Western Washington University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Window Into Mantle Sources and Crustal Contamination in the Northern Cascade arc: Mafic Lavas From the Glacier Peak Area, Washington State
- Changes in Mirror Lake as a Result of the Diversion of Water From the Nooksack River
- Paleomagnetics and Tectonic Significance of Cretaceous Sedimentary Rocks in the Mitchell Inlier, Blue Mountains, Oregon
- A Detailed Geochemical Study of Island Arc Crust: The Talkeetna Arc Section, South-central Alaska
- Active Deformation at Canyonlands National Park: Distribution of Displacement Across Grabens Using InSAR
- Anisotropic Magnetic Susceptibility of Fault Rocks From Death Valley, CA: Comparison With Shape Preferred Orientation, and Implications for Kinematic Models of Brittle Foliation Development.
- Colonization by pioneer populations of ɛ-Proteobacteria and community succession at mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vents as determined by T-RFLP analysis
- Estimate of Plio-Pleistocene Dip-Slip Rates Using Offset Flood Basalts in the Northern Panamint Range and Darwin Plateau, California
- Improved Isolation of High-Temperature Paleomagnetic Components by Combined Low-Temperature and Thermal Demagnetization for Plutonic Rocks with Multicomponent Magnetization
- Paleomagnetism of the Mt. Stuart Batholith Revisted Again: What Has Been Learned in the 30 Years After Beck and Noson 1972?
- Comparing magnetic and clast fabric in gouge and breccia from the Black Mountain detachments, Death Valley, CA: Implications for the micro-mechanics and kinematics of shallow crustal shear zones.
- Distribution of Displacement Across Canyonlands Grabens Using GPS and InSAR
- Hydrothermal Venting in the Southern Most Portion of the Mariana Backarc Spreading Center at 12.57 Degrees N
- Paleomagnetism of Eocene Intrusive Rocks, Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming
- Paleomagnetism of the Upper Cretaceous Units of the Gold Beach Terrane, Southwest Coastal Oregon
- Rock Magnetic and HRTEM Study of Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticles
- Testing for compaction-shallowing, and tectonic implications of the paleomagnetism of the late Cretaceous sediments of the Gualala Block, northern California
- The Beaverhead Impact Structure: Discovery and Investigation of an Allocthonous Impact Structure in SW Montana
- A Community-based Education Project: Intertidal Surveys With Student and Adult Volunteers
- Epsilon-Proteobacterial Dominance in Microbial Mats Located at the Champagne Hydrothermal Vent Site on NW Eifuku Volcano, Mariana Arc
- Glacier Shrinkage and Effects on Alpine Hydrology
- Magnetic Properties and Paleointensity of a Mid-Miocene Gabbro from the Costa Rica Accretionary Wedge, ODP Leg 170
- Magnetostratigraphy and Rotation of Pleistocene Sedimentary Rocks in the San Jacinto Fault zone, Western Salton Trough, CA.
- Modeling of 6-line Ferrihydrite Low-Temperature Magnetic Properties for Environmental Change Studies
- Onset and Multiple Fluctuations of Holocene Glaciation in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Preliminary Magnetostratigraphic Study of the Split Mountain and Lower Imperial Groups, Split Mountain Gorge, Western Salton Trough, CA
- Testing Environmental Records From Ice Cores of a Temperate Alpine Glacier
- Undergraduate Student Research with the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program on Expedition 301
- Using Digital Time-Lapse Videos to Teach Geomorphic Processes to Undergraduates
- A New Curriculum For a Lab-Based Course in Introductory Earth Science: the Combined Effort of a Regional University and Local Community Colleges in the North Cascades Olympic Science Partnership.
- Effects of hydrothermal alteration on the magnetic mineralogy of mid-ocean ridge basalts, IODP Site 1301B, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Extreme Spatial Variability in Microbial Mat Communities from Submarine Hydrothermal Vents Located at Multiple Volcanoes along the Mariana Island Arc
- Mariana Forearc Serpentine Mud Volcanoes Harbor Novel Communities of Extremophilic Archaea
- Role of a unique population of lithotrophic, Fe-oxidizing bacteria in forming microbial Fe-mats at the Loihi Seamount.
- Rotation of Plio-Pleistocene Sedimentary Rocks in the Fish Creek Vallecito Basin, Western Salton Trough, CA
- Sources of Plutonic Rocks From the Westernmost Talkeetna Island arc: Fractionation of Mantle-derived Magmas and Intracrustal Melting
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Microbial Communities from Pre- and Post-Eruption Microbial Mats Collected from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
- Active Faulting at the Northeast Margin of the Greater Puget Lowland: A Paleoseismic and Magnetic-Anomaly Study of the Kendall scarp, Whatcom County, Northwest Washington
- Alpine ice core records from Pacific North America
- Assessing Gravity Changes at Mt. Baker, WA, 1975-2006
- Associations between Tree Growth, NDVI, and Climate in Boreal Forests
- Basaltic substrate composition affects microbial community development and acts as a source of nutrients in the deep biosphere
- Chronostratigraphy of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, SW Salton Trough: A High-Fidelity Record of Slip on the West Salton Detachment Fault and Subsidence in its Upper Plate
- Evolution of Rotations in the Fish Creek Vallecito Basin, Western Salton Trough, CA
- Future Edifice Collapse as a Result of Active Hydrothermal Alteration and Geologic Structure at Mt. Baker, Washington
- Late Quaternary Deformation Along the Wairarapa Fault, North Island, New Zealand
- Magnetic Fabrics and Paleomagnetism of Sedimentary Rocks: Examining Effects of Compaction and Deformation
- Photogrammetric Analysis of the Current Dome-Building Eruption of Mount St. Helens Volcano
- Techniques for Measuring Lava Dome Growth During the 2004 2006 Eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington
- The Extrusion of Alaska: Past, Present, and Future
- The West Salton Detachment Fault, Salton Trough, California: a Primary Low-Angle Normal Fault in an Evolving Dextral Wrench Zone
- Transpressional deformation style and AMS fabrics adjacent to the southernmost segment of the San Andreas fault, Durmid Hill, CA
- Trends in satellite observed circumpolar photosynthetic activity since 1981
- Why do some ice avalanches give warning prior to failure?
