University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Geological Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Application of Lattice Boltzmann Techniques to Modeling Millimeter Scale Water-Rock Interaction in Porous Media
- Coseismic Growth of Active Fault-Propagation Folds by Heterogeneous Shear, Kansai Region, Japan
- Erosion-Induced Backstepping and Reactivation of the Chelungpu Thrust: Implications for patterns of modern strain release in west-central Taiwan.
- Geometry and kinematics of wrinkle ridges on Lunae and Solis Plana, Mars: implications for fault/fold growth history.
- Land-cover Change Mediating Nitrogen Trace Gas Emissions From Savanna Soils of North Texas
- Late Quaternary Uplift Rates and Geomorphology of the Santa Fe Springs and West Coyote Folds, Los Angeles Basin, California
- Lithosphere-Hydrosphere Interactions on the Hadean (>4 Ga) Earth
- Mid-Tertiary extension and broadening of the locus of Andean magmatic activity in southern South America caused by the reorganzation of subduction geometry due to the three-fold increase in late Oligocene trench-normal plate convergence rates
- Modeling Regional Carbon Fluxes in Agriculture with New Remote Sensing Observations
- Modeling of Coseismic Pore Pressure Changes and Fluid Flow: An Example from the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Nanoscale Structure at Mineral-Fluid Interfaces
- Origin of Regional Uplift Across Southern California and Northern Baja California
- Postfire Response of North American Net Primary Productivity Derived from Satellite Observations
- Rocas Verdes Ophiolite Complexes in the Southernmost Andes: Remnants of the Mafic Igneous Floor of a Back-arc Basin that Rifted the South American Continental Crust in the Late Jurrassic and Early Cretaceous
- Seismic Anisotropy across the Cheyenne Belt, Southern Wyoming
- The Case for Scientific Drilling of Precambrian Sedimentary Sequences: A Mission to Early Earth
- The Effect of Water on the 410-km Discontinuity
- The January 26, 2001 Mw7.6 Bhuj, India, Earthquake: Observed and Predicted Ground Motions
- The presence of layered convection as inferred from the upper mantle thermal structure below the western United States
- Three-Dimensional Modeling of Fluid and Heat Transport in an Accretionary Complex
- Tomographic Imaging of Basement Structure and Active Faults in the San Fernando-Northridge Region, Southern California
- Transient fault slip in Guerrero, southern Mexico
- Changes in Regional Nitric Oxide Emissions from Savanna Soils Associated with Woody Encroachment
- Coupled water and nutrient cycling in semiarid ecosystems: the influence of spatial variability of infiltration on "islands of fertility"
- Erosion rates on central Appalachian upland bedrock surfaces deduced from in-situ 10Be: Evidence for increasing relief?
- Flux Measurements in the Desert: Sensible Results or Just Sensible Heat?
- GROOVED TERRAIN NEAR THE SOUTH POLE OF MARS; Clue to an Unmodeled Amazonian Climate-Episode?
- Geomorphic Constraints on Patterns of Shortening and Erosion in the Puli Basin: Hinterland of the Central Taiwan Thrust Belt
- Geomorphology and Kinematics of the Nobi-Ise Active Fault Zone, Central Japan: Implications for the kinematic growth of tectonic landforms within an active thrust belt
- Hazard Zonation from Historic Earthquakes
- High Pressure Crystal Chemistry of Hydrous Ringwoodite
- Hydrodynamic Response of Subduction Zones to Seismic Activity: A Preliminary Study for the Costa Rica Margin
- Implementation and compatibility of a North American Volcanic and Plutonic rock database (NAVDAT)
- Ion microprobe U-Pb age determinations on zircon from the Late Archean granulite facies transition zone of southern Karnataka, India
- Long-Term Growth of the Fukaya Fault System Considering Effects of Stress Transfer From the 1931 M7.0 Saitama Earthquake, Kanto Basin, Japan
- Modern Strain and Structural Architecture of the Central Taiwanese Orogen - Evidence for Active Backstepping in Response to Erosion?
- Pressure-Temperature Constraints on the ~2800 Ma Metamorphic Event Affecting southwestern Akilia Island, Southwest Greenland
- The coupling of subaerial weathering and rock erosion in streams
- A Holocene Seismic Event and Earthquake Potential of the Uemachi Fault in Metropolitan Osaka, Estimated From High-resolution Analyses of Continuously Cored Boreholes and Seismic Reflection Profiles
- Balanced crustal cross sections across wrinkle ridges on Solis Planum, Mars, from MOLA topography
- Changes in Wetting Hysteresis During Bioremediation: Changes in fluid flow behavior monitored with low-frequency seismic attenuation
- Deep Crustal Structure of Fast-Spreading Crust Near Hess Deep
- Distribution of Aeolian Dust Determined From Magnetic and Chemical Properties in Surficial Substrates of Grassland and Shrubland, Central Colorado Plateau (Utah)
- Ecohydrology and Woody Plant Encroachment: a Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Landscape Consequences
- Ecosystem Scale Fluxes of Water and Carbon in Semiarid Grassland and Shrubland
- Further Confirmation of a Low Slip Rate on the Altyn Tagh Fault
- Geology at Our Doorstep: Building a Partnership for Standards-Based Curriculum and Professional Development in Middle School Earth Science
- Hydration and Velocity Heterogeneity in the Mantle
- Localization of Shear Along a Strong Inclusion in a Continuous Deformation Model: An Application to the Altyn Tagh Fault
- Nutrient Controls over Soil Organic Matter Turnover: Implications for Land Use Effects on Soil Carbon Storage
- Remotely Triggered Earthquakes in Intraplate Regions: Distributed Hazard, Dependent Events
- Reorganization of Strain in Response to Erosional Forcing at Intermediate Scales: Puli Embayment, Western Taiwan
- Seismic anisotropy within the Tibetan crust
- Seismotectonics of the San Fernando Basin
- Soil Hydraulic Property Uniqueness as Determined From Inverse Modeling Using Surface Temperature : the Role of Soil Type
- Soil Respiration in a Black Spruce Forest and Adjacent Thermokarst Wetlands in Interior Alaska
- The Effect of Water on the Compressibility of Wadsleyite
- Unexpected Dominance of Parent-Material Strontium in a Tropical Forest on Highly Weathered Soils.
- Viscosity of silica-rich water at high pressure and temperature
- A Semiarid Long-Term Hydrologic Observatory at the Continental Scale: The Upper Río Grande Basin
- A comparison of physically based and degree-day representations of snowpack / atmosphere turbulent fluxes in an alpine watershed
- Coseismic fold scarp associated with historic earthquakes upon the Yoro active blind thrust, the Nobi-Ise fault zone, central Japan
- Decadal-Scale Variations in Eastern Pacific Thermocline Structure from Soledad Basin, Baja California
- Deep Seismic Discontinuity Structure Beneath New Zealand
- Dust and Nutrients in Modern and Late Quaternary Ecosystems of Central Colorado Plateau Drylands
- High-pressure elasticity of Fo90 hydrous ringwoodite
- Insights on Lithospheric Foundering from the Sierra Nevada Earthscope Project (SNEP)
- Modeling Seismically Induced Deformation And Fluid Flow In The Nankai Subduction Zone
- On the Selection of Soil Hydraulic Properties in Land Surface Models Based on Soil Texture
- Platinum-group elements and oxidation condition of Paleozoic sub-continental lithospheric mantle in southernmost South America: Xenolith study in the Pali-Aike Region, Chile
- Relation between satellite-derived vegetation indices, surface temperature and vegetation water content
- Response of Water Levels in Devils Hole, Death Valley National Park, Nevada, to Atmospheric Loading, Earth Tides, and Earthquakes
- Soledad Basin, Baja California: a Twin to Cariaco Basin for Monitoring the Eastern Tropical Pacific Today and the Past?
