flowchart AA["Associated Authors (43)"] C[Molecule] BC["Broader Concepts (2)"] NC["Narrower Concepts (199)"] C== skos:broader ==>BC NC== skos:broader ==>C AA== dcterms:relation ==>C click BC "#broader-concepts" click NC "#narrower-concepts" click AA "#associated-authors" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->C C-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- Wikidata
- OpenAlex ID
- (API record)
- OpenAlex Description
- electrically neutral entity consisting of more than one atom (n > 1); rigorously, a molecule, in which n > 1 must correspond to a depression on the potential energy surface that is deep enough to confine at least one vibrational state
- OpenAlex Level [?]
- 2
Broader Concepts
Narrower Concepts
- 18-Crown-6
- Ab initio quantum chemistry methods
- Acene
- Activation barrier
- Alkane stereochemistry
- Anomeric effect
- Aromaticity
- Atomic charge
- Atoms in molecules
- Azobenzene
- Basis set
- Bipyramid
- Bond energy
- Bond length
- Bond-dissociation energy
- Born–Oppenheimer approximation
- Bound water
- Break junction
- Bridging ligand
- Buckminsterfullerene
- CNDO/2
- Cage effect
- Calixarene
- Catenane
- Chemical polarity
- Cluster chemistry
- Configuration interaction
- Confined water
- Conformational entropy
- Conformational isomerism
- Conical intersection
- Coordination sphere
- Corannulene
- Coronene
- Coupled cluster
- Crossed molecular beam
- Crystal structure prediction
- Crystallographic point group
- Cubane
- Cumulene
- Cyanoacetylene
- Cyclobutadiene
- Cyclooctatetraene
- Cyclophane
- Diamondoid
- Diatomic molecule
- Dication
- Discotic liquid crystal
- Dodecameric protein
- Eclipsed conformation
- Electron affinity (data page)
- Electron delocalization
- Electronic correlation
- Endohedral fullerene
- Excited electronic state
- Fermi resonance
- Feshbach resonance
- Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
- Force constant
- Force spectroscopy
- Formal charge
- Franck–Condon principle
- Free energy perturbation
- Gaussian orbital
- Gibbs isotherm
- Group 2 organometallic chemistry
- Helicene
- Heteronuclear molecule
- Hexafluorobenzene
- Homonuclear molecule
- Hydration energy
- Hydrogen bond
- Hydrogen molecule
- Hydronium
- Hyperconjugation
- Ice Ih
- Inclusion compound
- Infrared multiphoton dissociation
- Interaction energy
- Intermolecular force
- Isodesmic reaction
- Isotopologue
- Isotopomers
- J-aggregate
- Langmuir–Blodgett film
- Linear molecular geometry
- Lone pair
- Macrocyclic ligand
- Magnetic tweezers
- Matrix isolation
- Merocyanine
- Metallofullerene
- Minor groove
- Molecular beam
- Molecular binding
- Molecular cluster
- Molecular conformation
- Molecular electronic transition
- Molecular electronics
- Molecular geometry
- Molecular mechanics
- Molecular orbital
- Molecular recognition
- Molecular replacement
- Molecular rotation
- Molecular self-assembly
- Molecular solid
- Molecular spectroscopy
- Molecular switch
- Molecular symmetry
- Molecular vibration
- Molecular wire
- Monoclinic crystal system
- Mulliken population analysis
- Natural bond orbital
- Neopentane
- Normal coordinates
- Nuclear Overhauser effect
- Octahedral molecular geometry
- Organic molecules
- Overtone band
- Oxygen atom
- Partial charge
- Pentagonal bipyramidal molecular geometry
- Pentalene
- Persistence length
- Perylene
- Polar surface area
- Polarizability
- Polyatomic ion
- Polycyclic compound
- Porphin
- Potential energy surface
- Potential of mean force
- Pseudorotation
- Pulsed field gradient
- Quantum chemical
- Raman optical activity
- Reaction dynamics
- Resorcinarene
- Rhodamine 6G
- Ring strain
- Rotational correlation time
- Rotational diffusion
- Rotational dynamics
- Rotational spectroscopy
- Rotational temperature
- Rotational–vibrational coupling
- Rotational–vibrational spectroscopy
- Self-assembled monolayer
- Self-ionization of water
- Shape resonance
- Sigma bond
- Single-molecule experiment
- Solvation
- Solvatochromism
- Solvophobic
- Spiropyran
- Square pyramid
- Square pyramidal molecular geometry
- Stereoisomerism
- Supermolecule
- Supramolecular chemistry
- Terthiophene
- Tetracene
- Tetracyanoquinodimethane
- Tetradentate ligand
- Tetrafluoride
- Tetrahedral molecular geometry
- Tetrathiafulvalene
- Time-dependent density functional theory
- Trans effect
- Transition dipole moment
- Translational energy
- Triatomic molecule
- Triclinic crystal system
- Trigonal bipyramidal molecular geometry
- Trigonal pyramidal molecular geometry
- Trimesic acid
- Trimethylphosphine
- Triphenylene
- Triphos
- Triplet state
- Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy
- Unpaired electron
- Vibrational energy
- Vibrational energy relaxation
- Vibrational spectrum
- Vibrational temperature
- Vibronic coupling
- Vibronic spectroscopy
- Zwitterion
- van der Waals force
Associated Authors
- Aigen Li
- Aria Vitkova
- Biao Wang
- Brian J. Drouin
- Chenxing Luo
- Christopher J. Johnson
- Dawn Woodard
- Dominique Laniel
- Eamon Conway
- Eric C. Le Ru
- Fei Wang
- Fengxue Zhang
- Fernando Izquierdo-Ruiz
- G.G. Roberts
- Gregory H. Jones
- Igor Pavlovskii
- Iouli E. Gordon
- Ivan Černušák
- J. A. Noble
- Jeemin H. Rhim
- Jim J. Lin
- Karen J. Castle
- Kristen Butler
- Laurence Y. Yeung
- Lin Du
- Madelyn L. Sita
- Maksym V. Sorokin
- Marko Gacesa
- Mausumi Goswami
- Mitchio Okumura
- Nancy L. Ross
- Nicoline Frederiks
- P. de Vicente
- Pedro J. Castro
- Robert E. Continetti
- S. F. Wampfler
- Shidong Yu
- Teresa Fornaro
- Theodore S. Dibble
- Wenxian Li
- Yongchao Yao
- Yoo-Jin Choi
- Étienne Plésiat
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