- Will Somebody do the Dishes? Weathering Analogies, Geologic Processes and Geologic Time
- An Examination of the Morphology and Petrology of the Ring Creek Lava Flow, South-West British Columbia, Canada
- Bacterial Diversity and Spatial Variability Found in a Mn-Fe Oxide Encrusted Microbial Mat From the 5000 Meter-Deep Hydrothermal Vent 'Ula Nui, Hawaii
- Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron Isotopes at Loihi Seamount
- Characterizing Magmatic Activity at Mount Baker, Washington With Inversion of Slope Distance Data.
- Interspecific Variation in Tree Growth Response to 20th Century Climate Variability in the Circumpolar Boreal Forest
- Low-Cost Photogrammetric Technique Used to Measure Dome Growth at Mount St. Helens Volcano, 2007-2007
- Neoglacial fluctuations of Deming Glacier, Mt. Baker, Washington USA.
- New stratigraphic constraints on Holocene glacier advances at Mt. Baker, Washington
- Preliminary Results From a Temporary Seismic Network at Mt. Baker, Washington
- Revisiting the Paleomagnetism of the Ghost Rocks Formation of the Kodiak Islands, Alaska
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Microbial Communities from Pre- and Post-Eruption Microbial Mats Collected from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii: An Update
- The Origin and Evolution of a Diverse Suite of Late Pleistocene Andesitic to Dacitic Lavas From the Northern Cascade arc at Mt. Baker, Washington.
- Whither Dendroclimatology?
- Zeta-Proteobacteria dominate the formation of microbial mats in low-temperature hydrothermal vents at Loihi Seamount
- Assessing the Extent of Sediment Contamination Around Creosote-treated Pilings Through Chemical and Biological Analyses
- Estimates of Gas Flux From Infrasonic Recordings of Vulcanian Blasts at Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- New Geomorphic map of SW Fraser Lowland, NW Washington, Shows Multiple Post-LGM Moraines, Fossil Shorelines, Outburst Flood and Glacial Outwash Features
- Paleomagnetism and Magnetostratigraphy of Late Cenozoic Sedimentary Rocks in the Western Salton Trough, CA
- Paleomagnetism of the Paleocene Ghost Rocks, Kodiak Islands, Alaska: Implications for Paleocene Pacific-Basin/North America Plate Configurations
- Plio-Quaternary detrital Be-10 paleo-erosion rates from the eastern Peninsular Ranges, California
- Preliminary Pliocene-Pleistocene Stable-Isotope and Paleosol Data From the Fish Creek- Vallecito Basin, Southern California: Insights Into Paleoclimate From Pedogenic Carbonate
- Relating Forage-Fish use With Spatial and Temporal Variability of Particle-Size Distributions of Mixed Grain-Size Beaches in the Elwha and Dungeness Drift Cells , Central Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington State.
- Solar Influence on Recurring Global, Decadal, Climate Cycles Recorded by Glacial Fluctuations, Ice Cores, Sea Surface Temperatures, and Historic Measurements Over the Past Millennium
- The Polaris Project: Rising Stars in the Arctic
- Turning Equations Into Stories: Using "Equation Dictionaries" in an Introductory Geophysics Class
- Using 'How People Learn' as a Blueprint for Developing Teaching Strategies in an Introductory Geology Course
- Using Dendrochronology and Remote Sensing to Assess Lake Drainage Rates of Pan- Arctic Lakes
- Vertical Stratification of Composition, Density, and Inferred Magmatic Processes in Exposed Arc Crustal Sections
- Active Faulting Along the Saddle Mountain fault zone, Southeast Olympic Mountains,WA
- An Unusual Cluster of Low-Frequency Earthquakes at Mount Baker, Washington, as Detected by a Local Broadband Network
- An anomalous swarm of low-frequency events at Mount Baker, Washington, June-August 2009
- Application of Absorption Spectrophotometry to Study the Seasonal Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Arctic Streams
- Assessing biogeochemical cycling and transient storage of surface water in Eastern Siberian streams using short-term solute additions
- Bioavailability of organic matter in aquatic environments throughout Siberia’s Kolyma River watershed during summer baseflow
- Biogeography of Thermococcus isolates from five geographically isolated hydrothermal vent systems
- Community Analysis of Dynamic Microbial Mat Communities from Actively Erupting Seamounts (Invited)
- Emerging biogeography of the newly discovered Zetaproteobacteria
- Expectations and reality for high latitude versus high elevation global change (Invited)
- Paleomagnetic Data From the Rinconada Fault in Central California: Evidence for Off-fault Deformation
- Paleomagnetism of the Becker Peak stock
- Ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in waters throughout the Kolyma River basin, East Siberia
- Building Topographically Modified Tree-Ring Chronologies from High Elevation Bristlecone Pine in the White Mountains of California, USA
- Characterizing Deformation at Kettleman Hills North Dome, Central California Using Paleomagnetism and Structural Analysis
- Dispersion of the Geomagnetic Field Caused by Secular Variation: Constraints From Sediment Cores From Around Antarctica
- Earth and Space Science in the new NRC "Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards"
