California State University, Monterey Bay
flowchart I[California State University, Monterey Bay] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (360)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (54)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Compaction-Corrected Inclination for the Middle Cretaceous Valle Group in Vizcaino Terrane, Baja California, Mexico: Preliminary Results
- Modeling Biogenic Emission Sources of Acetone and Other Oxygenated Organic Carbon Compounds
- Sediment source analysis through in-stream monitoring of sediment loads at many sites
- The North America Carbon Sink From 1982-1998 Estimated Using MODIS Algorithm Products
- The value of manual, event-based sediment sampling in local-scale sediment budget studies
- Automated Analysis of Earth Sciences Data for Prediction of Land Surface: Ocean Climate Couplings
- Clues to Coral Reef Health: Integrating Radiative Transfer Modeling and Hyperspectral Data
- Major Disturbance Events in Terrestrial Ecosystems Detected using Global Satellite Data Sets
- Understanding Controls on Historical River Discharge in the World's Largest Drainage Basins
- Understanding Global Teleconnections of Climate to Regional Model Estimates of Amazon Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes
- Assessing the Importance of Incorporating Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil and Plant Parameters into Local Water Balance Models for Precision Agriculture: Investigations within a California Vineyard
- Carbon Management and Decision Support Systems for the CASA Ecosystem Model
- Leaf-Canopy inversion model though a Neural Network algorithm: Application to coffee cherry estimation using UAV images
- Reconstructing the Recent Disturbance History of North America Using the AVHRR Satellite Record
- Terrestrial Carbon Sinks Predicted From MODIS Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- A Simulation Model of Carbon Cycling and Methane Emissions in Amazon Wetlands
- Anomalously Shallow Paleomagnetic Inclinations of the mid-Turonian Turbidites From Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Biospheric Monitoring and Forecasting
- CASA-CQUEST: Decision Support Tools and Data Analysis for Ecosystem Carbon Management in the United States
- Controls on stream DOC flux and composition in the Amazon region, Tapajos national forest
- Early Entry for Youth into the Ocean Science Pipeline Through Ocean Science School Camp and Summer Camp Programs: A Key Strategy for Enhancing Diversity in the Ocean Sciences
- Large-Scale Disturbance Events in Terrestrial Ecosystems Detected using Global Satellite Data Sets
- Modeling Studies of Carbon Cycling at the Tapajos National Forest using the NASA-CASA Ecosystem Model
- Characterization of Fog Water Collection Potential and Quality on California State University Monterey Bay and Glen Deven Ranch Near Big Sur
- Constraining Rooting Depths in Tropical Rainforests Using Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- Ecological Forecasting: Advanced Technologies for Discovery in Earth Science Data
- Intelligent Agents for Science Data Processing
- Methane Emissions from Natural Wetlands in the United States: Satellite-Derived Estimation based on Ecosystem Carbon Cycling
- Modeling Studies of Climate Impacts and Extreme Events in California Mountain Ecosystems
- Past Impacts and Future Scenarios of Climate on Ecosystem Carbon Balance for the Western United States
- Urban Sprawl Impacts on the Carbon and Water Cycles in the United States
- From the Ground Up: Building an Undergraduate Earth Systems Curriculum
- Massive Bedforms and their Movement Mapped at the Mouth of San Francisco Bay using Multibeam Sonar
- Rapid prototyping of ecological nowcasts and forecasts by extending the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System
- Refinement of rooting depths using satellite-based evapotranspiration seasonality and ecosystem modeling in California
- Streambed Seepage and Implications for Local Hydrology: Time Series Analysis of Streambed Thermal Records and Other Methods Applied to a Strongly-Losing Stream
- Terrestrial Carbon Sinks for the United States Predicted From MODIS Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- Terrestrial Vegetation Dynamics, Global Climate Controls, and Extreme Events
- Terrestrial ecosystem nowcasts and forecasts for North America
- Ensemble modeling of carbon and water fluxes for NACP
- Framework for Producing Ecological Nowcasts
- Goal-Directed Planning for Sensor Webs
- Improving Managed Aquifer Recharge Operation to Reduce Nutrient Load in an Agricultural Basin: Delineation of Processes, Controls, and In-situ Potential
- Large wave-shaped bedforms in the axial channel of Monterey Submarine Canyon: Monterey Bay, California
- Modeling Carbon Cycles and Trace Gas Budgets of Savannas Worldwide using NASA Satellite Products: Focus on Climate and Land Use Change Impacts
