Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois
flowchart I[Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1068)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (242)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- Argonne National Laboratory, High Energy Physics Division
- Argonne National Laboratory, Physics Division
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Global Emission Inventory of Black Carbon and Primary Organic Carbon from Fossil-Fuel and Biofuel Combustion
- Airborne Measurements of NMHCs, O3, CO and Aerosol Scatter in the Northeastern Pacific During the Spring of 2001 PHOBEA-II Campaign
- An Analysis of Key Feedbacks Between the Chemistry of Atmospheric Methane and Future Climate Change
- CFORS - Regional Chemical and Weather Forecast System in Support of Field Experiments
- Colloid-Facilitated Radionuclide Transport at the Potential Yucca Mountain Repository
- Experimental study on the lattice dynamics of iron at high pressures and high temperatures
- Identification and Imaging of Fe-Bearing Minerals in Pelagic Limestone Using Synchrotron Micro-XRF and Micro-XAFS
- Microbes make average 2 nanometer diameter crystalline UO2 particles.
- Modeling and Analysis of the Water Cycle: Seasonal and Event Variability at the Walnut River Research Watershed
- Nanoscale Structure at Mineral-Fluid Interfaces
- A Box-Model Analysis of Ozone Production Potential as a Function of Source Region in the Houston/Galveston Area
- A Comparison of Several Chemical Transport Models With Aircraft Derived Plumes of CO From East Asia During the Spring 2001 NASA/TRACE-P Mission
- An Evaluation of TRACE-P Emission Inventories From China Using a Regional Model and Chemical Measurements At a Rural Site in China
- An Integrated Asian Emission Inventory and Analysis of its Characteristics to Support TRACE-P
- An instrument for elemental and isotopic abundance characterization of extra-terrestrial materials
- Asian aerosol transport simulated with regional scale chemical transport model CFORS during ACE-Asia period
- Climate Forcing by Black and Organic Carbon: Central Values and Uncertainties
- Comparison of Bottom Stresses Computed From Wave Observations and a Wave Model
- Condensed Layer Ion Positions at the Rutile(110)-Water Interface with High Brilliance X-rays
- Constraints on Asian Carbon Fluxes Using CO2/CO Correlations from TRACE-P Aircraft Data
- Determination of OH during Trans-Pacific Transport of Pollutants using NMHC Ratios and Backward Trajectories: Role of Heterogeneous Chemistry
- Direct Crystallography of Trace Elements in Minerals Using X-ray Standing Waves
- Electrochemical manipulation of apparent oxygen fugacity in a piston cylinder apparatus
- Evaluation of Ozone Production Efficiency in an Urban Plume Using a Lagrangian Box Model
- Evidence of differences in structure in forsterite- and enstatite-composition liquids
- Export of Sulfur and Nitrogen Compounds From the East Asia Region in Spring
- Illumination of Cation Sorption Mechanisms on Muscovite Using X-ray Reflectivity
- Introducing the Atmospheric Visualization Collection
- Inverting for Asian Emissions of Carbon Monoxide Using Aircraft Observations During TRACE-P
- Investigation and quantification of regional emissions of aerosols and trace gases during Ace-Asia
- Land Cover and Land Use Changes and Their Impacts on Groundwater Resources and Carbon Cycling in SW Egypt
- Measurements of Natural Radioactivity in Submicron Aerosols in the Pittsburgh Area.
- Multiyear Estimates of Evaporation from a Watershed
- Observations from the Williams Tower measurement site during TexAQS 2000: an Overview
- PAN, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Ozone Measurements at Deer Park, Texas, during TexAQS 2000
- Phonon Density of States and Elasticity of Iron-Based Materials at High Pressures
- Rectification changes with model resolution and from year to year
- Regional-Scale Chemical Transport Modeling in Support of the Ace-Asia Experiment
- Regional-Scale Modeling and Emissions Analyses in Support of the IGAC Spring 2002 ITCT Field Experiment in the Eastern Pacific and Western US
- Sorption of Zn(II) and Co(II) on Rutile Surfaces from 25 to 250 Degrees Centigrade by pH Titrations: Impact of X-Ray Standing Wave (XSW) and EXAFS Studies on Electrical Double Layer Models.
- Structure of the Fluorapatite (100)-Water Interface by High Resolution X-ray Reflectivity
- The Global Climatic Effect of Opening the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway in the mid-Cretaceous
- The Utility of in situ X-ray Standing Wave Measurements to Help Constrain Surface Complexation Models
- Three-Dimension Analysis of the TRACE-P Aircraft Observations using the STEM Regional-Scale Chemical Transport Model
- Variability of Atmospheric CO2 over the western North Pacific: Influence of Asian outflow during March-April 2001
- X-ray Spectroscopic Investigation of the Distribution and Speciation of Uranium in Contaminated Sediments From the DOE's Hanford Site
- An Integrated Analysis of Asian Outflow Events Using Particle Elements Measurements in Support of ACE-Asia
- An Overview of the Nighttime Aerosol/Oxidant Plume Experiment (NAOPEX)
- Constraints on Asian and European Sources of Methane from CH4 - C2H6 - CO Correlations in Asian Outflow
- Dust, Aerosol Ions and Their Interactions with Gaseous Species in East Asia During Spring 2001: A three-dimensional model Study
- Earth System Grid II (ESG): Turning Climate Model Datasets Into Community Resources
- Evaluating the Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health in China: the Price of Clean Air
- Fast GC-Luminol Instrument for PAN and Nitrogen Dioxide Measurements
- Geological Factors and the Evolution of the Greenhouse Effect
- High Pressure Elasticity of Iron Alloys From Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering and X-ray Diffraction
- High-pressure and High-temperature Studies With Nuclear Resonant Scattering
- In Situ Observation of Anisotropy Development With Pressure to 50 GPa in Olivine, Ringwoodite, Magnesiowuestite and Silicate Perovskite
- Increasing Simulation Speed in a Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Model by Using Mixed-Resolution, Parallel Components
- Integrating MOPITT and Aircraft Observations to Estimate Asian CO Emission Sources
- Lagrangian Measurements of Aerosols and Oxidants in the Boston Urban Plume During the NAOPEX 2002 Campaign
- Magnetic and structural transition in Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S at high pressures
- Measurements of Natural Radioactivity in Submicron Aerosols in Mexico City.
- On the Weibull Distribution as a Statistical Model for Surface Wind Timeseries in Reanalyses
- P-V-T Equation of State of Al-bearing Silicate Perovskite and its Implications for Mantle Composition Models
- Study of Sound Velocities of Iron With Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Under High Pressure and Temperature
- Symbolic Dynamics of Reanalysis Data
- The Need for Closer Integration of Measurements and Models - Results from Modeling Aerosols in the East Asia Outflow
- The impact of the 1998 boreal forest fires on oxidant chemistry in the global troposphere
- Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland: Lignin and Aliphatic Biopolymer Chemistry and Carbon Isotope Composition in Physical Fractions
- Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland: Storage and Turnover of Carbon in Soil Physical Fractions
- X-ray Microprobe Investigations of Elemental Distributions and Concentrations at Mineral-Microbe Interfaces
- A New Technique for High-Pressure Angle-Dispersive Powder Diffraction Using an Energy-Dispersive Setup and White Synchrotron Radiation
- A new method of measuring 81Kr and 85Kr abundances in environmental samples
- Ambient VOC Concentration and Emission Measurements during the MCMA 2002 and 2003 Field Campaigns
- Characterization of Ambient Aerosols in Mexico City during the MCMA-2003 Campaign using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer: Overall Trends and the Inorganic Component
- Comparison of PAN and Black Carbon Levels in Mexico City: 1997 and 2003
- Concentrations, Sources, and Transformation of Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mexico City
- Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>C at High Pressures and High Temperatures
- Crystal chemistry of NaMgF3 perovskite at high pressure and temperature
- Deformation Experiments at High Pressures in Diamond Anvil Cells: Texture Development in MgSiO3 Perovskite
- Distribution of Organic Matter in Nano- and Micropores of Soil Microaggregates
- Dynamics of Biopolymer Turnover in Soil Physical Fractions Following Land-Cover yChange in a Subtropical Savanna
- Equation of state of iron sulfide at the conditions of Galilean satellite cores
- Evaluation of Standard Measurement Techniques for Gas Phase Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide in a Polluted Urban Environment
- Ferromagnesian Post-Perovskite Silicates in the D" Conditions
- From Technological Materials to Mantle Minerals: Perovskites at High Pressures and Temperatures
- High Pressure IR And XRD Studies For Hydrous Minerals
- Implementation of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method to Inorganic Aerosol Modeling: Mexico City Metropolitan Area Case Study
- In situ X-ray diffraction and X-ray emission study of magnesiowustite in Earth's lower mantle conditions: implications to the geophysics and geochemistry of the lower mantle
- Intercontinental and Regional Modeling of Multiple Pollutants (Particulate Matter, Ozone, and Mercury) over the Pacific Regions
- Kinetic analysis of room temperature structural transformations in zinc sulfide nanoparticles using simultaneously collected SAXS/WAXS
- Microbial Enzyme Activity and Carbon Cycling in Grassland Soil Fractions
- Microscale Phosphorus Distribution and Chemistry in Marine Particles: New Insights From X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy and X-ray Microscopy
- Nature and Dynamics of Carbon Accrued in a Forest Soil During Five Years of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment
- Nitrogen Oxides (NOy) in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Nuclear Resonant Scattering Studies Under High Pressure and HighTtemperature
- One Million Year Old Groundwater in the Sahara Revealed by Krypton-81 and Chlorine-36
- Overview of Measurements of Particle Emissions and Ambient Concentrations in Mexico City during the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign
- Regional/Urban Air Quality Modeling Assessment over China Using the Models-3/CMAQ System
- SARISA: an instrument for analysis of Genesis mission returned samples
- Size, Time, and Composition-Resolved Aerosol Measurements in Mexico City During the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign: The Organic Component
- Soil Carbon Accrual from C3 and C4 Plants Sources in a Restored Tallgrass Prairie Chronosequence
- Soil Organic Matter Dynamics Following Land-Cover Change in a Subtropical Savanna: Insights from Soil Physical Fractionation and Stable Isotopes
- Strong chemistry dependence of the perovskite - post-perovskite phase transition boundary and of the post-perovskite structure
- Study of sound velocities of hcp-Fe with nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in a laser-heated diamond cell
- UV-B Measurements in Mexico City: Comparison with Modeled UVB and Black Carbon
- Use of 3D X-ray Microtomography to Observe the Structure of Colloidal Zirconia Deposits in Sand Columns
- Valence state of iron in mantle phases at high pressures and high temperatures
- A High Pressure Post-Perovskite Phase Transition in NaMgF3--a MgSiO3 Analog Material
- A new Multi-anvil Assembly for Beamline Experiments up to 15 GPa: Application to in situ Measurement of the Pyroxene-Ilmenite Phase Transition in ZnSiO3
- Absolute concentrations of Cl and Br atoms in the Arctic troposphere near Barrow, AK as determined by halogenated volatile organic compound and alkene concentrations
- Aggregate Elastic Moduli and Equation of State of B2 Phase of NaCl to 73 GPa by Simultaneous Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Brillouin Scattering Measurements.
- Analysis of Solar Wind Samples Returned by Genesis Using Laser Post Ionization Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry
- Changes to Lignin Phenol and Hydroxy Alkanoic Acid yStable Carbon Isotope Composition and Concentration in ySoil Fractions from a Grassland/Woodland Conversion in ya Subtropical Savannay
- Development of Software for Studying Earthquakes Across Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales by Coupling Quasi-static and Dynamic Simulations
- Effect of water on compressibility of San Carlos olivine and its implications
- Effects of the Spin Transition of Iron in Magnesiowuestite
- Elastic moduli and equation of state of NaCl to 30 GPa by simultaneous x-ray density and Brillouin sound velocity measurements
- Elasticity and sound velocities of aluminous MgSiO3 perovskite and ferropericlase at high-pressure
- Equation of state of refractory silicate glasses and melts by high-pressure x-ray microtomography
- High-pressure synchrotron-IR studies of hydrous transition zone and lower-mantle minerals in the laser-heated diamond cell
- Novel melting investigations of iron at high-pressure using synchrotron Mossbauer spectroscopy
- Rheological Studies of Komatiite Liquids by In-Situ Falling Sphere Viscometry
- Spin Transition in (Mg,Fe)O at High Pressure
- Structures and Densities of Non-Crystalline Materials at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Surface Complexation of Actinides with Iron Oxides: Implications for Radionuclide Transport in Near-Surface Aquifers
- The Spin State of Iron in Minerals of Earth's Lower Mantle
- Uncertainties on Root C Turnover and Decomposition and its Impact on Soil C Sequestration Potential
- Understanding Orbital Controls on Ice-Age Cycles
- X-ray Diffraction Study of Ferric Calcium Silicate Perovskite to 62 GPa
- A GEOCLIM Simulation Of Climatic And Biogeochemical Consequences Of Pangea Break Up
- A comparison of analytical and adjoint Bayesian inversion methods for constraining Asian sources of CO using satellite (MOPITT) measurements of CO columns
- Alternative Approaches to Uncertainty Calculations for TIMS Isotopic Measurements
- An Initial Look at Particulate Organic Matter Characteristics at the Surface Sites during the 2006 MILAGRO Campaign
- Bonding Transition in SiO2 Glass at High Pressures: Applications to SiO2 Liquid in Earth's Interior
- Brillouin Scattering With Simultaneous X-Ray Diffraction at GSECARS, Advanced Photon Source: Toward Determination of Absolute Pressure Scales
- Calculating Measurement Uncertainties for Mass Spectrometry Data
- Climate Impacts of Ozone and Sulfate Air Pollution from Specific Emissions Sectors and Regions
- Effect of 2000-2050 global change on ozone air quality in the United States
- Elasticity of iron-rich silicate in Earth's D" layer
- Experimental determination of elasticity of iron at high pressure
- High-pressure sound velocities and single-crystal elastic properties of DHMS phases in subducted slabs
- Influence of competitive electron acceptors during reduction and effective immobilization of technetium by reduced nontronite
- Measurements of Optical Properties of Black Carbon During the MAX-MEX Study
- Origin of Pacific Multidecadal Variability in Community Climate System Model Version 3 (CCSM3)
- Oscillation Laue Analysis (OLA) - A new crystal structure determination method for mineral physics
- PyMCT: A Very High Level Language Coupling Tool For Climate System Models
- Seasonal and Long Term Atmospheric Responses to Reemerging North Pacific Ocean Variability: A Combined Dynamical and Statistical Assessment
- Soil Organic Carbon at Depth in Cultivated Fields is Greater than in Native Lands on Wet Mollisols of the U.S. Midwest Region
- Sound Velocities and Spin States of Magnesiowustite in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Sound Velocities at the Spin Crossover in (Mg0.75Fe0.25)O Ferropericlase
- Structural Polymorphism in Al-bearing Magnesiumsilicate Post-perovskite
- Structure refinement of MgGeO3 post-perovskite phase to 1 Mbar
- The Electronic Structure of Iron in Aluminous (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite at High-Pressures and Temperatures
- The Internalization of Iron and Manganese as Discrete Particles During the Bioreduction of Fe(III) and Mn(IV) by a Dissimilatory Metal-Reducing Bacterium
- Transient Simulation of the Evolution and Abrupt Change of Northern Africa Atmosphere-Ocean-Terrestrial Ecosystem in the Holocene: What causes the abrupt change?
