogeology
- A Provenance Model for Real-Time Water Information Systems
- Application of a macroscale hydrologic model to estimate streamflow across southeast Australia
- Argo measurements of Madden-Julian Oscillation mixed-layer variability
- Biochemical Disincentives to Fertilizing Cellulosic Ethanol Crops
- Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Hydrological Models within Scientific Workflow Software
- Changes in the CFC distributions between Tasmania and Antarctica over 1991-2008
- Developing a new model for the Great Artesian Basin of Australia: hydrologic mixing, multi-scale flow systems, fault-partitioned sub-basins, and mantle influences on groundwater quality, superimposed on regional flow systems
- Earth's Deep Water Cycle as a possible explanation of the Wilson Cycle (Invited)
- Enhanced Digital Elevation Models from the SRTM data: The Australian Experience and Global Prospects
- Exploring the impact of model and data uncertainties in the detection and attribution of upper-ocean warming (Invited)
- Field Implementation of Electrokinetic-ISCO Remediation
- GCM Projections and Rainfall-runoff Modelling: Relative Uncertainties
- Geochemical evidence for groundwater mixing in the western Great Artesian Basin and recognition of deep inputs in continental-scale flow systems
- Guided Geothermal Exploration in Hot Sedimentary Aquifers
- Impacts of changes in the dynamics of precipitation on global runoff
- Inter-annual and Seasonal Variation of UT/LS Cloud Ice Water Content in the Asian Monsoon as Observed by CALIPSO
- Long-term carbon stabilization through sorption of dissolved aromatic acids to reactive particles (Invited)
- Mitigation of emissions from wildfires in Australia: potential for use of managed prescribed fire in eucalypt dominated vegetation, present and future. (Invited)
- Modelling Infragravity Waves and Currents across a Fringing Reef: Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia
- Modelling climate impact on water in Australia: issues, methods and uncertainty (Invited)
- Radiogenic 4He as a tracer of regional groundwater discharge to the Fitzroy River, north Western Australia
- Rapid seawater circulation through animal burrows in mangrove forests - A significant source of saline groundwater to the tropical coastal ocean
- Remote Sensing of Water Quality in a Tropical Freshwater Impoundment
- Retrieval of Vegetation Structural Parameters and 3-D Reconstruction of Forest Canopies Using Ground-Based Echidna® Lidar
- The Carbon Sink of the World's Forests: Trends and Causes of Change in Boreal, Temperate, and Tropical Regions from Forest Inventories
- The Response of Soil Carbon Stocks to Changing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations are Soil-Type-Dependent
- Uncertainty Associated with Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Volatile Organic Compounds in the Global Atmosphere (Invited)
- Waves and wave-driven currents over a barred beach during a sea-breeze cycle
- An approach and tooling to water information integration using formal information models.
- Aquifer characterisation in East Timor, with ground TEM
- Assessing skill of a global bimonthly streamflow ensemble prediction system
- Building a high resolution national elevation model from SRTM: The Australian experience
- Determining Mass and Persistence of a Reactive Brominated-Solvent DNAPL Source Using Mass Depletion-Mass Flux Reduction Relationships During Pumping
- Generalized Dissimilarity Modeling of Late-Quaternary Variations in Pollen-Based Compositional Dissimilarity
- Implementation of Electrokinetic-ISCO Remediation
- In search of accuracy in cirrus retrievals
- International Water Information Systems: Evolving the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System to a Standards-based Infrastructure
- Is digital cover photography a viable method for measuring leaf index for phenological research in closed forest ecosystems?
- Linking soil nitrogen cycling to hydrologic transport at the plot to catchment scale
- Local to Global Scale Time Series Analysis of US Dryland Degradation Using Landsat, AVHRR, and MODIS
- Long term measurement of lake evaporation using a pontoon mounted Eddy Covariance system
- Monitoring Forest Change and Ice Storm Disturbance to Forest Structure Using Echidna° Ground-Based Lidar
- On the use of Radiocarbon to Decipher Sedimentary Organic Matter Sources
- Persistent Spatial Gradients In Drinking Water Reservoir Methane Emissions: The Role Of Catchment Organic Matter Input
- Pesticide runoff from farms: upscaling from pesticide application in fields to concentrations in streams and rivers
- Post Wildfire Changes in Plant Functioning and Vegetation Dynamics: Implications for Water Fluxes in Re-sprouting Forests
- Predictability of Low-Frequency Regime Transitions in the Barotropic Vorticity Equation Driven by Weak Stochastic Forcing
- Prediction, Time Variance, and Classification of Hydraulic Response to Recharge in Two Karst Aquifers
- Quantifying the chemical composition of soil organic carbon with solid-state 13C NMR
- Scaling tower flux and satellite measures of ecosystem function across biomes, seasons and extreme dry to wet years in Australia (Invited)
- Soft computing and hydrogeologic characterization of the Serra Geral-Guarani aquifer system, Parana state, Brazil
- Soil Carbon Sequestration: Perspectives from Australia
- Statistical Downscaling of Gridded Rainfall and Their Impacts on Hydrological Response Analysis
- Texture and Anisotropy of Shales from The Officer Basin, Western Australia
- Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling of largely transformed media
- Trend Estimation and Change Point Detection in Climatic Series
- Upper and lower dissipative bounds for THMC Coupling
- Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon Research Coordination Network
- A Dual Wavelength Echidna® Lidar (DWEL) for Forest Structure Retrieval
- Argo profiles nonlinear feedback processes associated with the Indian Ocean Dipole
- Climatic drivers of variability in the response of NPP to elevated CO2. A model-data comparison at two FACE sites in the south eastern US
- Comparison of changes in groundwater recharge under projected future climates in the US High Plains aquifer and the Australian Murray-Darling Basin
- Continuous field measurement of N2O isotopologues using FTIR spectroscopy following 15N addition
- Data Convergence - An Australian Perspective
- Do Multiple Observation Types Reduce Uncertainty in Nitrogen and Phosphorous Limitations on Australia's Terrestrial Carbon Cycle?
- Effects Of Hydrothermal Alteration On Magnetic Properties And Magnetic Signatures - Implications For Predictive Magnetic Exploration Models
- Effects of Inter-Decadal Climate Variability on Rainfall-Runoff Relationships in Australian Catchments
- Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 levels and differential day/night atmospheric warming on nitrogen cycling through a Phalaris sward
- Evaluation of optical remote sensing to estimate evapotranspiration and canopy conductance
- Example of using expert judgement to refine GCM-based scenarios of regional climate change
- Examples of use of a-priori information to the inversion of AEM data
- Extending the Surface NMR Signal Model for B-field Sensors
- Further Studies of Forest Structure Parameter Retrievals Using the Echidna® Ground-Based Lidar
- How Disturbance Influences Community Composition at Hydrothermal Vents: a Theoretical Model of Macrofaunal Coexistence
- Impacts on the Direct and Indirect Radiative Forcing of Indonesian Biomass-Burning Aerosols due to ENSO-related Rainfall and Circulation Anomalies
- Implications of carbon dust emission for terrestrial carbon cycling and carbon accounting
- Importance of Reaction Mechanisms and Deformation on Gold Mineralisation
- Improving Conceptual Models Using AEM Data and Probability Distributions
- Induced seismicity and implications for CO2 storage risk
- Influence of objective function selection on modeling high and low flows in a changing climate
- Inter-annual variability in atmospheric nitrous oxide from 1996 to 2009
- Inversion of SPECTREM airborne electromagnetic data for groundwater assessment in outback Australia
- Micro-seismicity recorded during a gallery excavation in the Opalinus Clay of the Mont Terri URL: preliminary description of in situ damage mechanism
- Moving beyond carbon bean counting: what information do we need to truly assess soil carbon sequestration?