- Modeling Carbon Cycles for the Western United States using NASA Satellite Products: Focus on Climate and Land Use Change Impacts
- Modeling and Forecasting Snowmelt Runoff in California Mountain Watersheds using NASA Satellite Data Products
- Objective refinements to a diagnostic terrestrial biosphere model using satellite data: North America carbon and water cycle simulations
- Carbon Cycling Studies in Forest and Rangeland Ecosystems of Northern and Central Coastal California
- Carbon Cycling from Biofuel Crop Production in the Mid-Continental U. S. Region Predicted from MODIS Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- Carbon Fluxes in Ecosystems of the Greater Yellowstone Area Predicted from Remote Sensing Data and Simulation Modeling
- Investigating Correlations Between Satellite-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth And Ground PM2.5 Measurements in Californias San Joaquin Valley with MODIS Deep Blue
- Processes, Controls, and Potential for In-situ Nutrient Removal During Managed Aquifer Recharge in an Agricultural Basin
- Quantifying the Distribution and Dynamics of Managed Aquifer Recharge Using Mass- Balance and Time-Series Thermal Methods
- Synergistic use of MODIS and Landsat data for mapping global carbon fluxes at 30m
- Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes from Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado Regions Predicted from MODIS Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- The NASA SIERRA UAV: A new unmanned aircraft for earth science investigations
- Tracer discharge testing and modeling used to assess the dynamics of surface water - ground water exchange across a range of discharges
- Amazon forests did not green up during the 2005 drought
- An application of vessel-based LiDAR to quantify coastal retreat in Southern Monterey Bay, CA
- Application of the NASA Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System for Optimization of Agricultural Water Use in California
- Comparison of Deep Blue and Land Surface Reflectance in the San Joaquin Valley
- Convergence and Divergence in a Multi-Model Ensemble of Terrestrial Ecosystem Models in North America
- Deteriorating food security in India
- Diagnosing and Assessing Uncertainties of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Ecosystem Models from a Multi-Model Ensemble Experiment
- Earth System Data Record of Vegetation Leaf Area Index from Multiple Satellite-Borne Sensors: Evaluation and Validation
- Enhanced Access to Earth Science Data through Standards-based Web Services and Applications
- Extending TOPS: Knowledge Management System for Anomaly Detection and Analysis
- New Projections of Global Forest Carbon and Ecosystems at Risk for Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Disturbance and Forest Degradation
- Skiff-based Sonar/LiDAR Survey to Calibrate Reservoir Volumes for Watershed Sediment Yield Studies: Carmel River Example
- Spatial and temporal variations in seepage during managed aquifer recharge
- Toward Obtaining Reliable Particulate Air Quality Information from Satellites
- An Evaluation of Vessel Based LiDAR Surveying as a Tool for Monitoring Short Term Change in Coastal Wetlands
- An Open Source Platform for Earth Science Research and Applications
- An application of vessel-based LiDAR to quantify coastal retreat in Southern Monterey Bay, CA during the 2008-2009 year and the 2009-2010 El Nino
- Assessment of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Phenology Data for North America: Inter-comparison and Forecasting
- Characterizing uncertainties in recent trends of global terrestrial net primary production through ensemble modeling
- Development of a Unique Web2.0 Interface for Global Collaboration in Land Cover Change Research
- Extending TOPS: Ontology-driven Anomaly Detection and Analysis System
- Landsat-based monitoring of crop water demand in the San Joaquin Valley
- Mapping Neglected Swimming Pools from Satellite Data for Urban Vector Control
- Mitigating agricultural impacts on groundwater using distributed managed aquifer recharge ponds
- Modeling Coupled Climate and Urban Land Use Change in the Eastern United States
- NASA Earth Exchange: A Collaborative Earth Science Platform
- Needs of Near Real-Time Data: Perspectives for Supporting Disaster Observations -- Wildfires
- Predicting River Discharge Rates in California Watersheds of the Russian River and Other North Coast River Basins
- Quantifying the distribution and abundance of rippled scour depressions (RSDs) on the seafloor of California's continental margin using autoclassfication models
- Satellite-driven estimation of terrestrial carbon flux over Far East Asia with 30-second grid resolution
- Seven years of geomorphic change in the head of Monterey Canyon, CA: Steady state equilibrium or monotonic change?
