California State University, Long Beach
flowchart I[California State University, Long Beach] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (169)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (34)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Clastic Intrusions and Chemosynthetic Communities in the Cretaceous-Paleocene Forearc, Panoche Hills, CA: Structural Context of a Linked Fluid System
- Clastic Intrusions and Chemosynthetic Paleocommunities in the Cretaceous-Paleocene Great Valley Forearc Basin, Panoche Hills, CA: Geochemistry of Carbonates Suggests Biogenic and Thermogenic Input During Early Tertiary Subduction
- Clastic Intrusions and Chemosynthetic Paleocommunities in the Cretaceous-Paleocene Great Valley Forearc, Panoche Hills, CA: Fossil Evidence for Prolonged Subduction-Driven Fluid Expulsion
- Evolution: Its Treatment in K-12 State Science Curriculum Standards
- Project ALERT: Three Years Of A Catalytic Partnership For Improving Pre-Service Teacher Education In Earth System Sciences
- Termination of Strike-slip Faults at Convergence Zones Within Continental Transform Boundaries: Examples From the California Continental Borderland
- Deformation Bands in an Exhumed Oil Reservoir, Corona del Mar, California, USA
- High Biomass Specific Methyl Halide Production Rates of Selected Coastal Marsh Plants and its Relationship to Halide Content
- Long-Term Rates of Erosion and Relief Growth Along the Converging Southern Mexican Margin, Inferred From <SUP>10</SUP>Be in Sediment and Regolith
- Quaternary Deformation History of the Palos Verdes Fault in San Pedro Bay using 3D and 2D Seismic data
- The Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program (GDEP): Building an Earth System Science Centered Research, Education, and Outreach Effort in Urban Long Beach, California
- Time Slice Reconstruction of Bathymetry and Shoreline, Santa Barbara Channel Area, Southern California, Past 20 k.y.
- Climatic and Environmental Controls of Organic Carbon Accumulation on the California Continental Margin: a Comparison of Deep and Shallow Sites in the Late Quaternary Santa Barbara Basin
- NEES Tsunami "Product" Example : Standards and Guidelines for Construction of Coastal Structures.
- Sea Level Changes and Active Tectonics of the Guerrero Coast, Mexico
- Using Milankovitch Cyclicity as a High-Resolution Dating and Correlation Tool to Understand the Stratigraphic Evolution of the Late Neogene Central California Margin
- High-Resolution Records of Deglaciation on the California Margin: Rapid Warming as Recorded in Surface and Intermediate Waters
- Organic Carbon Accumulation in the Late Quaternary Santa Barbara Basin: A Comparison of Deep and Shallow Sites
- The Construction of Scrub in California and the Mediterranean Borderlands: Climatic and Edaphic Climax Mosaic or Anthropogenic Artifact?
