University of Queensland, Australia
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- University of Queensland, Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
- University of Queensland, School of Earth Sciences
- University of Queensland, School of Mathematics and Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Virtual Earth Simulator to Simulate Rupture Propagation on Earthquake Faults
- A parallel implementation of the Lattice Solid Model for large scale simulation of earthquake dynamics
- An automaton approach for modelling the physics of interacting earthquake faults
- Majorite-bearing Macrocryst Xenolith Suites from the Kaapvaal Craton: More Rocks from the Mantle Transition Zone
- Radiogenic Lead in Iron Meteorites Revisited
- Rapid Climate Oscillations During the Last Deglaciation Synchronised by TIMS U-series Dating of a Stalagmite in East China
- Simulation of Interacting Fault System Dynamics
- The Australian Computational Earth Systems Simulator
- The Mineralogy and Microstructure of Sedimentary Zinc Sulfides Formed by Bacterial Sulfate Reduction.
- Trace Element and Pb Isotope Constraints on Dynamic Evolution of Earth Reservoirs
- Formation, Transport, Aggregation and Coarsening of Biogenic Metal-Sulfide Nanoparticles in Contaminated Near-Surface Aqueous Environments
- Relationship between stress heterogeneity and mode-switching dynamics of earthquake analogue automata
- Simulation of Fault Zone Dynamics
- The Olivine to Spinel Transformation Unmasked: A Direct Atomic View
- Visualization of large particle systems
- Water Fluctuations in Coastal Aquifers: Effects of Tidal Fluctuations, Alongshore Coastline Variations and Capillarity
- Capillary rise in porous media: analytical and numerical solutions
- Modelling Tropical Forest Productivity Incorporating Spatial Variation And Diffuse Light Within 3-PG
- Simulation Of Groundwater Flow And Reactive Transport In A Tidally Influenced Estuarine Aquifer
- Texture Evolution and Visco-Elasticity in Mantle Convection
- Modeling of Single-Phase Flow in One-Dimensional Poroelastic Media
- Response of a shallow sandy unconfined aquifer to tidal loading from a low-relief estuary
- Simulating the effects of native vegetation configurations on water quality using a multi-agent system coupled to a distributed hydrological process model
- Stress Reorientation and LURR: Implication for Earthquake Prediction using LURR
- The Programming Language Python In Earth System Simulations
- Two-Stage Automatic Calibration and Predictive Uncertainty Analysis of a Semi-distributed Watershed Model
- Changes in ENSO and Interdecadal Climate Variability in the Holocene Recorded in Fossil Corals
- Modeling wing crack extension: implication to the ingredients of particle-based models - Lattice Solid and Disctete Element
- Palaeoshoreline evidence for glacial megalakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Glacial Lake Victoria reappraised
- Pollen analysis of Early Eocene laminated sediments from the Okanagan Highlands, British Columbia
- Geochemical characteristics of West Molokai shield- and postshield- stage lavas: Constraints on Hawaiian plume models
- Geodynamics of core complexes: Bridging the gap between continental, passive margin and oceanic detachments
- Vitamin D Synthesis by UV Radiation: the Importance of Ozone Monitoring
- A Holocene Record of Monsoon Intensity From Speleothems in Flores, Indonesia
- Anisotropic Visco-Plastic Deformations in Geodynamics: Folding, Shear Banding and Mantle Convection
- Finite Element Modeling of Tidal Deformation of the Entire Earth
- Natural Microbial Assemblages Reflect Distinct Organismal and Functional Partitioning
- New Perturbation Solution for Tidal Water Table Fluctuations in Unconfined Aquifers with Sloping Beaches
- Geochemistry and Age Dating of Ancient and Modern CO2 -rich Hydrothermal Systems as Natural Analogues for CO2 storage: Examples from Australia and Eastern Mediterranean
- Linking Management Actions to Interactive Ecosystem Report Cards via an Ontology
- Multi-proxy Evidence of Australian Summer Monsoon Variability During the Holocene: Links to the East-Asian Monsoon and the North Atlantic
- The Fractional Solubility of Aluminium From Mineral Aerosols Collected in Hawaii and Implications for Atmospheric Deposition of Biogeochemically Important Trace Elements
- Tracing of Paleoseismic Events in the Eastern Mediterranean: U-series Dating and Stable Isotope Studies of Syntectonic Carbonate Veins
- A novel thermodynamic framework for multi-scale data assimilation: First applications from micro CT-scans to meso-scale microstructure (Invited)
- An Analysis of the Impacts of Sodic Soil Amelioration on Soil Hydraulic Properties, Deep Drainage and Groundwater Using the HYDRUS Model
- Australia’s TERN - Developing a National Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring Program
- High Performance Simulation of Fluid Flow in Complex Porous Media using LBM
- Mesh Generation and Microstructure Extraction based on 3D Porous Medium Images
- MoistureMap: A soil moisture monitoring, prediction and reporting system for sustainable land and water management
- Non-coaxiality and particle size effects in pressure sensitive materials
- Numerical Investigation of Earthquake Dynamics in Chuan-Dian Fault System
- Transport phenomena and microbial conversions in permeable intertidal sands
