City University of New York
flowchart I[City University of New York] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (14)"] AW["Affiliated Works (505)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (53)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Baruch College, New York
- Bronx Community College, New York
- Brooklyn College, New York
- CUNY College of Staten Island
- CUNY Queens College
- Hunter College, New York
- Kingsborough Community College, New York
- LaGuardia Community College, New York
- Lehman College, New York
- Manhattan Community College, New York
- Medgar Evers Community College, New York
- New York City College of Technology
- Queensborough Community College, New York
- York College, New York
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Solute-Banding Model for the Rhythmically Banded Horizons of the Palisades Diabase Sheet of New York and New Jersey
- Teaching the Process of Science: A Critical Component of Introductory Geoscience Courses
- The role of ground water in water-supply emergency planning
- A Machiavellian choice for the AMSR-E SWE operational product ? (Invited)
- Active methods to measure multilayer Planetary Boundary Layer Dynamics
- CMAQ validation of optical parameters and PM2.5 based on lidar and sky radiometers
- Comparison between ASTER and MODIS Melt Pond Surface and Volume Estimates and Trends on the Western Margin of Greenland
- Desalination of Ground Water Minerals (Case Study: Kashan Desert in Iran)
- EarthChem: Next Developments to Meet New Demands (Invited)
- Interaction between Northern hemisphere snow and preceding summer Arctic sea ice
- MSI Student Project to Investigate Ionospheric Disturbances
- NIR photography results from the 2009 Ground Passive and Active Snow (GAPS) Experiment (Invited)
- The 2009 Ground Passive and Active Snow (GAPS) Experiment
- The minimum melting in Antarctica in 2009: An updated Antarctic melt record and its linkages to high-latitude and tropical climate variability
- The ‘dark’ side of the Greenland Ice Sheet: 2009 updated long term melting trends, remotely controlled boats on supraglacial lakes and cryokonite holes. (Invited)
- A Generalized Algorithm Deriving Vegetation Height from ICESat/GLAS Waveforms
- An Examination of the Sensitivity of Runoff in the Northeastern US to 20th Century Development
- Analysis of Solar Dynamics Observatory Data during Solar Eruptions
- Analysis of Three Real-Time Dst Indices
- Assessment of Urban Planetary Boundary Layer Dynamics using Lidar, Microwave Radiometer and Ceilometer Observations over New York City Area
- Bias correction of satellite rainfall estimation using a gauge-adjusted radar product
- Calibration of elastic scattering lidar at 1064-nm channel using the water-phase and cirrus clouds
- Effects of changes in seasonal precipitation in Catskill Mountain region on NYC water supply system management
- From Colorado to Greenland: the 2010 Ground Passive and Active Snow (GAPS) Experiment
- How can hydrology inform economic policymaking? An assessment of water stress at the county level for the Northeastern United States using two concepts of water availability
- Hybrid Approaches for Simulation of Coastal Hydrodynamics --- Coupling of FVCOM/CFD and FVCOM/Shallow Water Model
- Links Between the Hydrological Cycle and Carbon Cycle Constrained with Stable Isotope Ratios of Leaf Waxes in an Alaskan Peatland
- Measurements of black carbon aerosol in a rural temperate forest in northern Michigan
- Novel Method for Estimating Variations in Salinity and River Discharge in the Hudson Estuary Using Stable Isotopes of Leaf Waxes
- Regional and State Level Water Scarcity Report: Northeast United States
- River Ice monitoring over the Susquehanna River Basin using remote sensing data
- Studying Earth's Climate from Satellite Observations (Invited)
- Summer Synthesis Institutes: A Novel Approach for Transformative Research and Student Career Development
- Suspended Sediment Transport Dynamics in the Esopus Creek Watershed, New York
- The City University of New York and NASA Goddard Space Fight Center Heliophysics Education Consortium
- The New York City Research Initiative: A Model for Undergraduate and High School Student Research in Earth and Space Sciences and Space Technology
- Understanding the linkages and feedbacks in human-water systems: development of an integrated systems framework
- Use of SAR Data, Optimal Images, and Topography Data for Coastal Flood Mapping in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- A Web-Based Validation Tool for GEWEX
- A modeling study on soil moisture effect on soil erosion under future climate in a humid continental watershed
- Advancing Heliophysics and Space Weather Research with Student Internships and Faculty Development
- An Enhanced Resolution Quikscat Derived Antarctic Melt Record (1999-2009): Development and Evaluation of Wavelet-Based Methods
- Applicability of Statistical Models of Storm Surge along the U.S. East Coast
- Climate Change and Impacts Research Experiences for Urban Students
- Contact percolation signals jamming
- Contribution of microbial carbon to soil fractions: significance of diverse microbial group biochemistry
- Convective Cloud Towers and Precipitation Initiation, Frequency and Intensity
- Evaluation of Remote Sensing Data Sets for Improving Prediction of Biodiversity in South America
- Identification of accumulation, density and grain size bias in the regional climate model MAR over the Greenland ice sheet using in-situ and remotely sensed data
- Palm Swamp Wetland Ecosystems of the Upper Amazon: Characterizing their Distribution and Inundation State Using Multiple Resolution Microwave Remote Sensing
- Pit Gauges to Satellites: Precipitation Retrievals over the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, Arizona
- Stable isotopic analysis of pyrogenic organic matter in soils by liquid-chromatography isotope-ratio mass spectrometry of benzene polycarboxylic acids
- A multi-source precipitation approach to fill gaps over a radar precipitation field
- Advancing Heliophysics Student Research and Public Outreach in an Urban Environment
- Aggregation Rates in Montmorillonite Clay Measured by Light Extinction
- Analysis and Historical Perspective of the Extensive Surface Melting on Greenland in July 2012
- Assessment of the MAR regional climate model over the Antarctic Peninsula (1999 - 2009) through spaceborne enhanced spatial resolution melting maps and near-surface observations
- Characterizing Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance via assimilation of spaceborne surface temperature, albedo, and passive microwave data into a physically-based model
- Comparison of Numerical Model Estimates of Carbon Fluxes Across Northern Eurasia
- Comparison of Rainfall Characteristics and Convective Properties of Monsoon Precipitation Systems over South China and Yangtze-and-Huai Rivers Basin
- Convective Cloud Towers and Precipitation Initiation, Frequency and Intensity
- Formation of mixed-layer structures in smectites intercalated with tryptone
- Freeze/Thaw Detection Using Aquarius' L-band Passive/Active Data
- Greenland ice sheet albedo feedback: mass balance implications
- Improving monitoring of tropical forests using year 2009 SEVIRI data
- Montmorillonite-induced Bacteriophage φ6 Disassembly
