San Francisco State University, California
flowchart I[San Francisco State University, California] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (436)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (33)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Fault Propagation Folding Along the Serra Thrust Fault and Evidence for Late Pleistocene Onset of Transpression Along the San Andreas Fault, Northern San Francisco Peninsula, California
- Marine Terraces Near Bolinas, California, and Implications for Uplift of the Point Reyes Peninsula
- Neotectonic Investigation of the southern Rodgers Creek fault, Sonoma County, California
- Project ALERT: Three Years Of A Catalytic Partnership For Improving Pre-Service Teacher Education In Earth System Sciences
- The Impact of Diatoms on Climate Variability: Comparison of Model Output and Core Data for Opal and CO2
- Voyages Through Time: Everything Evolves
- Analysis of Acoustic Signals from Shipping Traffic at Pioneer Seamount
- Blue-Whale Calls Detected at the Pioneer Seamount Underwater Observatory
- Clues to Coral Reef Health: Integrating Radiative Transfer Modeling and Hyperspectral Data
- Hydrostratigraphy of the Westside Groundwater Basin, San Francisco and San Mateo Counties, California
- Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen Utilization During the Southern Ocean Iron Enrichment Experiments (SOFeX)
- Interannual variability in energy and carbon exchange over a midwestern mixed hardwood deciduous forest
- Investigation of Polar Stratospheric Ice Clouds Using Combined Observations from UARS/CLAES and AVHRR
- Investigations of Arsenic and Iron Interactions in Environmental Systems Using Synchrotron Radiation Techniques
- Patterns of Phytoplankton Assemblages Across the Northern California Coast Measured During Wind Events (CoOP WEST Study)
- Productivity Performance of the CoOP-WEST Upwelling Region off Bodega Bay, CA: Comparison With Other Coastal Upwelling Systems.
- Progress in Upwelling Research: Ecosystem Modeling From CUEA to GLOBEC
- SF-ROCKS: Reaching Out to Communities and Kids With Science in San Francisco
- Shelf Penetration of California Undercurrent Waters in the CoOP-WEST Study Region at Bodega, CA
- Silicate, Diatoms and Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Glacial Cycle: A Comparison of Core Data and Model Results.
- The Response of Nutrients and CO2 to Wind-Driven Coastal Upwelling Measured During the CoOP-WEST study
- The Response of Phytoplankton Size Spectra and Chlorophyll Biomass to Wind-driven Coastal Upwelling off Northern California During the CoOP-WEST Study.
- Wind Events and Shelf Transport (WEST): Understanding the Role of Wind-Driven Transport in Shelf Productivity.
- Clues to Coral Reef Ecosystem Health: Spectral Analysis Coupled with Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Comparison of Five Weather Forecast Methods at Four California Locations
- Discovering New Worlds
- Does Geothermal Energy Production Cause Earthquakes in the Geysers Region of Northern California?
- Faculty Activity to Reach Consensus and Develop the SF-ROCKS Outreach Program
- Isotopic Analyses of a new Cold Seep locality, Guenoc Ranch, Great Valley Group, Northern California
- Network Structure Control on Bed Material Grain Size Distribution
- Observational Evidence Against Mountain Wave Generation of Ice Clouds Leading to the Formation of NAT Clouds in Early December 1999 Within the Arctic Vortex
- Pattern and Rates of Faulting in the 1932-1954 Portion of the Central Nevada Seismic Belt
- Sediment Distribution in Central San Francisco Bay in the Vicinity of Raccoon Strait.
- The Influence of the Grain Size Distribution of Sediments Supplied by Hillslopes on Rates of River Incision Into Bedrock and Steady-State Longitudinal Profile Form
- The Role of Aquifer Heterogeneity on Metal Reduction in an Atlantic Coastal Plain Aquifer as Determined by Push-Pull Tests
- Water Quality Analysis of Yosemite Creek Watershed, San Francisco, California
- Analysis of Serpentine Soils in the Presidio of San Francisco, CA
- Carbonate Removal from Sediment Samples for Elemental and Isotopic (\delta<SUP>13</SUP>C and \Delta<SUP>14</SUP>C) Analyses: Comparison of HCl Vapor and Sulfurous Acid
- Geomorphic Effects of Boulder Placement on Gravel Capture and Retention in a Regulated Reach of the North Umpqua River, OR.
- Hydraulic Characteristics of the San Gregorio Creek Drainage Basin, California: a Preliminary Study.
- Hypothesis Testing in Hydrologic Restoration: Soil Moisture, Root Density, and Plant Community Associations in Northeastern Sierra Nevada, California, Meadows
- Lithologic Influence and Experimental Variability in Gravel Abrasion: Implications for Predicting Rates of Downstream Fining of River Bed Sediments
- Periodic Spacing of Channel-Spanning Potholes in Navajo Sandstone, Henry Mountains Utah: Implications for Propagation of Incision Pulses across Tributary Junctions
- Removal of Arsenic(III) from Groundwater with Nano Scale Zero-Valent Iron
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Hydraulic Properties in the Russian River Streambed, Central Sonoma, County, CA
- Studies of Contrasting Summer Weather Patterns in Northern California
- The Different Faces of San Francisco's Ocean Beach: Analyzing Sand Size and Beach Shape
- Time-Critical Studies: Rapid response to Transient Dynamic Mid-Ocean Ridge Events
- A Link Between Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes and Intracloud Lightning
- Can coarse surface layers in gravel-bedded rivers be mobilized by finer gravel bedload?