- Cataclastic Zones within the Savcili Fault Zone, Central Turkey
- Climate variability of the Great Barrier Reef in relation to the Tropical Pacific
- Combined effects of connectivity and heterogeneity on effective hydraulic conductivity of simulated fracture systems subjected to different types of flow
- Greenland's Contribution to Early 20th Century Sea-Level Rise Determined by Sea-Level Fingerprinting
- Insight to forcing of late Quaternary climate change from aeolian dust archives in eastern Australia
- Physical and numerical modelling of tidal influence on saltwater intrusion in an unconfined coastal aquifer
- Remote Sensing of Water Quality in a Tropical Freshwater Impoundment
- Stabilising temporal instabilities in geodynamic models
- Thresholds for Coral Bleaching: Are Synergistic Factors and Shifting Thresholds Changing the Landscape for Management? (Invited)
- a Discrete Element Model for the Study of Fracture Behaviour and Patterns
- A method to improve tree water use estimates by distinguishing sapwood from heartwood using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Assessment Of ASTER GDEM And SRTM Performance By Comparing With Survey Control Points And Icesat/GLAS Data
- Combined Influences of Tides and Seasonal Inland Groundwater Fluctuations on Aquifer-Ocean Exchange in an Unconfined Coastal Aquifer
- Dynamic effects during alternate infiltration and drainage of unsaturated granular media studied using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- Eddy covariance measurement of the spatial heterogeneity of surface energy exchanges over Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- Foehn Winds in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: A Driver of Environmental Change?
- ISOGENIE: Linking geochemistry, isotopic chemistry and microbial dynamics & community composition in a thawing permafrost peatland, Stordalen Mire, Abisco, Sweden.
- Isotopic Signatures of Meteorolgoical Drivers of Inflow Variability in Apline Areas of the Snowy Mountains, Australia
- Late Holocene and recent rainforest cultural landscapes of North Queensland, Australia
- Long Term Land Cover and Seagrass Mapping using Landsat and Object-based Image Analysis from 1972 - 2010 in the Coastal Environment of South East Queensland, Australia
- Long term measurement of lake evaporation using a pontoon mounted Eddy Covariance system
- Making scientific data available to adaptation practitioners: the Wallace Initiative and ClimaScope
- Managing perennial revegetation in a changing climate: some lessons from ecohydrology.
- Novel stable isotope laser spectrometry elucidates changing mechanisms of CH4 production and consumption across a climate change sequence in an arctic wetland
- Numerical modeling of fluid flow in fractured porous media using Lattice Boltzmann method
- Orbital- and Millennial-Scale Changes in the Australasian Monsoon over the Last 470,000 Years
- Quantifying Vegetation Composition, Structure and Dynamics in Selected Australian Ecosystems: Science to Management
- Rain- and meltwater induced basal melting in high-rainfall glaciers
- The rise and fall of an arc-continent collisional orogen: insights from synorogenic sediments in Timor Leste
- Tide-induced surface water and groundwater interactions in coastal wetlands
- Towards an annually-resolved reconstruction of Indo-Pacific hydrology over the past 2,000 years
- Understanding the future impacts of rapid ocean warming and acidification on the carbonate balance of coral reefs. ecosystems.
- Addressing climate misinformation as an educational opportunity
- Australia's TERN: Building, Sustaining and Advancing Collaborative Long Term Ecosystem Research Networks
- Competitive exclusion: an ecological model demonstrates how research metrics can drive women out of science
- Comprehending the activation of aerosol particles into cloud droplets: measuring strong surfactants in atmospheric aerosols and their kinetic effects
- Coral Reef Dynamics: Integrating Field Survey, and Satellite Image Data to Monitor and Model Biogeophysical Dynamics
- Cross-shore transport pathways between coastal aquifers and coastal seas: Archetype of a nearshore variable-density contaminant plume
- Evidence for Shifts in Indo-Pacific Hydrology over the Last Two Millennia from Indonesian Speleothems
- Glacial Events Spanning the Last Glacial Cycle in the Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Methane flux and carbon isotope composition correlate to shifting plant and microbial communities along a permafrost thaw gradient
- Microbial mediators of carbon fate in thawing permafrost: connecting microbial activity to geochemistry across an in situ thaw gradient
- New insights to Australian dust emissions from alpine geologic archives and LiDAR
- Orbital- and Millennial-Scale Changes in the Australasian Monsoon Through the Late Pleistocene
- Stable carbon isotope values document how a Late Holocene expansion in grasslands impacted vertebrates in northwestern Madagascar
- The Power of Online Community and Citizen Science
- 1000 years of valley bottom damming on low order streams in Central Europe and the record of landscape change
- A systems approach to understanding subarctic critical zone changes in a warming climate (Invited)
- Amazon Deforestation Fires Increase Plant Productivity through Changes in Diffuse Radiation
- Basal area from photos.... Is it possible?