- Non-stationarity and forecast to support reservoir operations
- On the level of neutral buoyancy for deep convection
- Paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstruction of early Miocene terrestrial equatorial deposits, Rusinga and Mfangano Islands, Lake Victoria, Kenya
- Permafrost and Climate Change
- Temporal and Spatial Variability in the Ocean Color Data of the Long Island Sound Region
- The 2012 melting record and 21st century sea level rise projections for major drainage systems of the Greenland ice sheet
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission: Geophysical Products and Algorithm Development
- The influence of sea ice extent variability on the Greenland surface mass and energy balance
- Water Surface Boundary Conditions for Computer Modeling of Ocean Flow
- Alterations to the Nitrogen Cycle in a Soil Exposed to Trace Veterinary Antibiotics
- Capturing Vegetation Diversity in the Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model
- Characterization of Eurasian Wetlands Using Microwave Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Carbon Flux Models
- Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Irrigated Agriculture in the Central Valley of California
- Climate Extremes and Forest Carbon Sequestration Capacities
- Critical Components of a Successful Undergraduate Research Experience in the Geosciences for Minority Students
- Development of an early warning system for extreme rainfall, surface inundation, and malaria in East Africa
- Evaluating the impact of blowing snow on surface mass and energy balance outputs of the Modèle Atmosphérique Régionale (MAR) regional climate model over Antarctica (2001 - 2010)
- Growing Diversity in Space Weather and Climate Change Research
- Incorporating human activities into an earth system model of the Northeastern United States: socio-hydrology at the regional scale
- Influenza-Sediment Interactions
- Land Surface and Atmosphere Impacts on Spaceborne Passive Microwave Observations for Snowfall Estimation
- Monitoring Changes in Water Resources Systems Using High Resolution Satellite Observations: Application to Lake Urmia
- Multi-model predictions of local climate change with uncertainty assessment using generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation and Bayesian model averaging
- Multi-model projections and uncertainties of irrigation water demand under climate change (Invited)
- Multimodel Estimate of Global Water Resources Affected by Human Interventions and Climate Change
- NE-RESM: An Integrated Water Resource Assessment and Solutions Platform for the U.S. Northeast
- Predicting Trihalomethanes (THMs) in the New York City Water Supply
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Wetland Change Mapping for Alaska: Part I - Uncertainty in Input SAR Data
- Synoptic Control of Cross-Barrier Precipitation Ratios
- The Sediment-Fingerprinting Approach: Uncertainty and Limitations
- Use of A-Train Observations to estimate vertical velocities of convection
- Validation and Calibration of the SWAT Hydrological Model and SNTHERM Snowpack Model in Watersheds of Cannonsville, New York
- Water contamination and environmental ecosystem in the Harlem River
- Wetlands Maps of Central Canada based on L-band SAR Imagery
- reservoir operation and hydropower generation schemes for regional scale hydrological models: case study in the northeastern united states
- A megaregion-scale approach for assessing the impacts of climate change and strategic management decisions in the Northeast United States
- A-Train Observations in Extratropical Cyclones: A Comprehensive Tool for Model Evaluation
- Analyzing Trace Gas Measurements to Understand Convective Dynamics: Results from SEAC4RS Field Campaign and Mozaic Project
- Arctic-COLORS (Coastal Land Ocean Interactions in the Arctic) - a NASA field campaign scoping study to examine land-ocean interactions in the Arctic
- Bias Correction of MODIS AOD using DragonNET to obtain improved estimation of PM2.5
- Characteristic Paths of Extratropical Cyclones that Cause High Wind Events in the Northeast United States
- Characterizing Open Water Bodies and Their Color Properties Through Optical Remote Sensing to Identify Areas of Vector-Borne Disease Risk
- Climate and Population Health Vulnerabilities to Vector-Borne Diseases: Increasing Resilience Under Climate Change Conditions in Africa
- Coastal Storm Events and Property Damages Associated with Winter Storms in the Tri-State Area
- Detection and Monitoring of Inundation with Polarimetric L-Band SAR
- Development and Validation of Remote Sensing-Based Surface Inundation Products for Vector-Borne Disease Risk in East Africa
- Development of a Demand Sensitive Drought Index and Its Forecasting for Climate Adaptation and Water Management over the Continental United States
- Drought Risk Assessment for Greater New York Area: A Paleo View
- Environmental Data Store (EDS): A multi-node Data Storage Facility for diverse sets of Geoscience Data
- Estimating Supraglacial Lake Depth with Landsat 8
- Extreme Greenland Blocking Events and Their Impact on Summer Runoff Across the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater Export and River Discharge
- High Frequency Seismic Waves Recorded By the Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN) During the Drainage of a Supraglacial Lake
- Historical Changes in Global Extreme Precipitation in Climate Models and Observations
- Ingesting Land Surface Temperature differences to improve Downwelling Solar Radiation using Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study
- Initial Results from Observations Made by the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) During the Ship-Aircraft Bio-Optical Research (SABOR) Experiment
- Integrated Land Surface Water State Indicators for Climate Assessment
- Intercomparison of the Wetchimp-Wsl Wetland Methane Models over West Siberia: How Well Can We Simulate High-Latitude Wetland Methane Emissions?
- Investigating The Impact Of Sea Ice Concentration Extremes On Atmospheric Moisture Transport And Low-Level Winds Over Greenland And Surrounding Seas
- LNOx Estimates Directly from LIS Data
- Lake Physical and Geochemical Traits Impact CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations
- Linking Sediment Characteristics to Methane Emission Potential in Subarctic Lakes
- Modeling floods in large river basins: Model resolution and storm patterns
- New Insights into Convective Dynamics and Convective Cloud Vertical Structures from Synergistic Measurements by CloudSat, CALIPSO and MODIS.
- Publishing Earth Science Data with Python: A Case Study with Regional Climate Model Output
- Regional Patterns of Blowing Snow Dynamics on the Antarctic Ice Sheet from the Modèle Atmosphérique Régionale (MAR), Assessed with In Situ and Remote Sensing data (2000-2011)
- Revisiting the cold season surge generating storms of the east coast in the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century
- River Network Uncertainty and Coastal Morphodynamics in the Mekong Delta: Model Validation and Sensitivity to Fluvial Fluxes
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Inundated Wetlands: Data Record Assembly and Cross-Product Comparison
- Seasonal and Intra-Seasonal Variability of Surface Streams Over the West Greenland Ice Sheet from High Resolution Satellite Optical Data.
