California State University, Northridge
flowchart I[California State University, Northridge] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (286)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (25)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Alfvén Wave Generation by Multifractal Solar Magnetic Fields
- Effect of Magnetic Fields on Solar Irradiance Variations
- Interpretation of Refraction Data From the San Fernando Valley Sedimentary Basin
- Minor-element variations in lacustrine tufa, Miocene Barstow Formation, California
- On-Line Earth System Science In-Service Course for K-12 Teachers
- Path-Averaged Velocity Structure Model for the NW Region of Saudi Arabia
- Project ALERT: Three Years Of A Catalytic Partnership For Improving Pre-Service Teacher Education In Earth System Sciences
- Uranium-Lead Ages of Lake Margin Tufa Calcite From the Middle Miocene Barstow Formation, Southern California
- Mentoring Through Research as a Catalyst for the Success of Under-represented Minority Students in the Geosciences at California State University Northridge
- Modeling the Variations in TSI Using Precision Ground-Based Photometric Images
- Sand Provenance Within the Waipaoa River System, North Island, New Zealand
- ESSEA On-Line Earth System Science Course at California State University Northridge
- Mentoring Through Research as a Catalyst for the Success of Under-represented Minority Students in the Geosciences
- Seismic Structure of the San Fernando and Antelope Valleys, Southern California: Results From LARSE II Refraction, Industry Reflection, and Oil-Test Well Data
- The Climatology of the High-Latitude Stratospheric Aerosol Measured by POAM From 1993 to 2003
- Undergraduate Research - Analyzing Data Sets: Global Positioning System (GPS) and Modeling the 1994 Northridge Earthquake
- Aeolian Abrasion, a Dominant Erosion Agent in the Martian Environment
- Building the Quality of Diversity in the Geoscience Workforce Through Peer-and Near-Peer Mentored Research Experiences: The CSUN Catalyst Program, a Model for Success in the Geosciences
- Experimental Determination of Allanite Stability in High-Silica Rhyolite
- Implications of Ground Based Photometric Images for Long Term Solar Irradiance Variations
- Inferring Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance From Sunspot Areas Only
- On the Itinerant History of Crystals in Magma Reservoirs
- Relationship Between Holocene Sediment Accumulation and Lake-Volume Change in a Small Coastal Lake in Southwestern Australia
- Sedimentology, Petrology, and Volcanology of the Lower Aptian Selli Event (OAE1a) on the Shatsky Rise, North-Central Pacific Ocean
- The CSUN - San Fernando Valley High School Seismograph Project
- Tracing Geologic Formations in Hyperspectral Imagery using Support Vector Machines
- A Comparison of 20th Century and Holocene Historical Lake Areas and Implications for Reconstruction of Holocene Moisture Balance.
- Heterogeneous Crystal Populations: Signatures, Genesis and Chronologies
- Information contents of satellite aerosol extinction measurements and accuracy of aerosol microstructure retrieval.
- Solar Wind Interaction and Orthogonal Magnetospheric Indices
- A Comparison of Sunspot Photometric Indices From Ground-Based Data and MDI/SOHO
- High Precision Ar/Ar Ages of Coso Volcanic Field Rhyolites: A Requirement for Constraining Eruption and Subvolcanic Time Scales
- Magmatic evolution of the post-caldera magma reservoir at Yellowstone revealed by compositional zoning in the crystals of Central Plateau Member Rhyolites
- Non-force Free Coronal Magnetic Field Extrapolation from Vector Magnetograms
- Possible Evidence for Surface Rupture of the Main Frontal Thrust During the Great 1505 Himalayan Earthquake, Far-Western Nepal
- Quasi-Periodicities, Magnetic Clusters and Solar Activity
- Seismic Strong Motion Array Project (SSMAP) to Record Future Large Earthquakes in the Nicoya Peninsula area, Costa Rica
- Solar Cycle Dependence of Solar Wind Geoeffectiveness
- Solar Irradiance Variations: Cycles 22 and 23
- Sub-millimeter Rock Surface Texture as a Measure of Aeolian Abrasion Maturity
- The Importance of Actualistic Source-to-Sink Sand Provenance Studies in Illuminating the Nature of Ancient Fluvial Systems From the Deep-Marine Clastic Successions They Sourced
- The Layou Tuff, Dominica: an Example of an Ignimbrite Showing Extensive Vapor-Phase Crystallization
- Weathering and Uplift of South Island New Zealand Recorded in the Geochemistry of Sediments in the Bounty Trough Deep Sea Fan
- Applications of the Principle of Minimum Dissipation Rate to Solar Corona
- Center-to-Limb Variation of the Irradiance Contributions of Bright Active Regions.