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of infiltration and hydraulic conductivity during managed aquifer recharge
- Terrestrial Net Primary Production Predicted from MODIS Satellite Data from 2000-2009
- Testing the sensitivity of terrestrial carbon models using remotely sensed biomass estimates
- The Relationship between Humidity and Influenza
- A comparison of groundwater storage using GRACE data, groundwater levels, and a hydrological model in California's Central Valley
- A regional analysis of the distribution of Rippled Scour Depressions along the California coast
- Applications of TOPS Anomaly Detection Framework to Amazon Drought Analysis
- Applications of wireless sensor networks, soil water balance modeling, and satellite data for crop evapotranspiration monitoring and irrigation management support
- Biological Stream Survey of Lower Esopus Creek, Catskill Mountains, New York
- Computing Evaporation Using Meteorological Data for Hydrological Budget of Lake Wapalanne in NJ School of Conservation
- Crop Evapotranspiration in San Joaquin Valley by Landsat Reflectance-based and Energy-balance Estimation Methods
- Diagnosis and Quantification of Climatic Sensitivity of Carbon Fluxes in Ensemble Global Ecosystem Models
- Global monitoring of deforestation emissions of carbon and downscaling to REDD project-level verification
- Hydrologic Budget Assessment of a Small Forested Lake in Northwestern NJ
- Modeling Coupled Climate And Urban Land Use Change In The United States
- Modeling the spatial and temporal dynamics of infiltration during managed aquifer recharge
- Satellite Irrigation Monitoring and Management Support in California with the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System
- Using optical and microwave data from AQUA to study the Amazon rainforests
- Vegetation response to climate variability in India from 2001 to 2010
- Web Services for Satellite Irrigation Monitoring and Management Support
- Climatic Responses of Tropical Ecosystems Control Variations in Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rates
- Cloud Computing-based Platform for Drought Decision-Making using Remote Sensing and Modeling Products: Preliminary Results for Brazil
- Combining 18 years of bathymetric surveys with terrestrial and aerial LiDAR surveys to monitor subtidal and intertidal morphology in Elkhorn Slough, California
- Comparison of NOAA Experimental Forecasted Reference Evapotranspiration and Observed CIMIS Reference Evapotranspiration
- Connecting Provenance with Semantic Descriptions in the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Elevated concentrations of monomethyl mercury in Pacific marine fog water: investigation of sources and estimation of flux to the terrestrial landscape
- Fog water collection measurements along the Central California Coast
- Irrigation Trials for ET Estimation and Water Management in California Specialty Crops
- Monitoring coastal fog events using ground-based measurements and satellite imagery
- Satellite Mapping of Agricultural Water Requirements in California with the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System
- Scaling of NEX Anomaly Detection and Analysis Framework to Global Drought Analysis
- Sequential optimization of a terrestrial biosphere model constrained by multiple satellite based products
- Structural uncertainty in model-simulated trends of global gross primary production
- The Impact of Global Commercial Harvest on the Ocean Iron Cycle
- Use Of The Terrestrial Observation And Prediction System (TOPS) For Developing Climate Adaptation Strategies: Projecting Changes In Tree Biomass And Its Storm Water Regulation Potential For NASA Field Centers
- Application of Satellite Data for Early Season Assessment of Fallowed Agricultural Lands for Drought Impact Reporting
- CO2 Fertilization: What Models Can Talk to Observations
- Comparison of Satellite-based Basal and Adjusted Evapotranspiration for Several California Crops
- Coupling Stormwater Capture and Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Coupling the NASA-CASA ecosystem model with a hydrologic routing algorithm for improved water management in Yosemite National Park
- Employing LIDAR and Rtk GPS to Evaluate a Small Beach Nourishment in Southern Monterey Bay
- Global Web-Enabled Landsat Data (Invited)
- Knowledge Acquisition and Management for the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Measurements of Cloud Droplet Size and Fog Water Deposition
- National Weather Service Forecast Reference Evapotranspiration
- Satellite Mapping of Agricultural Water Requirements in California
- Satellite measurements of changes in water storage and their impact on vegetation dynamics
- Species Composition at the Sub-Meter Level in Discontinuous Permafrost in Subarctic Sweden
- A Comparison of the Efficiency Between Fog Collecting Meshes
- A Semi-Automated Machine Learning Algorithm for Tree Cover Delineation from 1-m Naip Imagery Using a High Performance Computing Architecture
- An Integrated Lysimeter and Satellite Imagery Approach for Estimating Crop Evapotranspiration