- Geomagnetic Excursions recorded from a sediment core from the Great Barrier Reef, IODP Expedition 325, Australia
- Geoscientific Data Types Used to Support Geothermal Exploration at Akutan, Alaska: An Analysis of Relative Effectiveness in Thermal Gradient Well Targeting
- Ground penetrating radar survey of the ice-filled active crater of Mount Baker, Washington
- Hot Spots and Mantle Plumes: A Window Into the Deep Earth and a Lesson on How Science Really Works
- Improving Student Understanding of Geological Rates via Chronotopographic Analysis
- Intersecting kink bands quantified by laser scanning and differential geometry
- Magnetostratigraphy and Block Rotation of the Canyon Sin Nombre Area, Western Salton Trough, CA
- Magnetostratigraphy of ANDRILL Core AND-2A, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Microbial respiration and DOC composition in leachates from Holocene and Pleistocene soils from the Kolyma River basin in Eastern Siberia
- Multimedia storytelling
- New Views of Earthquake Swarms at Lo`ihi Submarine Volcano, Hawai`i Using Cross-Correlation and Double Difference Locations
- New perspectives on the 2007 seismic swarm in the Anahim Volcanic Belt, British Columbia, from earthquake cross-correlation and high-resolution relocations
- Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism of remagnetized carbonate rocks from the Helena Salient, western Montana
- Potential of treeline bristlecone pine as a late Holocene climate record
- Quantifying Carbon Bioavailability in Northeast Siberian Soils
- Volatile contents in olivine-hosted melt inclusions from primitive magmas in the Northern Cascade arc
- Whole ecosystem approaches for assessing the coupling of N and P cycles in small streams
- 10Be-derived paleo-erosion rates recorded in the Fish Creek-Vallecito basin, California indicate no increase across the Plio-Pleistocene climate transition
- Age constraints for NanTroSEIZE sedimentary sequences: Drilling of Subduction input sediments and Mass transport deposits, IODP Expedition 333
- An ice core record of net snow accumulation and seasonal snow chemistry at Mt. Waddington, southwest British Columbia, Canada
- Building diversity in REU programs through MIMSUP at the Shannon Point Marine Center
- Carbon, Climate and Cameras: Showcasing Arctic research through multimedia storytelling
- Deep-Crustal Plutonism and the Development of Arc Magmatic Systems: Tenpeak Pluton, NW USA
- Forest browning suggests a large-scale decoupling of northern soil respiration from air temperature
- IODP Exp 331: Iron-oxidizing Bacteria from the Okinawa Trough Deep Subsurface Biosphere
- Igneous and metamorphic petrology in the field: a problem-based, writing-intensive alternative to traditional classroom petrology
- Lessons in divergence and convergence in marine and freshwater iron-oxidizing bacteria
- Long-term experiments to better understand soil-human interactions
- Paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic record from a sediment core from the Great Barrier Reef, IODP Expedition 325, Australia
- Paleomagnetism, Paleointensity, and Rock Magnetism of the 9.5 ka volcanics of Sulfur Creek, Mt. Baker, WA
- Promise and Pitfalls of Using Grain Size Analysis to Identify Glacial Sediments in Alpine Lake Cores.
- Response of soil microbial respiration to varying temperature and moisture in three soils from the Siberian Arctic
- Soil Carbon Distribution along a Hill Slope in the Siberian Arctic
- The Effects of Compaction on the Paleomagnetic Record from IODP Expedition 333, Nankai Trough and Shikoku Basin
- Utilizing Major Element and Age Zoning in Garnet as a Tool for Evaluating the Scale of Equilibrium in Metamorphic Rocks
- Volatile Contents in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Primitive Magmas in the Northern Cascade Arc
- A geochemical study of the Riddle Peaks Gabbro, North Cascades: Implications for amphibole accumulation in magmatic differentiation processes in the mid crust of an arc
- A new polythermal regime? An advection-dominated seasonally layered accumulation area at Mount Waddington, British Columbia
- Ambient noise tomography of Lo'ihi
- Climate Change and Cajander Larch Growth Response at Local and Regional Scales in Northeastern Siberia
- Comparing NDVI and observed stem growth and wood density in forests of Northern Eurasia
- Composition and Biolability of Dissolved Organic Matter Leached from the Dominant Endmembers of the Siberian Arctic
- Constraints on Cascadia Forearc Structure Off Washington From New Shipboard Gravity Data
- Evidence for Late Pliocene Orbital Modulation of Erosion Rates in Southern California
- Observations of Gas Emissions from Cascade Range Volcanoes (USA) using a Portable Real-Time Sensor Package and Evacuated Flasks
- Paleomagnetism, Paleointensity, and Rock Magnetism of the 301 ka andesites of Table Mountain, Mt. Baker, WA
- Paleotemperature from high elevation tree-ring width and treeline change over 4,500 years in the Great Basin, USA
- Petrology of Mafic Bodies Associated with the Eocene "A-type" Golden Horn Batholith, North Cascades, WA
- Preparing for a Professional Career in the Geosciences with AEG
- Quantifying Climate Thresholds for Bristlecone Pine Using Landscape Heterogeneity to Improve Climate Reconstructions from Tree Rings