- Changes in Explosive Eruptive Styles From Morne Trois Pitons, Dominica, Lesser Antilles
- Distribution and Stratigraphy of Basaltic Lavas in the Southwest Portion of the Quaternary Big Pine Volcanic Field, California
- Earthquake Surface Rupture of the Salt Range Thrust at the Himalayan Thrust Front in Pakistan
- Engaging a Diverse Group of Students with a Broad Spectrum of Geological Experience: The CSUN Catalyst Approach and a MARGINS Application
- Great paleoearthquakes of the central Himalaya and their implications for seismotectonic models and seismic hazard assessment
- Microstructural Evaluation of Strain Localization Along the South Mountains Detachment Fault System, Arizona, USA
- Radioisotopic Age Constraints on Crystallization, Crystal Inheritance, and Eruption of Coso's Pleistocene Rhyolites: Tracking the Evolution of a Silicic Magma System
- Rayleigh wave tomography of southern Africa: Preliminary results from AfricaArray
- Search for Persistent Quasi-Periodicities in the Solar and Interplanetary Magnetic Fields
- Segmented Forearc Deformation Along the Nicoya Peninsula Seismic Gap, Costa Rica
- Seismic Strong Motion Array Project (SSMAP) to Record Future Large Earthquakes in the Nicoya Peninsula area, Costa Rica
- Streaked Pumice From the Youngest Toba Tuff: New Constraints on Compositional and Temperature Gradients
- Tectonic Setting of the 8 October 2005 Kashmir Earthquake
- Trace Element and Textural Variation in Plagioclase Phenocrysts from Prehistoric Eruptions at Mount St. Helens
- Tracking the Longevity and Evolution of the Youngest Toba Tuff Using Allanite and Zircon Chronology, Thermometry, and Chemostratigraphy
- Using Tree-Ring Width Data From 1000 Sites to Predict how American Forests Will Respond to Climate Change
- Dynamics of Quiet Solar Chromosphere at the Limb
- Fine Scale, Rapid Dynamics of the Solar Atmosphere from Space-Based Versus Ground- Based Observations
- Height of Quiet Solar Chromosphere at the Limb
- Model for Transition Zone Formation from Upwelling Thermo-Chemical Plumes of Intermediate Rheology
- RHESSI Observations of Facular Limb Darkening at 670 nm
- Spectral Irradiance Variations and Magnetic Field Changes During Solar Cycle 23.
- Surface Wave Velocity Structure of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis
- Thermal and chemical diffusion within conduits of sinking metal-silicate plumes during core formation events.
- Extreme winds during the Quaternary deduced from yardang preservation within lacustrine sediments in the Qaidam Basin, China
- Geochemistry and Temperatures Recorded by Zircon During the Final Stages of the Youngest Toba Tuff Magma Chamber, Sumatra, Indonesia
- Magnetic and Dynamical Properties of Intensity Oscillations in the Lower Solar Atmosphere
- Strain localization in granodiorite mylonites: a microstructural and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) study of the South Mountains core complex, Arizona
- Very Little Crustal Anisotropy in Eastern Tibet from Regional S phases, the Game's Over
- A first approximation of sand distribution and provenance on the Canterbury Shelf, New Zealand - implications for across shelf vs. along shelf transport based on sediment cores recovered during IODP Expedition 317
- Asthenospheric Mantle Flow by Viscous Fingering Instabilities
- First quantification of severe wind erosion in yardang fields using cosmogenic 10Be within the western Qaidam Basin, China
- Lithospheric disruption beneath the Columbia River Basalt province from Rayleigh wave seismic tomography
- Local Study of Flexural Rigidity in Old Oceanic Lithosphere
- Morphotectonic segmentation along the Nicoya Peninsula seismic gap, Costa Rica
- Ruptures of the San Andreas fault system in San Gorgonio Pass
- Seafloor bathymetry and gravity from the ALBACORE marine seismic experiment offshore southern California