- Discovery Along the San Andreas Fault: Relocating Photographs From the 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties
- Evolution of fault scarp knickpoints following 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in West-Central Taiwan
- Exploration of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Meteorological Variables over the Bay Area in Summer
- Exploring Form and Pattern: Pinecone, Fern, and Tafoni
- Field Monitoring of Bedrock Channel Erosion and Morphology
- Measurements of Current and Charge Transfer in Lightning Associated with RHESSI-Detected Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes
- Propagation of sediment pulses in flume experiments simulating gravel augmentation in armored channels downstream of dams
- Relations Between Microseismicity and Surface Creep Along Major Strike-Slip Faults of the San Francisco Bay Region (CA)
- Role of Atmospheric Scattering on Canopy Light Penetration and Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 in a Mid-Western Mixed Deciduous Forest
- Self-Formed Meanders (With Cutoffs) in a Laboratory Flume
- Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes: Statistical and Individual Properties from RHESSI
- The Purisima Formation at Capitola Beach, Santa Cruz County, CA: A Deeper Examination of Pliocene Fossils
- The influence of bed roughness on partial alluviation in an experimental bedrock channel
- The influence of variable discharge on channel morphology and rates of change in an experimental meandering floodplain river
- The influence of variable sediment supply and bed roughness on the spatial distribution of incision in a laboratory bedrock channel
- Transient Gamma-Ray Emissions Related to Thunderstorms: Coordinated RHESSI and CORONAS-F Observations
- A New Campaign GPS Network and Alinement Array on the Bartlett Springs Fault: Preliminary Velocities and Creep Rates
- Age and Elevations of High-Level OIS2 Pluvial Lake Manly Shorelines, Northern and Central Death Valley: Implications for Lacustrine Sequence Stratigraphy in Southern Death Valley and the OIS6 Pluvial Lake Level
- Arsenic and Chromium Concentrations in Sand and Soil Below Play Structures Constructed With Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCR) Treated Wood in San Francisco, California
- Carbonate Removal From Coastal and Freshwater Sediments for Determination of δ13C and Δ14C Signatures of Organic Carbon: Comparison of Fumigation and in Situ Acidification With HCl
- Coherency structure and Rossby waves fronts in equatorial Pacific
- Correlating field and laboratory rates of particle abrasion, Rio Medio, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico
- Field and Laboratory Observations of Bedrock Erosion by Granular Flows
- Increasing Interest in the Geosciences at Public High Schools in San Francisco Through the SF-ROCKS Program
- Investigations of Sediment Pulse Morphodynamics in a Flume with Fixed Bars
- Laboratory simulation of gravel augmentation downstream of dams: the effect of hydrographs on sediment pulse dynamics
- Landslide Warning Action Plan: Prioritizing Areas of High Risk Along Blue Ridge Parkway Using VisiData
- Lateral erosion by abrasion in an experimental bedrock channel
- Mechanisms of point bar growth and accretion in experimental bedload-dominated streams
- New U-Pb SHRIMP dating for the Leo Pargil gneiss dome, western Himalaya
- Petrology and new U-Pb SHRIMP dating for eclogites of the Lofoten Islands, Flakstad\oy and Vestvåg\oy, northern Norway
- Quantifying Beach Response to Episodic Large Wave Events, a Predictive Empirical Model, Ocean Beach, San Francisco, CA
- San Francisco Bay Area Fault Observations Displayed in Google Earth
- Sediment Supply and Relative Size Distribution Effects on Fine Sediment Infiltration into Immobile Gravels
- Seismically-Induced Lateral Spreads Detected in Airphotos and Subsurface Investigation, Dixie Valley, NV
- Step-pool spacing in a travertine system, Fossil Creek, Arizona
- The Influence of Variable Discharge on the Morphology of a Model Meandering River
- The role of sequences of channel-spanning potholes in the transient evolution of a weakly dissected bedrock landscape, Henry Mountains, Utah
- Variation of the Beach Profile, Ocean Beach, San Francisco, California
- X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Possible Graphite Pseudomorphs After Diamond From the South Ural Mountains, Russia
- A Water Quality Study: Heron's Head Park, San Francisco, California
- An Environmental Health Assessment: Fecal Coliform Contamination in San Francisco Waterbodies
- Climatic, tectonic and lithologic controls on the size distribution of sediments supplied to channels: implications for transient evolution of bedrock river profiles
- Conditions Necessary to Create and Maintain Meandering Channels: Inferences From Flume Experiments
- Debris flows as agents of landscape evolution in quartzite terrains of the central Appalachians, Virginia
- Did the Karakoram fault interrupt mid-crustal channel flow in the western Himalaya?