- Blending and Downscaling of Landsat and MODIS Surface Reflectance for Water Body Delineation: A Comparison of Index-Simulate and Simulate-Index Methods
- Canopy Biomass Lidar (CBL) Acquisitions at NEON and TERN Forest Sites
- Case Studies in Agnotology-Based Learning (Invited)
- Causes of Late Pleistocene water level change in Lake Victoria, Equatorial East Africa, derived from clumped isotopes of land snails and fresh water mollusks. (Invited)
- Effect of boundary conditions on measured water retention behavior within soils
- Estimating photosynthetic vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation and bare soil fractions using Landsat and MODIS data: Effects of site heterogeneity, soil properties and land cover
- Groundwater dynamics in a coastal aquifer: combined effects of tides and beach morphology
- Impact Of Coral Structures On Wave Directional Spreading Across A Shallow Reef Flat - Lizard Island, Northern Great Barrier Reef
- Influences of Salinity Variations on Pore-water Flow in Salt Marshes
- Integrating data from multiple science networks to conduct cross-scale ecohydrological research. (Invited)
- It Ain't the Heat, It's the Humanity: Evidence and Implications of a Knowledge-Based Consensus on Man-Made Global Warming
- Methane bubbling: from speculation to quantification
- Monitoring Corals and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Western Pacific Using Satellite Remote Sensing Integrated with Field Data
- Predicting habitat distribution to conserve seagrass threatened by sea level rise
- Raiders of Fukien
- Remotely sensed evidence of the rapid loss of tidal flats in the Yellow Sea
- Root-induced hydraulic changes of soil matrix - an in-situ experimental study in the wetland of Poyang Lake
- Shifting microbial communities dynamically mediate the effect of permafrost thaw on isotopic composition of atmospheric methane
- Taking Social Media Science Myth Debunking to a Presidential Level (Invited)
- Temperature and CO2 emission scenarios from high latitude peatlands
- The Importance of Consensus Information in Acceptance of Climate Change (Invited)
- The Strategic Combination of Open-Access Peer-Review, Mainstream Media and Social Media to Improve Public Climate Literacy (Invited)
- The future of reforestation programs in the tropical developing countries: insights from the Philippines
- The value of regionalised information for hydrological modelling
- Underworld results as a triple (shopping list, posterior, priors)
- Upscaling Self-Sustaining Treatment for Active Remediation (STAR): Experimental Study of Scaling Relationships for Smouldering Combustion to Remediate Soil
- A Record of Fluvial Response for the Australian Wet Tropics and Relationships to Regional Climate Change
- Agricultural Adaptations to Climate Changes in West Africa
- Brittle, creep and melt damage mechanics of the lithosphere: is slow creep deformation a key to intraplate volcanic provinces?
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in Feldspar-Rich Sandstone: The Importance of Saturation State and Fluid Composition
- Calibration and Assessment of the New Acropora 'Inter-Branch Skeleton' Palaeothermometer.
- Creation of a Digital Surface Model and Extraction of Coarse Woody Debris from Terrestrial Laser Scans in an Open Eucalypt Woodland
- Cryogenian-Ediacaran Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of the Amadeus Basin, Central Australia
- Dextral Strike-Slip Faulting Along the Early Permian Margin of Pangaea (Eastern Australia) and Implications for Oroclinal Bending
- Dust emissions from eastern Australia during the mid to late Holocene record changing hydro-climatic conditions and landuse.