- Viscosity of komatiite liquid at high pressure and temperature
- Viscosity of liquid iron derived from the liquid structure data at high pressures
- A Simulation Framework for Exploring Socioecological Dynamics and Sustainability of Settlement Systems Under Stress in Ancient Mesopotamia and Beyond
- Aerosol Transport Questions Arising From Micro Pulse Lidar Measurements During MILAGRO
- CH3OH in High-Pressure Phases of H2O: Implications for Ice-Rich Planets
- Climate Change Impacts on the Electric Power System in the Western United States
- Comparative Effects of Electron Transfer Mediators on the Bioreduction of Fe(III) Oxide
- Compressibility and phase transition studies for amorphous materials under high pressure: Approach combined of synchrotron high energy x-ray diffraction and micro tomography techniques using diamond anvil cell
- Diamond Nucleation from Amorphous Carbon and Graphite with COH Fluids: an in Situ High Pressure and Temperature Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experimental Study
- Effect of alloying elements on the magnetic transitions in iron-rich alloys
- Effects of invasive species on ecosystem carbon dynamics in a restored tallgrass prairie
- High Mobility of Erosive Granular Flows and Surge Generation
- High-Pressure Stability and Equations of State in the Fe-P System: Implications for Iron Meteorites and Planetary Cores
- Hydrologic and Vegetative Effects on the Rate of Soil Carbon Accumulation in Restored Midwestern Grasslands
- In situ diffraction studies of magnesium silicate liquids and glasses under extremes of temperature and pressure.
- Kinetic competition during chemical and photochemical reactions at iron oxide nanoparticle surfaces
- Magnetic transition and sound velocities of Fe3C at high pressure
- NBL CRM 112-A: A new certified isotopic composition
- Nucleation and Growth of Environmental Nanomaterials at Water-Mineral Interfaces
- Pore-scale Simulation of the Effects of Colloid Deposition on Fluid Flow and Solute Transport
- Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions In Gadolinium Iron Borate
- PyLith: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
- Results From in Situ High P-T Melting and Phase Equilibria Experiments on the Allende Meteorite
- Serpentine dehydration kinetics up to 1023 K and 4 GPa
- Software design for sequential/hybrid time integration in the Community Climate System Model
- Structure Investigation of CaSiO3 Perovskite at 91 GPa
- Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Ferric-Rich MgSiO3-Perovskite
- The Daytime Mixed Layer Observed by Radiosonde, Profiler, and Lidar during MILAGRO
- The Electronic Structure of Iron in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite and Post-Perovskite Under Megabar Pressures
- The Post-Perovskite Transition in NaMgF3 Measured Under an Ar Medium
- Thermal Equations of State in the Fe-FeS, Fe-FeO, and Ammonia-Water Systems
- Transport of Asian Aerosols and Trace Gases to North America During the INTEX-B Field Campaign: A Regional Chemical Transport Model Analysis.
- Uncertainty Estimation for Extreme Isotopic Ratios Measured in Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometers
- X-ray induced dissociation of H2O and formation of an O2- H2 compound at high pressure
- Application of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) to Isotope Mass Spectrometry: Introduction, Implemention, and Examples
- Biotic and Abiotic Factors Controlling Soil Respiration Partitioning in a Tall Grass Prairie
- Characterization of the Chemical and Optical Properties of Cloud-Processed Aerosols: first results from the Cumulus Humilis Aerosol Processing Study of June 2007 (CHAPS)
- Elasticity and Sound Velocities of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Orthopyroxenes Determined by Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
- Fe-Ni-C system at high pressure
- Fine-Scale Physical Structure and Microbial Composition of Soil Aggregates
- Formation of Uranyl-Silicate Nanoparticles at Ambient Conditions
- Generating gridded data ensembles from climate-related process measurements for climate model evaluation.
- Impact of Climate Change on Energy Demand in the Midwestern USA
- Incorporation of Root and Surface Litter Inputs Into Soil C Pools: What Do Different Physical Fractionation Approaches Tell Us?
- Influence of Biomass Burning and Mid-latitude Pollution on the Arctic Atmosphere During the ARCTAS Field Campaign: A Three Dimensional Modeling Analysis
- Laser Post-Ionization Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Genesis Solar Wind Collectors
- Modeling Water and Carbon Budgets in Current and Future Agricultural Land Use
- Mycorrhizal Productivity Following Woody Plant Invasion of Grassland
- Nano-confined water in the interlayers of hydrocalumite: Reorientational dynamics probed by neutron spectroscopy and molecular dynamics computer simulations
- Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge Project: Multi-scale Investigations on the Rates and Mechanisms of Targeted Immobilization and Natural Attenuation of Metal, Radionuclide and Co-Contaminants in the Subsurface
- Phase Diagrams of Iron Rich Alloys and Their Influence on the Chemical Structure of Planetary Cores
- Plant Signals Disrupt (regulate?) Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Growth Under Enhanced Ozone and CO2 Growing Conditions for Populus tremuloides
- Predominant Intermediate-Spin Ferrous Iron in Lowermost Mantle Post-Perovskite and Perovskite
- Prototype of a Laser-Induced Fluorescence Ground-Based Instrument for Measurements of Atmospheric Iodine Monoxide (IO)
- PyLith: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
- Pyrometry in the Multianvil Press: New approach for temperature measurement in large volume press experiments
- Redetermination of Post-Perovskite Structure of (Mg,Fe)SiO3
- Scenario Analysis With Economic-Energy Systems Models Coupled to Simple Climate Models
- Sensitivity of a Sediment transport Model for Lake Michigan
- Spin state and valence state of iron in Earth's lower mantle from synchrotron Mössbauer spectra of perovskite and post-perovskite up to 1.5 Mbar
- Spin transition in Fe3+ in Mg-silicate perovskite
- The Legacy of Invasive Species on Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics in a Restored Tallgrass Prairie
- The ice VII-ice X phase transition with implications for planetary interiors
- The structure of high pressure structure of magnesium silicate liquids: insight from in situ diffraction studies.
- Three-Dimensional Melt Distribution in Partially Molten Rocks
- Transient Simulation of Climate Evolution over the Last 21,000 years (TraCE-21,000): First Results
- U(VI) Uptake and Reduction by Fe(II)-Bearing Secondary Mineralization Products of the Bioreduction of Fe(III) Oxides by Dissimilatory Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria
- Uranium Association With Framboidal Pyrite and Magnetite-like Phases in Alluvial Sediments
- A regional-scale modeling study of Ozone transport from oceanic background to northern Sacramento Valley during ARCTAS/California period
- Advanced Flat Top Laser Heating System for High Pressure Research
- Comparison of biogeochemical models to simulate uranium (VI) bio-reduction under sulfate reduction conditions (Invited)
- Effects of future US and global emissions on air quality in the US
- Effects of microbial activity and electron shuttles on the reduction of U(VI) under Fe(III)- and sulfate-reducing conditions
- Emission projection and uncertainty analysis of exhaust emissions from global and Asian on-road vehicles
- Equation of State and Magnetic Properties of Fe3C to Multi-Megabar Pressure with Implications for the Earth's Inner Core
- Equation of state of Fe64Ni36 alloy by synchrotron radiation and applications to Earth’s inner core
- Global source-receptor relationships for mercury under present and year 2050 anthropogenic emissions scenarios
- High-pressure behavior of iron-bearing silicates and oxides determined from a synergy of techniques (Invited)
- How fulvic acid affects heavy metal uptake on the muscovite (001) surface
- In situ Bioreduction of Uranium (VI) in Groundwater and Sediments with Edible Oil as the Electron Donor
- Kr-81 and Kr-85 analysis for the determination of water/ice age
- Modeling Soil Organic Carbon for Agricultural Land Use Under Various Management Practices
- Modeling of N2O and NO emissions from soils in terrestrial ecosystems
- Modeling study on the factors affecting regional air quality during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
- Multi-element RIMS Analysis of Genesis Solar Wind Collectors
- Nanoscale diffraction and imaging techniques for high pressure sciences
- New Lidar Remote Sensing Capabilities at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facilities (Invited)
- New approaches to determining aircraft and shipboard stratocumulus liquid water paths during VOCALS and applications
- Novel Pressure-Induced Magnetic Transition in Magnetite (Fe3O4)
- Nuclear Resonant Scattering Studies of Iron-rich (Mg,Fe)O at High Pressures: Insights into the Core-Mantle Boundary Region
- Pressure response of iron’s hyperfine parameters and solid state amorphism in (Mg0.87Fe0.13)SiO3 orthopyroxene
- Satellite Air Quality Monitoring Before, During and After the Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics
- Simulating Subsurface Reactive Flows on Ultrascale Computers with PFLOTRAN
- Source attribution and interannual variability of Arctic pollution in spring constrained by aircraft (ARCTAS, ARCPAC) and satellite (AIRS) observations of carbon monoxide
- Spatial and temporal variations of aerosols around Beijing in summer 2006: Model evaluation and source apportionment
- Synthesis and equation of state of perovskite with almandine composition (Fe3Al2Si3O12) to 149 GPa
- Transient Climate Simulation of Last Deglaciation in CCSM3 (Invited)
- Understanding the transport pathways of pollutants to the Arctic during the 2008 ARCTAS/CARB campaign: A regional scale modeling study
- Volume collapse of iron,aluminum-bearing perovskite at mid-lower mantle pressures
- A Hydrologic Model to Quantify Large Scale Biofuel Production Impact on Upper Mississippi River Basin Water Quality
- A Paris-Edinburgh cell at HPCAT for studying melts at high pressures
- A probabilistic approach to emissions from transportation sector in the coming decades
- Accounting for downscaling and model uncertainties in examining the impacts of climate change on hydrological systems
- Applications of a Complimentary Modeling Framework to Improve Regional-Scale Groundwater Prediction
- Certification of the Uranium Isotopic Ratios in Nbl Crm 112-A, Uranium Assay Standard (Invited)
- Comparison of near-surface CO from multispectral measurements from MOPITT with WRF-Chem simulations using emissions inventory for the Beijing 2008 Olympics
- Complexity of Arsenate Adsorption at Iron and Aluminum Oxide-Water Interfaces
- Designing bioenergy crop buffers to mitigate nitrous oxide emissions and water quality impacts from agriculture
- Diamond and other mineralogical records of ultra-deep origin in spinel-garnet peridotite from Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif (Invited)
- Does the Spin Transition in Mantle Silicate Perovskite Change the Seismic Properties of the Lower Mantle? (Invited)
- Earth System Modeling of Ozone, Methane, and DMS
- Effect of pressure and quench rate on V and Fe XANES spectra for synthetic basalt and andesitic glasses
- Elasticity of hcp-Fe in the Earth's Inner Core
- Estimating Changes in Soil Organic Carbon Under Selected Agriculture Residue and Fertilizer Management Practices with the Community Land Model
