California State University, Fresno
flowchart I[California State University, Fresno] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (193)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Structure and Deformation along the Philippine Fault, Ragay Gulf, Philippines
- An Interior View of the Springerville Volcanic Field, AZ Magma Plumbing System
- Assessment of the Sensitivity of Radar Backscatter to Seasonal Snow and Vegetation Thaw Dynamics in a Boreal Ecosystem
- Evidence of Unstable Preferential Flow during Soil Water Redistribution
- New igneous thermobarometers based on plagioclase + liquid equilibria
- A Survey of \delta<SUP>18</SUP>O and \delta<SUP>15</SUP>N Ratios in Ground Water from an Agricultural Community in the San Joaquin Valley, California
- Investigation of Nitrate Loading in Groundwater from Eastern San Joaquin Valley, California Using \delta<SUP>15</SUP>N Isotopic Ratios
- Mineral Compositions from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP): Preliminary Results Part I - Clinopyroxene
- Mineral Compositions from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP): Preliminary Results Part II - Plagioclase
- Mineral Compositions from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP): Preliminary Results Part III - Olivine
- Monitoring of Water Quality Dynamics in Fresno River and Hensley Lake, California*
- Range Front Faulting and Ancestral Cascades Arc Magmatism in the Central Sierra Nevada at 10 Ma: Onset of Basin and Range Extension or Sierran Root Delamination?
- Ancestral Cascade Arc volcanism in the North-Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Crown Features Extraction from Low Altitude AVIRIS Data
- Evolution of the Craters of the Moon Lavas from primitive Snake River Plain basalts: inferences from plagioclase-melt thermobarometers and whole rock compositions
- Franciscan eclogite revisited: Reevaluation of P-T evolution of tectonic blocks from Tiburon Peninsula, California
- Mantle temperatures, and tests of experimentally calibrated olivine-melt equilibria
- A Preliminary Study of the Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Structure of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks in the Central Sierra Nevada, From Carson Pass to Sonora Pass
- Does Continental Crust Transform at Ultrahigh Pressure? A Study of the Nordfjord area, Western Norway
- Geochronology of the Franciscan Eastern Belt in the Yolla Bolly Area, Northern California, and the Nature of the South Fork Mountain Schist
- Isotope Hydrology of a Pirated Watershed in Fractured Terrain in the Sierra Nevada Foothills
- Petrologic evidence that most ocean islands derive from thermally driven mantle plumes
- Speculation on Mendocino Triple Junction Evolution: Instability and Interactions of Multiple San Andreas Fault System Strands
- The Central Sierra Nevada Volcanic Field: A Geochemical Study of a Transitional Arc
- Geologic Evidence for Eruption of Voluminous High-K Magmas at the Onset of Walker Lane Transtensional Faulting, Central Sierra Nevada: Birth of a Plate Margin, Not Root Delamination
- Groundwater Flow Through a Fractured Rock Aquifer in the Sierra Nevada Foothills of California
- High K volcanism in the Sierra Nevada: A signal for the initiation of Walker Lane Faulting, and range uplift, not lithosphere delamination
- Olivine Crystallization and Mantle Potential Temperatures Beneath Yellowstone
- Paleomagnetism of the Stanislaus Group, CA reveals revised stratigraphy, Walker Lane kinematics, and radio-isotopic constraints on C5 magnetic subchrons
- 65 km of Post-Cretaceous Offset Across Owens Valley, CA? Constraints Using Paleomagnetism
- Characterization of VOC Emissions from Various Components of Dairy Farming and their effect on San Joaquin Valley Air Quality
- Estimating the Mixing Proportions of Groundwater Sources in the San Joaquin Valley, California Based on Multivariate Analyses of Major Minerals and Isotopic Data
- Olivine compositions from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, Phase 2: Evidence for a peridotite mantle source region
- Temporal Slip Variation of the Sierra Nevada Frontal Fault System and Effects on Landscape Evolution
- Trace Element Mobility and Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopes in the High-Grade Metamorphic Rocks of the Franciscan Subduction Complex: Evidence for an Arc Protolith
- A Consensus on Mantle Potential Temperatures? (Invited)
- Branching Ratios for the Reaction of Carbonyl-Containing Organic Peroxy Radicals with Hydroperoxy Radicals
- Geochemical Investigation of Saddlebag Lake Roof Pendant and Lee Vining Intrusive Suite Origins