- Securing the Future of Water, Energy and Food: Can solutions for the currently stressed countries provide the direction for ensuring global water sustainability and food security in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century?
- Structural perturbations in immersed granular beds due to shear-flow-driven erosion in a laboratory flume
- Synoptic Patterns Associated with Northeast and Southeast Ice Storms
- Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) CubeSat Constellation
- Testing the Sensitivity of Extratropical Cyclones to Variations in Environmental Conditions
- Transient Stress Magnitudes in the Middle Crust along the Alpine Fault
- Using Sea Level to Probe Linkages Between Heat Transport Convergence, Heat Storage Rate, and Air-Sea Heat Exchange in the Subtropical North Atlantic
- Utilizing Remote Sensing to Explore Hydrological and Climatic Factors of Visceral Leishmaniasis in South Sudan
- 3D Structural and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Northwest Santa Barbara Channel and Implications for Submarine Landslide Generation
- A Multivariate Analysis of Extratropical Cyclone Environmental Sensitivity
- A New Formulation for Fresh Snow Density over Antarctica for the regional climate model Modèle Atmosphérique Régionale (MAR).
- A-Train Based Observational Metrics for Model Evaluation in Extratropical Cyclones
- Aggregation Rates of Sediments (Montmorillonite, Kaolinite, Illite and Goethite) with the Enveloped Φ6 Bacteriophage
- An integrated statistical - physical modeling approach for multivariate flood risk assessment
- Approaching the Edge of Abrupt Climate Change
- Assessing the use of VIIRS Aerosol Intermediate Product for AOD retrieval and PM25 concentrations.
- Atmospheric Drivers of Greenland Surface Melt Revealed by Self Organizing Maps
- Bridging the Past with Today's Microwave Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Long Term Inundation Patterns in the Mekong River Delta
- Characterization of Inundated Wetlands with Microwave Remote Sensing: Cross-Product Comparison for Uncertainty Assessment in Tropical Wetlands
- Characterizing Open Water Bodies and Wetland Ecosystems Using Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing
- Classifying Intensity and Area of Extreme Rainfall Events in Greater New York Area Using Weather Radar Data
- Climate Impacts on Irrigated Agriculture in California's Central Valley
- Crowdsourcing Science to Promote Human Health: New Tools to Promote Sampling of Mosquito Populations by Citizen Scientists
- Data Management System for the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework
- Derivation and Application of Idealized Flow Conditions in River Network Simulation
- Development of a Demand Sensitive Drought Index and its Application for Agriculture over the Conterminous United States.
- Efficient removal of meltwater runoff through supraglacial streams and rivers on the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Enhancing Extreme Heat Health-Related Intervention and Preparedness Activities Using Remote Sensing Analysis of Daily Surface Temperature, Surface Observation Networks and Ecmwf Reanalysis
- Evaluation of pharmaceuticals removal by sewage sludge-derived adsorbents with rapid small-scale column tests
- Exploring the Geomorphology of the Amazon's Planalto and Understanding the Origin of the Modern Amazon Basin with Imaging Radar:
- Formation of stable nanocomposite clays from small peptides reacted with montmorillonite and illite-smectite mixed layer clays
- Helicopter-based Photography for use in SfM over the West Greenland Ablation Zone
- HydroUnits: A Python-based Physical Units Management Tool in Hydrologic Computing Systems
- Ice Sheet Meltwater Impacts on Biological Productivity in High-Latitude Coastal Zones - Observations and Model Results for West Antarctica and Southwest Greenland
- Impact of Reservoirs on Contemporary and Future Hydrology of the Northeastern United States
- Implications of Changes in Precipitation Amount and Pattern for Water Resources: Global Study of Rainwater Harvesting Systems
- Intra- and Inter-Seasonal Supra-glacial Water Variability over the West Greenland Ice Sheet as Estimated from Combining High Resolution Satellite Optical Data and a Digital Elevation Model
- Investigating The Relationship Between Atmospheric Moisture Flux And The Surface Mass Balance On The Greenland Ice Sheet
- Levoglucosan indicates high levels of biomass burning aerosols over oceans from the Arctic to Antarctic
- Living on the edge: Flood risks to societies Balázs M. Fekete, Shahabeddin Afshari Tork and Charles J. Vörösmarty
- Modeling the Hydrologic Effects of Large-Scale Green Infrastructure Projects with GIS
- Multivariate Climate-Weather Forecasting System: An Integrated Approach for Mitigating Agricultural Risks in Punjab
- Observing the Vertical Extent of the Urban Boundary Layer Over Jersey City, NJ: A Diurnal and Seasonal Analysis
- Over-wintering of Supraglacial Lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet from Sentinel-1 and Landsat-8 Data
- Overview of the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework Study
- Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
- Scaling of Extreme Rainfall Areas at a Planetary Scale
- Spatiotemporal Properties of Floods and Extreme Hydro-Climatological Characteristics for Large Reservoirs in Missouri River Basin
- Spatiotemporal Water body Change Detection Using Multi-temporal Landsat Imagery: Case Studies of Lake Enriquillo and Lake Azuei
- Statistical Analysis of the Links between Blocking and Nor'easters
- Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D): Risk Reduction for 6U-Class Nanosatellite Constellations
- The Carbon Budget of Coastal Waters of Eastern North America
- The Geophysical, Anthropogenic, and Social Dimensions of Delta Risk: Estimating Contemporary and Future Risks at the Global Scale
- The IEDA-CCNY Data Internship Program: Undergraduate Workforce Training Through Immersion in Geoinformatics
- The Surface Storm Tracks in the Three CMIP5 Global Climate Models
- Thermocline Structure and ENSO Variability in the eastern equatorial Pacific during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Trajectories of Future Land Use for Earth System Modeling of the Northeast United States
- Urban Climate Change Resilience as a Teaching Tool for a STEM Summer Bridge Program
- Using Bayesian methods to predict climate impacts on groundwater availability and agricultural production in Punjab, India
- Using NASA UAVSAR Datasets to Link Soil Moisture to Crop Conditions
- Visionmaker NYC: A bottom-up approach to finding shared socioeconomic pathways in New York City
- What terrestrial glacial meltwater streams reveal about Greenland ice sheet hydrology
- a Perspective on Sustainability and Resilience in Interdependent Water-Energy Systems
- 1-D Photochemical Modeling of the Martian Atmosphere: Seasonal Variations
- 3D relationship between substrate fluid flow and submarine slope failure within the western Santa Barbara Channel
- A Model for Community Colleges: Engaging Students in Space Weather Research
- A Road Map for America's Water for the Next 20 Years
- A global wetland CH<SUB>4 </SUB>dataset and process-based uncertainty structure for atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> inverse modeling applications.
