flowchart AA["Associated Authors (70)"] C[Combinatorics] BC["Broader Concepts (1)"] NC["Narrower Concepts (342)"] C== skos:broader ==>BC NC== skos:broader ==>C AA== dcterms:relation ==>C click BC "#broader-concepts" click NC "#narrower-concepts" click AA "#associated-authors" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->C C-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- Wikidata
- OpenAlex ID
- (API record)
- OpenAlex Description
- branch of discrete mathematics
- OpenAlex Level [?]
- 1
Broader Concepts
Narrower Concepts
- 3-manifold
- A* search algorithm
- Abelian group
- Adjacency list
- Algebraic combinatorics
- Algebraic number field
- Algebraically closed field
- Ample line bundle
- Analysis of algorithms
- Angular resolution (graph drawing)
- Aperiodic graph
- Approximation algorithm
- Arithmetic progression
- Arity
- Assignment problem
- Association scheme
- Asymptotic formula
- Automorphism
- Backslash
- Bell polynomials
- Bernoulli number
- Bernoulli trial
- Betti number
- Bijection
- Binary logarithm
- Binary operation
- Binary tree
- Binomial coefficient
- Binomial theorem
- Biological network
- Block (permutation group theory)
- Block design
- Bond graph
- Boolean function
- Borel set
- Braid group
- Branching process
- Breadth-first search
- Cage
- Cantor set
- Cartesian product
- Catalan number
- Centrality
- Centralizer and normalizer
- Chromatic scale
- Circle packing
- Circulant matrix
- Clique
- Color-coding
- Combinatorial algorithms
- Combinatorial analysis
- Combinatorial design
- Combinatorial explosion
- Combinatorial method
- Combinatorial proof
- Community structure
- Comparability
- Complementary sequences
- Complete intersection
- Complex network
- Computable function
- Concatenation (mathematics)
- Concentration inequality
- Concentration of measure
- Conductance
- Congruence relation
- Congruence subgroup
- Conjecture
- Conjugacy class
- Connected component
- Constructive proof
- Contact process (mathematics)
- Continuous map
- Contractible space
- Control flow graph
- Coprime integers
- Corollary
- Coset
- Countable set
- Counterexample
- Counting problem
- Covering space
- Coxeter group
- Cube (algebra)
- Cubic form
- Cubic surface
- Cyclotomic field
- De Bruijn sequence
- Decomposition theorem
- Dedekind cut
- Delaunay triangulation
- Derangement
- Design structure matrix
- Deterministic algorithm
- Digraph
- Dilation (metric space)
- Dimension (graph theory)
- Diophantine equation
- Direct limit
- Direct product
- Directed acyclic graph
- Directed graph
- Discrete geometry
- Discrete valuation ring
- Disjoint sets
- Disjoint union (topology)
- Disperser
- Distance matrices in phylogeny
- Distance matrix
- Divisibility rule
- Divisor (algebraic geometry)
- Dual polyhedron
- Duality (order theory)
- Dynamic network analysis
- Elementary proof
- Endomorphism
- Enumeration
- Enumerative combinatorics
- Epimorphism
- Equidistributed sequence
- Equivalence relation
- Euclidean algorithm
- Euclidean space
- Euler characteristic
- Exact sequence
- Existential quantification
- Extremal combinatorics
- Extreme point
- Family tree
- Farey sequence
- Fence (mathematics)
- Fermat's Last Theorem
- Fibered knot
- Fibonacci number
- Finite field
- Finitely-generated abelian group
- Flow network
- Free probability
- Frobenius group
- Fundamental group
- Gadget
- Gauss sum
- Gaussian integer
- General position
- Generating function
- Geometric probability
- Girth (graph theory)
- Graph
- Graph theory
- Grassmannian
- Greatest common divisor
- Group testing
- Haar measure
- Hamming distance
- Hausdorff dimension
- Hausdorff space
- Haven
- Hilbert's syzygy theorem
- Hilbert–Poincaré series
- Hitting time
- Homeomorphism (graph theory)
- Homogeneous
- Homomorphism
- Homophily
- Hypercube
- Hypergraph
- Hyperplane
- Idempotence
- Identity function
- Incircle and excircles of a triangle
- Indecomposable module
- Individual mobility
- Infimum and supremum
- Injective function
- Interpersonal ties
- Interval (graph theory)
- Inverse limit
- Isomorphism theorem
- Isoperimetric inequality
- Isotopy
- Join (topology)
- Jordan curve theorem
- Julia set
