California State University, Chico
flowchart I[California State University, Chico] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (146)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Evolution of the Inner Magnetosphere from Quiet to Storm Times: MENA Observations
- Mass Balance Analyses of Flushing, Evaporation, Infiltration, and Biological Activity in California Park Lakes, Butte County, California
- Reactive Transport Model for the Ambient Unsaturated Hydrogeochemical System at Yucca Mountain, NV
- Effectiveness of Vegetated Buffer Strips in Reducing Dormant Season Orthophosphate Pesticide Loading to Surface Waters in Glenn County, Northern California
- Hydrological Controls on Nutrient Concentrations and Fluxes in California Park Lakes, Butte County, California
- Reactive Transport Model for Fracture and Matrix Geochemistry at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Evidence for Large-Scale Slope Failures on Northern Gulf of Alaska Seamounts
- Rice Straw Compost as a Soil Amendment for the Reduction of Surface Runoff in Almond Orchards in Glenn County, California
- A Study of Soil Infiltration in Northern California Almond Orchards Using a Sprinkling Infiltrometer
- Acid Mine Drainage and Metal Sulfate Minerals in the Shasta Mining District, California
- Experimental constraints on plagioclase liquidus relations and decompression induced crystallization in hydrous basalt.
- Field and lithologic characterization of the Tuscan Formation lahar flows in Big Chico Creek, Northern California
- Laboratory, field, and modeling studies of organophosphate pesticide fate and transport during simulated rainfall-runoff events
- Sediment Delivery From Chronic Slope Failures, Thomes Creek, California
- Field and Lava Flow Experiment Analysis of Vesicle Deformation as a Means of Determining Ancient Flow Direction
- Micritic Peloids: Fossil Record of Biofilms Associated With Methane Seeps
- Stratigraphic Correlation and Geologic Mapping of Pliocene Tuscan Formation Lahar Flow Units, Chico California
- Using Quantitative Skills in Introductory Geology Lab Activities at CSU Chico
- Carbonate-cemented hardgrounds: a subtle indicator for seep activity offshore Humboldt Bay
- Constraining Microbial Cycling of Carbon and Sulfur and Relationships to Macrofaunal Ecology in Cretaceous Cold Seeps
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Native Grass Riparian Buffer Strips to Reduce Pesticide Runoff
- Crystallinities of the Lovejoy Basalt: A Comparison of Proximal and Distal Flow Units
- Global assessment of high-altitude wind power
- Preparing Graduate Teaching Assistant's to Teach Introduction Geosciences in the 21st Century
- Ultraphyric Lavas of Northern Galapagos Islands: Mineral Scale Compositional Variations
- Comparison of computationally frugal (linear) to expensive (nonlinear) methods for analyzing inverse modeling results
- Issues of model accuracy and uncertainty evaluation in the context of multi-model analysis
- Lessons from Natural Analog Studies for Geologic Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste (Invited)
- On the Integration of Wind and Solar Energy to Provide a Total Energy Supply in the U.S
- Small Scale Heterogeneity in the Mantle Beneath the Southern Cascades: Isotope and Trace-Element Geochemistry of Primitive Basalts in the Poison Lake Chain
- Using analog flow experiments to model morphologies developed during episodic dome growth: A case study of Mount St Helens, 1980-1986
- Examining the Motivation and Learning Strategies Use of Different Populations in Introductory Geosciences
- How Instructional Strategies Impact Students' Learning, Motivation, and Learning Strategies in Introductory Geology Courses
- Internet-accessible, near-real-time volcano monitoring data for geoscience education: the Volcanoes Exploration Project—Pu`u `O`o
- Seasonal and annual variability of the global onshore and offshore wind power resource at 100 m
- The Timing, Spatial Extent and Magnitude of Fishery Benefits Obtained From Re-watering Interconnected Stream-Aquifer Systems Depleted by Historical Diversions and Pumping - A case study in the Shasta Valley, CA
- Volcanic gas impacts on vegetation at Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
- Microbial survival in strongly lithifying hotspring environments, Yellowstone National Park
- Microfacies analysis of Green River Formation stromatolites and comparison to microbial mat experiments
- Petrographic Variations in Primitive Basalts as Indicators of Mantle Heterogeneities beneath the Poison Lake Chain, California
- Pore Characteristics and their Evolution of Shale and Coal during Petroleum Generation
- Seismic and Gravity Investigation of the Eastern Boundary of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Alteration of Stromatolite Biosignatures: Mineralogic and Textural Consequences of Contact Metamorphism in Extraterrestrial Targets
- Co-creating Understanding in Water Use & Agricultural Resilience in a Multi-scale Natural-human System: Sacramento River Valley--California's Water Heartland in Transition
- Complex Paleotopography and Faulting near the Elsinore Fault, Coyote Mountains, southern California
- Experimental investigation of grain trapping capabilities in cyanobacterial vs. algal mats: Implications for grain size in stromatolites through time
- Integrating Sustainability into the Curriculum: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries
- Magma Processes in Generating Basalts at the Poison Lake Chain, California
- Mineral transformations in and chemical evolution of mobile regolith on Osborn Mountain, Wyoming, USA