- Establishment of the Geoglam Rangelands Acivity and Progress
- Evaluating Reduction of Sediment Pollution as a Strategy for Conservation of Coral Reef in High C0<SUB>2</SUB> World
- Experimental serpentinization of intact dunite cores
- Geodynamic evolution of early Mesozoic sedimentary basins in eastern Australia
- Green Carbon, Black Carbon, White Carbon: Simultaneous Differentiation Between Soil Organic Matter, Pyrogenic Carbon and Carbonates Using Thermal Analysis Techniques
- Hotspots in ground and surface water carbon fluxes through a freshwater to marine (mangrove) transition zone
- How to maximize science communication efficacy by combining old and new media
- Human Dispersals Along the African Rift Valley in the Late Quaternary
- Hydrological similarity and controls of streamflow behaviour in eastern Australian catchments
- Impact of Boundary Conditions on Pumping in a Fully Bounded Aquifer
- Integrating Multiple Measurement Techniques to Understand how the Delivery of Sediments to the Great Barrier Reef has Changed Over Space and Time
- Investigation of Crack Propagation in Rock using Discrete Sphero-Polyhedral Element Method
- Investigation of the logarithmic model applied to bed shear stresses in the swash zone
- Landsat Based Woody Vegetation Loss Detection in Queensland, Australia Using the Google Earth Engine
- Landscape scale variability of atmospherically derived industrial metal enrichment in surfical environments
- Large-Scale Data Collection Metadata Management at the National Computation Infrastructure
- Long term responses of a subtropical rainforest ecosystem to logging in the Australian Main Range Volcanics CZO
- Micromechanical Aspects of Hydraulic Fracturing Processes
- Mid-late Holocene Reef Growth and Sedimentation History at Inshore Fringing Reefs in the Central Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- Neoproterozoic Glacial Strata of the Centralian Superbasin: New Insight From Subsurface Data in the Southern Georgina Basin, Australia
- Optimizing Algorithm Choice for Metaproteomics: Comparing X!Tandem and Proteome Discoverer for Soil Proteomes
- Quantifying the Benefit of Early Climate Change Mitigation in Avoiding Biodiversity Loss
- Remote Sensing Forage Quality for Browsing Herbivores: A Case Study of Cutting Edge Koala Conservation
- SAM Chlorine Observations at Gale Crater
- Shifting microbiology and carbon loss across a thawing permafrost wetland-to-lake mosaic landscape
- Simplifying and upscaling water resources systems models that combine natural and engineered components
- Stalagmite Survival: 500kyr of Cyclical Growth and Natural Attrition of Stalagmites in Sulawesi
- Uncertainty in Coastal Inundation Mapping: A Probabilistic Approach
- Unstable Pore-Water Flow in Intertidal Wetlands
- Using Chironomid-Based Transfer Function and Stable Isotopes for Reconstructing Past Climate in South Eastern Australia
- Using the Rapid-Scanning, Ultra-Portable, Canopy Biomass Lidar (CBL) Alone and In Tandem with the Full-Waveform Dual-Wavelength Echidna<SUP>®</SUP> Lidar (DWEL) to Establish Forest Structure and Biomass Estimates in a Variety of Ecosystems
- C and N Isotopes in Ostrich Eggshell as Proxies of Paleovegetation and Paleoprecipitation: Extraction, Preservation, and Application to Pleistocene Archaeological Samples
- Challenges in Estimating Groundwater Recharge in Semi-arid and Semi-confined Alluvial Systems
- Characterising Vegetation Structural and Functional Differences Across Australian Ecosystems From a Network of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey Sites and Airborne and Satellite Image Archives
- Continental Scale Vegetation Structure Mapping Using Field Calibrated Landsat, ALOS Palsar And GLAS ICESat
- Critical Zone science in Australia: expanding the range of environmental gradients represented in the international CZO network
- Cryogenian Interglacial Litho- and C Isotope Chemo-stratigraphy of the Amadeus Basin, Central Australia
- Do changes in global biomass have a detectable impact on the water balance?
- Dynamics of pore-water and salt in estuarine marshes subjected to tide and evaporation
- Effect of Waves on Groundwater Flows and Contaminant Fluxes in Coastal Aquifers - Recent Advances and Perspectives
- Exploring the "Sharkcano": Biogeochemical observations of the Kavachi submarine volcano (Solomon Islands) using simple, cost-effective methods.
- Genomic insights into the metabolic potential and interactions between marine methanotrophic ANME archaea and associated bacteria
- Hydrological Influence on the Dead Carbon Fraction in a Tropical Speleothem During the Younger Dryas and the Last Millennium
- Identification of Radar Facies and Linked Process-Based Palaeo-environmental Interpretations, Cooloola Sand Mass, Queensland, Australia
- Land cover change drives climate extremes and aridity in non-Amazonian South America
- Linking Sediment Microbial Communities to Carbon Cycling in High-Latitude Lakes
- Measuring and mapping threats to forests: issues and opportunities with an empirical study from Bangladesh
- Microbial community succession in alkaline, saline bauxite residue: a cross-refinery study
- Origin of oroclines in Paleozoic Australia: the role of inherited plate boundary irregularities and trench retreat
- Production of Excess CO<SUB>2</SUB> relative to methane in peatlands: a new H<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- Remotely Sensed Information and Field Data are both Essential to Assess Biodiversity CONDITION!
- Rim Fire and its Radiative impact Simulated in CESM/CARMA
- Scaling behavior of microbubbles rising in water-saturated porous media
- Smouldering Remediation (STAR) Technology: Field Pilot Tests and First Full Scale Application
- Successful Massive Open Online Climate Course on Climate Science and Psychology
- The Flores speleothem carbon isotope record: vegetation, volcanism and the demise of Homo floresiensis
- The climate of the Last Glacial Maximum in south-eastern Australia
- The effect of beach slope on tidal influenced saltwater intrusion
- Tide-induced Long-term Oscillations in a Subterranean Estuary
- Tropical Cyclone Vulnerability Mapping Using Geospatial Techniques: Application to a Coastal Upazila in Bangladesh
- U-Th Burial Dates on Ostrich Eggshell
- Understanding and predicting changing use of groundwater with climate and other uncertainties: a Bayesian approach
- Using "Making Sense of Climate Science Denial" MOOC videos in a college course
- A Comprehensive Climate Science and Solutions Education Curriculum
- Adaptation responses to increasing drought frequency
- Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Ammonia Nitrogen in the Huaihe River Basin from 1998 to 2014
- Building Public Will for Climate Change Solutions: Which Beliefs Are Most Helpful?