- A multilevel Poisson regression model to detect trends in frequency of extreme rainfall events
- Agricultural Groundwater Demands in the Conterminous United States
- Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting over the United States Using WRF-Chem
- Analysis of Ocean's Remote Sensing Reflectance Extracted from Satellite Imagery at Worldwide Locations
- Applications of Remote Sensing and In-Situ Measurements for the Purpose of Understanding Lateral Carbon Fluxes between Tidal Marshes and Connected Estuarine Waters
- Applying NASA Imaging Radar Datasets to Investigate the Geomorphology of the Amazon's Planalto
- Assessing Crop Conditions through the Use of Remote Sensing and Agricultural and Radar Modelling
- Assimilation of MODIS Ice Surface Temperature and Albedo into the Snow and Ice Model CROCUS Over the Greenland Ice Sheet Along the K-transect Stations
- Bayesian Models for Streamflow and River Network Reconstruction using Tree Rings
- Bridging the Past with Today's Microwave Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Long Term Inundation Patterns in Two River Deltas
- Catalyzing action towards the sustainability of deltas: deltas as integrated socio-ecological systems and sentinels of regional and global change
- Characterization of surface properties over permafrost soils using a high resolution mid-infrared camera as part of the Carbon in the Arctic Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE)
- Characterizing Marine Habitat Space on a Snowball Earth with a 3D Global Climate Model
- Characterizing Surface Energy Budget Components in Urban Regions Using Combination of Flux Tower Observations and Satellite Remote Sensing Measurements
- Characterizing West Greenland ice sheet runoff losses from modeled and measured data
- Climate change impact on operation of dams and hydroelectricity generation in the Northeastern United States
- Coastal Carbon Dynamics as a New Chapter in SOCCR2: Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries
- Continuous measurements of surface mass balance, firn compaction, and meltwater retention in Greenland for altimetry validation.
- Convective mass fluxes determined from satellite observations and implications for studying convective transport of trace gases
- Data Immersion for CCNY Undergraduate Summer Interns at the IEDA Geoinformatics Facility
- Effect of Mineral and Microbe Interactions on Biomass Yield
- Estimating Monotonic and Cyclic Trends of Extreme Rainfall over the Northeast of United States Using Hierarchical Bayesian Regression
- Evaluation of Historical and Projected Agricultural Climate Risk Over the Continental US
- Evaluation of MODIS Land Surface Temperature with In Situ Snow Surface Temperature from CREST-SAFE
- Extreme surface melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet increases growth potential for light-limited phytoplankton in the Labrador Sea
- First System-Wide Estimates of Air-Water Exchange of Carbon Dioxide in the Chesapeake Bay
- Freeze and Thaw States Detection in High Latitude Inundated Areas Using High Resolution ALOS PALSAR Observations
- Generation of Data Series in order to study behavior of two lakes of Enriquillo and Azuei in Hispaniola Island
- Global Crop Yields, Climatic Trends and Technology Enhancement
- Hyperspectral, photogrammetric and morphological characterization of surface impurities over the Greenland ice sheet from remote sensing observations
- Level of Neutral Buoyancy, Deep Convective Outflow, and Hot Tower: New Perspectives Based on the A-Train Observations
- Making an Impact: Stories with Data, Tips, and Lessons Learned from Collaborating With and Across Communities
- Massive Impact-Induced Release of Carbon and Sulfur Gases in the Early Earth's Atmosphere
- Microstructures and Pressure-Temperature Conditions of Peridotite Xenoliths from near the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Modeling Greenland Ice Sheet Snow and Firn Densities: Role of Dry Snow Density, Liquid Water, and Model Setup
- NY-uHMT: A dense hydro-meteorological network to characterize urban land-atmosphere interactions
- On the Creation of An Urban Boundary Layer Product Using The Radar Wind Profiler of the New York City Meteorological Network
- Parametrization of Land Surface Temperature Fields with Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing in Brazil's Atlantic Forest
- Persistent Surface River on Nansen Ice Shelf Drains Meltwater Preventing Collapse for Decades
- Projected Changes in Flood and Drought Risks under Climate Change in the 21st Century: A Multi-GCM Multi-GHM Approach
- Rescuing Paleomagnetic Data from Deep-Sea Cores Through the IEDA-CCNY Data Internship Program
- Reviving legacy clay mineralogy data and metadata through the IEDA-CCNY Data Internship Program
- Sea-Level Rise and Land Subsidence in Deltas: Estimating Future Flood Risk Through Integrated Natural and Human System Modeling
- Space Weather Effects on Current and Future Electric Power Systems
- Statistical procedure for filtering streamflow and river survey data for at-a-station hydraulic geometry studies
- Storm Track and Extratropical Cyclone Metrics: Applications for the CMIP5 Archive
- Structure and Dynamics of Floods in the upper Delaware River Basin: An Integrated Seasonal Forecasting System for New York City Reservoirs
- Study of Convective Transport of Pollutants into the Upper Troposphere Using Data From the CONTRAST Experiment and the CloudSat Satellite Mission
- Surface water hydrology and the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Effect of Recrystallization on Titanium Concentrations in Quartz, an Example from New Zealand's Alpine Fault
- The Impact of Climate Change on World Hurricane Activity
- The Microstructural Evolution of Quartzite During Gradually Increasing Stress.
- The Role of Grain Dynamics in the Onset of Sediment Transport
- The future of the North American carbon cycle - projections and associated climate change
- The impact of urbanization and climate change on streamflow
- Tools and Techniques to Collaborate and Connect with At-Risk Climate Communities UsingSensors, Remote Sensing Data, and Media
- Towards a cross-platform software framework to support end-to-end hydrometeorological sensor network deployment
- Tunneling Out of the Darkness: Rescuing Rare Samples and Data from the Geologic Survey of New York City Water Tunnel #3
- Understanding Greenland Ice Sheet Runoff Losses
- Using Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone radiostratigraphy to test modern data against century-averaged steady state conditions
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Synopsis of Stage 1 Research Strategy and Results
- A blended approach to analyze staple and high-value crops using remote sensing with radiative transfer and crop models.
