University of Vermont
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Holocene Millennial-Scale Storm Cycle in the Northeastern United States
- A Minimum Cost Groundwater Remediation Design Using a Dynamic Approach
- Conditions Controlling the Degree of Vertical Coupling Between the Upper and Lower Crust of Orogens: Results From Fiordland, New Zealand
- Effect of Clay Fraction on Hydraulic Properties and DNAPL Distribution in Porous Media
- Enabling Technology for the Least-cost Design of Groundwater-Quality Monitoring Networks
- Groundwater Management in the Presence of Non-stochastic Uncertainty
- LOCOM for Multi-phase Flow Code
- Lake Ecosystem Response to Climate Change: A Multi-proxy Geochemical Approach
- Metal - Silicate Separation in a Deformation Regime: Implications for Early Differentiation Processes
- Optimal Groundwater Remediation Design with Uncertainty Subject to both Concentration and Gradient Constraints
- Pore Space Analysis of Two-Phase Flow in Sandy-Clay Media
- Rates of Erosion Determined From <SUP>10</SUP>Be Analysis of Alluvial Sediments, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee and North Carolina
- Regular Cosmogenic Nuclide Dosing of Sediment Moving Down Desert Piedmonts
- Trace Element Contents of Micas: Defining Signatures of Partial Melting Processes in the Crust
- Utilization of Qualitative and Quantitative Information in Modeling Risk for Groundwater Management
- Constraints on Geochemistry and Melt Volumes from Metapelite and Metadiorite Partial Melting Experiments
- Effects of an Alpine Ski Resort on Hydrology and Water Quality in the Northeastern U.S.: Preliminary Findings from a Field Study
- Groundwater Management With Insufficient Data
- Optimal Long-term Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Design
- Partial Melting of Ordinary Chondrite: Implications for Siderophile Behavior During Early Differentiation
- Single Degree of Freedom Calculation of Multi-dimensional Multiphase Porous Medium Flow and Transport
- A New Perspective on Modeling Groundwater-Driven Health Risk With Subjective Information
- An Intermediate-Scale Groundwater Contamination Experiment
- Forest Disturbance Through Alpine Ski Area Development: Results of a Paired Watershed Study in the Northeastern U.S.
- Generation and Evolution of Lowermost Crust of an Arc: Examples From Fiordland, New Zealand
- Imaging depth-of-thaw beneath arctic streams using ground-penetrating radar
- Modeling in Support of Groundwater-Remediation Cost Allocation
- Optimal Search Strategy for the Definition of a DNAPL Source
- Simulation Of An Alcohol Flushing Assisted Bioremediation System
- Snow removal and ambient air temperature effects on forest soil temperatures in northern Vermont
- Space-Time Variations in Lower Crustal Rheology and Thermal Structure and its Effects on the Evolution of Arc Crust
- Spatial Patterns of Erosion in the Bolivian Andes Inferred From In Situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- Thermal Evolution of the Deep Roots of a Magmatic Arc, Fiordland, New Zealand
- A New Twist on the Seasonality of Nitrate Retention and Release in Adirondack Watersheds
- Analysis of Hydrologic Flowpaths in Two Meso-scale Watersheds, Mt. Mansfield, VT
- Characterizing the K-field in a Spatial Domain Using Fuzzy and Case-Based Spatial Reasoning
- Erosion Rates, Landscape Morphology, and Hillslope Processes in the Upper Beni River Region, Bolivian Andes
- Estimating Vertical Surface Movement using Artificial Neural Networks
- Focused Deformation in the Lower Crust During Continental Extension: Fiordland, New Zealand
- Identifying Watershed Sediment Sources In The Chesapeake Bay
- Improved Site Characterization Using Microbiological Community Profiles from Landfill-leachate Contaminated Groundwater and Artificial Neural Networks
- Inferred accumulation and thickness histories near the Ross/Amundsen divide, West Antarctica
- Integration of Fuzzy and Probabilistic Information in the Description of Hydraulic Conductivity
- Long-term Monitoring Algorithm Verification Using an Intermediate Scale Groundwater Facility
- Multi-scale Analysis of Sediment Yield in a Glaciated Environment
- Partial Melting of Ordinary Chondrite Under Reducing Conditions
- Potential Impacts of Increased Thermokarst Activity on Aquatic Ecosystems in Arctic Landscapes
- Restoring Consistency In Subjective Information For Groundwater Driven Health Risk Assessment
- Search Strategy for a DNAPL Source
- Seasonal Evolution of Hyporheic Zones in Arctic Tundra Streams, North Slope, Alaska
- The post perovskite phase transition: implications for shear-induced poro-viscoelastic interactions at D''
- Time lapse imaging of thaw-bulb development beneath arctic streams using ground-penetrating radar
- Warming-induced glacial advance in Taylor Valley?
- An Integrated Approach to a Complete Carbon Budget for the Delaware River Basin
- Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in a Chronosequence of Suburban Lawns
- Characterizing subsurface active-layer permafrost beneath arctic streams using 3D ground-penetrating radar
- Conditional Simulation Using an Artificial Neural Network
- Contrasts in Flushing Patterns Among Solutes
- Delineating Discontinuous Permafrost on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, With Two-Dimensional Resistivity and Electromagnetic Techniques
- Effect of Morphology and Permafrost on Hyporheic Dynamics in Two Tundra Streams on the North Slope of Alaska
- Holocene Climatic Variability in the Cariboo Mountains, British Columbia, Based on Biogenic-silica Isotopes, Diatom Assemblages, Fire Frequency, and Vegetation Composition.
- Innovative Methods for Integrating Knowledge for Long-Term Monitoring of Contaminated Groundwater Sites: Understanding Microorganism Communities and their Associated Hydrochemical Environment
- Integrating Hydrology, Ecology, and Biogeochemistry in Stormwater Management: the Vermont Experience
- Measurements of Snow Sublimation Under Laboratory-Controlled Conditions
- Metal-silicate segregation under dynamic conditions: Implications for liquid metal migration rates and core-mantle interaction
- Non-Bayesian Information Fusion for Integrating Hydrologic and Multiple Sets of Geophysical Data
- Orogenic belts, partial melting and strength of the continental lithosphere: Examples from Fiordland, New Zealand
- Redox speciation and biogeochemical gradients: Assessing spatial niches and monitoring dynamics in natural systems with voltammetric microelectrodes
- Resolving Accumulation-Rate Patterns Using Ice-Flow Inverse Methods
- Riparian Vegetation Effects on Near-Bank Turbulence During Overbank Flows: A Flume Experiment
- Sediment Yields and Sediment Sources in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- A Novel Approach to the Representation of Groundwater Flow and Transport with Epistemic Parameter Uncertainty
- Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty in Subsurface Flow
- Arsenic and sulfur transformations in hydrothermal spring waters and microbial mats of Yellowstone National Park
- Assessing the Spatial and Temporal Extent of Velocity Variations Near Swiss Camp, Greenland
- Can Deformation Help us to Explore the Chemical Nature of the CMB Region?
- Characterizing Local Heterogeneities in Unsaturated Soils Using Acoustic Techniques
- Climate Impacts of Ozone and Sulfate Air Pollution from Specific Emissions Sectors and Regions
- Empirical determination of the sublimation rate of snow
- EnArchi: A Robust and Manageable Approach for Dynamic Large-scale Sensor Networks
- Geomorphology and Ecology of Mountain Landscapes: an interdisciplinary approach to problem-based learning in a particular geographical setting
- Investigations of Hyporheic Temperature Regimes in Arctic Alaska Streams Using Time Series Analysis Techniques
- Limestone Corrosion and Sulfur Cycling by Biofilms in the Frasassi Caves, Italy
- Modeling Contaminant Transport in a Large-Scale Groundwater Tank with Media Heterogeneity
- Preliminary Record of Holocene Storm Events in the Finger Lakes, NY
- Spatial Estimation, Data Assimilation and Stochastic Conditional Simulation using the Counterpropagation Artificial Neural Network
- Student Investigations of Tropospheric Ozone
- Subsurface Characterization with Multifaceted Uncertainty
- The Impact of Melt Segregation on TTG Petrogenesis
- Thermokarst Characteristics and Distribution in a Transitional Arctic Biome: New Discoveries and Possible Monitoring Directions in a Climate Change Scenario
- Using Multi-offset GPR Data to Estimate Porosity Variations Beneath Stream Channels
- What Topographic Metrics Most Strongly Correlate with Millennial Erosion Rates as Determined by Detrital CRN Analyses?