- An Investigation of Coastal Groundwater Discharge and Associated Nutrient Inputs Using Electrical Resistivity, Temperature, and Geochemical Tracer in Pescadero Lagoon, California
- Calculator for Evaluation of Crop Water Use Fractions in California
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Coupling stormwater capture and managed aquifer recharge
- Extreme Precipitation in the San Francisco Bay Area: Comparing Downscaling Methodologies' Skill in Representing Extreme Precipitation in Hindcasts and Differences in Their Projections
- High-resolution climate data over conterminous US using random forest algorithm
- Integrating Parallel and Distributed Data Mining Algorithms into the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Is the Coastal Ocean a Source of Mercury to Marine Advective Fog
- Large-Scale Image Analytics Using Deep Learning
- Long-Term Data Records of Biophysical Parameters from Multiple Satellite Systems
- Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley
- Mapping Urban Expansion Across North America Using Multi-Temporal Landsat and Nighttime Lights Data
- Methylmercury and other chemical constituents in Pacific coastal fog water from seven sites in Central/Northern California (FogNet) during the summer of 2014
- New Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Smear Slides in Pelagic and Hemi-Pelagic Sediments of the Bering Sea
- On the Use of FOSS4G in Land Cover Fraction Estimation with Unmixing Algorithms
- Open NASA Earth Exchange (OpenNEX): A Public-Private Partnership for Climate Change Research
- Open NASA Earth Exchange (OpenNEX): Strategies for enabling cross organization collaboration in the earth sciences
- Optical Polarization of Light from a Sorghum Canopy Measured under both a Clear and an Overcast Sky
- Passive Fog Water Measurements Along the Northern California Coast During the Summer of 2014
- Predicting multi-scale relationships between geomorphology and bedrock geology of the rocky intertidal in Central and Northern California
- Preliminary vegetation index products from Suomi NPP VIIRS illuminate the California drought
- Quantum Boosting and Fast Classical Metrics for Tree Cover Detection in Remote Sensing Data
- Reducing Uncertainties in Satellite-derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates using a High Resolution Forest Cover Map
- Revisiting Antarctic Circumpolar Current Transport Estimates
- Seabed Spectra Predictions Using a Time-Dependent Seafloor Boundary Layer Model
- Sector-Scanning Sonar Imagery of Laboratory Bedforms
- Stress-stimulated current of dry rocks with constant clamping stress
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- UAS Developments Supporting Wildfire Observations
- Using NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) to develop annual US Forest Disturbance products
- Variability of Global Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations over Interannual to Multi-Decadal Timescales: A Linear Approximation
- A High Performance Computing Approach to Tree Cover Delineation in 1-m NAIP Imagery using a Probabilistic Learning Framework
- An inversion analysis of carbon dioxide emission from airborne sampling of the 2013 Yosemite Rim Fire and its relationship with combustion phase
- Are high-resolution NASA Unified WRF simulations credible tools for predicting extreme precipitation over the Great Plains?
- Coming of Age: Polarization as a Probe of Plant Canopy Water Status
- Continental Spatio-temporal Data Analysis with Linear Spectral Mixture Model using FOSS
- Development of a complete Landsat evapotranspiration and energy balance archive to support agricultural consumptive water use reporting and prediction in the Central Valley, CA
- Dimethyl Mercury in Seawater: a Potential Source of Monomethyl Mercury in Fog
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production and Land Fallowing in California's Central Valley in 2015
- Dynamics of Industrial Forests in Southeast United States Assessed using Satellite and Field Inventory Data
- Effects of resolution and spectral nudging in simulating the effects of wintertime atmospheric river landfalls in the Western US
- Estimation of spatial variability in humidity, wind, and solar radiation using the random forest algorithm for the conterminous USA
- Fallow land effects on land-atmosphere interactions in California drought
- Impacts of Lateral-Boundary-Condition Errors on Regional Climate Downscaling: Lessons Learned from the NASA Downscaling Project
- Mapping Evapotranspiration over Agricultural Land in the California Central Valley
- Mercury and Other Chemical Constituents in Pacific Marine Fog Water: Results from Two Summers of Sampling in FogNet
- NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) Supporting Analyses for National Climate Assessments
- Reproducibility and Knowledge Capture Architecture for the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Standard Fog Collector Measurements Along the Central and Northern California Coast During the 2014 and 2015 Fog Seasons
- Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned for Recruiting, Engaging and Preparing a Diverse Student Population for 21st Century Careers in Ocean Sciences.