- The Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program (GDEP): A Model for Faculty and Student Engagement in Urban Geoscience Research
- Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin: Developing a More Continuous Composite Section from Overlapping Cores
- Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin: Preliminary Results and Implications
- Geosciences Student Recruitment Strategies at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB): Earth System Science/Community-Research Based Education Partnerships
- Milankovitch Cyclicity: A Tool for Determining the Stratigraphic Evolution of the Late Neogene Offshore Central California Margin
- HirnantianShelftoBasinGradientinSeawaterd13CValues:EvidencefromtheNevadaCarbonatePl atformDuring theSeaLevelLowstand
- North Pacific Ventilation Changes and Expansion of the Oxygen Minimum Zone During Deglaciation
- Plant Functional Variability in Response to Late-Quaternary Climate Change Recorded in Ancient Packrat Middens
- Release of Oxidized Bromine Species From Diatoms: Implication for the Polar Troposphere and Oceanic Polyhalomethane Production
- Construction of the Eastern Himalaya by Thick-skinned Thrust Stacking of the Indian Basement: No Lower Crustal Flow from Tibet is Needed
- Decadal to Million-Year Sedimentation Rates and the Ultra-High-Resolution Marine Record From Santa Barbara Basin
- Iapetus as Seen Through the Multispectral Eyes of Cassini VIMS
- Implications of a Caldera Origin of the Lunar Crater Copernicus
- The Relative Surface Roughness of the two Sides of Iapetus
- An Experimental Investigation of Infiltration in a Shallow Karst System
- Collapse of the Cretaceous Helvetiafjellet Formation due to tectonic activity at Kvalvågen, eastern Spitsbergen
- GPR-Measured Tracer Breakthrough in a Sandstone Bedding-Plane Fracture
- Gas and Water Geochemistry of Seeps from the Salton Sea Geothermal System (California, USA) and the Implications for Seep Processes
- Morphology and surface dynamics of mud volcanoes in the Salton Trough transtensional basin, southern California
- Preliminary Comparison of the Eemian/Sahand and Holocene Hydroclimates in Northwest Iran
- Statistical Relationships Among Proxies of Climate, Productivity and the Carbon Cycle Across Climatic Regimes, Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Stony Brook Mineral Physics Institute Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Using Active Tectonics to Extend the Ultra-High-Resolution Global Climate Record from Santa Barbara Basin Back to ~1.2 Ma
- Geomorphic Expression of a Miocene Dike Complex, San Joaquin Hills, California, USA
- Investigating a transect of anoxic waters in the Santa Barbara Basin during the past 15 ka
- Millennial-Scale Oscillations in Climate and Water Character Recorded in Marine Sediment Geochemistry of Santa Barbara Basin, California at ~300ka and ~ 700ka
- Neogene Basin and Plate Boundary Development in the Outer Continental Borderland Offshore Southern California
- Orbital- to Sub-Orbital-Scale Cyclicity in Seismic Reflections and Sediment Character in Early to Middle Pleistocene Mudstone, Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Periodic Slug Tests in a Sandstone Bedding Plane Fracture
- Sedimentation in an Active Fold and Thrust Belt, Santa Barbara Basin, CA: Spatial and Temporal Evolution from 1.0 Ma to Present
- A Multiproxy High Resolution Paleoclimate Study of Lake Mirabad Iran
- Constraining the vertical movement of OMZ waters in Santa Barbara Basin for the past 15 ky
- Correlation between development of the marginal basin system of the NW Pacific and uplift of the Tibet Plateau
- Evidence for millennial-scale oscillations to 735 ka utilizing high-resolution Quaternary climate records from Santa Barbara Basin, CA
- Evolution of the Andaman Sea region: Dextral transtension as consequence of the India-Asia collision
- New paleoseismic data from the northern San Jacinto Fault Zone, southern California
- Quaternary uplift and subsidence of Catalina Ridge and San Pedro Basin, Inner California Continental Borderland, offshore southern California; results of high-resolution seismic profiling
- Response of Multiphase Flow to Microtopography of Rock Fractures
- Subsurface Characterization of Mystic Lake Paleoseismic site on the Claremont Fault Using CPT Data: Evidence for Straightening of the northern San Jacinto Fault, California
- Summertime ozone and airborne particle concentrations measured on the Juneau Icefield (58°N)
- A geometric model of folds that accommodate vertical-axis rotation based on observations from the western Transverse Ranges of southern California
- Active shortening along the northern edge of the western Transverse Ranges recorded by deformed fluvial terraces along Santa Cruz Creek in the eastern Santa Ynez Valley, California
- Assessing GPR Signal Polarization for 3D Imaging of Fracture Flow Channels
- Calcium and Carbon isotope changes during the Hirnantian glaciation event in an epeiric sea setting
