National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado
flowchart I[National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (238)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (54)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Effects of Nitrogen Deposition on Rocky Mountain Ecosystems: Beyond the Front Range.
- Performance of Longwave Radiation Instruments: Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Irradiances During Arctic Winter
- Pressure Pumping Effects on Fluxes and Release of Trace Gases From Soils
- Production of Dissolved Organic Matter During Fungal Wood Rot Decay
- Assessing Changes in Soil Carbon Quantity and Chemistry in Short-Rotation Hybrid Poplar Plantations
- Further Developments in Closure Experiments for Surface Diffuse Irradiance Under Cloud-free Skies at a Continental Site
- Monitoring Soil Carbon Inputs and Changes with Crop Type and Management Practice Using Pyrolysis-Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry
- The Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment
- A Continental-Scale Analysis of Tree Cover in African Savannas
- CO2 Fluxes Associated with Soil Organic C Stock Changes in the Mid-Continent Region of the U.S.
- Estimating Soil Erosion and Carbon Mineralization by Rainfall Erosion for Select Management Practices in Corn-based Cropping Rotations: A Case Study for Iowa
- Global Estimates of Trace Gas Fluxes Affected by Land Use Change and Irrigation of Major Crops
- Methanotroph community properties determine the sensitivity of soil methane oxidation to variation in soil moisture
- Regional Patterns of Ecosystem Response to Climate Change and Elevated CO2 Levels in the Great Plains
- Self-thinning Concepts Applied to Savannas
- Vulnerability of soil organic matter to temperature changes: Exploring constraints due to substrate decomposability and microbial community structure
- Are US Croplands a Source or Sink of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Based on Changes in Soil Organic Carbon Stocks?
- Partnership Brings Educational Exhibits, Events, and Resources from Seven National Research Laboratories to the Public in a New Retail Center: The Wonders of Science at Twenty Ninth Street Project
- Soil Organic Matter Dynamics from Forest to Pasture Conversion in the Brazilian Amazon using Modelling Approach
- Analysis of Wind Characteristics at United States Tall Tower Measurement Sites
- Biochemically-resistant carbon compounds in physically- and chemically-protected soil C pools
- Characterizing the Great Plains Low-Level Jet Wind Resource using Doppler Lidar
- Facilitating Code Reuse for the Rapid Deployment of Web Mapping Applications at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- GHG and Air Pollution Co-benefits Analysis to Support Decision Making in Hyderabad, India
- Monitoring Soil C Stocks and Turnover in Agricultural Lands
- Remote sensing of the wind and turbulence characteristics at the heights of modern wind turbines
- Research Needs for Wind Resource Characterization
- Scanning Doppler Lidar Measurements for Wind Energy Applications
- The Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer: A Challenge for Wind Turbine Operations
- United States Offshore Wind Resource Assessment
- Analysis of Numerical Mesoscale Model Data for Wind Integration Studies in the United States
- Calculating Nitrogen Gas Fluxes from Agricultural Soils in the Central US
- DAYCENT Model Projections of Land Use Change Impacts on N Gas Emissions in the Central US (Invited)
- Do aircraft-based atmospheric observations indicate that anthropogenic methane emissions in the United States are larger than reported?
- National Labs Host Classroom Ready Energy Educational Materials
- Nitrogen deposition and forest carbon sequestration: a quantitative synthesis from plot to global scales
- Quantitative Evaluation of the Stability of Engineered Water Soluble Nanoparticles
- The Global Invasive Species Information Network: contributing to GEO Task BI-07-01b
- Using Terra observations to quantify sources and intercontinental transport of pollution (Invited)
- Wind shear at turbine rotor heights from Doppler lidar measurements
- Fuel from Wastewater - Harnessing a Potential Energy Source in Canada through the Co-location of Algae Biofuel Production to Sources of Effluent, Heat and CO2
- Geospatial Issues in Energy-Climate Modeling: Implications for Modelers, Economists, Climate Scientists and Policy Makers
- Lessons learned from a rigorous peer-review process for building the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness (CLEAN) collection of high-quality digital teaching materials
- Local and Regional Impacts of Large Scale Wind Energy Deployment
- Seasonal patterns in soil N availability in the arctic tundra in response to accelerated snowmelt and warming
- Using Dynamically Coupled Turbine/Wind Simulations to Investigate the Influence of Atmospheric Turbulence in Turbine Wake Recovery
- Water Requirements for Energy Production Technologies: A Collaborative Effort to Support Integrated Resource Planning
- Air Quality Improvements of Increased Integration of Renewables: Solar Photovoltaics Penetration Scenarios
- Early season nitrogen limitation of microbial respiration in the organic horizon of tussock tundra soils
- Emission verification from national to local levels using top-down approaches: sampling strategy and modeling performances
- Energy Sector Impacts and Opportunities
- Four-dimensional characterization of inflow to and wakes from a multi-MW turbine: overview of the Turbine Wake and Inflow Characterization Study (TWICS2011)
- How might renewable energy technologies fit in the food-water-energy nexus?