- Constraints on the evolution of the Naga Hills: from disparate origins to tectonic amalgamation
- Evolution of China's water issues as framed in Chinese mainstream media
- Feedbacks between water and energy balances, storage development, and aquatic ecosystems on the export of silicate weathering products
- First Insights of the Eemian Hydroclimate of the Snowy Mountains, Australia.
- Hyporheic exchange in a riverbed affected by fine particle clogging
- Indo-Pacific hydroclimate over the past millennium and links with global climate variabilty
- Micro-seismic waveform matching inversion based on gravitational search algorithm and parallel computation
- Mid-Cryogenian Stromatolite Reefs of Central and South Australia
- New Age Constraints for the Manipur Ophiolitic Mélange: Insights into Tethyan Ophiolites of the Indo-Myanmar Range
- New Radiolarian Age Constraints on the Emplacement History of the Manipur Ophiolitic Complex, India: the Timing of 'soft Collision'
- New constraints on the origins of terranes within the New England Orogen, eastern Australia and their accretion to the eastern margin of Gondwana
- Recent changes in extreme floods across multiple continents
- Remediation of Coal Tar by STAR: Self-Sustaining Propagation Across Clean Gaps
- River Sensitivity and Catchment Connectivity: Key Controls on Geomorphic Response and Effectiveness
- Simulation Engine for Fluid Solid Interaction Problems and its Application to the Modelling of Air Blast Hazards in Block Cave Mining.
- Tailoring Earth Observation To Ranchers For Improved Land Management And Profitability: The VegMachine Online Project
- Thousands of Viral Populations Recovered from Peatland Soil Metagenomes Reveal Viral Impacts on Carbon Cycling in Thawing Permafrost
- Through the minefield: teaching climate change in a misinformation-rich environment
- Tridacna Derived ENSO Records From The Philippines During The Last Interglacial Show Similar ENSO Activity To The Present Day
- Why do Economic Instruments Fail? The role of Water trading and Pricing at a River Basin Scale
- Oligo-Miocene Monazite Ages in the Lesser Himalaya Sequence, Arunachal Pradesh, India; Geological Content of Age Variations
- 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology of Pulsed Deformation in Eastern Australia
- A synthesis of the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan storm surge, the deposits and the post event state of the coast.
- Climatic controls on groundwater recharge and sensitivity to change
- Distributed Modelling of Stormflow Generation: Assessing the Effect of Ground Cover
- Effect of Variable Spatial Scales on USLE-GIS Computations
- Evolution of the societal value of water resources for economic development versus environmental sustainability in Australia from 1843 to 2011
- Hydro-economic modelling in mining catchments
- Intermittent carbonate sedimentation in the equatoral Indian Ocean: fluctuations of the Eocene CCD?
- Investigating the evolutionary history of irrigated agricultural technology in the Heihe River Basin, China
- Landscape Evolution Mechanisms in Gale Crater from In-Situ Measurement of Cosmogenic Noble Gas Isotopes
- Linking Governance to Sustainable Management Outcomes: Applying Dynamic Indicator Profiles to River Basin Organization Case Studies around the World.
- Linking events, science and media for flood and drought management
- Metabolic diversity and modeling of organisms involved in the anaerobic oxidation of methane
- Monitoring Biogeochemical Processes in Coral Reef Environments with Remote Sensing: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach.
- Scaling isotopic emissions and microbes across a permafrost thaw landscape
- Shoshonites and Associated Calc-Alkaline Rocks from the Eastern Sayan, Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Geochemistry and Tectonic Setting
- Smouldering (thermal) remediation of soil contaminated with industrial organic liquids: novel insights into heat transfer and kinetics uncovered by integrating experiments and modelling
- Subarctic Lake Sediment Microbial Community Contributions to Methane Emission Patterns
- The Age, Origin and Collision of the Spongtang Ophiolite, Ladakh Himalaya
- The Disconnection of Physical Reconstruction and Living Mode Restoration amongst Resettled Rural Households: A Case Study on The 2008 Sichuan Earthquake Recovery Program, China
- The Impact of Urban Growth and Climate Change on Heat Stress in an Australian City
- Understanding the natural and social factors behind regional longevity in Guangxi, China—Is centenarian ratio a good enough indicator for assessing the longevity level?