- Simulating Earthquake Early Warning Systems in the Classroom as a New Approach to Teaching Earthquakes
- Size Distribution Measurements of Ambient Biomass Burning Particulate Matter During Recent Southern California Wildfires
- Source-to-Sink System Evolution as Recorded in Clastic Facies in Two New Zealand Examples: the Bounty System of South Island and the Waipaoa System of North Island
- Study of Trailing Conduits in High Bond Number Metal-Silicate Plumes during Core Formation
- The 2010 Southern California Ocean Bottom Seismometer Deployment
- Upper mantle structure in East Africa from Rayleigh Wave Tomography using AfricaArray data
- Chromospheric Magnetic Field of Solar Active Regions
- Climate-controlled landscape evolution in the Western Transverse Ranges, California: Insights from Quaternary geochronology of aggradational deposits and bedrock erosion surfaces
- Climatic and tectonic feedbacks and implications on sedimentation, tectonic deformation, and erosion circa 3.1 Ma in the Qaidam Basin, China: Evidence from magnetostratigaphy, geochemistry, and stratigraphic analysis
- Comparisons of MgII core-wing data with Ground-Based Ca K-line
- Fast Up-flows Observed on Granules with Sunrise
- Focal mechanisms of Southern California offshore earthquakes: the effects of incomplete geographical data coverage on understanding rupture patterns
- Long Return Periods for Earthquakes in San Gorgonio Pass and Implications for Large Ruptures of the San Andreas Fault in Southern California
- Mantle Heterogeneity and Off Axis Volcanism on Young Pacific Lithosphere
- Metal-Silicate Differentiation from a Metal Pond Emulsion during Core Formation
- Po Anisotropy in Old Pacific Lithosphere
- Rayleigh wave phase velocities in old oceanic seafloor from the PLATE experiment
- Research and Education in Solar Physics at CSUN
- Seismic Anisotropy beneath the African Plate using Shear Wave Splitting Measurements from AfricaArray Stations
- Teaching seismic methods using interactive 3D Earth globe
- The Qaidam Basin and Northern Tibetan Plateau as Dust Sources for the Chinese Loess Plateau, Determined by U-Pb Detrital Zircon Provenance
- What is the real orientation of hypersolidus and high-temperature subsolidus foliations and lineations in the Atlantis Bank?
- A case for wind enhanced tectonics: Plio-Quaternary sedimentation, erosion, and structural evolution controlled by wind within the Qaidam Basin, China
- Active Faults of the Northwest Himalaya: Pattern, Rate, and Timing of Surface Rupturing Earthquakes
- Climate Science Program at California State University, Northridge
- Compositional variability of selected sandy intervals in a muddy continental shelf-to-slope succession, Canterbury Basin, South Island, New Zealand
- Controls on structural style of the western Kepintage fold and thrust belt in the southern Tian Shan foreland, western China
- Coupled Effects of a Perturbation in a Complex Structure Observed with SDO/AIA, SDO/HMI and ROSA/HARDcam
- Coupled Intensity Variations in Hot Coronal Loops Observed with SDO/AIA
- Descent of low-Bond-number liquid-metal diapirs with trailing conduits during core formation
- Importance of large-scale bathymetry features on 2011 Tohoku tsunami waveforms through comparison of simulations with the spatially dense ALBACORE OBS array data
- Investigation of remnant versus active deformation in the lithosphere beneath south Africa from shear-wave splitting
- Periodicities in the occurrence of Solar Flare, Coronal Mass Ejection and Sunspot Area in Solar Cycle 23-24
- Pn Anisotropy in Old Pacific Lithosphere
- STEPS at CSUN: Increasing Retention of Engineering and Physical Science Majors
- The tool of microbial genomics research for interpreting the lability of permafrost carbon and potential greenhouse gas feedbacks at different scales of resolution.
