Hunter College, New York
flowchart I[Hunter College, New York] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (99)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Tracing Glacial-Interglacial Thermohaline Circulation with Nd isotopes: Progress and Precautions
- Health Impacts of Air Pollution Under a Changing Climate
- Decadal to Century Scale Trends in North American Snow Extent Based on IPCC AR4 Model Simulations
- High Latitude Forcing of Interior Ocean δ13C
- Twentieth Century Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover: Observations and Results from AGCMs and AOGCMs
- A Localized Surface Vegetation - Boundary Layer Feedback Mechanism in a GCM Simulation
- Ent: A global dynamic terrestrial ecosystem model for climate interactions at seasonal to century time scales through coupled water, carbon, and nitrogen dynamics
- Retrieval of Vegetation Structure and Carbon Balance Parameters Using Ground-Based Lidar and Scaling to Airborne and Spaceborne Lidar Sensors
- Modeling the Impact of Vegetation Structure on Canopy Radiative Transfer for a Global Vegetation Dynamic Model
- Rapid Retrieval of Forest Structure using an Under-Canopy, Upward-Scanning Lidar (EchinaR)
- Using NASA and Earth Science Products to Improve EPA Non-point Source Water Quality Modeling for the Chesapeake Bay
- Creating a New Model for Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation for Critical Infrastructure: The New York City Climate Change Adaptation Task Force and the NYC Panel on Climate Change
- Effects of Temperature, Organic Matter Concentration, UV, and Predation on Survival and Growth of Sewage-Indicating Bacteria in Hudson River Water
- Improvement of Vegetation Structure Retrievals through Reducing Canopy-to-Surface Reflectivity Ratio Uncertainty
- Some Inconsistencies Between MODIS and IMS Snow Products
- Teleconnection Pathways Linking The Winter Pacific - North American Pattern To North American Spring Snow Depth
- The impacts of surface topography, footprint sizes and off-nadir viewing on vegetation structure retrievals from lidar remote sensing
- Assessing General Relationships Between Above-Ground Biomass and Vegetation Structure Parameters for Improved Carbon Estimate from Lidar Remote Sensing
- Interaction between Northern hemisphere snow and preceding summer Arctic sea ice
- Vegetation community structure in a mixed-canopy dynamic global terrestrial ecosystem model: sensitivity of biosphere-atmosphere exchange to canopy vertical stratification and demography
- A Generalized Algorithm Deriving Vegetation Height from ICESat/GLAS Waveforms
- The City University of New York / NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Center for Global Climate Research - NSF REU
- The New York City Research Initiative: A Model for Undergraduate and High School Student Research in Earth and Space Sciences and Space Technology
- A modeling approach to estimate the effect of climate change on reservoir water quality
- An integrated approach to monitoring the effect of sediment and turbidity on aquatic biota and water quality in the New York City water supply
- Applicability of Statistical Models of Storm Surge along the U.S. East Coast
- Climate Change and Impacts Research Experiences for Urban Students
- Nutrient Cycling in Piermont Marsh
- Nutrient Cycling in Piermont Marsh
- Stratification and mixing event analysis from high-resolution monitoring data for New York City Water Supply reservoir
- Streamflow Responses and Ecological Implications of Climate Change in New York City Water Supply Watershed
- Advancing Heliophysics Student Research and Public Outreach in an Urban Environment
- Application of land surface hydrology measurements to enhance modeling for decision support in the New York City water supply
- Beyond Rating Curves: Time Series Models for in-Stream Turbidity Prediction
- Multi-objective calibration of a reservoir model: aggregation and non-dominated sorting approaches
- Non-stationarity and forecast to support reservoir operations
- Sensitivity analysis on reservoir water temperature under future climate change scenarios using hydrologic and hydrothermal model
- Anticipating Future Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storms in New York City (Invited)
- Behavior of dissolved and total phosphorus concentration and stream discharge: The form of hysteresis during storm events
- Providing rapid climate risk assessments to support cities (Invited)
- Recirculation Bubbles Measured at the Black Rock Forest Site in New York
- Syn-eruptive CO2 Degassing of Submarine Lavas Flows: Constraints on Eruption Dynamics
- Teaching High School Students Machine Learning Algorithms to Analyze Flood Risk Factors in River Deltas
- The effect of storm sequence, catchment structure, vegetation type and antecedent moisture conditions on nutrient loading and stream discharge for a small Catskill mountain watershed
- Pattern Scaling for Developing Change Scenarios in Water Supply Studies
- Prognostic land surface albedo from a dynamic global vegetation model clumped canopy radiative transfer scheme and satellite-derived geographic forest heights
- Evaluation of stochastic weather generators for capturing the statistics of extreme precipitation events in the Catskill Mountain watersheds, New York State
- Hurricane Sandy: Caught in the eye of the storm and a city's adaptation response
- The New York City Operations Support Tool: Supporting Water Supply Operations for Millions in an Era of Changing Patterns in Hydrological Extreme Events
- 1-D Photochemical Modeling of the Martian Atmosphere: Seasonal Variations
- A study of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate export in Catskill Mountain watersheds
- A synergistic effort among geoscience, physics, computer science and mathematics at Hunter College of CUNY as a Catalyst for educating Earth scientists.
- Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting over the United States Using WRF-Chem
- Allometric Relationship between Full Waveform LiDAR measurements and Above-ground Biomass
- An algorithm to estimate PBL heights from wind profiler data
- Developing a historical energy and GHG emission inventory for the New York City Metro area
- Earth Science Curriculum Enrichment Through Matlab!
- State of the Carbon Cycle Report 2 (SOCCR2): Highlights from the Urban Systems chapter
- Streamflow simulation by a watershed model using stochastically generated weather in New York City watersheds
- Transformation and Resilience on Urban Coasts
- VIS and NIR land surface albedo sensitivity of the Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model to forcing leaf area index
- Quantifying Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Pulsating Aurora
- The North American Energy System: Chapter 3 of SOCCR-2
- The Use of MERRA-2 Near Surface Meteorology to Understand the Behavior of Planetary Boundary Layer heights Derived from Wind Profiler Data Over the US Great Plains
- <SUP>29</SUP>Si MAS NMR of Heat-Treated Serpentine Materials for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Capture Under Different Leaching Conditions
- Chapter 3: SOCCR2: The North American Energy System Contribution to the Global Carbon Cycle
- Chapter 4: Urban Systems
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Carbon Management Experiences and Opportunities
- Stream nitrate in relation to atmospheric nitrogen sources, catchment hydrologic dynamics, and connectivity in the Catskill Mountains, New York
- The Use of MERRA-2 near surface meteorology to understand the behavior of observed planetary boundary layer heights over the US Great Plains
- Vertical Structure of the Water Column at the Virgin Islands Shelf Break and Trough
- Comparison of Saturation-Excess Runoff Estimated using SWAT-HS and SWAT-wil Models for Mountainous Regions with Humid Climate
- Experimental Analysis of Microplastics as Cryospheric Nucleation Sites for Sea Ice Reformation and Impactors of Glacier Viscous Flow Rates
- Green Development Capacity Building: Key Potential Educational Opportunities in Grenada
- Policy legacies of extreme events: Hazards experience, institutional memory and governance structure and the response to Tropical Storms Irene and Lee and Hurricane Sandy.
- Using Machine Learning to Predict Tornadoes Based on Sounding and Reanalysis Data
- Assessing Atmospheric Transport of Microplastics at a Global Scale Using the NASA GISS Model
- At the Water's Edge: Coastal Settlement, Transformative Adaptation, and Well-Being in an Era of Dynamic Climate Risk
- Cascading Bias Correction for Assessing the Vulnerability of Water Supply Systems to Multi-Year Hydrological Extremes
- Climate's Current and Future Effect on Arsenic Uptake in Rice
- Conceptual Design of A Martian Reconnaissance Glider
- Ent/ACTS: Canopy Albedo Predictions With An Analytical Geometric-Optical Radiative Transfer Model for Fusing Lidar Remote Sensing and Demographic Dynamic Global Vegetation Models Coupled to Earth System Models
- Hurricanes: The Atlantic Coast
- Institutional adaptive capacity to floods: Bridging the gaps between observed and perceived flooding risks and climate change actions in North American cities
- Investigating the Relationship between Last Millennium Climate, Volcanism and Ocean Carbon Using a GFDL Earth System Model
- Managing heat-health risks in the urban Northeast: lessons from summer 2020
- National accounts for wild crop pollination: tracking long-term changes in the U.S. agricultural landscape and their consequences for society
- Scaling up Solar-Induced Fluorescence from Leaf to Canopy in in a Conifer Forest with the Geometric Optical and Radiative Transfer Model
- The Effect of the North Atlantic Plastic Patch on Hurricanes
- Can Social Safety Nets Prevent Climate-Related Conflict? Evidence from Ethiopia
- Evaluation of biomass indices in a tropical forest for above ground biomass estimates at varying spatial scales
- Fine-scale urban heat pattern in New York City based on ASTER satellite measurements the role of complex spatial structures
- Impact of Vegetation Structure on the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Radiation Regime and CO2 Uptake in Forests through Fusion of Lidar Measurements and A Canopy Geometric Optical and Radiative Transfer Model
- Impact of urbanization on groundwater level change in Kamrup Metropolitan district, Assam, India
- Seasonal variations in surface reflectance patterns in the boreal region of Alaska the interplay between canopy structure and topography and its implication for surface radiation budget
- Uncertainty Analysis on Streamflow Simulations Using Multiple Objective Functions and Bayesian Model Averaging for NYC Water Supply Basins
- Black Rock Forest: An Above/Below-Ground Investigation into Ecosystem Diversity, Variability, and Potential Resilience
- Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Mid-to-Late Holocene Hydroclimate and Vegetation Changes in Biomarker Records From Eastern Amazonia
- On the Development of the CrIS Hybrid Principal Component (HPC) Radiance Product