University of Oslo, Center for Earth Evolution and Dynamics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Multiphase geodynamical modelling using Aspect
- Phreatomagmatic Pipes of the Tunguska basin (Siberia): Aerosols Flux into End-Permian atmosphere
- Structure and evolution of the Møre Basin - mid-Norwegian continental margin
- The Late Permian - Early Triassic Evolution of the Western Barents Sea
- The structure and processes of the Siberian Traps sub-volcanic complex and consequences for end-Permian environmental crisis
- What happened at the start of the Siberian Traps? Understanding the onset of flood volcanism
- Class@Baikal: the Endurance of the UNESCO Training-Through-Research Programme
- Combining Mantle Convection Modeling With Gravity and Topography Spectra to Constrain the Dynamic Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets
- Deep Mantle Structure As a Reference Frame for Absolute Plate Motions
- Geospatial and statistical analysis of volcanic ash leachate data from Mt. St. Helens
- Linking Shergottites to the Martian Crust: A New Martian Cratering Chronology
- Linking the Tectonic Evolution of the Northeast Atlantic and the Arctic: Paleobathymetry Reconstructions and Paleoceanographic Implications
- Mud Volcanism in the South East Caspian, Gorgon Plane, Iran
- Tectonic Control of Piercement Structures in Central Java, Indonesia
- The Dynamics and Evolution of the African and Pacific LLSVPs
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- A new model of the Arctic crustal thickness from 3D gravity inversion
- Aggregated Particle-size distributions for tephra-deposit model forecasts
- Bridging Surface and Subsurface Observations of the Pulsating Behavior of Lusi: a New-born Sedimentary Hosted Hydrothermal System in East Java.
- Combined 2-D Electrical Resistivity and Self Potential Survey to Investigate the Pattern of the Watukosek Fault System Around the Lusi Eruption Site, Indonesia.
- Evolution of topography of post-Devonian Scandinavia: effects and rates of erosion
- Evolved Rocks in Ocean Islands Formed by Melting of Metasomatized Mantle
- First (U-Th)/He Ages of Detrital Zircons From Paleozoic Strata of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago (Russian High Arctic)
- Gas release from the LUSI eruption site: large scale estimates.
- Models and Observations of Plume-Ridge Interaction in the South Atlantic and their Implications for Crustal Thickness Variations
- Past Plate Motions and The Evolution of Earth's Lower Mantle: Relating LLSVPs and Plume Distribution
- Source-to-sink Dynamics in the Early Cretaceous Boreal Basin; Progradational Lobes from a Missing Source
- Subduction Zone Configuration of Central and Eastern Anatolia since the Late Cretaceous: Insights from Sedimentary Basins in the Neotethyan Suture Zone
- The Geothermal System of the Arjuno-Welirang Volcano (East Java, Indonesia)
- Towards High-Resolution Waveform Tomography of the North Atlantic Region
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors
- Ambient vibration technique to explore mud volcanoes structure
- Barents Sea Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure from Deep Seismic and Potential Field Data
- Combined and isolated effects of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and soil water content on carbon isotope discrimination during C<SUB>3</SUB> photosynthesis
- Constraints on Dynamic Topography from Asymmetric Subsidence Across Seafloor Unperturbed by Volcanism Surrounding the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise
- Controls on the time-scales of mantle mixing
- Crustal and mantle structure of the greater Jan Mayen-East Greenland region (NE Atlantic) from combined 3D structural, S-wave velocity, and gravity modeling
- First Archean Zircons Found in Oceanic Crustal Rocks of Mauritius
- Formation of post-spreading volcanic ridges in the East sub-basin of the South China Sea
- Geophysical constraints on geodynamic processes at convergent margins: A global perspective
- Inferring the Time History of Long-Wavelength Dynamic Topography using Tectonic Reconstructions and Global Mantle Flow Models
- Modeling absolute plate and plume motions
- Seismic volcano-stratigraphic characteristics and igneous province assessment of the Jan Mayen microcontinent, central NE-Atlantic
- The Deep Crust Magmatic Refinery, Part 1: A Coupled Thermodynamic and Two-phase Flow Model
- The Role of Impact Bombardment History in Lunar Evolution
- The Underthrusting of the Continental Lithosphere After Slab Break-off
- Trench Retreat and Migration, a Parameterised Model Approach.
