Social science
flowchart AA["Associated Authors (62)"] C[Social science] BC["Broader Concepts (1)"] NC["Narrower Concepts (291)"] C== skos:broader ==>BC NC== skos:broader ==>C AA== dcterms:relation ==>C click BC "#broader-concepts" click NC "#narrower-concepts" click AA "#associated-authors" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->C C-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- Wikidata
- OpenAlex ID
- (API record)
- OpenAlex Description
- academic discipline concerned with society and the relationships
- OpenAlex Level [?]
- 1
Broader Concepts
Narrower Concepts
- Academic community
- Action theory (sociology)
- Actor–network theory
- Agency (philosophy)
- Agent-based model
- Applied anthropology
- Applied research
- Applied science
- Audience analysis
- Autoethnography
- Balance theory
- Behavioural sciences
- Big Idea
- Boundary-work
- Clique
- Coding (social sciences)
- Collaborative network
- Collective behavior
- Collective efficacy
- Communication noise
- Communication sciences
- Communication studies
- Communicative action
- Community of practice
- Community project
- Community studies
- Comparative historical research
- Comparative history
- Comparative research
- Complex system
- Compromise
- Computational sociology
- Conceptual framework
- Conflict avoidance
- Conflict management
- Conflict resolution
- Conflict transformation
- Construal level theory
- Consumption (sociology)
- Contemporary society
- Content analysis
- Convention
- Coproduction
- Correspondence principle (sociology)
- Critical design
- Critical management studies
- Critical mass (sociodynamics)
- Critical practice
- Critical psychology
- Cultural analysis
- Cultural capital
- Cultural conflict
- Cultural criminology
- Cultural influence
- Cultural phenomenon
- Cultural reproduction
- Cultural space
- Cultural system
- Cultural turn
- Cultural values
- Culture change
- Culture industry
- Data collection
- Death education
- Descriptive research
- Design-based research
- Development communication
- Differentiation
- Diffusion of innovations
- Discipline
- Dispute resolution
- Doing gender
- Dominant culture
- Dynamic network analysis
- Economic science
- Economic sociology
- Educational equity
- Educational research
- Embeddedness
- Environmental communication
- Environmental sociology
- Episteme
- Ethical values
- Ethnomethodology
- Experience sampling method
- Exploratory research
- Face (sociological concept)
- Face-to-face interaction
- Feminist Studies
- Feminization (sociology)
- Field research
- Formal organization
- Friendship
- Futurist
- Gender equity
- General Social Survey
- Global Leadership
- Hard and soft science
- Health communication
- Historical sociology
- History and philosophy of science
- History of science and technology
- History of sociology
- Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory
- Homophily
- Human dynamics
- Human geography
- Human relations
- Human science
- Human security
- Human systems engineering
- Human values
- Ideal type
- Impression management
- Inclusion (mineral)
- Informal organization
- Institution
- Institutional analysis
- Institutional logic
- Institutional theory
- Interactionism
- Interconnectivity
- Interdependence
- Interdisciplinarity
- International Action
- International regime
- International security
- International studies
- Interpersonal communication
- Interpersonal ties
- Intersubjectivity
- Job interview
- Labelling
- Late modernity
- Library history
- Life value
- Lifeworld
- Logic model
- Mathematical sociology
- Mediation
- Medical anthropology
- Mobilities
- Modalities
- Moral order
- Multidisciplinary approach
- Multimethodology
- Needs assessment
- Negotiation
- Neoliberalism (international relations)
- NetLogo
- Network society
- New Zealand studies
- Normalization (sociology)
- Opinion leadership
- Organizational communication
- Organizational ecology
- Overdetermination
- Participant observation
