flowchart AA["Associated Authors (385)"] C[Theology] BC["Broader Concepts (1)"] NC["Narrower Concepts (418)"] C== skos:broader ==>BC NC== skos:broader ==>C AA== dcterms:relation ==>C click BC "#broader-concepts" click NC "#narrower-concepts" click AA "#associated-authors" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->C C-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- Wikidata
- OpenAlex ID
- (API record)
- OpenAlex Description
- study of the nature of God and religious belief
- OpenAlex Level [?]
- 1
Broader Concepts
Narrower Concepts
- Abbé
- Absolute (philosophy)
- Abstinence
- Acronym
- Adam and Eve
- Adoration
- Adultery
- Afghan
- African philosophy
- Afterlife
- Agape
- Age of Enlightenment
- Alchemy
- Aleph
- Altar
- Alterity
- Anabaptists
- Animism
- Annulment
- Anti-Americanism
- Aphorism
- Apocrypha
- Apologetics
- Apostle
- Apostles
- Apothecary
- Apotheosis
- Appearance of impropriety
- Arab–Israeli conflict
- Archbishop
- Archetype
- Aristotelianism
- Aryan race
- Asceticism
- Ascription
- Asha
- Astrology
- Atheism
- Atonement
- Avatar
- Banquet
- Banyan
- Baptism
- Begging
- Behold
- Biblical studies
- Bildung
- Black theology
- Blasphemy
- Blessing
- Body of Christ
- Bowing
- Bride
- Brill
- Buddhism
- Calmness
- Calvinism
- Canon law
- Cartesianism
- Casuistry
- Catechesis
- Catechism
- Catholic theology
- Celibacy
- Censorship
- Ceremony
- Chai
- Chapel
- Charisma
- Christian Identity
- Christian ethics
- Christian ministry
- Christian theology
- Christian tradition
- Christianity
- Christology
- Church Fathers
- Church Growth
- Church history
- Close reading
- Collective memory
- Collective responsibility
- Commercialism
- Comparative religion
- Comparative theology
- Compassion
- Consecration
- Consolation
- Consummation
- Contemplation
- Counter-Reformation
- Courage
- Covenant
- Creed
- Crucifer
- Cult
- Curse
- Dagger
- Damnation
- Demonology
- Deuteronomist
- Dialectic
- Diaspora
- Diligence
- Discernment
- Disconnection
- Divination
- Divine grace
- Divine providence
- Divinity
- Doctrine
- Double standard
- Dowry
- Dualism
- Duty
- Early Christianity
- Ecclesiology
- Eclecticism
- Ecstasy
- Ecumenism
- Emptiness
- Encyclical
- Enlightenment
- Enthusiasm
- Epicureanism
- Epiphany
- Epitaph
- Eschatology
- Eternity
- Eucharist
- Eulogy
- Evangelism
- Evocation
- Exegesis
- Exorcism
- Fair use
- Faith
- Faith healing
- Family values
- Fatalism
- Favourite
- Feminist theology
- Fetishism
- Flannery
- Flood myth
- Folk religion
- Forced marriage
- Foreknowledge
- Forgiveness
- Form of the Good
- Fortress (chess)
- Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study
- Fraternity
- Free will
- Galilean
- Generosity
- Genocide
- Gnosticism
- Golden Rule
- Good and evil
- Gospel
- Great Awakening
- Hatha yoga
- Heaven
- Hebrews
- Heresy
- Hermeneutics
- Hinduism
- Historical Jesus
- Historical method
- History of religions
- Holy See
- Homily
- Honesty
- Hubris
- Human condition
- Human sacrifice
- Humanism
- Humanity
- Humility
- Hymn
- Hypocrisy
- Iconoclasm
- Idolatry
- Image of God
- Immanence
- Immortality
- Incantation
- Incarnation
- Incense
- Indian philosophy
- Indulgence
- Infallibility
- Insufflation
- Intellect
- Intermediate state
- Invocation
- Islam
- Israelites
- John Chrysostom
- Judaism
- Jurisprudence
- Kindness
- Lament
- Layperson
- Leap of faith
