University of Arizona, Department of Physics
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Portable Data Collection Platform for Lightning Measurements
- Atmospheric cosmic dust fluxes in the mass range, < 10<SUP>2</SUP> g are 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than those in the near Earth space
- Cloud-to-Ground Lightning and Precipitation During the Great Flood of 1993
- Fluctuations of Atmospheric Radiocarbon During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Observations of Ozone Laminae From SAGE II (V 6.0) Measurements
- On the proper treatment of heterogeneous interfaces in unstaturated soils
- Simulating Extreme Summer Precipitation Patterns in the North American Monsoon Region using the CCM3/HRBATS Model
- Submicrosecond Structure of the Electric Field Derivative During the Onset of First Return Strokes in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning
- Topographic Slope, Solar Radiation and Land Surface Processes
- Coral Radiocarbon Record of Interannual Variability in Wind-induced Upwelling Along the Coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
- On the Heliospheric He+ Pickup Ion Acceleration by CME Driven Shocks
- Paired <SUP>230</SUP>Th - <SUP>14</SUP>C Ages of Deep-Sea Corals From the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea
- Record of Abrupt Deglaciation in the Arid Southwest United States From Speleothem Deposits
- Research Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at Arizona
- The Treatment of Heterogeneous Interfaces in Soil
- The Varved Sediments of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana and Implications for a new Chronology of West African Hydrologic Change During the Late Quaternary
- Thermodynamic Efficiency of a General Circulation Model
- A Coral Perspective on Holocene Climate Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool
- Cloud-to-Ground Lightning and Surface Rainfall During Warm-Season Thunderstorms in Florida
- Global Retrieval of Roughness Length from EOS-Terra Satellite Products and Limited Field Study Data
- Initial <SUP>230</SUP>Th and isotopic compositions of U and Th in a Holocene stalagmite from Ninh Binh, Vietnam
- Measuring Sulfur Dioxide From Space: The Promise of Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on EOS-AURA Platform
- Overview of Current Lightning Detection Systems
- Ambiguities in Interpreting the Beryllium-10 Record From Marine Sediments
- Microwave Crosslink in the Active Limb Sounding of Atmospheric Water: A Simulation Study
- Petrographic and isotopic (δ <SUP>18</SUP>O, δ <SUP>17</SUP>O, δ <SUP>13</SUP>C, and δ <SUP>14</SUP>C) study of carbonate minerals in a group of paired Antarctic CM2 meteorites.
- Select, High-Resolution Windows Into Sub-Centennial-Scale Climate Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool Between 7 and 12 ka
- The dE/dt and E Waveforms Radiated by Leader Steps Just Before the First Return Stroke in Cloud-to-Ocean Lightning
- The glacial record of New Zealand's Southern Alps
- Using high-resolution radiocarbon and trace-element variation in speleothems to investigate the climate-system during the last deglaciation
- Abrupt Millennial Climate Change in the Arizona Desert Inferred From a Speleothem Isotopic Record
- An Approach for Retrieving Marine Boundary Layer Refractivity From GPS Occultation Data
- Changes in ENSO and Interdecadal Climate Variability in the Holocene Recorded in Fossil Corals
- Development of a Computer-Based Resource for Inclusion Science Classrooms
- Paleoenvironmental changes in West Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum from a geochemical and modeling study of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
- Seasonal Variation in Upwelling Recorded in Peruvian Mollusks: Implications for Reservoir Correction Estimates.
- Southwest Monsoon (SWM) During The Holocene
- Stalactite Growth as a Free-Boundary Problem
- The recently discovered unique isotopic records in ice sheets
- Tree-Ring Investigation of an in situ Younger Dryas-Age Spruce Forest in the Great Lakes Region of N. America
- Water and Hydrocarbon Distributions in Saturn's Upper Atmosphere
- Characteristics of Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in the Great Plains
- Holocene Fire, Climate, and Geomorphic Response: Perspectives From the Past and Indications for the Future
- Lightning and Gunpowder in the 18th Century
- Radiocarbon dating of diatom-bound organic compounds
- The Use of Remotely Sensed Data to Improve the Surface Representation in the Operational WRF Model
- A Quantitative 80 ka-Long Rainfall Record for the Chinese Loess Plateau Using 10Be and Magnetic Susceptibility in Loess
- Holocene variability in the North American monsoon and links to other monsoon systems
- Preliminary Studies of the Radiocarbon Reservoir Effects in Lake Qinghai (china) Sediments and Their Relationship to Improved Geochronology of Lake Qinghai.
- Radiocarbon In Mollusk Shells As Proxy For Peruvian Upwelling: Modern Pre-Bomb Reservoir Effect Correction
- Reconstructing Radiocarbon Variability in the Bismark Sea for the Past 50 years
- West African monsoon variability along the Guinea coast during the Holocene
- Diagnosing the Effects of Aerosol and Cloud Droplet Aging on Microphysical and Optical Variations in Warm Clouds
- Establishment of 14C chronology of Lake Qinghai and the application of Mean Value Concept to removal of Old Carbon Effect
- Exploring the Causes of Δ14C Variation During Marine Isotope Stage 3 Using Terrestrial and Marine Archives
- Horizontal and vertical structure of easterly waves across Central America and Mexico
- Improving Seasonal to Annual Predictions of Climate Variability and Water Availability at the Catchment Scale
- Modeling Surface Water Transport in the Central Pacific Ocean With 129I Records From Coral Skeletons
- Recent findings on lightning characteristics using high-speed video recordings in Brazil and USA
- Records from Lake Qinghai: Holocene climate history of Northeastern Tibetan Plateau linking to global change
- The Suppression of the Rhines Effect and the Location of Vortices on Saturn
- Development of the ATOMMS next generation satellite to satellite occultation for global monitoring of climate
- The study of the geomagnetic excursions and the relative intensities from Chinese loess 10Be over the past 130 ka
- 10Be, OSL/IRSL Luminescence and 14C Cross-Dating of a Series of Abandoned Alluvial Surfaces Laterally Offset by the Dead Sea Fault, Jordan
- Airborne Dust Models in Valley Fever Research
- Towards Earth System Data Records from GPS Radio Occultation: Assessing Structural Uncertainty
- Multi-band Radiometric Measurements of Rocket Triggered Lightning
- Optical Power and Energy Radiated During Rocket-Triggered and Natural Lightning Strokes
- Improved solar irradiance forecast with Weather Research and Forecasting model: A Sensitivity test of shallow cumulus clouds to the turbulence process
- Fusing Satellite-Derived Irradiance and Point Measurements through Optimal Interpolation
- Relative heating of ions and electrons in the young solar wind due to turbulent dissipation mediated via Landau damping