- Early Miocene granitoids from the Leo Pargil gneiss dome, northwest Himalaya
- Environmental Analysis Focusing on Nitrate and Phosphate of Lake Merced, San Francisco, California
- Evaluation of Nonpoint Source Pollution in Stormwater Run-Off in Neighborhoods in San Francisco, California
- Fine sediment infiltration into gravel bed: theory and experiments
- Geologic Investigations of the Marin Headlands, California
- Gulf of the Farallones tidal variation
- Lithologic feedbacks between valley and channel form in canyons of southeast Utah
- Mining soil survey databases to explore lithologic, climatic and topographic controls on hillslope production of bedload-size rock fragments
- Petrology of the Leo Pargil gneiss dome, northwest Himalaya
- Seismically-Induced Lateral Spreads Analyzed for Liquefaction and Cyclic Failure Mechanisms, Dixie Valley, NV
- Selenate and Selenite Reduction by Nanometer-Scale Zerovalent Iron Particles
- Testing a new method for measuring micro-morphological change using embedded magnets in a travertine depositional environment, Fossil Creek, Arizona
- The Effect of CO2 Stabilization on Uptake Rates in Land and Ocean Sinks as a Function of Ocean Circulation, Vegetation Type, and CO2 Fertilization
- X-ray Spectroscopic Tools for Structural Determination of Cr(VI)-Treated Iron Nanoparticles
- A Community Stormwater Investigation, San Francisco, CA
- A Study of the San Andreas Slip Rate on the San Francisco Peninsula, California
- Anomalously Low pCO2 Measured in the San Francisco Estuary
- Assessing Middle School and College Students' Conceptions About Wind, Fog, and Tornadoes
- Assessment of Creep on the Bartlett Springs Fault using GPS and Alinement Array Measurements
- Burn Severity Assessment in the Okanogan-Wenatchee Forest Using NASA Satellite Missions
- Carbon Cycling in the Coastal Ocean off California
- Characterizing Sediment Supply to Rivers: Effects of Lithology, Climate, Weathering and Erosion on Rock-fragment Abundance in Granitic, Hillslope Soils
- Community Heavy Metal Exposure, San Francisco, California
- Comparison of ground-based measurements of natural radiation to airborne radiation survey data on transects from coastal California to the Colorado Plateau
- Effects of the Marmot Dam Removal on Grain Size Distribution in the B Reaches of the Sandy River in Oregon
- Experimental investigation of fluvial incision on Titan by low-velocity sediment impacts
- Exploring the Role of Filamentous Cyanobacteria in the Formation of Living Silica Stromatolites in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Feedbacks between biotic and abiotic influences on travertine deposition, Fossil Creek, Arizona.
- Impacts of coastal advection fog on the surface radiation regime
- Mechanisms linking sediment supply and bar morphology: Results from a straight flume with alternate bars
- Nonlinear wave statistics in a focal zone
- Observations of Ocean Surface Wave Damping on a Muddy Continental Shelf
- Petrology and structure of the Renbu gneiss dome, southeast Tibet
- Processes Controlling Trace Metal Distributions Within the Sub-surface Waters of a Mesoscale Anti-cyclonic Eddy
- Study of extrabasinal-sourced rock clasts in Mesozoic and Cenozoic conglomerates and stream terrace gravels from the Colorado River Basin upstream from the Grand Canyon
- The response of the tropical Indo-Pacific warm-pool to conditions of global warmth
- The role of hydrographs in sediment pulse dynamics.
- U-Pb and Trace Element Data From the Renbu Gneiss Dome, Southeast Tibet
- Using CAM3 and the Alkenone Method to Understand how Pliocene SST's Affect California and Other Climates Adjacent to Upwelling Regions
- A 3D Microseismicity Map of the Bartlett Springs Fault System in Northern California
- California Current Sea Surface Temperatures in the Early Pliocene
- Constraints on the post-middle-Pleistocene tectonic development of the Confidence Hills, southern Death Valley, California
- Determining Spatial and Temporal Variation in Sources of Nitrogen Deposition in the Rocky Mountains using Nitrogen Isotopes
- Experimental investigation of the temperature dependence of polycrystalline ice strength and resistance to low-velocity impacts with application to Titan
- Himalayan Leucogranites from the Zanskar Region, Northern India
- Laboratory measurements of ice tensile strength dependence on density and concentration of silicate and polymer impurities at low temperatures
- Links between south Atlantic subtropical gyre and tropical upwelling region during the Pliocene and Pleistocene
- Modeling nonpoint source nitrate contamination and associated uncertainty in groundwater of U.S. regional aquifers
- Preliminary investigation of factors affecting the seismic potential of the Bartlett Springs fault zone, northern California
- Pseudotachylite in eclogite-facies shear zones from the Lofoten Islands, northern Norway
- SEM Imaging and X-ray Spectroscopic Studies of Cr(VI)- and Se(VI)-Treated Iron Nanoparticles
- Sea Surface Temperature and Upwelling Conditions off Northern California Coast during the early Pliocene
- The Effect of Erosion Rate on Hillslope Rock Fragment Production: Implications for Supply of Bedload Material to Channels
- The dependence of bedrock erodibility on rock material properties: is tensile strength enough?
