Comparison of satellite soil moisture products of Mongolia and their relation to grassland development. Oyudari Vova <SUP>12</SUP>, Martin Kappas <SUP>2</SUP>, Ammar Rafiei Emmam <SUP>2</SUP> ;National university of Mongolia, Space Science and Remote Sensing Laboratory <SUP>1</SUP>; Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Department, Institute of Geography, University of Göttingen <SUP>2</SUP>

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Graph neighborhood for 'Comparison of satellite soil moisture products of Mongolia and their relation to grassland development. Oyudari Vova <SUP>12</SUP>, Martin Kappas <SUP>2</SUP>, Ammar Rafiei Emmam <SUP>2</SUP> ;National university of Mongolia, Space Science and Remote Sensing Laboratory <SUP>1</SUP>; Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Department, Institute of Geography, University of Göttingen <SUP>2</SUP>'. Click aggregate nodes to navigate.
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Listed Authors
Kappas, M.
Vova, O. O.
Listed Institutions
University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany
Space science and Remote sensing laboratory., National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, MongoliaAF: Cartography GIS and Remote Sensing, Ph.D, Göttingen, Germany

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