Seasonal variations of the amount of carbon allocated to respiration after in situ 13CO2 pulse labelling of trees (Invited)

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ADS bibcode
Listed Authors
Epron, D.
Dannoura, M.
Ngao, J.
Plain, C.
Berveller, D.
Chipeaux, C.
Gerant, D.
Bosc, A.
Maillard, P.
Loustau, D.
Damesin, C.
Cats Project (Anr-07-Blan-0109)
Listed Institutions
Forest Ecology Ecophysiology, Nancy University, Nancy, France
Forest Utilization Lab., Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Ecology Systematic Evolution, Paris Sud University, Orsay, France
Forest Ecology Ecophysiology, Nancy University, Nancy, France
Ecology Systematic Evolution, Paris Sud University, Orsay, France
Ephyse, INRA, Bordaux, France
Forest Ecology Ecophysiology, Nancy University, Nancy, France
Ephyse, INRA, Bordaux, France
Forest Ecology Ecophysiology, INRA, Nancy, France
Ecology Systematic Evolution, Paris Sud University, Orsay, France
Ecology Systematic Evolution, Paris Sud University, Orsay, France;

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