- Stress Field Along the Central Denali Fault, Alaska, From Relocated Aftershocks of the 2002 Earthquake Sequence
- Strong Crustal Anisotropy Delineating the Himalayan Decollement
- Systematic variations in synorogenic fill architecture and fault offsets along strike across the Puli topographic embayment: Quaternary strain gradients in the central Western Foothills and Taiwanese foreland basin
- The Achilles Heel of Red Bed Paleomagnetism
- The Curious Decoupling of Magmatism and Plate Tectonics During the Cenozoic in Western North America: Insight From the NAVDAT Database
- Understanding Long-Term Boreal Soil Carbon Accumulation: Insight from a Dynamic Layered Soil Model
- A Multidisciplinary Investigation of Rio Grande Rift Deformation
- An Electrochemical Approach to Improving the TIMS Ion Source
- Determining Rocky Mountain Front Seismicity: A Colorado Case Study
- Effects of Desert Dust on Nutrient Cycling in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado
- Elastic properties of dense oxide minerals and other applications of GHz-ultrasonic interferometry
- Elucidating the Mechanisms of Microbial Weathering of Submarine Basalts
- Endolithic Mn-oxidizing bacteria commonly associated with basalts at active Seamounts
- Expanding the Inventory of Early Archean Crust: Confirmation of a >3750 Ma Supracrustal Sequence, Nuvvuagittuq Belt, Northern Québec
- Extinct Plutonium Geochemistry of Ancient Hadean Zircons
- Heterotrophic Fe-Oxidizing Bacteria Associated With Basalt Surfaces Supporting Life On Vailulu'u Seamount, American Samoa
- Hydration effects on molar volume and compressibility of olivine
- Integrated snow, soil and water-balance measurement strategy for multi-scale environmental observations in mountain areas
- Investigating the use of Surface Temperature Time Series to Determine Soil Hydraulic Properties for Land Surface Models
- Iron Oxidizing and Reducing Bacteria as Contributors to Basaltic Glass Colonization and Subsequent Weathering in Active Hydrothermal Vent Systems on Loihi and Vailulu'u Seamounts
- Life on Earth before 3.83 Ga? Carbonaceous Inclusions from Akilia (West Greenland)
- Moho Structure of the Central Sierra Nevada From an EarthScope Flex Array Deployment
- Numerical Modeling of Steady State Pore Pressures and Coseismic Pressure Changes at the Nankai Margin off the Kii Peninsula, Japan
- Observations of deep intra-plate earthquakes along the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada
- On the Origin of Late Cretaceous and Younger Continental Interior Magmatism, Western U.S.
- Postseismic Deformation in the Central Andaman Islands
- Quantifying Spatial Heterogeneity and Co-variance of Surface Hydrologic Parameters at the Plot Scale in a Semi-arid Landscape
- Quantifying the transient response of bedrock channels to Active Normal Faulting: New Field Observations
- Radiative effects of desert dust deposits to alpine snow
- Reduced fO2 Recorded in the Metasomatized Peridotite Xenoliths From the Sub-Arc Mantle in the Southernmost South America
- Relationships among vegetation properties related to their interactions with atmosphere from the analysis of satellite derived data
- Remote Sensing of Debris Flow Deposition and Reworking by the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Sierra Nevada Earthscope Project: Constraints on the Sierran Seismic Structure From Regional Waveform Modelling
- Soil Moisture Controls on Ecosystem Scale Water and Carbon Fluxes in Semiarid Grassland and Shrubland
- Source and Flux of DOC in the Kolyma River Watershed of North-East Siberia
- Spatial patterns of ecohydrologic properties on a hillslope and alluvial fan transect, Sevilleta Long Term Ecological Reserve, New Mexico
- The Impact of Soil Reflectance on the Quantification of the Green Vegetation Fraction from NDVI
- Unprecedented Massive earthquakes in the Himalaya driven by Elastic Strain stored within the Tibetan Plateau?
- Use of Carboxymethyl-beta-cyclodextrin (CMCD) as Flushing Agent for Remediation of Metal Contaminated Soil
- Active Folding In The Puli Basin, Constraints On Strain Across A Sub-Critical Region Of The Taiwanese Orogen
- Basaltic substrate composition affects microbial community development and acts as a source of nutrients in the deep biosphere
- Bulk Crustal Properties of the Sierra Nevada
- Cation Ordering in Hydrous Wadsleyite
- Changes in the active-layer thickness in the north-eastern Koluma region and their effect on age and structure of dissolved organic carbon in streams
- Changes in the active-layer thickness in the north-eastern Koluma region and their effect on age and structure of dissolved organic carbon in streams
- Crust and oceans, atmosphere and continents: A new paradigm for the Hadean Earth
- Crustal anisotropy, deep crustal earthquakes, and the Moho hole beneath the west-central Sierra Nevada, California
- Deep Crustal Earthquakes and Repeating Earthquakes in the West-Central Sierra Nevada, Western USA
- Development of a High Ionization Efficiency Molten Glass Ion Emitter for TIMS
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in Boreal Black Spruce Forest: Sources, Chemistry, and Biodegradability
- Early postseismic displacements from the 2005 Kashmir earthquake
- Effect of Soil and Vegetation Heterogeneity on Runoff in a Semi-arid Grassland
- Eoarchean crust is not that rare: Widespread pre-3750 Ma supracrustal rocks from the Nuvvuagittuq supracrustal belt, northern Québec.
- Gambler's Ruin and the Residence Time Distribution in Fluvial Sediment Dispersion
- High-pressure sound velocities and single-crystal elastic properties of DHMS phases in subducted slabs
- Implementation of Biophysical Factors Into the Land Surface and Atmosphere Interaction Model
- Lithospheric Thickness Variations of India and the Himalaya from Seismic Surface Wave Tomography
- Microbial Diversity And Evidence For Bacterially Mediated Basalt Dissolution On Vailulu'u Seamount
- Microbial sulfate reduction, multiple sulfur isotopes, and the ca. 3.46 Ga Dresser Formation (Western Australia)
- Numeric Modeling of Valley Networks and Drainage Systems on Mars
- Observations of Lithospheric Foundering
- Pressure Difference Across Continental Keel and Their Implications on Upper Mantle Viscosity
- Seismic Constraints on Slab Interaction With the Transition Zone
- Shallow Alluvial Aquifer Ground Water System and Surface Water/Ground Water Interaction, Boulder Creek, Boulder, Colorado
- Shortwave radiative and melt forcing by dust in mountain snow cover
- Simulated pore pressures during propagating thrust slip and implications for subseafloor monitoring
- Single-crystal elasticity of hydrous wadsleyite by Brillouin scattering
- Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics: Establishing Linkages Between Fine-Scale Processes and Regional Scale Mass-Balance.