- An investigation of two deep convective storms over western Puerto Rico during 6-7 July 2016
- Application of Deep Learning and Supervised Learning Methods to Recognize Nonlinear Hidden Pattern in Water Stress Levels from Spatiotemporal Datasets across Rural and Urban US Counties
- Application of the Streamflow Prediction Tool to Estimate Sediment Dredging Volumes in Texas Coastal Waterways
- Applications of Remote Sensing for Studying Lateral Carbon Fluxes and Inundation Dynamics in Tidal Wetlands
- Arctic System Science: Meeting Earth System and Social Impact Challenges through Integrative Approaches and Synthesis
- Assessing Spatiotemporal Variability in NO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> Along the Korean Peninsula Using Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Observations
- Assessing the adequacy of water storage infrastructure capacity under hydroclimatic variability and water demands in the United States
- Assessment of optical properties variation and discrimination of aerosol and cloud with a multiple-wavelength elastic-Raman lidar in New York City
- Beyond the Floodplain: Drivers of Flood Risk in Coastal Cities
- CREST-SAFE: Snow LST validation, wetness profiler creation, and depth/SWE product development
- Catalyzing Cross-Disciplinary Research and Education Within and Beyond the Environmental and Geosciences to Address Emerging, Societally-Relevant Issues
- Climate and Water Vulnerability of the US Electricity Grid Under High Penetrations of Renewable Energy
- Convection in Extratropical Cyclones: Analysis of GPM, NexRAD, GCMs and Re-Analysis
- Coupled Land-Atmosphere Dynamics Govern Long Duration Floods: A Pilot Study in Missouri River Basin Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model
- Daily Freeze/Thaw Detection from Passive Microwave Global Land Surface Emissivity Data
- Development and Performance of Alternative Electricity Sector Pathways Subject to Multiple Climate and Water Projections
- Differentiation in impact melt sheets as a mechanism to produce evolved magmas on Mars
- Disruption of River Networks in Nature and Models
- Downscaling Satellite Land Surface Temperatures in Urban Regions for Surface Energy Balance Study and Heat Index Development
- Early Jurassic Carbon and Sodium Sequestration in a CAMP basalt flow
- Entity Linking Leveraging the GeoDeepDive Cyberinfrastructure and Managing Uncertainty with Provenance.
- Evaluating Coral Health in La Parguera, Puerto Rico, and Southeastern Florida: Comparison of Satellite-Based Sea Surface Temperature to In Situ Observations
- Evaluation of Projected Agricultural Climate Risk over the Contiguous US
- Evaluation of Urban Drainage Infrastructure: New York City Case Study
- Extreme heat event projections for a coastal megacity
- Feasible Electricity Infrastructure Pathways in the Context of Climate-Water Change Constraints
- Five Centuries of Tree Ring Reconstructed Streamflow and Projections for Future Water Risk over the Upper Indus Watershed
- Foehn and temperature-based melt patterns over the Larsen C Ice Shelf as simulated by the MAR regional climate model
- Global trends in peatland methane production
- High-Temperature Self-Healing and Re-Adhering Geothermal Well Cement Composites
- How Should Dry Lightning be Defined to Best to Correlate to Wildfire Initiation?
- Identification and diagnosis of spatiotemporal hydrometeorological structure of heavy precipitation induced floods in Southeast Asia
- Impacts of deep convection on upper tropospheric composition diagnosed using chemical tracer measurements and CloudSat cloud data
- Linking Resilience and Transformation as Micro- and Macro Adaptation
- Low Seismic Attenuation in Southern New England Lithosphere Implies Little Heating by the Upwelling Asthenosphere
- Melt Inclusion Constraints on the Evolving Volatile Budget of the Deccan Traps
- Microstructural Characteristics of Deformed Quartz Under Non-Steady-State Conditions
- Mineralogical controls on microbial biomass accumulation on two tropical soils
- Modeling Anthropogenic Impact on Sediment Balance and Relative Sea-Level Rise in Contemporary and Future Deltas
- Multiscale radar mapping of surface melt over mountain glaciers in High Mountain Asia
- National Variation in Crop Yield Production Functions
- On the Climate Variability and Energy Demands for Indoor Human Comfort Levels in Tropical Urban Environment
- PaleoClim: new datasets to quantify the impact of past climate changes on modern biodiversity
- Rapid Grain Size Reduction in the Upper Mantle at a Plate Boundary
- Regime Behavior in Paleo-Reconstructed Streamflow: Attributions to Atmospheric Dynamics, Synoptic Circulation and Large-Scale Climate Teleconnection Patterns
- Relationships between Convective Strength and Anvil Development based on AIRS-CloudSat Joint Dataset
- Replication of Annual Cycles in Mn in Hudson River Cores: Mn Peaks During High Water Flow
- Science Shaping Sustainable Finance
- Slow sedimentary processes on-a-chip: experiments on porous flow effects on granular bed creep
- Systemic swings in end-Permian environments from Siberian Traps carbon and sulfur outgassing
- Teaching Climate Change Through Data Analytics: Updates on the TRELLIS Project at the City University of New York
- Temporal change analysis of Lakes Azuei and Enriquillo behavior based on trend and change point approaches
- Temporal variability in the importance of hydrologic, biotic, and climatic descriptors of dissolved oxygen dynamics in a shallow tidal-marsh creek
- The Space-Time Variation of Global Crop Yields, Detecting Simultaneous Outliers and Identifying the Teleconnections with Climatic Patterns
- Tracking the Aftermath of Irma in Antigua and Barbuda
- Trends in Brackish Marsh Dissolved Organic Carbon in Response to Surface Tidal Flooding
- Trends in Extreme Rainfall Frequency in the Contiguous United States: Attribution to Climate Change and Climate Variability Modes
- Trends in mean and extreme runoff and streamflow based on observations and climate models
- Tropical cloud and precipitation structures and regimes from multiple space-borne active sensors: New insights
- Utilizing GNSS Reflectometry to Assess Surface Inundation Dynamics in Tropical Wetlands
- Vertical Structure of Heat and Momentum Transport in the Urban Surface Layer
- A Multi-tiered Mentoring Program for Underrepresented Students through an NSF REU and NOAA CREST Partnership
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Overview of Results from Stage 1 Research
- A multi-sensor and modeling approach to identify grapevine growth and health for improved vineyard monitoring and management.
