Human reliability

    AA["Associated Authors (0)"]
    C[Human reliability]
    BC["Broader Concepts (1)"]
    NC["Narrower Concepts (0)"]
    C== skos:broader ==>BC
    NC== skos:broader ==>C
    AA== dcterms:relation ==>C
    click BC "#broader-concepts"
    click NC "#narrower-concepts"
    click AA "#associated-authors"

    NI["add incoming edge"]
    NO["add outgoing edge"]
    NI-- ? -->C
    C-- ? -->NO
    click NI "#add-incoming-edge"
    click NO "#add-outgoing-edge"
    style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
Graph neighborhood for 'Human reliability'. Click aggregate nodes to navigate.
OpenAlex ID (API record)
OpenAlex Description
reliability of humans, when taking into account of factors such as age, state of mind, physical health, attitude, emotions, propensity for certain common mistakes, errors and cognitive biases
OpenAlex Level [?]

Broader Concepts

Narrower Concepts

Associated Authors

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