Nitrogen isotopic composition of ammonium released during diagenesis of organic matter under steady-state and non-steady state conditions in marine anoxic sediments
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Listed Authors
Prokopenko, M. G. Hammond, D. E. Stott, L. Spivack, A. J.
Listed Institutions
Departement of Earth Sciences, USC, 3651 Trousedale, SCI-117, Los Angeles, CA 90089 United States Departement of Earth Sciences, USC, 3651 Trousedale, SCI-117, Los Angeles, CA 90089 United States Departement of Earth Sciences, USC, 3651 Trousedale, SCI-117, Los Angeles, CA 90089 United States Graduate School of Oceanography, URI, South Ferry Road, Narragansett, RI 02882 United States
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