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation interactions over the Eastern North Atlantic
- An Ensemble-Based Evaluation of WRF Precipitation Forecast Uncertainty in California Watersheds
- An Urban Flooding Alert Tool for Megacities Application for Manhattan Borough, New York City, USA Rafea Al Suhili<SUP>1</SUP> Cheila Cullen<SUP>2</SUP> and Reza Khanbilvardi<SUP>3</SUP>1 2 3 Department of Civil Engineering NOAA CREST Center City College of New York, NY 10031, USA
- Analysis of Surface Temperature Trends of World's Major Lakes and Relationships with their Basins' Characteristics
- Assessment of Climate-Induced Change in River Flow and Associated Effects on Hydropower Generation and Ecosystem Services in Nepal using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Atmospheric corrections of WorldView-3 imagery to improve the accuracy of space-borne estimates of crop residue cover assessments in Mid-Atlantic agricultural regions.
- Atmospheric trace gas (NO<SUB>2</SUB> and ozone) dynamics over coastal waters near polluted urban regions
- Boat Transect Measurements over the Chesapeake Bay during the OWLETS-2 Campaign
- Can We See Dust from the 1992 Fall of the Peekskill Meteorite in Hudson River Sediments and Can We Use It as a Stratigraphic Marker?(Regional and Local Stratigraphic Markers in Three Hudson River Cores Taken Near Peekskill, New York: LWB4-1)
- Capturing land use and land cover change across the Amazon Basin using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
- Carbonatites and the Isotopic Composition of Flood Basalt Carbon
- Case Studies of Applying Machine Learning to Physical Observation
- Characteristics of In Situ Fine Fraction Aerosol Spectra from 300-700 nm Observed Around the Korean Peninsula During KORUS-OC
- Characterization of the Total and Polarized Radiance from the Ocean Surface through Hyperspectral Polarimetric Imaging
- Climate And Water Resource Change Impacts On U.S. Electricity Infrastructure Development and Adaptation Opportunities
- Climate Impacts on U.S. Electric Sector Evolution and Water Use Under Varying Market Futures
- Cold air outbreak leads to new particle formation over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Comparing and Downscaling of Satellite Land Surface Temperature Data over Urban and Suburban Environments.
- Comparison of Passive Microwave Satellite Methods for Detection of Mid-Latitude Wet Snow Conditions
- Comparison of Single Channel and Seasonal Threshold Approach for SMAP Freeze-Thaw Retrievals with In Situ Soil Temperature within the Contiguous United States
- Convection in Extratropical Cyclones Using Reanalysis and Ground Based Radars
- Convective Detrainment Levels and Convective Dilution during El Niño and La Niña
- Cyclic Compositionally Zoned Explosive Eruptions at an Arc Volcano (Cosigüina, Nicaragua): Implications for Magma Reservoir Processes
- Deforming while cooling: The effect of gradual stress increases on the microstructures of experimentally deformed quartz
- Developing Hydrologic Model of the Two Closed-basin Lakes of Azuei and Enriquillo and Assessing Their Dynamics under Historical and Future Climate Scenarios
- Developing a Satellite-Based Remote Sensing System for Observing Maize Crop Growth
- Direct Observations of Pollution Gradients Within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Overview of the Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study-2 (OWLETS-2)
- Diurnal cycle of surface temperatures using satellite remote sensing measurements
- Early Deccan Traps CO<SUB>2</SUB> Budget & Degassing History Constrained from Melt Inclusions
- Empowering youth currently underrepresented in STEM through authentic science research on local environmental challenges
- Engaging Business into the SDG Process through Opportunity Mapping for Sustainable Impact Investing: The Role of Earth Science
- Evaluating Coral Resiliency in Puerto Rico by Comparing In Situ and Satellite-Based Ocean Temperatures and Coral-Algae Association Dynamics
- Evaluating The Sustainable Pathways To Maximize Staple Crops Production
- Evaluation and interpretation of S5P/TROPOMI NO2 Product using Ground Based NASA PANDORA DOAS Instruments.
- Experimental Lava-Water Interactions and Consequences of LIP Emplacement for Marine Chemistry and Productivity
- Exploration of GOES16 ABI Aerosol Products in assessing plume transport and Urban Heat Island Aerosol Distributions
- Exploring What Determines the Duration of Atmospheric Blocks
- Exploring effects of Boundary Layer RH and Integrated Water Vapor on Aerosol Microphysical Properties
- Extratropical Cyclone Precipitation Life Cycles and Cloud Vertical Structure in Observations and Climate Models
- Identifying Trends in Differences between Inland Lake Surface Water and Surrounding Land Temperature Using a Bayesian Framework
- Inter-comparison of CRTM and RTTOV to support JPSS Satellite Data Calibration
- Investigating the effects of hydropower development, deforestation, and climate change on the hydrology of rivers in the Brazilian Amazon
- JPSS User Readiness Scorecard
- Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Proving Ground and Risk Reduction (PGRR) Program Evolution
- Joint modeling of flood volume, duration and peak across the United States: Role of hydrogeomorphological drivers
- Mapping Global Wetlands Using Smap Radar Data
- Monitoring Seasonal Soil Frost Dynamics in Boreal-Alaska Ecosystems with Multi-Frequency Radiometer Observations
- Multiscale Characterization of Tropical Forest Structure Integrating SAR Remote Sensing, Drone Mapping, and Microclimate Analysis
- Multivariate Water Stress Forecasting System: An Integrated Approach for Mitigating Agricultural Risks in the United States
- New York City's water system performance analysis based on current and projected demands
- Observation of summer heat waves on the planetary boundary layer and air quality in the New York City region
- On the Use of Airborne In Situ Tracer Measurements to Estimate Transit Time Spectrum: An Observation-Based Diagnostic of Convective Transport
- Operational river ice monitoring for NOAA NWS RFCs using SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS imagery
- Parametrization of Land Surface Temperature Fields with Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing in Brazil's Atlantic Forest
- Post disaster contexts, discourse systems and public policy transitions
- Production of globally uniform ISCCP Convection Tracking (CT) dataset and preliminary analysis results
- Regional and Local Stratigraphic Markers in Three Hudson River Cores Taken Near Peekskill, New York: Core LWB 4-5
- Sensitivity of the streamflow to dually-calibrated WRF-Hydro simulations in the Russian River Watershed
- Stochastic Streamflow Simulations Using Climate-Informed State Space Models
- Sustaining Human Water Use in the 21<SUP>st</SUP>Century Hydrosystem: Assessing the Roles of Traditional Engineering and Natural Capital
- Temperature Variability as an Indicator of Impending Abrupt Climate Shifts
- The JPSS-SPARKS Initiative: Bridging Between the CUNY Classroom and the NOAA Workforce
- The carbon budget and carbon isotope composition of flood basalt magmas
- The effects of recent autumn foehn-induced melt on the Larsen C Ice Shelf
- The implication of atmospheric aerosols on the underwater polarization in a coupled atmosphere-ocean system
- Thermal Stress and Bleaching in Coral Reef Communities during the 2014-2016 Caribbean Bleaching Event
- Understanding the Spatial Organization of Precipitation Extremes
- Unprecedented (1851 - 2016) atmospheric conditions drive recent record surface and ice dynamic mass losses over the Greenland ice sheet
- Urban Air Temperature Model Using GOES-16 LST and a Diurnal Regressive NeuralNetwork Algorithm
- Using KORUS-OC Observations for a Feasibility Study on Using Satellite- & Ground-based Data for Offshore Air Quality Monitoring
- Using MODIS snow cover area and SSMI derived snow water equivalent to assess the value of using snow depletion curves predict river discharge and flood potential over the Red River Basin.