- Solving coupled groundwater flow systems using a Jacobian Free Newton Krylov method
- Two-component horizontal wind vectors from the Raman-shifted Eye-safe Aerosol Lidar (REAL)
- Assessing Biogenecity of Stromatolites: Return to the Facies
- Biogeochemistry of Stinking Springs, UT Part I: Inorganic carbon dynamics and constraints on nutrient fluxes in a warm, salty, sulfidic spring
- Biogeochemistry of Stinking Springs, Utah. Part II: Microbial Diversity and Photo- and Chemo-Autotrophic Growth Rates in a Layered Microbial Mat
- Clumped Isotopes, trace elements, and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of stromatolites from the Laney Member of the Green River Formation (Eocene): Implications for paleoenvironments during the Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Evaluating Processes, Parameters and Observations Using Cross Validation and Computationally Frugal Sensitivity Analysis Methods
- Evaluating the Biological Influences on Ooid Formation in the Great Salt Lake, Utah
- Geochemical Relations between Surface Water and Groundwater In Fractured Rock In Nevada County, CA
- Ground Penetrating Radar at Alcatraz Island: Imaging Civil-War Era Fortifications Beneath the Recreation Yard
- High-resolution photo geologic mapping of the Tuscan Formation cliffs in the BCCER and Upper Bidwell Park, Chico CA
- Mantle Heterogeneities and Crustal Processes of the Cascade Arc Represented by Basalts of the Poison Lake Chain, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
- Observations of Canopy Waves Above an Orchard by a Horizontally-scanning Aerosol Lidar
- Ooid formation in the Great Salt Lake, Utah: Insights from clumped isotope paleothermometry
- Reconstructing Sulfur Cycling at Cretaceous Methane Seeps: Novel Perspectives from Carbonate-Associated Sulfate
- Tests of the cross-correlation algorithm using synthetic backscatter lidar images and wind fields
- The 2013 Chico Lidar Wind Sensing Experiment: Two-component winds above the reach of typical meteorological masts
- Wavelet Optical Flow for 2-Component Wind Field from Horizontally Scanning Lidar Data
- What can decision makers achieve from computer simulations of environmental systems?
- Decompression-Induced Crystallization of Hydrous Basalt
- New Materials for the Undergraduate Classroom to Build Pre-Service Teachers' NGSS Skills and Knowledge
- Observations of Undergraduate Geoscience Instruction in the US: Measuring Student Centered Teaching
- Primitive Basalts Record Small-Scale Mantle Heterogeneities in the Lassen Region of the Southern Cascades
- Two-component vector wind fields by scanning aerosol lidar
- An investigation of upland erosion and sources of fine-sediment using aerial and terrestrial LiDAR, mineralogy, geochemistry, and particle-size, Humbug Creek and Malakoff Diggings State Historic Park, California
- Changes in Student Knowledge and Views of Geohazards, Societal Risks, and Monitoring at Active Plate Boundaries Using a Data-Rich Curriculum
- Compositional Variations of Primary Basalts in the Poison Lake Chain, Lassen Region of Northern California
- Degradation State, Sources, and Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter from an Amino Acid Time Series in an Agricultural Watershed
- Early Pliocene Hiatus in Sand Output by the Colorado River: Evidence From Marine Deposits in the Salton Trough, Southern California
- FREEWAT: an HORIZON 2020 project to build open source tools for water management.
- Groundmass Crystallinities of Proximal and Distal Lavas from Cinder Cone, Lassen Volcanic Field
- Groundwater Storage vs. Surface Water Storage - Why Sustainability Requires a Different Management Framework
- New Program for New Faculty Mentoring at California State University, Chico
- Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of ~40ka stromatolites from the ancient Lake Lahontan, Nevada, USA
- Preservation of REE and Fe isotopes in altered stromatolites and the paleo-environmental record
- A Transformational Journey: Compositional Changes in Organic Matter during Desorption from Sediments
- Assessing the Biogenicity of Tufas and Their Potential as Biosignature Repositories
- Assessment of Pollutant Removal Efficiency and Drainage Capacity in Stormwater Biofilters
- Building a Global Groundwater Model fromScratch - Concepts and Results
- Disparity of Chlorine to Fluorine Concentration Ratios Between Thermal Waters and Rocks of Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Evaluation of a wavelet-based optical flow algorithm through the use of large eddy simulations
- MODFLOW-OWHM v2: The next generation of fully integrated hydrologic simulation software
- Mercury in Fish of the American and Bear River Watershed Reservoirs: Tissue Analysis and Strategies for Minimizing Exposure at Lake Clementine and Rollins Reservoir, California
- Modeling Tsunami Run-Up and Draw-Down on the Beach
- Searching for the Source of Salt Marsh Buried Mercury.
- Sediment and Mercury Loads to Humbug Creek: A Sierra Nevada Tributary Impacted by the Malakoff Diggins Hydraulic Mine
- Textures and compositions of olivine and plagioclase in primitive basalts of the Poison Lake chain in the Lassen Region of the southern Cascades
- The Biogenicity of Carbonate/Silica Structures in Little Hot Creek: Tenants and Builders
- Training Graduate Teaching Assistants in the Geosciences: Our Practices vs. Perceived Needs
- Tree canopy light interception estimates in almond and a walnut orchards using ground, low flying aircraft, and satellite based methods to improve irrigation scheduling programs.