- Geometry and Mesh Representations for Ice Sheet Modeling
- Impact of Various Biofuel Feedstock Production Scenarios on Water Quality in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Impacts of long-range transport and local emissions on California near-surface ozone and sulfur oxides during the ARCTAS period--A multi-scale modeling study
- Influence of global changes on modeled ozone response to changes in local emissions and the policy implications for ozone abatement strategies in the US
- Integration of GRACE data, with inferences from traditional datasets for a better understanding of the time-dependent water storage variability in African watersheds
- Modern Recharge of the Nubian Aquifer: Remote Sensing, Geochemical, Geophysical, and Modeling Constraints
- Multi-decadal variations of atmospheric aerosols and their effects on surface radiation trends
- Novel Insights Into Microbial Uranium Reduction and Immobilization
- On the Interaction of Buoyant Plumes With Ocean Mixed-Layer Fronts (Invited)
- Optimal Management and Design of Energy Systems under Atmospheric Uncertainty
- Prototype of a Laser-Induced Fluorescence Ground-Based Instrument for the Measurement of Atmospheric Iodine Monoxide (IO)
- Radar derived storm dynamics for cloud-resolving model evaluation and climate model parameterization development
- Role of Black Carbon and Absorbing Organic Carbon Aerosols in Surface Dimming Trends
- Root architecture impacts on root decomposition rates in switchgrass
- Scaling up food production in the Upper Mississippi river basin: modeling impacts on water quality and nutrient cycling
- Sound Velocities and Density of (Mg0.65, Fe0.35)O ferropericlase up to 1.4 Mbar
- Structure of jadeite-diopside melts at high pressure by in situ x-ray diffraction
- Three-dimensional cloud retrievals from the 2009 DOE ARM cloud tomography field experiment
- Uncertainty quantification in downscaling procedures for effective decisions in energy systems
- Virtual Synchrotron Experiments for Deep Earth Studies
- Yttrium Behavior in Aqueous Fluid At High Pressures and Temperatures: Implications for Cold Subduction Zones
- A Ground-Based Instrument for the Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection of Coastal Iodine Monoxide (IO)
- Accelerating Climate Data Analysis and Visualization with Parallel Scripting
- Aerosol Layer in the Upper Troposphere over Asia: A GCM study Constrained with Satellite Observations
- Aerosol Optical Depth Climatology Derived from Micropulse Lidar Data at Various ARM Sites World-wide
- Analysis of Daily-Peaking and Run-of-River Dam Operations on Flow Variability Metrics Considering Subdaily to Seasonal Timescales
- Approaching the Final Frontier in Lateral Resolution for Isotopic and Chemical Analysis with CHILI
- Assessment of the Projected One Billion Ton Biomass for Cellulosic Biofuel Production and Its Potential Implications on Regional Water Quality and Availability
- Belowground carbon sources and fine root turnover times using <SUP>13</SUP>C tracer at the conclusion of a long-term FACE experiment
- Carbon Content of the Core through New Windows on the Earth's Interior
- Characterization of Boundary Layer Dynamics and Cloudiness Using an X-band Network During MC3E
- Characterization of U(VI) reduction in contaminated sediments with slow-degrading electron donor source
- Chromium and Iron Isotopic Composition of Presolar Silicon Carbide Stardust Grains
- Complementary Vibrational Spectroscopy Investigations of Iron and Iron-Bearing Minerals (Invited)
- Compressional wave velocity of Fe-Si Alloys in Earth's Core
- Considerations for Minimizing the Impacts of Utility Scale Solar Energy Development on Intermittent and Ephemeral Streams
- Coulomb stress changes imparted by simulated M>7 earthquakes to major fault surfaces in Southern California
- Data assimilation of CO and primary aerosols (BC) using the GEOS-Chem model based on EaKF technique
- Density and sound velocity of Fe-S liquids at high pressures
- Description of Bromine Activation and Recycling Within Arctic Snowpack
- Elasticity of orthoenstatite at high-pressure
- Electronic Structure of Iron in (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O<SUB>3</SUB> Glass up to 93 GPa
- Establishment of a New, Cooperative ARM and AmeriFlux Site on the Alaskan North Slope
- Field- and Laboratory-Scale Evaluation of Uranium Sequestration: The Role of Sulfur and Iron Species
- High pressure constraints core formation from x-ray nanoscale tomography
- High pressure high temperature elasticity study of sodium disilicate glass
- Identifying Critical Ephemeral Streams and Reducing Impacts Associated with Utility-Scale Solar Energy Development in the Southwest United States
- Impact of emission and long-range transport on the multi-decadal trends of aerosols in the mid-latitudes and the Arctic
- Injection of Emulsified Vegetable Oil for Long-Term Bioreduction of Uranium
- Integrated Observations of Convective Clouds during MC3E - Preliminary Analysis, Successes and Challenges
- Introducing data parallelism into climate model post-processing through a parallel version of the NCAR Command Language (NCL)
- Investigating the Impact of Pore Scale Microenvironments on Contaminant Biogeochemical Reactive Transport
- Multi-scale 3D X-ray Imaging Capabilities at the Advanced Photon Source - Current status and future direction (Invited)
- New developments in the Paris-Edinburgh cell program at HPCAT
- Parameter Sensitivity Evaluation of the CLM-Crop model
- Plant Litter to Mineral Soil Sinks: Tracking Carbon Flux into Soil Sinks in Temperate Broadleaf Forests in the Eastern US with Radiocarbon
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Modern Recharge in the Eastern Desert and Sinai Peninsula of Egypt
- SCEC UCVM - Unified California Velocity Model
- Sectorial and geographical contributions to summertime black carbon spatial distributions over the US
- Sound Velocity of Fe in Earth's Inner Core
- Sound Velocity of Metals Under Extreme Conditions by Picoseconds Acoustics in Diamond Anvils Cell
- Spatial and temporal variability of nitrate and nitrous oxide concentrations in the unsaturated zone at a corn field in the US Midwest
- Statistics of Convective Cores Using ARM UHF Wind Profilers During the Oklahoma MC3E Campaign
- Studying Uncertainties in Climate-Terrestrial Biogeochemical Feedbacks in the Northern High Latitudes using a Flexible Earth System Modeling Framework
- The Impact of the Ocean Sulfur Cycle on Climate using the Community Earth System Model
- The Nature of the High-Pressure Ferroic Transition in Fe1-xO
- Thermoelasticity of hcp-iron up to 1.7 Mbar from the phonon density of states
- Tightly Coupled Geodynamic Systems: Software, Implicit Solvers & Applications
- Understanding scale-dependence and subgrid variability for climate model parameterizations
- Use of GRACE data to monitor climate change-induced variations in water storage availability in the African continent
- Using Conventional Hydropower to Help Alleviate Variable Resource Grid Integration Challenges in the Western U.S
- Utilizing Emerging Hardware for Multiphysics Simulation Through Implicit High-Order Finite Element Methods With Tensor Product Structure
- Virtual synchrotron experiments for deep Earth studies
- Volumetric Geophysical Retrievals in Precipitating Cloud Systems
- A New Tool for Environmental and Economic Optimization of Hydropower Operations
- A Random Subgrouping Scheme for Ensemble Based Filters
- A Remote and Virtual Synchrotron Beamline
- A new parallel library and scripting language for analysis of ultra-large climate data sets
- A probabilistic approach to examine the impacts of mitigation policies on future global PM emissions from on-road vehicles
- Adaptive coarse space construction and nonlinear smoothers for heterogenous Stokes problems
- Advanced Synchrotron Techniques at High Pressure Collaborative Access Team (HPCAT)
- Aerosol Scattering and Absorption Properties Over the Central Himalayan Location Nainital: Results from Gvax
- Aggregate formation and soil carbon sequestration by earthworms at the ORNL FACE experiment
- Aluminous ferro-magnesium silicate perovskite at lower mantle conditions
- Assessment of spatial heterogeneity, environmental controls, and prediction accuracy of soil organic carbon stocks across geospatial and earth system models
- Biological Invasions Impact Ecosystem Properties and can Affect Climate Predictions
- Calibration of the crop processes in the climate community model
- Characterization of Secondary Mineral Grain Coatings and their Role as Diffusion-controlled Sinks and Sources for Metal Contaminants
- Climatic and Edaphic Controls Over Root Decomposition and C Transfer to Soil
- Cloud processes' impact on precipitation: sensitivity and uncertainty
- Differential priming of soil carbon driven by soil depth and root impacts on carbon lability
- Direct observation of phase transitions: in situ diffraction measurements at the crystal scale
- Electron spin transition causing structure transformations of earth's interiors under high pressure
- Estimating the Sensitivity of CLM-Crop to Plant Date and Growing Season Length
- Fine root carbon: sources and turnover by diameter class and root order using 13C tracer at the conclusion of a long-term FACE experiment
- Floodplain Hyporheic Response under Dam Release Hydrographs
- Flow Variability Analysis on the Differences between Daily Peaking and Run-of-River Dam Operations: A look at Daily versus Subdaily data
- Gaining ground in the modeling of land-use change greenhouse gas emissions associated with biofuel production
- Global and regional aerosol trends from 1980 to 2009: Model analysis of long-term observations
- High-pressure Synchrotron Mössbauer Spectroscopy on Fe<SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB>
- Hydrogeomorphology of the Hyporheic Zone: Mobile Bedforms, Dynamic Hyporheic Flow, and Influence on Stream Ecology
- In-situ Ultrasonic Sound Velocity Measurements of Fe and Fe-Light Element Alloying Liquids at High Pressures with Implications to Planetary Cores
- Increase in NO<SUB>x</SUB> emissions from thermal power plants in India: bottom-up inventories and satellite observations
- Influence of aerosol loading, water vapor and surface topography trends on the regional hydrology of the Indo-Ganges basin
- Large-scale atmospheric state and cloud/precipitation characteristics during MC3E
- Local boundary layer, vertical motions measured with 1290 MHz profiler and Ceilometer cloud heights over a high altitude location in the central Himalaya
- Meteorological soundings during GVAX-RAWEX in the Central Himalayas: Variabilities in trace species and role of dynamics
- Moisture dynamics in the cloudy and polluted tropical atmosphere: The Cloud Aerosol Radiative Forcing Dynamics Experiment (CARDEX)
- Monitoring Ephemeral Streams Using Airborne Very High Resolution Multispectral Remote Sensing in Arid Environments
- Monitoring climate and man-made induced variations in terrestrial water storage (TWS) across Africa using GRACE data
- Networked Observation of Precipitating Cloud Systems in Oklahoma
- Observation-constrained Estimation of Aerosol Climate Impacts over S Asia
- Optimizing Hydropower Day-Ahead Scheduling for the Oroville-Thermalito Project
- Optimizing biofuel feedstock production based on impacts on regional water resources and quality
- Overview of ARM observations during the ARM MJO Investigation Experiment (AMIE)
- Parallel scripting for improved performance and productivity in climate model postprocessing, integration, and analysis.