- The response of phytoplankton carbon and nitrogen processes to elevated carbon dioxide in the Point Reyes, CA upwelling
- Topographic and lithologic controls on occurrence of cobble-boulder channel beds: implications for salmonid over-wintering habitat
- Tracing Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling of Ammonium and Nitrate in the Sacramento River and northern San Francisco Bay using Stable Isotope Techniques
- Using surface curvature to map geomorphic process regimes in a bedrock landscape, Henry Mountains, Utah
- Visible-Wavelength Integrated Spectroscopy of Binary Asteroids
- A new closure approximation for shallow-water wave propagation
- An Object-Based Method for Estimation of River Discharge from Remotely-Sensed Imagery
- An empirical model to predict the occurrence of cobble-boulder channel beds
- Assessment of Downstream Cycling of Point Source Ammonium Input to the Sacramento River, California Using Stable Isotopes
- Bedrock resistance to fluvial erosion: the importance of rock tensile strength, crystal grain size and porosity in scaling from the laboratory to the field
- Changes in the community structure of microbial mats along chemical and temperature gradients in a Yellowstone hot spring
- Climate history in the south Atlantic subtropical gyre over the last 4 Ma
- Correlating the Transport of Precipitable Water Vapor with Rainfall in a Complex Orographic Environment Before, During and After a Tropical Storm: Case Study of Typhoon Morakot
- Determination of Natural 14C Abundances in Dissolved Organic Carbon in Organic-Rich Marine Sediment Porewaters by Thermal Sulfate Reduction
- Dissipation in shoaling nonlinear waves
- EBSD analysis of eclogitized rocks form the Marun-Keu complex, Polar Urals, Russia
- Effects of climate variability and change on infiltration and recharge beneath natural grasslands in semiarid regions of the High Plains, USA
- Geophysical evidence for Quaternary deformation within the offshore San Andreas Fault System, Point Reyes Peninsula, California
- Hayward Fault: A 50-km-long Locked Patch Regulates Its Large Earthquake Cycle (Invited)
- High silicate:nitrate ratios in eastern boundary upwelling waters may produce greater carbon drawdown than predicted from Redfield C:N ratios
- Insights into high-temperature nitrogen cycling from studies of the thermophilic ammonia-oxidizing archaeon Nitrosocaldus yellowstonii. (Invited)
- Investigating the Cause of Moving Albedo Boundaries in the Oxia Palus Region of Mars
- Isotopic analysis of northern Himalayan gneiss domes
- Lateral bedrock erosion in an experimental channel: the influence of bed roughness on wear by bedload impacts
- Mapping Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in the Rocky Mountains, USA
- Microbial lifestyles that enable survival in lithifying habitats
- Modeling Sediment Deposition for Predicting Marsh Habitat Development
- Observations of wave-driven surf-zone dynamics on a high-energy beach, Ocean Beach, San Francisco
- Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Santa Monica Basin Sediments: Clues From Carbon Isotope Signatures
- Recharge response to interannual and multidecadal climate variability and implications for groundwater resources of the Central Valley aquifer, California
- Response of mating activity of the plainfin midshipman to inflow into San Francisco Bay from a summer storm
- Sea Surface Temperatures in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool During the Early Pliocene Warm Period
- Structural and Hydrologic Implications of Joint Orientations in the Warner Creek and Stony Clove Drainage Basins, Catskill Mountains, Eastern New York
- The influence of impurities in Titan ice bedrock on tensile strength and resistance to fluvial erosion: experimental results
- Transition of Benthic Nutrient Sources after Engineered Levee Breaches Adjacent to Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, Oregon
- U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology of leucogranites from the Greater Himalayan Sequence in Zanskar and from the Karakoram fault zone, NW India
- Use of regression-based models to map sensitivity of aquatic resources to atmospheric deposition in Yosemite National Park, USA
- Wave damping across the Louisiana shelf
- A comparison of groundwater storage using GRACE data, groundwater levels, and a hydrological model in California's Central Valley
- Characterization of the abundant ≤0.2 μm cell-like particles inhabiting Lake Vida brine, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Coherent structures in random waves
- Does G. sacculifer record surface water conditions in the south Atlantic subtropical gyre?
- Evaluation of SNODAS snow depth and snow water equivalent estimates for the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Field-based, research-focused experiential learning in undergraduate geoscience and physical geography classes
- Fluvial Features on Titan: New Insights from Morphology and Hydraulic Modeling
- Hyperspectral Biofilm Classification Analysis for Carrying Capacity of Migratory Birds in the South Bay Salt Ponds
- Interannual to Multidecadal Climate Variability and Groundwater Resources of the Western United States
- Micro-Satellite Constellation for Global Surface Water Data
- Recharge beneath low-impact design rain gardens and the influence of El Niño Southern Oscillation on urban, coastal groundwater resources
- Reconstructing the thermocline in the south Atlantic subtropical Gyre over the last 4 Ma
- Sea surface temperature and salinity in the south Atlantic subtropical gyre over the last 4 Ma
- The Changing California Coast: The Effect of a Variable Water Budget on Coastal Vegetation Succession
- Tracing the Origins of Coarse Sediment in Steep Mountain Catchments
- Altitudinal increase in size of sediment shed from slopes revealed by tracer thermochronometry
- Biogeochemistry and Genetic Potential related to Denitrification of Heterotrophic Bacteria isolated from Lake Vida Cryobrine
- Climate variability effects on urban recharge beneath low impact development
- Composition of metabolizable organic matter in anoxic sediments of the Santa Monica Basin inferred from <SUP>14</SUP>C and <SUP>13</SUP>C signatures of particulate and dissolved organic carbon
- Drifter Observations Of Wave-Current Evolution Through The San Francisco Bight
- Erodibility of Titan ice bedrock constrained by laboratory measurements of ice strength and erosion by sediment impacts
- Evidence for Changing Climate Sensitivity in the Geologic Past
- Fluid-Controlled Metamorphism of Eclogitic Pseudotachylite-Bearing Shear Zones, FLAKSTADØY, Northern Norway
- Impacts of biological diversity on sediment transport in streams
- Influence of the summer marine layer on patterns of chaparral diversity in west central California
- Laboratory experiments for defining scaling relations between rock material properties and rock resistance to erosion
- Moving Beyond the Average in Cosmogenic Nuclide Studies of Erosion and Weathering
- Near-surface structure of the 1906 main trace of the San Andreas Fault, San Francisco peninsula segment, California
- Nitrification and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fixation in hot springs in the presence and absence of a nitrification inhibitor
- Physiological plasticity of the thermophilic ammonia oxidizing archaeon Nitrosocaldus yellowstonii in response to a changing environment
- Plio-Pleistocene records from the South East Atlantic reveal changes in the Agulhas leakage
- Sustaining professional development gains after the NSF-CCLI grant ends
- Teleconnections in Groundwater of U.S. Principal Aquifers to the Non-Stationarity of ENSO, NAO, PDO, and AMO
- The dynamics of an experimental gravel bed meander with constant discharge and sediment supply
- Validation of Lagrangian GPS/Accelerometer Wave-Resolving Drifter Measurements
- A Flume Experiment to Constrain Bedload Adaptation Lengths
- Analyzing Stellar Bio-Essential Element Abundances in the Solar Neighborhood
- Application of a Very-Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Consumer Grade Camera for the Collection of Research Grade Data: Preliminary Findings
- Are discontinuous rating curves in sand bedded rivers due to bedform transitions or bed scour?