- Multiple Observation Types Jointly Constrain Terrestrial Carbon and Water Cycles
- New Methods For Interpretation Of Magnetic Gradient Tensor Data Using Eigenalysis And The Normalized Source Strength
- Nitrogen responses in groundwater, surface water and air following nitrate action plans in the Netherlands and Denmark
- Non-Linearity of the Rainfall-Runoff Response Across South-Eastern Australia During the Millennium Drought
- NorWeST: A Regional Stream Temperature Model for High-Resolution Aquatic Vulnerability Assessments in the Northwest U.S
- On the effects of evaluation decisions in model-data intercomparisons: An example using CMIP5 evapotranspiration
- Post Processing Numerical Weather Prediction Model Rainfall Forecasts for Use in Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting in Australia
- Runoff estimates across large regions using multiple data sources and regional model calibration schemes
- Salinity modeling by remote sensing in central and southern Iraq
- Spatial patterns of soil water storage and its multi-scale controls
- The IOD and ENSO asymmetric teleconnection pathway to Australian rainfall
- The Regional Distribution of Sea-level Rise
- The Synergized Optical Depth of Aerosols and Ice Clouds product (SODA & Ice), a new concept of A-Train data fusion: Overview and first global scale results
- Thresholds in groundwater-surface water connectivity amplify climate-induced runoff decline in water supply catchments
- Towards Better Coupling of Hydrological Simulation Models
- Using Voxelized Point-Cloud Forest Reconstructions from Ground-Based Full-Waveform Lidar to Retrieve Leaf Area Index and Foliage Profiles
- Viewing the top of the cyclone: CALIOP Ice water content in the uppermost layer of tropical cyclones, 2006 - 2011
- Water use and water use efficiency at elevated CO2: a model-data intercomparison at two contrasting temperate forest FACE sites
- Weather from the ozone hole
- Will CMIP5 GCMs reduce uncertainty in hydrological projections?
- A dynamic pore-network model of water infiltration into soils: equilibrium vs. non-equilibrium effects
- A stand-alone demography and landscape structure module for Earth system models
- A system for field gas-extraction of <SUP>85</SUP>Kr, <SUP>39</SUP>Ar and <SUP>81</SUP>Kr using SuperPhobic membrane contactors
- Achieving model-data harmony by viewing C and N isotopes through the same window: grazed pasture irrigation treatments over 42 years in New Zealand
- Advances in first-principles calculations of thermodynamic properties of planetary materials (Invited)
- An Evaluation of ACCESS simulation of Boundary Layer Clouds over the Southern Ocean with in-situ, ground-based and space-borne Observations
- An Online Approach for Training International Climate Scientists to Use Computer Models
- An interoperability experiment for sharing hydrological rating tables
- Application of LiDAR to hydrologic flux estimation in Australian eucalypt forests (Invited)
- Auscope: Australian Earth Science Information Infrastructure using Free and Open Source Software
- Australian net (1950s-1990) soil organic carbon erosion is an omitted CO<SUB>2</SUB> source
- Biomat flow: fluorescent dye field experiments, pore-scale modeling of flow and transport properties, and field-scale flow models
- Blending and Downscaling of Landsat and MODIS Surface Reflectance for Water Body Delineation: A Comparison of Index-Simulate and Simulate-Index Methods
- Building Cyberinfrastructures for Earth and Space Sciences so that they will come: lessons learnt from Australia
- Can Extreme Hydrological Events Rejuvenate Reservoir GHG Emissions?
- Canopy Biomass Lidar (CBL) Acquisitions at NEON and TERN Forest Sites
- Chaotic Advection, Transport and Mixing in Homogeneous Porous Media (Invited)
- Characterising and modelling regolith stratigraphy using multiple geophysical techniques
- Characterising the transport and preservation of microbial tetraether membrane lipids in Karst Systems
- Co-evolution of Plant Biodiversity and Pedogeochemistry in Australia
- Combining Global Climate Model Outputs and Insights from Downscaling for Australian Climate Projections
- Competing ecosystem model hypotheses for the CO<SUB>2</SUB> response of a nutrient and water limited mature woodland
- Description and Reconstruction of Soil Structure Using Correlation Functions: Morphological and Pore-Scale Modeling Study
- Dynamics of absorption properties along a latitudinal gradient: sources of absorption in Australian inland waters
- Elements of systemic sensitivity and propagated uncertainty in LiDAR-based forest attribute maps (Invited)
- Enabling a Scientific Cloud Marketplace: VGL (Invited)
- Estimating photosynthetic vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation and bare soil fractions using Landsat and MODIS data: Effects of site heterogeneity, soil properties and land cover
- Evaluating the Ice Water Content and Microphysical Properties of Cold Ice Clouds
- Field spectroscopy sampling strategies for improved measurement of Earth surface reflectance
- Global gross primary production estimation based on satellite-derived canopy conductance
- Greater carbon stocks and faster turnover rates with increasing agricultural productivity
- Groundwater age structure and palaeo hydrogeology over a 500 kyr time scale revealed from Krypton 81and a multiple tracer study: Great Artesian Basin
- Impacts of Coal Seam Gas (Coal Bed Methane) and Coal Mining on Water Resources in Australia
- Improving the spatio-temporal erodibility of dust emission models using MODIS data (Invited)
- Incorporating the Vegetation Response to changing atmospheric CO2 into the Budyko Framework (Invited)
- Increased loss of soil-derived carbon in response to litter addition and temperature
- Influence of humidity and temperature on the dehydration of Mg-carbonate minerals: Implications for optimizing stability of CO2 storage in minerals
- Integrating data from multiple science networks to conduct cross-scale ecohydrological research. (Invited)
- Intercomparison of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Instruments for Assessing Forested Ecosystems: A Brisbane Field Experiment
- Interoperability in multi-disciplinary, multi-organisational research environments (Invited)
- LabData database sub-systems for post-processing and quality control of stable isotope and gas chromatography measurements
- Meridional circulation anomalies associated with the Indian Ocean Zonal Mode
- Methane emission estimates in East Asia from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
- Model-experiment synthesis at two FACE sites in the southeastern US. Forest ecosystem responses to elevated CO[2]. (Invited)
- Monitoring and Simulation Changes of Typical Lake Basin in Tibetan Plateau Using Remote Sensing Data (1980-2010)
- Multi-scale gas flow in Bazhen formation shales
- Observations to information
- Porosity, Pore Size, and Permeability of Sediments from Site C0002, IODP Expedition 338
- Quantifying organic carbon fluxes in eroding hillslopes through MIR spectroscopy
- Re-use of standard ontologies in a water quality vocabulary (Invited)
- Recent summer rainfall increase and surface cooling over Northern Australia since the late 1970s: A response to warming in the tropical Western Pacific
- Remote Sensing Technologies for Estuary Research and Management (Invited)
- Responses of tropical root crops to climate change: implications for Pacific food security
- Retrieving Leaf Area Index and Foliage Profiles Through Voxelized 3-D Forest Reconstruction Using Terrestrial Full-Waveform and Dual-Wavelength Echidna Lidars
- SEDMI - the Search for Extreme, Deep Magnetization Intensities
- Scaling tower flux and satellite measures of ecosystem function across biomes, seasons and extreme dry to wet years in Australia (Invited)
- Separating Leaves from Trunks and Branches with Dual-Wavelength Terrestrial Lidar Scanning: Improving Canopy Structure Characterization in 3-D Space
- The NorWeST Stream Temperature Database, Model, and Climate Scenarios for the Northwest U.S. (Invited)
- The Pilgram's Progress: Reflections on the journey building Australia's solid earth information infrastructure (Invited)
- Thirty years of methane sources and sinks (Invited)
- Towards integrated error estimation and lag-aware data assimilation for operational streamflow forecasting
- Trends and interannual variability in water-balance evapotranspiration across Australia
- Understanding and projecting sea level change: improvements and uncertainties (Invited)
- Water Quality Vocabulary Development and Deployment
- 3D Geodynamic Modelling Reveals Stress and Strain Partitioning within Continental Rifting
- A Data-constrained Estimate of the Global Ocean Iron Cycle: Budgets, Timescales, and Iron Limitation
- A Record of Fluvial Response for the Australian Wet Tropics and Relationships to Regional Climate Change
- A hybrid approach to identifying cloud regimes for model evaluation applied to the Southern Ocean cloud and radiation biases
- A novel Fire-Model for the CABLE Land Surface Model applied to a Re-assessment of the Australian Continental Carbon Budget
- An Approach for Improving Prediction in River System Models Using Bayesian Probabilities of Parameter Performance
- Assessing the Impact of Different Measurement Time Intervals on Observed Long-Term Wind Speed Trends
- Building Resilience to Drought Impacts on Water Supplies: a Comparison of Approaches in Europe, the USA, and Australia
- CBaM : A calibration, bridging and merging method for post-processing GCM forecasts of meteorological variables
- Can improved SSTA prediction be translated into better seasonal rainfall forecast?