- What are the driving forces behind the predicted elevated Ammonium-Nitrate Aerosol Concentrations in 2030?
- A New Approach for Estimating Background Rates of Erosion Using Concentration of Meteoric 10-Be Adhered to River Sediment: Application to the Rapidly Eroding Waipaoa Basin, New Zealand
- Bark Beetles as Significant Forest Disturbances: Estimating Susceptibility Based On Stand Structure
- Channel-Streambed Interactions Over and Under Ice
- Enriched groundwater seeps in Vermont's forest ecosystems: sources or sinks for nitrate?
- Estimating 3D Variation in Active-Layer Thickness Beneath Arctic Streams Using Ground- Penetrating Radar
- Evaluation of a Bias Aware Ensemble Kalman Filter Using a Scaled Aquifer Transport Experiment
- Fault Zone Weakening and Strain Localization Adjacent to the Alpine Fault in Fiordland, New Zealand: the Roles of Cohesion Loss and Elevated Fluid Pressure
- Forest Cover and Topographic Influences on Snow Distribution in a Mixed Hardwood-Conifer Forest of the Northeastern U.S.
- GPS Data Acquisition and Processing for Glaciological Applications: A Community View of the Unique Applications, Challenges, and Solutions
- Global patterns in litter decomposition: a synthesis.
- Improving the climate literary of students, educators and the public - The Climate Literacy Initiative
- Increased Active Layer Development Associated with Thermokarst Activity in Continuous Permafrost Region in the Brook Range foothills, Alaska
- Influence of Morphology and Permafrost Dynamics on Surface Water - Groundwater Exchange in Arctic Headwater Streams under Present and Enhanced Thaw Conditions
- Interlayered High-P Granulites and Eclogites, Fiordland, New Zealand
- Investigating Spatial Interpolation of Light Detection and Ranging Data for Analyzing Fluvial Geomorphic Properties of Streams
- Seasonal Acceleration of Inland ice via Along-Flow Coupling to Marginal ice
- Seasonal Ice Acceleration Near the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
- Stoichiometry of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Regeneration Interactions in the Hyporheic Zones of Arctic Streams Draining Areas of Continuous Permafrost
- Teaching a New Generation of Students: Developing an Interdisciplinary Watershed Field Course
- The Barrett Foundation: Undergraduate Research Program for Environmental Engineers and Scientists
- Thermokarst Distribution in the Noatak Basin, Alaska: Increased Frequency and Correlations with Local and Regional Landscape Variables
- Towards an improved understanding of climate and atmospheric concepts in education and the media
- Who Needs Environmental Monitoring?
- Working at the margins with sessile proxy archives: Different considerations for anthropogenic-scale reconstructions
- Addressing Model Bias and Uncertainty in Three Dimensional Groundwater Transport Forecasts for a Physical Aquifer Experiment
- An Investigation of New Snow Water Equivalence Sensing Modalities
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Strain Rates Near Swiss Camp, Greenland
- Application of a Modified Self-Organizing Map Incorporating Auto-Correlated Data for Hydrochemical Analyses
- Communicating climate sciences in academia and beyond
- Constraints on the Low Temperature Thermal History of the Tsagan Subarga and Tavan Har Basement Blocks of the East Gobi Fault Zone, Southeastern Mongolia, and Tectonic Implications
- Daily stream flow forecasting with Artificial Neural Networks: Application in the Winooski River basin, Vermont
- Detrital zircon and sandstone provenance analysis from Permian and Lower Cretaceous sedimentary units to constrain total and incremental left-lateral offset along the East Gobi Fault Zone, southeastern Mongolia
- Epilogue on a Computer-optimized Remediation Design at Toms River New Jersey
- Fluid Velocity Penetration Depth Within a Packed Bed of Particles for the Onset of Motion
- Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling With Correlated Possibilistic Data
- Influence of Thermokarst Failures on Hillslope and Stream Water Quality
- Low-Temperature Constraints on the Evolution of Metamorphic Core Complexes of the Woodlark Rift System, Southeastern Papua New Guinea
- Metamorphic Core Complex Formation on Misima Island during Miocene-Pliocene Rifting and Seafloor Spreading in the Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
- Physical and Biological Controls on the Invasion Speed of a Marine Invader with Planktonic Larvae, Illustrated with Examples From Carcinus maenas in the Gulf of Maine
- Satellites, Weather and Climate (SWAC): A professional development program for K-12 teachers: Contributing to climate literacy
- Surface Soil Carbon, Nitrogen and Tree Species are Tightly Linked in Northeastern USA Forested Watersheds
- Temporal Constraints on Continental Rifting and the Exhumation of Pliocene Eclogites, SE Papua New Guinea
- The Strength of Disease: Molecular Bonds Between Asbestos and Human Cells
- The role of FeS(aq) molecular clusters in microbial redox cycling and iron mineralization.
- Uncertainty in future water supplies from forests: hydrologic effects of a changing forest landscape
- Understanding changes in the subglacial environment through modeling of internal layers
- A Mentoring Program in Environmental Science for Underrepresented Groups
- Biosignatures of photosynthetic influences on carbonate precipitation in surface nodules associated with modern, freshwater microbialites in Pavilion Lake, B.C. (Invited)
- Curricular Reform: Systems Modeling and Sustainability in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Vermont
- Development of a Distributed In Situ Instrument for Snowpack Monitoring
- Effect of Substrate Character on Heterogeneous Ozone Reaction Rate with Individual PAHs and Their Reaction Mixtures
- Estimating the Contributions of Surface Wash-off and Channel Erosion to Total Sediment and Solute Loads in a Small Mixed Land Use Watershed
- Evidence for partial melting at northern Tavan Har and relationship to Late Triassic sinistral shear in the East Gobi Fault Zone, southeastern Mongolia
- Forest influence on peak snow accumulation and snowmelt in a mixed northern hardwood-conifer forest of the northeastern U.S
- In Situ-produced vs. Meteoric 10Be in Hillslope Soils: One Isotope, Two Tracers, Different Stories
- Influences of Thermokarst Failures on Surface Processes in Arctic Landscapes
- Integrating geomorphic and habitat assessments to classify streams using artificial neural networks
- Interactions between glycine derivatives and mineral surfaces: Implications for the origins of life on planetary surfaces
- Investigating subsurface characteristics of thermokarst features using ground-penetrating radar
- Laboratory-scale Experiments to Evaluate Tidal Effects on Groundwater Contaminant Discharging to Coastal Waters
- Landforms, soil development, and shallow water table dynamics: implications for hydrological connectivity at the catchment scale
- Large-scale folding in the Tavan Har basement block, southeastern Mongolia and its relevance to Phanerozoic intercontinental deformation
- Mercury Deposition Through Litterfall and Subsequent Accumulation in Soils: Influence of Forest Community Type
- Mesozoic-Cenozoic Reconstruction of the East Gobi Fault Zone, Southern Mongolia
- Modeling 200 Years of Changing Trophic Status in Lake Champlain Based on Land Use Change and Commercial Practices
- Multiscale Modeling for Biomass Growth Associated with Bioremediation and Its Impact on Permeability Change and Distribution of Contaminants
- Structural Analysis of the Louisiade Archipelago, Southeastern Papua New Guinea
- Studying the Variation in Gas Permeability of Porous Building Substrates