- Structural and functional diversity of microbial communities beneath the hydrothermal vent at the Iheya North field of the Mid-Okinawa Trough (IODP Expedition 331)
- Surface Slip During Large Owens Valley Fault Earthquakes
- Acoustic and tephra records of explosive eruptions at West Mata submarine volcano, NE Lau Basin
- Characteristics of Offshore Hawai';i Island Seismicity and Velocity Structure, including Lo';ihi Submarine Volcano
- Contemporary vertical uplift and modulation of seismicity due to groundwater removal in the southern San Joaquin Valley of California
- Fe-oxidizing microbes are hydrothermal vent ecosystem engineers at the Loihi Seamount (Invited)
- Feedbacks Between Microenvironment and Plant Functional Type and Implications for CO2 Flux in Arctic Ecosystems
- Geothermal Drilling In The Aleutians Reveals New Insights On Volcanic History Of Akutan Volcano
- Hydroacoustic Recordings of Explosion-Induced Tremor at NW Rota-1 Volcano, Marianas
- Impacts of climate change on plant productivity in the Cajander larch woodlands of northeastern Eurasia
- Magnetostratigraphy and Paleocurrent Directions for the Upper Member of the Palm Spring Formation, Mecca Hills, CA
- Magnetostratigraphy and Paleomagnetism of the Palm Spring and Mecca Formations, Mecca Hills, CA: spatial variation of vertical axis rotation in the Coachella Valley
- Metagenomic Assembly of the Dominant Zetaproteobacteria in an Iron-oxidizing Hydrothermal Microbial Mat
- Optimization of DNA Extractions from Iron-rich Microbial Mats
- Permafrost carbon pools in a larch-dominated watershed in northeast Siberia
- Stratigraphic Record of Basin Formation, Deformation, and Destruction in the Past 2 Ma Along the Southern San Andreas Fault, Mecca Hills, California
- The Use of an Infrared Thermometer to Determine Surface Temperatures in Marine Macroalgae
- The quickening pace and widening scope of ecosystem transformation under climate change (Invited)
- Using fine-scale high-resolution sampling to link Fe oxide-dominated hydrothermal vent-generated microbial mat morphology with community structure composition at Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
- qPCR analysis of carbon, nitrogen, and arsenic cycling in Zetaproteobacteria-dominated microbial mats
- Advancing Climate Literacy through Investment in Science Education Faculty, and Future and Current Science Teachers: Providing Professional Learning, Instructional Materials, and a Model for Locally-Relevant and Culturally-Responsive Content
- An Investigation of Coastal Groundwater Discharge and Associated Nutrient Inputs Using Electrical Resistivity, Temperature, and Geochemical Tracer in Pescadero Lagoon, California
- Analysis of Submarine Landslides at West Mata Volcano, NE Lau Basin, Using Hydroacoustic Data
- Applications of Subspace Seismicity Detection in Antarctica
- Changes in Dissolved Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations Along a Hill Slope Flow Path in Siberian Arctic Tundra
- Characterizing Earthquake Clusters in Oklahoma Using Subspace Detectors
- Climate Change and Mountain Community Fire Management in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Differential Uplift and Incision of the Yakima River Terraces
- New Materials for the Undergraduate Classroom to Build Pre-Service Teachers' NGSS Skills and Knowledge
- Possible large-volume mafic explosive eruptions in the Izu arc recorded in IODP Site U1436
- River Antecedence and the Onset of Rapid Exhumation in the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis
- Subseafloor nitrogen redox processes at Loihi Seamount, Hawai
- The Role of Topoclimate in Explaining Abrupt Growth Thresholds of Bristlecone Pine in the White Mountains of California, USA
- Uplift and seismicity driven by groundwater depletion in central California
- Variability of the internal tide on the southern Monterey Bay continental shelf and associated bottom boundary layer sediment transport
- Visible to Near-IR Spectral Units Along the MSL Gale Crater Traverse: Comparison of In Situ Mastcam and Orbital CRISM Observations
- A Comparative Study of the 2011 and 2015 Eruptions of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, From Seafloor Hydrophones
- A Conceptual Model to Link Anomalously High Temperature Gradients in the Cerros del Rio Volcanic Field to Regional Flow in the Espanola Basin, New Mexico
- Along-arc Variations in Subduction Inputs and Mantle Source in Cascadia: Insights from Basaltic Arc Magmas
- Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia
- Authigenic Mineral Cycling in Roman Seawater Concrete with Campi Flegrei Pumiceous Ash Pozzolan
- Braided submarine channels produced with experiments suggest scale independent controls on planform morphology similar to rivers
- Characterization of Seasonally Dependent Emergent Vegetation Variables for Coastal Impact Models
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- Cluster analyses of 20th century growth patterns in high elevation Great Basin bristlecone pine in the Snake Mountain Range, Nevada, USA
- Coarse-grained fluvial lithofacies associated with the Paleocene/Eocene boundary in the Huerfano Basin, Colorado, USA.