- Sound velocities of hydrous olivine and the effects of water on the equation of state of nominally anhydrous minerals
- Steep Faults, Narrow Basins, and High Topography in the "Dulan-Chaka Plateau": Observations and Implications for Growth in the Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Subcritical Thrust Wedge Development in West-Central Taiwan in Response to Rapid Erosion of Synorogenic Sediments
- Synthesis and high-pressure synchrotron-infrared studies of OH-bearing silicate perovskite in the laser-heated diamond cell
- The Dehydration of Mantle Xenolith as a New Tool to Witness Magma Ascent
- The effects of forest vegetation on snow accumulation, ablation, and meltwater routing, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
- The role of litter in vegetation quantification from remote sensing data
- Variability and Vulnerability of Carbon Cycling in Africa: Diagnosing Controls on Regional Exchanges from Forward and Inverse Modeling
- Viscoelastic Relaxation of Tidally Induced Stresses in the Ice Shells of Outer Solar System Satellites
- Volumes of hydration in forsterite, wadsleyite, and ringwoodite
- A cross-scale remote sensing approach to estimate tree cover and aboveground biomass in pinyon-juniper woodlands of the Colorado Plateau, USA
- An Evaluation of Soil Carbon Layer Dynamic in the Context of Global Warming
- Chemical Composition of Soil Horizons and Aggregate Size Fractions Under the Hawaiian Fern Dicranopteris and Angiosperm Cheirodendrom
- Climate response in the western United States to dust-shortened snow cover duration since late 1800s soil disturbance
- Constraints on the Extent of Phanerozoic Sedimentary Sequences in the Western Canadian Shield From Radiation Damage Control on (U-Th)/He Apatite Dates
- Elasticity of Hydrous Olivine Polymorphs: Implications for Seismic Structure of the Transition Zone
- Formation of Garnet Orthopyroxenites and Mobility of Siderophile and Chalcophile Elements in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle During Metasomatism by Asthenospheric Mantle- derived Melt Below the Southern South America
- High Resolution Receiver Functions From the Southern Great Basin, Nevada
- Hydrogen and Mineral Elasticity: Modelling Hydration in the Earth's Interior
- Insights on Lithospheric Foundering from the Sierra Nevada Earthscope Project (SNEP)
- Lessons Learned From the Modern Monsoon Applied to Interpretation of Paleoclimate Records
- Mysterious Moho Beneath the Southern Sierra Nevada, Analyzed with Beam-Formed Receiver Functions
- Patterns and Processes in Southwestern shrublands and grasslands: role of vegetation, soil- geomorphology, and overland flow
- Seasonal controls on soil respiration fluxes and isotopic content in an African Savanna ecosystem: Implications for site to regional carbon flux estimates
- Simple Ecohydrological Models: Is Average Root Zone Soil Moisture an Adequate Driver in the Functions for Evaporation and Assimilation?
- Single-crystal elasticity of hydrous wadsleyite to 12 GPa
- Structural Controls on Channel Geometry and Dynamics in the Peikang River, Central Taiwan
- Study of vegetation effects on land-atmospheric interaction using the Weather Research and Forecasting model and MODIS data
- Systematic variations in synorogenic fill architecture and fault offsets along strike across the Puli topographic embayment: Quaternary strain gradients in the central Western Foothills and Taiwanese foreland basin
- Teleseismic Travel-Time Tomography of the Sierra Nevada and its Foundering Lithosphere
- Th-U-total Pb Geochronology of Authigenic Monazite Near the top of the Sturtian-Marinoan Interglacial, Adelaide Rift Complex, South Australia
- The Determination of Soil Hydraulic Properties From Surface Temperature and the Effect of Errors in Other Model Parameters
- The dynamics of bedrock channel adjustment: Modeling the influence of sediment supply, weathering, and lithology on channel cross-sectional and longitudinal shape
- The growth of Rayleigh-Taylor instability under a shear-stress free top boundary condition
- The role of electron microprobe mapping and dating in tectonic geochronology
- The use of Soil Reflectance Database and NDVI Time Series to compute an Adjusted Green Vegetation Fraction
- Three years of post seismic deformation in Central Andaman Islands
- Tracking the Petrogenetic and Rheological Evolution of Continental Lower Crust Through Time With Monazite
- A possible new role for atmospheric 13CO2 in global models
- Calc-alkaline Magmatic Activities and Related Mineralization in the Northwest of the Lut Block (Eastern Iran)
- Carbonate Associated Sulfate in a Stromatolite from the Eocene Green River Formation
- Changes In Snowmelt Timing In Response To Pine Beetle Infestation In Lodgepole Pines In The Colorado Rockies
- Climate Change and our National and State Park Pleasures: a First Hand View From an Undergraduate Student
- Compressibility and Structural Stability of Hydrous Olivine Fo97Fa3 up to 34 GPa by XRD and Raman Spectroscopy
- Constraints on lithology of downwelling lithosphere from the Sierra Nevada, California
- Contribution of species-specific chemical signatures to soil organic matter in Kohala, HI.
- Crystal Chemistry of Hydrous Forsterite and its Vibrational Properties up to 41 GPa
- Earth Science Literacy: Building Community Consensus
- Effects of Hydration on Thermal Expansion of Forsterite, Wadsleyite, and Ringwoodite
- Effects of Hydration on the Elastic Properties of Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Minerals
- Effects of hydration on the elastic properties of transition zone minerals
- Evaluating the Contribution of Eolian Dust to the Weathering Flux From Mountain Soils
- Exploring for early bombardments on Earth from pre-3.85 Fa thermal effects recorded in Hadean zircons - a status report
- Focal Mechanisms for Deep Crustal Earthquakes in the Central Foothills and Near Yosemite National Park in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Geochemistry of Quaternary Olivine Basalts From the Lut Block, Eastern Iran
- Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE Program of Intrabasin Fault-Influenced Stratigraphic Variations in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA
- Intermediate Scale Structural Control and Interplay of Western Taiwan Topography and Foreland Basin Geometry
- It's Still Downhill From Tonopah to Las Vegas, but the Crust Doesn't Ride for Free
- Monitoring coastal erosion on the Beaufort Sea coast: Erosion process and the relative roles of thermal and wave energy
- Nb/Ta - Zr/Hf Fractionations during Subduction: Implications for the'Missing' Nb.
- Nd Isotopic Evidence of Deglacial Antarctic Intermediate Water in the North Pacific
- Nitrogen Effects on Organic Dynamics and Soil Communities in Forest and Agricultural Systems
- Phanerozoic burial and unroofing of the western Slave craton and Wopmay orogen from apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry: assessing links between surface and deep-seated geodynamic processes
- Plate boundary processes at the Hadean-Eoarchean transition
- Rethinking the Laramide: Limited Laramide shallow subduction enhanced by hydrodynamic effects in the asthenospheric wedge
- Seismic character of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Sierra Nevada
- Si-29 NMR Results on Forsterite, Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite: Structural Disorder and Effects of Magnetic Cations
- Single-crystal Elasticity of Wadsleyite With 1.7 wt % H 2 O to 11 GPa by Brillouin Scattering
- Snowmelt infiltration and evapotranspiration in Red Fir forest ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada
- Sound Velocity Crossover of Hydrated Olivine at High Pressures
- Structure and Compressibility of Iron- and Aluminum-bearing Phase D
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning Study of Gully Erosion at West Bijou Creek, Arapahoe County, Colorado: An Investigation on Field Acquisition and Data Processing
- The Southern Part of the Southern Volcanic Zone (SSVZ; 42-46S) of the Andes: History of Medium and Large Explosive Holocene Eruptions
- Thermal State of the Lithosphere During Late Heavy Bombardment: Implications for Early Life
- Two models to compute an adjusted Green Vegetation Fraction taking into account the spatial variability of soil NDVI
- Understanding subsurface hydrology in the Tibet Plateau, Western China
- Variability in hillslope sediment flux modulates bedrock channel incision rates: evidence from the Peikang River, central Taiwan
- A Detailed Comparison of Europa's Global Lineaments to Non-synchronous Rotation Stresses
- A Reappraisal of Combined 147,146Sm-143,142Nd Systematics for Eoarchean Rocks from the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt, northern Québec (Canada)
- A method to translate between short-term fluvial processes on deltas and bulk volumes of channel and overbank deposits in the stratigraphic record
- Aerosol Particle Monitoring and Dry Deposition Modeling at a Dry Plateau Site at Colorado
- Arctic Sea Ice Sensitivity and Recovery Potential due to Atmospheric Conditions in the Community Climate System Model (CCSM)
- BASE Flexible Array Preliminary Lithospheric Structure Analysis
- Biogeography of soil organic matter molecular structure across multiple soil size fractions
- CU’s Department of Geological Sciences - Science Education Initiative Project (GEOL-SEI): A five-year plan for introducing and supporting an evidence-based and scientific approach to teaching
- Comparisons of the kinematics and deep structures of the Zagros and Himalaya mountain belts, and of the Iranian and Tibetan Plateaus, and geodynamic implications
- Constraining Fault-Zone Hydrogeology through Integrated Hydrological and Geoelectrical Analysis
- Constraining Habitable Environments on Mars by Quantifying Available Geochemical Energy
- Constraints on upper-mantle viscosity inferred from the flow-induced pressure gradient across a continental keel
- Detection of climate change impacts on boreal soil carbon cycling: A model-based analysis of carbon stock and flux changes over the coming decades
- Do the Jack Hills zircons record evidence of the Late Heavy Bombardment?