- The upper mantle shear wave velocity structure of East Africa derived from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Upper Mantle Q Structure Beneath Old Seafloor in Western Pacific
- Uppermost mantle anisotropy beneath south and northwest Pacific by ambient noise interferometry analysis of OBS records
- Viscous fingering in the Earth's mantle beneath western North American and the Pacific plate
- A Comparison of Microbial Communities from Deep Igneous Crust
- A Decline in Solar Cycle Strength
- Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): Observations of the Dust Grains from SOFIA and of the Atomic Gas from NSO Dunn and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes (Invited)
- Detecting Faults in Southern California using Computer-Vision Techniques and Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) Interferometry
- Determining a 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California Using Ambient Noise Data from the ALBACORE OBS array
- Evolution of Hot Loops in an Active Region Core Observed with the SDO Atmospheric Image Assembly
- High temperature structural relationships in re-oriented cores from the Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) and Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR)
- Implications for San Andreas Fault Ruptures Based on New Evidence from the Cabazon, CA Paleoseismic Site, San Gorgonio Pass Fault Zone
- Incorporating Student Activities into Climate Change Education
- Intermittent and Scale-Invariant Intensity Fluctuations in Hot Coronal Loops
- Laboratory measurements of the angular light-scattering properties of internally mixed organic and sea-salt aerosol particles using polar nephelometry
- Rayleigh wave tomography of the Pacific-North American plate boundary in Southern California
- Relation Between Active Region Stokes V-Profile Asymmetry and Flare Occurrence
- Spectropolarimetric Observations of Ca II λ 854.2 nm and Fe I λ 1564.8 nm lines in sunspots
- The role of magma ocean material in determining the formation and evolution of liquid-metal diapirs with trailing conduits during core formation
- Attenuation in the Upper Mantle Beneath "Normal" Old Seafloor in the Western Pacific
- Characterization of Hypersolidus and Subsolidus Fabrics in the Lower Oceanic Crust, Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Compositional Variations of Paleogene and Neogene Tephra From the Northern Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
- Conduit entrainment surrounding sinking metal-silicate plumes during core formation
- Creating a 'Born Digital' Introductory Online Geology Course with a Community of Inquiry that Supports Discussion of Societal Challenges
- Frozen in Time? Microbial strategies for survival and carbon metabolism over geologic time in a Pleistocene permafrost chronosequence
- Geomorphic evidence of active tectonics in the San Gorgonio Pass region of the San Andreas Fault system: an example of discovery-based research in undergraduate teaching
- IODP Expedition 351 Lithostratigraphy: Volcaniclastic Record of Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation
- Increasing diversity in the geosciences through the AfricaArray geophysics field course
- Interstitial Water Geochemistry and Low Temperature Alteration in Volcaniclastic Sediments from the Amami Sankaku Basin at IODP Site U1438 (Expedition 351)
- Microstructural Evolution of an Extensional Shear Zone: the Transition from Dislocation Creep to Grain Boundary Sliding in Naturally Deformed Plagioclase
- Neotectonics and structure of the Himalayan deformation front in the Kashmir Himalaya, India: Implication in defining what controls a blind thrust front in an active fold-thrust belt
- Rayleigh wave tomography beneath the oceanic and continental margin of the North-America and Pacific plate boundary.
- SKS Splitting from Ocean Bottom Seismometer Data Offshore Southern California
- Satellite Remote Sensing Detection of Wastewater Plumes in Southern California
- Shear Wave Velocity Structure and Evolution of Old Oceanic Lithosphere: Constraints from Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Across a Local Array of Ocean-Bottom Seismometers
- Subsurface Structure of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa: An Application of Geophysics
- Tharsis Formation by Chemical Plume Due to Giant Impact Event
- The Sedimentary Record of an Intraoceanic Magmatic Arc, from Inception through Maturation to Abandonment: IODP Expedition 351, Site U1438
- Three Dimensional Chromospheric Temperature Structure of Sunspot
- Using Ambient Noise Data from the ALBACORE OBS Array to Determine a 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California
- Viscous fingering in miscible fluids and the oceanic asthenosphere: significance for the formation of intraplate seamount chains
- A 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California from Ambient Noise Tomography of the ALBACORE OBS Array
- A comparative study of solar facula during cycle 23 and 24
- Dating High Temperature Mineral Fabrics in Lower Crustal Granulite Facies Rocks
- Differentiation and delivery of an enriched deep mantle reservoir during iron descent to the core.
- Early Career Summer Interdisciplinary Team Experiences and Student Persistence in STEM Fields
- Early Depositional History of the Eocene Izu-Bonin Mariana Arc, Western Pacific Ocean
- Evolution of the LAB in Old Oceanic Lithosphere Using Shear Wave Velocities Inverted from Rayleigh Wave Data Recorded By the Marine Seismic PLATE Project for 150 Ma Seafloor
- Facies And Bedding Analysis of Deep-Marine, Arc-Related, Sediementary Rocks Cored on International Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 351.
- Forearc Morphotectonics and Megathrust Earthquakes Along the Middle America Convergent Margin, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Holocene slip rates along the San Andreas Fault System in the San Gorgonio Pass and implications for large earthquakes in southern California.