- Community Structure Comparisons of Hydrothermal Vent Microbial Mats Along the Mariana Arc and Back-arc
- Complexities of Lu-Hf geochronology in convergent orogens
- Creating Next Generation Teacher Preparation Programs to Support Implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards in K-12 Schools: An Opportunity for the Earth and Space Sciences
- Effects of Emergent Vegetation on Sediment Dynamics within a Retreating Coastal Marshland
- Fluvial Record of Active Deformation Along the Canyon River Fault in the Wynoochee River Valley, WA
- Forecasting Ambient O3 Concentration Using Singular Spectrum Analysis
- Geochemical Relationships between Volcanic and Plutonic Upper to Mid Crustal Exposures of the Rosario Segment, Alisitos Arc (Baja California, Mexico): An Outstanding Field Analog to the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
- High-Sr Volcanic Domes from the Lassen Volcanic Region, Southernmost Cascade Arc, Northern California: Implications for Andesite and Dacite Magma Generation
- Impacts of Forecasted Climate Change on Snowpack, Glacier Recession, and Streamflow in the Nooksack River Basin
- Insights Into the Mineralogic Diversity of Lower Mount Sharp Units from Mars Science Laboratory Mastcam Multispectral Observations
- Laurentian and Baltican components of Terranes in NW Washington: Implications for Displacement of Paleozoic Terranes
- Looking for Larvae Above an Erupting Submarine Volcano, NW Rota-1, Mariana Arc
- Magma Differentiation Processes That Develop an "Enriched" Signature in the Izu Bonin Rear Arc: Evidence from Drilling at IODP Site U1437
- Mineral complexities as evidence for open-system processes in intermediate magmas of the Mount Baker volcanic field, northern Cascade arc
- Modeling Potential Climatic Treeline of Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in the Snake Mountain Range, Nevada, USA
- New Constraints on the Deposition and Alteration History of Mt. Sharp in Gale Crater, Mars
- Paleomagnetic Determination of Vertical-Axis Block Rotation and Magnetostratigraphy in the Coachella Valley, California
- Post-eruption colonization and community succession of hydrothermal microbial mats
- Response of deformation patterns to reorganizations of the southern San Andreas fault system since ca. 1.5 Ma
- Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
- Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars
- Steady, modest slip over multiple earthquake cycles on the Owens Valley and Little Lake fault zones
- Sub-glacial Origin of the Hot Springs Bay Valley hydrothermal System, Akutan, Alaska
- Surface Albedo Variations Across Opportunity's Traverse in Meridiani Planum
- The Success of Podcasting as a Success for Science Outreach
- The climate of the Last Glacial Maximum in south-eastern Australia
- Tidal Triggering and Statistical Patterns of Microseismicity at Axial Volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Using mineral geochemistry to decipher slab, mantle, and crustal inputs to the generation of high-Mg andesites from Mount Baker and Glacier Peak, northern Cascade arc
- Variability in Albedo Associated with Fire-Mediated Controls on Stand Density in Siberian Larch Forests
- Assessment Of Inclination Shallowing In Late-Cretaceous Turbidites, Ochoco Basin, Mitchell Inlier, Central Oregon.
- Differentiating Metamorphic Events in a Polymetamorphic Terrane using Zr-in-Ttn thermometry and Titanite U-Pb Geochronology
- Diversity and Petrogenesis of <4.4 Ma Rhyolites from the Izu Bonin Rear-Arc
- From the Slab to the Surface: Origin, Storage, Ascent, and Eruption of Volatile-Bearing Magmas in the Aleutian arc
- Geochemical Relationships between Middle- to Upper-Crustal Exposures of the Alisitos Oceanic Arc (Baja California, Mexico): An Outstanding Field Analog to Active Extensional Oceanic Arcs
- Identifying Threshold Temperatures Associated with Bristlecone Pine Growth Signals in the Great Basin, USA
- Lidar and paleoseismic trenching reveal first documentation of late Quaternary onshore faulting in the forearc of southwestern British Columbia
- Linking Particle Size Specific Measurements of Terrestrial and Marine Sediments to Understand the Deglacial Behavior of the Southern Greenland Icesheet since MIS12.
- MSL/Mastcam Multispectral Observations of Lower Mt. Sharp Units: Spectral Evidence of Distinct Alteration Environments
- Origin of the two scales of wind ripples on Mars
- Performing mineral hydration experiments in the CheMin diffractometer on Mars
- Retrograde lawsonite formation in the Franciscan subduction complex
- Run-Up to the 1999 Sub-Plinian Eruption of Shishaldin Volcano Unveiled Using Petrologic and Seismic Approaches
- Southern San Andreas Fault Slip History Refined Using Pliocene Colorado River Deposits in the Western Salton Trough
- Structure and Evolution of Hawaii's Loihi Seamount from High-resolution Mapping
- Testing the time dependence of slip on the West Klamath Lake fault zone
- The Upper- to Middle-Crustal Section of the Alisitos Oceanic Arc, (Baja, Mexico): an Analog of the Izu-Bonin-Marianas (IBM) Arc
- ASPIRE: Active Societal Participation in Research and Education
- Eelgrass Blue Carbon-Quantification of Carbon Stocks and Sequestration Rates in Zostera Marina Beds in the Salish Sea
- Effects of Forecasted Climate Change on Stream Temperatures in the Nooksack River Basin
- Interpreting the Dynamics of Submarine Landslides Through Hydroacoustic Modeling, West Mata Volcano, NE Lau Basin
- Investigating the early snowmelt of 2015 in the Cascade Mountains using new MODIS-based snowmelt timing maps
- Nitrogen Assessment in the Nooksack-Abbotsford-Sumas Transboundary Watershed
- Noble Gas Isotope Evidence for Mantle Volatiles in the Cu-Mo Porphyry and Main Stage Polymetallic Veins at Butte, Montana
- Opposing effects of fire severity on climate feedbacks in Siberian larch forests
- Sediment Accretion, Carbon Sequestration, and Resilience to Sea Level Rise in Natural and Recently Restored Tidal Marshes
- The Polaris Project: Undergraduate Research Catalyzing Advances in Arctic Science
- Towards a mechanistic understanding of the linkages between PETM climate modulation and stratigraphy, as discerned from the Piceance Basin, CO, USA
- 'A tale of two cities': Nitrogen inventories in the Nooksack-Fraser Transboundary Watershed
- Anatomy of exhumed river channel-belts
- Early snowmelt timing leads to divergent wildfire responses in vegetated ecosystems of western USA
- How did the 2018 Kilauea Eruption Affect the Volcano's Submarine South Flank? Preliminary Results From an Ocean Bottom Seismometer Deployment Offshore Kilauea.