- Climatic controls on mechanical rock strength and channel incision due to bedrock weathering, Kohala Peninsula, Hawaii
- Combined use of stable isotopes and hydrologic modeling to better understand nutrient sources and cycling in highly altered systems (Invited)
- Does atmospheric scattering increase or decrease terrestrial photosynthesis? Strong constraints from sunlight observations
- Electron precipitation into the Martian atmosphere: interplay between scattering and the magnetic mirror force
- Evidence for climatic and topographic control of the size and flux of eroded sediment across a steep mountain catchment
- Exhumation of the Greater Himalayan Sequence Along the Zanskar Shear Zone, NW India
- Exploratorium's Wired Pier: Leveraging Data and Observation to Engage Public Audiences in Environmental Sciences and Global Change
- Global Palaeoclimate Signals in Climate in groundwater: the past is the key to the future
- Long-term rates and the depth extent of fault creep along the San Andreas Fault system in northern California from alinement arrays and GPS data
- Long-term stability of the Western Equatorial Pacific warm pool
- Managed aquifer recharge with low impact development under a changing climate (Invited)
- Metamorphism of eclogites from the UHP Maksyutov Complex, south Ural Mountains, Russia
- Near-Surface Structure of the Peninsula Segment of the San Andreas Fault, San Francisco Bay Area, California
- Observations on the balance between abiotic and biotic factors in plant-morphodynamic feedbacks (Invited)
- P-T-t-d History of the Greater Himalaya Sequence metapelites in the Zanskar Shear Zone, NW India
- Productivity Along the California Margin During the Pliocene
- The Impact of One- and Two-Moment Microphysical Schemes on Precipitation in an Ordinary Thunderstorm
- The Role of Cracks in Accelerating the Rate of Landslide Movement
- Tropical Climate Mean State and Variability during the Pliocene Warm Period (Invited)
- Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Asia-Pacific Ring of Fire
- A Widespread Grain Size Bias in Detrital Cosmogenic Nuclide Studies: Implications for Sampling in Steep Terrain
- Application of Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) in detecting and quantifying forest loss caused by artisanal gold mining activities in Upper Mazaruni River Basin, Guyana
- Catchment Power and the Joint Distribution of Elevation and Travel Distance to the Outlet
- Characterization of Whole Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter by <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR
- Differential Uplift and Incision of the Yakima River Terraces
- Effect of Ship Noise on Mating Behavior of the Plainfin Midshipman Fish.
- Evolution of particle angularity in natural and laboratory debris flows
- Freshwater Vulnerability to Nitrate Contamination as an Indicator of Sustainability and Resilience within the Water-Energy-Food Nexus of the California Coastal Basins
- Groundwater level response in U.S. Principal Aquifers to natural climate variability on interannual to multidecadal timescales
- Hillslope Sediment Size Distributions Linked to Geomorphic Process Regimes in a Steep Mountain Catchment: Field Data from Inyo Creek, Sierra Nevada, California
- Is Frost Cracking By Segregation Ice Growth One of the Mechanisms That Erode Bedrock River Margins?
- Linking Agulhas Leakage Variability and North Atlantic Climate MIS 1-5a
- Mapping geomorphic process domains to predict hillslope sediment size distribution using remotely-sensed data and field sampling, Inyo Creek, California
- Methylmercury and other chemical constituents in Pacific coastal fog water from seven sites in Central/Northern California (FogNet) during the summer of 2014
- Micrometeorological observations of carbon, water vapor and heat exchanges on the California Academy of Sciences' living roof using eddy covariance
- New U-Pb Age and Trace Element Composition of Young Metamorphic Zircon Rims from the UHP Tso Morari Complex, NW Himalaya, Distinguishes Peak from Retrograde Metamorphism
- Particle size reduction in debris flows: Laboratory experiments compared with field data from Inyo Creek, California
- Petrology and Geochronology of High-Grade Metamorphic Rocks from Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico
- Radiocarbon Evidence for Active Turnover of Pore-Water Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Methanogenic and Sulfate-Methane-Transition Zones of Santa Barbara Basin Sediments
- Remote Sensing of Vegetation Parameters for Modeling Coastal Marsh Response to Sea Level Rise
- Reproductive Potential of Salmon Spawning Substrates Inferred from Grain Size and Fish Length
- Resolving the Youngest Episode of Zircon Rim Growth with High-Spatial Resolution SIMS: U-Pb Ages and Trace Element Analyses from <1 um Thick Metamorphic Zircon Rims from the Zanskar Shear Zone and Tso Morari UHP Complex, NW Himalaya
- Security of water, energy, and food nexus in the Asia-Pacific region
- Sediment Supply as a Control on Plant-Morphodynamic Interactions
- Studying Nearshore Ocean Waves Using X-Band Radar
- Surface slip associated with the 2014 South Napa, California earthquake measured on alinement arrays
- The Co-Distribution of Nitrifying Archaea and Diazotrophic Bacteria in Geothermal Springs
- The Photosynthetic Trade-off Between Direct and Diffuse Light, the Problem with Diffuse Fraction and a Proposed Solution.
- Afterslip Behavior Following the M6.0, 2014 South Napa Earthquake with Implications for Afterslip Forecasting on Other Seismogenic Faults.