- Effects of Hydration on the Structure of Wadsleyite
- Elastic properties of Fe-bearing wadsleyite at high pressures
- Epicentral parameter estimation from intensity data of uncertain accuracy
- Estimating Snow Depth Using GPS
- Evaluation of groundwater resources in the Fraser River watershed, Grand County, CO
- GPS Can't Do That, Can It? (Invited)
- Geochemical Evidence for Early to Mid-Cenozoic “Flat-Slab” Subduction Beneath the Western North American Interior
- Groundwater Flow Simulation of Uranium In-Situ Leach Mining in North-central Colorado
- History Matters: The Large Scale Landscape Setting of the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory (Invited)
- Hydrous Ringwoodite: Clarifying Defect Mechanisms Through Combined Single-Crystal Refinement, Compressibility, and IR Spectroscopy
- IR Absorption Coefficients for the Quantification of Water in Hydrous Ringwoodite
- Micron-scale intra-ring analyses of δ13C in early Eocene Arctic wood from Ellesmere Island
- Old versus new: comparing paleotemperature estimates from stable isotopes of freshwater mollusks and mosses from the Pliocene Arctic with ‘clumped isotope’ thermometry
- Process-Response Numerical Modeling in Carbonate Systems - Current Status and Importance (Invited)
- Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material in PETM sediments from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Relative humidity across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum via combined hydrogen-oxygen isotope paleohygrometry (Invited)
- Rio Grande Rift GPS Measurements 2006-2009
- Rock Magnetic Studies and Absolute Paleointensity Determination of the Dacite of the Duffer Formation of the Pilbara Craton, Australia
- Seasonal variability in Arctic temperatures during the early Eocene
- Self-Organization of Coral Atolls and Their Response to Rising Sea Level and Ocean Acidification
- Simulation of Pore Pressure Response to Fault Slip in the NanTroSEIZE Region of the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Simulations of Diffusive Pb-, Ti- and REE-loss in Terrestrial and Lunar Zircon and Apatite as a Function of Impact Heating During Impact Bombardments
- Spatially variable erodability in bedrock channels produced by weathering
- Subduction related fluids fractionate Nb/Ta
- Subsurface Characterization Beneath the Coso Geothermal Field by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Surface and Shear Wave Analysis of the Critical Zone in Betasso Catchment, Colorado
- Testing Predictions of a Landscape Evolution Model Using the Dragon’s Back Pressure Ridge as a Natural Experiment
- The Plate Boundary Observatory as a Network for Water Cycle Studies
- The impact of pine beetle-induced tree death on snowpack accumulation and melt in headwaters of the Colorado River
- The influence of weathering on erosion and cross-channel geometry in bedrock channels
- The role of large particles in aerosol concentration and flux estimates; a comparison of Total Suspended Particulate, PM10 and PM2.5 measurements for use in biogeochemical studies
- Topographic Change due to Sea Level Induced Asthenospheric Flow: A New Consideration in the Timing and Extent of the Bering Land Bridge
- U-Pb Thermochronology of lower crustal xenoliths: creating a temporal record of lithosphere thermal evolution
- Upper Crustal Anisotropy in Southern California from Local Earthquake Shear Wave Splitting
- A Conceptual Model of Water Quantity Impacts from Insect-Induced Tree Mortality in Coniferous Forests: Implications for Colorado River Basin Water Management
- BASE Flexible Array Preliminary Receiver Function Analysis
- Changes in Fluvial Deposition Associated with the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in the Bighorn Basin, WY (Invited)
- Comparative compressibility of hydrous wadsleyite
- Comparison of bulk and n-alkane PETM carbon isotope trends from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Cumulative Ocean Volume Estimates of the Solar System
- Dating sub-20 micron zircons in granulite-facies mafic dikes from SW Montana: a new approach using automated mineralogy and SIMS U-Pb geochronology
- Depth Profiling Hadean Zircons for Evidence of the Late Heavy Bombardment
- Distribution of Atmospheric Mineral Dust across Dryland Ecosystems (Invited)
- Examining the Motivation and Learning Strategies Use of Different Populations in Introductory Geosciences
- Exploring Subsurface Flow Paths as a Precursor to Understanding the Spatial Pattern of Weathering in a Rocky Landscape
- Formation Timescales of the Martian Valley Networks
- GPS Ground Networks As Remote Sensing Tools (Invited)
- Genesis of Basement-Cored Foreland Arches: Insights from the EarthScope Bighorn Project
- Geology of Quartzites Hosting PRE-3.9 ga Zircons in the Hellroaring Plateau, Beartooth Mountains (montana)
- Glacial Volume Loss in the Mt Everest Region in the Past Century
- High seismic velocity (7.x) lower crustal layers in cratonic North America: a view from xenoliths and EarthScope seismic data
- How Instructional Strategies Impact Students' Learning, Motivation, and Learning Strategies in Introductory Geology Courses
- Hydrogen bond symmetrization and equation of state of phase D
- Impact-generated hydrothermal systems on Noachian Mars: Clays, carbonates and more (Invited)
- Implementing Dense Arrays of Single-Channel Seismic Recorders to Detect Global Teleseism Events
- Improving Phyllosilicate Electron Backscatter Diffraction Data Using Ion Milling
- Life detection at an Arctic analog to Europa
- Mammalian faunal response to the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (~53.5-48.5 mya) and a new terrestrial record of the associated carbon isotope excursion from Raven Ridge in the Uinta Basin, Colorado-Utah
- Mineral inclusion thermobarometry in >4 Ga Jack Hills zircons provide further constraints on Hadean geodynamics
- Modeling of permafrost dynamics and hydrological processes under seasonal and long term temperature variations
- Modeling the effects of the mountain pine beetle on snowmelt rates in a subalpine forest
- Modeling the rate and style of Arctic coastal retreat along the Beaufort Sea, Alaska
- Occurrence and distribution of bacterial tetraether lipids in the Eocene Canadian Arctic paleosols: paleoclimate implications (Invited)
- Olivine-Wadsleyite-Pyroxene Epitaxy: Element and Volatile Distributions at the 410km Discontinuity
- Orbital and Ground-Truth Spectral Matching on the Upper Slopes of Kilimanjaro with Application to Martian Orbital Observations
- Solution notches, earthquakes, and sea level, Haiti
- Spatial variability in soil CO2 production and CO2 efflux from a topographically complex mature black spruce forest, interior Alaska
- Surface wave dispersion across Tibet: Direct evidence for radial anisotropy in the crust
- The Effects of the Mountain Pine Beetle on Snow Accumulation and Melt Timing in the Headwaters of the Colorado River
- The Surface Rupture of the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake and its Interaction with the 1892 Laguna Salada Rupture - Complex Fault Interaction in an Oblique Rift System (Invited)
- The consequences of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake on bedrock river processes in central Taiwan (Invited)
- Thermal Forensics of Zircons from the Mesoproterozoic Sudbury Impact Structure (ontario, Canada)
- To See the Hadean in a Slab of Gneiss
- Tracking Radio-Tagged Bedload in an Alpine Stream
- Triggered Fault Slip in Southern California Associated with the 2010 Sierra El Mayor-Cucapah, Baja California, Mexico, Earthquake
- Using GPS Interferometric Reflectometry to estimate soil moisture and vegetation water content fluctuations
- Using remote sensing and GIS techniques to determine the tectonic significance of small-scale surface water runoff in Canyonlands National Park
- Was the Eocene Arctic a Source Area for Exotic Plants and Mammals? (Invited)