- Lake-level Fluctuation and Climate Cyclicity Observed in Lake Strata in the Northwestern Qaidam Basin, China
- Mechanisms of Propidium Monoazide Inhibition of Polymerase Chain Reaction and implications for Propidium Monoazide Applications
- Modeling SSI Variations using Ground-Based Images from the San Fernando Observatory
- Observations of the Solar Faculae at San Fernando Observatory and Solar Dynamics Observatory
- Potential for Large Transpressional Earthquakes along the Santa Cruz-Catalina Ridge, California Continental Borderland
- Scaling and Long Term Correlation Properties of EUV Intensity Fluctuations and Implications for Impulsive Heating Mechanisms of the Solar Corona
- Shear wave velocity structure in the lithosphere and asthenosphere across the Southern California continent and Pacific plate margin using inversion of Rayleigh wave data from the ALBACORE project.
- Soil Shear Properties Assessment, Resistance, Thermal, and Triboelectric Analysis (SPARTTA) Tool: A New Multitool Instrument for Identifying the Physical Properties of In-situ Soils on Planetary Surfaces.
- The Impact of Pleistocene Climate on Sediment Routing Systems: Reconstructing Sediment Dispersal from the Southern Alps to the Canterbury Continental Shelf, New Zealand
- Variability in prevailing wind patterns during the Quaternary based on yardang morphology in the Qaidam Basin, China, and implications for climate change
- Viscous Fingering in the Mantle Asthenosphere
- A Comparison of Sunspot and Umbral Area from the San Fernando Obervatory and SDO
- Climate change drives a northward expansion of C4 grasses in North America by the end of the century
- Comparison of Oceanic and Continental Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, and the LAB Through Shear Velocity Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Data from the ALBACORE Amphibious Array in Southern California
- Detrital Zircon Provenance response to slip transfer from the San Gabriel Fault to the San Andreas Fault in Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Ridge Basin, southern California
- Dynamic Modeling of Potential Earthquake Rupture Paths through Cajon Pass, Southern California
- Facies and Depositional History of Arc-Related, Deep-Marine Volcaniclastic Rocks in Core Recovered on International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 351, Philippine Sea
- Forward Modeling of Receiver Functions to Determine Crustal Structure of the Eastern Limb in TheBushveld Complex, South Africa
- High Resolution Chromospheric Observations of a Sunspot
- Magnetostratigraphic and Stable Isotopic Analysis of Playa-Lacustrine Deposits in the Qaidam Basin, China: Implications for Climate-Environmental Changes and Orbital Forcing Mechanisms During the Plio-Quaternary Transition
- Multi-scaling Properties of EUV Intensity Fluctuations and Models for Impulsive Heating
- Structure of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Onshore and Offshore the California Continental Margin from Three-Dimensional Seismic Anisotropy
- Students Targeting Engineering and Physical Science (STEPS) at California State University Northridge (CSUN):Activities and Outcomes 2011-2016
- The association of filament eruptions to coronal mass ejections
- Characterization of Non-Newtonian Fluids for Environmental Applications
- Dynamic rupture modeling of thrust faults with parallel surface traces.