- Microtexture Characterization in Hydrothermal Sinter Cores from Alaska
- Offshore Surveys of the Active Ocean Entry of the 2018 Lower Puna Eruption of Kilauea Volcano: Tracking Lava Delta Development
- Pilot Study Recommendations from the IRIS GSN Working Group on Long-Term Seafloor Seismographs
- Recent Advances in the Characterization of Light Absorbing Particles Using a Hyperspectral Imaging Microscope Spectrometer and a Scanning Electron Microscope
- Africa's Lithospheric Structure from R-Vp Stacking of Receiver Functions
- Biodiversity of Microbial Eukaryotes in Alpine Pink Snow Across Geographically Diverse Mountain Ranges
- Blue-stained Tree Rings in Ancient Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) as a Temperature Proxy
- ChemCam Visible/Near-infrared Spectra of Drill Tailings and Nontronite-bearing Rocks in the Northern Glen Torridon area, Gale Crater, Mars
- Clinopyroxene trace element chemistry as a proxy for magma compositional variations in the Izu Bonin rear arc over the last 15 million years
- D Oceanic Arc Crust Virtual Field Model: the Cretaceous Alisitos Arc (baja California) as a Reference Model for the Izu-Bonin Arc
- DeepClimGAN: A High-Resolution Climate Data Generator with Space, Time, and Inter-Variable Correlation
- Environmental magnetism and geochemical constraints on paleoprecipitation change during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Piceance Creek Basin, western Colorado
- Evolution of N-Izu Rear Arc Magmas After the Backarc Shikoku Basin Formed: Site U1437, IODP Exp. 350
- Field constraints from the Amazon basin reveal a rapid rate constant for oxidation of rock-derived organic carbon
- Glaciogenic sediment implicated in river bed elevation instability across the uplands of Washington State, USA
- Holocene Glacier Length Variations Along the American Cordillera from the <SUP>14</SUP>C-<SUP>10</SUP>Be Chronometer
- How is Helium Hosted in the Mantle? - A Case Study of Exhumed Peridotite from the Twin Sisters Ultramafic Complex
- How is flood risk connected to channel capacity in high sediment supply mountain basins?
- Hydroacoustic Recordings of Lava-Water Interactions and Landslides During the 2018 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano
- Hyperspectral Analysis of the Source-to-Sink System at Eberswalde Crater, Mars
- Identifying the Poisoned Chalice: Using Particle-Size Specific Magnetic Properties to Deconvolve Source from Transport on the Eirik Ridge, Labrador Sea (IODP Sites U1305 and U1306)
- Is it all garbage?: Using atmospheric reanalyses to assess seasonal ocean heat gain from the net surface flux.
- Lessons Learned From a Partnership for Indigenous Student Graduate Geoscience Education: Pulling Together in Shared Waters
- Mastcam Spectral Diversity Within Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars
- Molecular Paleontology of a 50 Million Year Old Forest
- Nitrogen budget of a forest-urban-agricultural Canada-USA transboundary watershed
- Promise and problems of real-time nitrate monitoring for watershed N budgets
- Quantifying the Impact of Local and Distal Aeolian Industrial Pollutants to the Foxfonna Ice Cap, Svalbard, Norway
- Seismic Signature of Highly Resistive South-Eastern North American Lithosphere
- Seismicity of the Kilauea Submarine South Flank Following the 2018 Eruption and Mw 6.9 Earthquake
- Simulating Downstream Impacts from Synthetic Sediment Pulses in the Nisqually River, WA Using a Lagrangian, Bed-material Sediment Transport Model
- Three Simultaneous and Distinct Across-Arc Magma Types in the <7 Ma Izu-Bonin Subduction Zone and Implications for Arc Crustal Growth
- Yak-dung burning influences refractory black carbon concentrations in seasonal snow at lower elevations of the Dudh Koshi River Basin of Nepal
- A 161-Year Experiment in Sediment Production, Storage, and Flux in a Small, Episodically Aggraded Mountain Catchment
- An Equitable Exchange
- An improved earthquake catalog during the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano eruption from combined onshore and offshore seismic arrays
- Downscaling climate in complex terrain with temperature sensor networks: deployment and data analysis challenges
- Effects of Annual Snowpack Variability on Alpine Snow Algae Communities in the Cascade Mountains
- Explaining patterns of biodiversity across spatial scales with improved detection and attribution of disturbances
- Magmatic diversity as an indicator of changing tectonics in the post-Oligocene Izu-Bonin Arc
- Misplaced Miocene: high-resolution radiolarian biostratigraphy at DSDP's Site 504
- Reconstructing the Fluvial History of Antoniadi Crater: Evidence for Noachian and Amazonian Stream Networks on Mars
- Sediment Dynamics Within an Urbanized Pacific Northwest Estuarine Embayment
- Simulated sediment-pulse dynamics in a gravel-bedded mountain river
- Survival of the strong, slow, and dense: Field evidence for rapid, transport-dependent bed material abrasion of heterogeneous source lithology
- Surviving Fieldwork: Systematic Review of Trends in Fieldwork Risk and Safety Studies of Anthropological Research
- The Living Snow Project: Citizen Science Program for Alpine Outdoor Recerationalists
- Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Glen Torridon and Greenheugh Pediment areas, Gale Crater, Mars
- West Mata Submarine Volcano, NE Lau Basin: Eruption Evolution Using Hydroacoustic and Video Data
- 4CAST Gofar: New Observations of Structure, Tectonics, Magmatism, and Hydrothermal Activity within the Gofar Transform Fault
- A Mastcam-Z View of Regolith at Jezero Crater: Textural and Spectral Properties
- A critical evaluation of sub-annual coral data as a proxy for marine heatwaves in recent centuries