- A 3-D crustal and uppermost mantle model of the western US from receiver functions and surface wave dispersion derived from ambient noise and teleseismic earthquakes
- A Frequency Domain Analysis of Seismically Induced Fluid-Pressure Changes in Devils Hole, Death Valley National Park, California-Nevada
- A Geochemical Analysis of the Formation and Preservation of Biosignatures in Subseafloor Basalt Glasses
- Allochthonous carbon hypothesis for bulk OM and n-alkane PETM carbon isotope discrepancies
- Bighorn Arch Seismic Experiment (BASE) crustal thickness: results from two layer teleseismic receiver function H-K stacking
- Compressibility and thermal expansion studies of hydrous Fo100 wadsleyite (2.8 wt% H2O)
- Constraining Anisotropy under the South Island of New Zealand
- Constraining Fault-Zone Permeability
- Constraining Lithospheric and Asthenospheric Structure in the Bighorn Mountains: Analysis of Frequency Dependence in Shear Wave Splitting
- Contrasts in Student Affect by Institution and Instructor: Establishing a National Baseline for Geoscience Courses
- Cooling and exhumation of continents at billion-year time scales
- Crustal structure and shallow velocity heterogeneity in the Bighorn Mountains, northern Wyoming: Insights into Laramide-style orogenesis
- Deciphering the history and causes of the cryptic rise and fall of continental interiors using low temperature thermochronology
- Desert dust in rural western US; the influence of dust storms, large particles, and land-use change on aerosol loads
- Feeling the Heat: Supraglacial Lake Changes as Observed via Time-Lapse Photography, Ngozumpa Glacier, Nepal
- Geochronometry and thermochronometry using nucleogenic 21Ne
- Heterogeneity within a deep crustal strike-slip shear zone with implications for lower crustal flow, Athabasca granulite terrane, western Canadian Shield
- Hydration Mechanisms, Crystal Preferred Orientation, and Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle and Transition Zone
- Importance of Melt Weakening, Rheological Heterogeneity, and Strain Partitioning in Exhumed Sections of Deep Continental Crust
- Integrating Field Measurements and Numerical Modeling to Investigate Gully Network Evolution
- Melts and crystal mushes in a mid-Tertiary epizonal magmatic system, Never Summer Mountains, north-central Colorado
- Microbial Fe biomineralization in mafic and ultramafic rocks
- Modeling the Effects of Soil Moisture at a GPS-Interferometric Reflectometry Station
- Modeling the rate and style of Arctic coastal retreat along the Beaufort Sea, Alaska
- Of Rock Damage and the Regolith Conveyor Belt: A Geomorphologist's View of the Critical Zone
- Paleo-ΔCO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> history of the Panama Basin: New insights into glacial deep ocean carbon storage from benthic foraminiferal B/Ca ratios
- Photosynthesis within Mars' volcanic craters?: Insights from Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
- Predicting and testing continental vertical motion histories since the Paleozoic
- Responses of permafrost to climate change and their impacts on hydro-ecological variation, Source Regions of Yangtze and Yellow River, China
- Significance of U-Th zonation in cratonic apatites for interpretation of (U-Th)/He thermochronometry data: an example from the Slave craton
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Fugitive Dust Flux from Colorado Plateau Landscapes
- Subsurface Evolution: Weathering and Mechanical Strength Reduction in Bedrock of Lower Gordon Gulch, Colorado Front Range
- The Astrobiology Graduate Conference - A Unique Early Career Opportunity
- The Astrobiology Primer - an Early Career Scientist Education, Outreach and Professional Development Project
- The Best Modern Analog for Eocene Arctic Forests is within Today's Korean Peninsula
- The Cora Lake Shear Zone, an Exhumed Deep Crustal Lithotectonic Discontinuity, Western Churchill Province, Canada
- The Effects of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) on Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM)
- The effects of iron and water on elastic properties of ringwoodite from theory and experiment: Constraint on chemical and thermal variations in the transition zone
- The impact of beetle-induced conifer death on stand-scale canopy snow interception
- Ti-U-Th-Pb Depth Profiles of Hadean Zircons: Implications for the Late Heavy Bombardment
- Turning rock into saprolite: Linking observations and models of vadose zone dynamics and chemical weathering
- Using apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry to resolve regional unroofing patterns across the interior of the southern African Plateau and implications for mantle dynamics
- A case study of waste fluid injection and induced seismicity in the Raton Basin, Trinidad, CO, USA
- Apatite (U-Th)/He dating of kimberlites, links with mantle xenolith evolution, and implications for uplift of the southern African Plateau
- Changes in alluvial architecture associated with Eocene hyperthermals: Preliminary results from the Bighorn Basin Coring Project
- Crustal and Mantle Anisotropy from Body Waves in a Geological and Petrophysical Context
- Crustal structure across the Bighorn Mountains, northern Wyoming: Insights into lithospheric evolution from the NSF-EarthScope Bighorn Project
- Crystal structure, thermal expansion of OH-clinohumite & OH-chondrodite: Implications for water in Earth's interior
- De-MA: a web Database for electron Microprobe Analyses to assist EMP lab manager and users
- Effects of sediment transport and deposition on crustal loading, Earth's gravitational field, and sea level
- Evaluating the steady-state assumption for mobile-regolith on hillslopes using in situ-produced <SUP>10</SUP>Be, Boulder Creek CZO, Colorado Front Range
- Evolving Deformation Style and Rheology During Transpressive Segmentation and Uplift of Continental Lower Crust
- Fluid Injection and Induced Seismicity: Two Ohio Case Studies
- Frequency-dependent Response of Landscapes to Climatic Forcings
- GPS Velocities and Structure Across the Burma Accretionary Prism and Shillong Anticline in Bangladesh
- Garnet-Forming Reactions in Felsic Orthogneiss: Implications for Progressive Strengthening and Densification of the Lower Continental Crust
- Granodiorite Pluton Formation at the Mid-Cenozoic Never Summer Igneous Complex, North-Central Colorado
- Granular Mechanics of Debris-Flow Incision: Measuring and Modeling Grain-Scale Impact Forces
- Groundwater flow and potential effects on evaporite dissolution in the Paradox Basin, SE Utah
- Horizontal and Vertical Velocities across the Rio Grande Rift and Southern Rocky Mountains
- Indo-Asian collision in the Sikkim-Bhutan Himalaya
- Interpreting climate-driven aggradation and incision along the fringes of a decaying mountain range
- Magnetotelluric pilot study in the Rio Grande Rift, southwest USA
- Mid-Proterozoic detrital zircons and the depositional history of the Jack Hills (Narryer Gneiss Complex, Western Australia)
- Modeling the effects of bed topography on fluvial erosion by saltating bed load
- PBO-H2O: GPS Sensing of Snow Depth in the Western United States
- Phanerozoic deposition, erosion, and vertical motion history of the Slave craton from apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry
- Providing Seismotectonic Information to the Public Through Continuously Updated National Earthquake Information Center Products
- Quantifying post-wildfire erosion patterns using terrestrial LiDAR
- Reconstructed Stratigraphic and Structural Controls on the Eruptive History of the Tatara-San Pedro Volcanic Complex in the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Chilean Andes
- Relationship between environmental conditions and rates of coastal erosion in Arctic Alaska
- Seismic and Petrological Constraints on Deep Crustal Evolution in North America: Where and What are 7.x Layers?