- Testing the Existence of the South Gobi Microcontinent: U-Pb Zircon Dating of Tectonites within the East Gobi Fault Zone, Southeastern Mongolia
- Vermont EPSCoR Streams Project: Engaging High School and Undergraduate Students in Watershed Research
- ‘Scaling Down’ Remote Sensing Technologies for In Situ Monitoring of Snowpacks
- 20th Century Groundwater in the Northeast United States: A case study quantifying the impact of groundwater policies in New Jersey
- Analysis of Student Service-Learning Reflections for the Assessment of Transferable-Skills Development
- Channel water balances in Arctic tundra streams
- Constraining P-T-t-D Histories with the TitaniQ Thermobarometer: Preliminary Findings from the Strafford Dome, Vermont
- Context Conundrums: Observations and Conceptual Models are Primary Controls on Interpretations of Temporal and Spatial Scales of Stream-Groundwater Interactions (Invited)
- Cretaceous exhumation history of Cordillera Darwin, southern Patagonia, from patchily recrystallized garnet and U-Th-Pb monazite dating
- Dual 10Be isotope systems constrain the source of sediment and rate of erosion for the tropical Barron River catchment, Queensland, Australia
- Exhumational and incisional response to active faulting in the Japanese forearc, northeast Honshu
- Geochemical dynamics in selected Yellowstone hydrothermal features
- Glacial erosion efficiency, early Holocene ice retreat rates, and interglacial exposure: new cosmogenic 10Be data from three sites in western Greenland
- How can hydrology inform economic policymaking? An assessment of water stress at the county level for the Northeastern United States using two concepts of water availability
- Impacts of a Large and Intense Tundra Wildfire on the Hydrological Export of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus
- Importance of Forest Composition on Mercury Deposition through Litterfall and Accumulation in Soils
- Leveraging spatial statistics in the development of an historical narrative for water resources in the Northeast United States
- Linking spatially distributed biogeochemical data with a two-host life-cycle pathogen:A model of whirling disease dynamics in salmonid fishes in the Intermountain West
- Long-term erosion and interglacial period exposure in Western Greenland from meteoric 10Be in ice-bound sediment
- Microstructural and U-Pb Zircon Constraints on the Relationship between Partial Melting and Ductile Shear in the East Gobi Fault Zone, Southeast Mongolia
- Modeling Hydrological Services in Shade Grown Coffee Systems: Case Study of the Pico Duarte Region of the Dominican Republic
- Modeling Temporal and Spatial Flows of Ecosystem Services in Chittenden County, VT
- Near-Surface Soil Carbon, C/N Ratio and Tree Species Are Tightly Linked across Northeastern USA Watersheds
- Reconstructing temporal variations in fault slip from footwall topography: An example from Saline Valley, California (Invited)
- Reconstructing the Mid-Miocene to Recent evolution of the Woodlark Rift
- Regional and State Level Water Scarcity Report: Northeast United States
- Relationships between Human Water Use, Groundwater Persistence and Baseflow Contribution in New Jersey
- Riparian vegetation controls on the hydraulic geometry of streams
- Temporal and geochemical constraints on active volcanism in southeastern Papua New Guinea
- The Impacts of Thermokarst Failures on Lakes: Rapid Attenuation of Major Impacts gives way to Potential Long-term Effects on Benthic Processes
- The Role of Rainfall Patterns in Seasonal Malaria Transmission
- The impacts of thermokarst on sediment, organic matter, and macroinvertebrate community dynamics in arctic headwater streams
- Thermochronologic Records of Intraplate Deformation in the Northern East Gobi Fault Zone, Mongolia
- Thermokarst Influences on Stream Biogeochemistry in Arctic Alaska
- Training the next generation of scientists: Modeling Infectious Disease and Water Quality of Montana Streams
- Tundra fire alters stream water chemistry and benthic invertebrate communities, North Slope, Alaska
- Understanding Metal Sources and Transport Processes in Watersheds: a Hydropedologic Approach (Invited)
- Using meteoric 10Be to track soil erosion and transport within a forested watershed, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, PA
- Using modified self-organizing maps to explore hydrochemical and biological datasets
- Using the Nir/blue Surface Moisture Index to Explore Feature Identification at Multiple Spatial Resolutions
- A Hydropedological View of Critical Zone Structure and Function at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA
- AASC Recommendations for the Education of an Applied Climatologist
- Amount and Lability of Dissolved Organic Carbon Entering Arctic Streams from Landscapes Disturbed by Fire and Thermokarst Terrain, North Slope, Alaska
- Biogeochemical modeling of tundra recovery following thermal erosion of permafrost
- Bumps in the long road to flat
- Changing Seasonality in the Arctic and its Influences on Biogeochemical Processing in Tundra River Networks
- Characterizing Phosphorus in Eroding Streambank Soils in Chittenden County, Vermont
- Constraints on regolith formation and erosion rates at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, PA, determined using meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- Determining Solute Sources and Water Flowpaths in a Forested Headwater Catchment: Advances With the Ca-Sr-Ba Multi-tracer
- Examination of the relationship between host worm community structure on transmission of the parasite, Myxobolus cerebralis by developing taxon-specific probes for multiplex qPCR to identify worm taxa in stream communities
- Examining effects of changing seasonality on arctic stream nutrients using a model of in-stream and hyporheic zone biogeochemical cycling
- Garnet Sm-Nd and Zircon U-Pb Ages Track Pluton Emplacement, Granulite Facies Metamorphism, Partial Melting, and Extension in the Lower Crust, Fiordland New Zealand
- Improved Cluster Identification and Visualization in High-Dimensional Data Using Self-Organizing Maps
- Influence of Natural Organic Matter on Attachment Kinetics of Salmonella Typhimurium
- Influences of seasonality, geomorphology, and hydrology on primary production and respiration in Arctic stream ecosystems
- Investigation into the optimal hydrologic design of porous concrete sites using mathematical modeling
- Monitoring TASCC Injections Using A Field-Ready Wet Chemistry Nutrient Autoanalyzer
- On the (r,θ) Averaged Transport Equation in a Sand-packed Column with Heterogeneous Cross Section
- Permo-Triassic collisional orogenesis and transition to intraplate sinistral shear in southeastern Mongolia
- Reconstructing the kinematics of magmatic flow during pluton emplacement in the Coastal Batholith, central Chile
- Relation of plate kinematic parameters to deformation along the Andean margin from Late Jurassic to the present
- Soil morphology as an indicator for spatial patterns of runoff generation thresholds
- Sulfur isotope systematics of microbial mats in shallow-sea hydrothermal vents, Milos Island, Greece
- Unexpected Delivery of Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be to Critical Zone Soils, Front Range, Colorado
- Urbanization, Climate Change, and Changes to Ecosystem Services in Coastal Areas
- Using <SUP>10</SUP>Be to quantify rates of landscape change in 'dead' orogens - millennial scale rates of bedrock and basin-scale erosion in the southern and central Appalachian Mountains
- Using Distributed Snow Data to Evaluate and Improve the Performance of the Distributed Soil Hydrology Vegetation Model (DHSVM): a test case from the northeastern U.S
- What are the controls on surface and hyporheic transient storage in Alaskan tundra streams?
