Goddard Space Flight Center, Planetary and Geophysics Divisions
flowchart I[Goddard Space Flight Center, Planetary and Geophysics Divisions] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (615)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (31)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Bonneville, Lahontan, and Minchin: New estimates of crust and upper mantle viscosity and density structure from large lake loads
- Buried Impact Basins as Constraints on the Thickness of Ridged Plains and Northern Lowland Plains on Mars
- Global Lidar Measurements of Aerosols and Clouds From Space Using the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS)
- Highly Relativistic Electrons from UARS and Their Effect on Atmospheric Ozone
- Modeling Tides, Planetary Waves, and Equatorial Oscillations in the MLT
- Observed Temporal Variations in the Low Degree Gravity Field of Mars
- Predictability limits in an ionospheric model for space weather forecasting
- Quasi-decadal Oscillations Generated by the QBO
- Seasonal Changes in the Thickness of Martian Polar Crater Deposits From the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter
- Seasonal Variations in the Topography of Mars from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter
- Solutions for Mars Geophysical Parameters from Mars Global Surveyor Tracking Data
- The Transfer Function Model as a Tool to Study and Describe Space Weather Phenomena
- Visualizing, Analyzing, and Retrieving Large, Multispacecraft Space Physics Data Sets
- A Ground-Based Profiling Differential Absorption LIDAR System for Measuring Carbon Dioxide in the Planetary Boundary Layer
- ALTUS Cumulus Electrification Study (ACES): The application of a UAV for close over-flights of thunderstorms
- Correlative Motion of two IMAGE/LENA Hydrogen Rate Peaks Observed in the Low- and Mid-Latitude Dayside Magnetosheath Direction
- Energy conversion and transport in magnetotail reconnection
- Exploring the Castaing Distribution Function to Study Intermittence in the Solar Wind at L1 in June 2000
- Frequency Variation of the Earth's Obliquity and the Geomagnetic Intensity Cycles
- Laser Altimetry as a Tool for Mapping Mars
- Magnetic Reconnection at Neutral Points: Role in Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Modeling the Middle Atmosphere Dynamics With Gravity Waves: Influence of Tropospheric Processes
- Multi-Instrument Observations of Ionospheric Outflow in Response to the Storm Events of 14-24 April 2002
- Periodic anomalies in Earth-Mars range
- Post-Midnight Enhancements in the Storm Time Ring Current
- Radiation Chemical and Photochemical Weathering: Going Beyond Water-Ice Chemistry
- Relationship between Geogenic Plasma and Magnetic Shear at the Subsolar Magnetopause
- Seasonal Re-distribution of Atmospheric Mass on Mars Detected From Radio Tracking of Mars Global Surveyor
- Spreading Critical Dynamics in POLAR UVI Image Sequences as Evidence for Self-Organized Criticality in the Plasma Sheet
- Three-Dimensional Visualization of Space Physics Data
- Validation of the GUVI Auroral Radiance Measurements Using the UARS/PEM Instrument
- A Global Crustal Magnetization Model of Mars Based on an n=90 Spherical Harmonic Model
- A Polar Magnetic Paleopole on Mars?
- Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) on the ICESat Mission: Initial Science Measurement Performance
- Gravity models from CHAMP and other satellite data
- Interpretation of a Spatially Continuous Magnetization map of Mars
- Io Science Opportunities From the JIMO Mission
- Ongoing Evolution of the Geospace Electrodynamic Connections (GEC) Mission
- SPASE - The Space Physics Archive Search and Extract - Status and Plans
- The Crustal Magnetic Signature of Hellas Planitia
- The Virtual Heliospheric Observatory: Preliminary Designs
- Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing Climatology Based on AERONET Measurements
- Continuing the Search for the Heliosheath by Voyager 1
- Detecting ultra-low magnetic fields with common magnetic minerals
- History of Winter (HOW): A Field Science Teacher as Scientist (TAS) Training Model
- Multi-Scale Probability Distributions of Solar Wind Speed and Magnetic Field Strength Fluctuations at 1 AU Described by a Generalized Tsallis PDF
- Multi-satellite Observations of Ionospheric and Field-aligned Currents in the Polar Ionosphere.
- Scale-Invariance and Universality in a 2-D Turbulent Current Sheet Model
- Status of the Geostationary Spectrograph (GeoSpec) for Earth and Atmospheric Science Applications
- The role of Dayside O<SUP>+</SUP> ions in the magnetosphere during the September 24-25, 1998 Magnetic Storm
- Time Variable Gravity from Local Mascon Analysis of GRACE Data
- Timing accuracy and variability of the planar propagation of magnetic field structures in the solar wind
- X-Ray Emission from the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- An asynchronous laser transponder experiment in deep space using MESSENGER's Mercury Laser Altimeter
- Analysis of Near-Surface Atmospheric Ionospheric Processes by Joint Satellite and Ground Measurements Associated with Major Earthquakes (2003-2004)
- Burst Memory and Event Trigger System for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Development of Geomagnetic Data Assimilation Framework: the Challenges and Progress
- Evaluating spherical Earth gravity tensor gradients by Gauss-Legendre quadrature integration
- Global Modeling of the Lunar Surface Electric Field
- Hydrology and oceanic contributions to seasonal gravity changes recovered from the GRACE mission
- ICESat Receiver Signal Dynamic Range Assessment and Correction of Range Bias due to Saturation
- Ice Mass Trend Observations from GRACE and ICESat
- Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) Data Quality Information
- Innovative Approach to Data Format Standardization for Sun-to-Earth Modeling at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center
- Intercomparison of GRACE and SLR Gravity Field Results at Annual and Semiannual Periods
- Mapping Recent Lava and Pyroclastic Flows at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica, Using Medium-Footprint, Waveform-Recording Airborne Lidar
- Mascon Solutions From GRACE
- Measurement of the Martian upper atmospheric density using Mars Odyssey radio tracking data
- Modeling Antarctic magnetic crustal thickness using Oersted, CHAMP and ADMAP data.