- Testing an Irrigation Decision Support Tool for California Specialty Crops
- Tracking recent climate and anthropogenic change in Central America in sediments form the lower fan of the Rio Yaqui, Gulf of California, Mexico
- Upcycling UAS into modular platforms for Earth science and autonomy research
- Using Permanent Wetlands as Polishing Ponds to Remove Monomethylmercury: Results of a Large Scale Replicated Field Experiment
- Volcano Gas Measurements from UAS - Customization of Sensors and Platforms
- Where are the forests in the United States "not disturbed" over a quarter century?
- A Time Series Analysis of Mercury Species in the Nearshore Environment of Monterey Bay, CA
- A Transect of Mercury Species in Fog Across the Coastal Zone
- A satellite data-driven, client-server decision support application for agricultural water resources management
- Analytics and Visualization Pipelines for Big Data on the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) and OpenNEX
- Application of a Lagrangian Particle Tracking and Reaction method to simulate the field-scale bioremediation experiment at the Schoolcraft site, Michigan
- Assessing the First Year of a Large-Scale Salmonid River Restoration Project on the Carmel River, CA
- DeepSAT: A Deep Learning Approach to Tree-cover Delineation in 1-m NAIP Imagery for the Continental United States
- Efficacy of Bioremediation of Agricultural Runoff Using Bacterial Communities in Woodchip Bioreactors.
- Estimating the Relative Water Content of Single Leaves from Optical Polarization Measurements.
- Evaluation of simulated biospheric carbon dioxide fluxes and atmospheric concentrations using global in situ observations
- Fog-drip contributions to soil moisture as determined through passive fog collector measurements, leaf wetness data, and soil moisture at Pepperwood Preserve, Sonoma County, California.
- FrankenRaven: A New Platform for Remote Sensing
- GeoNotebook: Browser based Interactive analysis and visualization workflow for very large climate and geospatial datasets
- Integrating Satellite and Surface Sensor Networks for Irrigation Management Applications in California
- Mapping past, present, and future climatic suitability for invasive Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in the United States: a process-based modeling approach using CMIP5 downscaled climate scenarios
- Mesh Intercomparisons of Fog Water Collected Yield Insight Into the Nature of Fog-Drip Collection Mechanisms
- Observed trend in surface wind speed over the conterminous USA and CMIP5simulations
- OpenNEX, a private-public partnership in support of the national climate assessment
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Sediment - Water Exchange of Mercury in a Managed Flood Conveyance System
- Remote-sensing supported monitoring of global biodiversity change
- Satellite Estimation of Fractional Cover in Several California Specialty Crops
- Tree canopy light interception estimates in almond and a walnut orchards using ground, low flying aircraft, and satellite based methods to improve irrigation scheduling programs.
- Uncertainty Assessment of the NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Climate Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset
- Using Cloud-based Storage Technologies for Earth Science Data
- Using Docker Containers to Extend Reproducibility Architecture for the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Using Sunlight and Cell Networks to Bring Fleeting Tracking to Small Scale Fisheries
- A Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS) using Cloud-based Storage Technologies for Earth Science Data
- ASPIRE: Active Societal Participation in Research and Education
- Applications of Satellite Data to Support Improvements in Irrigation and Groundwater Management in California
- Assessing the Importance of Prior Biospheric Fluxes on Inverse Model Estimates of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Floating Forests: Validation of a Citizen Science Effort to Answer Global Ecological Questions
- GEONEX: Land monitoring from a new generation of geostationary satellite sensors
- GEONEX: algorithm development and validation of Gross Primary Production from geostationary satellites
- Generating Land Surface Reflectance for the New Generation of Geostationary Satellite Sensors with the MAIAC Algorithm
- Geomorphic and habitat response to a large-dam removal in a Mediterranean river
- Linear Subpixel Learning Algorithm for Land Cover Classification from WELD using High Performance Computing
- Predicting Near-Term Water Quality from Satellite Observations of Watershed Conditions
- Premature Mobility of Boulders in Constructed Step-pool River Structures in the Carmel River, CA: The Role of Fish-centric Design Constraints, and Flow on Structural Stability
- Promoting Diversity Through Polar Interdisciplinary Coordinated Education (Polar ICE)