- Precipitation Estimation from the ARM Distributed Radar Network During the MC3E Campaign
- Predicting global microbial community structure and function from global climate- ecosystem models
- Priming effects in northern boreal forest soils: a quantitative evaluation
- Redox control on iron isotopic fractionation in magmas
- Results from a thirty-year high resolution simulation over North America using the Nested Regional Climate Model
- Satellite based estimates of reduced CO and CO2 emissions due to traffic restrictions during the 2008 Beijing Olympics
- Seasonal contrast in aerosol abundance over northern south Asia using a chemical transport model
- Simulations of aerosols during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods,over Indian region
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Deciduous Forest Exposed to Twelve Years of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment
- Sound velocity and structure measurement of silicate glasses under pressure
- Structural Characterization of new minerals from early solar condensates and shocked meteorites
- Studies of Aerosol Vertical Profiles during GVAX Campaign Using Micropulse Lidar
- Summary and Results from the Ganges Valley Aerosol Experiment (GVAX)
- Supporting facilities for synchrotron high-pressure high/low temperature research at HPCAT, APS
- Surface Hydrophilicity and Functional Group-Driven Iron(III) Hydroxide Nucleation on Organic-Coated Substrates in Aqueous Environments
- Switchgrass cultivars differentially affect soil carbon stabilization
- Synchrotron Micro-XRF Mapping of Ag Storage in a Coastal Marine Diatom: Implications for Ag as a Novel Paleoproductivity Proxy
- Synthesis of a new high-pressure and high-temperature iron oxide, Fe<SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB>, a plausible key player in deep subduction processes
- The Pressure-Volume-Temperature Equation of State of Iron-Rich (Mg,Fe)O
- The Role of Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Science for a Sustainable Energy Future
- The origin of black carbon transported to the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau: a novel back-trajectory analysis
- Thicknesses of Nanoscale Brine Films on Mineral Surfaces Under Geologic CO2 Sequestration Conditions Measured with Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence
- Validation of multiple-Doppler analysis of convective clouds using the ARM multi-frequency radar network during MC3E
- Viscosity and structure correlations in NaCl and KCl melts at high pressures
- a Novel Framework for Incorporating Sustainability Into Biomass Feedstock Design
- A coupled ion-neutral photochemical model for the Titan atmosphere
- ATTA-3: a State-of-the-Art Instrument for Radio-Krypton Dating
- An improved speciated NMVOC emission inventory for Asia
- Analyzing sediment impacts for the Glen Canyon Long-term Experimental and Management Plan EIS
- Assimilation of surface altimetry data on 79 North glacier using automatic differentiation and ISSM. (Invited)
- Autumn-time post-harvest biomass burning in Punjab causing aerosol perturbation over Central Himalayas
- Carbon-rich Inner Core Inferred from Anomalously Low Shear-Wave Velocity of Non-Magnetic Fe<SUB>7</SUB>C<SUB>3</SUB>
- Climatic and Edaphic Effects on the Turnover and Composition of Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Matter in Temperate Deciduous Forests
- Complementary Vibrational Spectroscopy Investigations of Iron and Iron-Bearing Minerals (Invited)
- Controls on iron isotopic fractionation in igneous rocks
- Cu and Ni solubility in high-temperature aqueous fluids
- Decoupled connection between soil microbial community and organic geochemical composition: a case study in the Arctic tundra, North Slope of Alaska
- Direct and Semi-direct Radiative Responses to Observation-Constrained Aerosol Absorption over S Asia
- Discovery of Ahrensite γ-Fe<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> and Tissintite (Ca,Na,[])AlSi<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>6</SUB>, Two New Shock-induced Minerals from the Tissint Martian Meteorite: a Nanomineralogy Investigation
- Discrepancy among the Au, Pt, and MgO Pressure Scales at 20-30 GPa and 1700-2100 K in the Laser-Heated Diamond-Anvil Cell
- Disproportionation of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 into MgSiO3 perovskite and an Fe-rich hexagonal silicate in the deep lower mantle
- Effect of the magnetic fields and temperature on amorphous polymorphism and crystal polymorphism of amorphous Ce60Al40 at high pressure
- Evaluation of Local and Regional Phenomena in Regional Scale Climate Simulations (Invited)
- Evaluation of black carbon simulations over the Tibetan Plateau and its implications for radiative forcing
- Evolution of Mineral Fabrics and Microstructures in Kimmeridge Shale upon Kerogen Maturation
- Global emission projections for the transportation sector using dynamic technology modeling
- Globus Online: Climate Data Management for Small Teams
- Groundwater age structure and palaeo hydrogeology over a 500 kyr time scale revealed from Krypton 81and a multiple tracer study: Great Artesian Basin
- High pressure studies on non-crystalline samples using synchrotron x-ray tomographic and diffraction techniques
- Identifying and Tracking Individual Updraft Cores using Cluster Analysis: A TWP-ICE case study
- Impacts of Potential Future Droughts on Electricity Generation
- In-situ X-ray Synchrotron Microtomography: Real Time Pore Structure Evolution during Olivine Carbonation
- Investigation of the Storm Dynamics Associated with the 25 April 2011 and 23 May 2011 Cases from MC3E
- Iron Oxidation State and Compressional Behaviors of Al,Fe-rich Mantle Silicate Perovskite up to 90 GPa
- Melt detection of Fe-Ni at high-pressures using atomic dynamics measurements and a fast temperature readout spectrometer
- Modeling cultivation impacts on soil organic carbon under different management practices with the Community Land Model
- Molecular Characterization of Soil Organic Matter from a Prairie Soil Chronosequence
- Monitoring Aquifer Depletion from Space: Case Studies from the Saharan and Arabian Aquifers
- Multi-scale 3D X-ray Imaging Capabilities at the Advanced Photon Source - Current status and future direction (Invited)
- Noblegas Radionuclide (KR-85, AR-39, KR-81) Concentrations in Deep Fracture Waters of the Withwatersrand Basin South Africa
- Non-Cubic Power-law Scaling of Density in Metallic Glasses (Invited)
- Nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering: Methodology and extraction of vibrational properties of minerals
- Parallel nonlinear multigrid solvers for visco-plastic models of sea ice
- Parameter Perturbations with the GFDL Model: Smoothness and Uncertainty
- Polyamorphic phase transition of Yb-based metallic glass at high pressure
- Pressure control on iron isotope variations in MORBS determined by nuclear resonant vibrational spectroscopy
- Pressure induced HP/LP phase boundary investigation in BiNiO3 system using nanoscale tomography
- Projected changes of extreme precipitation over Contiguous United States with Nested regional climate model (NRCM)
- Quantifying the Functionality of Ephemeral Streams at the Watershed Scale for Land Management Applications
- Quantifying the amount of root-derived carbon retained in soil at 4 temperate deciduous forests
- Retrievals Of Vertical Motion in Convective Precipitating Systems: an ARM Perspective
- Sound velocities of bcc-Fe and Fe0.85Si0.15 alloy at high pressure and temperature
- Spatial variability of surface organic horizon thickness across Alaska
- Spectroscopic determination of equilibrium Fe isotopes fractionation factor for spinels with varying Fe oxidation states
- Statistical emulation of climate model projections based on precomputed GCM runs (Invited)
- Study on liquid-liquid phase transitions of gallium at high pressure and temperature with x-ray microtomography
- Surface observations of aerosols and vertical ozone profiling: Influence from the Indo Gangetic Plain, biomass burning and LRT
- TECA: Extreme Climate Analytics on Petascale Platforms
- The Earth Microbiome Project and modeling the planets microbial potential (Invited)
- The effects of pressure and temperature on sound velocity and density of Ni-S liquid
- The impact of cultivar diversity in bioenergy feedstock production systems on soil carbon sequestration rates
- The implications of microbial and substrate limitation for the fates of carbon in different organic soil horizon types: a mechanistically based model analysis
- Tracing time scales of fluid residence and migration in the crust (Invited)
- Trade cumulus clouds embedded in a deep regional haze: Results from Indian Ocean CARDEX experiment
- Two-phase deformation of lower mantle mineral analogs
- Using <SUP>81</SUP>Kr-age of groundwater in the Guarani Aquifer, Brazil, to constrain estimates of continental degassing flux of <SUP>4</SUP>He
- What will it take to bring down uncertainty in predictions of precipitation change? (Invited)
- (Fe, Al)-bearing post-perovskite in the Earth's lower mantle
- 3D Spectroscopic x-Ray Imaging with Nanoscale Resolution at Extreme Conditions
- A Paris-Edinburgh Cell for Liquid Silicate Structural Studies Using Monochromatic Diffraction and Soller Slits
- A novel nanoparticle approach for imaging nutrient uptake by soil bacteria
- Added value by a regional climate model: precipitation and extreme temperature
- Aerosol Phosphorus Composition: New Insights from Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy
- Anthropogenic and Volcanic Contributions to the Decadal Variations of Aerosols in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Architectures for Rainfall Property Estimation From Polarimetric Radar
- Assessing Vulnerability of Electricity Generation Under Potential Future Droughts
- CESM-simulated 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Changes in Large Scale Crop Water Requirements and Yields
- Carbon availability structures microbial community composition and function in soil aggregate fractions
- Characterizing Soil Organic Matter Degradation Levels in Permafrost-affected Soils using Infrared Spectroscopy
- Constraining Absorption of Organic Aerosol from Biomass Burning with Observations
- Controls of P-T-X-fO2 on Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Igneous Rocks
- Controls on northern wetland methane emissions: insights from regional synthesis studies and the Alaska Peatland Experiment (APEX)
- Crystallization Processes in Mercury's Core Inferred from In-situ High-Pressure Melting Experiments in the Fe-S-Si-C System
- Deformation of Lawsonite at High Pressure and High Temperature - Implications for Low Velocity Layers in Subduction Zones
- Disproportionation of (Mg,Fe)SiO<SUB>3 </SUB>Perovskite and its Implications to the Deep Earth
- Ecological Limits to Terrestrial Biological Carbon Dioxide Removal
- Elasticity of Single-Crystal Phase D across the Spin Transitions of Ferrous and Ferric Iron in the Lower Mantle
- Electronic Spin and Valence States of Iron in the Al-rich NAL and CF Phases in the Subducted Slabs
- Equation of State and Spin Transition of (Mg,Fe)O at High Pressures
- Equation of state of pyrite to 85 GPa and 2400 K
- Extreme Precipitation: Resolving the Added Value of High-Resolution Physical and Statistical Modeling
- High-pressure, high-temperature deformation of CaGeO<SUB>3</SUB> (perovskite)±MgO aggregates: Elasto-ViscoPlastic Self-Consistent modeling and implications for multi-phase rheology of the lower mantle
- Impacts of the Minamata Convention for Mercury Emissions from Coal-fired Power Generation in Asia
- Improved Estimates Show Large Circumpolar Stocks of Permafrost Carbon While Quantifying Substantial Uncertainty Ranges and Identifying Remaining Data Gaps
- In Situ Measurements of the Post-Spinel and Post-Garnet Phase Boundaries in Pyrolite at 17-32 GPa and 1500-2400 K
- Management of Egypt's Surface and Groundwater Resources: Present and Future
- Melting of Fe and Fe<SUB>0.9</SUB>Ni<SUB>0.1</SUB> alloy at high pressures
- Modeling Feedbacks Between Individual Human Decisions and Hydrology Using Interconnected Physical and Social Models
- Monitoring natural and anthropogenic induced variations in water availability across Africa
- Multi-decadal trends of solar radiation reaching the surface: What is the role of aerosols?
- Multi-scale and Multi-modal Analysis of Metamorphic Rocks Coupling Fluorescence and TXM Techniques
- Natural bridgmanite-periclase aggregates in Martian meteorites
- Nitrate Sources and Transport in the Upper Illinois River Basin Evaluated with Stable Isotope Ratios and SWAT Modeling
- Observations of Upward Propagating Gravity Waves in the Vertical Transport of Aerosols during Daytime Boundary Layer Evolution over Central Himalayan Region
- On spatial scaling & environmental controls of soil organic carbon stocks
- Physical mechanisms of planetary core formation: Constraints from in-situ X-ray microtomography
- Potassium-Rich Ices at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Preferred orientation in experimentally deformed stishovite: implications for deformation mechanisms
- Quantify Effects of Integrated Land Management on Water Quality in Agricultural Landscape in South Fork Watershed, Iowa River
- Quantifying Modern Recharge to the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System: Inferences from GRACE and Land Surface Models
- Real Time Pore Structure Evolution during Olivine Mineral Carbonation
- Redox State of Iron in Lunar Glasses using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis
- Response of the Summertime Ground-level Ozone Trend in the Chicago Area to Emission Controls and Temperature Changes 2005-2013
- Shale Deformation Experiments Toward an Understanding of Elastic and Fracture Anisotropy
- Signatures of the Toba super-volcano eruption in Borneo stalagmite geochemistry: a multi-proxy approach
- Simulation of Present-Climate Precipitation: Parameter Perturbations and Internal Variability with the GFDL Model
- Single Crystal Elasticity of Majoritic Garnets: Stagnant Slabs and Thermal Anomalies at the Base of the Transition Zone
- Single-Crystal Elasticity of MgO at High Pressure and Temperature
- Sound Velocities of Iron-Nickel and Iron-Nickel-Silicon Alloys at High Pressure
- Sound velocities of iron carbides (Fe<SUB>3</SUB>C and Fe<SUB>7</SUB>C<SUB>3</SUB>) under core conditions
- Soybean Physiology Calibration in the Community Land Model
- Spin and Structural Transitions of Ferromagnesite in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Structure measurement of liquid Fe-C alloys at high pressure
- Structure of Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> glass up to 140 GPa
- Structure study of sodium disilicate glass in a Paris-Edinburgh cell using monochromatic x-ray diffraction and a multi-channel collimator
- Tau-adaptivity for nonsmooth processes in heterogeneous media
- The Post-Perovskite Transition and Mineralogical Changes in the Chemically Heterogeneous Lower Mantle
- The community-driven BiG CZ software system for integration and analysis of bio- and geoscience data in the critical zone
- The pulsed response of soil respiration to precipitation in an African savanna ecosystem: a coupled measurement and modeling approach
- Tower-Based Optical Sensing Architecture for Facilitating the Investigation of Fine Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions via Optical-Flux Data Integration
- Transport of Mass and Water Vapor in Cumulus Topped Boundary Layer: A Case-Study from Arm Darwin Facility
- Understanding the sound velocities and EoS of Fe-Ni-Si alloys in the Earth's Inner Core through Joint Experimental Measurements
- Variations in the Horizontal and Vertical Distributions of Organic Carbon Stocks across Ice Wedge Polygons of Arctic Alaska
- Viscosity Measurements of Eclogite Melt up to 5.6 GPa and 2000 K
- Viscosity of Carbonate-Silicate Melts Using Ultra-High Resolution Falling Sphere Viscometry
- Volumetric and elastic properties of basalt at high pressure by X-ray microtomography and GHz-ultrasonic interferometry
- Waggle: A Framework for Intelligent Attentive Sensing and Actuation
- Water in Al-free Stishovite up to 65 GPa and 2000 K
- XMCD and Magnetic Evidence for Cation Reordering in Synthetic Mg- and Al-substituted Titanomagnetites
- A Cloud Computing Workflow for Scalable Integration of Remote Sensing and Social Media Data in Urban Studies
- A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study on Properties of Cloud Microphysics, Convection, and Precipitation for a Squall Line Cas
- A Space-Based, High-Resolution View of Notable Changes in Urban and Regional NO<SUB>x</SUB> Pollution around the World (2005-2014)
- A State-of-the-Science Hg Redox Mechanism for Atmospheric Models: Constraints from Observations and Global Implications
- A novel approach to Lagrangian sampling of marine boundary layer cloud and aerosol in the northeast Pacific: case studies from CSET
- Apparatus and Techniques for Time-resolved Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction using Diamond Anvil Cells
- Applications of a Passive Satellite-borne Microwave Retrieval of Water Vapour Column during the Arctic Winter.
