Temporal Interpolation of Satellite Vegetation Imagery and its Influence on Simulated Seasonal Carbon Uptake by Vegetation in the Middle Latitudes.

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Listed Authors
Philpott, A. W.
Denning, A.
Conner Gausepohl, S. L.
Baker, I.
Brown, M. E.
Schaefer, K.
Listed Institutions
Colorado State University, Department of Atmospheric Science, Fort Collins, CO 80523 United States
Colorado State University, Department of Atmospheric Science, Fort Collins, CO 80523 United States
Colorado State University, Department of Atmospheric Science, Fort Collins, CO 80523 United States
Colorado State University, Department of Atmospheric Science, Fort Collins, CO 80523 United States
Science Systems and Applications, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center. Code 614.4, Greenbelt, MD 20771 United States
Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory R/CMDL1, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305 United States

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