Sonoma State University, California
flowchart I[Sonoma State University, California] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (85)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (13)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Space Mysteries: Making Science and Astronomy Learning Fun
- Coherent Time-Dependent Variation of <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr in Clinopyroxene From the Alban Hills Volcanic District (Central Italy): Clues to Source Evolution
- NASA High Energy Space Science E/PO at SSU: Program Overview and Lessons Learned
- Dam-incuced Changes in Geomorphology and Vegetation Along a Stream in Northern California
- Should Rome Worry? The Sabatini Volcanic District, Central Italy
- 25 Years of Variability in the Biology of Salix-feeding Beetles and Associated Insects Along a Sierra Nevada Elevation Gradient, California: Are There Long-term Trends?
- Bringing Real-time Astronomical Observations into the Classroom
- Habitat Selection and Foraging Behavior of Southern Elephant Seals in the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Lithologic and hydraulic controls on network-scale variations in sediment yield: Big Wood and North Fork Big Lost Rivers, Idaho
- Omega, the final multiplier
- Toward the Characterization of Upwelling and Productivity Potential Along the California Coast.
- Epo’s Chronicles: A Weekly Webcomic That Teaches Space Science
- New scaling rules emerge from linked optimisation of crown nitrogen and water use
- Comparisons of The Habitat Utilization Of Top Predators In The Southern Ocean And The North Pacific
- Secondary organic aerosol formation from aqueous chemistry of glyoxal, methylglyoxal, and glycolaldehyde in atmospheric waters: Chemical insights and kinetic model studies
- Using Telescopic Observations to Explore the Science of AGN with High School Students
- Applications of wireless sensor networks, soil water balance modeling, and satellite data for crop evapotranspiration monitoring and irrigation management support
- From Kings Peak to the Delgado submarine canyon: Tracking littoral inputs to the deep sea at the Mendocino Triple Junction, California
- Multiproxy Evidence for a Positive Hydrological Budget during the Little Ice Age in the East African Rift, Kenya
- Resolving tectonic, climatic, and geomorphologic signatures in the Eocene Green River Formation, Western U.S
- Satellite Irrigation Monitoring and Management Support in California with the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System
- The spatial pattern and dominant drivers of woody cover change in Latin America and Caribbean from 2001 to 2010
- Healdsburgite - a New Tektite and Associated Tektite Strewnfield in North Central California
- Quantifying the effects of European beach grass on aeolian sand transport over the last century: Bodega Marine Reserve, California
- Using stream sediment lithology to explore the roles of abrasion and channel network structure in shaping downstream sediment yields
- Using Internet-Based Robotic Telescopes to Engage Non-Science Majors in Astronomical Observation
- Incorporating Geoscience, Field Data Collection Workflows into Software Developed for Mobile Devices
- Mapping of land cover in Northern California with simulated HyspIRI images
- Morphology and Sediment Transport Dynamics of a Trough-Blowout Dune, Bodega Marine Reserve, Northern California
- Three-season Hyperspectral Mapping of Land Cover in Northern California using Multiple-Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis
- Comparison of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Satellites for Discriminating Land Cover in Northern California
- Detrital zircon LASS-ICP-MS petrochronologic depth profiling for determining source-to-sink relationships in the Central Alps.
- Estimating Temporal Redistribution of Surface Melt Water into Upper Stratigraphy of the Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Winter Accumulation on Taku Glacier, Southeast Alaska, between 2012 and 2015
- Study on the Microstructures and Seismic Anisotropy of Blueschist and Eclogite from Ring Mountain and Jenner in California
- Analog modeling of fault asperity kinematics using a modified squeezebox design and wax media
- Convolutional Neural Network Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
- Heterogeneous Exhumation of Mid-crustal Rocks along the Hayes Restraining Bend of the Central Denali Fault
- NASA's Universe of Learning: Engaging Learners in Discovery
- Calc-Alkaline Liquid Lines of Descent Produced Under Oxidizing Conditions: An Experimental and Petrologic Study of Basaltic Tephras from the Western Aleutians, AK
- Disseminating NASA-based science through NASA's Universe of Learning: Girls STEAM Ahead
- Evaluating Changes in Pre-Eruptive Conditions of Explosively and Effusively Erupted Intermediate Magmas
- Geochemical Insights into the Volcano Tectonic Evolution of the Gulf of California near Mulegé, Baja California Sur, México
- Soundscapes to Landscapes (S2L): Monitoring Animal Biodiversity from Space Using Citizen Scientists
- Telescope Networks in Education: Where We Are Now and Where We Are Headed
- Volcanic and Tectonic Evolution of The Gulf of California Near Mulege, Baja California Sur: Results From Baja Basins NSF-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
- Along Strike Variation in Eruptive and Decompression Rates for Rhyolite-Obsidian Domes, South Sister Volcano, OR
- NASA's Universe of Learning: A NASA Astrophysics Learning and Literacy Program
- NASA's Universe of Learning: Providing a Direct Connection to NASA Science with ViewSpace
- Nitrogen Solubility in Magma Oceans
- A New K-feldspar Liquid Hygrometer: Initial Experiments, Calibration and Application
- Aliens and Habitable Planets: Engaging the public in scientific practices characterizing exoplanet orbits
- Building a Geological Cyber-infrastructure: Classifying Shear Sense of Clasts in Photomicrographs
- Forward and Inverse Modeling of the Development of Quartz Crystallographic Preferred Orientation Textures in Shear Zones
- Groundwater Storage and Recharge Distribution in a Subalpine Meadow of the Sierra Nevada, CA
- Incorporating canopy structure from simulated GEDI lidar into bird species distribution models
- Learning by Making: A rural 8<SUP>th</SUP>- to 9<SUP>th</SUP>-grade year-long integrated CSTEM curriculum and professional development program
- Monitoring avian diversity with bioacoustics analysis, remote sensing and species distribution modeling
- Sounds and Colors: Relationships between Avian Soundscape Indices and Remote Sensing Datasets in Sonoma County, CA
- Tracking Recharge and Groundwater Flow on Sonoma Mountain Using Geophysical Imaging
- Using Virtual Reality to Teach Water Cycling in California's Mediterranean Climate
- Design of the IMAP Thermospheric CubeSat at the University of New Hampshire
- Evaluating the use of terrestrial laser scanning to estimate ladder and canopy fuel metrics for wildfire modeling
- Is there a universal temperature dependence of plant metabolism?
- 3U3 CubeSat Electronics Designs to Study Oxygen Upwelling in the Cusp
- 3U3: The IMAP Student Collaboration CubeSat Project Evaluation Strategies and Early Findings
- Automatic Detection and Classification of Rock Microstructures through Machine Learning
- Connecting bioacoustics and remote sensing to study habitat-animal diversity relationships in Sonoma County, CA
- Deep learning soundscape classification and remotely sensed forest structure reveal landscape patterns in ecoacoustics
- Deriving Global 3D Forest Structural Biodiversity Traits
- Engaging Hispanic Students, Latinx Students, and their Peers in the 3U3 CubeSat Project
- Evaluating Canopy Fuels in Northern California Oak Woodlands and Mixed-Conifer Forests using 3D data from Unoccupied Aerial Systems and Airborne Laser Scanners
- Evaluating Remote Sensing Approaches to Describe Forest Structure for Ladder Fuel Estimation and to Predict Wildfire Burn Severity
- Integrating microstructural, geochemical, and geochronological observations to evaluate deformation conditions during exhumation of the Orocopia Schist, northern Plomosa Mountains, west-central Arizona
- Structural and depositional evolution of the Angel Island terrane, Franciscan Complex Forearc, California
- The Science and Instrumentation of 3U3
- Trait-Driver Theory: Toward a general theory to predict ecological and ecosystem responses to global change
- 3UCubed Science: Using a CubeSat to Measure Suprathermal Electrons and UV Emissions to Study Thermospheric Upwelling during Solar Maximum
- 3UCubed: The IMAP Student Collaboration CubeSat Project
- 3UCubed: The IMAP Student Collaboration CubeSat Project - Orbital Concept and Design
- 3UCubed: The IMAP Student Collaboration CubeSat Project- Attitude Determination and Control Systems
- Developing a Global 3D Forest Structural Biodiversity Trait Database
- Modeling bird species distributions in a Mediterranean climate region with space-based measurements of habitat structure, chemistry and phenology
- The Understanding Global Change Project: Professional learning and collaborative co-design of resources for K-12 education
- Validating Eclipse Megamovie Crowd-Sourced Data for Solar Coronal Research