- Canada's Fraser River Basin transitioning from a nival to a hybrid system in the late 20<SUP>th</SUP> century
- Changes in snowfall and snow on the ground in the Western Canadian Arctic and implications to streamflow
- Characterizing the Effect of Different Sources of Uncertainty on Surrogates of Groundwater Models
- Collaboratively Architecting a Scalable and Adaptable Petascale Infrastructure to Support Transdisciplinary Scientific Research for the Australian Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Comparing Tide Gauge Observations to Regional Patterns of Sea-Level Change (1961-2003)
- Components for Maintaining and Publishing Earth Science Vocabularies
- Computational Challenges in the Analysis of Petrophysics Using Microtomography and Upscaling
- Computational Environments and Analysis methods available on the NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform
- Continental-scale ICESat canopy height modelling sensitivity and random forest simulations in Australia and Canada
- Daycent Model Development and Testing Using High Frequency N<SUB>2</SUB>o Sampling Data
- Detecting the CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilisation Effect from Space
- Development and Application of a Process-based River System Model at a Continental Scale
- Do Australian sclerophyll forests exhibit seasonality? an analysis with phenocam, eddy covariance fluxes, and satellite derived phenology.
- Ductile shear zones can induce hydraulically over-pressured fractures in deep hot-dry rock reservoirs: a new target for geothermal exploration?
- Efficient Probabilistic Inversion of Airborne Electromagnetic Data Under Spatial Constraints
- Enabling Data Intensive Science through Service Oriented Science: Virtual Laboratories and Science Gateways
- Equilibrium and Kinetic Models for Colloid Release Under Transient Solution Chemistry Conditions
- Establishment of the Geoglam Rangelands Acivity and Progress
- Estimates of evapotranspiration for riparian sites (Eucalyptus) in the Lower Murray -Darling Basin using ground validated sap flow and vegetation index scaling techniques
- Feedback of land subsidence on the movement and conjunctive use of water resources
- Future Extreme Sea Level Variability in the Tropical Pacific
- Generalization of the slip line field theory for temperature sensitivevisco-plastic materials
- How to reduce day-to-day variation of leaf area index derived from digital cover photography?
- Hydrological similarity and controls of streamflow behaviour in eastern Australian catchments
- Improving Flood Prediction By the Assimilation of Satellite Soil Moisture in Poorly Monitored Catchments.
- Influences on water quality in a groundwater dependent wetland system
- Integrating Multiple Measurement Techniques to Understand how the Delivery of Sediments to the Great Barrier Reef has Changed Over Space and Time
- Interdecadal Changes in the Austral Winter Large-Scale Circulation
- Investigations on the Aridity Paradox
- Large-Scale Data Collection Metadata Management at the National Computation Infrastructure
- Late Pleistocene and early Holocene change in the Weddell Sea: a new climate record from the Patriot Hills, Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica
- Linking descriptive geology and quantitative machine learning through an ontology of lithological concepts
- Long-term Sea-level Change Revisited: The Role of Salinity
- Model averaging methods to merge statistical and dynamic seasonal streamflow forecasts in Australia
- Modeling episodic tremor and slip events in the ductile carbonates of the Glarus thrust
- Multi-Model Comparison of Southern Ocean and Sea Ice Trends in CORE-II and CMIP5 Model
- Passive Microwave and Optical Indices-Based Approaches for Estimating Surface Conductance in Forest Ecosystems
- Phosphorus and Nitrogen Co-Limit Global Grassland Productivity
- Predicting the effects of elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations on catchment carbon and water fluxes
- Projected Shifts of the South Pacific Convergence Zone and Their Effect on ENSO and Sea Level Extremes
- Proposed Requirements-driven User-scenario Development Protocol for the Belmont Forum E-Infrastructure and Data Management Cooperative Research Agreement
- Quantification of Vapor Intrusion Pathways into a Slab-on-Ground Building: an Integration of Mathematical Modeling and Field Experiments
- Quantifying impacts of coupled chemical and physical heterogeneity on water quality evolution during Aquifer Storage and Recovery
- Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on carbon release from permafrost-affected soils
- REDBACK: an Open-Source Highly Scalable Simulation Tool for Rock Mechanics with Dissipative Feedbacks
- Remote Sensing Forage Quality for Browsing Herbivores: A Case Study of Cutting Edge Koala Conservation
- Root Mediation of Soil Organic Matter Feedbacks to Climate Change
- Scientific Software - Publish, Cite, and get Credit for your Code
- Sensitivity analysis of numerical weather prediction radiative schemes to forecast direct solar radiation over Australia
- Simulation Games: The Future of Water Resources Education and Management?
- Structure Measurements of Leaf and Woody Components of Forests with Dual-Wavelength Lidar Scanning Data
- Sub-mesoscale Circulation in the Southern Ocean
- System-Wide Calibration of River System Models: Opportunities and Challenges
- The Evolution of Cooperation in Managed Groundwater Systems: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach
- The Impact of Anthropogenic Aerosols on the Properties of the Indian Ocean Dipole
- The NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform to Support the Analysis of Petascale Environmental Data Collections
- The Nd isotopic composition of Adélie Coast Bottom Water - insights from GIPY6 cruise along 140°E
- The Pacific and Indian Ocean Exchange: Analysis of the Imos Timor Passage and Ombai Strait Moorings
- The Potential of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture Retrievals in Calibrating Land Surface Models
- The advantages, and challenges, in using multiple techniques in the estimation of surface water-groundwater fluxes.
- The role of stakeholders in Murray-Darling Basin water management: How do irrigators make water use decisions and how can this influence water policy?
- Thermocline Feedback Influence on Indian Ocean Dipole Skewness
- Understanding Biophysical Interactions In The Great Barrier Reef Catchments: Better Landscape Management For Water Quality Outcomes
- Understanding and Quantifying Controls of Arsenic Mobility during Deepwell Re-injection of CSG Waters
- Unscrambling the Omlette: a New Bubble and Crystal Clustering Mechanism in Chaotically Mixed Magma Flows
- Upper Ocean Salinity Stratification in the Tropics As Derived from the Buoyancy Frequency N2
- Using the Rapid-Scanning, Ultra-Portable, Canopy Biomass Lidar (CBL) Alone and In Tandem with the Full-Waveform Dual-Wavelength Echidna<SUP>®</SUP> Lidar (DWEL) to Establish Forest Structure and Biomass Estimates in a Variety of Ecosystems
- A Mobile App for Geochemical Field Data Acquisition
- A Semi-Analytical Method for Rapid Estimation of Near-Well Saturation, Temperature, Pressure and Stress in Non-Isothermal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection
- A mechanism for decadal variations in the frequency of extreme El Niño events
- AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt.