- Monitoring Mount St. Helens activity by airborne and space-based laser altimetry elevation measurements
- Monthly Spherical Harmonic Solutions from GRACE KBRR Data Alone
- No Anomaly Appearance in Pre-Earthquake Phenomena Center
- Recent Elevation Changes on Bagley Ice Valley, Guyot and Yahtse Glaciers, Alaska, from ICESat Altimetry, Star-3i Airborne, and SRTM Spaceborne DEMs
- Results From the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) Experiment on the Cassini-Huygens Probe
- Solar Wind-driven Dust Transport in the Lunar Exosphere
- The Semantic SPASE
- The control of salt flat topography by water-mediated halite transport - A case study at the salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- Venturing into SPASE; Applying the SPASE Data Model to Data Description
- A Geomagnetic View of Paleointensity Fluctuations
- A Passive Electromagnetic Sounder to Detect Subsurface Liquid Water on Mars: Methodology, Instrument Description, and Field-Test Results
- Along-track gradients from ST-5: Improving magnetic and thermal models of the lithosphere
- Analysis of GPS Total Electron Content (TEC) and Satellite Electromagnetic Data of Atmospheric Processes Related to the Northern Sumatra Earthquake Swarms of Dec 2004-Apr 2005
- Earth's Geocenter Motion Induced by the Internal Dynamical Processes
- Electric Currents in Granite and Gabbro Generated by Impacts Up To 1 km/sec
- Evaluation of SRTM and ICESat for Geologic Hazard and Ice Elevation Change Studies in Southern Alaska
- First CRISM Observations of Mars
- Global Vegetation 3-D Structure Sampling with Full-Waveform Laser Altimetry
- High Frequency Variations in Earth Rotation from VLBI Continuous Campaigns
- History of the Inner Solar System According to the Lunar Cold Traps
- Impact of Space Weather on the Lunar Electrodynamic Environment.
- Infrared Spectroscopy of an Extrasolar Planet
- Mars Trace Gas Detection with a Remote Sensing LIDAR
- Measurements of snow and ice surface reflectance and penetration to short laser pulses at zero phase angles and 532 and 1064-nm wavelengths
- Mitigation of the Impact of Terrestrial Contamination on Organic Measurements from the Mars Science Laboratory
- New-generation seafloor geodetic observation system based on technology of underwater robotics
- Observing Co- and Post-Seismic Gravity Signals of Earthquakes in GRACE Inter-satellite Range Rate Data
- Opposition surge and the physical nature of C ring particles
- Performance Simulations for a GRACE Follow-On Mission Using a Masscon Approach
- Rapid, repeat-sample monitoring of crustal deformations and environmental phenomena with the Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Recent ice sheet mass change observations from GRACE mascon solutions
- Recovery of the Three-Gorges Reservoir Impoundment Signal from ICESat altimetry and GRACE
- TIR Anomalies Associated with some of the Major Earthquakes in 1999-2003
- The Effects of the Terrestrial Reference Frame on Mean Sea Level Rise
- The Lunar Explorer for Elements and Hazards (LEEAH) Mission: Characterizing Lunar- Heliospheric Interactions for Both Science and Exploration
- The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Laser Ranging Investigation
- The Observed Velocity Structure of the Lunar Sodium Tail
- The meaning of Martian paleomagnetic observations.
- Thermal, Atmospheric and Ionospheric Anomalies around the Time of Some of the Major Earthquakes in California and Mexico in 2003-2004
- Using Lidar-derived 3-D Vegetation Structure Maps to Assist in the Search for the Ivory- billed Woodpecker
- a Global Forest Canopy Height and Vertical Structure Product from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System
- AUV-aided Seafloor Geodetic Observation System
- Accuracy and Stability of the Terrestrial Reference Frame Realized by the Future Network of VLBI2010 Stations
- Alaska Glacier Observations with L-band InSAR and Lidar
- Annual, Seasonal, and Secular Changes in Time-Variable Gravity from GRACE
- Antarctic Ocean Tides from GRACE Intersatellite Tracking Data and Hydrodynamic Assimilation
- Assessment of Current Estimates of Global and Regional Mean Sea Level Estimates from TOPEX and Jason-1 Altimetry Based on Revised Reference Frame and Orbits
- Biogeochemistry and nitrogen cycling in an Arctic, volcanic ecosystem
- Characterizing and Mapping Ice Sheet Surface Topography Using a Medium-Footprint, Multi- Beam, Waveform-Recording Lidar
- Density of Mars' South Polar Layered Deposits
- Estimates of Glacier Mass Change in the St.~Elias Mountains of Alaska, USA and Yukon Territory, Canada: a Strategy for Combining GRACE and Aircraft Laser Altimetry Data
- Frequency Dependent Susceptibility Analysis of Magnetic Carriers: Application to Fe-Oxides on Mars surface
- GRACE gravity observations associated with two great earthquakes in 2004
- Geological Evidence That Enceladus Librates About Synchronous Rotation
- Geomagnetic Estimates of the Mean Rates of Paleomagnetic Dipole Power Excursions and Reversals
- Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Temperature, Melt, and Mass Loss - 2000 to 2006
- Improving spatial and spectral estimates of terrestrial mass variations from GRACE data (while unlocking the secrets of the universe)
- Increasing Wastage of the Bering and Malaspina Glacier Systems, Alaska-Yukon, 1972 to 2006
- Infrared Observations Of Saturn's Rings : Azimuthal Variations And Thermal Modeling
- Insight Into Lava Sheet Inflation and Deflation Events From the McCartys Flow, New Mexico, and Implications for Planetary Lava Flow Emplacement
- Laser Altimeter Mission Design Constraints from ICESat Observations of 1064 nm Apparent Surface Reflectance
- Laser Sounder for Measuring Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations: Demonstrations and Analysis
- MESSENGER and Venus Express Observations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus: A Dual Spacecraft Study
- Magnetic Analysis of Post-mortem Hippocampal Tissue from Alzheimer's Patients: Changes with Progression of the Disease.