- Kinetics of Reactions of HO2 with HO2 and with organics
- Modeling the Transport and Fate of Fecal Pollution and Nutrients of Miyun Reservoir
- On the Contrasts Between Basin and Range and Cascade Magmatism, & the Timing of Cordilleran Lithosphere Degradation
- A first approximation of sand distribution and provenance on the Canterbury Shelf, New Zealand - implications for across shelf vs. along shelf transport based on sediment cores recovered during IODP Expedition 317
- Determining the Habitat Preference of Sand Lance (Ammodytes hexapterus) Using Multibeam Bathymetry in the San Juan Islands, Washington
- Effects of the First Floods on Water Quality and Sediment Transport in the Sierra Nevada Foothill Streams, California
- Geochronology and Structural Studies in the Northern Ritter Range: Implications for the Tectonic History of Mesozoic Sierra Nevada Arc
- High Resolution Magnetostratigraphy of the Middle Pleistocene Turlock Lake Formation, California
- Lower Boundary Layer and Ozone Profiles Over Fresno during Wildfire Events
- Magma Mixing and Crystallization at Chaos Crags, in the Lassen Volcanic Center
- Marginal Basins of the Western Pacific: An Overview (Invited)
- Paleomagnetic Analysis of the Auberry Formation, California, to determine the source and age
- Post 3.3 Ma Incision Response to Range Uplift in the American River Drainage, Northern Sierra Nevada
- Substrate Variations and its Relationship and Impact on the Distribution of Eelgrass Beds in Griffin Bay, Washington
- Tectonic Tales: Changes in Central Walker Lane Strain Accommodation near Bridgeport, California; as told by the Stanislaus Group
- The Meaning of High K2O Volcanism In the U.S. Cordillera
- Theoretical Analysis of the Influence of Process Parameters on Pathogen Transport and Fate in a Recreational Beach
- Tree Trunks from MIS3 Revealed in Pacific Northwest Landslide Deposits
- Wall Rock Assimilation and Magma Migration in the Sierra Nevada Batholith: A Study of the Courtright Intrusive Zone, Central California
- A New View of Cenozoic Lithosphere Degradation ("Delamination") Beneath the Sierra Nevada
- A Quick Response Forecasting Model of Pathogen Transport and Inactivation in Near-shore Regions
- A Reconstruction of Paleo-Positions of Basin and Range Volcanic Rocks, and Implications for Tectonic Controls on Volcanism
- A view into the roots of Sierra Nevada plutons: A study of the Guadalupe Igneous Complex, in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Comparison of geologically-averaged paleomagnetic and "instantaneous" GPS rotation data in the West-Central Walker Lane
- Complex temporal-spatial metamorphic relationships, Feather River ultramafic belt, northern Sierra Nevada, California
- Correlations and Areal Distribution of the Table Mountain Formation, Stanislaus Group; Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Episodic vs. Continuous Accretion in the Franciscan Accretionary Prism and Direct Plate Motion Controls vs. More Local Tectonic Controls on Prism Evolution
- Hypothesis-testing proposed control of strain weakening by crustal quartz abundance
- Pre-eruption Magmatic Events Recorded by Vesicles in Mafic Enclaves: Evidence From the 1915 Eruption of Lassen Peak, California
- Preliminary Paleomagnetism of Paleocene-Eocene Boundary of the Lodo Formation
- Reactions of Isoprene and Some of its Reaction Products
- Rock Magnetic Investigation of the Turlock Lake Formation: Which Produce the Correct Magnetostratigraphy, AF or Thermal Demagnetization?
- Sandstone matrix olistostrome deposited on intra-subduction complex serpentinite, trench slope basin deposits, and nappe and fold architecture and chronology, Franciscan Complex, Marin County, California
- Sedimentary Origins Of The Block-In-Matrix Fabric Of A Mélange Between Coherent Nappes Of A Subduction Complex: Localization Of The Paleosubduction Megathrust Along The Upper Mélange Contact
- Southern continuation of high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Feather River ultramafic belt, California: Preliminary reconnaissance
- Trace element and isotopic geochemistry of Franciscan graywackes with implications for short time of recycling of detritus and interaction of continental sediments with metabasites during subduction
- Use Of MODIS Satellite Images And An Atmospheric Dust Transport Model To Evaluate Juniperus Spp. Pollen Phenology And Transport
- Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Dairy Facilities in Central California
- What Are the Factors Influencing Holocene Formation of Some Meadows in the Central Sierra Nevada, California?