- Aura OMI observations of changes in SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at local, regional and global scales
- Barriers and potential solutions for Critical Zone data integration between environmental genomics and the geosciences
- Bioavailable Carbon and the Relative Degradation State of Organic Matter in Active Layer and Permafrost Soils
- Biogeochemistry of Antimony(V) in Microcosms under Sulfidogenic Conditions
- Capturing spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon under changing climate
- Carbon and nutrient responses to fire and climate warming in Alaskan arctic tundra
- Characterizing organic matter lability in Alaskan tundra soils using mid-infrared spectroscopy
- Cloud System Evolution in the Trades—CSET
- Crystal Structure of Pure and Aluminous Calcium Silicate Perovskites at Mantle Related Pressure and Temperature
- Deformation and Crystallographic Preferred Orientation of Two-phase Lower Mantle Mineral Analogs: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in the Lower Mantle
- Electron-bifurcating transhydrogenase is central to hydrogen isotope fractionation during lipid biosynthesis in sulfate reducing bacteria
- Estimating soil carbon change and biofuel life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions with economic, ecosystem and life-cycle models
- First validation of satellite microwave liquid water path with ship-based observations in marine low clouds
- High pressure research at the Partnership for eXtreme Xtallography (PX^2) Project
- High-energy X-ray diffraction of melts and amorphous solids at extreme conditions
- High-pressure behavior of fcc phase FeHx
- High-pressure dehydration experiments of antigorite-olivine samples to explain seismicity in the lower Benioff plane
- Identifying microbial habitats in soil using quantum dots and x-ray fluorescence microtomography
- Impact of Water Availability on Regional Power System Operations - A Case Study of ERCOT
- Impact of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid upon iron speciation and microbial biomass in the rhizosphere of wheat
- Informing Urban Decision Making with an Array of Things
- Interactions Between Soil Organic Carbon Concentration and Soil Thermal and Hydraulic Dynamics and Its Impact on Soil Carbon Storage in Northern High-latitudes
- Investigating redox processes under diffusive and advective flow conditions using a coupled omics and synchrotron approach
- Iron-carbonate interaction at Earth's core-mantle boundary
- Light absorption of black and brown carbon aerosols: comparison of an inventory-based model estimate and observations
- Lithologic melt partitioning and transport properties of partially molten harzburgite
- Long-term Nutrient Fertilization Increases CO<SUB>2</SUB> Loss in Arctic Tundra
- Low Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> in Bridgmanite and Possible Existence of an Oxidizing Layer in the Mid Mantle
- Magnetic phase diagrams and thermal equations of state of Fe<SUB>7</SUB>C<SUB>3</SUB> and Fe<SUB>3</SUB>C up to the pressure-temperature conditions of Earth's core
- Megacity trends in OMI NO2 columns: weekday, seasonal, recession and long-term patterns
- Modeling the vulnerability of hydroelectricity generation under drought scenarios
- Multi-scale Evidence of Large CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions from Permafrost During Spring Thaw in Northern Alaska
- Neodymium in Silicate Melts and Glasses at High Pressure: How Bonding Environment Changes with Pressure
- On the Use of Radar Echo from Chaff to Study Entrainment in Stratocumulus Topped Marine Boundary Layers
- Power System Operations With Water Constraints
- Pressure mapping for sphere and half-sphere enhanced diamond anvil cells using synchrotron x-ray diffraction and fluorescence techniques
- Reading the Molecular Code in Soils
- Recent advances in modeling depth distribution of soil carbon storage
- Results and Lessons Learned from a Coupled Social and Physical Hydrology Model: Testing Alternative Water Management Policies and Institutional Structures Using Agent-Based Modeling and Regional Hydrology
- Retrievals of Vertical Air Motion from the HIAPER Cloud Radar during CSET
- Seasonal differences in aerosol water may reconcile AOT and surface mass measurements in the Southeast U.S.
- Shrinkage Cracking: A mechanism for self-sustaining carbon mineralization reactions in olivine rocks
- Simulating Future Changes in Spatio-temporal Precipitation by Identifying and Characterizing Individual Rainstorm Events
- Spatial allocation of future landscape patterns for biomass and alleviation of hydrologic impacts of climate change
- Strategy for Improving Measurement Uncertainty and Data Quality Information for Observations at Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Research Facilities
- Structure and Viscosity of Carbonate-Silicate Melts Using<em> in situ</em> Techniques
- Study of pressure induced polyamorphic transition in Ce-based ternary BMG using in situ x-ray scattering and electrical conductivity measurement
- Synthesis and equation of state of high pressure phase of chromium-bearing spinel
- Temperature of Earth's Deep Interior Constrained from Melting of Fe and Fe<SUB>0.9</SUB>Ni<SUB>0.1</SUB> at High Pressures
- The Contribution of Soils to North America's Current and Future Climate
- The Impact of Switchgrass Cultivar Diversity on Nitrogen Use Efficiency
- The mechanics of intermediate and deep focus earthquakes: experimental evidences
- Towards a Better Understanding of the Hydrologic Setting of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System: Inferences from Groundwater Flow Models, CL-36 Ages, and GRACE Data
- Using ARM observations to test soil moisture dynamics in climate models
- Using Multiple Soil Carbon Maps Facilitates Better Comparisons with Large Scale Modeled Outputs
- Using UAV's to Measure the Urban Boundary Layer
- Using the Scientific Python ecosystem to advance open radar science
- Vertical and Spatial Profiling of Arctic Black Carbon on the North Slope of Alaska 2015: Comparison of Model and Observation
- WFIP2 - The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
- Water quality under increased biofuel production and future climate change and uncertainty
- Well-to-Wheels Water Consumption: Tracking the Virtual Flow of Water into Transportation
- A Pan-Arctic Synthesis of Cold Season Carbon Emissions
- A summary of recovery strategies for atmospheric fluxes affected by the Gill-Solent WindMaster-Pro "w-boost" firmware bug
- CF Standard Names: Supporting Increased Use of netCDF-CF Across the Geoscience Community
- Carbonyl Sulfide Fluxes from a Tall Grass Prairie Ecosystem Through a Growing Season
- Characterizing the Vertical and Spatial Distribution of Black Carbon on the North Slope of Alaska
- Defect structures of Magnesiowüstite and Wüstite from Hybrid-Mode Synchrotron Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- Determination of the Effects of Magnesium on the Structural Order of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate
- Distribution and Degradation State of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Ice Wedge Polygons of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
- Dual-polarization phase shift processing with the Python ARM Radar Toolkit
- Economic Assessment of Correlated Energy-Water Impacts using Computable General Equilibrium Modeling
- Equilibrium Tin Isotope Fractionation during Metal-Sulfide-Silicate Differentiation: A Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Approach
- Estimates of lower-tropospheric divergence and average vertical motion in the Southern Great Plains region
- Estimating potential damping of cryoturbation on permafrost carbon emissions using a perturbed parameters approach in a land surface model
- Evaluation of rainstorm characteristics in a regional climate model
- Formation of metallic Fe in the lower mantle
- Groundwater residence time and paleohydrology in the Baltic Artesian basin:isotope geochemical data
- Impacts of root traits and genotypic diversity in switchgrass cropping systems on biogeochemical cycling of soil carbon and nitrogen
- Influence of Atmospheric Processes on the Solubility and Composition of Iron in Saharan Dust
- Integrated modeling for assessment of energy-water system resilience under changing climate
- Interannual variation in the characteristics of precipitation events under a changing climate
- Isotopically Heavy Low-Spin Iron in Ferropericlase at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Land-Use Change and the Billion Ton 2016 Resource Assessment: Understanding the Effects of Land Management on Environmental Indicators
- Measurable Pools of Soil Carbon for Carbon Cycle Modeling
- Microwave Ground-Based Retrievals of Liquid Water Path in Drizzling Clouds: Challenges and Possibilities
- Mineralogical, Physical and Geochemical Factors that Drive Microbial Reduction of Iron Oxides and Diagenesis under Broad Environmental Conditions
- Modeling and Economic Analysis of Power Grid Operations in a Water Constrained System
- New FeO<SUB>2</SUB> phase and the origins of ultralow-velocity zones at the core-mantle boundary
- Next-generation soil decomposition models: representing ecological process complexity across scales
- Probing magnetic transitions in (Mg,Fe)GeO<SUB>3</SUB>-perovskite with Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- Projected changes in climate extremes by a high-resolution dynamically downscaled ensemble over the continental United States
- Readiness of Military Installations for Increasing Heavy Storms
- Roles of production, consumption and trade in global and regional aerosol radiative forcing
- Shallow Cumulus Variability at the ARM Eastern North Atlantic Site
- Simulating the Water Use of Thermoelectric Power Plants in the United States: Model Development and Verification
- Soluble electron shuttles control microbial community development under iron-reducing conditions in wetland sediment microcosms
- Spatial and Seasonal Variability in Soluble Iron Deposition and Contribution to Sea-surface Iron Distributions
- Stochastic simulation of predictive space-time scenarios of wind speed using observations and physical model outputs.
- Stream Water Temperature Model for Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Structure and thermodynamics of Cr-Fe hydroxide solid solutions
- Synthesis of FeO<SUB>2</SUB> and the Fe-O-H system in the deep Earth
- The Impact of Climate Change on Photosynthesis: Modeling the Role of Water Use Efficiency and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Alpine Tundra Plant Communities
- The Shallow-to-Deep Transition in Convective Clouds During GoAmazon 2014/5
- The contribution of particulate carbon to arctic rivers from river bank erosion of floodplains
- Understanding the Control of Extratropical Atmospheric Variability on ENSO Using Regional Coupled Data Assimilation
- Using Mid Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter Stored in Arctic Tundra Soils
- A Climate Statistics Tool and Data Repository
- A Moment-Based Polarimetric Radar Forward Operator for Rain Microphysics
- A New Metric for Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength: Applications on Observations and Modeling
- A first summary of the Layered Atlantic Smoke Interactions with Clouds (LASIC) campaign in the remote southeast Atlantic
- A parallel calibration utility for WRF-Hydro on high performance computers
- Acoustic Velocities Across the Olivine - Wadsleyite - Ringwoodite Transitions and the Seismic Signature of the 410 km Mantle Discontinuity
- Advances in high-resolution synchrotron micro-XANES for constraining the redox evolution of terrestrial and extraterrestrial magma
- An SVM model with hybrid kernels for hydrological time series
- Assessing Extratropical Impact on the Tropical Bias in Coupled Climate Model with Regional Coupled Data Assimilation
- Assessing Extratropical Influence on Tropical Climatology and Variability with Regional Coupled Data Assimilation
- CO2 emissions from permafrost regions in Alaska during the nongrowing seasons
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- Chemical Composition and Oxidation State of Iron-Containing Aerosol Particles Over West Antarctic Peninsula
- Cosmological Particle Data Compression in Practice
- Cultivating the Deep Subsurface Microbiome
- Density Determination of Metallic Melts from Diffuse X-Ray Scattering
- Density of jadeite melt under upper mantle conditions from in-situ X-ray micro-tomography measurements
- Diagnosing added value of convection-permitting regional models using precipitation event identification and tracking
- Early results from the Array of Things
- Eclogitization-induced mechanical instanility in granulite: Implications for deep seismicity in southern Tibet
- Economic Analysis of the Impacts of Climate-Induced Changes in River Flow on Hydropower and Fisheries in Himalayan region.
- Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Soil Nitrogen Reactive Transport in a Polygonal Arctic Tundra Ecosystem at Barrow AK Using 3-D Coupled ALM-PFLOTRAN
- Electron Density Distribution Changes of Magnesiowüstite With Pressure
- Energy-Water Nexus Knowledge Discovery Framework
- Equation of State of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>C and Implications for the Carbon Content of Earth's Core
- Estimate full moment tensors of acoustic emission events using their waveforms
- Estimating NO<SUB>x</SUB> emissions and surface concentrations at high spatial resolution using OMI
- Evaluation of Seasonality in Shallow Groundwater Dynamics and Storage in an Urban Prairie Nature Preserve Using a High-Frequency Sensing Network
- Experimental and Theoretical Equation of State of GeO<SUB>2 </SUB>to 1.2 Mbars
- Experimental evidence of body centered cubic iron in Earth's core
- Experimental insights into spin state and hyperfine parameters of Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> in bridgmanite and silicate glass up to 91 GPa
- Feedbacks Between Soil Structure and Microbial Activities in Soil
- Greenland Regional and Ice Sheet-wide Geometry Sensitivity to Boundary and Initial conditions
- High-Silica Hadean Crust
- High-pressure phase transition in silicon carbide under shock loading using ultrafast x-ray diffraction
- Hydrogen-bearing iron peroxide and its implications to the deep Earth
- Ice-Wedge Polygon Formation Impacts Permafrost Carbon Storage and Vulnerability to Top-Down Thaw in Arctic Coastal Plain Soils
- Impacts of nitrogen fertilization and plant species diversity on soil C accumulation in a lignocellulosic bioenergy cropping system nine years following land conversion
- Improvements and Lingering Challenges with Modeling Low-Level Winds Over Complex Terrain during the Wind Forecast Improvement Project 2
- Improving Air Quality (and Weather) Predictions using Advanced Data Assimilation Techniques Applied to Coupled Models during KORUS-AQ
- Incorporation of Calcium in Bridgmanite in the Deep Mantle.