- Martian Atmospheric Density Near 250km Altitude From MRO Radio Tracking Data
- Mass balance in the Mediterranean Sea basin from GRACE
- Measurements of Solar Proton Event Generated HO2 and OH
- Measuring Ice Mass Fluctuations in Southern Alaska and Evaluating the Potential Influence on Tectonic Earthquakes
- Modelling and interpreting magnetic anomaly features over lunar mare using a GIS method
- Multi-beam Lidar Instrument Design, Measurement Capabilities, and Technical Readiness
- NASA A-Train Vertical Data (Curtains) in Google Earth
- On-Line Explorer-45 Plasmapause-Crossing Database and Related Ionospheric Satellite Measurements
- Ranging to the Venus Atmosphere With the Mercury Laser Altimeter
- Synthetic Radio Maps of CMEs up to 24 Solar Radii Heliocentric Distance
- Tectonics of Europa
- The Contribution of Starlette/Stella SLR to Terrestrial Reference Frame Definition
- The New Generation GEOSAT Follow-On Precise Orbit Ephemeris Using ITRF2005 and Other Improvements
- The electron density structure of the Titan ionosphere
- Tides Underneath the Ross Ice Shelf from ICESat Laser Altimetry
- Using NASA's Aura Satellite Data for Inquiry Based Classroom Instruction
- Variation of the Dynamo region and sudden termination of Mars Dynamo
- A Searchlight Beam Model of Jupiter's Decametric Radio Emissions
- Alaska Glacier velocities from L-band InSAR: A basis for change detection
- Comparative MHD Models of the First two MESSENGER Flybys of Mercury
- Comparing the 2008 hurricane seasons with previous seasons: further evidences of Saharan dry air and dust on tropical cyclone activities in the Atlantic basin
- Designing ICESat-II: Laser waveform simulations, and effects of different multi-beam configurations on change detection.
- Experiences in Bridging the Gap Between Science and Decision Making at NASAs GSFC Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)
- Facebook and Edublogs and Twitter, Oh My! Using Social Media to Connect Scientists to the Public
- Generating Precise and Accurate Waveform-Derived Products From Medium-Footprint Geodetic Imaging Lidar
- Geodetic Imaging of Glacio-Seismotectonic Processes in Southern Alaska
- Global and Regional Mass Flux Solutions from GRACE KBRR Data Based on Various Treatments of Spherical Harmonic Coefficients Including Mascons
- Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance from ICESat (2003-2007)
- Hindcasting Gulf of Alaska Glacier Mass Balances using a Degree-Day Model Calibrated to High-Resolution GRACE mascon Solutions
- Identifying Buried Impact Structures and Understanding Their Contributions to the Relative Dating of Mars
- Laser Sounder Approach for Measuring Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations for the ASCENDS Mission
- Lateral Viscosity Variations and the Contractional History of Mercury
- Loading effects on time-variable gravity and surface displacements
- Lunar Horizon Glow: A Quantitative Indicator of Exospheric Dust
- Lunar Polar Subsurface Temperature History
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and its Effects on Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Magnetic Anomalies Antipodal to Large Impact Basins on the Moon
- Mars Volatile Mass Motions: Results from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Odyssey, and Mars Global Surveyor
- Measurement Capabilities and Expected Performance of the DESDynI Multi-beam Lidar
- Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field: Modeling Core Fields with Smooth Inversions
- Mercury's internal magnetic field: Constraints on fields of crustal origin
- New Solutions for the Mars Static and Temporal Gravity Field using the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Observations of the heliosheath and solar wind termination shock by Voyager 2
- Overview of magnetosphere and magnetic field observations from MESSENGER's second flyby of Mercury
- Oxygen Spectroscopy Laser Sounding Instrument for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Pressure
- Pre-Monsoon Dust Transport over the Himalayan-Gangetic region and Long-Term Regional Climate Implications
- SHOTPUT: A mission proposal to study composition and origins of small bodies in the outer solar system through fly-by and impactor science
- Seasonal and Interannual Evolution of the Earth's Land Ice from GRACE MASCON Solutions
- Status of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Laser Ranging and Laser Altimeter Experiments
- The Global GNSS, SLR, VLBI, and DORIS Networks and their Support of GGOS: IGS+ ILRS+IVS+IDS
- The Mercury Gravity Field: MESSENGER Observations
- The Space Environment of Mercury: Solar Wind and IMF Modeling of Upstream Conditions
- Titan's Prolific Propane
- Topography of Equatorial Mercury from MESSENGER Flybys 1 and 2
- Using Custom Designed GRACE Mass Concentration Blocks Over Southern Africa for Evaluating Terrestrial Water Storage Models
- Very Large Impacts in the Pre-Noachian on Mars: Conditioning the Noachian Environment
- 2009 Arctic Mars Analogue Svalbard Expedition (AMASE) Evolved Gas Studies
- Absolute Measurements of Methane on Mars
- Accuracy of DESDynI Biomass Estimates using Lidar and Data Fusion Methods
- Atmosphere and radon activities observed prior to Abruzzo M6.3 earthquake of April 6, 2009
- Atmospheric Influence of the Solar Proton Events and Ground Level Enhancement in January 2005
- Comparing Inflation Clefts at the Carrizozo and McCartys Lava Flows, NM, and the 1859 Mauna Loa flow, HI: Differentiating Inflation and Collapse Pits
- Continental water storage variations in Africa
- Early Results from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter on LRO (Invited)
- Empirical Correction of Residual Error in the ICESat-1 Altimetry Time Series at Lake Vostok
- Exploring Mercury’s Surface-bound Exosphere with the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer: An Overview of Observations during the Three MESSENGER Flybys
- Geophysics of Mercury: The MESSENGER View (Invited)
- Geosphere - Cryosphere Interactions in the Saint Elias orogen, Alaska and Yukon (Invited)
- How strong are lunar crustal magnetic fields at the surface? Considerations from a reexamination of the electron reflectometry technique
