Fault geometry and slip distribution of the 1943 Tosya Earthquake rupture, North Anatolian Fault, Turkey

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Listed Authors
Emre, O.
Kondo, H.
Yildirim, C.
Ozaksoy, V.
Listed Institutions
1Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey (MTA), Department of Geol. Res., Ankara, 06520 Turkey
Active Fault Research Center, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, Site 7, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, 305-8567 Japan
1Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey (MTA), Department of Geol. Res., Ankara, 06520 Turkey
1Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey (MTA), Department of Geol. Res., Ankara, 06520 Turkey

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