- Anticipated Consequences of Increasing Temperature and Ocean Acidification on Cold-Water Coral Reefs and Options for Managing Impacts
- BLAZE, a novel Fire-Model for the CABLE Land-Surface Model applied to a Re-Assessment of the Australian Continental Carbon Budget
- Benchmarking and improving microbial-explicit soil biogeochemistry models
- Building persistent identifier systems for geoscience research - Technical solutions and community governance
- Challenges of Simulating Small-Scale Erosion Processes in Catchment Models
- Change in Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency Over the Last Three Decades
- Changes in the global methane budget since 2000
- Characterising Vegetation Structural and Functional Differences Across Australian Ecosystems From a Network of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey Sites and Airborne and Satellite Image Archives
- Constraining methane emissions from the Indo-Gangetic Plains and South Asia using combined surface and satellite data
- Convective Cloud Ice Water Content Distribution in the Upper Tropical Troposphere
- Diagnosing Model Uncertainty on Terrestrial Carbon Cycle with Field manipulative experiments
- Direct evidence of warm water access to the Totten Glacier sub-ice shelf cavity
- Do We Need Larger Eddy Covariance Site Networks? Sites Spatial Distribution and Network Size Effect on Carbon and Water Fluxes Upscaling Using Empirical Models
- Down-regulation of tissue N:P ratios in terrestrial plants by elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Enabling dynamic access to dynamic petascale Earth Systems and Environmental data collections is easy: citing and reproducing the actual data extracts used in research publications is NOT
- Estimating wide-area evapotranspiration at multiple scales using optical vegetation index methods
- Evaluating Observational Constraints on N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions via Information Content Analysis Using GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint
- Evidence for a substantial West Antarctic ice sheet contribution to meltwater pulses and abrupt global sea level rise
- Exploring the impact of big data in economic geology using cloud-based synthetic sensor networks
- First Evaluation of the CCAM Aerosol Simulation over Africa: Implications for Regional Climate Modeling
- First Row Transition Metals in Olivine - Petrogenetic Tracers for the Evolution of Mantle-Derived Magmas
- From WaterML to TimeseriesML: Evolution and implications for cross-domain data interoperability
- GlacierMIP - A Model Intercomparison of Global-scale Glacier Mass-balance Models and Projections
- Global Warming, Drought and a Greening Planet
- Grassland Degradation Alters Soil Carbon Turnover through Depth
- Improved Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling Through The Assimilation Of Streamflow And Downscaled Satellite Soil Moisture Observations
- Is demineralization with dilute hydrofluoric acid a viable method for isolating mineral stabilized soil organic matter?
- Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- Land cover change drives climate extremes and aridity in non-Amazonian South America
- Long-term Fate of Arsenic under the Oxidation of Ferrous Iron by Nitrate.
- Mapping canopy gap fraction and leaf area index at continent-scale from satellite lidar
- Methane Emissions from Abandoned Boreholes in South Eastern Australia
- Model structural uncertainty quantification and hydrogeophysical data integration using airborne electromagnetic data
- Modelling evapotranspiration during precipitation deficits: identifying critical processes in a land surface model
- Numerical Modeling of Coupled Water, Vapor and Energy in Soils and at the Soil-Atmosphere Interface
- On the accurate estimation of gap fraction during daytime with digital cover photography
- Plant functional types are more efficient than climate in predicting spectrums of trait variation in evergreen angiosperm trees of tropical Australia and China
- Process-based upscaling of surface-atmosphere exchange
- Provenance of things - describing geochemistry observation workflows using PROV-O
- Quantification and attribution of errors in the simulated annual gross primary production and latent heat fluxes by two global land surface models
- Regional scale groundwater resource assessment in the Australian outback - Geophysics is the only way.
- Remotely Sensed Information and Field Data are both Essential to Assess Biodiversity CONDITION!
- Sample Identification at Scale - Implementing IGSN in a Research Agency
- Synthetic geology - Exploring the "what if?" in geology
- Terrestrial carbon storage dynamics: Chasing a moving target
- The GEOGLAM Rangelands and Pasture Productivity Activity: Recent Progress and Future Directions
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland
- The Stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial (127-110 ka): A New Record From the Patriot Hills
- The dominant role of semi-arid lands in the trend and variability of the land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- The impact of residential combustion emissions on atmospheric aerosol, human health and climate
- Top-Down Assessment of the Asian Carbon Budget Since the Mid 1990s
- Using Noble Gas Tracers to Estimate CO<SUB>2</SUB> Saturation in the Field: Results from the 2014 CO2CRC Otway Repeat Residual Saturation Test
- VEGNET - a novel terrestrial laser scanner for daily monitoring of forest canopy dynamics
- What would optimal vegetation do when confronted with steadily increasing atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Discharge Driven by Atmosphere-Ocean Feedbacks Across the Last Glacial Termination
- Beach Morphodynamics in Response to Sea-Breeze Cycles in Southwestern Australia
- Building Better Drought Resilience Through Improved Monitoring and Early Warning: Learning From Stakeholders in Europe, the USA, and Australia
- Can we teach machines geochemical exploration?
- Carbon Isotopes in Ocean and Land Carbon Cycle Models: Atmospheric Forcing Data and Applications for CMIP6 and Beyond
- Changes in Hydroclimatic Extremes across China: Projections and Uncertainties
- Comparison of biomass burning inventories processed by GEOS-Chem and ACCESS2.0 with total column and satellite data in Australia.
- Computational study of Drucker-Prager plasticity of rock using microtomography
- Data You May Like: A Recommender System for Research Data Discovery
- Emergent Hydrological Regimes in Amazonia Determine Vegetation Productivity and Structure.
- Enhanced terrestrial carbon uptake linked to a recent pause in the growth rate of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Estimating clandestine activities from partially observed processes: illegal transhipment of fish catches among vessels
- Exploring the Relationship Between Anthropogenic Aerosols and Ocean Change
- Feedbacks between water and energy balances, storage development, and aquatic ecosystems on the export of silicate weathering products
- Fire Effects on Vegetation Community, Carbon Pools, and Permafrost Vulnerability in Subarctic Tundra
- From Field to the Web: Management and Publication of Geoscience Samples in CSIRO Mineral Resources
- Global Warming Attenuatesthe Tropical Atlantic-Pacific Teleconnection
- Go Digital! Making Physical Samples a Valued Part of the Online Record of Science
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- High-angle faults control the geometry and morphology of the Corinth Rift
- Identifying Anomalous Behaviour in AIS Data: Loitering and Gaps in Transmission as Indicators of IUU Associated Behaviour.
- Improving Precipitation Forecast for Canadian Catchments
- Incorrectly Interpreting the Carbon Mass Balance Technique Leads to Biased Emissions Estimates from Global Vegetation Fires
- Linking netCDF Data with the Semantic Web - Enhancing Data Discovery Across Domains
- Model calibration for changing climates: lessons from Australian droughts.
- Modeled atoll shoreline and run-up changes in response to sea-level rise and varying large wave conditions at Wake and Midway Atolls, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
- Modeling Coherent Strategies for the Sustainable Development Goals
- Monitoring groundwater storage change through joint assimilation of GRACE terrestrial water storage and SMOS soil moisture observations
- New Feed Sources Key to Ambitious Climate Targets
- Nutrient inputs via rock weathering point to enhanced CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake capacity of the terrestrial biosphere
- Observed Southern Hemisphere waveguide modes and their relationship to midlatitude and tropical forcing
- On the Response of the Aleutian Low to Greenhouse Warming
- On the renewed growth of atmospheric methane: implications for the oxidative capacity of the troposphere
- Optimal Estimation of Sulfuryl Fluoride Emissions on Regional and Global Scales Using Advanced 3D Inverse Modeling and AGAGE Observations
- Optimal versus observed vegetation responses to CO<SUB>2</SUB> over the last 40 years
- Precipitation variability on global pasturelands may affect food security in livestock-dependent regions
- Progress toward an Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG<SUP>3</SUP>IS)
- Pyrogenic carbon distribution in landscapes and input to aquatic systems
- Raising Virtual Laboratories in Australia onto global platforms
- Re-evaluating the 1940s CO<SUB>2</SUB> plateau
- Recent Ship, Satellite and Autonomous Observations of Southern Ocean Eddies
- Scalable persistent identifier systems for dynamic datasets
- Seasonal Responses of Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency to Climate Change
- Seasonal, inter-annual and decadal drivers of tree and grass productivity in an Australian tropical savanna.
- Shining a light on Jarosite: formation, alteration and stability studies using in situ experimental synchrotron and neutron techniques.
- Simulating the Earth System Response to Negative Emissions
- Soil organic carbon in eastern Australia
- Soil organic matter composition from correlated thermal analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance data in Australian national inventory of agricultural soils
- Sources of Uncertainty and the Interpretation of Short-Term Fluctuations
- Spatio-temporal distribution of variance in upper ocean salinity
- The Anatomy of the Observed Shoreline Response to Extreme Wave Events: Ipan, Guam
- The Carbon Dioxide Removal Model Intercomparison Project (CDR-MIP) Initial Results and Future Experiment Designs
- The GULLS project: a comparison of vulnerabilities across selected ocean hotspots and implications for adaptation to global change.