- <SUP>10</SUP>Be concentration in sediment indicates exposure, erosion, and transportation along the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
- Accumulation Rate Variability and Winter Mass Balance Estimates using High Frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar and Snow Pit Stratigraphy on the Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Application of the Distributed Soil Hydrology Vegetation Model (DHSVM) to the case of forest landcover change and alpine development
- Assessing Vermont's stream health and biological integrity using artificial neural networks and Bayesian methods
- Assessing the effects of unpaved road networks on downstream water quality in a forested, upland landscape: a multi-scale approach
- Carbon and nitrogen release from thawing permafrost: the biogeochemical physiology of upland thermokarst
- Cerrado: The Brazilian Savanna as a Hot Spot of Agricultural Development
- Climate, Litter Chemistry, and Nitrogen Controls on Litter Decomposition and Organic Matter Stabilization
- Comparison of rhodomine-WT and sodium chloride tracer transport in a 4th order arctic river
- Connecting Streams to Watersheds Through Stream-Groundwater Exchange as Determined from the Channel
- Coupling Self-Organizing Maps with a Naïve Bayesian classifier: A case study for classifying Vermont streams using geomorphic, habitat and biological assessment data
- Deciphering relationships between in-stream travel times, nutrient concentrations, and uptake through analysis of hysteretic and non-hysteretic kinetic behavior
- Enhancing climate literacy by melding the atmospheric and geospatial sciences
- Eolian deposition of glacial flour dust to the Gulf of Alaska during the Holocene
- Estimating channel erosion and deposition using multi-date LiDAR and orthophotography: a case study in the Browns River, Chittenden County, VT
- Exhumation and Landscape Evolution along the Colorado River: A Proposed Means of Differentiating the Roles of Baselevel Fall and Lithologic Heterogeneity
- Experimental study of titanium-in-coesite solubility
- High-precision, high-resolution, post-glacial emergence curves for southern Greenland generated with in situ cosmogenic 10-Be
- Hydrogeomorphic contrast between inlet and outlet streams of a high arctic lake influence stream-groundwater exchange
- Hydrological connectivity of road and stream networks: Implications for channel morphology
- Increased storminess during MIS3 altered the late Quaternary basin-scale weathering, erosion, and deposition in Nahal Yael, hyperarid Negev, Israel
- Insight into the processes of erosion derived from the distribution of single-clast Be-10 measurements, Pisco River, Peru
- Investigating Records of Prograde Metamorphism in Quartz with TitaniQ Thermobarometry: Initial Results from the Northfield Mountains, Vermont
- Linking deep earth to surface processes in the Woodlark Rift of Papua New Guinea; a framework for understanding (U)HP exhumation globally
- Low-temperature thermochronologic constraints on cooling and exhumation trends along conjugate margins, within core complexes and eclogite-bearing gneiss domes of the Woodlark rift system of eastern Papua New Guinea
- Seasonal Asynchrony in Terrestrial Nutrient Production and Demand Drives Nutrient Delivery to Arctic Streams
- Seasonal Control of Surface-Water Dissolved Iron Concentrations by Suspended Particle Concentrations on the Northern Gulf of Alaska Continental Shelf and Slope
- Seasonal fluctuation and estuarine removal of glacially-derived iron fluxes to the Gulf of Alaska
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Sources and Fate of Dissolved Carbon and Nutrients in an Arctic River Network
- Spatial patterns of mobile regolith thickness and meteoric 10Be in the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Front Range, Colorado
- Synchronizing the North American Varve Chronology with Greenland ice core records using meteoric 10Be flux
- The Formation of a Retroarc Fold-Thrust Belt by the Closure and Inversion of a Back-Arc Basin; Patagonian-Fuegian Fold-Thrust Belt, Chile
- The Impacts of Land Use Change on Malaria Vector Abundance in a Water-Limited Highland Region of Ethiopia
- Training Systems Modelers through the Development of a Multi-scale Chagas Disease Risk Model
- A 7 Myr record of Greenland glaciation and erosion from in situ 10Be in marine sediments
- A Novel Hybridization of Applied Mathematical, Operations Research and Risk-based Methods to Achieve an Optimal Solution to a Challenging Subsurface Contamination Problem
- A remote sensing assessment of the effectiveness of smallholder irrigation to buffer against climate shocks across India
- Assessing the risk of groundwater contamination posed by hydraulic fracturing through the use of a fault tree assisted numerical model
- Can increased biomass offset carbon release from permafrost region soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert elicitation?
- Determination of Anion Ordering in Mixed Apatites via Multinuclear Solid-State NMR & X-ray Crystallography
- Do fire disturbances account for missing C in snow dominated headwater catchments in NM?
- Dynamic Aeolian Deposition of Glacial Iron to the Open Ocean: 2 Years of Time-Series Observations from Middleton Island and the Copper River Delta
- Estimates of Sediment Loading from Streambank Erosion Using Terrestrial LiDAR
- Going Steady: Using multiple isotopes to test the steady-state assumption at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (Invited)
- Holocene Depositional History of Shad Pond, a Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon, Eleuthera, Bahamas and Its Influence on Lucayan Occupation
- Impacts of Changing Climate on Agricultural Variability: Implications for Smallholder Farmers in India
- Impacts of upland thermal erosional features on the vulnerability of carbon and nutrient fluxes from permafrost on the North Slope, Alaska, USA. (Invited)
- Intensification of tropical agriculture as seen by satellite
- Key Concepts in Geomorphology - NSF supports community-based creation of a new style of textbook
- Late Quaternary landscape evolution, climate, and neotectonism along the eastern margin of the Puna Plateau: Pucará Valley, NW Argentina
- Linking mantle dynamics, plate tectonics and surface processes in the active plate boundary zones of eastern New Guinea (Invited)
- Methods to Map Cropping Intensity Using MODIS Data (Invited)
- Periodicities, Trends and Abrupt Changes in the Vegetation Phenology of South Asia (Invited)
- Photodegradation Pathways in Arid Ecosystems
- Prediction of Suspended Sediment in Rivers Using Artificial Neural Networks: Implications for Development of Sediment Budgets
- Relief production around the Grand Canyon region: using detrital CRN erosion rates and tributary stream profiles to distinguish lithologic and baselevel fall transient landscapes
- Slow Erosion Rates, Increasing Relief and Transient Landscape Evolution within the Central Range of Taiwan
- Stream Tracer Integrity: Comparative Analyses of Rhodamine-WT and Sodium Chloride through Transient Storage Modeling
- Streamflow Regime Sensitivity to Climate Change Impacts within Lake Champlain Basin
- The Use of Enzyme Hydrolysis to Assess the Seasonal Mobility and Bioavailability of Organic Phosphorus in Lake Sediments
- TitaniQ Records of P-T-D Paths from Metapelites during Burial Metamorphism and Orogenesis: Evidence for the Role of Pressure Solution Creep
- Using meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be to constrain the age and structure of the frontal wedge at the Japan Trench
- <SUP>10</SUP>Be constrains the sediment sources and sediment yields to the Great Barrier Reef from the tropical Barron River catchment, Queensland, Australia
- Building Adaptive Capacity with the Delphi Method and Mediated Modeling for Water Quality and Climate Change Adaptation in Lake Champlain Basin
- Characterizing real-time forest disturbance in a dynamic land surface model with implications for operational streamflow forecasting using WRF-Hydro
- Characterizing the Influence of Flow Regime and Landcover on the Geochemical Nature and Magnitude of Riverine Phosphorus and Trace Metal Loads
- Combining Long-Term Watershed Monitoring at Buck Creek with Spatially Extensive Ecosystem Data to Understand the Processes of Acid Rain Effects and Recovery
- Comparing Background and Recent Erosion Rates in Degraded Areas of Southeastern Brazil
- Cosmogenic Isotopic Tracing of Sediment Generated By the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Coupled Dynamic Modeling to Assess Human Impact on Watershed Hydrology
- Differential Uplift and Incision of the Yakima River Terraces
- Do Vermont's Floodplains Constitute an Important Source of Labile Carbon?
- Dust transport from glacierized rivers of southern Alaska to the Gulf of Alaska: Interannual variability in magnitude and sources
- Economic valuation of flood mitigation services: A case study from the Otter Creek, VT.
- Evolution of the paleolandscape(s) of Yunnan, China: implications from Be-10 erosion rates and river channel morphology
- Geomechaical Behavior of Shale Rocks Under High Pressure and Temperature
- In situ monitoring and machine modeling of snowpack evolution in complex terrains
- Interactions of Landowners' Land Use Decisions with Flood and Water Quality
- Invasive and exotic earthworms: an unaccounted change to mercury cycling in northeastern US forest soils
- Irrigation as an Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change: The Relative Influence of Groundwater and Canal Irrigation on Winter Crop Production and its Sensitivity to Weather Variability in India
- Leaf Wax n-Alkane Distributions and Stable Isotope Ratios, Paleovegetation, and Dust Flux to Reconstruct North Pacific Climate During the Late Holocene
- Linking Flood-Related Damage to Bridges and Stream Geomorphic Conditions in Vermont
- Loss of Homeostatic Gas Exchange in Eastern Hemlock in Response to Pollution and Rising CO2?