- Bar Morphology in a sinuous bedrock flume
- Brittle deformation and hoodoo development in Bryce Canyon National Park
- Can Wet Rocky Granular Flows Become Debris Flows Due to Fine Sediment Production by Abrasion?
- Characterization, Validation and Intercomparison of Clumping Index Maps from POLDER, MODIS, and MISR Satellite Data Over Reference Sites
- Climate Variability and Vadose Zone Controls on Damping of Transient Recharge Fluxes
- Comparing Siliceous Productivity Proxies Along the California Margin During Pliocene Warmth: Smear Slides vs. Biogenic Silica
- Detecting Global Hydrological Cycle Intensification
- Effects of Land-Use Change and Managed Aquifer Recharge on Geochemical Reactions with Implications for Groundwater Quantity and Quality in Atoll Island Aquifers, Roi-Namur, Republic of the Marshall Islands
- Field measurements confirm that hillslope sediment size varies with elevation and geomorphic process regime at Inyo Creek, California
- If Rocks Could Talk: Origin Stories of Stream Sediment Told by Apatite Helium Ages and Cosmogenic Nuclides
- Interactions between fluvial forces and vegetation size, density and morphology influence plant mortality during experimental floods
- Investigating the Martian Ionospheric Conductivity Using MAVEN Key Parameter Data
- Looking beyond the mean in tree-ring chronologies
- Mercury and Other Chemical Constituents in Pacific Marine Fog Water: Results from Two Summers of Sampling in FogNet
- P-T-t-d History of the Lahul Valley, NW Indian Himalaya
- Paleoceanographic history of the Lower Bengal Fan during the last glacial cycle - IODP Expedition 354
- Predicting hillslope sediment size distribution using remote sensing data, Inyo Creek, California
- Reconstructing Oceanographic Conditions From the Holocene to the Last Glacial Maximum in the Bay of Bengal
- Sedimentary Controls on Foraminifera Distribution in the Bay of Bengal
- Spatial Variation of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Estimated Critical Loads for Aquatic Ecosystems in the Greater Yellowstone Area
- Standard Fog Collector Measurements Along the Central and Northern California Coast During the 2014 and 2015 Fog Seasons
- Testing for the Influence of Light Availability on Tree-Ring Reconstructed Temperature at Sonora Pass, CA
- Why Does the Leeward Side of Mt. Tamalpais Experience a Climatological Precipitation Maximum?
- δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Mg/Ca Analysis on Mid-Pleistocene Foraminifera from the Bay of Bengal
- A Common Refractory Component in Pore-Water DOM From two Anaerobic Continental Margin Sediments With Contrasting POM Content and Composition
- A Modeling Framework for Predicting the Size of Sediments Produced on Hillslopes and Supplied to Channels
- Assessing the Biogenicity of Tufas and Their Potential as Biosignature Repositories
- By Inferno's Light: Characterizing TESS Object of Interest Host Stars for Prioritizing Our Search for Habitable Planets
- Can the Size Distributions of Talus Particles be Predicted from Fracture Spacing Distributions on Adjacent Bedrock Cliffs?
- Cell size, genome size and the dominance of Angiosperms
- Collaborative Testing as a Model for Addressing Equity in Student Success in STEM Classes
- Comparison of U-Th and U-Pb zircon ages from erupted plutonic clasts and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar eruption ages from Newberry Volcano, Oregon
- Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition for Aquatic Ecosystems in Yosemite and Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
- Detecting Global Hydrological Cycle Intensification in Sea Surface Salinity
- Detecting Montane Meadows in the Tahoe National Forest Using LiDAR and ASTER Imagery
- Identifying pollination service hotspots and coldspots using citizen science data from the Great Sunflower Project
- Impact of coastal fog on the energy and water balance of a California agricultural system
- Impacts of Advection Fog on the Surface Radiation Budget in coastal California
- Implications of Lieblig's Law of the Minimum for Climate Reconstruction from Tree Rings.
- Influence of Tree-Scale Environmental Variability on Tree-Ring Reconstructions of Temperature at Sonora Pass, CA
- Kyanite-bearing migmatites in the central Adirondack Mountains: Implications for late to post-orogenic metamorphism and melting in a collisional orogen
- Latest Pleistocene and Holocene surficial deposits and landforms of Yosemite Valley, California
- Mesh Intercomparisons of Fog Water Collected Yield Insight Into the Nature of Fog-Drip Collection Mechanisms
- Micrometeorological Observations in a Sierra Nevada Meadow
- Modeling the feedbacks among chemical weathering, rock strength and abrasional wear in bedrock rivers
- Particle Size Reduction in Geophysical Granular Flows: The Role of Rock Fragmentation
- Quantifying the role of trees as Critical Zone architects employing crowbars, wedges and other tools of soil production
- Regional Tectonic Evolution of the Pioneer Metamorphic Core Complex, South-Central Idaho
- Response of a fixed sinuous channel to a doubling of sediment supply
- Sedimentary Controls on Foraminifera Deposition in the Bay of Bengal: Implications from Single Shell Mg/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Spatial variations in the size distribution of sediment supplied to channels: A synthesis of detrital thermochronometry from 11 size classes in Inyo Creek, California
- Terrain-based Predictive Modeling of a Functional Riparian Corridor in a Coastal Northern California Watershed
- The Berryessa Salient—Regulator of Major Earthquakes Along the Green Valley Fault, Northern California?