- Instability induced by orthopyroxene phase transformation and implications for deep earthquakes below 300 km depth
- Integrated assessment of water-power grid systems under changing climate
- Investigation of tropical diurnal convection biases in a climate model using TWP-ICE observations and convection-permitting simulations
- Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Igneous Systems: Looking for Anharmonicity
- Lagrangian evolution of the marine boundary layer from the Cloud System Evolution in the Trades (CSET) campaign
- Large-eddy simulations of mechanical and thermal processes within boundary layer of the Graciosa Island
- Linking paleointensities and exsolution-driven dynamo
- Melting behavior of Earth's lower mantle minerals at high pressures
- Multidecadal variations of solar radiation reaching the surface and the role of aerosol direct radiative effects
- New Polymorph of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> Stable at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
- Origin of the Lower-Mantle Heterogeneities - Importance of the Crystal Chemistry of Bridgmanite
- Phase Behavior and Equations of State of the Actinide Oxides
- Planetesimal core formation with partial silicate melting using in-situ high P, high T, deformation x-ray microtomography
- Potential Solution of a Hardware-Software System V-Cluster for Big Data Analysis
- Precipitation event tracking reveals that precipitation characteristics respond differently under seasonal, interannual, and anthropogenic forcing
- Pressure-induced amorphization in plagioclase feldspars: A time-resolved powder diffraction study during rapid compression
- Quantify the Impact of Increasing Model Resolution on Dust Direct Radiative Effects
- Radar and satellite determined macrophysical properties of wet season convection in Darwin as a function of wet season regime.
- Recovery strategies for fluxes affected by the Gill-Solent WindMaster-Pro "w-boost" firmware bug
- Sea level rise impacts on wastewater treatment systems along the U.S. coasts
- Sensitivity of tropical convection in cloud-resolving WRF simulations to model physics and forcing procedures
- Shifting the Arctic Carbon Balance: Effects of a Long-Term Fertilization Experiment and Anomalously Warm Temperatures on Net Ecosystem Exchange in the Alaskan Tundra
- Simulating Hydrologic Flow and Reactive Transport with PFLOTRAN and PETSc on Emerging Fine-Grained Parallel Computer Architectures
- Single-crystal structure determination of hydrous minerals and insights into a wet deep lower mantle
- Soil Bulk Density by Soil Type, Land Use and Data Source: Putting the Error in SOC Estimates
- Stability of the high pressure phase Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S<SUB>2 </SUB>up to Earth's core pressures in the Fe-S-O and the Fe-S-Si systems
- Stable, geochemically mediated biospheres in the Deep Mine Microbial Observatory, SD, USA
- Strength and Deformation of Solid Krypton and Xenon to Mbar Pressures
- Structure measurement of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> glass up to 111 GPa in double-stage Paris-Edinburgh press
- Synchrotron-based micro and nanotomographic investigations of soil aggregate microbial and pore structure
- The Complex Relationship Between Heavy Storms and Floods: Implication on Stormwater Drainage design and Management
- The Reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by Natural Fe-Bearing Minerals: A Synchrotron XAS Study
- The influence of soil organic matter chemistry and site/soil properties in predicting the decomposability of tundra soils
- The role of reforestation in carbon sequestration
- Towards a global harmonized permafrost soil organic carbon stock estimates.
- Ultrasonic Sound Velocity of Diopside Liquid Under High Pressure and High Temperature Conditions
- Understanding Emissions in East Asia - The KORUS 2015 Emissions Inventory
- Using Agent-Based Modeling to Enhance System-Level Real-time Control of Urban Stormwater Systems
- A Paris-Edinburgh cell for studying silicate melts at high pressures
- A Scalable River Network Simulator for Extreme Scale Computers using the PETSc Library
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- A tale of two clusters: Working with lots of weather radar data bridging research and operations.
- Aerosol Optical Thickness: Organic Volatility and Associated Particle Water
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation interactions over the Eastern North Atlantic
- An Assessment of Cloud Morphology Classification to Identify Boundary Layer Regimes in the Subtropical Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Region
- An Optimization Approach for Biomass Partitioning in the Energy Exascale Earth System Land Model
- Array of Things: Characterizing low-cost air quality sensors for a city-wide instrument
- Assessing formation and radiative forcing of secondary organic aerosols in the global Earth System Model (E3SM)
- Assessing impacts of water cycle extremes on energy-water systems
- Assessing the impact of assimilating atmospheric data on the ocean state estimation and climate forecast in an ensemble coupled data assimilation system
- Assessment of Climate-Induced Change in River Flow and Associated Effects on Hydropower Generation and Ecosystem Services in Nepal using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Constraints on elemental composition of fine and coarse aerosols
- Current IDF Values and Drainage Designs in a Non-stationary Climate
- Densities and sound velocities of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>P up to 1.5 Mbar: Implications for Phosphorus in Earth's Core
- Development of New Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for a Changing Climate
- EarthInsights: Parallel Clustering of Large Earth Science Datasets on the Summit Supercomputer
- Exploring the interactions between thermal hydrology, soil structure, and dynamic topography in warming polygonal tundra
- Fast Neural Network Emulation of a Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization in Weather Research Forecasting Model
- Fate of FeOOH in the lower mantle
- Fourth National Climate Assessment Findings on Energy Supply, Delivery, and Demand
- Future precipitation events become more summer-like in morphology
- Gaseous Carbon Waste Streams Utilization: Status and Research Needs
- Heterogeneity in warm-season land-atmosphere coupling over the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- High Spatial Resolution Downscaling and its applications to National Security Risk Assessments
- Immiscible fluid displacement and trapping during a drainage-imbibition cycle in porous carbonate rock imaged by synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography
- Improving Bottom-up Emissions Information Based on Air Quality Measurement and Modeling Feedbacks - The KORUS Emissions Inventory
- Interaction of major volatiles with the lower mantle: implications for deep volatile cycles
- Investigating the impact of aerosol vertical distribution and above-cloud incidence on the aerosol direct effect using DOE's Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Linking Surface Monitors, Satellite Data, and Emissions Inventories to Investigate Regional Haze Trends in the Eastern U.S.
- Long-range transported biomass burning aerosol observed in Eastern North Atlantic
- Microbial carbon efficiency but not soil physical protection creates a negative climate feedback over long-term warming
- Modeling microbial regulation and metabolic networks for predictive biogeochemical process simulation
- Modifying an ice nucleation parameterization to include feldspar dust in E3SM
- Neighborhood scale heat mitigation strategies using Array of Things (AoT) data in Chicago
- New Statistical Framework for Large Scale Computer Model Calibration Using Deep Learning
- Pan-arctic flux of soil organic carbon to rivers by river bank erosion
- Parallel K-means Clustering of Geospatiotemporal Data Sets Using Manycore CPU Architectures
- Persistent Mixed-Phase Cloud at Temperatures Below -30°C Observed Over McMurdo Station, Antarctica
- Phenological, morphological, and physiological trait adaptations of contrasting switchgrass ecotypes across a latitudinal gradient
- Potential Decomposability of Permafrost Carbon Stocks in Ice-Wedge Polygons of the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain
- Preliminary Results from a High Resolution Coupled Simulation using E3SM
- Proactive Data Containers (PDC): An Object-centric Data Store for Large-scale Computing Systems
- Prospects and Pitfalls in Calibrating Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Geothermometers from Metamorphic Rocks: Insights from Mt. Moosilauke
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Recent Advances in Deriving NOx Emission Estimates from Satellite Data
- Smoke Aerosol and marine low clouds over the northeast Pacific
- Sound wave velocities of Fe<SUB>5</SUB>Si at high pressure and high temperature conditions: implications to lunar and Mercurian cores
- Spatial Heterogeneity and Environmental Controllers of Organic Carbon Stocks of Permafrost Affected Soils
- Structural measurement on 60 mol% Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> - 40 mol% SiO<SUB>2</SUB> glass up to 131 GPa
- Substantial Bias in Satellite-Based Evapotranspiration Retrievals from Use of Reanalysis Meteorology and Unconstrained Canopy Surface Resistance
- Temperature-induced amorphization in CaCO<SUB>3 at high pressure</SUB>: Implication for recycled CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> in the transition zone
- The Quest for MCS: Simulating, Detecting, and Analyzing Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) and Contiguous United States Regions (CONUS) in Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Regionally Refined Model (RRM) configurations
- The interactions between atmospheric large-scale regimes and tropical convection properties using radar data from 1998 to 2017 in Darwin, Australia.
- The potential role of Criegee Intermediate + ROOH reactions on secondary organic aerosol formation
- The stability of Fe-bearing δ-phase and pyrite-phase FeOOH<SUB>x</SUB> in the Earth's lowermost mantle: Experimental constrains from a hydrated Fe,Al-bearing MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> composition
- Thermal equation of state of solid Fe3S and its implications for Earth's core
- Ultrasonic Sound Velocity of Carbonate Liquids at High Pressure and Temperature
- Understanding the impacts of climate change on hydrological water-cycle and water extremes
- Vertical Variability of Biomass Burning Aerosols over Southeast Atlantic and Radiative Impact
- Water-mediated iron oxides in the Earth's lower mantle
- micro-Waggle: Low-profile, modular sensor platform for environmental research
- A Benchmarking Library for Making Smart Stormwater Research Accessible
- A High-resolution Precipitation Data for Hydrologic Modeling - An Evaluation Study for Basins in Nepal
- A Revisit of Temporal and Spatial Variability and Resolution of Rainfall Measurements Relevant for Urban Hydrology
- A methodology to constrain carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants using satellite observations of co-emitted nitrogen dioxide
- Advancing Inflow Forecasting for U.S. Hydropower Operations and Valuation
- Array of Things: A high-density, urban deployment of low-cost air quality sensors
- Assessing the Degradation State of Soil Organic Matter in the Permafrost Region
- Assessing the Effects of Bioenergy Crop Species and Cultivar on Soil Microbial Functioning
- CFD simulations of flow in realistic urban geometries initialized from weather models
- Characterizing Tropical Cyclone Simulation in E3SM
- Chemical Composition and Oxidation State of Iron-Containing Aerosol Particles Observed during US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Cruise GN01
- Cloudy and clear-sky differences in particle chemical composition and potential radiative impacts near the Southern Great Plains of Oklahoma
- Community use of persistent sample identifiers and metadata standards: supporting efficient data management in the field, laboratory, and online
- Contrasting Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks and Ice Contents along Two Arctic Hillslope Toposequences
- Contrasting characteristics in open- and closed-cell stratocumulus in the Eastern North Atlantic
- Convective-permitting simulations and projections over North America: findings and challenges
- Cost of reversing climate change as a CO<SUB>2</SUB> mitigation strategy - using a cost optimization framework in the U.S. electricity sector
- Development of High-Pressure Multigrain X-Ray Diffraction forExploring the Earth's Interior
- Direct Radiative Effects of Light-absorbing Carbonaceous Aerosols in E3SM
- Discovery of hydrous phase B as inclusion in a diamond
- Distributions of Condensation Nuclei, Cloud Condensation Nuclei and Cloud Properties over the Southern Ocean: First Results from MARCUS/MICRE
- Downscaling of climate, inland and coastal hydrology models for coastalAssessments
- Effects of Mg/Si ratio on the Mineralogy of the Martian Mantle constrained by High-Pressure Experiments
- Evaluation of dust emission and transport simulated by global climate models with satellite observations from CALIOP, MODIS, and MISR
- Experimental Visualization of Electron Density Across the High-Pressure Fe(II) Spin Transition
- Experimentally Probing the High Pressure Behavior of an Iron-bearing Hydrated Sulfate, Szomolnokite
- First Direct Kinetic Measurements of an Isoprene-Derived Four-Carbon Criegee Intermediate
- Fully Coupled Variable Resolution Sea Ice Simulations in E3SM
- Global Convection in Earth's Mantle: Advanced Numerical Methods for Forward and Inverse Modeling
- Grand Challenges of Hydrologic Modelling for Water Resource Management in High Mountain Asia
- High-Precision Equation of State Measurements Using Microfabricated Materials
- High-Resolution Modeling of Coastal Flooding along the South Atlantic Bight under Historical and Near Future Climates
- Hydrous Phases in Earth's Lowermost Mantle
- Impact of Plant Diversity and Nitrogen Addition on Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Belowground Biodiversity in Biofuel Cropping Systems
- Impacts of climate and switchgrass cultivar on diurnal and seasonal variations of soil respiration at three sites across a latitudinal gradient in the U.S.
- Impacts of snowmelt effects and changing climate on design values of future extreme precipitation events
- Improved methodologies for modelling atmospheric soluble iron and observation comparisons using the Mechanism of Intermediate complexity for Modelling Iron (MIMI v.1.0) and the impact on ocean biogeochemistry.
