The influence of hydrogeomorphic dynamics on fish habitat: A case study using the ooCAESAR landscape evolution model

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Listed Authors
Wheaton, J. M.
Sear, D. A.
Darby, S. E.
Booker, D. E.
Acreman, M.
Listed Institutions
School of Geography, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
School of Geography, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
School of Geography, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, OX10 8BB United Kingdom
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, OX10 8BB United Kingdom

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