- The effects of forest fragmentation on biodiversity under post-drought conditions
- The last glacial cycle documented on the Lower Bengal Fan - chronological and paleoclimate implications
- Understanding Differences in the Nitrogen Cycle in Low-Oxygen Zones in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Water Quality in Estuarine Wetland Restoration: An Examination of Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrients in the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project
- Application of individual foraminifera Mg/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O analyses for paleoceanographic reconstructions in the Bay of Bengal and other active depositional environments
- Fluvial gravel stabilization by net-spinning Hydropsychid caddisflies: exploring the magnitude and geographic scope of ecosystem engineering effect and evaluating resistance to anthropogenic stresses
- How small bugs tie down big rocks: Measuring and modeling the forces acting between nets spun by Caddisfly larvae (Hydropsychidae) and gravel particles at the onset of motion
- Kyanite-Bearing Migmatites at Ledge Mountain, Adirondack Highlands
- Observing the ExoEarth: Simulating the Retrieval of Exoplanet Parameters Using DSCOVR
- Paleoclimate Reconstrcution on the Lower Bengal Fan for the last 200 ka - Implications for Monsoonal Development
- Potential Habitable Zone Exomoon Candidates and Radial Velocity Estimates for Giant Kepler HZ Candidates.
- Prediction of daily spring hydrographs for future climatic scenarios based on an integrated numerical modelling approach: Application on a snow-governed semi- arid karst catchment area.
- Reconstructing Sea Surface Conditions in the Bay of Bengal during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Reconstructing the Glacial Cycle of the Last 150 ka in the Southern Bay of Bengal
- When Theory Meets Data: Comparing Model Predictions Of Hillslope Sediment Size With Field Measurements.
- Chlorophyll and Nutrient Dynamics In San Francisco Bay: A Model Study
- Detecting Biosignatures on Weakly Oxygenated Terrestrial Exoplanets: The Importance of UV Imaging Capabilities of Next Generation Telescopes
- Evaluating the Role of Low Impact Development Recharge for Sustainable Groundwater Management in California
- Exploring the Nonlinearities in Drought Reconstructions using Tree Rings and Neural Networks
- Gender inequity in speaking opportunities at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
- Inferring Centennial Solar Variability Jointly from Instrumental and Paleoclimate Records
- Intrashell trace element variability in the deeper dwelling planktic foraminifers Globorotalia menardii and Globorolia tumida
- LHS 1140b: Habitable States and Observational Prospects
- Oceanographic conditions in the Southern Bay of Bengal from 0.8 to 1.3Ma
- Reconstructing Temperature and Carbonate Ion Concentration in the Santa Barbara Basin Using Planktic Foraminifera Trace Element Composition
- Reimagining AGU's Diversity and Inclusion Policies and Practices
- Using NASA Earth Observations to Monitor Snow Cover Extent for Water Resource Management on the Navajo Nation
- Using remote sensing to estimate exposures to flaring from unconventional oil and gas operations
- A mechanistic model for lateral erosion of bedrock channel banks by bedload particle impacts
- Assessment of Alpine Lakes Exceeding Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in the Greater Yellowstone Area
- Biogeomorphic Effects of Beaver Dams and Beaver Dam Analogs on Stream Systems in a Montane Meadow in the Northern Sierra Nevadas
- Classifying tree-ring stress regimes to improve climate reconstruction.
- Climate-to-ecosystem integrated modeling in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary: An overview of the CASCaDE project (Part 2—Modeling of Water Quality and Ecosystem Processes)
- Coastal fog events buffer stream temperature change in salmonid habitat in California
- Contrasting Sediment Transport Modes in the Holocene Levee of the Middle Bengal Fan, IODP Site U1454
- Determining Sources and Fate of Atmospheric Nitrate in an Alpine Watershed Using Triple Nitrate Isotopes
- Distinguishing local stresses affecting trees using internal statistics from tree ring chronologies
- Diversity of Habitable Climatology of Land Exoplanets in a ROCKE-3D GCM Perturbed Parameter Ensemble
- Does G. sacculifer record surface temperatures in the Bay of Bengal?
- Evaluating Factors that Control Diffuse and Irrigation Recharge in Thick Vadose Zones Under Climate Variability and Change
- Fluvial controls to the energy balance and temperature in regulated gravel bed rivers
- Identifying Potential Venus Analogs from Exoplanet Discoveries
- Impacts of Extreme Precipitation on Water in the Subsurface
- Instructional Readiness for Change in a Geoscience Learning Ecosystem
- Investigations of the internal variability in the urban heat island in San Jose, California
- Montane Meadow Restoration: Quantifying the Impact of Biogeomorphic Change on Ecosystem Function
- Near-Field Ground Motions from the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes: Subdued Shaking due to Pervasive Non-Linear Site Response?
- Observations of Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchanges in a Montane Meadow in Northern Sierra Nevada, California
- On the Shedding of Jupiter's Red Flakes
- QBO/Solar Modulation of the Boreal Winter MJO: Observational Tests Through the 2018/2019 Winter
- Quantifying Accretion of Imported Organic Carbon in Minerogenic Salt Marshes in San Francisco Bay
- Quantifying Impacts of Climate Variability and Irrigated Agriculture on Groundwater Recharge, Tulelake, California USA
- Rapid Changes in the Electrical Conductivity of Rocks During Impact Loading
- Recovering climate signals from tree-ring color in the dry Sierra Nevada Mountains of California
- Scale-dependent lake characteristics determine ecological sensitivity to atmospheric nutrient deposition in alpine regions
- Scaling carbon fluxes from canopy to meadow-scale using remote sensing and field approaches
- Sea surface conditions in the Bay of Bengal since the early Pliocene
- The Bay of Bengal through the Pliocene-Pleistocene cooling
- The Interdisciplinary Consortium for Evaluating Volatile Origins (ICE Five-O)
- A global-scale dataset of direct natural groundwater recharge rates
- Accretion mechanisms and diagenetic controls on textures of Upper Cambrian shallow marine carbonate microbialites, Gallatin Formation western Wyoming
- An age uncertainty model for the Cairo Nile height record, 622 to 1898 CE
- Biodegradable Plastic and the Suppliers that can provide them to Local Businesses
- Determining the Petrotectonic Evolution of Ledge Mountain Migmatites with Phase Equilibria Modeling and Melt Reintegration: Adirondack Highlands, New York.