- Understanding Magmatic Timescales and Magma Dynamics in Proterozoic Anorthosites: a Geochronological Investigation of the Kunene Complex (Angola)
- Waveform Tomography of the South Atlantic Region
- 3D Density Structure of Oceanic Lithosphere Affected by A Plume: A Case Study from the Greater Jan Mayen-East Greenland Region (NE Atlantic)
- 3D Instantaneous Dynamics Modeling of Present-Day Aegean Subduction
- Abrupt Upper-Plate Tilting Upon Slab-Transition-Zone Collision
- Analysis of Lithospheric Stresses Using Satellite Gravimetry: Hypotheses and Applications to North Atlantic
- Distribution of magmatism in numerical models of delamination during continental collision
- Eutectic melting in the MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> system and its implication to Earth's lower mantle evolution
- Imaging the lithosphere and underlying mantle of the South Atlantic, South America and Africa using waveform tomography with massive datasets
- Possible climate effects of the CAMP intrusive and extrusive activity and its influence on the end-Triassic mass extinction
- Seasonal Climate Profiles of an Ice-free Arctic Based on Intra-ring Analyses of δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Value in Fossil Wood
- Soil gas anomalies along the Watukosek fault system, East Java, Indonesia
- The Effects of Ridge Axis Width on Mantle Melting at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- The Interrelationship of pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, Soil Moisture Content, and Biomass Fertilization Expressed in the Carbon Isotope Signature of C<SUB>3</SUB> Plant Tissue
- The Transition from Volcanic to Rift Dominated Crustal Breakup - From the Vøring Plateau to the Lofoten Margin, Norway
- TopoGreenland: Lithospheric structure and topography in Central-Eastern Greenland
- A Multiphase Multicomponent Reactive Transport Formalism for Disequilibrium Melt-Rock Processes and Geochemical Geodynamics
- A link between seamount volcanism and structures of the deep Earth
- A plate tectonic origin of kimberlites on a cooling Earth
- Absolute Plate and Plume Motions and Implications for True Polar Wander
- African cratonic lithosphere carved by mantle convection
- Deep slab flattening and temporary stagnation within the lower mantle transition zone
- Development of the Igneous Logi Ridge, NE Atlantic, From Seismic Reflection Data
- Isopycnicity of cratonic mantle restricted to kimberlite provinces
- Lunar Cratering Chronology - Review and Revision.
- Monthly temperature reconstruction for a 3,000 year-old Arctic site using fossil wood
- NE Atlantic Cenozoic Paleobathymetry: Oceanic Gateway Formation and Paleo-ocean Circulation.
- Paleomagnetism of Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous coast-parallel dykes in SW Greenland.
- Rotational bulge and TPW in a reference frame described by hotspots since 200Ma: influence of an elastic crust.
- The Burkian Earth
- The Crust and Upper Mantle of the Eurasia Basin Revealed by Geophysical data and Mantle Tomography Models
- The Decoupling Depth and Slab Thermal Structure
- The Mantle Transition Zone in Scandinavia
- The Relation Between Tractions and Strain Rate at the Base of the Lithosphere: Key to Understanding Cratonic Stability
- The role of subduction velocity in slab dehydration and arc magmatism
- Thetys Subduction and Continental Collision Imaged by Magnetic and Gravity Modelling
- True Polar Wander: a Key Indicator for Plate Configuration and Mantle Convection during the Late Neoproterozoic
- Uncertainties in glacial-isostatic adjustment and relative sea-level reconstructions and the role of 3D Earth-structure
- Waveform tomography of the South Atlantic Ocean and the African and South American Continents
- What drives 20th century polar motion?
