University of Queensland, School of Earth Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Contrasting Geochemistry of on- and off-axis Magmatism, 26° S Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Statistical Test of the Load-Unload Response Ration using the Lattice Solid Model and the Implication to Tidal Triggering
- An Anisotropic Viscous Representation of Mohr-Coulomb Failure for use in Modeling Coupled Mantle-Continent Dynamics
- Numerical Simulation of Time-Dependent Wave Propagation Using Nonreflective Boundary Conditions
- Mantle detachment faults and the break-up of cold continental lithosphere
- 3D numerical simulations of fault gouge evolution during shear
- Finite Element Analysis of Lava Dome Growth Styles.
- Earthquake Trend Around Sumatra Region Indicated by a new LURR Implementation
- Numerical simulations of earthquakes and the dynamics of fault systems using the Finite Element method.
- An Integrated Crustal Dynamics Simulator
- Analysis of Different Frictional Laws and Their Implications in the Scaling and Mode of Earthquake Rupture Using a Dynamic Elasto-plastic Frictional Contact Model and the Finite Element Method.
- Cosmogenic 3He in Fe Oxide Weathering Products
- Is A Great Earthquake Imminent Or Not?
- Mantle detachment faults and the break-up of cold continental lithosphere
- Mesh Generation and Microstructure Extraction based on Rock Images
- Numerical Modeling and Forecasting of Strong Sumatra Earthquakes
- Numerical Modeling of the Fluid Flow through Deformable Fractured Porous Media
- Tracing of Paleoseismic Events in the Eastern Mediterranean: U-series Dating and Stable Isotope Studies of Syntectonic Carbonate Veins
- Global deformation of different 3D earth models subjected to external forces
- Interaction between mantle and crustal detachments: a non-linear system controlling lithospheric extension
- Thermal self-regulation of continental strength
- Argon Diffusivity in 2x2 (hollandite), 2x3 (romanéchite), and 3x3 (todorokite) Tunnel Manganese Oxides
- Cataclastic Zones within the Savcili Fault Zone, Central Turkey
- Pliocene weathering processes recorded at mid-latitude in Southern Brazil
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronological constraints for the Urucum Iron and Manganese-deposits, Brazil
- East Asian Monsoon and EL NIÑO-SOUTHERN Oscillation Activities Since the Mid-Holocene Evidences from Massive Corals in the the Central Vietnamese Coast, Western South China Sea
- Establishing Denudation Chronology through Weathering Geochronology
- Geochronometry and thermochronometry using nucleogenic 21Ne
- Large Scale Modeling of Global Deformation of a 3D Heterogeneous Earth
- Microstructure extraction and automatic quadrilateral mesh generation from rock images
- Microstructures of the Kirsehir Complex, Central Turkey
- Orogenic curvatures in the New England Orogen (eastern Australia): structural constraints and geodynamic evolution
- Rapid changes in Australian plate velocity due to collisions in New Guinea and Ontong Java indicated by high-resolution 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of Australian intraplate volcanoes
- Bending and slicing of eastern Gondwana's continental margin: late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic reconstruction
- Overpressure during indentation and the origin of ultra-high-pressure rocks in the Alps
- Crustal and upper mantle response to lithospheric tear faulting: the Livorno-Sillaro Lineament in the northern Apennines
- Duration of Louisville hotspot volcanism at IODP 330 sites Canopus, Burton, and Rigil via <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- Glacial And Holocene Reconstructions Of ENSO Variability Using Fossil Giant Clams From The Huon Peninsula
- Microbially mediated carbon mineralization: Geoengineering a carbon-neutral mine
- Naturaliste Plateau volcanic province: the 'smoking gun' for onset of the Kerguelen Hotspot
- Origin and magma pathways for intraplate volcanism: a new damage mechanics model
- Origin of the New England Oroclines, eastern Australia
- Preliminary low-T thermochronology of basement rocks and cover sequences in NE Australia
- Speleothem carbon isotopes in the tropics: a proxy for vegetation and what they reveal about the demise of Homo floresiensis
- Mineral Carbonation Employing Ultramafic Mine Waste
- Applying Dynamic Rupture Simulations in Seismic Hazard Analysis
- Experimental production of indicators for microbial sulfur metabolism in the Chelyabinsk LL5 chondrite: meteorites as standards for biomarker detection on Mars
- 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology of Pulsed Deformation in Eastern Australia
- Biological darkening of ice: measurements and models
- Clinopyroxene megacrysts from Mount Etna's most destructive historic eruption. Triggers and timescales recorded in trace element zonation.
- Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry of Australian Neoproterozoic Basins, and Implications for Proterozoic Orogenesis
- Lithium isotopic and concentration gradients in plagioclase - implications for pre- and syn-eruptive magmatic processes
- Modelling 2D Magnetotellurics in Anisotropic Media using Esys-Escript
- Peri-Gondwanan Terranes of the Southwest Pacific: Insights from Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Trace Element Concentrations
- Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Australian Neoproterozoic Carbonate: Testing the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event
- Arc-continent collision along the northern margin of India as recorded in sediments of the Zanskar Shelf, Ladakh, NW India
- Clocking the entire lifecycle of a Tethyan detachment with structurally-controlled calcite geochronology
- Effect of river regulation and rainfall variation on functional streamflow patterns
- Integrating coral reef paleoecological and paleoenvironmental proxies to reconstruct the Holocene initiation of the Great Barrier Reef
- Long-term Variation of Zircon Trace Element Composition
- Motion between Africa and Eurasia plates during the past 156 million years
- Novel plate kinematic constraints show Africa-Eurasia convergence acceleration due to Neotethyan double subduction during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron
- Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic
- Social media as a platform for promoting experiences of women in science and leveling the playing field
- Socio-Hydrological Modelling of Cooperation and Conflict in the Transboundary Lancang-Mekong River
- Exhumation and Uplift of the Ladakh Range, NW Himalaya: New Constraints from Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- Links Between the Ediacaran Zircon Geochemistry Anomaly and Extension-Related Magmatism in Gondwana
- Sea Ice Changes in the Southwest Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean During the Last 140,000 Years
- Southern Ocean Physical and Biological Response to Millennial-scale Warming Events During Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings