California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
flowchart I[California State Polytechnic University, Pomona] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (133)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (12)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Uplift Patterns in the Forearc of the Middle America Trench, Costa Rica: Implications for Mass Balance and Fore-arc Kinematics
- New Low-Temperature Thermochronology Reveals Contrasting Modes of Continental Extension Across the Sonoran Rifted Margin
- 2003-2004 Campaign GPS Geodetic Monitoring of Surface Deformation Proximal to Volcanic Centers, Commonwealth of Dominica, Lesser Antilles.
- Coastal Deformation Patterns Along the Nicoya Seismic Gap, Pacific Coast, Costa Rica, Central America
- Tectonic Implications of Recent Campaign GPS Measurements Along the Central Region of the Lesser Antilles arc: Results from Dominica 2001-2004
- International Field Research with Undergraduate Students: Investigating Active Tectonics of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Interseismic Coupling, Quaternary Uplift Rates, and Fore arc Deformation Along the Costa Rican Segment of the Middle American Trench
- Observations of Jupiter Supporting the New Horizons Encounter and During a Period of "Global Upheaval"
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis - Results for the Western United States
- Segmented Forearc Deformation Along the Nicoya Peninsula Seismic Gap, Costa Rica
- The January 13, 2007, Kuril Islands Outer Rise Earthquake
- Implementation of Near Real-Time Methods Using Surface Waves to Determine Earthquake Source Characteristics at the National Earthquake Information Center
- Tsunami Inundation Hazard along the Pacific North American margin
- Rapid Estimates of Rupture Extent for Large Earthquakes Using Aftershocks
- Rapid Estimation of Tsunami Impact Following the Samoa Earthquake
- Precipitation trends in California: Rainfall is becoming wetter with heavier rain events
- Morphotectonic segmentation along the Nicoya Peninsula seismic gap, Costa Rica
- NASA Ames Research Center Climate Change Adaptation Research
- Using Back-Projection of Surface Waves for Near Real-Time Determination of Global Earthquake Locations, Magnitudes and Mechanisms
- Engaging Students in GeoPRISMS Science Planning: Preparing the Leaders of Tomorrow
- How climate changes in the Rocky Mountains contribute to changes in an alpine lake's phytoplankton community
- Practical Seismology in Undergraduate Education: A Short-Term Seismic Deployment on the Big Island of Hawaii
- Seismic Cycle Deformation and Net Coastal Uplift at San Juanillo, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Seismic and Gravity Investigation of the Eastern Boundary of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Thermal Evolution of Saturn's 2010-2011 Disturbance
- A fully coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Double Porosity Formulation for Modeling Multiphysics Problems in Geological Media
- Beachrock horizons of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: Implications for coastal neotectonics and paleogeodesy
- Exploratory Water Budget Analysis of A Transitional Premontane Cloud Forest in Costa Rica Through Undergraduate Research
- Geochemical Evidence for Possible Natural Migration of Marcellus Formation Brine to Shallow Aquifers in Pennsylvania
- High-Resolution Plume Heights and Winds from More Than 12 Years of MISR Data
- Hydrological Processes in a Pre-montane Tropical Forest
- MISR perspective on dust spatial and temporal variability in major desert sources
- Qualitatively Assessing Randomness in SVD Results
- Detecting Faults in Southern California using Computer-Vision Techniques and Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) Interferometry
- Disturbance severity and net primary production resilience of a Great Lakes forest ecosystem
- Morphotectonic Index Analysis as an Indicator of Neotectonic Segmentation of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Segmented Coastal Uplift Along an Erosional Subduction Margin, Northern Hikurangi Fore Arc, North Island, New Zealand
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Western Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Student Experiences: the 2013 Cascadia Initiative Expedition Team's Apply to Sail Program
- Analysis of Triggering of Earthquakes and Tremor in the Western U.S. due to the 2010 El Mayor Cucapah Earthquake and the Mw6.8 Mendocino Triple Junction Earthquake in 2014
- Depths of Intraplate Indian Ocean Earthquakes from Waveform Modeling
- Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the MARGINS-GeoPRISMS Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum: An Overview
- Mapping Site Response Parameters on Cal Poly Pomona Campus Using the Spectral Ratio Method
- Modeling Coseismic Slip of the 2012 Nicoya Peninsula Earthquake, Costa Rica: Roles of Megathrust Geometry and Surface Displacement
- Occurrence and Origin of Methane in Relation to Major Ion Concentrations in Groundwater Wells of the Denver-Julesburg and Piceance Basins of Colorado
- Outreach/education interface for Cryosphere models using the Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory
- Quantitative Analysis of the Variability in Spectral Characteristics of MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> and Na<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> Brine Solutions for Europa Surface Comparative Analysis
- Using SAR and GPS for Hazard Management and Response: Progress and Examples from the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project
- VISL: A Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory For Outreach and K-12 Education
- An Application of Advanced Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Methods to Assess Potential Impacts of the 2015 - 2016 ENSO Event over the Colorado River Basin
- Application of Spectral Ratio Methods to an Investigation of Site Response in the Los Angeles Basin
- Constraints on Shallow Crustal Structure across the San Andreas Fault Zone, Coachella Valley, Southern California: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Explanation of Europa's Unusual Polarization Properties: The Regolith is Sub-micron, Fine-Grained, High Porosity Material
- Forearc Morphotectonics and Megathrust Earthquakes Along the Middle America Convergent Margin, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- From Parched to Pouring: Can the 2015 - 2016 El Niño Event Bring Drought Relief to California and the Western U.S.