- Measurements of Solar Irradiance from a High-Density Radiometer Network
- Parameterization of Wind Farms in a Mesoscale NWP Model
- Revealing The Impact Of Climate Variability On The Wind Resource Using Data Mining Techniques
- Seasonal Changes in Arctic Dissolved Organic Matter
- Using Dynamically Coupled Turbine/Wind Simulations to Investigate the Influence of Atmospheric Turbulence in Turbine Wake Recovery
- CWEX-10/11: Overview of Results From the First Two Crop/Wind-Energy Experiments
- Demonstration of a mid-water mooring for tidal turbulence measurements
- Energy sector vulnerability to climate change: adaptation options to increase resilience
- In situ and remotely-sensed mean and turbulence characteristics of wind turbine wakes
- Integrating Organic Matter Structure with Ecosystem Function using Advanced Analytical Chemistry Techniques
- Regional Approach for Linking Ecosystem Services and Livelihood Strategies Under Climate Change of Pastoral Communities in the Mongolian Steppe Ecosystem
- Regional Climate Change Natural Resource Management Challenges: Managing for changing social-ecological changes in space and time
- Relating Solar Resource Variability to Cloud Type
- Short-term surface insolation forecasts derived from satellite cloud advection techniques
- Simulating soil carbon and greenhouse gas dynamics in grasslands amended with compost
- Soil nitrogen dynamics during snow melt in moist acidic tussock tundra soils
- The Future Potential of Wave Power in the US
- U.S. power generation, water stress, and climate change: using science to understand "water-smart" electricity-sector decision making
- Water and Land Use Efficiency in Current and Potential Future US Corn and Brazilian Sugarcane Ethanol Systems
- Wind turbine wake properties from Doppler lidar measurements
- A cost-benefit analysis of produced water management opportunities in selected unconventional oil and gas plays
- Advancements in Wind Integration Study Input Data Modeling: The Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit
- An Assessment of Water Demand and Availability to meet Construction and Operational Needs for Large Utility-Scale Solar Projects in the Southwestern United States
- Creating a Standard Set of Metrics to Assess Accuracy of Solar Forecasts: Preliminary Results
- Developing and Testing Wind Velocity Retrieval Algorithms for Doppler Wind Lidar
- Improving Wind Energy Forecasts through Assimilation of New Meteorological Observations: Results from the Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP)
- Integrated regional modeling assessment of the environmental and economic potential of perennial grass bioenergy feedstocks
- Modeling water resources as a constraint in electricity capacity expansion models
- Quantifying array losses due to spacing and staggering in offshore wind farms (Invited)
- Results From Satellite-Derived Short-term Insolation Forecast Technique: Comparison Against Surface Observations, NWP Predictions, and Challenges
- Transitioning to Zero Freshwater Withdrawal for Thermoelectric Generation
- Co-location opportunities for renewable energy and agriculture in Northwestern India: Tradeoffs and Synergies
- Developing Region-Specific Water Energy Intensity Factors for the U.S. Water System
- Developing the Next-Generation National Solar Radiation Data Base (NSRDB)
- Establishing a Long-term 30 Year Global Solar Resource at 10 km Resolution: Preliminary Results From Test Processing and Continuing Plans
- Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on the Operations and Future Development of the U.S. Electricity System
- Improvements in Satellite-Derived Short-Term Insolation Forecasting: Statistical Comparisons, Challenges for Advection-Based Forecasts, and New Techniques
- Land-Energy Nexus: Life Cycle Land Use of Natural Gas-Fired Electricity
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Wind Turbine Wakes Subject to Different Atmospheric Stabilities
- Modeling Electricity Sector Vulnerabilities and Costs Associated with Water Temperatures Under Scenarios of Climate Change
- Power Curve Modeling in Complex Terrain Using Statistical Models
- Quantifying error of remote sensing observations of wind turbine wakes using computational fluid dynamics
- Regional Analysis of Energy, Water, Land and Climate Interactions