- Hydrological variations in Australia recovered by GRACE high-resolution mascons solutions
- Initial Results from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Laser Ranging Investigation
- Ionization of the Lower Martian Atmosphere by Bursts of Astrophysical Gamma-rays
- Iron on the Surface of Mercury: From Contradiction to Convergence? (Invited)
- Lunar Neutral Exosphere Properties from Pickup Ion Analysis
- MHD modeling of the interaction of the magnetosphere of Mercury with the solar wind during the MESSENGER flybys
- Mercury’s atmosphere and magnetosphere: MESSENGER third flyby observations (Invited)
- Observational constraint on thermal boundary conditions in geodynamo simulation: from a data assimilation perspective
- Observations of Metallic Species in Mercury’s Exosphere During the Three MESSENGER Flybys
- Overview of magnetic field observations from MESSENGER’s third flyby of Mercury
- Particle Transport and Acceleration in Mercury’s Magnetosphere during the MESSENGER Flybys
- Precise and Accurate High-Altitude Waveform Lidar Mapping of Greenland Land and Arctic Sea Ice in Support of Operation IceBridge
- Preliminary Measurement of the 1064-nm Surface Reflectance of the Moon from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Pulse Energies
- Proposed Space Geodetic Project
- Regional and Global Time-Variable Gravity Recovery from GRACE
- Relation of seismic rate changes to the timing of ice mass fluctuations and surface temperature variations
- Sodium and magnesium neutral and ion species at Mercury: Simulations and comparison to MESSENGER observations
- Structure and Morphology of the Moon's South Pole-Aitken Basin from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA)
- Study of hydrometeorological processes over West Africa using permanent GPS stations
- Superconducting gravimeter measurements for land surface model assessment
- The Impact of the Reference Frame on the Determination of Mean Sea Level (Invited)
- The Role of Planetary System Architecture in Planetary Habitability
- The Role of Spinel Minerals in Lunar Magma Evolution
- Titan's Carbon Isotopic Ratio: A Clue To Atmospheric Evolution?
- Towards Data Driven Geodynamo Models Using Variational Data Assimilation
- Validation of atmospheric signals associated with major earthquake activities. A statistical study
- What factors affect planetary wave driving in the Southern Hemisphere in spring?
- A Deep Search for Biomarker Gases on Mars in 2009 - 2010: The Campaign and a Few Preliminary Results
- A new and improved description of the Martian magnetic crustal field using both MGS-MAG and MGS-ER measurements
- Analysis of Multi-Satellite Tracking Data of the Kaguya Satellites for Orbit and Gravity Field Determination
- Bringing a Chemical Laboratory Named Sam to Mars on the 2011 Curiosity Rover
- Characterizing Ice Sheet Surface Topography and Structure Using High-Altitude Waveform Airborne Laser Altimetry
- Comparison of lake mass variations from GRACE high resolution mascon solutions and altimetry
- Depletion of Ammonia Gas onto Jovian Ices
- Detection and Extent of Ancient, Buried Mare Deposits in South Pole-Aitken Basin (SPA):Implications for Robotic Sampling
- Development of AN ICESat Geodetic Control Database and Evaluation of Global Topographic Assets
- Earth's Dynamo: Fore- and Hind- casting Limits from a Variational Data Assimilation Approach
- Effect of cross-correlation in geomagnetic data assimilation
- Effect of energetic particle precipitation on the atmosphere as simulated by WACCM
- Efficient Swath mapping Laser Altimeter Instrument Incubator Program
- Electron Transport and Energization in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Emerging Trends in Freshwater Availability from GRACE (Invited)
- ICESat Elevation Change Bias Correction And Elevation Accuracy Assessments (2003-2009) At Large Subglacial Lake Sites, Antarctica
- Impact demagnetization at the moon and Mars: new results from hydrocode simulations and multiple altitude magnetic field data
- Improved Global Mascon Solutions from GRACE
- Improved simulation of preindustrial surface ozone in a model with bromine chemistry
- Improving Agricultural Drought Monitoring in East Africa with Unbiased Rainfall Fields and Detailed Land Surface Physics
- Indicators of Water Cycle Acceleration from GRACE and NASA NEWS Datasets (Invited)
- Inferring Aquifer Storage Parameters Using GRACE and In-Situ Measurement: Estimation Under Data Uncertainty (Invited)
- Laser Ranging Experiment on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Clocks and Ranges
- Mapping of Ozone on Mars at Infrared Wavelengths Using Crires at VLT
- Modeling Elastic Uplift Associated with GRACE Hydrology Solutions for Southeast Alaska
- Modeling of Mercury's pick-up ion dynamics and its response to changes in IMF conditions
- New Operational Mode of Space-borne Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers
- Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers Group: EPO for the NextGen
- Observability and Implication of Magnetic signals from different ocean circulation models
- Observed Differences in Spectral Microphysical Retrievals from MODIS
- Orbital Gravity Gradiometry Beyond GOCE: Geophysical Applications
- Orbital Gravity Gradiometry Beyond GOCE: Instrument Concept
- Orbital Gravity Gradiometry Beyond GOCE: Mission Concepts
- Precision Orbit Determination for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: orbit quality and gravity field estimation
- Realizing the potential of the GRACE Data Assimilation System (Invited)
- Reconstruction of Temporal Gravity Variations Before and After the GRACE Mission
- Relationship between MODIS-Derived Snow Cover and Snowmelt Timing in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, 2000 to 2010
- Rescuing Middle School Astronomy
- Rock Levitation by Water and Ice; an Explanation for Trails in Racetrack Playa, California
- Satellite Supported Estimates of Human Rate of NPP Carbon Use on Land: Challenges Ahead