- Kernel (algebra)
- Kloosterman sum
- Kolmogorov complexity
- Laurent polynomial
- Least common multiple
- Lens space
- Lexicographical order
- Line length
- Linear space
- Linear span
- Link (geometry)
- Locally compact space
- Longest common subsequence problem
- Loop (graph theory)
- Magic square
- Majorization
- Mathematical chemistry
- Mathematical sociology
- Mathematics Subject Classification
- Matroid
- Maximal function
- Maximum flow problem
- Mersenne prime
- Minimum cut
- Minimum spanning tree
- Minimum weight
- Mod
- Modular group
- Modulo
- Monoid
- Monomial
- Morphism
- Multiplication (music)
- Multiset
- Möbius function
- Natural density
- Natural number
- Necklace
- Network dynamics
- Network formation
- Network theory
- Newton polygon
- Nilpotent
- Null model
- Number theory
- Open set
- Order type
- Ordered field
- Ordered set
- Orthant
- Orthogonal group
- Orthogonal polynomials
- Packing problems
- Parameterized complexity
- Partially ordered set
- Partition (number theory)
- Perfect field
- Perfect number
- Perfect power
- Permutable prime
- Pfaffian
- Pigeonhole principle
- Planarity testing
- Point group
- Polyhedron
- Polytope
- Prime (order theory)
- Prime number
- Projective variety
- Property testing
- Quadratic form (statistics)
- Quadratic residue
- Quadric
- Quasigroup
- Quotient
- Ramanujan's sum
- Ramification
- Ramsey theory
- Randomized algorithm
- Rank (graph theory)
- Rational number
- Reachability
- Real line
- Real number
- Recreational mathematics
- Recurrence relation
- Recursively enumerable language
- Regular cardinal
- SL2(R)
- SMA*
- Saturation (graph theory)
- Schubert polynomial
- Schubert variety
- Semiring
- Sieve (category theory)
- Simplex
- Simplicial complex
- Simply connected space
- Single line
- Six degrees of separation
- Spanning tree
- Spatial network
- Square number
- Square-free integer
- Standard basis
- Star product
- Steiner system
- Steiner tree problem
- Stirling number
- Stirling numbers of the second kind
- Strongly connected component
- Structural rigidity
- Structured program theorem
- Subadditivity
- Sublinear function
- Submodular set function
- Subshift of finite type
- Substitution tiling
- Sums of powers
- Sunflower
- Surjective function
- Symmetric function
- Symmetric group
- Symmetrization
- Telephone number
- Tilde
- Time complexity
- Topological entropy
- Topological index
- Topology (electrical circuits)
- Toric variety
- Tournament
- Transitive closure
- Transitive relation
- Tree (set theory)
- Triangle inequality
- Triangular array
- Trinomial
- Tropical geometry
- Ultrafilter
- Ultraproduct
- Unary operation
- Uniform norm
- Unimodality
- Unimodular matrix
- Unit circle
- Unit cube
- Unit disk
- Unit interval
- Unit sphere
- Unit square
- VC dimension
- Van der Waerden's theorem
- Vertex model
- Weyl group
- Young tableau
- Zero divisor
- Zero set
Associated Authors
- A. G. Hunt
- A. Stine
- Alejandro Tejedor
- Alex Furman
- Alisson Gounon
- Andrés Velásquez‐Parra
- Anna L. Herring
- Anthony Fuentes
- Apurv Yadav
- Armin Schwartzman
- Behzad Ghanbarian
- Brandon M. Strange
- Chaozhong Qin
- Daniel Sanz-Alonso
- Darren Engwirda
- David A. DiCarlo
- Dominick M. Ciruzzi
- Donsub Rim
- Eetu Puttonen
- Elena Ceballos-Romero
- Gherardo Varando
- Guillaume Coiffier
- Gustau Camps‐Valls
- Hailun Ni
- Haizhao Yang
- Henry D. Adams
- Ilya Zaliapin
- Inyoo Kim
- Jeaneth Machicao
- Jeffrey D. Hyman
- Jessie K. Pearl
- Jie Gao
- Joeri Brackenhoff
- Jonathan F. Donges
- Justin M. Mathias
- Kim Calders
- Kun Zou
- L. Minah Yang
- Leonardo Rydin Gorjão
- Liang Xiang
- M. Sadegh Riasi
- Marcelo Zeri
- Margarita Solares-Colón
- Maria J. Chinita
- Mark D. Bartlett
- Martin J. Blunt
- Maylis de La Serve
- Michał Michalak
- Milan Paluš
- Murti Nauth
- Nariman Mahabadi
- Pengcheng Shi
- Reik V. Donner
- S. J. Breen
- S. Majid Hassanizadeh
- Sagar Tamang
- Sam Abernethy
- Samuli Junttila
- Sara Jamal
- Stefan Oehmcke
- Sudhanshu Kumar
- Suoyi Tan
- Troy Arcomano
- Wenxiu Teng
- Yeva Gevorgyan
- Yevgeniy Kovchegov
- Yunkai Ji
- Zhencai Shen
- Zi Xian Leong
- guangpeng liu
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