Mathematical optimization
flowchart AA["Associated Authors (82)"] C[Mathematical optimization] BC["Broader Concepts (1)"] NC["Narrower Concepts (138)"] C== skos:broader ==>BC NC== skos:broader ==>C AA== dcterms:relation ==>C click BC "#broader-concepts" click NC "#narrower-concepts" click AA "#associated-authors" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->C C-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- Wikidata
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- OpenAlex Description
- study of mathematical algorithms for optimization problems
- OpenAlex Level [?]
- 1
Broader Concepts
Narrower Concepts
- Ant colony optimization algorithms
- Approximation algorithm
- Approximation error
- Artificial bee colony algorithm
- Assignment problem
- Asymptotically optimal algorithm
- Augmented Lagrangian method
- Backtracking
- Barrier function
- Barrier option
- Bayesian optimization
- Bellman equation
- Benders' decomposition
- Bisection method
- Branch and bound
- Cell formation
- Cellular manufacturing
- Column generation
- Combinatorial optimization
- Computational problem
- Conjugate gradient method
- Constrained optimization
- Contact dynamics
- Continuous variable
- Coordinate descent
- Data envelopment analysis
- Difference-map algorithm
- Differential evolution
- Differential game
- Differential inclusion
- Discrete variable
- Dykstra's projection algorithm
- Dynamic problem
- Dynamic programming
- Empirical risk minimization
- Epigraph
- Estimation of distribution algorithm
- Evaluation function
- Evolutionary algorithm
- Evolutionary computation
- Exponential utility
- Facility location problem
- Feasible region
- Floorplan
- Flow network
- Genetic algorithm
- Geometric programming
- Global optimization
- Goal programming
- Gradient method
- Greedy algorithm
- Hamiltonian (control theory)
- Harmony search
- Heuristic
- Heuristics
- Hill climbing
- Holding cost
- Integer programming
- Interior point method
- Iterative method
- Kaleidoscope
- Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions
- Knapsack problem
- Lagrange multiplier
- Lagrangian relaxation
- Linear matrix inequality
- Linear programming
- Local optimum
- Local search (optimization)
- Location-allocation
- Longest common subsequence problem
- Lost sales
- Maximization
- Maximum flow problem
- Meta heuristic
- Metaheuristic
- Method of steepest descent
- Minification
- Minimax
- Minimax approximation algorithm
- Minimum distance
- Multi-objective optimization
- Multiple-criteria decision analysis
- Nash equilibrium
- Online algorithm
- Optimal allocation
- Optimal control
- Optimal maintenance
- Optimal stopping
- Optimality criterion
- Optimization algorithm
- Optimization problem
- Orienteering
- Packing problems
- Pareto principle
- Particle swarm optimization
- Pattern search
- Penalty method
- Problem solver
- Pursuer
- Pursuit-evasion
- Quadratic programming
- Random search
- Robust optimization
- Route planning
- Running time
- SSS*
- Saddle
- Scheduling (production processes)
- Search algorithm
- Search problem
- Semidefinite programming
- Sequential estimation
- Shadow price
- Simulated annealing
- Simulation-based optimization
- Solver
- Space mapping
- Sparse grid
- Steiner tree problem
- Stochastic dominance
- Stochastic optimization
- Stochastic programming
- Stopping rule
- Subgradient method
- Submodular set function
- Surrogate model
- Swarm behaviour
- System optimization
- Tabu search
- Time horizon
- Traffic network
- Transportation theory
- Travelling salesman problem
- Uncertainty theory
- Variational analysis
- Variational inequality
Associated Authors
- A. I. Neishtadt
- Aatish Anshuman
- Andrea Castelletti
- Andrew J. Miller
- Antonio Cicone
- Behnam Jafarpour
- Bistra Dilkina
- Bryan Quaife
- Bryson Goto
- Carol S. Woodward
- Christopher E. Kees
- Clodoaldo Grotta Ragazzo
- Daniel Sanz-Alonso
- David A. Barajas-Solano
- Didier Haguma
- Dinh‐Nhat Truong
- Dion Häfner
- E. Harald van Brummelen
- Ehsan Haghighat
- Eirik Keilegavlen
- Emmanuel O. Wunude
- George Kourakos
- Hadi Hajibeygi
- Haizhao Yang
- Hao Liu
- Heeho D. Park
- Ines Fenni
- Irene Garousi‐Nejad
- J. R. Kasprzyk
- Jacob Kravits
- Jaejin Lee
- Jui‐Sheng Chou
- Kamyar Azizzadenesheli
- Keurfon Luu
- L. Minah Yang
- La Ode Marzujriban Masfara
- Lars Gebraad
- Lewis Sampson
- Li Yu
- Louis Chauvet
- M. Janga Reddy
- Mahyar Shafii
- Marco A. Iglesias
- Matin Rahnamay Naeini
- Matthew Parno
- Matthias Chung
- Maximilian Ramgraber
- Michał Dzikowski
- Muhammad Hassan Khan Niazi
- Nathan Collier
- Nathaniel H. Mathews
- Nils Olsen
- Noémi Petra
- Omiros Giannakis
- P. P. Mujumdar
- P. Salinas
- Patrick M. Reed
- Przemysław Juda
- R.J.R. van Kampen
- Razi Sheikholeslami
- Robert M. Broadfoot
- Shannon Leakey
- Shantanab Debchoudhury
- Shiqi Fang
- Shubin Fu
- Siamak Malakpour‐Estalaki
- Simone Puel
- Simone Servadio
- Siyan Liu
- So-Hyun Kim
- Stefano Ermon
- Swapnil Mache
- Séverine Fournier
- William F. Jenkins
- Xueli Huo
- Xueyu Zhu
- Xun Huan
- Yong Zhang
- Youmi Oh
- Yujiang Xie
- Zhe Yang
- Álvaro L. G. A. Coutinho
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