- Temporal Variability of Surface Solar Irradiance as a Function of Satellite-retrieved Cloud
- The Northeastern United States Energy-Water Nexus: Climate Change Impacts and Alternative Water Management Strategies for the Power Sector
- Toward Improved Off-Shore Wind Predictions by Combining Observations with Models through State Estimation - An Analysis of Marine Boundary Layer Parameterizations
- A Theoretical Framework for Utilizing Long-Term Measurements of Radiation and Clouds for Solar Energy Research
- A fast all-sky radiative transfer model and its implications for solar energy research
- Climate Change Impacts on Rivers and Implications for Electricity Generation in the United States
- Data Management System for the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework
- Overview of the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework Study
- The Role of Atmospheric Measurements in Wind Power Statistical Models
- The Role of Demand Response in Reducing Water-Related Power Plant Vulnerabilities
- The Spatial Footprint of Natural Gas-Fired Electricity
- WFIP2 - The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
- Water-Constrained Electric Sector Capacity Expansion Modeling Under Climate Change Scenarios
- Energy-Water Microgrid Case Study at the University of Arizona's BioSphere 2
- Energy-Water-Land-Climate Nexus: Modeling Impacts from the Asset to Regional Scale
- Gusts and Shear in an Idealized LES-modeled Hurricane
- Identifying Electricity Capacity at Risk to Changes in Climate and Water Resources in the United States
- Isolating the effects of climate-mediated changes in temperature and water availability on the capacity expansion and operations of the U.S. power sector
- Lessons Learned from Dynamic Linking of a Hydrology Model with an Electricity Sector Model
- Measuring Broadband IR Irradiance in the Direct Solar Beam and Recent Development
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Synopsis of Stage 1 Research Strategy and Results
- Architected Geomaterials Constructed from Synthetic Minerals for Geological Research
- Bridging the Radiative Transfer Models for Meteorology and Solar Energy Applications
- Building partnerships to produce actionable science to support climate-informed management decisions: North Central Climate Science Center example
- Climate and Water Vulnerability of the US Electricity Grid Under High Penetrations of Renewable Energy
- Decomposing climate-induced temperature and water effects on the expansion and operation of the US electricity system
- Development and Performance of Alternative Electricity Sector Pathways Subject to Multiple Climate and Water Projections
- Evaluation of the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) Using Ground-Based Measurements
- Exploring harmonization between integrated assessment and capacity expansion models
- Feasible Electricity Infrastructure Pathways in the Context of Climate-Water Change Constraints
- High-resolution integration of water, energy, and climate models to assess electricity grid vulnerabilities to climate change
- Impact of the 2017 Solar Eclipse on Smart Grid
- Impacts of Solar PV Arrays on Physicochemical Properties of Soil
- Improvements and Lingering Challenges with Modeling Low-Level Winds Over Complex Terrain during the Wind Forecast Improvement Project 2
- Meso- to micro-scale coupled simulations of flow over complex terrain at the Perdigao site
- Opportunities for co-location of solar PV with agriculture for cost reductions and carbon, water, and energy footprint mitigation in the tropics
- Quantifying human behavior uncertainties in a coupled agent-based model for water resources management
- Quantifying measurement uncertainty and spatial variability in the context of model evaluation
- Sensitivities and Tipping Points of Power System Operations to Fluctuations Caused by Water Availability and Fuel Prices
- Sensitivity of power system operations to projected changes in water availability due to climate change: the Western U.S. case study
- The Effect of Mitigation Policy on Regional Climate Impacts on the U.S. Electric Sector
- The North American Energy System: Chapter 3 of SOCCR-2
- The Role of Model Fidelity in Understanding the Food-Energy-Water Nexus at the Asset Level
- Tropospheric ozone observations - How well can we assess tropospheric ozone changes?