- Advancing coastal hazard modeling with satellite data integration and assimilation
- Aseismic Movement of Gofar Transform Fault may be Aided by Formation of Clay-Bearing Basaltic Breccias
- Characterizing Potential Rock Coatings at the Perseverance Rover Landing Site: A Multispectral Analysis with Mastcam-Z
- Contextualizing the 2021 M8.2 Chignik and 2020 M7.8 Simeonof earthquakes: Background seismicity detected by the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
- Correlations Between Lava Flux and Explosive Lava-Water Interactions at Kilauea Volcano, Based on Hydroacoustic Data
- Crustal Deformation and Fault Zone Architecture Along the Queen Charlotte Fault, Offshore Southeast Alaska, Using Long-Offset Multichannel Seismic Data from the Transform Obliquity on the Queen Charlotte fault and Earthquake Study (TOQUES)
- Diffusive Re-equilibration of Water and Oxygen Fugacity in Natural Olivine Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Geologic and Textural Variability of Surface Materials in Jezero Crater as Observed by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mastcam-Z Instruments
- Hydroacoustic Observations of Long-Term Trends in Eruptive Activity at West Mata Submarine Volcano, NE Lau Basin
- Identifying slab-derived volatile contributions and mantle source heterogeneity beneath the Washington Cascades
- Impacts of disturbance regime on biodiversity varies by taxa: Insights from Landsat, NEON, and historical records
- Insights into strain-partitioning along a continental-oceanic transform from comprehensive marine seismic imaging of the Queen Charlotte Fault, offshore western Canada and southeast Alaska
- Long-lived, variable-composition crystal mushes beneath a Cascade volcano, evidence from crystal clots and phenocrysts in Koma Kulshan (Mt. Baker) lavas, northern Cascade Arc
- Molecular-scale Characterization of the Nanogeochemical Environment in Soils and Surface Waters to Measure the Impacts of Climate Change on Trace Elements in Boreal Ecosystems
- New Insights on Strain-Partitioning Along the Southern Queen Charlotte Fault, Offshore Haida Gwaii, Canada, from 2021 Multi-Channel Seismic Reflection Imaging
- Observations of High-frequency Energy from the 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake on a Hydrophone Streamer
- Observations of the Jezero Crater Delta Front by Perseverance Cameras
- Possible constraints on future regional warming from past interglacial temperatures
- Reidentifying the Sources of Tephra in the Izu-Bonin Arc: Recognizing Rear Arc (RASC-type) Volcanism from 1.1 2.7 Ma.
- Searching for dynamic triggering on the central Queen Charlotte Fault following the July 28th 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake using a dense short period OBS array
- Seismicity and structure of the Queen Charlotte plate boundary: insights from earthquake relocations and seismic tomography
- Spectral Properties of Diagenetic Features Near the Clay-Sulfate Transition In Mt. Sharp
- Spectral diversity in the Western Delta Fan exposures in Jezero crater, Mars, as seen with Mastcam-Z on the Perseverance rover mission
- The Impact of Observational Errors on the Optimization of GCM Free Parameters
- The Living Snow Project: citizen science program to generate large spatial and temporal datasets of snow microbiomes
- The search for sulfates: Using Mastcam visible to near-infrared spectroscopy to identify sulfates and other hydrated minerals in Gale crater, Mars.
- Trends and variability of tropical Pacific hydroclimate reconstructed with coral paleo-data assimilation
- Unlearning Racism in Geosciences: A Case Study from the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- Using microearthquakes to investigate the earthquake preparation process at the Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise
- Variations in Earthquake Stress Drop on Gofar Transform Fault at the End of the 2008 and 2020 Seismic Cycles
- Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Central Glen Torridon and Mont Mercou areas, Gale Crater, Mars
- What Counts as Unrest? Exceptionally High Rates of Background Seismicity at Gareloi Volcano, Alaska During a Period of Volcanic Quiescence
- 2D Tomography Across the Queen Charlotte Fault North of Haida Gwaii, British Columbia: Addressing the Question of Pacific Underthrusting
- A Multi-Instrument Study of Regolith at Jezero Crater
- A Novel Approach to Quantify Bedrock Fracture Density in Glaciated Environments and Improve Glacial Erosion Models Using Drone Imagery
- Analysis of an Earthquake Cluster outboard of Kodiak Island, AK and its Tectonic Implications
- Black carbon concentrations in surface snow and ice in the Arctic and modeled biomass burning smoke deposition fluxes
- Calibrating a proxy for North Pacific marine heatwaves from individual foraminifera oxygen isotope composition
- Conditional Emulation of Global Precipitation with Generative Adversarial Networks
- Crustal structure crossing the Queen Charlotte Fault and Trough in the region of the Haida Gwaii 2012 M7.9 Thrust Earthquake using P-wave tomography
- Earthquake detection in subduction zones: Transfer learning with amphibious data from the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
- Emplacement History of Lava Flows of the Máaz Formation on the Jezero Crater Floor: Geochronological Significance and Relationship with the Delta
- Engaging students in Polar Science: New undergraduate-level curriculum combines polar field data, 360-degree virtual experiences and GIS to transport students to Greenland
- Exploring Olivine in Astromaterials: Classification of Chondritic Components based on Major/Minor Oxides and Oxygen Isotopes.