- Exploring Controls on the Grain Size Distribution of Weathered Rock in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico with Landlab
- FLUVIAL-EB: Developing a spectral physically-based energy balance model to predict river temperatures
- How department chairs can support faculty during COVID-19: tools, strategies, and limitations.
- Links between Hydrologic Processes, Water Chemistry, and Microbiology during Rapid Infiltration for Managed Recharge
- Modeling how rivers digest boulders: long residence times and coarse riverbed surfaces lead to preferential wear of boulders through in-place abrasion
- Progress in Prediction Using Geomorphic Transport Laws
- Recovering climate signals from tree ring color in the dry Sierra Nevada of California
- Sea Surface Temperatures in the Bay of Bengal through the Pliocene-Pleistocene climate transition
- Sea-surface condition in the Bay of Bengal since the early Pliocene
- Stress, topographic form, and bedrock-mantled landscapes - are they just barely soiled or distinctly different?
- Supporting Student Engagement in Science and Math Practices through Noyce Professional Development and Support
- The Influence of Climate Change on River Temperatures in the San Joaquin River Using Regional Climate Model Data
- The importance of geomorphology for debris-flow activity in Alpine catchments
- UCSC-GEOPATHS SUMMER INTERNSHIP Waste Not, Want Not: The Procurement Project- Removing Plastics from the Local Restaurant Waste Stream
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Comparison of Measured and Modeled Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Inform Critical Loads Across the Western US
- Controls on critical zone thickness in the Appalachian Piedmont: lithology, vegetation, and state of stress
- Correlation among tree-ring records independently indicative of past climate conditions
- Deciphering the Abiotic Sulfurization of Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter by 3-D Molecular Network Analysis
- Developing a spectral river energy balance model (FLUVIAL-EB) to predict river temperature response to changes in streamflow and climate
- Environmental impacts of naturally occurring oil seeps in Santa Paula Creek, California
- Evaluating Canopy Fuels in Northern California Oak Woodlands and Mixed-Conifer Forests using 3D data from Unoccupied Aerial Systems and Airborne Laser Scanners
- Evaluating Remote Sensing Approaches to Describe Forest Structure for Ladder Fuel Estimation and to Predict Wildfire Burn Severity
- Impact of Compost Tea and Row Management on Orchard Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Soil Properties
- Impacts of Drought and Restoration on Montane Meadow Plant Phenology and Productivity
- Investigating Changes in Single Shell Trace Element Chemistry of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei with Increasing Water Depth Using Sediment Trap Samples from the Panama Basin
- Monitoring Post-Wildfire Watershed Dynamics Through Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Geochemistry, Suspended Sediment Measurements, Hydrologic Data, and Soil Chemistry
- Outcomes for Science and Math Teachers Who have Participated in NSF-Funded Intensive Summer Research Internships or Modeling Institutes
- Panola Mountain revisited: intensive geophysical and geochemical studies reveal the structure of the deep critical zone at a classic hydrologic study site
- Sensitivity Analysis of a River Temperature Model (FLUVIAL-EB): Understanding River Temperature Response to Atmospheric Observations at the Basin Scale
- Surprising Similarities: Comparing the Transit Spectra of Potential Earth-like and Venus-like Exoplanets
- Artes Con-ciencias: Science and Artivism Against Eco-Capitalism
- Assessing Trends in Metals Transport and Fate Following the 2018 Woolsey Wildfire, Southern California, USA
- Disentangling habitable terrestrial planet surfaces and condensates with polarimetry
- Estimating Biogeochemical Rates by a Novel Tracer Approach
- Expanding the Utility of Non-Spinose Foraminifera in Paleoceanographic Reconstructions, Insight from Laboratory Experiments and Observations
- Galápagos Corals Reveal Unusually Strong Modern ENSO Compared to the Last Millennium
- Planetary Albedo Partitioning of Earth-Like Exoplanets with Variations in Rotation Periods and Obliquity
- Quantitative wood anatomy as a tool to identify climate signals in western junipers (juniperus occidentalis) in California
- Results of an Impact Evaluation of Modeling in the Classroom During COVID 19
- Understanding atmospheric controls to river temperature using sensitivity analyses in a physically-based spectral energy balance model (FLUVIAL-EB)
- Unlocking Climate Signal from Coastal Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) using Cell Anatomical Measurements
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Oliphant
- A. Stine
- Aronne Merrelli
- Bradley J. Carr
- Brady Flinchum
- Brian A. Bergamaschi
- C. S. Riebe
- Ciaran J. Harman
- D. Litwin
- David J. Burdige
- E. N. Bray
- Feng He
- Gloria Jimenez
- Harihar Rajaram
- Howard J. Spero
- J. L. Hayes
- Jeff Dozier
- Jennifer S. Fehrenbacher
- Jessica L. Conroy
- Julia E. Cole
- Kamini Singha
- Kelsey A. Dyez
- L. S. Sklar
- Nicolas B. Cowan
- Paul A. Dalba
- Peter Huybers
- R. Bučík
- R. P. Callahan
- Rusty C. Holleman
- Seulgi Moon
- Stephen R. Kane
- T. Fritz-Endres
- W. Steven Holbrook