University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
flowchart I[University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (79)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Compressible Pyroclastic Gravity Currents
- The Influence of Ocean Flow on Newly-Forming Sea Ice
- The Physics of Frost Heave
- Control of Stratospheric Water Vapor
- Isotopic Constraints on the Neogene Flow of Northern Component Water
- Powder Snow Avalanches - Results From Vallée de la Sionne, Winter 2004
- Quantifying Eddy Mixing in the Southern Ocean
- Study of the Collapse and Spreading of a Granular Mass Using Discrete Numerical Simulation
- Gyrokinetic Simulations of Solar Wind Turbulence
- Quantifying transport in the UTLS region using trajectory studies
- Arctic Sea Ice Thickness - Past, Present And Future
- Co-incident 3D mapping of sea ice surface elevation and ice draft in the Beaufort Sea
- Dehydration processes in the Indian monsoon anticyclone : Lagrangian analysis and sensitivity to vertical wind fields.
- Fluid Mechanical Modelling of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
- Ice sheet/shelf dynamics at grounding lines
- Satellite/Submarine Arctic Sea Ice Remote Sensing in 2004 and 2007
- The effects of convective ice lofting on H2O and HDO in the tropical tropopause layer
- Three Dimensional Mapping of the Sea Ice Underside From AUVs
- Trends and Variability of Mid Latitude Stratospheric Water Vapor Deduced From the Re- evaluated Boulder Balloon Series and HALOE
- Analysis of Processes Controlling Seasonal and Inter-annual Variability of Tropical Upper Tropospheric Humidity
- Grounding-line dynamics in a shallow-ice model in two horizontal dimensions
- High-Resolution Helioseismology from Hinode
- The Flow of Buoyant Meltwater Next to Ice Shelves and Icebergs
- Tracer transport in internal wave beams
- Troposphere-stratosphere exchange - constraints from water vapour
- 30 years of Arctic sea ice thickness measurements by Royal Navy submarines
- Tachocline Confinement of the Sun's Internal Magnetic Field
- Connectivity and coherent structures in the Southern Ocean (Invited)
- Directional solidification of a binary alloy in a Hele-Shaw cell: instability, convection, and chimney formation (Invited)
- Residual Trapping and Capillary Pinning of a CO2 Gravity Current: Theory and Experiments
- Two new ways of mapping sea ice thickness using ocean waves
- Analytical and experimental multiphase models of CO<SUB>2</SUB> spreading
- Elastic response of a grounded ice sheet coupled to a floating ice shelf
- From grains to the Mohr-Coulomb law
- Large Scale Atmospheric Dynamics: a Major Paradigm Change, with a Solar Spinoff
- Mapping Antarctic sea ice thickness distribution from above and below
- On Jet Dynamics and the DIMBO Effect
- On the internal flow velocity of snow avalanches
- The elastic response of grounding zones over soft beds
- Understanding Coronal Heating with Emission Measure Distributions
- Using an online game to evaluate effective methods of communicating ensemble model output to different audiences
- Variation of deposition depth with slope angle in snow avalanches: Measurements from Vallée de la Sionne
- Flexural bending and the evolution of melt ponds on sea ice
- High Resolution Radar Measurements of Snow Avalanches
- High-precision GPS autonomous platforms for sea ice dynamics and physical oceanography
- Ice911: Developing an Effective Response to Climate Change in Earth's Cryosphere using High Albedo Materials
- Incorporating a physically-based parameterization of brine drainage into sea-ice models
- Capillary pinning of immiscible gravity currents in porous media
- Convective shutdown of CO2 in saline aquifers
- Reconstruction of the Solar EUV Irradiance as observed with SOHO/SEM and PROBA2/LYRA
- The Martian Polar Vortices: Climatology and Variability During the MGS/TES Period
- Consequences of Anisotropic Permeability and Surface Tension for Magmatic Segregation in Deforming Mantle Rock
- Consequences of Melt-Preferred Orientation for Magmatic Segregation in Deforming Mantle Rock
- Export pathways of mode waters, intermediate waters, and carbon out of the Southern Ocean
- Mode Water Formation via Cabbeling and Submesoscale Lateral Mixing at a Strained Thermohaline Front
- Deformation of subglacial till near ice-sheet grounding zones: theory and experiments
- Foam Flows in Analog Porous Media
- The making of a new solar spectral irradiance composite - overview of the results from the SOLID Project
- Can the non-Maxwellian kappa-distributions be diagnosed in the solar corona?
- The emergence of shallow easterly jets within QBO westerlies
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging of Thermohaline Circulation on North Atlantic Margins
- Arctic Sea-Ice Loss in Different Regions Leads to Contrasting Northern Hemisphere Impacts
- Dynamo Tests for Stratification Below the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Impactor core disruption by high-energy planetary collisions
- On the Internal Structure of Mobile Barchan Sand Dunes due to Granular Processes
- Properties of the subglacial till inferred from supraglacial lake drainage
- Sand dune effects on seismic data
- The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Characterization of Coronal Plasma with Coordinated Infrared and EUV Observations of the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Determination of the Equatorial Electron Differential Flux From Observations Taken at Low Earth Orbit for Use as a Low Energy Boundary Condition in the BAS Radiation Belt Model
- Effect of the Kappa-Distributions on the Fe XVII-XVIII X-Ray Spectra and Diagnostic Proposal for MaGIXS
- Erosion of a chemically stratified layer at the top of the Earth's core
- On the Effect of the Seed Population in Earth's Radiation Belt Region
- Establishing an Upper Bound for the Power Density of Large Wind Farms
- Exploring the Occurrence of MeV Electron Flux Enhancements in the Radiation Belt Region
- Tidal Grounding Line Migration Modulated by Subglacial Hydrology
- Dune-dune interactions in a quasi-2D corridor
- Metal fragmentation in magma oceans following large planetary collisions
- Optimisation of a Steady State Radial Diffusion Model to Derive Diffusion Coefficients for the Proton Radiation Belt