- Enhanced In Situ Chemical Oxidation Using Surfactants and Shear Thinning Fluids
- First Biogenic VOC Flux Results from the UCI Fluxtron Plant Chamber Facility
- Grain Boundary Sliding (GBS) as a Plastic Instability Leading to Coeval Pseudotachylyte Development in Mylonites: an EBSD Study of the Seismic Cycle in Brittle-Ductile Transition Rocks of the South Mountains Core Complex, Arizona, USA
- Linearity Analysis and Efficiency Testing of The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) Science Cameras for Flight
- Metamorphic ages constrain the timing and nature of heat flow into the lower crust of a magmatic arc, Fiordland New Zealand
- Physically based model for extracting dual permeability parameters using non-Newtonian fluids
- The influence of a rocky reef and giant kelp on the cross-shelf propagation of nearshore internal bores
- Understanding Coronal Heating through Time-Series Analysis and Nanoflare Modeling
- Using small mammals to understand the effects of urbanization in Southern California over the last 100 years
- Using stable isotopes to track the effects of deforestation on small-mammal ecology in the Pacific Northwest over the last 100 years
- Assessing the use of small mammal isotopes as paleoclimatic proxies: case studies from the Pacific Northwest and Southern California
- Assessment of Oxidant-Polymer Compatibility for Enhanced In Situ Chemical Oxidation
- Characterization of Phosphorus-Bearing Molecules within the B1-a Protostar
- Chemical Impacts Associated with Southern California Wildfires
- Directly Dating High-Temperature Deformation: Dynamic Recrystallization and U-Pb resetting of Titanite
- Dynamic rupture modeling on the Hayward Fault, northern California - estimating coseismic and postseismic hazards of partially creeping faults
- Freeze-on limits bed strength beneath sliding glaciers
- Long-term Reproducibility of Carbonate Standard D<SUB>47</SUB> values: An Intra-laboratory Comparison
- Photospheric Observations of Surface and Body Modes in Solar Magnetic Pores
- Preliminary ages of prehistoric earthquakes on the Banning Strand of the San Andreas Fault, near North Palm Springs, California
- Process-based environmental flow science for a non-stationary world
- Structure Evolutions of Iron Halides under Pressure Show an Unusual Chemistry in Deep Earth
- Surface Displacement and Ground Motion from Dynamic Rupture Models of Thrust Faults with Variable Dip Angles and Burial Depths
- The cold shoulder: microbial carbon metabolism across an ancient permafrost chronosequence
- Using Small Mammal Isotopes to Understand Climate and Environmental Changes in Southern California Over the Last 1500 Years
- An Erupting Solar Filament Observed at the DST
- Assessing Water Quality Downstream from the Former New Idria Mercury Mine
- BVOC Response of Terrestrial Vegetation to Moderate and Extreme Heat Stress Events
- Central Asian Drying at 3.3 Ma Linked to Tropical Forcing?
- Competing Influence of Compositional Variability and Metamorphism on Strain Localization in a Lower-Crustal, Transpressional Shear Zone, Fiordland, New Zealand
- Growth of large low shear velocity provinces (LLSVP) by upward migration of primordial silicates from the outer core
- Hydrological change due to deforestation and urbanization on the West Coast of the United States: Evidence from stable isotopes of small mammals
- Laboratory Fluid Experiments on the Formation of the Ultra Low Velocity Zone (ULVZ) by Iron Metal Sediments
- Long-term Wildfire-related Chemical Impacts on Water Quality Within the Malibu Creek Coastal Watershed
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- Origin and Diagenetic Priming of a Potential Slow-slip Trigger Zone in Volcaniclastic Deposits Flanking a Seamount on the Subducting Plate, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Ozone Production in Western U.S. Wildfire Plumes sampled by the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- Physical controls on salmon redd site selection in restored reaches of a gravel-bed river
- Preliminary Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the July 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes
- Refining the 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.5 Papua New Guinea Earthquake Slip Distribution Using Sub-Pixel Offset
- Rheology and Kinetics of Polymer-enhanced In Situ Chemical Oxidation Applied to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Searching for Extant Life on Mars: What's Next?
- Secret nuclear meltdown? Measuring Cs-137 concentration from tree cores to determine radiation exposure from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, Simi Valley, California
- Seismic tomography identifying the interaction of oceanic and continental lithosphere along the southern California coastal margin from the ALBACORE amphibious array
- Stokes Line Parameters as Possible Indicators of Flaring Activity: A Comparison of Flaring and Non-Flaring Active Regions
- Temporal relations between total solar irradiance and photometric indices during the last two solar cycles.
- The Impact of Urbanization on Southern California Ecosystems over the Past 100 Years Quantified by Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis
- The Role of Scapolite in Recording the Volatile Cycle of the Lower Crust
- Thermal evolution of northern Salinia using apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology
- Time dependent properties of Inverse Evershed Flow and Perspectives with Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST)
- A Machine Learning Approach to Identify Solar Stokes Profiles in Flaring and Non-Flaring Active Regions
- Anisotropic Texture of Iron Metal Flakes in the Ultra Low Velocity Zone (ULVZ) at the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary
- Estimating geodetic locking depth and long-term slip rate along the central San Andreas Fault using Neural Networks
- Evaluating strain partitioning in the Pacific Northwest using block models
- Four Solar Cycle Spectrum Variation of the Sun-as-a-Star
- Geometrical Fault Complexity and the Rupture Dynamics of the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes
- Imaging the next Cascadia earthquake: Optimal design for a seafloor observation network given realistic data uncertainties
- Modeling Wildfire Plume Chemistry using the GECKO-A Box Model
- Reconstructing the Late Miocene-Pliocene paleoenvironment and paleoclimate of southern continental South America (SA) in order to determine the factors driving expansion of C4 grasslands: δ13C isotopes, molecular biomarkers, phytoliths, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) from Río Iruya, NW Argentina.
