NASA's Atmospheric Science Data Center's Approach to a Cloud-Based Model of Ingest, Archival, and Distribution of TEMPO Data: Methods, Challenges, and Best Practices
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Listed Authors
Nasif, Iman Autore, Ashlee Hafer-Martin, Sarah Baskin, Walter E. Patel, Harsh Kaufman, Daniel Anderson, Austin Hayes-Crepps, Georgina Tisdale, Matthew
Listed Institutions
NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States
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