- A Sr and Mg isotopic study of soil and stream waters along an erosional gradient, Sierra Nevada, California
- A reactive transport perspective on the links between physical erosion rates, fluid flow and chemical weathering rates
- An Analysis of the Magma Supply System at Mono Craters, California. Michelle R. Johnson and Keith Putirka
- Changes in Central Walker Lane Strain Accommodation near Bridgeport, California; as told by the Stanislaus Group
- Contemporary weathering fluxes and the importance of solute reservoirs along an erosional gradient, Feather River, CA
- Deep-level magma ascent rates at Mt. Etna (Italy)
- Evaluating a Mineralogical Control on Arsenic and Lead Concentrations in California Gold Mine Tailings
- Evidence of varying magma chambers and magmatic evolutionary histories for the Table Mountain Formation in the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness region, Sonora Pass, California
- Late Quaternary Foraminiferal Paleobathymetry and Biofacies Analyses, Canterbury Basin Continental Shelf and Slope, New Zealand - Results from Iodp Exp. 317
- New thermobarometers for Martian Igneous Rocks
- Paleo-Calcite Variation in the Tropical Ocean: a Comparaison Between Central and Eastern Equatorial Pacific during the Late Quaternary
- Paleomagnetism, Geochronology, and Geochemistry of the Type Section of the Stanislaus Group: Reference Parameters from the Stable Sierra Nevada Microplate, CA
- Soil Mixing Coupled to Soil Production and Transport on Hillslopes: Responses to Channel Incision, Feather River, California
- Stable isotope records of inland California megafauna - new insights into Pleistocene paleoecology and paleoenvironmental conditions
- Transient Chemical Denudation Rates in Soils and Saprolites: Responses to Channel Incision in Sierra Nevada, California
- Use of MODIS Satellite Data to Evaluate Juniperus spp. Pollen Phenology to Support a Pollen Dispersal Model, PREAM, to Support Public Health Allergy Alerts
- Utilizing terrestrial-based LiDAR to quantify erosion rates caused by ENSO at the Morro Bay Sandspit, California
- Vesiculation and textural variations within mafic enclaves of the Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
- "High-grade burial metamorphism of sedimentary mélange, Shoo Fly Complex, central Sierra Nevada, California"
- A Modern Approach to the Traditional Textbook: Bringing Introductory Geology Courses into the 21st Century
- Airborne Quantification of Ozone Transport and Photochemical Production in the Southern San Joaquin Valley
- Chemical and isotopic relationship of mafic and felsic magmas in a sub-volcanic reservoir: The Guadalupe Igneous Complex (GIC), Sierra Nevada, California
- Correlation and analysis of Miocene paleochannels in the central Sierra Nevada, California, as displayed by the Stanislaus Group
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Exposure Dating of the Tiltill Rock Avalanche, Yosemite National Park
- Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements during Soil Formation along Feather River Basin Hillslopes in the California Sierra Nevada
- Global evapotranspiration data sets: An evaluation of vegetation and energy-based methods for irrigated areas (Invited)
- Kinematics of Deformation in West-Central Walker Lane; Paleomagnetic Testing of Fault-Block Rotation and Doming Models, Eastern California and Western Nevada
- Kinetics and Mechanism of the Gas-Phase Reaction of Selected Carbonyls with Cl Atoms between 250 and 340 K
- Kinetics and Product Yields of the Gas-Phase Reactions of Isoprene Hydroxynitrates and Isoprene Carbonynitrates
- Mapping Episodic Stream Activity for the Ridgecrest Solar Power Project, Kern County, California
- Modeling Investigation of Spring Chinook Salmon Habitat in San Joaquin River Restoration Program
- Observations of the Interaction of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog during DRAGON Campaigns from AERONET Ground-Based Remote Sensing
- Post-middle Miocene Tuffs of Bodie Hills and Mono Basin, California: Paleomagnetic Reference Directions and Vertical Axis Rotation
- Satellite Mapping of Agricultural Water Requirements in California
- Temporal variations in the mantle potential temperatures along the Northwest Hawaiian Ridge using olivine-liquid equilibria: Implications for Hawaiian plume melt flux variations
