Upper Mantle Anisotropy in South America With SKS Splitting: Predominance of Asthenospheric Flow From Absolute Plate Motion and Test of the Frequency-Dependent Polarization Filter in the SKS Analysis
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Listed Authors
Guarido, M. Assumpcao, M. Schimmel, M. van der Lee, S.
Listed Institutions
IAG - USP, Rua do Matao, 1226, Cidade Universitária., Sao Paulo, SP 05508-090, Brazil IAG - USP, Rua do Matao, 1226, Cidade Universitária., Sao Paulo, SP 05508-090, Brazil IJA - CSIC, Lluis Sole i Sabaris s/n, Barcelona, 08028, Spain Northwestern University, Department of Geological Sciences 1850 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208-2150, United States
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