flowchart AA["Associated Authors (88)"] C[Macroeconomics] BC["Broader Concepts (1)"] NC["Narrower Concepts (159)"] C== skos:broader ==>BC NC== skos:broader ==>C AA== dcterms:relation ==>C click BC "#broader-concepts" click NC "#narrower-concepts" click AA "#associated-authors" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->C C-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- Wikidata
- OpenAlex ID
- (API record)
- OpenAlex Description
- branch of economics that studies aggregated indicators
- OpenAlex Level [?]
- 1
Broader Concepts
Narrower Concepts
- Added value
- Aggregate expenditure
- Aggregation problem
- Balance of payments
- Balance of trade
- Banknote
- Barter
- Behavioural economics
- Buffer stock scheme
- Business cycle
- Business failure
- California Proposition 13
- Capacity utilization
- Capital account
- Capital cost
- Carry (investment)
- Cash
- Comparative statics
- Composite indicator
- Computable general equilibrium
- Computational economics
- Consumer confidence index
- Convergence (economics)
- Coordination failure
- Cost of living
- Country risk
- Credit crunch
- Crowding out
- Currency
- Debt
- Demand management
- Demand shock
- Demand side
- Deposit insurance
- Depression (economics)
- Deregulation
- Durable good
- Dynamic efficiency
- Econometric analysis
- Economic bubble
- Economic data
- Economic equilibrium
- Economic expansion
- Economic indicator
- Economic model
- Economic recovery
- Economic slowdown
- Economic stability
- Effective demand
- Emerging markets
- Ex-ante
- Exchange rate
- Excise
- External sector
- Factor cost
- Financial crisis
- Financial institution
- Financial intermediary
- Financial regulation
- Fiscal policy
- Flow of funds
- Foreign direct investment
- Fresh Start
- Fungibility
- General equilibrium theory
- Gravity model of trade
- Gross domestic product
- Gross value added
- Growth model
- Guardian
- Hedonic regression
- Income Support
- Industrial production
- Innovation economics
- Input–output model
- Interest rate
- Intermediation
- International finance
- Inventory investment
- Job hunting
- Knowledge spillover
- Kondratiev wave
- Laddering
- Leakage (economics)
- Life-cycle hypothesis
- Loan
- Macro level
- Macroeconomic model
- Manufacturing sector
- Market basket
- Market clearing
- Market integration
- Market liquidity
- Market mechanism
- Measures of national income and output
- Medium term
- Microfoundations
- Monetary policy
- Monetization
- Multiplier (economics)
- National Insurance
- National accounts
- National bank
- New classical macroeconomics
- New economy
- Oil boom
- Optimal tax
- Original sin
- Overlapping generations model
- Personal income
- Pigou effect
- Policy mix
- Post-Keynesian economics
- Price index
- Price level
- Production (economics)
- Productivity
- Public finance
- Purchasing power
- Rational expectations
- Real gross domestic product
- Recession
- Relative price
- Relative value
- Reservation price
- Rivalry
- Savings account
- Search theory
- Sectoral analysis
- Shift-share analysis
- Short run
- Slow growth
- Soft landing
- Speculation
- Spillover effect
- Structural change
- Stylized fact
- Supply and demand
- Supply side
- Target range
- Tax rate
- Tax revenue
- Taxpayer
- Technical progress
- Technological change
- Terms of trade
- Tobin's q
- Trade regulation
- Transfer problem
- Trough (economics)
- Unemployment
- Unit price
- Valorisation
- Value added
- Value-added tax
- Virtuous circle and vicious circle
- Wages and salaries
- Willingness to pay
- Windfall gain
Associated Authors
- A. Cocoros
- Abdulhakim M. Abdi
- Akash Verma
- Akiko Toh
- Andrew J. Felton
- Angappan Regupathi
- Angelo Gurgel
- Areidy Aracely Beltran-Peña
- Basudev Biswal
- Benjamin Goldstein
- Brendan P. Harrison
- C. Reavis
- Caily Schwartz
- Camilla Govoni
- Charles D. Brummitt
- Corinne D. Scown
- Cuiying Zhou
- Cynthia Garcia
- Céline Boisvenue
- David E. Gorelick
- Donghoon Lee
- Elizabeth M. Flint
- Fabian Stenzel
- Florian Zabel
- Francesco Sapino
- Gerald C. Nelson
- Graham K. MacDonald
- H. Scott Matthews
- Hannah Pauling
- Hiu Ching Jupiter Cheng
- Iman Haqiqi
- James L. Pierce
- Jason K. Hawes
- Jasper Denissen
- Jessica A. Gephart
- Jia Yi Ng
- Jorge E. Pesantez
- Julia M. Schneider
- Junyan Ding
- K. L. Laferriere
- Kirti Rajagopalan
- Kuishuang Feng
- Kyle Frankel Davis
- Kyungdoe Han
- Laura Blackstone
- Lei Song
- Leila Mirzagholi
- Leila Mizrahi
- Lorenzo Rosa
- Luis Lassaletta
- Luoye Chen
- M. Carver
- Mahmoud E. Yousif
- Mani Rouhi Rad
- Marena Lin
- Marta Tuninetti
- Masataka Kinoshita
- Mason Perry
- Melinda D. Smith
- Mesfin Mekonnen
- Michael A. Goldstein
- Michael J. Lathuillière
- Michelle R. Plampin
- Nathaniel D. Mueller
- Nicolas Huerta
- Nima Madani
- Nivedita Dubey
- Oke I Okwokwo
- Oludunsin Arodudu
- Paige Stanley
- Patrick Neri
- Philip A. Fay
- Rosa I. Cuppari
- Ruth C. Heindel
- Saro Meguerdijian
- Scott Hottovy
- Seung‐Wook Ha
- Shaobin Li
- Siwa Msangi
- Suchismita Bose
- Svenja Ryan
- Thomas A. Deetjen
- Timothy Foster
- Tingju Zhu
- W. John Lee
- Walid Mansour
- Wonsik Kim
- Yuan Yao
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