- A trapdoor mechanism for slab tearing and melt generation in the northern Andes
- An Archaeal Clade Grouped Closely to Methanomassiliicoccales Lacks the Canonical Methanogenesis Pathway
- Co-evolutionary Dynamics of the Human-Water-Environment System in the Heihe River Basin in the Past 2,000 Years
- Collision of bathymetric features: relative timing of transient forearc uplift and arc gap formation
- Corn-Yield Estimation through Assimilation of Remotely Sensed LAI Data into APSIM
- County-level forest structure and biomass mapping from fusion of GEDI lidar data and TanDEM-X InSAR data
- Cross-validation and Transferability Performance of GEDI Footprint Aboveground Biomass Models
- Development of a forest structure Essential Biodiversity Variable for Colombia's Biodiversity Observation Network
- Effects of multi-constituent tides on a subterranean estuary
- Evaluation and application of the modified van Genuchten function for unsaturated porous media
- Evaluation of GPM IMERG rainfall estimates using spatially intense monitoring in high elevation tropical Andes
- Fusing GEDI, ICESat-2 and NISAR data for aboveground biomass mapping in Sonoma County, California, USA
- GEDI Aboveground Biomass Modeling: Which Waveform Metrics are Most Useful to Predict Biomass Across Different Continents and Plant Functional Types?
- Groundwater stress from non-sustainable food production: a global assessment
- Heatwaves intensification in Australia: a consistent trajectory across past, present and future
- High-resolution maps of the main types of anthropogenic surface water demand for 4 Andean countries (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile)
- Integrating satellite and climate data to predict wheat yield in Australia using machine learning approaches
- Investigation of the mechanisms driving ancient soil carbon stability in deep B-horizons of a giant podzol chronosequence (Cooloola)
- Landsat observations of large-scale land degradation with Google Earth Engine
- Mapping global canopy cover and vertical profile metrics using spaceborne lidar
- Mitigation of Methane Emissions by Anaerobic Oxidizers in Post-glacial Lakes, Stordalen Mire, Sweden
- Predicting Tree Diversity with Full-Waveform Lidar Data across the Tropics
- Solute transport affected by unstable flow in coastal beach aquifers
- Spaceborne GEDI and TanDEM-X data fusion for enhanced forest height and biomass
- The influence of vegetation configuration and composition towards outdoor thermal comfort within tropical urban parks
- Thermohaline Flow in Seawater Intrusion in Shallow Coastal Aquifers
- Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of technology and the impacts to catchment socio-ecological system
- Variations in wave climate as a driver of shoreline change in southeast Queensland, Australia
- Within-Species Variation in Allocation and Tissue Traits Across Large Aridity Gradients
- A New Late Glacial Record of Changing Hydrology in Subtropical Queensland Derived from Isotopes of Aquatic Cellulose
- An open source tool to reduce geolocation uncertainty in GEDI data
- Arc-continent collision along the northern margin of India as recorded in sediments of the Zanskar Shelf, Ladakh, NW India
- Atmospheric Rivers: An overlooked threat to the Australian snowpack in a warming World
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> Flux from Sub-arctic Mire Lakes: A Look at Relationships Between Microbial Communities and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- Credit for Data Reuse Is Driven by Making Data FAIR: The PARSEC Project Approach
- Effect of river regulation and rainfall variation on functional streamflow patterns
- Efficacy of using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery, terrestrial laser scanning, and airborne laser scanning data in measuring three-dimensional forest properties
- Evaluating the potential of full-waveform lidar data for predicting tree species richness in the tropics
- Evaluation of GPM IMERG Rainfall Estimates under Different Rain Gauge Densities in High Elevation Tropical Andes
- GEDI's Footprint Level Aboveground Biomass Algorithm (L4A): Conceptual framework and Model Selections per Geographic Strata
- How sociohydrology can help address the global water crisis
- Mapping pasture and rangeland degradation in the Southern Cone of South America using Landsat
- Microbial, Physical and Biochemical Controls over Soil Organic Matter Turnover in Deep Subsoils of the Cooloola Sand Dune Chronosequence, Australia
- Mobile ground-based remote sensing systems to study plume dynamics of large wildfires
- Morphological influence of dam operation and its ecosystem implications in the Lower Yellow River
- Multi-decadal estimates of aboveground biomass estimated from repeat airborne waveform lidar acquisitions
- Paleo-Pacific Terrane Assembly and Late Mesozoic-Paleogene Tectono-stratigraphy of S-Central America
- Predicting the thermal dependencies of infectious disease with the metabolic theory of ecology
- Quantifying fire progression and plume dynamics with weather radar during California's deadly Camp fire.