- Science informed water resources decision-making: Examples using remote sensing observations in East Africa, the Lower Mekong Basin and the western United States
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Using Online Citizen Science to Assess Giant Kelp Abundances Across the Globe with Satellite Imagery
- Using a water-food-energy nexus approach for optimal irrigation management during drought events in Nebraska
- Utilizing on-farm best management practices: Managing Nitrate Leaching Using Evapotranspiration Based Irrigation Methods
- Very High Resolution Tree Cover Mapping for Continental United States using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- An Improved UAV-Based Fog Collector for Local-Scale Aerobiological Sampling
- Applications of Satellite Data to Assess Agricultural Production and Quantify Fallowed Agricultural Acreage during Drought Events in Washington and Nevada
- Deep Neural Network Classification of Littoral Systems for Change Detection
- Evapotranspiration-based Irrigation Scheduling in Cool-Season Vegetables
- GEONEX Real-time hourly 1-km weather data for the conterminous US for land surface modeling using GOES/ABI data
- GEONEX: A NASA-NOAA collaboration for producing land surface products from geostationary sensors using cloud computing
- GEONEX: Challenges in producing MODIS-like land products from a new generation of geostationary sensors
- GEONEX: Enhancing Real-time Active Fire Detections from GOES-16/ABI data using Machine Learning
- GEONEX: Land Surface Reflectances from Geostationary Sensors
- Improving Precipitation Type Detection from Satellite Passive Microwave Observations
- Intercomparison of Evapotranspiration Measurement Methods for Vegetable Crops in California
- Leaf Water Status Estimated from Visible-NIR Polarization Measurements
- Modelling the water-food-energy nexus during agricultural drought in Sweden
- NEX-AI: A Cloud and HPC Agnostic Framework for Scaling Deep Learning and Machine Learning Applications for Earth Science
- Nutrient Dynamics in Tidally Restricted Regions of the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
- OpenET: Filling the Biggest Gap in Water Data for the Western United States
- Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences: ASPIRE (Active Societal Participation in Research and Education)
- Precession and Sub-Orbital Cyclicity of Ice Rafted Debris in the Bering Sea (IODP Site U1341) during the early Pleistocene
- River Response to Large-Dam Removal in a Mediterranean Hydroclimatic Setting: Carmel River, California, USA
- The Impact of Prior Biospheric Models on Global CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Flux Estimates when Assimilating OCO-2 Retrievals
- Advances in Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration
- Community-based Participatory Research in the Geosciences as a Mechanism for Broadening Participation
- Comparing Traditional Water Balance Estimates of Evapotranspiration with Eddy-Covariance and Satellite-Based Modeling in a Drip Irrigated Vineyard
- Comparison of Evapotranspiration Estimates from Remote Sensing, Crop Coefficient Models, and Eddy Covariance Stations for Celery in California
- Detection of Land Surface Phenology from New Generation Geostationary Satellites and Its Compassion with Observations from Polar-Orbiting Satellites
- Estimation of Solar radiation and Photovoltaic power using Geostationary satellites.
- Evapotranspiration-based Irrigation Scheduling in Salinas Valley Vegetable Crops
- GOES ABI high frequency data for understanding Amazon vegetation dynamics
- Generating Accurate and Consistent Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Products from the New Generation Geostationary Satellite Sensors
- GeoNEX: A Cloud Gateway for Near Real-time Processing of Geostationary Satellite Products
- High-resolution Aerosol Retrievals from Geostationary Observations with Algorithm MAIAC
- Implementing multiple approaches to diversify the geosciences: Successes and lessons learned from student and professional training programs.
- Leaf Surface Structures Alter Polarization of Incident Light
- Lessons Learned Building Partnerships in the Polar Interdisciplinary Coordinated Education (Polar ICE) Program
- Methane emission from high-latitude wetlands: Evaluating the impact of incorporating wetland types and the full suite of high-latitude methane fluxes
- New Global Datasets for Methane Modeling: Natural Wetlands, Lakes and Reservoirs
- Observing and attributing the differences of Himawari-8 NDVI hyper-temporal signatures across deciduous broadleaf forests in Japan
- Operational Remote Sensing of Agricultural Water Use in Cooperation with Western State Water Resource Agencies for Improved Water Management
- Rapid Operational Derivation of Surface Reflectance Values for Near-realtime Applications of Satellite Data
- Remote Sensing of Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production and Fallowing of Agricultural Land in the Western U.S.