- Liberation theology
- Litany
- Liturgy
- Lived religion
- Local church
- Logos Bible Software
- Love of God
- Loyalty
- Luck
- Lust
- Magisterium
- Mainstream
- Mamluk
- Mandala
- Manger
- Mantra
- Marginalia
- Martin luther
- Martyr
- Materialism
- Maya
- Medieval philosophy
- Meditation
- Messiah
- Metaphor
- Metaphysics
- Methodism
- Middle Ages
- Mindfulness
- Miracle
- Misnomer
- Missiology
- Monasticism
- Monism
- Moors
- Moral evil
- Moral theology
- Muhammad-Ali
- Multiculturalism
- Mysticism
- Mythology
- Natural law
- Natural theology
- Neo-Confucianism
- Neoplatonism
- New Testament
- Nous
- Novelty
- Numinous
- O'Connor
- Oath
- Obituary
- Of Reformation
- Old Testament
- Omnipotence
- Omnipresence
- Omniscience
- Oriental studies
- Orientalism
- Original sin
- Orthodoxy
- Paideia
- Papal infallibility
- Paradise
- Parchment
- Pasha
- Passions
- Pastoral care
- Pastoral counseling
- Pastoral theology
- Patience
- Patristics
- Pearl
- Penitential
- People of God
- Perfection
- Peri
- Persian
- Personalism
- Pessimism
- Philosophical anthropology
- Philosophical theology
- Philosophy of religion
- Phototype
- Phronesis
- Piety
- Pilgrim
- Pilgrimage
- Platonism
- Pneumatology
- Political ponerology
- Polymath
- Prasad
- Prayer
- Precept
- Preceptor
- Predestination
- Pride
- Problem of evil
- Procession
- Protestantism
- Prudence
- Pseudonym
- Public domain
- Pulpit
- Purgatory
- Racism
- Rappaport
- Rapture
- Rationalism
- Reasonable accommodation
- Redaction
- Reincarnation
- Religiosity
- Religious community
- Religious conversion
- Religious discrimination
- Religious diversity
- Religious education
- Religious experience
- Religious orientation
- Religious pluralism
- Renunciation
- Repentance
- Retrenchment
- Revelation
- Rhetoric
- Righteousness
- Rite
- Rite of passage
- Rooster
- Sacrifice
- Sanctification
- Sandalwood
- Scapegoat
- Scholasticism
- Scroll
- Scrutiny
- Sect
- Secular education
- Secularity
- Secularization
- Seekers
- Self
- Self-realization
- Sermon
- Serpent (symbolism)
- Seventh day adventist
- Sex segregation
- Sexual misconduct
- Shahid
- Shalom
- Shamanism
- Siddha
- Skepticism
- Social Gospel
- Son of God
- Son of man
- Sophist
- Soteriology
- Soul
- Spell
- Spiritual formation
- Spiritual growth
- Stigmata
- Stipend
- Stoicism
- Superstition
- Supper
- Swami
- Synod
- Systematic theology
- Tantra
- Temporalities
- Temptation
- Ten Commandments
- Textual criticism
- The Holocaust
- The Republic
- The Venerable
- Theism
- Theodicy
- Theological seminary
- Third order
- Thomism
- Thou
- Thursday
- Tower of Babel
- Trance
- Transcendence (philosophy)
- Treasure
- Trial by ordeal
- Trinitarian theology
- Typhus
- Universal law
- Vedanta
- Veneration
- Vernacular
- Vigil
- Village communities
- Virtual Laboratory
- Virtue
- Vision
- Vitality
- Western philosophy
- Western thought
- Wickedness
- Wife
- World Values Survey
- Worship
- Zoroaster
Associated Authors
- A. Akkimi
- Aakash Ahamed
- Abhinav Wadhwa
- Abinesh Ganapathy
- Adele Young
- Aditi Agrawal
- Ahmad A. Tavakoly
- Aiden R. Jönsson
- Akshay Aravamudan
- Akshaya C Nikumbh
- Albert J. Kettner
- Alberto Viglione
- Alejandra R. Enríquez
- Alexander Getraer
- Alexander Michalek
- Alexandre Martinez
- Alexandre Nott
- Alia L. Khan
- Alice M. Carter
- Alistair Ford
- Alok Bhardwaj
- Amrutha Suresh
- Andrea Ficchì