- N2O Emissions in Southeastern Amazonia: The Effect of Agricultural Intensification
- North East Water Resources Network (NEWRnet): A real-time water quality sensor network to study impacts of climate variability for Delaware, Rhode Island and Vermont
- Observing Nutrient Dynamics in Streams Draining Varied Land Uses Using In Situ Optical Sensors
- Photometric Correction for the Thermal Channels of the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment
- Quantifying Sediment and Phosphorous Loading from Streambank Erosion using Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Support Sediment and Nutrient Budgets
- Rapid Recovery of a Gully Thermokarst: 10 Years of Observation of the Toolik River Thermokarst, North Slope, Alaska
- Remote sensing in support of high-resolution terrestrial carbon monitoring and modeling
- Seasonal Precipitation Variability Associated with Climate Change and Impacts on Vermont Flood Risk
- Spatially-Explicit Estimates of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fire and Land-Use Change in the Brazilian Cerrado
- Using Distributed Continuous Turbidity Monitoring to Inform Sediment and Sediment-bound Nutrient Budgets
- Very High Resolution Climate Change Projections for Hydrologic Impacts Assessments over the Lake Champlain Basin in Vermont
- "Hot moments" of carbon and nitrogen in streams: Key insights from in-situ, high-frequency optical sensors from the North East Water Resources Network (NEWRnet)
- Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates
- Carbon and nutrient responses to fire and climate warming in Alaskan arctic tundra
- Combining Passive Microwave and Optical Data to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent in Afghanistan's Hindu Kush
- Coupled Effects of Climatic and Socio-economic Factors on Winter Cropping in India
- Dating High Temperature Mineral Fabrics in Lower Crustal Granulite Facies Rocks
- Diel patterns of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate in streams: The influence of moisture conditions and watershed scale
- Effects of Chinese Deforestation and Reforestation Policies on Sediment Sourcing in Yunnan, China
- Eight Million Years of Land-Based Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability Recorded By In Situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be from the ANDRILL-1B Core
- Excess growing-season water limits lowland black spruce productivity
- Extreme landscape disequilibrium and slow erosion during rapid mountain building
- Farmer Decision-Making for Climate Adaptation
- From Soil to Surface Water: a Meta-Analysis of Catchment-Scale Organic Matter Production and Transport
- High-Resolution Modeling Disturbance-Induced Forest Carbon Dynamics with Lidar and Landsat Observations
- Incision of the Yangtze River at the First Bend Determined by Three-Nuclide Burial Dating
- Inferring glacial history and subglacial process through analysis of cosmogenic nuclides in icebound cobbles
- Leaf Leachate Chemistry: Regional Variation Across Three Watersheds in the Northeastern United States
- Local Discrepancies in Continental Scale Biomass Maps: A Case Study over Forested and Non-Forested Landscapes in Maryland, USA
- Metal and Phosphorous behavior in the water and sediment underneath ice cover: a comparative study between hyper- and eutrophic lake systems
- Monsoon Season Moisture Deficit Limits Growth in Co-Occurring Alpine Shrub (Cassiope fastigata) and Tree (Abies spectabilis) Species in the Central Himalayas, Nepal
- Moving the Watershed Ecosystem Approach Beyond the Black Box with Sensor Technologies and New Conceptual Models
- Quantifying streambank erosion: a comparative study using an unmanned aerial system (UAS) and a terrestrial laser scanner
- Reconstructed streamflow in the eastern United States: validity, drivers, and challenges
- Regional in-situ optical water quality sensor network quantifies influence of land use and seasonality on storm event nitrate and dissolved organic carbon loading
- Regression based modeling of vegetation and climate variables for the Amazon rainforests
- Simulating malaria transmission in the current and future climate of West Africa
- Soil Incubation Study to Assess the Impacts of Manure Application and Climate Change on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural Soil
- Standardised Embedded Data framework for Drones [SEDD]
- Temperature sensitivity of stream gross primary production and respiration from the tropics to the arctic
- Temporal Variability and Annual Fluxes of Water, Sediment and Particulate Phosphorus from a Headwater River in the Tropical Andes: Results from a High-frequency Monitoring Program
- The Expansion of Agriculture and Its Effects of Evapotranspiration in Brazil's Newest Agricultural Frontier
- The Value of Simple Models: Performance of a Spatially-explicit Seasonal Model for Valuing Water Provisioning (InVEST)
- The View from a Few Hundred Feet : A New Transparent and Integrated Workflow for UAV-collected Data
- The fate of nitrogen fertilizer added to soy-maize agriculture in the Amazon basin: Quantifying N<SUB>2</SUB>O flux and losses to groundwater
- Thresholds in Soil Mineral Weathering and Relation to Streamwater Chemistry in Glaciated Catchments of the Northeastern USA
- Tipping Points towards Regional Forest or Urban Transition in Stressed Rural Areas: An Agent-based Modelling Application of Socio-Economic Shifts in Rural Vermont US
- Training the Next Generation of Scientists: System Dynamics Modeling of Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) transmission.
- Utilizing In-Situ Static Chamber Measurements and UAV Imagery for Integrated Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimations: Assessing Environmental and Management Impacts on Agricultural Emissions for Two Paired-Watershed Sites in Vermont
- A Framework for Bridging Scientists, Knowledge Brokers and Local Decision Makers in State-level Climate Assessments
- Application of a Kohonen Network to Evaluate Spatial Variability in Concentration-Discharge Relationships in the Lake Champlain Basin
- Arctic BioMap: Building Participatory Technologies for Community-Specific Environmental Monitoring and Decision Making in the North
- Classification and Prediction of Event-based Suspended Sediment Dynamics using Artificial Neural Networks
- Climate Drivers of Blue Intensity from Two Eastern North American Conifers
- Colluvial signatures of Pleistocene sediment production in central Pennsylvania
- Comparison of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to LiDAR for streambank erosion measurement at the site-specific and river network scales
- Dust contributes an important flux of iron to Gulf of Alaska surface waters beyond the shelf break, while shelf sediments and glacial meltwater drive Fe supply over the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf
- Elevated Cosmogenic <SUP>26</SUP>Al/<SUP>10</SUP>Be Production Ratio at High Latitude
- Financial Strategies Moderate Weather Impacts on Food Security Outcomes
- High-Resolution Mapping of Aboveground Biomass for Forest Carbon Monitoring - A Case Study in Three Mid-Atlantic States, USA
- Integrated sUAS Greenhouse Gas Measurements and Imagery for Land Use Emissions Monitoring
- Lateral weathering gradients in glaciated catchments
- Lidar Applications for Fine Tuning Forest Inventory Estimates in the Nonforest and Understory Carbon Pools
- Linking climate and environmental factors to the recent and surprising growth increase of red spruce trees across the northeastern US
- Pollution Critical Load Exceedance and an Extended Growing Season as Modulators of Red Spruce Radial Growth
- Quantifying How Climate Affects Vegetation in the Amazon Rainforest
- Rapid thinning of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in coastal Maine, USA during late Heinrich Stadial 1
- Relative ages of relict landscape surfaces at the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Yunnan, China
- Remote Sensing Analysis of Malawi's Agricultural Inputs Subsidy and Climate Variability Impacts on Productivity
- Scaling measurements of metabolism in stream ecosystems: challenges and approaches to estimating reaeration
- Spatially and Physically Consistent Weather Estimation using Bias-Corrected Climate Simulations and Reanalysis Analogs
- The "art" of science communication in undergraduate research training
- The Influence of Monoterpene and Isoprene Nitrates on the Chemistry and Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol in a Low-NO<SUB>x</SUB> Mixed Deciduous/Coniferous Forest
- Total and Extreme Precipitation Changes over the Northeastern United States
- Tropical river suspended load and solute dynamics in storms within an extreme drought, Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico
- Tropical soils in Mato Grosso, Brazil, retain high phosphorus (P) binding capacity after 30 years of intensive fertilization and will remain a P sink for another 50-160 years.
- Using a Novel Evolutionary Algorithm to More Effectively Apply Community-Driven EcoHealth Interventions in Big Data with Application to Chagas Disease
- What greater spatial and temporal geochemistry detail can add to geobiology
- A Novel Ice Storm Experiment for Evaluating the Ecological Impacts of These Extreme Weather Events
- A soil-landscape framework for understanding spatial and temporal variability in biogeochemical processes in catchments
- Adaptation and Mitigation in Agriculture: A Review of Synergies and Tradeoffs and How EO Could Improve Understanding and Outcomes
- Agricultural land use doubled sediment yield of western China's rivers
- American Beech Leaf-litter Leachate Chemistry: Effects of Geography and Phenophase
- An integrated decision support system for wastewater nutrient recovery and recycling to agriculture
- Can Canals Effectively Replace Groundwater Irrigation in Over-exploited Regions in India?