- Improving Evapotranspiration Estimates from CMIP5 Simulations: Future Trends and Sensitivity to Changing Climate over North America
- Investigating the role of biogeochemical processes and hyporheic exchange in Fe-S cycling in riparian wetlands
- Land-atmosphere feedback on the development of shallow cumulus clouds using the land model coupled LES
- Leap from Design Storm to Design Flood: A Revised Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves
- MODIS@20 Evolution of Product Quality Assessment Approach
- Machine Learning to Predict Bioenergy Sorghum Yields under Future Climate Scenarios
- Multi-omics Integration for Substrate-Explicit Biogeochemical Modeling and More
- Observational and model inter-comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- Optimization of a post data-processing method to identify local aerosol events from continuous data collected by an Aerosol Observing System (AOS) and application to three years of data at Eastern North Atlantic (ENA)
- Particle-Size Distributions of Iron-Containing Aerosol Particles over the West Antarctic Peninsula
- Plant Genotype Impacts on Soil Biochemical Profiles and Implications for Soil Carbon Stabilization
- Possible origin of the ULVZs beneath central Pacific: a δlnVs/δlnVp = 2:1 velocity reduction by FeOOH<SUB>x</SUB>
- Probing the Unimolecular Reactions of Atmospherically Important Criegee Intermediates
- Regionally Refined Modeling of the Atmosphere in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Scalable Shallow Water Model: Model Development and Application to Simulate Flood Routing for the Continental United States
- Software-Defined Sensors: using Edge Computing to Revolutionize Sensing
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Strength, deformation and equation of state of tungsten carbide to 66 GPa
- Studies of Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Associations and Plant Nutrient Fixation Using Synchrotron X-ray Methods
- Suitability Analysis for Biomass Sorghum Production in the Continental United States
- The International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC) - New Opportunities for Advancing Data and Modeling of Soil Systems
- The development of the Terrestrial Dynamical core (TDycore) library and it's coupling with E3SM
- The influences of large scale forcing on the diurnal cycle of rainfall over Darwin: observations and modelling.
- The stability of subducted glaucophane with the Earth's secular cooling
- Tracking and Analysis of Deep Convective Updrafts In Rapid Scan Polarimetric Radar Observations
- Understanding and improving model representation of aerosol optical properties for a Chinese haze event measured by KORUS-AQ
- Uranium Partitioning to Sediments in a Contaminated South Carolina Wetland
- Using High-resolution Radar Rainfall Products to Improve City-scale Flood Models for Urban Resilience
- Using Real-time Sensing of Surrogate Water Quality Parameters to Characterize Microbial Dynamics of Urban Waterway
- A framework for analysis and benchmarking of heterogeneous datasets: A grassland soil example
- Advances to Global Unstructured Mesh Storm Tide Modeling for Operational Forecasting
- Automated Mapping of Arctic Floodplains to Improve Estimates of Sediment and Carbon Fluxes
- Big data-driven modelling reveals key mechanisms underlying soil organic carbon stabilization
- Climatological analysis of melting layer altitude in landfalling atmospheric rivers using weather radars
- Connecting Environmental Systems Science and Digital Library Practices
- Controls of Condensation Nuclei, Cloud Condensation Nuclei over the Southern Ocean: Results from MARCUS
- Distributed Metagenomic Sampling of River Corridors Identifies Shared Microbial Functional Traits Underpinning Transferable Hydrobiogeochemical Processes
- Downscaling process-based soil organic matter models and nitrogen input data for use by organic grain farmers
- Dynamics of abrupt change in the Pacific Plate motion at 50 Ma
- Efficient implementations for matrix-free solutions of PDEs with libCEED
- Endophyte-Promoted Phosphorous Solubilization in Populus
- Equation of State of Al-rich Phase δ-H: Behavior of Ferric Iron in a High-Pressure Oxyhydroxide
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Across Resolution
- Formic Acid Catalyzed Isomerization and Adduct Formation of an Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediate: Experiment and Theory
- High-Pressure Melting of Fe-Ni-Si: Insights from Complementary Experimental Approaches
- High-temperature, high-pressure behavior of lithium fluoride
- Inconsistent NO2 drops during COVID-19 lockdowns: lessons for protecting near-term public health and designing longer-term environmental policies
- Kinetics study of dehydrogenation of pyrite-FeO<SUB>2</SUB>H above 1 Mbar using laser heating and time-resolved synchrotron x-ray diffraction
- Large electronic circular dichroism effects measured in chiral amino acids
- Letting the community lead the way to data integration: Data standards and documentation developed by domain experts and the ESS-DIVE repository
- Linked Iron, Sulfur, and Carbon Biogeochemical Cycling in Hydrologically Dynamic, Riparian Wetland Sediments
- Machine Learning-based Metabolic Network Modeling for Omics-integrated Biogeochemical and Reactive Transport Simulations
- Measuring Cloud Coverage for Estimating Solar Irradiance
- Melting of Elemental Sulfur at High Pressures
- Metabolic Network Modeling and Metabolomics Integration for Comparative Analysis of Biogeochemical Reactions in Multiple River Systems
- Modeling Bioenergy Crops in the E3SM Land Model
- Modeling biomass burning smoke with enhanced Non-Methane Organic Compounds (NMOCs) over the Continental US
- Observations of Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Great Plains Low Level Jet
- Observations of aerosol spatial distribution from a MiniMPL over the ARM SGP site
- Phase stability and structural properties of Fe<SUB>2</SUB>S and its analog Co<SUB>2</SUB>P at high pressures and temperatures
- Properties and evolution of open cellular convection over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Quantifying isolated pore space in geological barrier materials
- Quantifying the water content in dense SiO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Recent performance improvements in DOE E3SM fully coupled model
- Scale-aware space-time stochastic parameterization of subgrid-scale velocity enhancement of sea surface fluxes
- Spin transitions and compressibility of ε-Fe<SUB>7</SUB>N<SUB>3</SUB> and γ'-Fe<SUB>4</SUB>N: implications for iron alloys in terrestrial planetary cores
- Subsolidus phase relations for Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> at mantle transition zone conditions
- The Prevalence of Precipitation from Polar Supercooled Clouds in Observations and Models
- Understanding Composition and Decomposability of Arctic Soils by Integrating Laboratory Incubations with New Measurements and Models
- Using TROPOMI and re-analysis meteorology to disentangle the impact of the COVID-19 lockdowns on urban NO2 from natural variability
- Viscosity of the Mercurian Magma Ocean: Implications for the Mineralogical Stratigraphy of Mercury's Juvenile Mantle and Crustal Petrogenesis
- Water dispersible (nano)colloids in riparian sediments have a significant influence on organic carbon fate and transport
- A Combined Modeling-Experiment-Theory (MET) Analysis of Reactions Initiated from Cl + Methylformate
- Air Pollution from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations in the USA: A Case for Regulation
- An AI Approach to Soil Health and Nutrient Management
- Applying Data Standards and Reproducible Workflows To Advance Earth System Science
- Assessing the impact of replacing corn with second generation perennial bioenergy crops in the US-Midwest.
- Assessment of the impacts of climate variability on highly engineered watersheds: A case study from the Tigris Euphrates watershed
- Changes in quality and quantity of solubilized soil organic matter at the upland-coastal interface due to seawater exposure
- Community Data Standards for More Reusable Data in Earth and Environmental Science
- Deep Subduction of H2O in SiO2 Phases
- Deformation of Fe-Nitrides Under Uniaxial Compression
- Determining phase transition Clapeyron slopes in Mg2SiO4 for the mantle transition zone: A multiple logistic regression analysis on experimental data
- Development of a Wireless Underground Sensor Network for Agricultural and Ecological Applications.
- Disordered eight-fold coordinated phase in Mg2SiO4 analogue Mg2GeO4
- Drizzle-Turbulence Interactions Below Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
- E3SM on EPYCs: performance of E3SM climate model on modern CPUs.
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) Across Resolutions
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Diffusion-limited Evaporation of Alkali Elements from a Basaltic Melt
- Explicit Oceanic Tides in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Functionalized Hydroperoxide Formation from the Reaction of Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediates with Formic Acid: Experiment and Theory
- Gaining a predictive understanding of coastal ecosystem responses to pulse salinity and inundation disturbance
- Geophysical implications of ferric-iron-rich akimotoite in harzburgite in Earths transition zone
- Impacts of Climate Change on Diablo Winds - an Important Indicator for Wildfire - over Northern California
- Impacts of Lake Surface Temperature on Atmosphere Over the Great Lakes Region
- Implementation and Analysis of Performance Portable Programming Models for cloud resolving GPU-enabled climate modeling
- Implementing Self-Attraction and Loading Calculation in the Model for Prediction Across Scales
- Implicit-Explicit and Multirate methods for a Coupled Navier-Stokes Equations
- Improved discovery through recommendations and tagging of Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) data
- Influence of High-latitude Dust on Aerosol Radiative Effects and Deposition in the DOE Earth System Model
- Influence of Hyporheic Exchange on Coupled S-Fe-C Biogeochemical Cycling and Microbial Community Function in Riparian Wetlands
- Insights into the Evolution of the Early Solar System from REE Kinetic Isotopic Fractionations in Refractory Inclusions
- Iron isotope fractionation during core formation suppressed by disproportionation
- Lattice Dynamics of an Iron-bearing Hydrated Sulfate Under Icy Planetary Interior Conditions
- Melting and Phase Relations of Fe-Ni-Si Determined by a Multi-Technique Approach
- Meteorological Controls of Boundary Layer CCN-active Aerosol Sources Over the Southern Ocean: Result from ship-based observation
- Natural Gas Shortages during the Coal-to-Gas Transition in China Have Caused A Large Redistribution of Air Pollution in Winter 2017
- Nonstationary seasonal model for daily mean temperature distribution bridging bulk and tails
- Philosophy and Progress of the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model
- Predictability of Extreme Drought in The United States with GEV Analysis
- Putting microorganisms on the map: continental-scale context for thousands of newly sampled microbial genomes from North American watersheds
- Recent developments in externally-heated diamond anvil cell technique for extreme condition research
- Reconciling differences between satellite-inferred NOx emissions and inventories in global cities
- Root Foraging for Water Influences the Recovery Timescale from Droughts in Forested Ecosystems
- Soil Bacterial Community Associations and Functional Potential in a GxE Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) Experiment
- Soil Properties, Soil Organic Matter Composition and Vulnerability of Arctic Hillslope Catenas
- Solid Phases and Melting of Elemental Silicon at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Strong Conformer-Dependence in the Reaction of Criegee Intermediates with Amines: Experiment and Theory
- Synthesis and characterization of a new complex iron sulfide at Earths outer core conditions
- The Earth Model Column Collaboratory (EMC) Ground-Based Lidar and Radar Instrument Simulator and Subcolumn Generator for Large-Scale Models
- The Thermal Equation of State of -(Al,Fe)OOH: Towards a SpinHydrogen Connection in Earth's Lower Mantle
- The Viscosity of Kimberlite Melts under High Pressure-Temperature Conditions
- The effect of supersaturation fluctuation on cloud droplet size distribution: high fidelity simulations of droplet dynamics under moist turbulent Rayleigh-Bernard convection
- Towards Correcting Broadened Doppler Spectra Measured Using Airborne Cloud Radars
- Trace element incorporation in calcium carbonate precipitates: Characterization using synchrotron-based x-ray diffraction, x-ray fluorescence, and transmission x-ray microscopy
- Ultralow velocities of amorphous CaCO3 and the origin of seismic anomalies in the Earth's upper mantle
- Use of WRF-Hydro to Simulate Runoff-Generated Debris Flow Hazards in Burn Scars
- Using the Material Point Method (MPM) to Simulate Dry and Two-Phase Granular Dam-Breaks
- Vegetation Influences on Soil and Microbial Function at Transition Zones Within the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface
- Wildfire Classification using PETSc-based Support Vector Machines on Distributed-Memory GPU-based Parallel Computers
- Wildland Fire Emission Study in Northwest Florida
- A Multi-Technique Approach for Measuring Melting of Iron-Rich Materials at Deep Earth Conditions
- A Multisite Evaluation of Stratified and Balanced Sampling for Estimating Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Agricultural Fields
- A Reduced Order Model for Understanding Hydrograph Response Downstream of the Flaming Gorge Dam
- Accumulation Mode Aerosols and Its drivers at the ARM Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) Site
- Accurate Crystal Structure of Ice VI and Ice VII from X-Ray Diffraction with Hirshfeld Atom Refinement
- Amplified Warming of the Great Lakes due to Lake-Atmosphere Feedback Processes
- An AI Approach to Understanding Soil Health and Nutrient Cycling
- An experimental comparison of three tracking algorithms for tropical and extra-tropical cyclones
- Beneath the Ghost Forest: Biogeochemistry and Function in Soils as they Transition from Coastal Forest to Wetland
- Biomass-burning smoke aging and cloud interactions: an intercomparison of WRF-Chem, CESM-Cam-Chem, and E3SM across multiple field campaigns in the southeast Atlantic.
- CUPofTEA: the Community Understanding Platform of Terrestrial Exchanges with the Atmosphere
- Characterization of lower crustal arc cumulate amphiboles (H2O content, δD, Fe3+/FeT ratios) by a combination of microanalytical techniques on single crystals
- Climate Resilience Assessment Framework for Soil and Groundwater Contamination and Waste Disposal Cells: Demonstration at the 118 Department of Energy's Legacy Sites Across the US
- Coastal Observations, Mechanisms, and Predictions Across Systems and Scales - Field, Measurements, and Experiments (COMPASS-FME)
- Community-developed (meta)data reporting formats to enable data reuse in environmental repositories
- Constraints on the Nature of Primary Precipitates in Archean Iron Formations from Spectroscopic and Theoretical Determinations of the Equilibrium Iron Isotopic Behavior of Greenalite and Ferrihydrite
- Coupled Process Simulations Indicate that Subsidence Will Accelerate Permafrost Thaw and Lead to Drier Tundra
- Demonstrating the Use of Beam Broadening-Corrected Doppler Spectra Measured Using an Airborne Cloud Radar During the CSET (Cloud System Evolution in the Trades) Field Campaign
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Cloud Droplet Growth by Condensation
- Direct experimental investigation of the unimolecular and self- reactions of β-hydroxy-functionalized peroxy radicals from the OH-initiated reactions of alkenes
- Dissolution of Calcium into Bridgmanite and Disappearance of Davemaoite in Warm Regions of the Lower Mantle
- ESGF2: Building the Next Generation Earth System Grid Federation
- Effects of Climate and Soil Environments on Switchgrass Yield and Trait Plasticity Across a Latitudinal Gradient in the U.S.