- Kinematic Rupture Process of the 2015 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake Sequence from Joint Inversion of Teleseismic, hr-GPS, Strong-Ground Motion, InSAR interferograms and pixel offsets
- Post-seismic Deformation of Mojave Earthquakes using Full-Resolution InSAR Time-Series Analysis
- Properties of Discrete and Axisymmetric Features in Jupiter's Atmosphere from Observations of Thermal Emission: Recent Updates on the Eve of the Juno Mission Arrival at Jupiter
- Re-measuring the Slip Rate of the San Andreas Fault at Wallace Creek in the Carrizo Plain, CA
- Shallow Subsurface Resistivity Profiles Across the San Jose Fault As It Transects the Cal Poly Pomona Campus
- Shoreline Change Monitoring Using High Resolution Digital Photogrammetric Technique
- The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project's Response to the April 25, 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake: Rapid Measurements and Models for Science and Situational Awareness
- Using DART-recorded Rayleigh waves for rapid CMT and finite fault analyses of large megathrust earthquakes.
- 2015-16 ENSO, Precipitation, and the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge
- Authentic scientific research in an international setting as a path toward higher education
- Comparing the Hydrologic and Watershed Processes between a Full Scale Stochastic Model Versus a Scaled Physical Model of Bell Canyon
- Development of A Tsunami Magnitude Scale Based on DART Buoy Data
- Geophysical Characterization of the Hilton Creek Fault System
- Identifying the relationship of global oceanic-atmospheric regions to seasonal streamflows of Australia
- Impact of river discharge on the California coastal ocean circulation and variability
- Integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Terrestrial Structure from Motion Photogrammetry for Assessing High Mountain Glacier Change, Huaytapallana, Peru
- Life in the Universe - Astronomy and Planetary Science Research Experience for Undergraduates at the SETI Institute
- Rapid SAR and GPS Measurements and Models for Hazard Science and Situational Awareness
- Seismic Waveform Modeling of Broadband Data From a Temporary High-Density Deployment in the Los Angeles Basin
- Spectral Ratio Analysis of Microtremor Data Collected from a High Density Temporary Broadband Deployment for the Evaluation of Site Response in the Los Angeles Basin
- The 2015-2016 El Niño and Alabama-Mississippi Hydrologic Response
- The 2015-2016 El Niño: Impacts to the Lower Colorado River Basin
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Reduction of Lidar Ground Surface Returns Due to Vegetation and the Impact on Snow Depth Uncertainty from NASA's Airborne Snow Observatory
- Trends and shift changes in the SWE in the western US
- Understanding Europa's Surface Texture from Remote Sensing Photopolarimetry
- 80 Million Years of Prolonged and Localized Fluid flow on Shatsky Rise
- An Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Relationships Between Interplate and Intraplate Seismicity Along the Middle America Subduction Zone
- Analysis of the Effects of ENSO and Atmospheric Rivers on Precipitation in Los Angeles County
- Geophysical Characterization of Groundwater-Fault Dynamics at San Andreas Oasis
- High-accuracy single-pass InSAR DEM for large-scale flood hazard applications
- Integration of Ground-based Magnetics and Vertical Deformation Measurements for the Characterization of the San Andreas Fault at the Durmid Hill Region, California
- Investigation of the Ventura Fault by Ground-based Magnetic and Very Low Frequency (VLF) Measurements
- Landslide Detection in the Carlyon Beach, WA Peninsula: Analysis Of High Resolution DEMs
- Landslide and Tsunami in Karrat Fjord, Greenland, 2017; the Event, the Response and the Future
- LiDAR Mapping of Earthquake Uplifted Paleo-shorelines, Southern Wairarapa Coast, North Island, New Zealand
- Modifying Earth's Insolation with Aerosols: Reflectance and Polarization Properties of Candidate Particulate Materials
- Monitoring diffuse degassing in monogentic volcanic field during magmatic reactivation: the case of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain)
- Pre-"peak water" time in the southwest Yukon: when cryospheric changes trigger hydrological regime shifts