- Controls on the slope and relief of headwater channels in steep landscapes: Field constraints from the San Gabriel and San Jacinto Mountains, CA
- Effects of changes in climate variability and extremes on the exceedance of critical algal bloom thresholds
- Effects of land use on the timing and magnitude of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate fluxes: a regional analysis of high-frequency sensor measurements from forested, agricultural, and urban watersheds
- Global resistance and resilience of primary production following extreme drought are predicted by mean annual precipitation
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift Area, New Mexico
- High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment Across The Tri-state Area (MD, PA, DE), USA
- Integration of sUAS Imagery and Atmospheric Data Collection for Improved Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions Monitoring
- Landsat Time-series for the Masses: Predicting Wood Biomass Growth from Tree-rings Using Departures from Mean Phenology in Google Earth Engine
- Linking Science and Management in an Interactive Geospatial, Mutli-Criterion, Structured Decision Support Framework: Use Case Studies of the "Future Forests Geo-visualization and Decision Support Tool
- Metamorphic ages constrain the timing and nature of heat flow into the lower crust of a magmatic arc, Fiordland New Zealand
- Modeling Carbon Storage across a Heterogeneous Mixed Temperate Forest: The Influence of Forest Type Specificity on Regional-scale Carbon Storage Estimates
- Physical and biological influences on coupled C and N cycling and fluxes in headwater streams
- Quantifying Phosphorus Retnention in Soils of Riparian Buffers Influenced by Different Land Use Practices
- Recent Changes in Tree Species Abundance: Patterns, Trends, and Drivers Across Northeastern US Forests
- Reforestation Effects on Carbon Stocks in the Northeast USA: Interactions among Earthworms, Land-Use History and Soil Properties
- Repeat synoptic sampling reveals drivers of change in carbon and nutrient chemistry of Arctic catchments
- Role of the Prospect Rock Fault in the Exhumation of High Pressure Rocks in North-Central Vermont
- Simulating stream response to floodplain connectivity, reforestation and wetland restoration from reach to catchment scales
- Stream Response to an Extreme Defoliation Event
- Understanding the Complexities of Communicating Management Decisions on the Subsistence Use of Yukon River Salmon
- Variability in isotopic composition of baseflow in two headwater streams of the southern Appalachians
- A Comparative Analysis of sUAS Platforms and Sensors for Agricultural Management
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- A phase space approach to understanding the efficacy of agricultural BMP adoption on water quality under a range of socio-ecological scenarios using a watershed scale, feed-forward integrated assessment model
- A risk-based assessment of the impacts of a changing climate in the U.S. Northeast
- Ancient landscapes along the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast record glacial isostatic adjustment
- Application of machine-learning tools to extract patterns in long-term DOC monitoring data: an integrated, multi-scale approach
- Applying Deep Learning to Event Concentration-Discharge Hysteresis Patterns to Reveal Differences in Sediment Dynamics across Contrasting Watersheds
- Carbon and Nutrient Loss from Forest Mesocosms During Plant-Microbe Phenological Asynchronies
- Carbon and nutrient dynamics in Arctic stream networks determined with catchment-scale estimates of redox reactions
- Changes in Fluorescence Characteristics As a Function of Substrate Quality and Microbial Activity: Testing a Conceptual Model
- Characterizing Subsurface Hydrologic Fluxes within a Glaciated Watershed
- Coastal Ecosystems Bring Many Societal Benefits but may be Vulnerable to Increasing Intensity Hurricanes
- Combining long-term observations with experiments to test hypotheses on stream water dissolved organic carbon dynamics at the Sleepers River Research Watershed
- Comprehensive Effects of Land Use Change and Disturbances on Forest Aboveground Biomass Dynamics in the Northern USA
- Constraining the timing and rate of southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet thinning during the last deglaciation with cosmogenic nuclide dipsticks
- Determination of Methane Sources and Sinks Using Stable Isotopes in Areas of Active Gas Seepage
- Educational Applications of an Enhanced Augmented Reality Sandbox
- Effects of changing winter snowmelt on watershed nutrient export from forested and agricultural catchments in northern Vermont
- Evaluating visual classification of suspended sediment - discharge hysteresis via crowd-sourcing and in-stream monitoring
- Expression of rock strength in the morphology, bedrock exposure, and erosion rate of steep hillslopes in southern California, USA
- Extreme weather event impacts on soil physical and chemical properties within riparian ecosystems
- Feedbacks between fluvial forces and differing vegetation morphologies moderate riparian seedling losses during experimental floods; implications for restoration using environmental flows
- Flume and field investigations link woody riparian vegetation plant traits to morphodynamics across scales
- How to make and exhume (U)HP terranes: insights from southeastern Papua New Guinea
- Hydrologic Control of Catchment-Scale Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Dynamics
- Impact of a Temporally-Displaced Mississippi River Spring Flood on Nutrient and Aquatic Ecosystem Responses in Estuarine Waters: A Hydrologic Harbinger of a Shifting Climatic Future Affecting Coastal Food Webs
- Integrating Earth Observations into Ecosystem Services Models: Challenges and Opportunities from Producers, Users and Decision Makers
- Land use influences storm hysteresis of dissolved organic matter character and concentration
- Linking models of human behaviour and climate alters projected climate change
- Metabolic Scaling of River Networks
- Network analysis of virtual water in the global fossil fuel trade from 2000-2016
- On the value of collecting long-term, periodic, synoptic water chemistry data in stream networks: Revealing structure and stability of headwater conditions
- Optimizing over-summer snow storage at low latitudes and low altitudes
- Optimizing wetland restoration to minimize phosphorous loading at a regional scale
- Peak pressure-temperature-time estimates for Taconic orogen high-pressure rocks, Tillotson Peak Complex, Vermont
- Quantifying Mineral Weathering Across Lateral Gradients Using a Whole-Regolith Approach
- Quantifying reach-scale erosion and deposition using unmanned aircraft system (UAS) photogrammetry and airborne lidar
- Regional loss of long-lived tree species reduces the capacity of the biosphere to store carbon over centuries
- Seismic Signatures as a Proxy for Fracture Aperture Alterations in Reservoir Rock.
- Simulating Extreme Precipitation in the Lake Champlain Basin using a Regional Climate Model: Limitations and Uncertainties
- Socio-environmental synthesis: Exploring the relationship between climate events, agricultural crop loss, and climate/weather perceptions of USDA employees
- Soil Governance, Agricultural Resilience: Soil and Nutrient Management in Vermont Agroecosystems
- Spatiotemporal Trajectories as a New Approach for Studying Concentration-discharge Relationships of Hydrological Events
- Stratigraphic control of landscape response to base-level fall, Young Womans Creek, Pennsylvania, USA
- Technology in Agroecosystems: Integrative Land-Atmosphere Monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Systems
- The Forests Chapter of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- The Impact of Human Health Cobenefits on Evaluations of Global Climate Policy
- The first-authorship geoscience gender gap: Underrepresentation of women first authors in leading geoscience journals, 2013-2018
- The systematic underestimation of nutrient load variability in coupled streamflow-water quality models: effects on lake cyanobacteria bloom simulations
- Understanding the importance of soil aggregate destabilization as mechanism of stream DOC increase in two Northeastern headwater catchments.
- Unexpected Expansion of Spruce and Fir Varies at Ecotones Across the Eastern US
- Using satellite remote sensing to quantify the impact of groundwater on dryland ecosystems' resilience globally
- Whole Farm Water: Collaborative science for farm irrigation decisions in vegetable production systems
- A 4.8 Myr geomorphic record of fluvial landscape evolution in the Fortymile River basin (Alaska and Yukon)
- Advancing the use of Earth Observations in ecosystem service modeling for natural capital accounting in Costa Rica
- An Integrated Data-driven Model to Simulate Hydrological Interventions
- An integrated Modeling Approach to Assess the Impact of Climate Change Induced Extreme Events and Non-Stationarity on Lake Cyanobacteria Blooms
- Assessing Impacts of Climatic and Non-climatic Factors on Smallholder Agricultural Systems in India
- Assessing groundwater recharge in arid and semiarid regions using integrated modeling and remote sensing
- Building an Understanding of Floodplain Functioning to Inform Effective Management in the Lake Champlain Basin
- Catchment Research in the Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research program: North Slope, Alaska, USA
- Competing Influence of Compositional Variability and Metamorphism on Strain Localization in a Lower-Crustal, Transpressional Shear Zone, Fiordland, New Zealand
- Decreasing sensitivity of US diary to temperature and humidity extremes
- Deformation Bands Near Parkfield, California: Implications for Deformation in the San Andreas Fault System
- Deformation Experiments of the Etchegoin Sandstone
- Drivers of legacy phosphorus release and sequestration in sediment-water systems: insights from environmental monitoring and experimental manipulation of redox front dynamics
- Ecohydraulics of a Disappearing Stream: Flow-Tree-Sediment Interactions in Karst
- Effects of rain on snow events on runoff generation and nutrient export from forested and agricultural catchments in northern Vermont
- Event-scale riverine loading of nitrogen and phosphorus: Impacts of land use, seasonality, and antecedent conditions on N:P export ratios
- Farming Within Limits: An Assessment of Agricultural Technology for Sustainability, Equity, and System Transformation
- First Two Dimensional Core-Scale Permeability Measurements in a Submarine Volcano: Insights into Fluid Circulation in the Active Hydrothermal System at Brothers Volcano
- From Classroom to Community: Student Contributions to WikiProject Limnology & Oceanography Expand Public Education in the Aquatic Sciences
- High-resolution mapping of forest above ground carbon storage over the 11 state RGGI+ domain
- Integrative sUAS Data Collection for Food-Energy-Water Governance
- New erosion rate measurements from the San Bernardino Mountains, California: insights into tectonic and topographic evolution of mountains along restraining bends
- Parameterizing Functions of Soil-Water Soluble Reactive Phosphorus Flux for an Ecohydrological Model of Formerly Drained Riparian Wetlands in the Lake Champlain Basin
- Physical and Biogeochemical Processes across Seasons in Missisquoi Bay, Lake Champlain: Insights from a Three-dimensional Model
- Quantifying floodplain water storage and benefits of floodplain restoration for the Lake Champlain Basin in Vermont
- Residual Soil Phosphorus in Tropical Oxisols: An Opportunity to Enhance Fertilizer Use Efficiency?