- Sensing Vegetation Growth and Senescence with Reflected GPS Signals
- Structural setting and magnetic properties of pseudotachylyte in a deep crustal shear zone, western Canadian shield
- The Cora Lake Shear Zone: Strain Localization in an Ultramylonitic, Deep Crustal Shear Zone, Athabasca Granulite Terrain, Western Churchill Province, Canada
- The Effect of Vegetation on Soil Moisture Retrievals from GPS Signal-to-Noise Ratio Data
- Tracing the Geomorphic Signature of Lateral Faulting
- UNAVCO Enhanced data products for the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, COCONet, and other regional networks
- Variations in melt inputs and basal sliding velocity on the Kennicott Glacier, Alaska, USA
- Water Storage Capacities and Contents of the Upper and Lower Mantle
- ';EXPERIMENTING with a Small Planet' as AN Experiment
- Advancing Research Methods to Detect Impact of Climate Change on Health in Grand'Anse, Haiti
- Anisotropy from Joint Analysis of Split Direct-S and SKS Images Lithospheric Foundering Under the Sierra Nevada, CA
- Characterization of Groundwater Flow at a Mountainous Watershed, Niwot Ridge, Front Range, Colorado
- Clumped Isotopes, trace elements, and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of stromatolites from the Laney Member of the Green River Formation (Eocene): Implications for paleoenvironments during the Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Combining kimberlite (U-Th)/He dating with the mantle xenolith record to decipher elevation change in continental interiors: an example from the southern African Plateau
- Decadal strain along creeping faults in the Needles District, Paradox Basin Utah determined with InSAR Time Series Analysis
- Deep crustal shear zone development and implications for seismic anisotropy: An example from southwestern Montana
- Estimating Areas of Vulnerability: Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Hazards in the National Parks
- Foliation Mapping at Depth Using Receiver Functions
- Follow the Carbon: Laboratory Studies of 13C-Labeled Early Earth Haze Analogs
- Getz Ice Shelf, West Antarctica: Little glacier speed increase despite basal ice shelf melting
- Hydrogen Incorporation in Aluminous MgSiO3-Perovskite
- Influence of the sea-ice edge on the Arctic nearshore environment
- Inverted firn compaction profiles caused by shallow massive ice layers in the percolation zone of the Greenland ice sheet
- Investigating Land Surface Phenology Derived from Satellite and GPS Network Microwave Remote Sensing
- Magnetotelluric apparent conductivity and seismic p-wave tomography comparison, Rio Grande Rift, Southwestern USA
- Multiphase Tertiary erosion history and elevation gain of the High Plains of New Mexico and Texas: A signal of widespread mid-Tertiary lithospheric modification?
- Neoarchean metamorphism recorded in high-precision Sm-Nd isotope systematics of garnets from the Jack Hills (Western Australia)
- Paleohydrologic change across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Bighorn Basin, WY
- Probability-Based Model of Sediment Transport During Extreme Flood Events in Mountain Catchments
- Pseudotachylytes of the Deep Crust: Examples from a Granulite-Facies Shear Zone
- Selection of soil hydraulic properties in a land surface model using remotely-sensed soil moisture and surface temperature
- Simulation of River Bluffs and Slip-Off Slopes With a Discrete Particle-Based Model
- Sinking Coastlines: Land Subsidence at Aquaculture Facilities in the Yellow River Delta, China, measured with Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR)
- Testing for orbital and solar forcing of the ENSO system during the Holocene
- The Impact Environment of the Hadean Earth at the Dawn of Life
- The Surface Expression of Radiocarbon Anomalies near Baja California during Deglaciation
- Understanding complex teleseismic wave propagation in the Sierra Nevada through vertical-component P-wave receiver functions
- Using GPS to estimate vegetation water content in non-forested ecosystems
- Decoupling of U-Pb and Trace Element Behavior of Rutile During High-temperature Metamorphism
- Evolution of Continental Lower Crust Recorded By an Exhumed Deep Crustal Intracontinental Shear Zone
- Field-Scale Soil Moisture Sensing Using GPS Reflections: Description of the PBO H2O Soil Moisture Product
- Formational Mechanisms and Morphology of Windblown Coarse-Grained Sand Ripples at White Sands, New Mexico
- Investigation of the Origins of Modern Firmgrounds in Walker Lake, Nevada: Implications for Lacustrine Climate Records and Hardgrounds in the Rock Record
- Mapping Shear Zones, Faults, and Crustal Deformation Fabric With Receiver Functions
- Sedimentary Geology Context and Challenges for Cyberinfrastructure Data Management
- Variations in terrestrial water storage caused by drought: Near real-time monitoring using GPS vertical position data
- 4-D crustal structure of the conterminous U.S.: Continental assembly, crustal growth, and deformation history from receiver functions, xenoliths, and structural mapping
- Community Characterization of Microbial Populations Found at a Cold Water Sulfidic Spring in the Canadian High Arctic
- Dynamic Response of Watershed Subsurface Systems to Extreme Precipitation Events - Implications for the 2013 Colorado Front Range Floods
- Exogenous carbonaceous matter in ancient martian sediments
- Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient
- Honoring the Reality of Blocky Hillslopes: Case Study of a Vertical Dike at Shiprock, New Mexico
- PBO H<SUB>2</SUB>O: Monitoring the Terrestrial Water Cycle with reflected GPS signals recorded by the Plate Boundary Observatory Network
- Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
- Proxy Constraints on a Warm, Fresh Late Cretaceous Arctic Ocean
- The role of hornblende in deep crustal seismic anisotropy: an investigation of the importance of deformation mechanisms
- Triple oxygen isotopes and clumped isotopes in modern vertebrate and dinosaur biominerals: Records of paleoecology, paleoaridity, and paleo-carbon-cycling
- A Comparison of the Seasonal Change of Albedo across Glaciers and Ice-Covered Lakes of the Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- Contrasts in Lower Crustal Structure and Evolution Between the Northern and Southern Rocky Mountains From Xenoliths and Seismic Data
- Crystal Chemistry of Minor Element Substitution in Clinoenstatite: Implications of Transition Metal Partitioning between Mantle Phases in the Transition Zone
- Depositional and Structural Controls on the Evolution of the Gas Hydrate Petroleum System in Green Canyon 955, Gulf of Mexico
- Exploring Iron Silicate Precursors of Ancient Iron Formations through Rock Record, Laboratory and Field Analogue Investigations
- Expression of Lithospheric Shear Zones in Rock Elasticity Tensors and in Anisotropic Receiver Functions and Inferences on the Roots of Faults and Lower Crustal Deformation
- Hillslope evolution in landscapes dominated by layered rocks
- Hyporheic Exchange in a Stream Dammed by Beaver: A 1D Simulation with Spatial Energy Head Gradients and Heterogeneous Hydraulic Conductivity as Drivers
- InSAR MSBAS Time-Series Analysis of Induced Seismicity in Colorado and Oklahoma
- Iron availability influences <SUP>15</SUP>N-isotope fractionation during nitrogen fixation by aerobic chemoheterotroph Azotobacter vinelandii
- Modeling Unsaturated-Saturated Coupled Heat and Groundwater Transport in a Warming Watershed with Seasonal Frozen Ground and Snowmelt
- Revisiting the question of recycled (MIF) sulfur in sulfide inclusions from diamond
- Stability, Composition, and Crystal Structure of DHMS Phase E in the Transition Zone
- Active Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Serpentinization Fluids of the Semail Ophiolite in Oman
- Calculating the spatio-temporal variability of bedrock exposure on seasonal hydrograph timescales as a prerequisite to modeling bedrock river evolution
- Characterizing Dissolved Organic Matter and Metabolites in an Actively Serpentinizing Ophiolite Using Global Metabolomics Techniques
- Constraining the thermal conditions of impact environments through integrated low-temperature thermochronometry and numerical modeling
- Cryptic Carbonate Alteration in Orogenic Sedimentary Basins: Saving the Signal
- Distributions of high-velocity lower crust and seismic anisotropy across the continental U.S.: Integration of seismic, xenolith, and surface geologic data to address lithospheric dynamics and history
- Examining the role of Coulomb static stress transfer in injection-induced seismicity: a generic modeling approach
- Future Freshwater Stress on Small Islands: Population, Aridity and Global Warming Targets
- InSAR Time Series Analysis of Dextral Strain Partitioning Across the Burma Plate
- Induced Seismicity in Greeley, CO: The Effects of Pore Pressure on Seismic Wave Character
- Integrated EBSD Modelling of Seismic Anisotropy for a Major Deep Crustal Shear Zone
- Iron Sulfide Minerals Record Microbe-Mineral Interactions in Anoxic Environments