- Characterizing Air Masses in the Lower Troposphere (< 2 km) during the 2011 Student Airborne Program (SARP) Mission in Southern California
- Enhancing Snow Water Equivalent Estimation in Noah Land Surface Model: A modified approach
- Large vertical motions and basin evolution in the Outer Continental Borderland off Southern California associated with plate boundary development and continental rifting
- Millennial-scale climate oscillations to 735 ka as recorded in high-resolution marine sediment records from Santa Barbara Basin, CA
- Spatial scaling of deglacial hypoxia in the Santa Barbara Basin: Using rank-abundance curves and kurtosis to understand paleoecological community stress
- Straightening of the northern San Jacinto Fault, California as seen in the fault structure evolution of the San Jacinto step-over
- Submarine Landslides at Santa Catalina Island, California
- Thermal Evolution of Saturn's 2010-2011 Disturbance
- Assessment of Remotely-Sensed precipitation products across the Saudi Arabia Region
- Constraints on late Quaternary subsidence of Santa Catalina Island from submerged paleoshorelines
- Field GPR Monitoring of Flow Channeling in Fractured Rock
- Field Measurement of Fracture/Matrix Heat Exchange using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing
- H<SUB>2</SUB>Oh!: Classroom demonstrations and activities for improving student learning of water concepts
- Hydrodynamic Heat Transport Measured at the Field Scale
- Investigating the Early Pleistocene Seismite and Environment of the Ancient Waucobi Lake Beds in Owens Valley, CA
- Landscape-scale geospatial research utilizing low elevation aerial photography generated with commercial unmanned aerial systems
- Long Term Snow Hydrology Trends in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Region
- Long paleoseismic records on the San Jacinto fault: what they tell us about earthquake cycles and cumulative strain release
- Magnesium isotope variability in whole-rock limestone through the Hirnantian glaciation event in an epeiric sea environment
- Structural Analog from the 1967 Mogod Earthquake: an examination of the southern Bulgan Province, Mongolia
- The AAG's ALIGNED Toolkit: A Place-based Approach to Fostering Diversity in the Geosciences
- Anisotropy from Joint Analysis of Split Direct-S and SKS Images Lithospheric Foundering Under the Sierra Nevada, CA
- Assessing the Effect of Climate Change in a Snow Dominated Mountainous Watershed in the California Sierra Nevada
- Constraining age of delamination with thermal models: a multidisciplinary view of the Sierra Nevada, CA
- Evaluating hydrologic response of satellite precipitation in a semi-arid watershed
- Heat Tracing Percolation in Managed Aquifer Recharge Facilities using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Assessing the Effect of Climate Change in Two Snow-Dominated Mountainous Basins in the California Sierra Nevada Using CMIP5 data and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
- Assessment of Nearshore Hazard due to Tsunami-Induced Currents
- Equilibrium and Kinetic Models for Colloid Release Under Transient Solution Chemistry Conditions
- Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing of Recharge Basin Percolation Dynamics
- Fracture Flow Channel Imaging Using Cross-Polarized GPR Signals
- Groundwater Sources in a Desert Watershed (Tule Basin, Nevada) - Estimates of Recharge and Interbasin Flow from Groundwater <SUP>14</SUP>C Patterns and Deviations from a Local Paleoclimate Archive
- Hydrogen Isotope Evidence for Giant Meteoric-Hydrothermal Systems Associated with Extension and Magmatism in the Southern Canadian Cordillera
- The Fluid History of Jadeitites Near the Motagua Fault, Guatemala, as Revealed by Stable Isotope and Elemental Geochemistry
- The Quaternary North Channel-Pitas Point Fault System in Northwest Santa Barbara Channel, California.
- A Stable Isotope Study of Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Saddlebag Lake Roof Pendant, Sierra Nevada, California
- An Exhumed Strike-Slip Duplex Formed at the Seismogenic Base of the Crust
- Field Validation of Reactive Tracers for Geothermal Reservoir Characterization and Monitoring
- Fluid-Assisted Shear Failure Within a Ductile Shear Zone
- Fragility of Floating Docks for Small Craft Marinas
- Historical Climate and Streamflow Trends in Santa Ana River Basin
- Hydro-epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) in Sri Lanka and Its Similarities to the CKD Epidemic in Meso-America.Sarath Gunatilake M.D, Dr. P.H, Professor, California State University, Long Beach California
- Moderately-dipping California Strike-slip Faults With Bends in map View and Cross-section
- New Tsunami Response, Mitigation, and Recovery Planning "Playbooks" for California (USA) Maritime Communities
- Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Values for Unaltered and Hydrothermally Altered Samples from the Cretaceous Linga Plutonic Complex of the Peruvian Coastal Batholith near Ica.