- Vertical Structure of the Water Column at the Virgin Islands Shelf Break and Trough
- A combined satellite remote sensing and modeling approach to monitor vineyard stress and growth conditions.
- A global view of the interaction of sea-level rise and tidal flooding
- Assessing Biogeochemical Connectivity and Variability in DOM Exchange Across Tidal Marshes and Estuaries Using High Resolution Measurements and Satellite Imagery
- Assessing the impacts of integrated solar radiation and tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations on Ozone levels
- Can Multiple Mass Spectrometry Platforms Make Indistinguishable Organic Micro-Pollutants Distinguishable in the Natural Environment?
- Case studies of cloudbursts and ultra-urban floods: a socio-eco-technical assessment of pluvial flooding events in Baltimore and New York City
- Characterization of Ecosystem Structure in Tropical Forests Using Point Clouds Derived from LIDAR and Drone to Support Interpretation of Radar Imaging Data Sets
- Characterization of Site-Specific Alaskan Tundra Vegetation Activity as Driven by Climate and Soil Conditions
- Climate-Water Adaptation for Future US Electricity Infrastructure
- Climate-Water Impacts on Interconnection-Scale Electricity System Planning
- Coastal Long Island Sound Wetlands: A History of Blue Carbon Storage and Anthropogenic Disturbance Over the Past 800 Years
- Deep and rapid thermo-mechanical erosion by a small-volume lava flow
- Diurnal Cycle of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature at Global Scale for Higher Temporal Freeze and Thaw Detections
- Downscaling Satellites Land Surface Temperature over Urban Environments
- EPAMS Profiler and Ceilometer Network
- Evaluating global crop distribution in the 21st century to maximize food production
- Evaluation of modeled precipitation in oceanic extratropical cyclones using IMERG: Rain Rates, Occurrence, and Sensitivities
- Evolution of Electric Sector Water Sources Under Alternative Electricity Futures
- Exploring the spatial and temporal signatures of TROPOMI measured NO2 plumes over NYC
- Frost Degree-Day Mapping over Permafrost Soils in the Arctic Boreal Zone from Multifrequency Passive Microwave Radiometry
- Fusing NASA ECOSTRESS and NOAA GOES-16 datasets for study of thermal regimes and water stress in terrestrial systems.
- GOES-16 Urban Land Surface Temperature Calibration Using a Handheld Infrared Sensor Framework
- Geoscience Learning Ecosystem: Leveraging Authentic Research and a Multi-tiered Mentorship Model to Improve NY/NJ Student Engagement and Persistence in Geoscience
- Grain Size Piezometry is Affected by Increasing Stress during Cooling
- Green Development Capacity Building: Key Potential Educational Opportunities in Grenada
- Green infrastructure implementation and performance: Lessons learned from nine US and Latin American cities in the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN)
- Grid stress due to extreme heat wave and drought with 45% renewable electricity in the Western US
- Improving delta river network representation in multi-resolution basin-scale hydrological models through digitization of waterbody geometries and flow bifurcation.
- Monitoring climate change resilience with open data: Case study of Jamaica Bay, New York, USA
- Narrowing the Gap Between Early Deccan Traps CO2 Outgassing and pre-KPB Global Climate
- On the Variability of Flood Attributes and Damages at the Global Scale
- Remote sensing of crop residue using the SWIR bands of the Worldview-3 satellite platform
- The Potential for Water Infrastructure to Provide Power Grid Services
- The feedback between soil bacteria type and soil mineralogy and its possible influence on soil carbon residence time
- Using Airborne VOC Measurements to Derive a Transit Time Spectrum: Variabilities and Uncertainties
- Using Elemental Concentrations as Stratigraphic Markers in the Hudson River
- Using Elemental Concentrations to Isolate Layers Likely Bearing Pelagic Foraminifera in a Hudson River Sediment Core
- Utilizing recent advances in technology and science for monitoring biodiversity and ecosystems.