- Silicate Mineralogy of SPA: A New View from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- South Pole-Aitken Basin: Evidence for Post-Basin Resurfacing from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Data
- The Structure and evolution of the Moon's South Pole-Aitken Basin from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) (Invited)
- The Thickness of Proximal Ejecta from the Orientale Basin as revealed by the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA)
- The Zuni-Bandera Volcanic Field, NM: An Analog for Exploring Planetary Volcanic Terrains
- Time Variable Gravity from Weekly Solutions from 1993 to 2010 using SLR and DORIS data and Comparisons with GRACE
- Tributary Glacier Elevation and Mass Loss in the Larsen A and B Ice Shelf Embayments , 2001-2009
- Using MHD modeling to specify inner heliosphere conditions during the three MESSENGER Mercury flybys
- Using Mini-RF To Improve Accuracy Of Lunar TiO2 Maps
- Using OMI observations to measure aerosol absorption of biomass burning aerosols above clouds
- VLBI Observations of the 2010 Chilean Earthquake
- Validation of Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Seismicity
- Venus Ionospheric Hole Behavior in the Context of Channel Crossings
- Water Availability in the Tigris-Euphrates River Basin and the Middle East from GRACE
- Water on Mars: global maps of H2O, HDO and D/H obtained with CRIRES at VLT and NIRSPEC at Keck II
- Analysis of Pulsed Lidar Measurements of Atmospheric CO2 Column Absorption during the ASCENDS 2009-2011 Airborne Campaigns
- Calcium in Mercury's Exosphere: Modeling MESSENGER Data
- Cassini/CIRS Observations of Temperatures in Saturn's Northern Storm Region
- Combined Use of Satellite and Aircraft Back Scattered Ultraviolet and Visible Spectra for Improved Ozone Profile and Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals
- Comparing the stress change characteristics and aftershock decay rate of the 2011 Mineral, VA, earthquake with similar earthquakes from a variety of tectonic settings
- Continental Hydrology Loading Observed by VLBI Measurements
- Coulomb stress, surface displacement, and seismic rate changes associated with ice mass fluctuations on seasonal, annual, and decadal time scales
- Effect on the lunar exosphere of a CME passage
- Elemental Mercury Diffusion Processes and Concentration at the Lunar Poles
- Evaluation of Convective Transport of Trace Gases During the TC4 Mission
- Evaluation of Global Topographic Assets Using ICESat Geodetic Control
- Evolved Gas Measurements Planned for the Lower Layers of the Gale Crater Mound with the Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument Suite
- Exploring Mercury's Surface-bound Exosphere: An Overview of Observations During the MESSENGER Orbital Phase
- Geomagnetic Secular Variation Prediction with Thermal Heterogeneous Boundary Conditions
- Geophysical Constraints on Lunar Features from Gravity and LOLA Altimetric Data
- Global distribution of Na, Ca, and Mg in Mercury's exosphere from MESSENGER measurements
- Hydrology in Africa from high resolution mascon solutions
- Improved High-Resolution Lunar Gravity Field Model From SELENE and Historical Tracking Data
- Improvements To Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling For Jason-2
- Improvements in Orbit Determination for Altimetric Satellites
- Improvements in Space Geodesy Data Discovery at the CDDIS
- Influence of seasonal soil moisture memory on land-atmosphere interactions: a coupled mesoscale modeling study of the 2006 Southern Great Plains drought
- Internal structure of Mercury: Constraints from MESSENGER
- International Observe the Moon Night: Using Public Outreach Events to Tell Your Story to the Public
- Isotopic Ratios in Titan's Atmospheric Methane
- Lava erosion on Mercury: Model results using new observations from MESSENGER
- Linking Geomagentic Data to Dynamo Models via Variational Data Assimilation
- MESSENGER Magnetometer Observations of the Plasma Distribution in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MESSENGER Observations and Kinetic Simulations of Quasi-Trapped Ion and Electron Populations at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of Flux Transfer Events at Mercury
- MESSENGER Searches for Less Abundant or Weakly Emitting Species in Mercury's Exosphere
- Mapping Vesta's Northern Quadrangle V-4NFW: Local and Regional Stratigraphy
- Modeling of Mercury tides for recovery of gravity field and interior properties
- Predicting solar wind forcing at Mercury: WSA-ENLIL model results
- Reactive Nitrogen, Ozone and Ozone production in the Arctic Troposphere and the Impact of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange
- Remotely Sensed Terrestrial Water Balance of the Nile Basin
- Sample Processing technique onboard ExoMars (MOMA) to analyze organic compounds by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- Scientists Needed! The Year of the Solar System: Opportunities for Scientist Involvement
- Seasonal Chemical and Dynamical Responses in a Chemistry-Climate model to Aircraft NOx Emissions: Simulations with the GEOS CCM and Comparisons with GMI
- Seismic interferometry of the mantle transition zone beneath the western United States
- Spectral and vertical distribution properties of Titan's particulates from thermal-IR CIRS data: Physical Implications
- Status of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Geodetic Investigation
- Structure of Mercury's Global Magnetic Field Determined from MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Structure of Mercury's magnetosphere during MESSENGER's first three months in orbit
- Terraced margins of inflated lava flows on Earth and Mars
- The Chronology of Basin Formation and Subsequent Volcanism on the Moon and Mercury
- The Determination of the Gravity Field of Mercury from MESSENGER data
- The Development of a Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record from Multi-mission Altimeter Data
- The Evolution of Trace Species and Temperature in Saturn's Northern Storm Region
- The Interaction between Mt. Pinatubo Aerosols and the Stratospheric Circulation
- The dynamic response of satellite oceans to tidal forcing and the associated heat generated