- Progress toward Modular UAS for Geoscience Applications
- Rapid finite-fault inversions in Southern California using Cybershake Green's functions
- Snow Water Equivalent Variations across the western United States and its relation to of El Niño Southern Oscillation
- Teleconnection between Oceanic-atmospheric Parameters and Western US Snowpack
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- Understanding Regolith Physical Properties of Atmosphereless Solar System Bodies Based on Remote Sensing Photopolarimetric Observations: Evidence for Europa's Porous Surface
- Use of Geodetic Surveys of Leveling Lines and Dry Tilt Arrays to Study Faults and Volcanoes in Undergraduate Field Geophysics Classes
- Using Magnetics and Topography to Model Fault Splays of the Hilton Creek Fault System within the Long Valley Caldera
- Analysis of Site Response Across the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Basins from Linear Seismic Node Arrays Using the Ambient Noise Spectral Ratio Method
- Coseismic Uplift and Coastal Emergence Along the Southern Hikurangi Margin, North Island, New Zealand
- Investigation of Structural Controls on Groundwater Flow Using Ground-based Magnetics, VLF, and DC Resistivity Near the San Andreas Oasis, CA
- Locating Archaeological Artifacts from San Salvador in Colton, CA, Buried During the Great Flood of 1862 Using Ground Penetrating Radar, Electro-Magnetic Induction, and Magnetic Gradiometry
- Particulate Sodium Chloride - AN Outstanding Candidate for Solar Radiation Management
- Principal Components-based error analysis for California's Los Angeles Basin GNSS and InSAR-based Greens Function Inversion with the Geophysical Finite Element Simulation Tool (GeoFEST)
- Radial distribution of textures in Saturn's main rings
- Site-Specific Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard from Earthquakes and Landslides using Reciprocal Green's Functions
- The Microbiology of Groundwaters Across a Methane Concentration Gradient in the Denver-Julesburg Basin of Colorado
- Assessing Groundwater-Fault Interaction at the San Andreas Oasis, California, Using Ground-based Magnetics, VLF, and DC Resistivity
- Combined earthquake and tsunami hazards
- Detecting Archeological Artifacts from the San Salvador Settlement in Colton, California, Using Ground Penetrating Radar and Magnetic Gradiometry
- Investigation of Fault System Structural Controls on Groundwater Flow and Its Impact on the Local Hydrology of a Desert Spring in the Eastern Mojave
- Major Ignimbrites of the Oligocene Parajes Group in the Guazapares Mining District/Cerocahui Basin Region, Northern Sierra Madre Occidental, Western Chihuahua, Mexico
- Marine Terrace Evidence for Two Paleo-Earthquake Uplift Events Along the Southern Hawkes Bay Coastline, North Island, New Zealand
- Seismotectonic Characterization of the Yorba Linda Trend and La Habra Earthquake Sequence Through Earthquake Relocation
- Site Response Characterization of the San Gabriel, Chino, and San Bernardino Basins from Ambient Noise Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Measurements
- The Stability of the Dangling Bonds in H<SUB>2</SUB>O-ice Subject to Electron Irradiation
- Utilizing Geophysical Imaging to Investigate the Blackhawk Landslide
- Woolsey Fire GIS Land Classification Using Aerial Imagery
- A virtual REU program in Astrobiology and Planetary Science at the SETI Institute
- The 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake and Aftershock Sequence
- Venus' Mass Spectra Show Signs of Disequilibria in the Middle Clouds
- Investigating Mobility Characteristics of the Blackhawk Landslide Using Geophysical Imaging Techniques
- Microplastics in a karst ecosystem: Riviera Maya, Mexico.
- UAV-based remote sensing technology to assess the impact of sea level rise on coastal cliffs and bluffs
- Deep Learning for Boulder Detection on Planetary Surfaces
- Investigation of atmospheric acoustic wave signals from the January 15th, 2022 Hunga, Tonga volcanic eruption recorded by Alaska's dense network of multi-sensor stations
- Machine Learning-Driven Detection of Boulders on the Martian Surface
- Quantifying the Radial Distribution of Meter-Sized Boulders Around Lunar Impact Craters of Variable Degradation State and Target Properties
- Sizing up the subduction beast: Forearc uplift studies in Costa Rica and New Zealand