- Runoff Distribution in the Colorado Basin
- Sampling Strategy Concerns for Atmospheric Microbiology
- Surface Reflectance Product from Geostationary Satellite
- The Effect of the Australian Monsoon on Paleoproductivity and Terrigenous Flux during the Mid-Pleistocene
- The Future of Evapotranspiration: Global requirements for ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources
- Trail Erosion Rates from Six Years of Very Low Altitude Photogrammetry at Hollister Hills State Off-highway Vehicle Park
- Transfer Learning to Generate True Color Images from GOES-16
- Uncertainty Quantification for a Global Imaging Spectroscopy Surface Composition Investigation
- Using artificial intelligence for the water-food-energy nexus management during drought in Sweden
- Variability of Fog Collection Between a High-Density of Fog Collectors Within a Localized Area
- A Game of Drones: Advancing Discovery and Innovation in Coastal Research
- Airborne Remote Sensing Measurements of Particles in Different Parts of the World
- An Equitable Exchange
- Astrometry of WDS 19315-2053 AC
- Astronometric Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (A CURE)
- Building an alliance to diversify geoscience: A J.E.D.I. approach.
- Climate Resiliency in the Salish Sea: Mentoring the Future Climate Workforce at Northwest Indian College
- Comparing Landslide-Derived Sediment Yield to Anthropogenic Sources at Hollister Hills Off-Highway Vehicle Park in Central California
- Controls on Boulder Incipient Motion in an "Auto-naturalized" Constructed Step-pool River, Carmel River, California
- Detecting short term drought impact in the Southwest US using GOES-16 ABI data.
- Development of a Remote-Sensing-Based Method to Monitor Changes in Groundwater Storage
- Estimating vineyard water use with remote sensing: Lessons learned from the GRAPEX project
- Evaluation of River Profile Adjustment Potential due to Sediment Management at Los Padres Dam, Carmel River, CA
- FM-120 and Standard Fog Collector Measurements of Mesh Efficiency
- Fusion of Time Series of Geostationary Satellite and VIIRS Observations for Detecting Land Surface Phenology
- Generation of land surface reflectance with combined Geo-KOMPSAT-2A AMI and Himawari 8 AHI observations
- GeoNEX: A geostationary earth observatory
- Landsat-based Estimation of Fractional Cover for several Salinas Valley Horticultural Crops
- Leaf Volume Reflectance: Better Estimate of Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration
- Lessons from Earth Bioaerosol Sampling for Venus Habitability & Biosignature Science
- Making the Connection between Water Management Needs and Earth Observations
- Modeling to Support End-to-End Traceability of Reflectance to Algorithms for the Surface Biology and Geology Designated Observable (MEET-SBG)
- Mutually-exclusive Global Wetland, Lake, and Reservoir Methane Emissions Data Sets
- OpenET: Enabling Science-Based Water Management through Open Data Services and User-Driven Design
- OpenET: Filling a Critical Gap in Water Data for the Western U.S.
- Retrieval of intertidal biofilm quantity and nutritional quality through field spectroscopy provides potential for regional mapping of shorebird food resources
- Size Matters: Variation in Phytoplankton Biovolume Observed in Remote Sensing Imagery Across a Putative Nutrient Gradient Nearshore to Offshore of Southern California
- Teaching Oceanography with Comics
- The 5STAR airborne tracking sunphotometer on the NASA SIERRA UAS
- The Impacts of COVID-19 on Summer Research Internships and the Response of the Geoscience Community
- The decline of coral reefs from ocean temperature extremes: Are we close to peak bleaching?
- Towards a comprehensive implementation of the water-food-energy nexus for sustainable agricultural production: a modelling and remote sensing perspective
- What is the role of hydrological science in the age of machine learning?
- Aerosol optical depth is more consistent than aerosol size over large distances during KORUS-AQ
- Detection of Land Surface Phenology across Different Ecosystems from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites
- Drones for good: Enabling community science via marine technology
- Employing remote sensing approaches in ecological studies of the rocky intertidal.