- Seasonal and event-based concentration discharge relationships from contrasting Arctic headwater catchments
- Socio-environmental extremes: rethinking extraordinary events as outcomes of interacting biophysical and social systems
- Spring Snowmelt: a 'Hot Moment' for Soil Denitrification in Riparian Areas?
- The Consequences of the Historically Longest Mississippi River Diversion on the Water Quality and Phytoplankton Ecology of the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary, LA
- The Fundamental Roles of Iron as a Mediator of Land-Water Interactions in Arctic Catchments
- The Mt. Mansfield Paired-Watershed Study: (Nearly) 20 years of monitoring to track high elevation hydrology and development impacts in Vermont and northeastern USA
- The NSF/UVM Community Cosmogenic Facility: a New Approach to Research and Research Training in Isotope Geology
- The distribution of health co-benefits and its impact on optimal climate policy
- Tundra wildfire triggers long-term lateral nitrogen loss
- Upcycling phosphorus recovered from anaerobically digested dairy manure to support production of vegetables and flowers
- Using Cosmogenic Nuclides in Ice-Rafted Debris to Constrain Ice Sheet Dynamics Associated with Heinrich Events
- A Hydraulic Model Wrapper to Optimize Floodplain Reconnection Scenarios
- A Monitoring Tool for Analyzing Sediment Dynamics Using Water Turbidity Sensor Data
- A comparison of riverine and coastal resilience at the nexus of food, energy, and water systems
- A multi-million-year record of vegetation and ice-cover in the basal sediment from the Camp Century ice core, northwestern Greenland
- An enhanced low-complexity hydraulic model for assessment of floodplain rehabilitation alternatives
- Assessing climatic controls of millennial erosion in the eastern end of Himalaya
- Building a mechanistic understanding of phosphorus retention on floodplains to inform restoration prioritization in the Lake Champlain Basin
- Comparing Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon During Throughfall and Stream Events in a Forested Catchment
- Critical Zone network cluster research: Using Big Data approaches to assess ecohydrological resilience across scales
- Erosion rates before and after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition in periglaciated central Appalachia
- From soil to stream: reading subsurface structure from stream chemistry
- Functioning Floodplain Initiative for Improved Flood Resiliency, Restored Water Quality and Enhanced Habitat in Vermont USA
- High-resolution forest carbon modeling for climate mitigation planning over the 11-state RGGI+ region, USA
- Hot spots of opportunity for improved cropland nitrogen management across the United States
- Impacts of circular agriculture-sanitation systems on hydrological and biogeochemical processes
- Investigating Possible Effects of Changing Hydroclimatic Persistence on Lake Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms
- Linking Social, Political, and Technical Feedbacks to Model Tipping Points in the Climate-Social System
- Looking at Puerto Rican Farmers' Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation Through the Eye of Hurricane Maria
- Machine Learning for Early Warning of Cyanobacteria Blooms in Vermont's Lake Champlain
- Minerals in rock fragments weather in sync with the soil fine fraction across a lateral hydrochemical gradient
- Multiple dating techniques to determine transient knickpoint propagation, terrace formation, and incision of the Allegheny Plateau, Youghiogheny River, Ohiopyle, PA.
- Permeability Enhancement of Granite Specimens through Hydroshearing Relevant to Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Plasmaspheric dynamics studied using a three-dimensional machine learning based plasma density model in the inner magnetosphere
- Predicting Post-Restoration Risk of Soil Legacy Phosphorus Release in Historically Drained and Farmed Riparian Wetlands
- Reviewing the evidence: How do nature-based solutions affect water flows in agriculture and rangelands
- Shining light on Arctic river biogeochemical dynamics: Using in-situ high-frequency optical sensors to constrain carbon and nitrogen exports and stoichiometry in two headwaters
- The Influence of Topographic Disequilibrium on Erosion Rates from the San Bernardino Mountains, California
- The Role of Dead Wood as an Ecosystem Nitrogen Sink
- Tracing Food-Energy-Water-Material Interdependencies and Injustices in Transboundary Supply Chains Through Remote Sensing of Boreal Deforestation in Eeyou Istchee/Jamésie, Quebec
- Using the volcano-magmatic record to constrain geodynamic evolution during the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean in NE Mongolia
- Watershed data science at the event scale: Revealing insights in watershed function through analysis of concentration-discharge relationships
- Winter limnology: how do hydrodynamics and carbon biogeochemistry shape unique ecosystems under ice?
- A LandTrendr Optimization Approach for Improved Mapping of Annual Land Cover
- Actionable Guidance for Creating Inclusive, Equitable, and Just Scientific Meetings
- Arctic River Integrated Observations through Synoptic Sampling (RIOS): Aquatic Networks Reveal Ecosystem Export of Carbon and Nutrients in Permafrost Watersheds
- Assessing the Accuracy of Ice Flow Velocities Derived from Sentinel-1 Backscatter Data on the Juneau Ice Field, Southeast Alaska
- Automated Cleaning of Multiple Time Series Data from the Sleepers Research River Watershed
- Citizen Science in a Professional Science World: Is Citizen Science Dead?
- Co-creating Collaborative and Transformative Educational Partnerships in Critical Zone Science
- Core from Buried Ice Mass Dated to Late Pliocene, Ong Valley, Transantarctic Mountains
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Buried Ice Mass Using Englacial Debris; Ong Valley, Antarctica
- Cosmogenic nuclides in last glacial ice-rafted debris inform long-term Northern Hemisphere ice sheet history
- Enhanced Forest Ecosystem Monitoring for Carbon Accounting and Climate Mitigation: the Case for Adding Tree Rings to North American's National Forest Inventories
- Holocene deglaciation history of the Juneau Icefield, southeastern Alaska, using cosmogenic 10Be
- Improved Characterization of the Tundra Ecosystem Preserved in the Camp Century Ice Core Subglacial Sediment, Northwestern Greenland
- Including Microbial Processes is Important for Modelling Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics During Wood Decay
- Its all connected: unpacking the spatial variability of groundwater dynamics, soil solution chemistry, and mineral weathering
- Landsat Time Series Predict Changes in Ground-measured Forest Structure Across a Gradient of Partial Canopy Disturbance at NEON Sites in the Continental US
- Learning how to surf ocean data in the cloud: PO.DAAC explorations of science data access and formats
- Limited increases in savanna carbon stocks over decades of fire suppression
- Long-term Research and Monitoring at Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont USA
- Machine Learning Evaluation and Enhancement of a Low-Complexity Flood Inundation Model using Reach-Specific Geomorphic Parameters
- Magmatism during the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean: a tale of a sediment-rich collision
- New Luminescence Ages, Provenance Data, and Ice-Sheet Modelling from the Camp Century Subglacial Sediment: Implications for the Glacial History of Northwestern Greenland
- Plagioclase weathering in forest soils drives mineral weathering gradients expressed at the hillslope scale
- Redox Dynamics Across the Sediment-Water Interface: Reducibility of Fe-Mn-P Colloids Tied to P Mobility
- Resource, Infrastructure, And Flow: Sharpening the Conceptualization of the Food-Energy-Water-Material Nexus to Address Complex Interdependencies and Systemic Injustices
- RiverSET: A Hydraulic Model Wrapper to Facilitate Stakeholder Evaluation of Flood Mitigation Alternatives
- Stream chemistry response to external perturbations at Sleepers River
- The shallow and deep hypothesis: linking flow paths, biogeochemical reactions, and stream chemistry in the Critical Zone
- Twenty-first century increases in total and extreme precipitation across the Northeastern United States
- Watershed Model Parameter Estimation in Low Data Environments
- What we can learn in the kitchen sink: an example from garnet granulite
- Why Critical Zone (CZ) science needs team science: insights from the big data CZ network cluster
- Winter/Spring Runoff is Earlier, More Protracted, and Increasing in Volume in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin
- A Multi-Scale Analysis of Gully Erosion at Road Drainage Outlets Using LiDAR Technology
- A Record of Terrestrial Temperatures Since the LGM in the North Atlantic Based on Cosmogenic Paleothermometry
- A Regional Flow-Duration-Frequency Analysis for the State of Vermont
- Adapting Systematic Review Methodology: Improving Data Infrastructure to Support Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry
- Arctic Stream Networks are Sensitive Sentinels of Environmental Change in the Permafrost Zone.