- Isotopic composition of reduced and oxidized sulfur in the Canary Islands: implications for the mantle S cycle
- Late Quaternary Surface Displacement Across a Normal-Fault Structural Boundary on the Northern Lost River Fault Zone (Idaho, USA)
- Mono Lake sediments preserve a record of recent environmental change
- Patchy distribution of magma that fed the Bishop Tuff supereruption: Evidence from matrix glass major and trace-element compositions
- Preliminary biological sampling of GT3 and BT1 cores and the microbial community dynamics of existing subsurface wells
- Role of North Indian Ocean Air-Sea Interaction in Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation
- Seismic anisotropy from cores of hydrated, deep crustal mafic shear zones: implications for the relationship between strain, deformation mechanisms, and anisotropy magnitude
- Seismic anisotropy in the continental crust: Using rock elastic tensors to inform seismic inversion
- Spatial and temporal patterns of fault creep across an active salt system, Canyonlands National Park, Utah
- The 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and the Structure of a Himalayan Intracontinental Subduction Channel From Geodesy, Seismicity, and Seismic Imaging
- The AGU Hydrology Student Subcommittee (H3S) - fostering the Fall Meeting experience for young hydrologists
- The self-organization of snow surfaces and the growth of sastrugi
- δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Carbonate Clumped Isotopes as Proxies of Lake Level Change: Mono Lake Modern Sediments Inform Pleistocene Interpretations
- A Global Analysis of the Role of Wildfires on Landslide Susceptibility
- A Voyage into Central Colorado Crust: Linking Seismic Anisotropy and Surface Geology
- A change in silicic acid concentrations across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary? A look from δ<SUP>30</SUP>Si of sponge spicules via SIMS
- A new coupling mechanism between Southeast Indian Ocean and tropical Pacific
- Abundant Late-Stage Andraditic Garnet in Actively Serpentinizing Mantle Rocks in Oman and its Implications for Microbial Habitability
- Alteration of the a-70 "gatekeeping" residue of the Mo-nitrogenase active site increases cellular scale nitrogen isotope fractionation during biological nitrogen fixation
- An Active Deep Subsurface Microbiome Supported by C1 Products of Serpentinization in the Samail Ophiolite
- Are offset channels accurate representations of strike-slip fault displacement? Implications from landscape evolution modeling
- Assessing Accessibility Climate: What undergraduates think about accessibility in the geoscience classroom
- Beaver Ponds are a Major Contributor to Surface Water Storage in the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest, Laramie Ranger District, WY, USA
- Beyond the Water Cooler: Networking Lessons Learned by the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S)
- Biological methane cycling in serpentinization-impacted fluids of the Samail ophiolite of Oman
- Brucite as an Important Sink and Source of Fe(II) During Low-Temperature Serpentinization
- Building a better model for self-organized snow : lessons from a computer/geo-science collaboration
- Building a decision-making framework for operational landslide monitoring: Evaluating radar, lidar and UAV methods to monitor slope stability.
- Cloud Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Implications for Future Feedbacks in the CESM1 Climate Model
- Cretaceous syntectonic sedimentation and folding in the Diamond Mountains, eastern Nevada: a record of out-of-sequence contractional deformation in the Sevier hinterland
- Decadal variability of the Mindanao Current during 1960-2010
- Developing a multiport storage device for soil water vapor
- Do Climate Models Properly Represent Atmospheric Rivers in East Antarctica?
- Earthquake interactions in the Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, USA
- Establishing the Contiguity of an Exhumed Orogenic Crustal Cross Section in Southwestern Montana, USA
- Evaluating the Impact of Educational Activities on Student Engagement in Climate Science Using Galvanic Hand Sensors
- Fluid infiltration promotes both ductile and brittle deformation within the deep crust: Examples from Southwestern Montana and the Central Alps
- From scallops to flatirons: planview patterns in layered landscapes
- Ice shelf shear margins and sub-ice-shelf channels: Investigating stability impacts on Pine Island Glacier
- Identifying subsurface biologically-mediated processes occurring during modern water/rock interaction in the Samail ophiolite
- Identifying the spatial impact and temporal legacy of a single extreme warm event on the runoff generation efficiency of glaciers in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Increasing Inclusion and Accessibility in Undergraduate Geology Labs Through Scenario-Based TA Training
- Instantaneous glacier loss through catastrophic collapse at Flat Creek glacier: disentangling the roles of climate, geology and glacier dynamics in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska
- Intraseasonal variability of the Equatorial Undercurrent in the Indian Ocean
- Introduction to the Oman Drilling Project
- Mapping modification of deep crustal structure in the Wyoming province using xenoliths, crystalline basement exposures, and receiver functions
- Microbial sulfate reduction in the actively serpentinizing peridotite of the Semail Ophiolite, Oman
- Oblique view through Big Sky orogenic crust in southwestern Montana and potential relations to geophysical structure of northern Wyoming cratonic margin
- Origin and Cycling of Methane and Short Chain Alkanes in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
- Over, Under, or Through: How the leakiness of a beaver dam influences groundwater-surface water interactions
- Palustrine environments of the Early Cretaceous 'Nevadaplano' record warm and wet conditions
- Regional tropical expansion—forced, unforced, and observed.
- River channel lowering by upstream migration of bedrock steps
- Seasonal shifts in solute flux and water source chemistry in a coastal glaciated watershed undergoing rapid change: Wolverine Glacier Watershed, Alaska
- Sedimentology Of Hurricane Irma Deposits On A Modern Carbonate Platform
- Subsurface Cycling of Nitrogen in the Actively Serpentinizing Samail Ophiolite, Oman
- The effect of time-averaging on water isotope-temperature relationships
- The growth of aeolian snow features
- Tropical Meridional Overturning Circulation Observed by Subsurface Moorings in the Western Pacific
- Untangling the Roles of Membrane Transport and Enzymatic Variation in Denitrification Isotope Effects
- Variable Thresholds in Rivers: Causes and Effects
- Variations in Stable Isotope Composition of Great Salt Lake Carbonate: is There a Microbial Impact on the Sedimentary Record?
- A new application of tracer-based methods to quantify nutrient uptake in the supraglacial drainage network of a cold-based Antarctic glacier
- A preliminary Cenozoic record of terrestrial polar amplification in south-central Alaska
- Aleatoric variance of lateral offsets: Evidence from landscape evolution models with a comparison to historic strike-slip ruptures
- Anomalous behavior from common conditions: rheological evolution of a pseudotachyltye-bearing deep crustal shear zone
- Assessing how mid-latitude North America responded to a warmed Cretaceous climate using stable single and clumped isotope geochemistry
- Astrobiology Learning Progressions: a Tool for Scientists and Educators to Plan and Conduct Education and Outreach
- Biomarker evidence for ecological and environmental stress across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary at the Levanto section in Northern Peru
- Catchment critical zone controls on groundwater contributions to surface water chemistry variability
- Climate change + AI: Tackling climate change with machine learning
- Cloud Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Implications for Future Feedbacks in the CESM1 Climate Model
- Complex Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Surface Elevation and Ice Mass Changes around GPS sites in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, Derived from High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models
- Cortical Stratigraphy of Ooids from Great Salt Lake, UT
- Coulomb Static Stress Transfer of the Pohang, South Korea Enhanced Geothermal Injection-Induced Earthquakes
- Crystal Structure and Compressibility of Fe - Mg Jeffbenite Synthesized at 15 GPa and 1200ºC
- Detailed simulations of spatial snow accumulation patterns and near surface snow properties in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- Diatoms Trace the Retention and Processing of Organic Matter in Hyporheic Sediments in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Ecophysiology of Ooid Microborings Excavated by Endolithic Cyanobacteria
- Field testing of the Soil Water Isotope Storage System (SWISS)
- Grain-Trapping by Microbial Mats—A Key Mechanism of Sediment Accumulation in Mangroves?