- The Global Nitrous Oxide Budget: A joint new activity of GCP and INI
- The HEPEX Seasonal Streamflow Forecast Intercomparison Project
- The characterisation and management of greenhouse gas emissions from fires in northern Australian savannas
- The global methane budget 2000-2012. What's next?
- The international Argo data infrastructure; past, present, and future.
- The representation of non-equilibrium soil types in earth system models and its impact on carbon cycle projections
- The simulated climate of the Last Glacial Maximum and insights into the global carbon cycle.
- Time-Series Radiocarbon Measurements Indicate Carbon Turnover Across Soil Fractions is Correlated With Productivity in a Long-Term Agricultural Experiment
- Towards a Novel Integrated Approach for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Support of International Agreements
- Towards an Australian ensemble streamflow forecasting system for flood prediction and water management
- UAV Photogrammetry of Inflated Komatiite Flow Lobes in an Archean Bimodal Volcanic Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
- Uncertainty of Coupled Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Modelling Methods for Estimating Groundwater Recharge
- Understanding extreme sea levels for coastal impact and adaptation analysis
- Using bets to reveal people's opinions on climate change
- What is Next? Linking all Samples of Planet Earth.
- <SUP>14</SUP>CO in Antarctic Glacial Ice as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from 1880 AD to Present
- A Budyko-like vegetation carbon assimilation framework and its global application
- A Framework for Effective Assessment of Model-based Projections of Biodiversity to Inform the Next Generation of Global Conservation Targets
- Airborne electromagnetics data interactive visualisation and exploratory data analysis using Cloud technologies
- Assessing attainable intensification of global pasture systems at the 5 min x 5 min scale
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Bioregional Assessments: Determining the Impacts of Coal Resource Development on Water Resources in Australia through Groundwater, Surface Water and Ecological Modelling
- Building a Generic Virtual Research Environment Framework for Multiple Earth and Space Science Domains and a Diversity of Users.
- Carbon Transformations and Source - Sink Dynamics along a River, Marsh, Estuary, Ocean Continuum
- Contrasting Impact of Floodwaters on Coastal Biogeochemistry in the Great Barrier Reef Ecosystem
- Data Recommender: An Alternative Way to Discover Open Scientific Datasets
- Distributed Modelling of Stormflow Generation: Assessing the Effect of Ground Cover
- Earth System Models Underestimate Soil Carbon Diagnostic Times in Dry and Cold Regions.
- Enhanced vegetation growth peak and its key mechanisms
- Experimental Evidence of Volcanic Earthquakes Induced by Different Fluid Types
- Exploring prediction uncertainty of spatial data in geostatistical and machine learning Approaches
- Geoscience Australia Publishes Sample Descriptions using W3C standards
- Geospatial Data as a Service: The GEOGLAM Rangelands and Pasture Productivity Map Experience
- Global high-resolution nitrous oxide emission inventory for energy combustion sector
- High sensitivity of anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing to pre-industrial fire emissions
- In situ quantitative characterisation of the ocean water column using acoustic multibeam backscatter data
- Integration of UAV and ground-based Structure from Motion with Multi-View Stereo photogrammetry and hydrological data to quantify hillslope gully erosion processes in tropical savanna
- LAI is the major cause of divergence in CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization effect in land surface models
- Laboratory scale micro-seismic monitoring of rock faulting and injection-induced fault reactivation
- Large-area Soil Moisture Surveys Using a Cosmic-ray Rover: Approaches and Results from Australia
- Linking variability to trends and functioning
- Livestock and land: trends, status and research opportunities
- MODFLOW-OWHM v2: New Features and Improvements; The Next Generation of MODFLOW Conjunctive Use Simulation
- Mainstream web standards now support science data too
- Matrix approach to uncertainty assessment and reduction for modeling terrestrial carbon cycle
- Mature oil palm plantations are thirstier than tropical forests
- Nitrous oxide emissions from grassland ecosystems: Magnitude, spatio-temporal pattern and attribution
- Prediction Uncertainty and Groundwater Management: Approaches to get the Most out of Probabilistic Outputs
- Quantification of effective plant rooting depth: advancing global hydrological modelling
- Quantifying the effect of plant growth on litter decomposition using a novel, triple-isotope label approach
- Recent atmospheric chemistry observations in the Australian region - from the tropics to Antarctica
- Recent slowdown of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> amplification due to vegetation-climate feedback over northern lands
- Shifting fire regimes alter soil carbon and nutrient storage at the global scale: historical trends and future projections
- The Impact of Urban Growth and Climate Change on Heat Stress in an Australian City
- The Nitrous Oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) Budget: Constraints from Atmospheric Observations and Models
- Towards seamless workflows in agile data science
- Tracking forest canopy dynamics from an automated proximal hyperspectral monitoring system: linking remote sensing observations to leaf level photosynthetic processes
- Tropical rainforests dominate multi-decadal variability of the global carbon cycle
- Understanding the Socioeconomic Effects of Wildfires on Western U.S. Public Lands
- Underworld - Bringing a Research Code to the Classroom
- Upland Trees Contribute to Exchange of Nitrous Oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) in Forest Ecosystems
- Using environmental tracer data to identify deep-aquifer, long-term flow patterns and recharge distributions in the Surat Basin, Queensland, Australia
- Vadose Zone Fate and Transport Simulation of Chemicals Associated with Coal Seam Gas Extraction
- A Deep Learning Approach for Recovering Missing Time Series Sensor Data
- A balanced calibration of water quantity and quality by multi-objective optimization for integrated water system model
- Accelerating decision making in greenfields minerals exploration field campaigns
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> hinge on plant phosphorus use and acquisition: model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment.
- An Early Warning System for Marine Flooding of Reef-Lined Islands
- An updated conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling (cLHS) approach at variable resolutions for enhanced watershed scale Digital Soil Mapping.
- Assessing system resilience under hydroclimate variability and climate change - a case study for environmental flows in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
- Boosting Data Science in Geochemistry: We Need Global Geochemical Data Standards and Networking!
- Building a multipurpose Geoscience Virtual Research Environment to cater for multiple use cases, a range of scales and diverse skill sets.
- Communicating and Visualizing Uncertainty by Dynamic Implicit Modeling: A Case in Mineral Resources Assessment
- Compensatory Relationship between Ecosystem Transpiration and Evaporation at Inter-annual Time Scale
- Constraining Simulated Respiration Fluxes with Component Measurements in a Dry Eucalypt Forest
- Constraining the Evolution of the Fossil Component of the Global Methane Budget Since the Pre-Industrial Using <SUP>14</SUP>C Measurements in Firn Air and Ice Cores
- Early Last Interglacial ocean warming drove substantial ice mass loss from Antarctica
- Earth and Environment Science Information Partners: ESIP & E2SIP parallel pathways on opposite sides of the globe
- Enhancing Australian Foundation Spatial Data Framework to support Australia's future
- Estimating Terrestrial Water and Carbon Fluxes using an Integrated Rate Methodology
- Exploring impacts of socioeconomic and climate change on agriculture and food to 2050 at global and regional scales
- Extreme temperature and precipitation response to solar geoengineering
- GCP-CH<SUB>4</SUB> round 3: protocols and first results of atmospheric inversions
- Global and regional methane emissions for 2000-2017 estimated from CTE-CH<SUB>4</SUB> - contribution to GCP methane
- Globally Partitioning the Simultaneous Impacts of Climate Changes and Human-induced Changes on Catchment Streamflow: A Review and Meta-analysis
- High Resolution Mapping of Glacier Mass Loss in Yukon and Alaska Derived from GRACE Data
- Higher than expected CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilisation inferred from leaf to global observations
- How Did the 2017/2018 Heat Wave Over the Tasman Sea Affect Ocean Carbon Uptake and Biogeochemistry?