- A link between seamount volcanism and thermochemical piles in deepest mantle
- Buoyancy of dry and volatile-bearing silicate melts in the Earth's mantle
- Cancellation of the precessional cycle in δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records during the Early Pleistocene
- Cenozoic Paleobathymetry of the Northern Hemisphere Oceanic Gateways: Implications for Paleo-ocean Circulation and Climate.
- Deep Slab Dynamics and The Overriding Continental Plate
- Detection of an Iron Spin Transition in Ferro-periclase in the Lower Mantle
- Facilitating Sharing and Reuse of Geologic Samples: Recommendations from the National Academies
- Integrative Approaches to Building Planet Earth: New Wide-Ranging Equations of State
- Laboratory and numerical models of constraints on the birth, life, and death of mantle plumes near mid-ocean ridges
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath Fennoscandia Based on P- and S-wave Receiver Functions
- Lithospheric and deep mantle structure of the North Atlantic Region from joint probabilistic inversion of seismic, satellite, and geochemical datasets
- Magnetotelluric Constraints on Upper Mantle Viscosity Structure and Basal Melt Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Melting of subduction modified mantle and continental crustal assimilation recorded by end-Triassic tholeiites from southern Eastern North America
- Nested intrashelf platform clinoforms - Evidence of shelf platform growth exemplified by Lower Cretaceous strata in the Barents Sea
- NoLiMit: Software and Physics-Based Catalogs of Seismic Waveforms for Analyses of the Earth's Mantle Transition Zone
- Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic
- Paleomagnetism, geology and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology of Proterozoic rocks from the Sveconorwegian Orogen, SW Norway: Revisiting Baltica in Rodinia context.
- Phase relations and melting in a Fe-Si-C core: new constraints from experimental data
- Slab Orphaning: The Role of Phase Transitions in Shaping Mid-Mantle Slab Morphologies
- Stress and deformation analysis in the Norwegian Barents Sea in relation to Paleogene transpression along the Greenland-Eurasia plate boundary
- SubMachine: Web-based tools for exploring seismic tomography models
- The Iceland Plume rising from beneath Greenland imaged by waveform tomography
- The structure and formation of hydrothermal vent complexes in the Møre Basin: A proposal for scientific drilling testing the link between magmatism and global warming
- Using C<SUB>3</SUB> Plant Remains to Quantify Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Fossil Record
- Using Tree Rings to Quantify 100 Years of Photorespiration Decline
- Wide angle seismic data constraints on crustal structure and erosion of the northernmost Norwegian shelf
- An Open-source 3D Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Modeling Code using ASPECT
- At the end of the rainbow - Scientific Colour Maps for science and society
- Deep Water Cycling and Sea Level Change Since the Breakup of Pangea
- Detection of the spin crossover in ferropericlase in the Earth's lower mantle; an interdisciplinary approach.
- Effects of composite rheology on surface tectonic behavior in numerical models of whole-mantle convection
- Equation of state and electrical conductivity of warm dense ammonia at the conditions of large icy planets' interiors.
- Evolving viscous anisotropy in the upper mantle and its geodynamic implications
- How do mantle plume - plate boundaries interactions affect Earth's surface evolution?
- How magnetotellurics can aid cryosphere studies: mantle rheology, GIA, surface heat flow and basal melting.
- Integrating magnetotelluric and seismic geophysical observations to improve upper mantle viscosity estimates beneath polar regions
- Numerical constraints on heat flux variations and lithospheric thinning associated with passage of the Iceland plume beneath Greenland
- Subsurface geothermal potential of the Baia Mare region (Romania)
- The Multifaceted Scandinavian Lithosphere - New Insights from Surface Waves and Ambient Noise
- Thermal State of Lithosphere and New Temperature Measurements at Knipovich Ridge and NW Barents Sea Margin
- Detecting the iron spin crossover in ferropericlase
- Geophysical and Thermal Modelling for Geothermal Exploration in the Northeast Pannonian Basin (Romania)