- Impact of an Extreme Precipitation Event on Soil Water Storage
- Impacts of Extreme Precipitation on Water in the Subsurface
- Implications of Giant Ooids for the Carbonate Chemistry of Early Triassic Oceans
- Improved DInSAR time series using high-resolution optical DEMs
- Increasing student engagement by incorporating authentic climate science research in the classroom
- Indian Ocean Warming Trend Reduces Pacific Warming Response to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases: An Interbasin Thermostat Mechanism
- Insights into terrestrial hydrology during the Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) using sphaerosiderites from the Wealden beds of Southern England
- Investigating the origin of the M<SUB>W</SUB> 5.5 Pohang, Korea, earthquake of November 15, 2017: the investigations and conclusions of the Overseas Research Advisory Committee (ORAC)
- Knick zone formation and migration by plucking of blocks at edges of steps
- Machine Learning Application to Sand Dune Model Prediction Using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- Microbial sulfate reduction rates in low temperature serpentinizing mantle rocks
- Misleading interpretations of weathered surfaces - using chemical and structural analysis of 3.7 billion year old proposed stromatolites to support an abiotic origin
- Offset channels are incomplete records of strike-slip fault displacement
- Paleoaltimetry of the Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau-A Review
- Photosynthetic Carbon Isotope Fractionation by Cyanobacteria
- Sand Dune Video Prediction: From Cellular Automaton to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
- Seismic Observations of Processes in Collisional Continental Lithosphere: Rheological Changes, Phase Changes, and Deformation
- Stable hydrogen isotope fractionation in archaeal glycerol tetraether lipids is largely independent from metabolism and culture conditions
- Stratigraphic Analysis of the Bahia Intraslope Basin, Offshore Northern Colombia
- The origin of the Mw 5.4 Pohang, Korea, earthquake of November 15, 2017 and search for faults in the drillhole cuttings
- The role of oceanic processes in the initiation of boreal winter intraseasonal oscillations over the Indian Ocean
- Understanding how shifting climate regimes and glacier melt will influence dissolved organic carbon quantity and quality in southcentral Alaska
- A New Record of the ETM2 and H2 Hyperthermals from the Fifteenmile Creek Area (Bighorn Basin, Wyoming): Implications for the Terrestrial Preservation of Hyperthermals and Their Biotic Response
- A mixed-methods approach to assessing sub-seasonal retreat rates of retrogressive thaw slumps in the Eureka Area, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
- An automated approach to flood detection through a threshold based method and machine learning using Sentinel-1A/B SAR data
- An evaluation of uncertainty in extreme landslide-triggering precipitation
- Characterizing Contemporary Solid-Earth Deformation in West Antarctica Using High-Resolution Mass Load Changes
- Combining Geodetic Techniques to Predict Tidal Inundation at Coastal Megacities.
- Comparison of InSAR time series generation techniques as part of the collaborative GeoSciFramework research project
- Densification mechanisms of amorphous silicates: Implications for terrestrial planets
- Developing "Rule-of-Thumb" Uncertainties on α-ejection Corrections and eU for the Apatite (U-Th)/He Method Using Nano-CT
- Earth Observation (EO) based critical infrastructure exposure models and flood forecasting techniques for risk monitoring and management for the city of Vadodara, India
- Effect of Cinder Cone Lithology on Erosional Morphology in a Post-Fire Setting
- Estimating Uncertainties for Alpha-Ejection Corrections and eu Values for the Zircon U-Th Method
- Evolution of the crystal structure of hydrous wadsleyite at high pressure up to 33 GPa
- Greenland Icebergs as a source of sediment and micronutrients to the ocean domain
- Gutenberg-Richter distributions for individual faults in California
- IODP proposal for Bend-Fault Hydrology in the Old Incoming Plate (H-ODIN) using CHIKYU: Scientific objectives and drilling site & strategy
- Imaging the Lithosphere of the Colorado Plateau using Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
- Impact of Ice-Shelf Estuaries on Ice-Shelf Surface Drainage Efficiency
- Inherited tectonic grain in southern California inferred from receiver functions and seismicity and possible effects on present-day deformation
- Integrating experimental and geologic observations to provide constraints on viscous rheology: assessing the role of calcic-amphibole in lithospheric strength
- Interbasin and Multi-time Scale Interactions in generating the 2019 Extreme Indian Ocean Dipole
- Limited long-term impacts of wind farms on local meteorology
- MMI-Based Site Amplification Factors for USGS Earthquake Early Warning Algorithms
- Modeling Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a Semi-Arid, Montane Environment, Gordon Gulch, Colorado
- Modeling englacial sediment entrainment using spectral methods
- Modeling the Recent and Future Water and Sediment Discharge Regime of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta in Response to a Changing Climate
- Modeling the Seasonal Variability of Wind Farm Wakes
- Newly digitized structural data from the southern Appalachians and comparisons to subsurface anisotropy from seismic stations
- One Year of Continuous Biogeochemical Monitoring of Carbonate Factory Sites in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
- Paleoaltimetry estimates suggest low surface elevations for the mid-Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation within the Sevier hinterland
- Paleoclimatic and Environmental Reconstruction of Lacustrine Carbonates from the late Cretaceous to middle Eocene Sheep Pass Formation, Nevada
- Paragenetic history of multiple mineral phases in ooids from Great Salt Lake, UT
- Parallelized DInSAR Processing Using High-Performance Computing Techniques
- Rapid Flood Severity Classification and Alerting for the Spring 2020 Africa Floods: A Case Study
- Reevaluating the Elastic Response to Ice Mass Change in Antarctica
- Research Experiences in Solid Earth Science for Students (RESESS) Go Remote in 2020: Interns successfully conduct geoscience research projects and build community online
- Shortening episodes in the Sevier hinterland within the larger context of the Cordilleran retroarc thrust system: Insights from the Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation in central Nevada
- Should wind turbines rotate in the opposite direction? A parameter study, changing the rotational direction of a wind turbine under veering inflow
- Snow dune growth increases polar heat fluxes
- Soil and Air Temperature Calibrations Using Branched GDGTs for the Tropical Andes of Colombia: Towards a Pantropical Calibration.
- Strain and velocity across the Basin and Range derived from 15-ka fault slip rates: Implications for reconciling geologic and geodetic observations across the Walker Lane
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction of the State and Evolution of the North Pacific Jet Stream
- Subsurface Flow Response to an Extreme Precipitation Event
- Temporal Variations in Seismic Velocity via Ambient Noise Interferometry: Applications to Wastewater Injection and Induced Seismicity in Greeley, Colorado
- Temporal and Spatial Changes in Organic Matter Thermodynamics across Globally-Distributed River Corridors
- The Role of Atmospheric Stability on the Induction Zone of a Wind Farm
- The Spring 2020 Transition from In-Person to Remote Teaching & Learning in Geological Sciences, CU-Boulder: An Analysis of Instructors' and Students' Experiences
- Toward Entrainment Thresholds in Fluvial Plucking
- Toward Using Climate to Increase Lead-Time of a Malaria Early Warning System in Mozambique
- Using monazite geochronology to constrain timing of deformation within the Hell Roaring Creek Shear Zone, SW Montana
- Virtual LiDAR in WRF-LES