- Quantifying water surface-atmosphere energy and trace gas exchanges using small pontoon mounted eddy covariance systems
- Response of hydrology and water quality to climate change in a river basin of Beibu Gulf
- Reversals of reforestation across Latin America limit climate mitigation potential of tropical forests
- Sensitivity of simulated GEDI waveforms to forest leaf area and implications for footprint aboveground biomass models
- Soil carbon response to climate variability (or lack thereof) in Eastern Australia over the past 100 years
- Spatial Distribution and Prediction of Hillslope Soil Organic Carbon
- Surface-based soil gas flux measurements are a more reliable tool than in-soil gas concentrations for detecting gas migration
- Systematic Relaxation of Geomorphic Features: Application on the South East Queensland Dune Fields, Australia
- Towards a 3-Dimensional Model of Forest Heat Contributions to Snowpack Thermodynamics: Determining internal snowpack temperature responses to energy balance drivers in the Australian Alps
- Turf Algae on Dead Corals: Unexpected Daytime Calcification and Nighttime Dissolution
- Using Self-Organising Maps and Bayesian Statistics to Build a Severe Windstorm Climatology of Australia
- Waveform-based techniques applied to high-frequency acoustic emission events
- Assessing long-term changes in shoreline position using multi-decadal remote sensing datasets in Queensland (Australia)
- Building Australia's Scalable Drone Cloud
- Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Antofalla Basin in the Puna Plateau, NW Argentina
- Comparing Sap Flow and Groundwater Uptake by Trees Across a Range of Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions in a Humid Riparian Zone
- Complexity in major and trace element crystal stratigraphies of Taranaki lavas, New Zealand
- Drone-derived canopy height predicts aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems across the globe
- Evaluating GEDI Geolocation Uncertainty against Airborne LiDAR: Implications for Footprint-level Analyses
- Evaluation of deep-learning methods to understand the prediction of socio-economic indicators from remote sensing imagery
- GEDI Measurements of Topography, Height and 3D Structure Measurements
- How Self-Organizing Maps and Bayesian Statistics Can be Used to Develop a Severe Convective Windstorm Climatology of Australia
- How confident are we with the global groundwater recharge estimates under climate change?
- Implications of river regulation on in-stream ecosystems in Goulburn River, Australia
- Influence of size and cross-section shape on granular column collapses
- Innovative Application of CubeSat Imagery to Predict Wheat Yield Without Ground-Based Data
- Integrating Data Stewardship into the Research Lifecycle: A PARSEC Approach
- Integrating GEDI, ICESat-1 and -2 to Characterize Vegetation Structure Dynamics: DOs and DON'Ts
- Late Quaternary evolution of rock cracking rates and morphology in Owens Valley, California
- Marine wild-capture fisheries after nuclear war
- Satellite-based Estimates of Land Degradation Across the Southern Cone of South America in Support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Socio-Hydrologic Modeling of the Dynamics of Cooperation in the Transboundary Lancang-Mekong River
- Synergies and Conflicts of Sand Mining Activities with UN Sustainable Development Goals
- The significance of Upper Jurassic felsic volcanic rocks within the incipient, intraoceanic Dras Arc, Ladakh, NW Himalaya
- Topographic controls on seawater intrusion in island aquifers
- Towards a multiscale crop modelling framework for climate change adaptation assessment
- Understanding global trends in 3D tree architecture
- Using Big Data to Better Understand the Socioecological Implications of Protected Areas
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Allometric equations and Quantitative Structure Models, is there a difference when upscaling them?
- An Open Science Approach to 2020 Boreal-wide Biomass Mapping with ICESat-2 and Landsat
- Assembly of Microbial Communities in Thawing Permafrost
- Building Data Infrastructures to Enable AI in the Geosciences
- Coastal Boulder Deposits as a Record of Extreme Inundation: the Inundation Signatures on Rocky Coastlines (ISROC) Research Coordination Network
- Coastal Peatlands of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area
- Combined Effects of High Temperature and Light Reveal Novel Interactions Between Photosynthesis and Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Comparing Enabling Pathways for Sustainable River Basin Governance and Management: Case Studies from Australia, Brazil, China and France.