- How accurately can 4D seismic characterize a small CO<SUB>2 </SUB>leakage into a saline aquifer: Otway 2C experiment (Victoria, Australia)
- Hydrological Modelling Considerations to Predict a Future Under Changing Climate
- Increased global land carbon sink due to aerosol-caused cooling
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Investigating the Emergence and Geochemical Evolution of Enriched Basaltic Magmas: A Data-Driven Approach
- Investigation of the mechanisms driving ancient soil carbon stability in deep B-horizons of a giant podzol chronosequence (Cooloola)
- Investing in the Coastal Poor: Societal Trade-offs for Water Security Infrastructure
- Lake Ice Phenology Monitoring in Tibetan Plateau using Remote Sensed Data
- Land, water, greenhouse gas and fertiliser intensities of plant- and animal-based food production worldwide.
- Landsat observations of large-scale land degradation with Google Earth Engine
- Local processes dominate over remote processes in polar amplification
- Machine-learning - converting geoscience data into predictive geochemical and 3D surface models.
- Magnetic Domain State Diagnosis in Soils, Loess, and Marine Sediments From Multiple First-Order Reversal Curve-Type Diagrams
- Magnetic and gravity modelling of a granitic intrusion in eastern Australia
- Mapping Belowground Carbon Pools and Potential Vulnerability in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Marine Nitrogen Fixers, Low Oxygen Zones and Iron Supply: a Low Latitude Control on Atmospheric CO2
- Multiphase rifting of continental lithosphere under steady extension rate
- National-scale yield estimates with different temporal and spatial resolutions
- NetCDF-LD: Updates on a Linked Data profile for NetCDF files
- Nitrogen deposition has small effect on the global carbon cycle, large influence on nitrogen losses from the land
- Observed Characteristics and Dynamics of ENSO Extremes
- On the use of soil moisture and actual evapotranspiration data to reduce groundwater recharge uncertainty in semi-arid regions
- Partitioning Global Land Evapotranspiration Using CMIP5 Models Constrained by Field Observations
- Process Analyses for Multiphase Flow and Phase Change in a CO<SUB>2</SUB>-ECBM Engineering System
- Ruthenium in Chromite as Indicator for Magmatic Sulfide Liquid Equilibration in Mafic-Ultramafic Systems
- Salt and water balance model for the polders of the Ganges delta
- Scientific Software Solution Centre for Discovering, Sharing and Reusing Research Software
- Seismic dispersion and attenuation in saturated porous rock with aligned slit cracks
- State, Trends and the Future of the Carbon Cycle
- The Effect of Microbial Diversity on Organic Matter Transformations in Soils
- The coupling between global water and carbon cycles and its changes in the past 30 years
- The meteorological factors modulating the recent haze events in North China
- Top-down Quantification of Methane Fluxes in the Surat Basin (Australia), a Region of Coal Seam Gas Production
- Towards a holistic quantification of uncertainties in traveltime datasets derived from seismic reflection and refraction data
- Trend and variance of continental fresh water discharge over the last six decades
- Two decades of coastal oceanic nitrous oxide emissions inferred from atmospheric measurements and high-resolution inverse modelling
- Uncertainties associated with microwave link rainfall estimates in an urban environment: Insights from an experimental setup in the Melbourne CBD
- Uncertainty of transpiration estimates from a coupled water and carbon model in grassland ecosystems
- Using machine learning to classify landforms for minerals exploration
- <SUP>14</SUP>CO in Glacial Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from 1870 AD to Present
- A Dynamically-Based Investigation of Australian Northwest Cloudbands and their Relationship to Atmospheric Rivers and Heavy Precipitation
- A soil classification based on spectra, climate and terrain variables
- Analysis of dynamic sea level projections and uncertainties in CMIP6 models
- Atmospheric Convection Dominates Genesis of ENSO Asymmetry
- Better prediction of low flow characteristics for environmental water management
- Bias correction of global high-resolution precipitation climatologies using streamflow observations from 9372 catchments
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> Flux from Sub-arctic Mire Lakes: A Look at Relationships Between Microbial Communities and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- Case study: massively scalable scientific research platform in exploration geophysics
- Causes of Decelerating Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Amplitude at Mauna Loa
- Climate reversibility and the response of the land carbon cycle
- Contrasting Decadal and Inter-decadal Components of ENSO-like Variability in the Pacific
- Decomposability of soil organic matter over time: The Soil Incubation Database (SIDb, version 1.0) and guidance for incubation methods
- Deep Learning for the Exploration of Coal Seam Gas Reservoirs
- Effect of anthropogenic aerosols on wheat production in the eastern Indo Gangetic Plain
- Embedding trend into GCM seasonal temperature forecasts through statistical calibration
- Empirical Green's Function Retrieval using Cross-correlation of Ambient Noise Correlations (C<SUP>2</SUP>)
- Enabling Earth and Environmental Sciences Data and Applications to Play a Role in Interdisciplinary Data-intensive Global Scientific Challenges
- Evaluation of the contribution of groundwater baseflow on river nutrients dynamics in the downstream of the Nakdong River South Korea
- First results of the AIRBOX Antarctic campaign on the RSV Aurora Australis during 2018/2019 resupply season
- Fishing in the dark matter: sorting genuine dark taxa from sequencing artefacts in eDNA samples using comparative methods
- Gaussian process machine learning for groundwater system characterisation and modelling
- Global Dryland Ecosystem Programme (Global-DEP): An international cooperative social-ecological research and engagement initiative to enhance understanding and responding to climate change impacts across dryland communities
- Global tropospheric OH concentrations in the past four decades inferred from surface network and satellite trace gas observations
- Identifying regions of drought mortality risk for tree species: a case study focussed on SE Australia.
- Identifying the mechanisms associated with concurrent mid-latitude heatwaves and extreme tropical rainfall
- Importance of sedimentary bedrock discharge to streams during droughts and floods: examples from eastern Australia
- Increased variability of eastern Pacific El Niño under greenhouse warming
- Integration of field, laboratory and modelling studies for assessing CO<SUB>2</SUB> chemical reactivity and containment in the multi-barrier system of the Yalgorup Member, Western Australia
- Interpreting the Subsurface at High Lithological Resolution by Integrating Information from Well-Log Data and Rock-core Images
- Is Climate Change Reversible? CDRMIP simulations of the Earth system response to a massive CO<SUB>2</SUB> increase and decrease (emissions followed by negative emissions).
- Leveraging Web Architecture to Scale Metadata to Gigascale
- Linking land and water observations for SDG reporting and development policy support: a case study in Vietnam
- MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (Version 2) - A MODFLOW-Based Conjunctive Use Simulation Software for Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
- Microbial, Physical and Biochemical Controls over Soil Organic Matter Turnover in Deep Subsoils of the Cooloola Sand Dune Chronosequence, Australia
- Modeling of Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media
- Monsoon Responses to Warm Climates
- Noble Gas Tracers: Improving the Understanding of Groundwater Recharge and Flow Systems in Australia
- Optimizing rainfall gauge weightings to improve hydrological modelling skill
- Overviews of the last release of the Global Methane Budget 2000-2017: what have we learnt about the last 10 years of increasing methane?
- Pantropical Climate Interactions and Implications
- Quantification of the Gas-in-Place and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Potential of Shale Using Sorption Measurements and Modelling
- Quantifying the impact of land-cover changes on global evapotranspiration during past three decades
- Recovery of the upper crustal structures from forward modeling and inversions of receiver functions
- Regional mapping of biologically significant carbon fractions aided by mid infrared spectroscopy
- Research Driven Educational Tools with Jupyter notebooks and Juptyerhub
- Retrieval of interstation local body waves from teleseismic coda correlations
- Seismic full waveform inversion of wide-aperture seismic data using a trans-dimensional Bayesian method
- Sensitivity of tropical cyclone formation rate to surface warming in idealized numerical simulations
- Soil carbon response to climate variability (or lack thereof) in Eastern Australia over the past 100 years
- Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition is dependent on substrate availability across a productivity gradient in Australian eucalypt forests
- The Scientific Impact of Large Geochemical Data Sets
- The Unusual Impact of the 1997 El Niño on East Australian Spring Rainfall
- The global carbon balance of forests based on flux towers and forest age data
- Trans-dimensional Bayesian reflection full waveform inversion with a dipping-layer parameterization: synthetic study and field data test
- Tropical dry season climatic patterns, teleconnections and implications for agricultural risk and productivity.
- Using a deep learning model for improving rainfall retrieval from commercial microwave links
- Weakening Atlantic Niño-Pacific connection undergreenhouse warming
- More Central Pacific El Niño events in recent decades and simulated El Niño diversity in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models
- <SUP>14</SUP>CO in Glacial Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from 1870 AD to Present
- A new high vacuum crushing system at the CSIRO noble gas facility
- Abundant phosphorus for life in the Enceladus ocean
- Aerosol-phase and Greenhouse Gas Biomass Burning Observations From the 2020 Wildfire Season in Eastern Australia
- An Introduction to "El Niño Southern Oscillation in a Changing Climate"
- Another Surprising Turn in the Global Emission of CFC-11
- Building Australia's Scalable Drone Cloud
- Butterfly effect and a self-modulating El Niño response to greenhouse warming
- Capillary Heterogeneity Trapping within the Captain Sandstone - a Core to Field Scale Study
- Carbon dioxide as a proxy for orogenic gold source
- Characterisation and 3D Numerical Modelling of Multiphase Flow in Carbonate Rocks
- Coastal margins and backshores represent a major sink for marine debris: insights from a continental-scale analysis
- Complex recharge mechanisms creating contradictory tracer signals in a large karst aquifer in northern Australia elucidated by a multi-tracer study.
- Connecting earth science data to the planet's grand challenges
- Controlling variables of denudation across catchments draining to the Great Barrier Reef
- ENSO Response to Greenhouse Forcing
- ENSO-Driven Ocean Extremes and Their Ecosystem Impacts
- Evaluating Terrestrial Biological Nitrogen Fixation in CMIP6 Earth System Models
- Exploring groundwater's journey through fluvial deposits and its impact on recharge estimation with a landscape evolution model
- Extremes in a Tree-ring Drought Reconstruction for Australia's Monsoonal North are Modulated by Central Pacific Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures
- Identifying coral refugia from observationally weighted climate model ensembles
- Impact of Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting on the Abyssal Southern Ocean
- Impacts of Model Mean Biases and Climate Sensitivity on Regional Dynamic Sea Level Projections in the CMIP5 and CMIP6 models
- Impacts of cascading environmental hazards on Australian plant biodiversity
- Improving the Hydrogeologic Conceptualization of a Remote and Arid Palaeovalley Groundwater System Using Airborne Electromagnetics and Seismic Refraction and Reflection
- It's a very small Island with more than 140 distributed bores, so why would geophysics make a difference to our conceptualization of the groundwater resource?
- Joint probabilistic inversion of teleseismic body-wave autocorrelations: a new approach to constrain the crustal structure
- Mapping Undercover: Using Integrated Potential Field Interpretation, Inversion and 3D Modelling to Assess Basin Prospectivity.
- Missions Need Maps: Towards a Global Crater Database for Mars and the Moon at Ultimate Resolution.
- Mixed-dimensional model assimilation for aquifer characterization and CO<SUB>2</SUB> plume monitoring
- Navigating Groundwater Model Uncertainty Analysis
- Next-generation model of the Australian crust from synchronous and asynchronous ambient noise imaging
- Nonlocal Carbon-Water Interactions in Australia: Going with the Flow
- Observation-Enabled Assessment of Simulated Southern Ocean Aerosol and INP Populations in the Community Atmosphere Model Version 6
- On the evaluation of climate forecasts and projections
- On-going development and evaluation of GNSS/INS equipped buoys for future altimetry validation: A case study from the Bass Strait validation site
- Physical Characteristics and Spatial Variability of Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Ocean
- Porosity reduction in post-rupture ultramylonitic fault rocks - implications for fluid transport in Archean granitic shear zones
- Projected Sea Level Changes in the China Marginal Seas Based on Dynamical Downscaling
- Quantification of regional methane emissions in Australia to inform and validate long-term climate policy
- Recent estimates of changes in the emissions of CFC-11 and related ozone-depleting substances from eastern China
- Reconciling global mean and regional sea level change in projections and observations
- Rectifier Effect due to Seasonality in Convective Mixing in Firn
- Remote Forcing of Tasman Sea Marine Heatwaves
- Reproducible Geochemical Data Workflows with pyrolite
- Sea level fingerprints associated with future ice sheet mass changes
- Seismic Inversion by Hybrid Machine Learning
- Shale geochemistry as an exploration tool for base-metals (Zn-Pb-Ag ± Cu), critical minerals and hydrocarbons in northern Australia
- Southern Ocean latitudinal gradients of Cloud Condensation Nuclei
- Stable carbon isotope emission patterns from high latitude landcover types: a synthesis of in-situ δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CO<SUB>2</SUB> from northern wetlands, lakes, and seasonally-inundated ecosystems
- Tall Forests Are More Sensitive and Vulnerable to Drought Than Short Forests in The Tropic
- The impact of cloud processes and the transport of biological emissions on the vertical structure of cloud condensation nuclei in the Southern Ocean.
- The new Kr-86 excess ice core proxy for synoptic activity: West Antarctic storminess possibly linked to ITCZ movement through the last deglaciation
- Tighten the Bolts and Nuts on GPP Estimations from Sites to the Globe: An Assessment of LUE Models and Supporting Data Fields
- Uncertainty assessment of hydrogeological structures combining geophysical survey and geological knowledge: A stochastic level set optimization framework
- Unusual Anomaly Pattern of the 2015/2016 Extreme El Niño Induced by the 2014 Warm Condition
- Using GRACE estimates of groundwater storage changes in the Zhoushui river alluvial fan, Taiwan
- WOMBAT: A fully Bayesian global flux-inversion framework
- Zinc on the edge: lithospheric controls on the distribution of basin-hosted zinc deposits
- pyrolite: Tools for Data Driven Geochemistry
- A Field Scale Study to Determine the Impact of Capillary Heterogeneity on CO2 Plume Migration at the Endurance CCS Target Site in the UK
- A Preliminary Record of Changes in Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric OH Abundance from 14CO in Glacial Ice (Law Dome, Antarctica, 1870 AD to Present)
- A data-model intercomparison of the carbon-phosphorus interaction under elevated CO2 in a mature forest ecosystem (EucFACE)
- A seven-year lead drought precursor for South Australia
- Atmospheric Methane Removal: A Research Agenda
- AuScope Virtual Research Environments: Building a Data and Analytical Framework to Support a Decadal Plan for a Downward Looking Telescope.
- Australasia Carbon Budget for 2010-2019
- Australasian Carbon budget for 2010-2019
- Building Data Infrastructures to Enable AI in the Geosciences
- Developing a standard and tools to support Linked Data in netCDF
- Dilemmas And Developments In Geoscience Information Synthesis And Modelling
- Exploration Targeting of REE Deposits in NE India Using Fuzzy Inference Systems
- Full-waveform-based distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) of seismic velocity in a Borehole using regional earthquakes in Australia
- Fusion of the Evaporation Precipitation Ratio with the Complementary Evaporation Function: Practical Implications
- Global Carbon and other Biogeochemical Cycles and Feedbacks
- Global climatology and recent trends in the timing, occurrence, and population exposure to dry- and humid-heat extremes from 1979-2019
- Increased soil N2O emissions from the Arctic-Boreal region: A non-negligible non-carbon climate feedback
- Indian Ocean Dipole in CMIP5 and CMIP6: characteristics, biases, and links to ENSO
- Insight and prediction from geoinformatics in mineral exploration
- Introducing The New ACCESS-ESM1.5 Large Ensemble From Australia, With Rainfall and Carbon Budget Case Studies.
- Is Spatial AI Special?