- Andrea Piacentini
- Andreas Paul Zischg
- Andrew Hamilton
- Andrew Mullen
- Aneseh Alborzi
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Angelique Rosa Marín
- Antonia Sebastian
- Anuj Prakash Kushwaha
- Anya Leenman
- Apoorva Shastry
- Apoorva Singh
- Ariane Jong‐Levinger
- Ashish Manoj J
- Ashish Shrestha
- Asphota Wasti
- Aude Zingraff‐Hamed
- Austin Raney
- Avantika Gori
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- Balaji Ramesh
- Balqis Mohamed Rehan
- Becky Brice
- Beth Tellman
- Bhabagrahi Sahoo
- Blair Edwards
- Bonan Li
- Bo‐Joung Park
- Breanna Rivera Waterman
- Brett F. Sanders
- Brian Avant
- Brianna Rick
- Bruno Merz
- Camyla Innocente dos Santos
- Carolina Maran
- Celso M. Ferreira
- Chad W. Thackeray
- Chandranath Chatterjee
- Chang Liu
- Chanyu Yang
- Charles K. Gatebe
- Cheila Avalon Cullen
- Cheng Dang
- Chloe A. Whicker
- Christian Onof
- Claudio I. Meier
- Colleen Mortimer
- Conrad Wasko
- Corinne Bowers
- Courtney Cooper
- Cyndi V. Castro
- D. A. Slayback
- Dai Yamazaki
- Dana Lapides
- Daniel L. Johnson
- Daniela Molinari
- Daniele Ganora
- Daniele Pietro Viero
- David Bazzett
- David E. Rother
- David F. Muñoz
- Declan O’Shea
- Desirée Tullos
- Diego Panici
- Diljit Dutta
- Dipesh Chapagain
- Dongdong Wang
- Donghoon Lee
- Dongyu Feng
- Dongyue Li
- E X Bonilla
- Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
- Ebrahim Hamidi
- Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos
- Ehsan Modiri
- Eivind Støren
- Ekaterina Landgren
- Elena Mondino
- Elena Volpi
- Elizabeth N. Heal
- Emine Fidan
- Enes Yildirim
- Erik Janzon
- Erin Coughlan de Pérez
- Erin Dougherty
- Eunseon Lee
- Farboud Khatami
- Fengpeng Sun
- Fernando Aristizabal
- Feyera A. Hirpa
- Fiona Johnson
- Florian Pappenberger
- Frances V. Davenport
- Francesca Perosa
- Francesco Ballio
- Francesco Dell’Aira
- François Kervyn
- Félix L. Santiago-Collazo
- Gabriel Barinas
- Gabriele Villarini
- Gaia Olcese
- Ganesh R. Ghimire
- Gaurav Talukdar
- Gayle Tyree
- Georg Veh
- George K. Darkwah
- Georgios Boumis
- Gibbon I. T. Masukwedza
- Giriraj Amarnath
- Giuliano Di Baldassarre
- Gregory Petrochenkov
- Guo Yu
- Gustavo Almeida Coelho
- Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu
- Guy Schumann
- Haksu Lee
- Hamed Moftakhari
- Hannah Rose Spero
- Hayley J. Fowler
- Heidi Kreibich
- Hermjan Barneveld
- Hervé Awoye
- Hieu Phung
- Hitomu Kotani
- Hongxiang Yan
- Hossein Gholizadeh
- Hossein Hosseiny
- Hung Soo Kim
- Hunter Brown
- Hunter Quintal
- Husain Najafi
- Hwisong Kim
- Ignacio Gatti
- Ilaria Prosdocimi
- Ilhan Özgen‐Xian
- Iman Mallakpour
- J. L. Ward
- J. Michael Johnson
- J. S. Nanditha
- J. W. Keck
- Jacob A. Morgan
- James A. Smith
- Jana Cox
- Javier García-Pintado
- Jayantha Obeysekera
- Jeff T Haley
- Jeffery M. Valenza
- Jeffrey Neal
- Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts
- Jiaqi Zhang
- Jingting Huang
- Jinwook Lee
- Jochen E. Schubert
- Johanna Mård
- Jonathan B. Laronne
- Jonathan Conway
- Jonathan J. Gourley
- Jonathan W.F. Remo
- Jordan I. Christian
- Jory S. Hecht
- Julia Hall
- Kanak Kanti Kar
- Katharina Seeger
- Katherine A. Serafin
- Kaustav Mondal
- Kees van Ginkel
- Keighobad Jafarzadegan
- Ken McCracken
- Kim Vercruysse
- Koushan Mohammadi
- Kwun Yip Fung
- Kyle Lesinger
- Larisa Tarasova
- Larysa Istomina
- Laura Read
- Lauren Grimley