- Deriving Global 3D Forest Structural Biodiversity Traits
- Development of Williams Ridge (Kerguelen Plateau) and Broken Ridge: Tectonics, Hotspot Magmatism, Microcontinents, and Australias Extended Continental Shelf
- Exploring Intrusive Processes Through the Crystal Cargo of Volcanic Rocks: A Study of Taranaki Volcano Lavas, New Zealand
- Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on the Development of the Dun Mountain Ophiolite, New Zealand
- Global Famine After Nuclear War
- Hydrology and society: Phenomena emerging from the interactions and feedbacks between human and water systems
- IGSN 2040 Physical Samples Graph: Connecting Data and Knowledge to The Physical World
- Improving the Interoperability of CF Standard Names in Environmental Science
- Sharing and Reproducibility: Working in Collaborative, Cross-Discipline Teams that Inform the Culture Change of an Ecosystem
- Start, Current Status and Future of the World Stress Map Project
- Structural gaps of water resources knowledge in global river basins
- The Carbonate Veins Documenting the Tectonic Evolution of the South China Sea Continental Margin from Early Cretaceous to Early Cenozoic
- The impact of millennial scale climate change on the subantarctic Pacific during the last glacial
- The kinetics of clumped isotope reordering of synthetic inorganic carbonates
- A leaf-level instrument bridging the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis: benchmarking spectral signals for scaling purposes
- Ancient atmospheric noble gases preserved in post-impact hydrothermal minerals of the 200 Ma-old Rochechouart impact structure, France
- Assessing the preservation of late Pleistocene (MIS 4) Tahitian fossil corals for paleo sea-level reconstruction
- GEDI-constrained Estimates of Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics in Southeast Asian Tropical Forests
- Hydrocarbon Signatures in Ophiolitic Diamonds, New Caledonia
- Integrated modeling and observation of the feedback between photosynthesis, leaf optics, active and passive fluorescence, and leaf biochemical and biophysical properties
- Mapping Variations of Forest Structure across California using Lidar Observations from GEDI Mission and Deep-learning Model Predictions.
- Marginal snowpacks: a necessary research challenge
- Methylotrophic Metabolism in the Mire: Unearthing Direct and Indirect Routes for Methane Production in a Model Permafrost Thaw Peatland
- Minimizing conservation impacts of net zero energy systems in the western United States
- Ophiolitic biodiamonds - some of subduction's little gems
- Plant-Mediated Gas Transport as Consequential but Little-Understood Process Governing Methane Emissions in both Tropical Forests and Thawing Permafrost Arctic Wetlands
- Slab segmentation, tearing, and the development of anomalous arc magmatism
- Strong Sensitivity of Wetland CH4 emissions to Genome-inferred Microbial Trait Distribution
- Sustainable Partnerships for Sustaining Life on Land: Using Earth Observations to Develop Nationally Validated SDG 15 Indicators in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
- Toward Validation and Improvement of GEDI's Biomass Products in Africa
- Trace Element Characterization of Magnesite Formation and Weathering from Source-to-sink in Central Queensland Australia: a Potential Earth Analog to Jezero Crater, Mars
- Using GEDI Data to Evaluate the Impact of the Australian 2019/2020 Fire Season on the Structure and Biomass of Gondwana Rainforests
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrienne B. Narrowe
- Alan Robock
- Alex Mandel
- Alexander Norton
- Alison Specht
- Andrea Dutton
- Andrew Kennedy
- Anthony A. P. Koppers
- Anusuriya Devaraju
- Atticus Stovall
- B. F. Ochoa‐Tocachi
- B. Toon
- Bridget B McGivern
- C. K. McCalley
- Charles G. Bardeen
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Christopher Erdmann
- D. Fils
- Dan Sandiford
- Danton Diego Ferreira
- Derya Gürer
- Elisa Savelli
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Ewan S. Douglas
- Fabien Wagner
- Frederick Bouckaert
- Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben
- Georg F. Zellmer
- Gideon Rosenbaum
- Giuliano Di Baldassarre
- Grace C. Wu
- Guillaume Avice
- Hamid Dashti
- Hamish A. McGowan
- Hannah Holland‐Moritz
- Hao Tang
- Harris J Anderson
- J. I. López‐Moreno
- J. Robertson
- J. S. Famiglietti
- Jake Lee
- Jeaneth Machicao
- Jeffrey P. Chanton
- Jennifer E. Johnson
- Jens Klump
- Jesús Revuelto
- Joanne M. Whittaker
- Jody M. Webster
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jonathan C. Aitchison
- Joost van Haren
- Kaylin Bugbee
- Kerstin Lehnert
- Kim Calders
- Kuang‐Yu Chang
- Laura Duncanson
- Laurence Mabile
- Laëtitia Bréchet
- Lesley Wyborn
- Li Xu
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Marcos Longo
- Marlies Barendrecht
- Min Chen
- Mojtaba Rajabi
- Nathan Thomas
- Ngoc Duc Nguyen
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- P. R. Moorcroft
- Patrick Crill
- Patrick Moss
- Peter M. Chutcharavan
- Pieter van Oel
- R. F. Grant
- R. K. Varner
- Renjie Zhou
- Ricardo Dalagnol
- Romain David
- Ryan Webb
- Rónadh Cox
- Sarah Ramdeen
- Sascha Brune
- Scott J. Goetz
- Shelley Stall
- Shuanglei Wu
- Simon Gascoin
- Sina Khatami
- Steffen Mauceri
- Stuart R. Phinn
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Theodore M. Present
- Troy S. Magney
- V. I. Rich
- Viviana Freire-Zapata
- William J. Riley
- Xiangtao Xu
- Yasuhiro Murayama
- Zanna Chase
- Zbyněk Malenovský
- Zhen Sun