Photoperiod- and Warming-driven Phenological Changes and Carbon and Nutrient Cycling. Remote Sensing Assessment

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Listed Authors
Penuelas, J.
Fu, Y.
Estiarte, M.
Gamon, J. A.
Filella, I.
Verger, A.
Jannssens, I.
Listed Institutions
Global Ecology Unit, CSIC, Bellaterra, SPAIN
Biology, University of Antwerp Antwerpen, Belgium, Antwerp, Belgium
CREAF, Cerdanyola Del Valle, Spain
Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Global Ecology Unit, CREAF, Cerdanyola Del Valle, Spain
CSIC-CREAF, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

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