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Overview of Results from Stage 1 Research
- A Physics-based Smart Persistence model for Intra-hour forecasting of solar radiation (PSPI) using GHI measurements and cloud property estimation
- Advancing Radiative Transfer Models for Solar Energy Applications
- Chapter 3: SOCCR2: The North American Energy System Contribution to the Global Carbon Cycle
- Climate And Water Resource Change Impacts On U.S. Electricity Infrastructure Development and Adaptation Opportunities
- Climate Impacts on U.S. Electric Sector Evolution and Water Use Under Varying Market Futures
- Combined land use of solar infrastructure and agriculture for socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits in Indonesia
- Comparing Top-down and Bottom-up Methane Emission Estimates in a Natural Gas Production Region
- Demand Response & Off-Grid Assessment of Renewable Energy-Driven Closed Circuit Desalination
- Dryland Agrivoltaics: A novel approach to collocating food production and solar renewable energy to maximize food production, water savings, and energy generation
- Effects of climate change on the planning and the expansion of SERC's power plant fleet
- Evaluation on the trends of global wind resource and its variability
- Fourth National Climate Assessment Findings on Energy Supply, Delivery, and Demand
- How Model Coupling Influences the Perceived Vulnerabilities of Connected Energy-Water Systems
- Implications of Climate Change Impacts on Electricity Demand and Supply for Power System Planning and Operations
- Modeling Energy-Water Dynamics and Regional Interactions in a Multi-Model Framework
- Multi-sector Approach to Assessing Interconnection Cost Implications of Future Power Generation Capacity Expansion in the United States
- Net-zero Emissions Energy Systems
- Network analysis of virtual water in the global fossil fuel trade from 2000-2016
- Overview of the EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Validation
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Wind and Solar Electricity Generation in Texas
- Power system operation and cost implications of changes in wind and solar resources under climate change
- Progress and Possibilities for Data Preservation and Dissemination in the Multi-Sector Dynamics Community
- Serving Water Demands and Electric Grid Reliability: Assessing the Capabilities of Water Utilities
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Carbon Management Experiences and Opportunities
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Key Findings from Assessing a Decade of Science, Decisions, and Management Impacts
- The Time History of Power Flow in the United States at a County Level
- The social dimensions of the carbon cycle: progress and challenges
- Aligning climate and health benefits in power plant siting and retirement decisions
- China's Environmental Protection Tax and its Reforms impacts on Sectoral and Spatial Distribution of Air Pollution Emissions
- Climate-Water Adaptation for Future US Electricity Infrastructure
- Climate-Water Impacts on Interconnection-Scale Electricity System Planning
- Co-locating agriculture and solar power renewables (agrivoltaics) to create a more sustainable food, energy, and water future
- Combining Agriculture with Solar Energy for Food, Energy, and Water Benefits: Lessons Learned from 25 Field Studies of the DOE InSPIRE Project
- Ebb/Flood Asymmetry in Current Velocity and Turbulence Observed During Tidal Energy Resource Characterization of the Western Passage, Maine, USA
- Evolution of Electric Sector Water Sources Under Alternative Electricity Futures
- Exploring Synergies of Sustainable Infrastructure, Air, and Electrification Transitions: An Initial Rural-to-Urban Continuum Analysis
- Grand Vision for Wind Energy: Overview of Results of the International Energy Agency Wind Technology Collaboration Programme Workshop
- Grid stress due to extreme heat wave and drought with 45% renewable electricity in the Western US
- High-frequency Forecasting of Solar Radiation using a Hybrid Numerical Weather Prediction and Stochastic Downscaling Model
- Improvements in wind resource assessments and forecasting across scales
- Interactions between solar photovoltaic arrays and the underlying soil-vegetation system
- Local to Regional Energy System Impacts of Water Management and Agricultural Decisions in the Southwest: The Importance of Scale.
- Physics-Informed Super Resolution of Climatological Wind and Solar Resource Data
- Probabilistic Solar Power Forecasting for Electric Utility Operations
- Sensitivity Analysis of Validation Strategies for the National Solar Radiation Database
- Stimulation and Flow Tests in Deep Crystalline Rock - The EGS Collab Project
- The Potential for Water Infrastructure to Provide Power Grid Services
- A New Typology for Representing Human Decision Making in MultiSector Dynamics (MSD) Models
- Advances and gaps on propagating the impact of climate change on future water availability through the energy planning process: a Western US Case Study
- Agrivoltaics can extend growing seasons, increasing potential food production in drylands
- An integrated approach coupling behavior, buildings and transportation into Agent Base Models: A San Francisco Use Case
- Benchmarking cost, energy, and sustainability metrics for seawater desalination in small, medium, and large facilities.