- Periodic Hydraulic Testing for Discerning Fracture Network Connections
- Properties of Discrete and Axisymmetric Features in Jupiter's Atmosphere from Observations of Thermal Emission: Recent Updates on the Eve of the Juno Mission Arrival at Jupiter
- Southern California climate, hydrology and vegetation over the past ~96 ka from Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, California
- Stable Isotope Evidence for a Complex Fluid Evolution of the Northwestern British Columbia Coast Ranges Related to Terrane Accretion
- The Fluid Evolution of a Ductile-To Dextral Shear Zone in the Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Tsunamogenic landslides and marine paleoseismology: applications of the submerged marine terrace record, Santa Catalina Island, Southern California Borderland
- An Evaluation of Subsurface Plumbing of a Hydrothermal Seep Field and Possible Influence from Local Seismicity from New Time-Series Data Collected at the Davis-Schrimpf Seep Field, Salton Trough, California
- Flood Downscaler on Google Earth Engine
- GPR Phase Response to Fracture Saline Tracers
- Geochemical Characterization of Shallow and Deep Aquifer Mixing in the East Newport Mesa Area, Orange County, CA
- Geologic Maps of the Clarias Rise, Mars
- Miocene Vertical-Axis Rotation of Catalina Island: Implications for the Southern California Continental Borderland
- Multi-method Feasibility Study of Geophysical Methods to Accurately Delineate the Mt. General Fault in Hinkley, CA
- Periodic Hydraulic Tests in a Bedrock Fracture Network
- Recovery of microbial communities and carbon cycling processes following drought manipulation in southern California
- Regression Techniques for Determining the Effective Impervious Area in Southern California Watersheds
- Stable isotope phenotyping via cluster analysis of NanoSIMS data as a method for characterizing distinct microbial ecophysiologies and sulfur-cycling in the environment
- Using Fiber Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing to Measure Hydromechanics in a Crystalline Rock Aquifer
- Using intrinsic tracers to determine subsurface groundwater mixing in a coastal aquifer system
- Assessing aquifer vulnerability from lumped parameter modeling of modern water proportions in groundwater mixtures - Application to nitrate pollution in California's South Coast Range
- Characteristic Length Scales in Fracture Networks: Hydraulic Connectivity through Periodic Hydraulic Tests
- Groundwater recharge estimates of the Indian Wells Basin (California) using geochemical analysis of tritium
- Heat and Groundwater Flow in the San Gabriel Mountains, California
- Localizing Fracture Hydromechanical Response using Fiber Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing in a Fractured Bedock Aquifer
- Quantifying Late Quaternary Deformation along the Santa Ynez River, Santa Maria Basin, California
- Reconstructing hydroclimatic variations using compound-specific hydrogen isotope analysis of biomarkers from a maar lake in the Central Highlands, Vietnam
- Relative Impacts of Low Permeability Subsurface Deposits on Recharge Basin Infiltration Rates
- A Search for Small-Scale Flux Ropes in the Magnetosphere and Magnetosheath
- Challenges of Recruitment and Mentoring of 2YC Students for Successful Research Proposals
- Detection of Submarine Groundwater Discharge on an Arid Island in the N. Pacific
- Rupture scenarios for the San Diego Trough and San Pedro Basin fault systems, offshore Southern California: New constraints combining marine geophysical, paleoseismic, and ground motion modeling investigations.