- Using the Abitibi Greenstone Belt to understand Martian hydrothermal systems and the potential for biosignature preservation in high temperature aqueous environments
- Velocity, slope change, and structural control of the 2008-2011 surge of Bering Glacier, Alaska, from a time-series of Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery
- Voyager 2 Signatures of Important Processes/Dynamics in the Outer Heliosphere
- Water in the Balance: Changing Freshwater Availability as Viewed from Space
- Wave Forcing of Saturn's Equatorial Oscillation
- 4 km Forecasting System to Support DISCOVER-AQ Campaigns: Model Configuration, Testing and Evaluation
- A New Look at Titan's Zonal Winds from Cassini Radio Occultations
- A New Model for Long-Period Tidal Variations in Length of Day
- A fast radiance simulator for the solar bands of NPP/VIIRS instrument
- An Explanation for the Observed Frequency Drift of Coherent ~1 Hz waves in Mercury's Inner Magnetosphere
- Anisotropy at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary: Insights from the SS Precursors
- Asia's Changing Water Resources: Trends from GRACE and Implications for Water Management
- Atmospheric Backscatter Profiles at 1572nm from Pulsed Lidar Measurments of CO2 Column Absorption from the 2011 ASCENDS Flight Campaign
- Characterising Antarctic and Southern Ocean Lithosphere with Magnetic and Gravity Imaging of East Antarctic Rift Systems
- Characteristics of the Plasma Distribution in Mercury's Equatorial Magnetosphere Derived from MESSENGER Magnetic Field and Plasma Observations
- Combining MESSENGER Data in Production and Analysis of Digital Elevation Models
- Combustion of organic matter in Mars analogs using SAM-like techniques
- Comparison of monogenetic volcano clusters on Earth, Venus, and Mars
- Consequences of Electron Precipitation at Mercury: X-ray Aurorae and Heavy Ion Production
- Constraints on geothermal heat flux under the Greenland ice sheet
- Contributions to Terrestrial and Global Hydrology from a Decade of GRACE Measurements
- Estimating ICESat-1 Inter-Campaign Elevation Biases at 86S Using LVIS Lidar Data
- Filling Gaps in the Spatial Coverage of LOLA Terrain Models
- GRAIL Gravity Observations of Peak-Ring Basins on the Moon: Implications for Basin Formation
- High Degree and Order Gravity Fields of the Moon Derived from GRAIL Data
- Hot as You Like It: Models of the Long-term Temperature History of Earth Under Different Geological Assumptions
- Hydrogen-Bearing Volatiles at the Lunar Equatorial Terminator
- Ice Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) Altimetry and Digital Elevation Models in the Polar Regions
- Imaging the Velocity and Density Contrasts at Upper Mantle Discontinuities: Evidence for Thermo-chemical Heterogeneity and Dynamics
- Improving agricultural drought monitoring in West Africa using root zone soil moisture estimates derived from NDVI
- In-depth Analysis and Evaluation of GSFC GRAIL Gravity Field Models
- Invisible Mars: Using Science on a Sphere to Explore Mars' Atmosphere Loss
- Laser Ranging to Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: time, orbit, and beyond
- Lava-substrate heat transfer: Laboratory experiments and thermodynamic modeling
- Long-Term Variability of Precipitation of Charged Particles on Mercury's Surface
- Lunar Orientale Basin: Testing A Model for the Origin of Basin Rings and Geological Units Using GRAIL Data
- Lunar Surface Charging and Dust Transport during the Passage of a Coronal Mass Ejection
- MESSENGER observations of Mercury's magnetosphere under extreme solar wind conditions
- Maps of Lunar Topographic Roughness: Correlation with Geological Features
- Mercury's Sodium Exosphere: Observations During the MESSENGER Orbital Phase
- Mercury's high northern latitude magnetic signature: Limitations on an internal source
- Mysteries of the Lunar Atmosphere
- OMPS-LP Sensor Performance and Highlights of Release 1 Data Products
- Organic Contaminants Library for the Sample Analysis at Mars
- Performance of the LDCM Thermal Infrared Sensor for Evapotranspiration Measurement
- Post-Equinox Variations of Titan's Middle-Atmosphere Structure from Cassini/CIRS
- Pulsed Lidar Measurements of Atmospheric CO2 Column Absorption in the ASCENDS 2011 Airborne Campaign
- Pulsed Lidar Measurements of Atmospheric CO2 Column Absorption in the ASCENDS 2011 Airborne Campaign: Measurement Analysis
- Quantifying Interannual Variability of the UTLS Ozone Using Assimilation of Satellite Data
- SAM-like Evolved Gas Analysis of Mars Analog Samples from the Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition: Implications for Analyses by the Mars Science Laboratory
- SLR Station Recovery, Center of Frame Motion, and Time Varying Gravity
- Scientists Delivering EPO Content - Lessons Learned and Advice from the Trenches
- Searching for amino-acid homochirality on Mars with the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) onboard ExoMars
- Seasonal Variability and Local Time Dependence of Mercury's Dayside Magnesium Exosphere
- Short Term Variation in Oxygen Emission from Io: A First Census of "Departure Events"
- Sources and Losses of Mg in Mercury's Exosphere Inferred from MESSENGER Observations
- Summary of ICESat-1 inter-campaign elevation biases and detection methods
- Synergism of Saturn, Enceladus and Titan and Formation of HCNO Exobiological Molecules
- Terrestrial planet formation from a truncated disk -- The 'Grand Tack'
- The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- The electric potential of the charged dust near the E ring
- The impact of temporal geopotential variations on GPS
- Titan's Timescales: Constraints On The Age of The Methane-Supported Atmosphere
- Titan's Tropopause Temperatures from CIRS: Implications for Stratospheric Methane Cloud Formation
- Towards a Selenographic Information System: Apollo 15 Mission Digitization
- Understanding geodynamo through data assimilation
- Viewing Mercury's Surface-bound Exosphere from Orbit: Eighteen Months of Observations by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer aboard the MESSENGER Spacecraft
- A search for minor bodies in the Jovian tenuous ring system