- Exploring Past Aqueous Alteration in Jezero crater Samples Using Reactive Transport Modeling
- Explosion monitoring on planetary surface with atmosphere: comparison between Mars and Earth.
- Fault Zone Architecture Across the 2013 M7.5 Craig Earthquake Region from P-wave Tomography Using TOQUES Experiment Data
- Fine-Scale Sedimentary Architecture of the Jezero Western Delta Front
- Investigating Kilauea's 2018 Offshore Lava Emplacement Through Hydroacoustic Data
- Location of Meteoroid Impacts on Mars Using Seismic and Acoustic Waves Data From InSight
- New Seismic Reflection Imaging of Crustal Deformation in the Queen Charlotte Terrace, offshore Haida Gwaii, Canada
- Oceanographic Variability in the Rapidly Warming Coastal Mid-Atlantic (USA) over the last 200 years: Insights from Shell-Based Geochemistry and Growth Histories
- Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity and Attenuation Tomography of Alaska using the EarthScope Transportable Array
- Reconstructing Temperature Variability in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Over the Last 150 Years Using Clam Shell Oxygen Isotopes and High-Resolution Ocean Models
- Relating Seasonal Hypoxia and Nitrogen Fluxes in Hood Canal, WA.
- Rock Coatings at Jezero Crater: Recent Observations from the Perseverance Rover
- Seismotectonics of the Easternmost Segment of Gofar Transform Fault
- Snow Algae and Light Absorbing Particles in the Changing Alpine Cryosphere
- Spectral Diversity in the Western Delta Fan in Jezero Crater, Mars, as Seen with Mastcam-Z on the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
- Strain Partitioning and the Accommodation of Oblique Convergence Along the Northern Queen Charlotte Fault
- Tectonics and structure offshore the Canadian Cordillera: Insights into strain-partitioning along the Queen Charlotte Fault from comprehensive marine seismic imaging
- Temperature and pH Effects on Growth of Four Commercially-Important Bivalve Species
- The Influence of Caribbean Current Eddies on the Panama-Colombia Gyre
- The surface expression of the Gofar oceanic transform fault, East Pacific Rise using newly acquired, 1m-resolution multibeam bathymetry from AUV Sentry
- Thrust earthquake on a transform boundary? Investigating the seismicity and structure of the Queen Charlotte plate boundary using 20+ years of seismic data
- Transport Mechanisms of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen in Hood Canal
- Wetlands in a Changing World: Processes, Feedbacks and the Climate Benefits of Wetlands
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. J. Brown
- Abigail A. Fraeman
- Alan D. Wanamaker
- Alia L. Khan
- Alicia Vaughan
- Alison E. Murray
- Allan H. Treiman
- Amy J. Williams
- Andrew Annex
- Andrew Gase
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Anna Horleston
- Anne Gold
- Arya Udry
- B. Banerdt
- B. Horgan
- B. J. Phrampus
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. P. Weiss
- B. Williams
- Ben Kravitz
- Benjamin Fernando
- C. A. Dalton
- C. G. Barcheck
- C. Keegan
- C. M. Dundas
- C. Morrill
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- Carène Larmat
- Casey Saenger
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Cecilia Durán
- Christian Tate
- Christophe Prigent
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- Christopher R. German
- Claudia Tebaldi
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Curt D. Storlazzi
- Daniel S. Brothers
- E. A. Cloutis
- E. Cardarelli
- Eva L. Scheller
- G. A. Abers
- Geno Pawlak
- Gregory J. Hakim
- Gregory S. Elsaesser
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- Heidi M. Dierssen
- I. J. Daubar
- J. A. Collins
- J. D. Tarnas
- J. Gong
- J. J. McGuire
- J. M. Warren
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. R. Johnson
- Jennifer S. Fehrenbacher
- Jorge Núñez
- Joshua Russell
- Juan Manuel Madariaga
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- K. H. Williford
- K. J. Walowski
- K. L. Siebach
- Kathleen C. Benison
- Katrina L. Poppe
- Kelin Wang
- Kerstin Lehnert
- L. L. Worthington
- Li H. Erikson
- Lucia Profeta
- Léo Martire
- M. A. L. Walton
- M. A. Mischna
- M. C. Malin
- M. D. Behn
- M. E. Banks
- M. G. Bostock
- M. Golombek
- M. N. Hughes
- M. P. Panning
- M. Pajola
- M. R. Nedimović
- M. T. Lemmon
- Marcus van Lier-Walqui
- Mark A. Sephton
- Maryjo Brounce
- María Paz Zorzano
- Matthieu Plasman
- Michael M. Tice
- Michael Wolff
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. Mangold
- N. Stein
- Natalia Wójcicka
- Nathaniel C. Miller
- Nicholas J. Tosca
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Nina M. Whitney
- P. Corlies
- P. Lognonné
- Patrick L. Barnard
- Peng Xian
- Phoebe L. Zarnetske
- R. A. Yingst
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. M. E. Williams
- R. Merrill
- R. P. Barnes
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Robert Evans
- Robert Sullivan
- Roger C. Wiens
- S. A. Fagents
- S. F. Sholes
- S. J. C. Oliva
- S. M. Morrison
- Sabrina Ménina
- Sara C. Sanchez
- Sara Knox
- Scott M. McLennan
- Simon C. Stähler
- Spruce W. Schoenemann
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Susanne M. Straub
- T. A. Morrow
- T. A. Scambos
- Tianhaozhe Sun
- Tom Pike
- Twila Moon
- V. Z. Sun
- Wenyuan Fan
- William Shotyk
- William W. Chadwick
- Yajing Liu
- Zongbo Xu
- É. Beucler