- Schools as a conduit for energy efficiency: An NGSS curriculum for energy education/action at the elementary level
- The Effect of Sunspot Umbrae on the Total Solar Irradiance
- Transport Mechanisms and Persistence of Wildfire-related Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Southern California Coastal Watershed
- Validation of satellite measurements in wildfire plumes: A first look using aircraft in situ and remote sensing instruments
- Analysis of native and non-native plant recovery in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area after the 2018 Woolsey Fire.
- Assessing Fault Slip and Seismic Hazard in Taiwan using Space Geodesy
- Comparison of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Beneath Oceanic and Continental Lithosphere in the Southern California Continental Margin
- Contrasting Origins and Diagenesis of Volcaniclastic Deposits along Turanganui Knoll, a Seamount on the Subducting Plate at Hikurangi Margin: Implications for Slow Slip
- Deploying Data Visualization Tools and Workspaces as Key Pathways Connecting Science and Society
- Dynamic Rupture Simulations of Coseismic Interactions on Orthogonal Strike-Slip Faults
- Environmental impacts of naturally occurring oil seeps in Santa Paula Creek, California
- Formation of Large Low Shear Wave Velocity Provinces (LLSVP) by Entrainment and Segregation of Iron and Silicates at the Core-Mantle Boundary.
- Heating of the solar atmosphere by electric currents
- Monitoring Post-Wildfire Watershed Dynamics Through Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Geochemistry, Suspended Sediment Measurements, Hydrologic Data, and Soil Chemistry
- Permafrost microbial communities are structured by latitudinal and soil chemical gradients
- Plasma Flows in the Atmospheric Layers of Coronal Hole and Quiet-Sun Regions in the Context of Their Magnetic Field Environment
- Strain partitioning in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Toward a Better Understanding of Cordilleran Batholiths: The Metamorphic History of the Coast Mountains Batholith, Stikine River Area, Alaska and British Columbia
- What we can learn in the kitchen sink: an example from garnet granulite
- Assessing Trends in Metals Transport and Fate Following the 2018 Woolsey Wildfire, Southern California, USA
- Automated Block Closure and Resolution Tests in Dense Block Models
- Climate, Time, and Soil Development Interact to Shape the Depth Distribution and Structure of Microbial Communities
- Green and Brown Infrastructure in the City: A Community-based Urban Soil Initiative from Los Angeles
- Inferring three-dimensional magnetic structure of a sunspot using multi-wavelength measurements.
- Investigating Ohmic Heating as a Solar Active Region Atmosphere Heating Mechanism
- Mass-transport deposit related to transform fault in the Guaymas basin, Gulf of California: basin structure and sediment volume from seismic reflection data
- Modeling TSI Variations using Ground- and Space-Based Images
- Multifractal Properties of Intensity Signals in Solar Coronal Holes, Adjacent Quiet Sun, and Boundary Regions in the Context of the Magnetic Network
- Permafrost Microbial Communities Are Active Across a Holocene to Pleistocene Permafrost Chronosequence as Revealed by Stable Isotope Probing.
- Properties of Chromospheric Flow Channels Around a Sunspot
- Sequestration and Distribution of Volatile Elements in the Earth's Mantle Interior by Settling of Liquid Iron Drops in a Magma Ocean and descent to the Core
- The Formation of Ultra Low Velocity Zones (ULVZ's) from Iron Metal Sediments During Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Core Differentiation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Prasad
- Antonio González‐Fernández
- C. R. Lawrence
- Christian Ayala-Ortiz
- D. B. Jess
- D. J. Christian
- David M. Long
- Debi Prasad Choudhary
- E. L. Evans
- G. Cauzzi
- J. M. Stock
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- Jack Jenkins
- Jeng Hann Chong
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Mark P. Waldrop
- Mary-Cathrine Leewis
- Peter H. Keys
- S. K. Solanki
- S. Rathnayaka
- Sanjay Gosain
- Shuo Wang
- Susanne Liebner
- V. Martínez Pillet
- W. T. Reach