- Air Mass Origin as a Diagnostic of Seasonally-Varying Transport into the Arctic
- Aircraft measurement of glyoxal (CHOCHO) over southeast U.S. during SENEX2013
- An Improved Atmospheric Lifetime of Nitrous Oxide Based on Measurement and Constrained Models
- An Overview of MESSENGER Observations of Mercury's Exosphere
- Assimilating bias-corrected satellite snow depth data for improving streamflow prediction in the US: impacts of bias correction technique, spatial resolution and in-situ data source
- Bacterial growth in a simulated Martian subsurface environment
- Broadband Array Observations of the D" Discontinuity
- Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) in the Atmosphere: A Mystery Between Sources and Sinks
- Changes in Saturn's Zonal-Mean Tropospheric Structure After the 2010-2011 Northern Storm
- Characterizing Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Oil and Natural Gas Operations in Haynesville, Fayetteville, and Marcellus Shale Regions via Aircraft Observations During SENEX 2013
- Comparison between the Juno Earth flyby magnetic measurements and the magnetometer package on the IRIS solar observatory
- Constraining GRACE Solutions for Gulf of Alaska Glaciers using Field and Airborne Observations (Invited)
- Continental water storage variations in Africa from space gravity and altimetry measurements
- Contrasting Formaldehyde Sources in High and Low-NOx Regions
- Effect of Electromagnetic Induction on the Magnetosphere of Mercury
- Effect of Time Varying Gravity on DORIS processing for ITRF2013
- Estimating Available Water Capacity in the Lower Mekong River Basin by Integrating GRACE Observations into a Land Surface Model
- Evaluation of ICESat-1 Inter-Campaign Elevation Biases From the Comparison of Airborne and Space-based Lidar Data in Antarctica
- Excitation of Poloidal standing Alfven waves through drift resonance wave-particle interaction (Invited)
- Exploration of Volatile Resources on the Moon with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND)
- Exploring Careers in Natural Hazards
- GRACE-observed water storage deficits for hydrologic drought characterization, including recent U.S. droughts
- Geomagnetic Data Assimilation with Variable Observation Errors
- Gravity changes associated with recent great earthquakes from a decade-long observation of GRACE gravity fields: Inversion of the earthquake source parameters and constraint to the Earth's viscoelastic structure
- Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss and Outlet Glacier Dynamics from Laser Altimetry Record (1993-2013) (Invited)
- Hydrologic and Land Surface Modeling of the Semi-Arid Urban Environment: Ballona Creek, Los Angeles, CA
- Investigating potential GRACE signal leakage over the Congo Basin using a combination of remote sensing and the Hillslope River Routing (HRR) hydrologic model
- Landsat 8: Promise and Performance
- Laser Ranging to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: improved timing and orbits
- Local Gravity Field Determination On The Moon Using GRAIL Extended Mission Data
- Mercury's High-Latitude Sodium Exosphere: Observations During MESSENGER's Orbital Phase
- Numerical Simulations of a Jovian Ribbon-like Feature
- Numerical and Experimental Approaches Toward Understanding Lava Flow Heat Transfer
- Photochemical Formaldehyde Production in Anthropogenic Plumes during SENEX 2013
- Photochemistry in Power Plant and Urban Plumes over Forested and Agricultural Regions during SOS (1990s) and SENEX (2013) field intensives (Invited)
- Potential for Using Satellite Lidar for Seasonal Snow Depth Estimation
- Pulsating aurora observed on the ground and in-situ by the Van Allen Probes
- Retrieval of Vertical Structure of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration from Airborne Lidar Measurements during the 2011 and 2013 ASCENDS Science Campaigns
- Riddles in the Dark: Imaging Inside Mercury's Permanently Shadowed Craters
- Satellite co-locations as a link between SLR, GPS and Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites
- Seasonal and interannual variability of glacier mass loss in southern Alaska
- Simulating Aerosol-cloud-radiation Feedbacks Over East Asia Using WRF-Chem
- Simultaneous ground-based and airborne measurements of biogenic VOC oxidation products using iodide-adduct HR-ToF-CIMS in the Southeast U.S
- Surface and subsurface water storage changes over the central Congo Basin revealed by integrating GRACE, Envisat altimetry, and PALSAR ScanSAR observations
- The CHAOS-4 Geomagnetic Field Model
- The Gravity Field of Mercury as Seen by MESSENGER after 2.5 Years in Orbit
- The Oldest Rocks on Venus: the Importance of Tessera Terrain for Venus Exploration (Invited)
- The Retrieval of Dust/Soot Mixing Weight with MODIS and AERONET Data
- Time history of the Martian dynamo from crater magnetic field analysis
- Two-dimensional Wetland Water Elevations from Integrated Analysis of ALOS PALSAR Backscatter and Envisat Altimetry: Case study over the Malebo Pool in the Congo Basin
- VISIONS: Combined remote sensing and in situ observations of auroral zone ion outflow during a substorm
- Verification of ICESat-2/ATLAS Science Receiver Algorithm Onboard Databases
- Vertically-resolved retrievals of the atmospheric CO2 concentration using multi-wavelength pulsed lidar measurements from the ASCENDS airborne campaigns
- WSA-ENLIL Cone Extension: Improving Solar Wind Forcing Parameter Estimates at Mercury
- What Happened to the High-Energy (> 100 keV) Particles at Mercury?
- A new global time-variable gravity mascon solution: Signal and error analysis
- Comet Siding Spring's Impact on the Martian Magnetosphere: Observations from MAVEN's magnetometer
- Constraining Archean Earth's Atmosphere with the Geological Record
- Determination of the Possible Source of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Detected By SAM during MSL Mission
- Earth Time Variable Gravity from a Spaceborne Cold Atom Gravity Gradiometer
- Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore "A National Treasure", The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set
- Fluids and Sulfate Vein Formation in Gale Crater, Mars.