- Efficiently Incorporating Baroclinic Effects in a Global, Depth-Averaged Storm Tide Model
- Equilibrium Fractionation of REE Isotopes in Nature: Insights from Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering on Mossbauer Isotopes 151Eu and 161Dy
- Evaluating the simulation of precipitation by storm type in Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS at the watershed scale for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) across resolutions
- Flooding events and groundwater redox dynamics of coastal ecosystems
- Future Changes in the Hydrology of Great Lakes Region using Pseudo Global Warming Approach
- Geographic Trends in Soil Physicochemical Properties Across Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces
- Global Dust Cycle in the DOE E3SM version 2: Comparison with CMIP6 models and Observations
- Global barotropic tide modeling using inline self-attraction and loading in MPAS-Ocean
- High Pressure Vibrational Properties of Szomolnokite
- High-pressure, high-temperature phases of Canyon Diablo iron meteorite: A natural analog for terrestrial planetary cores
- Hydrogen Bonding and Spin State of (Al,Fe)-bearing Phase H at High Pressure
- Impacts of Urbanization and Lake Michigan on Chicago's Heat Stress and its Disparities
- Impacts of global dust and sea salt on the formation of coarse mode nitrate aerosols
- Implications of CO2 sourcing on the costs and life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of algae biofuels
- Implications of Microbial Taxonomic Turnover Along an Elevation Gradient on Greenhouse Gases
- Improved Cloud Detection with Micropulse Lidar Measurements and Fully Convolutional Networks Machine Learning Model
- In Situ Crystal/Melt Partitioning and Structural Studies using Large Volume Presses: the Case of Xenon
- In Situ Sensing of Manoomin (Wild Rice) Habitat to Create a Voice for Plant Relatives
- Interactions Between Organic Carbon and Synthetic Manganese and Iron Oxides in Acidic Forest Soil
- Inundation Caused by Rising Water Levels in the Great Lakes Drives Hydraulic Dysfunction in Coastal Trees
- Investigating Persistence Surface Urban Heat Island (PSUHI) with respect to the Local Climate Zones (LCZs) in Chicago, USA
- Investigating the Disproportionation of Iron in the Lower Mantle
- Life cycle of deep convective clouds in the Houston, TX region
- Long Term Historical Puerto Rican Climate Analysis
- Machine Learned Nonlinearity of the Post-spinel Transition and Its Expression in Slabs and Plumes Worldwide
- Mapping Surface Organic Soil Properties in Arctic Tundra using C-band SAR data
- Metamorphism-Facilitated Faulting in Deforming Metastable Orthopyroxene: Implications for Global Intermediate-Depth Seismicity
- Molecular- to Micron-Scale Investigations of Uranium-Containing Colloids from a Riparian Wetland
- Multi-Platform Investigation of Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Properties and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Non-stationary Analysis of Extreme Precipitation in the Northeast U.S. Using Three Dynamically Downscaled Global Climate Models
- Ocean-atmosphere influences on large-scale drought variability in the United States using SVDI
- Oligomerization Kinetics of Four-Carbon Unsaturated Criegee Intermediates
- Open Classification of Regimes in the Southeast USA: An open-source machine learning classifier for aerosol and meteorological regimes for ARM Mobile Facility deployments.
- Open Radar Science in Action
- Opposite gradients of soil greenhouse gas fluxes across the terrestrial-aquatic interface
- Overview of Urbanization Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather
- Pandemic Intelligence: Linking Wastewater Infrastructure, Microbial Ecology, and Hydrological Time-Series Analysis to Provide Population-Level Information for COVID-19 Response
- Performance Comparison of North Atlantic Hurricane Simulations between 4km Convection-Permitting and 12 km Convection Parameterized Regional Climate Modeling
- Present-day Evaluation of Extreme Precipitation over the United States: An Inter-comparison of Three Configurations of E3SMv1
- Project Pythia: A Pangeo Community Tool for Open-Source Education
- Project Pythia: Transforming Software Engineering Education for GeoScience
- Projected Changes in Extreme Streamflow and Inland Flooding in the Mid-21st Century over Northeastern US Using Ensemble WRF-Hydro Simulations
- Projecting future Colorado river basin water and hydropower operations
- Quantify moisture sources of the Great Lakes Precipitation
- Quantifying Variations in Soil C:N Relationships for the Permafrost Region.
- Radical Chain Propagation Induced by CHF Self-reaction Influences Thermal Initiation in CH2F2
- Regionally Refined Model of E3SM Version 2: Overview of Atmosphere, Land, and River
- Relating SARS-CoV-2 RNA Measured in Chicago-area Wastewater Treatment Plants and Cook County COVID-19 Public Health Data
- Risk Assessment of Freezing Rain in North America using Convective Permitting Scale Future Climate Projections.
- Role of Background Flow in Hurricane Induced Surge Risk
- Root Dynamics in Earth System Models Affect Ecosystem Response to Stress and Ecological Memory
- SICOPOLIS-AD v2: An inverse modeling framework for ice sheet modeling enabled by the open-source automatic differentiation tool Tapenade
- Sample tracking and synthesis needs for exploring ecosystem response to climate and environmental disturbance
- Scalable Wildfire Classification Using Distributed Memory Parallel, GPU-enabled Support Vector Machines
- Soil Organic Carbon and Microbial Composition Effects on Carbon Mineralization in Laboratory Warming Experiments
- Spring Festival points the way to cleaner air in China
- Structural transition and phonon density of states of FeSi up to 120 GPa
- Successes And Vision For Open Earth Sciences
- Summer climate change over Great Lakes Region in late 21st century
- Surrogate-assisted Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of a Great Lakes Coupled Regional Climate Model
- Surveying the First Year of SAIL Data and Formulating Hypotheses for its Second Year
- Tellurium Goes for a Ride on the "Ferrous" Wheel: Reduction of Te(VI) and Te(IV) by Iron(II)-Bearing Minerals
- The Impact of Crop Rotation and Spatially Varying Crop Parameters in the E3SM Land Model (ELMv2)
- The Impacts of Wave State Dependent Fluxes on Global Climate in E3SMv2
- Towards the development of a baseline in ground-based ice-nucleating particle properties across the world
- Tracking Mesoscale Convection Systems in the US in E3SM Multiscale Modeling Framework
- U and Fe Biogeochemistry in Wetland Sediments at the Savannah River Site
- Understanding the Tropospheric Impacts of Isoprene-Derived Carbonyl Oxide Criegee Intermediates: Direct Studies of an Elusive Class of Reactive Intermediates
- Update on Project Raijin: Community Geoscience Analysis Tools for Unstructured Grids
- Urban Fugitive Dust over the US East Coast and its Potential Impact on Regional Air Quality and Climate
- X-Band Radar Precipitation Estimates for the Surface Atmosphere Integrated Field Laboratory (SAIL) Field Experiment
- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Unravel Fe Speciation in Soil and Sediment Cores from Redox-Dynamic Marine and Freshwater Coastal Environments
- Zero-Shot Super-Resolution of Regional-Scale Surface Heat Simulation Using Fourier Neural Operator
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Akinsanola
- A. C. Aiken
- A. M. Fridlind
- Aaron I. Packman
- Aaron S. Donahue
- Adam Varble
- Ahmad Jan
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alexander L. Handwerger
- Alice Dohnalkova
- Allison Myers‐Pigg
- Amy Goldman
- Anat Shahar
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew Roberts
- Andrew S. Ackerman
- Angeline G. Pendergrass
- Annmarie G. Carlton
- B. Gamelin
- B. R. Hillman
- Barbara C. Ratschbacher
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Benjamin Strozewski
- Beth Drewniak
- Bin Chen
- Brandon Rotavera
- Brian E. J. Rose
- Brian K. Arbic
- Brian Medeiros
- Bryce E. Harrop
- Byron C. Crump
- C. Sanloup
- Calvin Howes
- Cara M. Santelli
- Catherine A. Peters
- Cenlin He
- Charuleka Varadharajan
- Coleman Blakely
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Craig A. Taatjes
- Cécile Hannay
- D. Agarwal
- D. Feldman
- Damien Irving
- Dan Li
- Daniel A. Knopf
- Daniel E. Horton
- Daniel L. Goldberg
- Daniel Rothenberg
- Darren Engwirda
- David Gochis
- David J. Delene
- David L. Osborn
- Deepak Cherian
- Dimitrios K. Fytanidis
- Dié Wang
- Dongzhou Zhang
- Douglas S. Hamilton
- Edward J. O’Loughlin
- Elise K. Wilbourn
- Elisha M. Wood‐Charlson
- Elizabeth Hunke
- Emily Robles
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
- Erin E. McDuffie
- Ethan T. Coon
- Eva Sinha
- Ezra J. T. Levin
- Fausto Machado‐Silva
- Fei Chen
- Feng Shi
- Fianna O’Brien
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Francesca Gallo
- G. H. C. Ng
- Gabriel J. Kooperman
- Gaige Hunter Kerr
- Giuseppe Buscarnera
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- H. C. Watson
- Hailiang Dong
- Hailong Wang
- Hang Su
- Haochen Tan
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Hassan Beydoun
- Helen Weierbach
- Hemanth S. K. Vepuri
- Himanshu Save
- Israel Silber
- J. M. Comstock
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- James Badro
- James C. Stegen
- James N. Smith
- Jean‐Christophe Golaz
- Jennifer M. Jackson
- Jessica Welch
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jiachen Ding
- Jianfeng Li
- Jie Li
- Jim J. Lin
- Jin Liu
- Jin S. Zhang
- Jitendra Kumar
- Jiwen Fan
- Joan E. Ball-Damerow
- Johannes Buchen
- Jos Lelieveld
- Julie D. Jastrow
- Julie J. Kim
- K. Willi
- Kai Zhang
- Kaiyu Guan
- Kanani K. M. Lee
- Karem Abdelmohsen
- Karthik Balaguru
- Katelyn Plaisier Leisman
- Katherine Calvin
- Kelin Wang
- Kelly Wrighton
- Kennedy O. Doro
- Kenton A. Rod
- Kevin A. Reed
- Khachik Sargsyan
- Khadijah Homolka
- Kierstin Daviau
- Kim Ely
- Kristen Butler
- Kristin Boye
- Kyle G. Pressel
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lars Stixrude
- Laura D. Riihimaki
- Leehi Magaritz-Ronen
- Lupei Zhu
- M. C. Barth
- M. S. Raleigh
- M. Skiles
- M. Sultan
- Maegen Simmonds
- Maggie Bowman
- Mark J. Potosnak
- Mark Petersen
- Matthew C. Brennan
- Matthew J. Norwood
- Matthew R. Norman
- Max Berkelhammer
- Maxwell Grover
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Michael F. Vansco
- Michael N. Weintraub
- Michael P. Jensen
- Michael P. Ricketts
- Michael Schindelegger
- Michael Y. Hu
- Ming Hao
- Mingcai Hou
- Mingxuan Wu
- Miraj B. Kayastha
- Mohamed Ahmed
- Naruki Hiranuma
- Nathan Collier
- Nicholas D. Ward
- Nicola Falco
- Odeta Qafoku
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. E. Thornton
- Pamela C. Burnley
- Pamela Weisenhorn
- Paquita Zuidema
- Patricia K. Quinn
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paytsar Muradyan
- Peishi Jiang
- Peng Ni
- Pengfei Xue
- Peter Caldwell
- Philip A. Fay
- Qi Tang
- R. E. Cohen
- R. Sivaramakrishnan
- Ralf Greve
- Ravhi S. Kumar
- Rebecca L. Caravan
- Ricardo J. Eloy Alves
- Richard Mills
- Robert Crystal‐Ornelas
- Robert Jacob
- Roger Marchand
- Roy L. Rich
- Ruhi S. Humphries
- Ryan C. Sullivan
- S. L. Painter
- Sarat Sreepathi
- Sasha Ames
- Shaocheng Xie
- Simon Roux
- Solomon Ehosioke
- Stephanie C. Pennington
- Steve Smith
- Sujan Pal
- Susan C. Anenberg
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Susannah M. Dorfman
- Swarup China
- TC Chakraborty
- Takayuki Ishii
- Tian Zhou
- Tony Yu
- Udayan Singh
- Umakant Mishra
- V. R. Kotamarthi
- Valerie Hendrix
- Vanessa Bailey
- Vasilije V. Dobrosavljevic
- Virendra P. Ghate
- Vitali B. Prakapenka
- Wei-Ching Hsu
- Wenfu Tang
- Wen‐Yi Zhou
- William Pringle
- William R. Boos
- William R. Palfey
- Xiaodong Chen
- Xiaohong Liu
- Xiaojing Lai
- Xingqiu Yuan
- Xingyuan Chen
- Xylar Asay‐Davis
- Yafang Cheng
- Yan Feng
- Yanbin Wang
- Yanhao Lin
- Yoonah Bang
- Yuan Gao
- Yun Qian
- Zexuan Xu
- Zhao Yang