- Leon Scheiber
- Leslie Field
- Liam Ekblad
- Lisa Davis
- Liv Herdman
- Long Yang
- Louise Arnal
- Louise Slater
- Lucas Ford
- Lujia Zhang
- M. A. Ibañez
- M. C. Llasat
- M. Fischella
- M. Flanner
- M. J. Collins
- M. M. Rashid
- M. Skiles
- Mads Dømgaard
- Mahdi Navari
- Mahkameh Taheri
- Mahkameh Zarekarizi
- Mahshid Ghanbari
- Mani Kanta Malla
- Manish Kumar Dhasmana
- Manuela Irene Brunner
- Maofeng Liu
- Marco D’Oria
- Maria Francesca Caruso
- Maria‐Helena Ramos
- Marilyn Santiago
- Mario Morales-Hernández
- Marissa K. Webber
- Mark A. Trigg
- Mark V. Bernhofen
- Markus Disse
- Marleen de Ruiter
- Marlies Barendrecht
- Marysa M. Laguë
- María Teresa Contreras Vargas
- Mathieu Boudreault
- Matthew Bartos
- Matthew Garcia
- Maura Allaire
- Mazhuvanchery Avarachen Sherly
- Md Abdullah Al Mehedi
- Md Adilur Rahim
- Md. Nowfel Mahmud Bhuyian
- Menaka Revel
- Mengying Zhao
- Mengyu Wei
- Micha Werner
- Michael Gomez
- Michel Gelobter
- Michelle A. Hummel
- Miguel Ohnesorge
- Mingxi Shen
- Mingyu Yan
- Miriam Nielsen
- Mohammad Fereshtehpour
- Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani Adnan
- Morgan Fonley
- Mozhgan A. Farahani
- Muhammad Hassan Khan Niazi
- Muzhen Yang
- Nadja Veigel
- Nahal Maymandi
- Naomie Kayitesi Manishimwe
- Naresh Devineni
- Nasser Najibi
- Nazmul Azim Beg
- Neil Entwistle
- Nicholas K. Corak
- Nicholas Wright
- Nicolás Velásquez
- Ning Lin
- Nirdesh Sharma
- Noah S. Brauer
- Nurlan Ongdas
- O. Chegwidden
- Oldřich Rakovec
- Oliver Wing
- Olli Ihalainen
- Onjalé Scott Price
- Pankaj R. Dhote
- Paola Mazzoglio
- Paul Bates
- Peirong Lin
- Peng Shi
- Peter Kettig
- Peyman Abbaszadeh
- Philip J. Ward
- Philip M. Orton
- Pierluigi Claps
- Pierre Brigode
- RJ Dawson
- Rajarshi Datta
- Ralph Mathias Johannes Schielen
- Rebecca Emerton
- Rebecca Forgrave
- Rehenuma Lazin
- Ricardo Mantilla
- Richard L. Knox
- Roberto Ranzi
- Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva
- Rory Nathan
- Rubayet Bin Mostafiz
- S. L. Kesav Unnithan
- S. Papalexiou
- S. R. David
- Safat Sikder
- Sai Kiran Kuntla
- Salim Goudarzi
- Samba Siva Sai Prasad Thota
- Sanne Muis
- Sara L. Rathburn
- Sarah Ragen
- Saraswati Thapa
- Sauvik Santra
- Sayan Dey
- Scott Kulp
- Serena Ceola
- Seung Hee Kim
- SeungUk Kim
- Shang Gao
- Shani Rohatyn
- Shannon Leakey
- Shanti Shwarup Mahto
- Shuai Zhang
- Siddharth Saksena
- Siva Naga Venkat Nara
- Sodiq Solagbade Oguntade
- Sophie Ricci
- Stacey A. Archfield
- Stefano Basso
- Stephen G. Warren
- Subhankar Karmakar
- Sudershan Gangrade
- Sunil Gurrapu
- Susannah Morey
- Swarup Dangar
- Taher Chegini
- Takahiro Sayama
- Tess Doeffinger
- Thanh Huy Nguyen
- Thomas Thelen
- Thomas W. Corringham
- Thomas Williams
- Timbo Stillinger
- Timo Kelder
- Timu W. Gallien
- Tommaso Lazzarin
- Triambak Baghel
- Ulysse Pasquier
- Urmin Vegad
- Uğur Öztürk
- Valeria Fanti
- Vassilis Glenis
- Venkatesh Merwade
- Veungopal Vuruputur
- Vimal Mishra
- Vinay Kayetha
- Vincent Kümmerer
- W. Tyler Brandt
- Walid Mansour
- Weiming Liu
- Witold F. Krajewski
- Wonhyun Lee
- Wyatt Reis
- Xudong Zhou
- Xueying Li
- Yibing Su
- Yifan Wang
- Yiwen Mei
- Yixiao Zhang
- Yixin Yang
- Yuerong Zhou
- Yunyue Yu
- Yves Tramblay
- Zachary Paul Brodeur
- Zhaoxin Ban
- Zimeena Rasheed
- Ziyu Chen
- Álvaro Ossandón
- Éric Gaumé
- İbrahim Demir
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