- Law Dome 14CH4 measurements confirm revised fossil methane emissions estimates
- Measurement and Modeling of Injection and Flowback for Subsurface Pumped Energy Storage in Horizontal, Fluid-Filled Lenses
- Molecular Hydrogen in Greenland Firn Air: Atmospheric Reconstructions and Interpretation
- Multi-site synthesis of eddy covariance flux observations from 17 Australian wooded ecosystems reveals that thermal optima of Gross Primary Productivity are closely aligned with daytime air temperature
- Past the Precipice? Coral Loss and Projected Refugia Under Global Warming
- Projected Ocean Warming Constrained by the Argo-era Ocean Observational Record
- Robust determination of rock anisotropy in the laboratory using laser ultrasonics
- Soil carbon and nutrients change with pine invasion into eucalypt forests
- Statistical framework for Western Pacific landfall risk through modulation of the Pacific subtropical high and ENSO
- The Greenhouse Gas Budgets in Central and Western Asia from 1960 to 2019
- The assessment and role of the permafrost carbon feedback in IPCC reports through the AR6
- The greenhouse gas budgets of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia during 2000s and 2010s
- Tracking a subsurface CO2 plume with pressure tomography: The Otway Stage 3 project
- Viscous instabilities in 2D miscible displacements in a quarter five spot pattern. Hele Shaw experiments and numerical simulations.
- WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS): Towards a framework for sub-seasonal to seasonal hydrological outlooks leveraging advances in probabilistic forecasting at the river basin and global scales
- A Framework for Tracing Uncertainty of Land Carbon Cycle in Earth System Models
- A High-Performance Computing Approach for Simulating Coupled Multi-Scale Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) Processes in Fractured Porous Media: An Example from the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) Enhanced Geothermal System Test Site
- A New Paradigm for South Pacific Climate Variability and Predictability
- Advancing Geophysical Data Interpretation for Volcano Monitoring: Lessons Learnt from Laboratory Analysis of a Suite of Hydrothermally Altered Rocks
- Climate Change Aware Calibration of Seasonal Forecasts from the North America Multi-Model Ensemble
- Data-driven downscaling of Australian temperature and precipitation extremes using the deep learning models
- Emergence of Climate Change in the Tropical Pacific
- Emerging Trends in Carbon Cycle Science
- Geomechanical and petrophysical properties of rock salt for waste disposal or energy/gas storage
- Heterogeneous oceanic crust between transform faults in the slow-spreading equatorial Atlantic Ocean from full waveform inversion of ocean bottom seismic data
- Hourly 4-D subsurface monitoring using seismic ambient noise
- Improving Predictions of Surface Water and Carbon Fluxes by Combining Flux Towers and Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors Globally
- Improving the Performance of the Noah-MP Model for Simulating Water and Energy Transfer Processes in Partially Mulched Irrigated Croplands by Jointly Considering the Effect of Partial Plastic Mulch Cover and Dynamic Irrigation
- Increase in global and East Asia Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) emissions inferred from atmospheric observations
- Investigating the role of microbial communities of varying chemotactic and hydrocarbon degrading abilities in the natural source zone depletion of a legacy petroleum hydrocarbon site
- Knowledge-Driven AI and Unsupervised ML-Based Prospectivity Mapping of Western Rajasthan, NW India for Carbonatite-Alkaline Complex Related REE Mineralisation.
- Large Loss and Rapid Recovery of Vegetation Cover and Aboveground Biomass Over Forest Areas in Australia during 2019-2020
- Local meridional circulation changes contribute to a projected slowdown of the Indian Ocean Walker circulation
- Monthly Water Yield Responses to Forest Removal are Controlled by Changes in Evapotranspiration and Soil Water Recharge Rates
- Persistent Threat to Coastal Ecosystems from Marine Heatwaves
- Plastic in the deep sea - the ocean floor reservoir
- Predicting the trajectory of ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 and phosphorus fertilization at EucFACE
- Regional Methane Emission Estimates for Melbourne, Australia, using Inversion and in situ Measurements
- Successes And Vision For Open Earth Sciences
- The Impact of Capillary Heterogeneity on CO2 Plume Migration at the Endurance CCS Target Site in the UK - A Core To Field Scale Study
- Transformation Pathways to Future Landscapes.
- Trends and drivers of soil organic carbon stocks across Australia with interpretive machine learning
- Using NLP Techniques to Process a Geoscience Corpus as the Foundation of Knowledge Management
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. M. Smith
- Adrian P. Butler
- Agus Santoso
- Akihiko Ito
- Alex Sen Gupta
- Ana Bastos
- Andrew P. Bunger
- Andréa S. Taschetto
- Ann Muggeridge
- Anne Griebel
- Anthony Lagain
- Anusuriya Devaraju
- Belinda E. Medlyn
- Benjamin Hmiel
- Benjamin Poulter
- C. M. Trudinger
- C. Zhang
- Cassandra Denise Wilks Rogers
- Catalina Segura
- Charles D. Koven
- Christo Buizert
- Claire E. Stanley
- Colin Raymond
- Corinna Rebmann
- Damien Irving
- Daniel Rothenberg
- Daniel S. Goll
- Deepti Singh
- Dylan B. Millet
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Elias Massoud
- Elise Pendall
- Eric A. Davidson
- Ethan Coffel
- Ewan S. Douglas
- F. Chevallier
- Fang Huang
- Fiona M. O’Connor
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Fortunat Joos
- Gabrielle Pétron
- Ge Sun
- Geoffrey J. Puzon
- Geping Luo
- Graciela Metternicht
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- H. Damon Matthews
- Hanqin Tian
- Hao Tang
- Huade Guan
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeffrey P. Severinghaus
- Jens Klump
- Jens Mühle
- Jianyang Xia
- Joeri Rogelj
- John A. Taylor
- John Patterson
- Johnny L. Boggs
- Jonathan M. Plett
- Jonathan Simpson
- Josep G. Canadell
- Joël Sarout
- Jun Ying
- Jürgen Knauer
- Kai Kornhuber
- Karl Stein
- Katrin Fleischer
- Kelley C. Wells
- Kewei Lyu
- Kyung‐Ja Ha
- L. Ruby Leung
- Laura Castañeda‐Gómez
- Lee T. Murray
- Leonardo Maracahipes‐Santos
- Lesley Wyborn
- Lifen Jiang
- Lu Zhang
- LuAnne Thompson
- Ludmila Adam
- M. Dyonisius
- Marcos Heil Costa
- Mark Jessell
- Mark Lindsay
- Martin Brandt
- Martin Schrön
- Masayoshi Ishii
- Matthew Collins
- Matthew Rigby
- Matthias M. Boer
- Maxwell Grover
- Michael C. Rowe
- Michael Grose
- Miguel A. Rico‐Ramirez
- Mingfang Ting
- Mingkai Jiang
- Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani Adnan
- Morgan Williams
- Murat Aydın
- Neil J. Holbrook
- Nele Wenck
- Norman Mueller
- P. J. Rayner
- Papari Jyoteeshkumar Reddy
- Partha Pratim Mandal
- Paul W. Richardson
- Pavel Golodoniuc
- Peng Guo
- Pierre Gentine
- Ping Chang
- Po‐Heng Lee
- Prabir K. Patra
- QJ Wang
- Rafael Rosolem
- Ray F. Weiss
- Raúl Ochoa‐Hueso
- Rebecca K. Schmidt
- Richard J. Matear
- Robert B. Jackson
- Roman Pevzner
- Rona L. Thompson
- Ronald G. Prinn
- Russell Doughty
- S. C. Singh
- S. E. Mikaloff Fletcher
- Sabine Fuss
- Sam Abernethy
- Samuel J. Jackson
- Samuel Krevor
- Samuel L. Jaccard
- Sandra Paula Villacorta Chambi
- Sean Crowell
- Shaoqing Zhang
- Shreya Kanakiya
- Shufen Pan
- Shujing Qin
- Stephanie A. Henson
- Steven J. Davis
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Tamás Bódai
- V. V. Petrenko
- Vincent J. Fazio
- Wenju Cai
- Xiangming Xiao
- Xiaojuan Yang
- Xuebin Zhang
- Yang Gao
- Ying‐Ping Wang
- Yuanwei Qin
- Jiale Lou