- Assessing Remote Sensing for Forest Carbon Monitoring and Its Implications for Tree Outside Forest in Maryland
- Automated Machine Learning Approach to Supervised Anomaly Detection from Critical Zone Watershed Sensor-Generated Time Series Data
- Automated detection of glacier cover changes in the Upper Indus Basin of northern Pakistan
- Blinded by the Light: Seasonal Sensitivity of Arctic River Carbon to Photo- and Biodegradation
- Catena Position Regulates Rock Porosity in a Forested Headwater Catchment
- Citizen and Community Science in the National Sea Grant Network: The Value of Public Participation in the Scientific Process
- Climate Controls on River Chemistry
- Climate Resilience Assessment Framework for Soil and Groundwater Contamination and Waste Disposal Cells: Demonstration at the 118 Department of Energy's Legacy Sites Across the US
- Climatic controls on erosion vary with lithology: insights from the easternmost Himalaya
- Drivers and pathways of carbon and nitrogen in soil and streams: insights from the Sleepers River Research Watershed in Vermont
- Effectiveness of LandTrendr optimized temporally stabilized composites for enhancing the Lower Mekong regional land cover monitoring system
- Equity, Diversity, and Community: Opportunities for Critical Zone Science and Education
- Evaluating Linkages between Irrigation and Nutrition in Children across Thirty Countries
- Evaluating Mountain Building along the Cascadia Forearc from Basin-Averaged Erosion Rates and Channel Steepness
- How Are Mid-Crustal Rocks Exhumed in the Far Western Nepal Himalaya? Evaluating Mechanisms for Mass Transfer
- Hydrodynamic drivers of hillslope soil DOC concentrations during storm events
- Information Theoretic Approaches to Characterize Uncertainty in Computational Models of Coupled Human and Natural Systems: Insights from an Integrated Model Predicting Water Quality in Lake Champlain under Alternate Hydro-Climatic, Land Use, And Nutrient Management Conditions
- LMHDSs: An enhanced data visualization and access web portal for your Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model
- Leveraging Catchment Attributes to Explain Patterns of Concentration-Discharge Relationships Across the Contiguous United States
- New Insights into Early Cretaceous Extension in Northern Mongolia
- New insights into crustal and mantle structure beneath the New England Appalachians from temporary broadband seismic deployments and integration with geological constraints
- Peak Anomaly Detection using Critical Zone Time Series Data: Knowledge-Engineering and Deep-Learning
- Quantifying Competition Between Chaparral and Grassland Across a Fire and Climatic Gradient in Southern California, U.S.
- Quantifying the role of climate and vegetation on weathering and erosion rates in steep landscapes
- Reconstructing Interannual Variability in Regional Climate from Water Isotope Sampling of the Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Response of Forest Canopy Structure to Moderate Disturbances: Multi-temporal Approaches Using NEON's Longitudinal Airborne LiDAR
- Rethinking the Origin of Counterclockwise DOM C-Q Hysteresis
- Revisiting the Power-Law Function as a Model for Concentration-Discharge Relationships
- Saturation Dynamics Along Thawing Continuous Permafrost Hillslopes
- Shaking it Up: Analyzing the Utility of Raspberry Shake Seismometers to Determine Radiated Earthquake Energy
- Simulating Lags, Tipping Points and Cross Scale Interactions in Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems: Evaluating the Impacts of Early vs. Delayed Nutrient Reductions under Alternate Hydro-Climatic Scenarios in Missisquoi Bay, 2000-2050
- Spatial Scale Dependency of Environmental Variables in the Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks with Soil Digital Mapping: A Machine Learning Approach
- Stable Instability: Exploring the role of Arctic stream-lake chains on watershed-scale carbon and nutrients
- Stream DOC and DIC Response to Climate and Acidification Disturbances at Sleepers River
- The Case for Data Standards in Support the Sustainable Development Goals: A Climate Smart Agriculture Case Study
- The Impact of Temperature Extremes on Nutrition and Diet Diversity in Children under Five
- The subglacial sediment from the Camp Century ice core: a unique in-situ paleoclimate archive from northwest Greenland
- Twenty-first century increases in total and extreme precipitation across the Northeastern United States
- Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Climate Patterns across Northeastern U.S.
- Yukon River incision coupled to CO2 drawdown during late Cenozoic climate changes
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Ouimette
- Adam S. Wymore
- Adrian A. Harpold
- Alan J. Hidy
- Alex J. Webster
- Alexandra Jonko
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- An Yin
- Andrew J. Christ
- Andrew L. Gorin
- Andrew V. Newman
- Arial J. Shogren
- Asim Zia
- B. A. Keisling
- B. R. Markle
- B. T. Crosby
- Benjamin Ramcharitar
- Benjamin W. Abbott
- Biplov Bhandari
- Brady S. Hardiman
- C. M. Oaida
- Cari L. Johnson
- Chonggang Xu
- Christopher S. Lowry
- Claire Baffaut
- D. G. Chandler
- D. M. Peteet
- Daniel J. Morgan
- Danielle E. LeBlanc
- Donald C. Pierson
- Donald S. Ross
- Dustin W. Kincaid
- E. C. Seybold
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Eric J. Steig
- Eric Kirby
- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
- Gary Sterle
- George C. Hurtt
- H. R. Barnard
- Hang Wen
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Heejoon Choi
- Ibrahim Nourein Mohammed
- J. A. O’Donnell
- J. R. Bourke
- Jaclyn Hatala Matthes
- James W. Kirchner
- Jane R. Foster
- Jay P. Zarnetske
- Jennifer A. Bower
- Jeremy D. Shakun
- Jesus D. Gomez‐Velez
- Joerg M. Schaefer
- John Kilbride
- Jon Chorover
- Jonathan M. Winter
- Jorge Vázquez-Cuervo
- Jory S. Hecht
- Julia Perdrial
- Julie C. Fosdick
- K. J. McGuire
- Kevin A. Ryan
- Kristen L. Underwood
- Kumar Sadayappan
- Kyle Frankel Davis
- L. E. Webb
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Lee B. Corbett
- Li Li
- Louisa Barama
- LuAnne Thompson
- M. E. Brown
- M. N. Gooseff
- Mary Braza
- Maureen D. Long
- Melissa Burt
- Michael C. Dietze
- Miriam C. Jones
- Natalie Teale
- Nyein Soe Thwal
- Panagiotis D. Oikonomou
- Paul Cornils Knutz
- Peter C. Lippert
- Peter J. Haproff
- Qian Shen
- Rachel L. Lamb
- Rebecca T. Barnes
- Reem A. Hannun
- Richard O. Lease
- Roman A. DiBiase
- S. R. Hemming
- Sarah G. Evans
- Sarah Lambart
- Scott D. Hamshaw
- Scott V. Ollinger
- Scott W. Bailey
- Seulgi Moon
- Shirajul Islam Khan
- Stefanie Brachfeld
- Stephen D. Sebestyen
- Vadim Levin
- W. Hefner
- William H. McDowell
- Yantao Luo
- Yuehan Zhou
- Yvette D. Kuiper
- Zachary M. Easton
- Zexuan Xu