- Sulfur Isotope Composition of Organic Matter from the Monterey Formation: Implications for California Margin Redox Conditions in the Late Miocene
- The origin of Cuyania revealed by Hf isotopes of zircon
- Confined Groundwater Imaged Below the Fringing Reef Moorea Island, French Polynesia
- Diffuse SGD from Stream Underflow on a Semi-Arid Island (Santa Catalina, California)
- Effects of Fire Disturbances and Grass Removal on Tree Growth in Mesic Savannas
- Estimating fire intensity, severity and greenhouse gas emissions for a working savanna landscape in Mali, West Africa
- Episodic Deformation Along a Blind Thrust in the Past 125 Kyr: The Santa Ynez River fault in the western Transverse Ranges of California
- Extreme Climatic Events in a Warming World
- Geologic map of Terra Cimmeria, Mars: potential implications for regional paleomagnetism, planetwide primordial tectonic geomorphology, and the structural history of the Tharsis Rise
- Pre-Tharsis tectonics and the geological and structural history of Bathys Planum, Mars
- VLA Measurements of Faraday Rotation through a Coronal Mass Ejection Using Multiple Lines of Sight
- A Sedimentary Record of Biomarkers, including Botryococcenes, from Lake Ia MHe, a Maar Lake in the Central Highlands of Vietnam
- Assessing Climate Change in Californias Sierra Nevada Ecoregion using Daily and Extreme Temperature and Precipitation Indices
- Connecting Changes in Volcanic Activity to Glacial-Climates Over the Last 6 Ma from Central America to the Central Andes
- Evaluating Quaternary Uplift and Deformation of the Western Transverse Ranges and Santa Maria Basin of South-Central Coastal California Using Marine Terraces
- Evidence of a low-to-no snow future and its impacts on water resources in the western United States
- Imaging the Shallow Subsurface underneath the City of Oxnard with Telecom Cables
- Investigating Geochemical Diversity of Seamounts Adjacent to the Main Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain: Insights into the Petrogenesis of the Naifeh and Un-named Seamounts.
- Mapping freshened pore-water beneath a fringing tropical reef using Continuous Resistivity Profiling
- Nonlinear changes in precipitation and temperature across the globe
- Quantifying the changing mountain snowpack: Where and how much does it vary?
- Temporal and spatial patterns of groundwater recharge across a small watershed in the California Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Ultra-Low Frequency Strain Measured by Distributed Acoustic Sensing in a Mountain Borehole
- Understanding Glacier Thinning and Retreating During the Last Glacial Maximum in Yosemite to Predict Contemporary Deglaciation
- Water Quality in Public Water System and Related to Concerns to Human Health in Tourist and Non-tourist Areas Riviera Maya, Mexico.
- Asymmetric hemispheric decline of American Cordillera snowpack with future warming
- Examining Fine-Scale Greenhouse Gas and Water Isotopic Variability in Shallow Drill Core Samples from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area
- Interactions of Climatic Extremes and Land Subsidence Impacts Around the World
- Investigating Geochemical Diversity of Seamounts Adjacent to the Main Hawaiian-EmperorSeamount Chain: Insights into the Petrogenesis of the Naifeh and Plumeria Seamount Chains.
- Multivariate Statistical Methods for Spatially Compound Extremes
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alexandre Martinez
- Alyssa Abbey
- Amir AghaKouchak
- Andrei V. Kurbatov
- Aneseh Alborzi
- Benjamin J. Hatchett
- C. A. Love
- Charlotte Mason
- Christina Tague
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- D. Feldman
- Dongyue Li
- E. Brook
- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
- Ettore Biondi
- Farshid Vahedifard
- Hamed Moftakhari
- Iman Mallakpour
- J. G. Konter
- Julia Szinai
- Laurie S. Huning
- Mark D. Risser
- Marwan Kheimi
- Matthew W. Becker
- Michael Wehner
- P. A. Ullrich
- S. L. Goldstein
- S. R. Hemming
- V. D. Wanless
- William D. Collins
- Xin Wang
- Yan Yang
- Zhongwen Zhan