- What controls DOM/POM partitioning in rivers?
- How innovative ICT tools can enhance understanding of interactions between societal, hydrological and environmental changes
- MODFLOW-OWHM v2: New Features and Improvements; The Next Generation of MODFLOW Conjunctive Use Simulation
- Proposed Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research: Articulating a Community Research Agenda
- It's all about scale: impact of uncertainty in surface water elevation and effects of grid size on water table depth in global groundwater modeling
- Modeling the Spread of Radioactive Contaminant in Fractured Aquifers Surrounded by Porous Rocks
- Research on Teaching about Earth in the Context of Societal Problems
- Analysing hornblende textures within the Engel Deposit at Lights Creek Stock, Plumas County California
- Assessing metal release in the wildland-urban interface of Paradise following the Camp Fire.
- Interrogating the model space of airborne electromagnetic inversion to answer hydrogeologic questions
- Lithostratigraphy and Metamorphism of the Lesser and Higher Himalaya in Trishuli and Langtang Valleys, North-Central Nepal
- MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (Version 2) - A MODFLOW-Based Conjunctive Use Simulation Software for Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
- Performance Evaluation of a Stormwater Biofilter at Treating Urban Runoff
- Primary and secondary instabilities of turbulent, nocturnal canopy flows
- Removal of Hydrocarbons from Urban Storm Runoff in a Bioswale
- Seasonal variation in plant bioaccumulation of heavy metals at the Butte College bioswale
- Supergene mineralization and alteration of the Moonlight (IOCG) deposit, Taylorsville District of the Plumas County Copper Belt, CA
- The Biogeochemistry of Devonian Barite and Limestone Formations in North-Central Nevada
- The importance of assessment analysis: an example of improving student performance with aligned activities and assessments in a large lecture geoscience course.
- The response of soil carbon sequestration to meadow restoration in Red Clover Valley, Sierra Nevada mountains, CA, USA
- Tourmaline formation in the Moonlight deposit at Lights Creek Stock and its role in IOCG formation
- Trace metal microparticles hosted by sulfides in the Ann Mason porphyry copper deposit, Yerington, Nevada.
- Bayesian quantification of errors in citizen science data: Application to Nepal rainfall observations
- Continuous stream monitoring reveals diurnal and seasonal variability in water quality parameters of Big Chico Creek, Northern California
- Developing an App-Based Guide into Mt. Yana, an Eroded Stratovolcano in the Southern Cascades
- Effects of Intermittent Wetting and Drying on Heavy Metal and Nutrient Removal from Synthetic Stormwater within a Biofiltration System
- Evaluating the performance of a bioswale in decreasing stormflow and pollutant loads
- Geochemical Consequences of Pressure and Temperature in Arc Magma Formation: Modeled Partitioning of Sr/Y and La/Yb in Primary Arc Magmas.
- Groundwater Quality Assessment Based on the Water Quality Index (WQI): A Case Study of Bhaktapur Municipality
- Impacts Of Development And Climate Change At Multiple Scales In Oregon
- Influence of anaerobic oxidation of methane on the precipitation of the seep carbonates of the Moreno Formation, Panoche Hills, California
- Life cycle assessment of a bioswale amendments to improve nutrient removal from urban storm runoff
- Mathematical Modeling of Phytoplankton Community Structures As Affected by Biological and Physical Processes
- Mid-Crustal Magmatic Assimilation In Arc Magmas: their effect on Sr/Y and La/Yb ratio in different P and T conditions
- Paleoindian Settlement of the Central Great Basin: Testing Environmental, Radiocarbon, and Lithic Proxies with Data from Grass Valley, Nevada
- SmartPhones4Water: Lessons from Asia, Africa, Europe, North American, and Beyond
- Ten Years of Magnetic Reconnection Exhaust Observations by WIND at 1 AU
- The effect of solar observables on magnetic reconnection activity in the solar wind
- Using Videos to Help Students Gain Confidence and Learn Geological Skills
- Actual Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients of Commercial Strawberry Grown for Plant Propagation in California
- Estimation of the Total Baseflow of the Kathmandu Valley Using Monthly Streamflow Measurements from a Sub-Sample of Headwater Catchments
- Metagenomic Investigation into 300 Years of Cyanobium Population Dynamics in Mono Lake
- Objective determination of wavelength and orientation of atmospheric canopy waves
- The Life Magmatic at Summer Coon: Determining the Influence of Magma Composition and Physical Properties on Transport Directions within Stratovolcanoes from Field Observations of a Radial Dike Swarm
- Comparative Metagenomics Reveals Diverse Metabolic Potential within Ectothiorhodospiraceae in Extreme Environments: a Case Study in the Hypersaline, Alkaline Mono Lake, California
- Remote Sensing of Water Status in Perennial Agroecosystems with Hyperspectral, Thermal, and SIF Imagery
- Temporal Diversity within Cretaceous Methane Seeps, Great Valley Group, Central California