- The DRAGON scale concept and results for remote sensing of aerosol properties
- The Magma Transport System of the Mono Craters, California
- Utilizing Multibeam Bathymetry and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Expand Our Mapping Ability of Potential Rockfish Benthic Habitats in the San Juan Islands, Washington
- Wintertime Air Quality Measurements in the Southern San Joaquin Valley as Part of Nasa's Discover-aq Campaign
- An Integrated Lysimeter and Satellite Imagery Approach for Estimating Crop Evapotranspiration
- Calculator for Evaluation of Crop Water Use Fractions in California
- Evidence of Mercurial Contamination and Denundation Downstream of New Idria Mercury Mine, San Benito County, California
- Exploring Challenges and Opportunities in Recognizing the Signature of Sea Level, Tectonic Subsidence, and Sediment Supply in the Stratigraphic Record: A Comparison of Field-based and Model-generated Data from Carbonate Sedimentary Records
- Geochemical evidence of chemical and physical weathering of mine waste downriver from the New Idria Mercury Mine, San Benito County, California
- Investigating the Sedimentary Response and its Role in Climate Feedbacks Associated with the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum in a Continental Shelf Setting: Lodo Gulch, Lodo Formation, CA
- Measurement of Vapor Flow As an Important Source of Water in Dry Land Eco-Hydrology
- Paleomagnetism and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility study of the Miocene Jack Springs Tuff (Nevada, USA)
- Paleomagnetism and Lithostratigraphy of the Miocene Tuff of Huntoon Creek Type Section
- Paleomagnetism of Early and Middle Pleistocene Cataclysmic Flood Deposits in the Pacific Northwest
- Teaching Rocks and Minerals in the Context of Dynamic Earth Systems and Interactions: Using the Three Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards as an Organizing Framework to Engage Learners in Teacher Preparation Courses
- Time, Order, and Stratigraphy: Exploring the Effects of Missing Time in the Identification of Ordered Patterns in the Stratigraphic Record
- Water Quality and Supply Issues of Irrigated Agricultural Regions - Lessons from the San Joaquin Valley of California
- Amphibole Thermometry and a Comparison of Results from Plutonic and Volcanic Systems
- Analysis of Ozone And CO2 Profiles Measured At A Diary Facility
- Determining the Total Volume of the 2.05 Ga Bushveld Magmatic Event: Correlation of the Molopo Farms Complex, Botswana
- Electrical Resistivity and Ground Penetrating Radar Investigation of Presence and Extent of Hardpan Soil Layers
- Gravity, Topography, Magnetics: Geoscience Data Analysis in Spherical and Planar Geometry
- Hydrodynamics of Nutrients and E. coli Deposit and Resuspension in Surface Water
- Interception of Vapor Flow near Soil Surface for Water Conservation and Drought Alleviation
- Kinetic and Product Yields of the Gas-Phase Reactions of Isoprene Hydroperoxides with Atmospheric Oxidants
- Lithology, Geochemistry and Paleomagnetism of the Table Mountain Formation at the Little Walker Caldera
- Localized crustal magnetic field inversion using inner- and outer-source altitude vector Slepian functions
- Magnetostratigraphy in the Lodo Formation, CA: An Attempt to Locate Hyperthermals of the Early Eocene
- Paleomagnetism of the Lodo Formation and kinematic evolution of the Vallecitos Syncline, Coast Ranges, Central California
- Vapor Saturation as The Cause of Volcanic Eruptions at the Lassen Volcanic Center, California, as Inferred from Crystallization Pressures and Temperatures
- 65 km of dextral slip across Owens Valley, CA since 83 Ma: possible, but unnecessary
- A Kinematic Model for Vertical Axis Rotation within the Mina Deflection of the Walker Lane
- Controls of Walker Lane Belt Pull-aparts on the Plumbing System in the Ancestral Cascades Arc, Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Investigation of Preferential Flow in Low Impact Development Practice
- Multiple Sulfur Isotopes In The Molopo Farms Complex May Shed Light On Mechanisms Of Mineralization In The Bushveld Igneous Complex
- The Crustal Magnetic Field of Terra Sirenum and Cimmeria, Mars. A Spectral Perspective.