- Characterizing Land-Use and Vegetation Cover Under Utility-Scale Solar Projects to Understand Food-Energy-Water Impacts
- Closing the gap: Explaining persistent underestimation of US oil and natural gas production methane inventories
- Digitalisation: the Next Frontier for Wind Energy Research
- Hourly Power System Operation in the Western U.S. under Varying Water Availability for Hydropower
- Limited long-term impacts of wind farms on local meteorology
- Machine learning and Analog Ensemble techniques for temporal extrapolation of wind resource uncertainty
- NREL's Updated Wind Resource Assessment for Offshore California Shows Even Stronger Winds
- Operational Impacts of Drought and Changing Electricity Load on the Western U.S. Power System in Low and High Renewable Systems
- Reducing the Energy Consumption for Supercritical Water Desalination (SCWD): A Zero Liquid Discharge Desalination
- Should wind turbines rotate in the opposite direction? A parameter study, changing the rotational direction of a wind turbine under veering inflow
- Techno-hydrological Attributes and Land Sparing Opportunities of Floating Solar Photovoltaics
- The EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Flow at the 10-meter scale
- The Effects of Climate Change on Renewable Energy Distribution: Using High-Resolution Dynamic Downscaling of Multiple Global Climate Models to Inform Energy Policy in the State of New York
- The Impacts of Climate and Irrigation Changes on Water Resources and Power Systems in the United States
- The challenge and opportunity of quantifying pipe parity to enable the circular water economy
- The impact of NASA SMAP soil moisture data assimilation on Great Plains low-level jet wind forecasts
- Water Risk for the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- Water Supply and Demand in the Future U.S. Power Sector
- A Typology for Representing Human Actors in MultiSector Dynamics Models
- Air Quality and Public Health Co-benefit of 100% Renewable Energy Adoption Pathways in Los Angeles
- Managed sheep grazing can improve soil quality and carbon sequestration at solar photovoltaic sites
- Quantifying Increasing Emissions from Operational Flexibility of Natural Gas Plants in the United States
- Site reigns supreme across temperate grasslands: plant and soil carbon stocks vary widely across sites but are relatively insensitive to decade-long fertilization
- Structure and Stress Results from Nodal Seismic Array Deployments at the San Emidio Geothermal Field, Nevada, U.S.A.
- The EGS Collab Preparing for Experiment 2
- The extent of vegetation-driven panel cooling and consequent increase in electricity generation from solar PV sites depend on climate and soil properties
- Bayesian hierarchical variance estimation to evaluate the vulnerability of thermo-electric power plants to hydrometeorological stressors
- Bringing Solar and Wind Energy Closer: A Comparison of Datasets
- Climate Threats to Ecosystem Services from Reservoirs
- Climate and Water Risk to the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- Detecting and characterizing simulated sea breezes over the US northeastern coast with implications for offshore wind energy
- Enabling Actionable Insights of Climate & Water Risk to the Bulk Power System Through an Interactive Visualization Tool
- Evaluating future changes in electricity demand over the southeastern United States using a set of high-resolution climate projections
- Flood risk to power generation in the United States
- Geophysics for Exploration of Magmatic Geothermal Plays as part of DEEPEN: DErisking Exploration for geothermal Plays in magmatic Environments
- Heterogeneous Response of City-level Building Energy Use to Future Climate Change, Socioeconomic Development, and Power Sector Decarbonization
- High-resolution regional hindcast datasets for wave energy resource characterization in US coastal waters
- Hydropower's Role in the Future Decarbonized Bulk Power System under Climate Change Constraints
- Implications of Converting Conventional Tillage to No-Till Agriculture on Emissions, Land, and Water Usage
- Mesoscale Modeling Sensitivity to Sea Surface Temperature Inputs in the Mid-Atlantic
- Projecting future Colorado river basin water and hydropower operations
- The Built Environment as a set of Interdependent Hybrid Systems
- The potential for Agrivoltaics to sustainably intensify food and energy production
- Transfer of Small Scales Space-Time Variability of Wind Fields to Wind Turbine Torque Computation using Simulations of 3D Vector Fields
- Updates from the Cornell University Borehole Observatory (CUBO): A 3km Deep Exploratory Well for Advancing Earth Source Heat Deep Direct-Use Geothermal for District Heating
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrienne B. Keller
- Alan K. Knapp
- Allison Campbell
- Alson Time
- Ana Dyreson
- Bin Peng
- C. Bracken
- C. H. Thurber
- Chenghao Wang
- Chet Hopp
- Daniel Schertzer
- Deeksha Rastogi
- Elena Blanc‐Betes
- Ethan Yang
- Evan H. DeLucia
- Flavio Lehner
- Gabriel García‐Medina
- Geng Xia
- George Ban-Weiss
- Greg A. Barron‐Gafford
- Hannah Pauling
- Hao Guo
- Hong Yi Li
- I. N. Razlivanov
- Janet Reyna
- Jessica Welch
- Jonathan Ajo‐Franklin
- K. L. Feigl
- Kaiyu Guan
- Katherine J. Evans
- Kendra E. Kaiser
- Klaus Keller
- Melanie A. Mayes
- Michael Cardiff
- Nathalie Voisin
- Nathan M. Urban
- Nicole D. Jackson
- P. M. Fulton
- P. Vahmani
- Patrick Dobson
- Pengcheng Fu
- Philip A. Fay
- Qian Zhao
- Robert B. Jackson
- Scott L. Collins
- Signe K. White
- Stuart Cohen
- Teresa E. Jordan
- Timothy J. Kneafsey
- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- Vivek Srikrishnan
- Yves Guglielmi
- Zhaoqing Yang
- Ángel García Gago