Use of 3D X-ray Computed Microtomography to Observe the Development of Sediment Structure and Colloidal Zirconia Deposits at the Pore Scale

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Listed Authors
Chen, C.
Packman, A. I.
Keane, D. T.
Gaillard, J.
Listed Institutions
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Rd., Room A236, Evanston, IL 60208 United States
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Rd., Room A236, Evanston, IL 60208 United States
Northwestern University/DND-CAT, APS/ANL Sector 5, Building 432/A002, 9700 S. Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439 United States
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Rd., Room A236, Evanston, IL 60208 United States

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