Whistler chorus intensifications associated with convections and injections of low energy plasma sheet electrons evidenced by VELOX observations at Halley ground station
KAIST, Space Sciences Laboratory Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, 305-701 Korea, Republic of
Chungbuk National University, Department of Astronomy and Space Science, College of Natural Sciences and Institute for Basic Science Research, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju, 361-763 Korea, Republic of
UCLA, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of California, Los Angeles, 90095-1565, USA
KAIST, Space Sciences Laboratory Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, 305-701 Korea, Republic of
British Antarctic Survey, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, 30ET United Kingdom