- Empowering REU Participants as Emerging STEM Leaders Through Broadening Their Worldview of Scientists, the Geoscience Career Landscape, and Professional Skills
- Evaluation of OpenET DisALEXI and Ensemble ET over the State of California
- Extensions to the Basic Model Interface to Support Serialization of a Model's State Variables for Load Balancing and Checkpointing
- GeoNEX-SUBSETS: Geostationary satellite observations over international observing network sites.
- Improving Geolocation Accuracy of the Advanced Meteorological Imager on the GEO-KOMPSAT-2A
- Initial Evaluation of CropManage Decision-Support Model for Vineyard ET Estimation
- Investigating Marine Denitrification with Sediment Analysis of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- Multi-source Earth Observation Data and FAIR Data Principles for Improved Natural Resource Management and Decision Making
- OpenET Satellite-based ET Intercomparisons with Ground-based Measurements: Phase II Results
- OpenET: Operational Evapotranspiration Data for Water Management in the Western United States
- Progress in Developing a Prototype Science Pipeline and Full-Volume, Global Hyperspectral Synthetic Data Sets for NASAs Earth System Observatorys Upcoming Surface, Biology and Geology Mission
- Qeemu Revitalization: A Nez Perces Case Study (Nez Perce Nation, ID, USA)
- SeaSTAR: sunphotometer platform diversification for aerosol characterization over the ocean
- Spatiotemporal Methane Emissions from Global Lakes and Reservoirs
- The 1.65 Ma event at Northwest Australian IODP Site U1483: A major transition during the mid-Pleistocene 40 kyr world
- A Novel Algorithm for Near Real Time Crop Progress Monitoring at Field Scales by Fusing Observations from Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 and Geostationary Satellites
- A Remote Sensing Approach to Bridging the Gaps in FEMA Flood Risk Maps
- Analysis of AC-S (Spectrophotometer) Proxies for Ecosystem Variables using the OOI Endurance Array off the Coasts of Oregon and Washington
- COSEA: A New Community of Practice to Change the Culture of Coastal and Ocean Sciences
- Current and Future Air Quality Impacts from Wildfires on Facilities and Employees at NASA Centers Estimated using NEX-GDDP Downscaled Climate Projections
- Development of the Ames Global Hyperspectral Synthetic Dataset
- Evaluating the National Water Model's Evapotranspiration Representation through Comparison to OpenET
- Exploring the Benefits of Machine Learning: Improving Stormflow Predictions using Long Short-Term Memory Networks
- Hourly carbon fluxes estimation using the GOES Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) data over the conterminous USA
- Improving wildfire severity prediction with evapotranspiration retrievals from thermal imaging
- Long-term Monitoring of Evapotranspiration in South America Using geeSEBAL and Terra/Aqua MODIS Images
- Six years of fluvial evolution after large dam removal on the Carmel River, California
- The impact of climate change on fire danger over the contiguous United States
- Toward an international application of the OpenET ensemble approach based on Landsat and MODIS evapotranspiration estimates: Preliminary results for Brazil
- Updates in Developing a Prototype Science Pipeline and Full-Volume, Global Hyperspectral Synthetic Data Sets for NASA's Earth System Observatory's Upcoming Surface, Biology and Geology Mission
- Vegetation changes and burn severity drive post-fire hydrological response as shown by high resolution ET observations in Western U.S.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. W. Wood
- Ahmad Jan
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Amy E. East
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Anderson Luís Ruhoff
- Ann Holbourn
- Augusto Getirana
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- Ayman Nassar
- Benjamin Poulter
- C. Hain
- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- David Bastviken
- David G. Tarboton
- David Gochis
- Denise K. Kulhanek
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Gabriel B. Senay
- Huikyo Lee
- Ivano Aiello
- Jens Redemann
- Ji Hoon Kim
- John Volk
- Jon M. Jenkins
- Jonathan C. Lewis
- Jonathan Frame
- Jong-Min Yeom
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Jun Wang
- K. S. Jennings
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kim Locke
- L. T. Iraci
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Martha C. Anderson
- Matthew Bromley
- Matthew S. Johnson
- N. Frazier
- Ramakrishna R. Nemani
- Robert D. Field
- S. Ahmad
- S. D. Peckham
- Samuel LeBlanc
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Taejin Park
- Thomas Holmes
- W. P. Kustas
- Weile Wang
- William A. White
- Xiaoyang Zhang
- Yu Shen
- Yuxia Liu
- О. В. Калашникова