- A Statistical Analysis of Cyclones that Drive Storm Surge Extremes along the US East Coast
- A Student-led 1U COTS CubeSat Mission
- Analysis of Surface Temperature Trends of Global Lakes Using Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
- Atmospheric blocking in an aquaplanet and the impact of orography
- Automated Storm Track and Cyclone-Centered Compositing Analysis for Model Evaluation
- Coastal Hypoxia Analysis and Risk Tracking (CHART) through Remote Sensing and Process-based Modeling in South and Southeast Asia: Review of Research Strategy and Results
- Connecting Hydrologic and Meteorological variables and pre-conditions to flood probability
- Detecting Forecast Error Signatures
- Detection and Tracking of Convective Storms Based on Globally Gridded Precipitation Measurements
- Direct Evaluation of primary pollutant trends and dynamics during the COVID 19 Imposed Quarantine on the NYC Metropolitan Area
- Downscaling Methodology for Satellite Land Surface Temperatures over Urban Environments
- Effects of Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) on Tropical Storm Activity in the North Atlantic
- Engaging Youth from the Real NYC in Weather and Climate Research
- Explaining the History of Threshold on Sediment Transport by the Presence of Strain-hardening in Granular Beds
- Exploring precursor factors including NO2 and Downwelling Solar Radiation on O3 events
- Intense surface melting and firn saturation on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the 2019-2020 austral melt season mapped from space using satellite C-band radar scatterometry
- Observations of sea breeze frontal impacts on NYC metro-area O<SUB>3</SUB>-distributions
- PetDB Match-Maker: A Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Experiment
- Quantifying Uncertainty and Kinematics of Earth Systems (QUAKES) Analytic Center Framework and Imager
- SAR-based tidal marsh inundation product development supported by radiometric modeling and ground validation
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability of Alaska's Northern Lagoons
- The Impacts of Climate and Irrigation Changes on Water Resources and Power Systems in the United States
- The Urban Heat Island Effect: Capturing Community Engagement in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, NY
- The influence of seismically-induced deformation on the microstructure of quartz in ductile regime
- Water Risk for the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- A High-Altitude Air Balloon Launch of a 1U COTS CubeSat Mission
- Age and Composition of Holocene Tropical Submarine Volcanoes in the Equatorial and North Pacific
- Analysis Of Uncertainty In Hydrometeorological Ensemble Forecasts
- Analyzing Stakeholder Engagement in the CFEWS (Climate-induced extremes on the linked Food, Energy, Water System) Research Framework
- Can droughts weaken forest carbon sequestration in the Northeast United States?
- Climate-induced Extremes on the Food, Energy, Water Nexus (C-FEWS) and the Role of Engineered and Natural Infrastructure
- Constraining the Timing and Chemical Composition of the Mid Sixth Century Submarine Volcanic Eruptions Between 45 North and 30 South.
- Developing A Satellite-Based Dataset of Convective Mass Flux: Validations and Applications to Study Convective Cloud Dynamics
- Eco-Hydrology and Hydraulics across an Urban to Rural Gradient: A Multi-Model Integration Approach
- High Resolution Study of Lightning and Precipitation in the Vicinity of Lightning Ignition of WildFires
- Investigating the Impact of Climate Extremes on Nitrogen Flux in CONUS Watersheds
- Neptune: A 1U COTS CubeSat Mission
- Observations of urban boundary layer characteristics during extreme heat episodes
- Reduced Complexity Modeling of Linked Hydrological, Thermal Pollution, and Nitrogen Transportation Dynamics: A Regional Case Study for the Delaware River Basin
- Revisiting the Entrainment Relationship of Convective Plumes: A Perspective From Global Observations
- S.A.L.U.S 1U COTS CubeSat Mission
- Surface Water Resource Constraints on Energy Production
- The Life Cycle of Large Igneous Provinces
- Variations in crustal strength along the New Zealand plate boundary inferred from recrystallized grain size and CPO of quartz mylonites.
- Variations in quartz recrystallized grain size distribution and cooling rate along strike of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand.
- What is the Composition and Age of Volcanism on Northern Mid Latitude and Tropical Submarine Volcanoes- Did Kikai Volcano Contribute to the 536-537 CE Climate Downturn?
- Advances and Opportunities for Predicting and Understanding Gulf Stream Impacts on Weather and Climate: 2022 CLIVAR Workshop Report
- An AI CubeSat (AISat) High Altitude Air Balloon Launching Mission for Atmospheric Research
- Bridging the Gap between Minority Serving Institutions and the Federal Workforce - A Model from the NOAA Cooperative Institutes and Cooperative Science Centers
- Climate Threats to Ecosystem Services from Reservoirs
- Climate and Water Risk to the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- Combining Measurements from Stationary and Mobile Platforms Over the Los Angeles Basin to Comprehensively Evaluate the Weather Research and Forecasting Model During SUNVEx
- Effect of Grain Size on Radiogenic Isotopes within Clay Sized Marine Sediments in the Agulhas Leakage Corridor
- Enabling Actionable Insights of Climate & Water Risk to the Bulk Power System Through an Interactive Visualization Tool
- Enhancing Engagement and Science Initiatives between NOAA Earth System Research Laboratories and NOAA Cooperative Science Centers
- Entrainment/Core/Anvil Relationships in Cloud Resolving Simulations of Deep Convection
- Exhuming Quartz-rich Rocks in the Laboratory: Implications for the Quartz Paleo-piezometer
- Flood risk to power generation in the United States
- Hydropower's Role in the Future Decarbonized Bulk Power System under Climate Change Constraints
- Observations of boundary layer structure and dynamics over a coastal urban area during extreme heat events
- Revisiting the Land-Ocean Contrasts in Deep Convective Cloud Intensity Using Global Satellite Observations
- Study of Solar Wind and Ground Geomagnetic Field dB/dt Signatures
- Terminal condition for the progradation of distributary channel networks
- The Entropic Braiding Index (eBI): an effective channel count to characterize multi-thread river systems.
- The Seasonality and Climate Predictability of Extreme Flood Events in The United States
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Ajay B. Limaye
- Alejandro Tejedor
- B. A. Black
- Bert Verreyken
- Brian McDonald
- Carol Anne Clayson
- David J. Prior
- David W. Kicklighter
- Diane M. Stanitski
- Dié Wang
- Donald J. Wuebbles
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Eric Burdette
- Gabriel Rios
- Graeme L. Stephens
- H. Takahashi
- Hirohiko Masunaga
- Hong Yi Li
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- James F. Booth
- Jessica Welch
- Jhardel Dasent
- John B. Shaw
- Jon Schwenk
- L. Karlstrom
- L. W. O’Neill
- Lawrence E. Band
- Lawrence Vulis
- Linda E. Sohl
- Lucan Mameri
- M. C. Damas
- Maarten G. Kleinhans
- Malcolm Roberts
- Mimi Hughes
- Naresh Devineni
- Nathan J. M. Laxague
- Nicole D. Jackson
- P. H. Reiff
- Paul A. Carling
- Prathap Ramamurthy
- R. L. Storer
- R. M. Samelson
- S. R. Hemming
- Scott E. Giangrande
- Siyuan Wang
- Steven Kidder
- Stuart Cohen
- Swarnali Sanyal
- Toshi Matsui
- Vernon R. Morris
- W. M. Angevine
- William J. Koshak
- Zhengzhao Johnny Luo