- The Eastern Mono Basin Transtensional Zone: New Paleomagnetic and <SUP>40</SUP>AR/<SUP>39</SUP>AR Data Bearing on the Timing and Extent of Vertical Axis Rotation Associated with Intercontinental Deformation
- The Stanislaus Group in a Beheaded Drainage: Tectonics at the Margin of the Sierra Nevada Microplate
- A Glimpse in the Third Dimension for Electrical Resistivity Profiles
- Intra-LLSVP Heterogeneity from Spherical Slepian Analysis
- Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field from MESSENGER Data
- Mercury's Lithospheric Magnetization
- Soil carbon storages and erosional exports along a forested denudation gradient in the Sierra Nevada, California
- 3D numerical models of thermal convection inside Triton's icy shell
- In search for the missing arc root of the Southern California Batholith: investigating the P-T-t evolution of upper mantle xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau Transition Zone
- Intercomparison of Evapotranspiration Measurement Methods for Vegetable Crops in California
- Near Surface Geophysical Imaging of the Internal Structure of El Capitan Meadow Rock Avalanche in Yosemite National Park, California
- A Large Burst of Hydroxyl Radical Formation in Cloud Water: Contributions of Particulate Matter Components
- A comparative study between the mineralogy of rocky objects around white dwarfs and FGM stars
- Archaeomagnetic studies of burned daub: A California case study from the Grandad archaeological site in the central Sierra Nevada and experimental archaeology
- Archeointensity results from El Papalote and Casas de Fuego furnaces, Chihuahua state, northern Mexico
- Assessing the Geologic and Biologic Responses of a Beach System to a Nourishment Operation, Morro Bay, CA
- Does the Arrival of Mafic Recharge Trigger Volcanic Eruptions? Evidence for Post-Recharge Cooling in Andesite Flows from Brokeoff Volcano, Lassen Volcanic Center.
- GPR Investigation of Fault-Deformed Historic and Late Holocene Paleo-Shorelines of Owens Lake, CA: a Course-Based Research Experience
- Investigating the Paleobiological and Environmental Consequences of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in a Continental Margin Record: Lodo Formation, Central California
- Mixed Igneous Origin and Peak Metamorphic Pressure and Temperature Conditions of Blocks in a Mélange: Possible Evidence for Sedimentary Mixing
- Paleomagnetic, Geochemical, and Geochronological Evidence for Reconstructing a Paleochannel of the Tuolomne River, Sierra Nevada, CA.
- Phase-equilibria Evidence for the Bachmann-Bergantz Model of Granitic Melt Segregation: Tests from the Guadalupe Igneous Complex, California
- Revitalizing the classic "Streetcar to Subduction" Field Guide to the San Francisco Bay Area via Google Earth
- Thermal evolution of northern Salinia using apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology
- Three-dimensional Geophysical Imaging of the Royal Arches Meadow Rock Avalanche in Yosemite Valley, California
- Transtensional Stresses Tap Magmas From the Middle Crust, and Also Low-degree Melts in Crystal-Liquid Mush Zones: Evidence from the Sierra Crest-Little Walker Volcanic Center, Central California
- Wide Range of Post-mixing Cooling Timescales from Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center
- Does the Arrival of Recharge Magma Control the Timing of Volcanic Eruptions? Insights from Feldspar, Olivine, and Pyroxene Thermobarometry from Brokeoff Volcano, Lassen Volcanic Center, California.
- Near-Surface Geophysical Tomography of the Royal Arches Meadow Rock Avalanche in Yosemite Valley, California.
- Atmospheric Scale-Height and Density of Molecular Oxygen (O2) via Solar Occultations Measured by SORCE
- Effects of dew, geotextile and gravel mulching on soil moisture storage in arid middle Ningxia of China
- Geospatial and Statistical Analyses of Groundwater Contaminants in the San Joaquin River Valley During Drought and Non-Drought Periods
- Leveraging post-fire soil loss: Can we use fire-derived sediment to fill incised channels and restore degraded meadows in the southern Sierra Nevada?
- Microbial community response to changing groundwater chemistry in the San Joaquin Valley
- Mobilization of Trace Elements from Sediments into Groundwater in Californias Central Valley
- The Hydrology of Dew in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
- Transdisciplinary education to meet Earth system challenges: development of the Egyptian STEM school and teacher education curricula
- Constraining the paleobiological response of benthic foraminifera to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Lodo Formation
- Cultivating not Weeding: STEM First Year Learning Community Fosters Student Persistence and Engagement
- Examining the Role of Large Wood in Capturing Post-fire Sediment Loads in Incised Meadow Channels
- Geochemical Characterization of Eutrophication within a Cenote (Sinkhole) in the Yucatán Peninsula
- Geomorphological Investigation of Burned and Unburned Meadows in the Southern Sierra Nevada: an Assessment of Process-based Restoration Potential
- Intrafield Variability of Soil Health Indicators After Whole Orchard Recycling
- Smart Metered Data to Forecast Electricity Demand from Single- and Multi-family Residential Users