- Participatory evaluation
- Peace and conflict studies
- Peace education
- Peacemaking
- Personal network
- Phenomenological sociology
- Philosophy and economics
- Philosophy education
- Philosophy of sport
- Physical science
- Post-occupancy evaluation
- Postcolonialism (international relations)
- Practice theory
- Practitioner research
- Professionalization
- Psychology of science
- Public sociology
- Qualitative research
- Quantitative research
- Questionnaire
- Reciprocity (cultural anthropology)
- Reflexivity
- Regional economics
- Relative deprivation
- Reputation
- Research design
- Research proposal
- Resocialization
- Review article
- Risk society
- Ritualization
- Role conflict
- Science studies
- Science, technology and society
- Scientific society
- Scientism
- Scientometrics
- Secondary source
- Security studies
- Self-concept
- Sense of community
- Sense of place
- Social activity
- Social analysis
- Social anthropology
- Social capital
- Social character
- Social comparison theory
- Social complexity
- Social constructionism
- Social constructivism
- Social control
- Social dynamics
- Social engagement
- Social environment
- Social epistemology
- Social exchange theory
- Social function
- Social group
- Social harmony
- Social hierarchy
- Social influence
- Social institution
- Social justice
- Social knowledge
- Social life
- Social mobility
- Social organisation
- Social organization
- Social phenomenon
- Social production
- Social reality
- Social relation
- Social representation
- Social research
- Social simulation
- Social solidarity
- Social sphere
- Social statistics
- Social status
- Social stratification
- Social studies of finance
- Social system
- Social theory
- Social worlds
- Socialization
- Sociocultural anthropology
- Sociological imagination
- Sociological research
- Sociological theory
- Sociology of Education
- Sociology of culture
- Sociology of knowledge
- Sociology of law
- Sociology of leisure
- Sociology of religion
- Sociology of scientific knowledge
- Sociology of sport
- Sociology of the family
- Sophistication
- Source text
- Structural functionalism
- Structuration theory
- Structure and agency
- Symbolic capital
- Symbolic interactionism
- Systems science
- Technological determinism
- Technology and society
- Technology policy
- Technoscience
- Telephone interview
- Thanatology
- Thriving
- Time allocation
- Total institution
- Tragedy (event)
- Transdisciplinarity
- Transformation processes
- Translational science
- Triad (sociology)
- Twenty-First Century
- Unsaid
- Upper class
- Urban history
- Urban sociology
- Value systems
- Vernacular culture
- Verstehen
- Win-win game
- World culture
- Youth participation
Associated Authors
- Allison Mattheis
- Amir Mortazavigazar
- Andi Muttaqin
- Andrea Cominola
- Angelique Rosa Marín
- Aniruddh Mohan
- Anita Desikan
- B. E. Strauss
- Billy Williams
- Brianna John
- Caitlin G Jones
- Caitlin Rublee
- Camilo J. Bastidas Pacheco
- Chinedum Eluwa
- Christina K. Pikas
- Christine Georgakakos
- Christopher L. Atchison
- Cristina G. Wilson
- Dany Waller
- Darryl Reano
- Edward B Lochocki
- Evan L. Sneed
- Evelyn Valdéz-Ward
- Fernando Tormos-Aponte
- Heather Fischer
- Isabel Jorgensen
- Jing Liao
- Johanna Marquardt
- Jungbin Mok
- Koteswara Rao Dagani
- Kristi Chadwick
- Kuishuang Feng
- Lain Graham
- Laura E. R. Peters
- Laura Mae Jacqueline Herzog
- Lauren Dennis
- Louise Woodley
- Megan R. Carter
- Mei-Ling E. Feng
- Melissa Haeffner
- Morgan DiCarlo
- Onjalé Scott Price
- Presley Greer
- Raymond M. Lee
- Rebecca Hudak
- Rebecca Ward
- Samuel Cornelius Nyarko
- Sara Lafia
- Schuyler R. Borges
- Shaun Field
- Shuanglei Wu
- Siamak Malakpour‐Estalaki
- Silvia-Jessica Mostacedo-Marasovic
- Taha Moiz
- Taryn Waite
- Tessa Clarizio
- Tobias Tesch
- Vindhyawasini Prasad
- Wendy Bohon
- Xiangnan Zhou
- Yoshio Fukao
- Yuki Miura
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