- High-resolution global and local lunar gravity field models using GRAIL mission data
- MESSENGER Observation on Reconnection and Structure of Mercury's Magnetotail Lobes and Plasma Sheet
- MESSENGER Observations of Cusp Plasma Filaments at Mercury
- Possible Global Distribution of Reduced Carbon in Surface Sediments on Mars: Evidence from Volatiles Released from the Rocknest Eolian Drift, Gale Crater
- SAM Chlorine Observations at Gale Crater
- Sensing the Electrical Conductivity of the Upper Mantle and Lithosphere Using Satellite Magnetic Signal Due to Ocean Tidal Flow
- The Alsep Data Recovery Focus Group of NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
- The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa's Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
- The Lunar Data Project: Recovery and Restoration of Apollo Data
- The Nitrate/Perchlorate Ratio on Mars As an Indicator for Habitability
- The Pale Orange Dot: Spectral Effects of a Hazy Early Earth
- The Swarm Initial Field Model - a Model of the Earth's Magnetic Field for 2014 Determined From One Year of Swarm Satellite Constellation Data
- The Thermodynamics of Life on a Planetary Scale
- 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Background Rates of Gain Amplifying Detectors in Space
- Concepts and Results of New Method for Accurate Ground and In-Flight Calibration of the Particle Spectrometers of the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA's Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission
- Exploring Formation Models for Ceres Tholi and Montes
- First Results of the MAVEN Magnetic Field Investigation
- GRACE Mass Flux Measurements of Inland and Marginal Seas from Mascons: Analysis and Validation
- High-resolution gravity field modeling using GRAIL mission data
- MAVEN MAG Observations of Magnetic Field Enhancements and Decreases in the Induced Magnetosphere of Mars
- MAVEN Observations of Ionosphere Magnetization at Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Escape
- MAVEN observations of magnetic reconnection in the Martian magnetotail
- MESSENGER Observation on Reconnection and Structure of Mercury's Magnetotail Lobes and Plasma Sheet
- MMS Observations of Velocity-dispersed Ion Populations in Earth's Magnetotail.
- MSL SAM-like Analyses of Hawaiian Altered Basaltic Materials: Implications for Analyses by the Mars Science Laboratory
- Martian-Solar Wind Interaction Boundaries as Observed by MAVEN
- Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event
- Preliminary Geological Maps of the Ac-H-10 Rongo and Ac-H-15 Zadeni Quadrangles: An integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Probing the Lunar Polar Crust with GRAIL Gravity
- The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa's Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
- The Formation of Fluvial Channels on Alba Mons, Mars
- The Volcanic History of Mars and Influences on Carbon Outgassing
- The electrical conductivity of the upper mantle and lithosphere from satellite magnetic signal due to ocean tidal flow
- A Test of General Relativity with MESSENGER Mission Data
- CME Arrival-time Validation of Real-time WSA-ENLIL+Cone Simulations at the CCMC/SWRC
- Covariability Between Geomagnetic and Ocean Forcing (Climatic) Data Sets
- Ensemble Study of Real CMEs using the WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Model
- HabEx: Finding and characterizing Habitable Exoplanets with a potential future flagship astrophysics mission
- Magnetic remote sensing of ocean heat content
- Making Martian Methane via Surface H Release
- Potential Use of Observations of Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) and Faraday Rotation (FR) in Support of the Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus Missions
- Recovery of Missing Apollo Lunar ALSEP Data
- SEP Modeling Throughout the Inner Heliosphere Based on the ENLIL Global Heliospheric Model
- The Electric Wind of Venus: A global and persistent "polar wind" like ambipolar electric field sufficient for the direct escape of heavy ionospheric ions
- A low-cost, portable, laser heterodyne radiometer for validating passive satellite observations of column carbon dioxide and methane
- Ambipolar electric fields at Earth, Mars, and Venus
- Characterization of the Long-term Subsurface Warming Observed at the Apollo 15 and 17 Sites Utilizing the Newly Restored Heat Flow Experiment Data from 1975 to 1977
- Developing Tighter Constraints on Exoplanet Biosignatures by Modeling Atmospheric Haze
- Development of a Model of Geophysical and Geochemical Controls on Abiotic Carbon Cycling on Earth-Like Planets
- Estimating Crustal Properties Directly from Satellite Tracking Data by Using a Topography-based Constraint
- Five Years of Analyses of Volatiles, Isotopes and Organics in Gale Crater Materials
- Global High Resolution Crustal Magnetic Field Mapping at the Surface of the Moon from Lunar Prospector and SELENE/Kaguya Satellites
- Impact of ITRS 2014 Realizations on Altimeter Satellite Precise Orbit Determination
- Observing the ExoEarth: Simulating the Retrieval of Exoplanet Parameters Using DSCOVR
- Recovery and Restoration of Apollo Data - An Update
- The LUVOIR Decadal Mission Concept
- The Venus Zone: Seeking the Twin of Earth's Twin
- Time Biases in laser ranging measurements; impacts on geodetic products (Reference Frame and Orbitography)
- Amino Acids in Antarctic Micrometeorites
- Analysis of Soluble Organics in Carbonaceous Meteorites
- Atmospheric Circulation Regimes of Synchronously Rotating Habitable Exoplanets
- Can D/H Isotope Composition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons be Used to Indicate the Origin, Conditions, and Alteration History of Carbonaceous Chondrites?
- Characterization of a Europa analog environment at Kverkfjöll, Iceland
- Comparative Planetology and Exoplanets as a Gateway Back to the Solar System
- Developing an Efficient Coordinated Organic Analysis for Returned Samples
- Effect of Planetary Redox Conditions on Key Carbon Cycling Processes
- Evolved Climates and Observational Discriminants for the TRAPPIST-1 Planetary System
- GC-MS Method Development for Isomeric and Enantiomeric Analyses of Hydroxy Amino Acids in Carbonaceous Meteorites
- Global Biosignature Distributions of Temperate Tidally-locked Planets orbiting M-dwarfs simulated with a 3-D Chemistry-Climate Model
- History and Status of ALSEP and the Apollo Lunar Data Project
- Impact of drying-rewetting cycles on nitrate removal rates in woodchip bioreactors
- LHS 1140b: Habitable States and Observational Prospects
- Observing the Solar System and beyond with LUVOIR: high angular resolution with a segmented aperture
- Oxychlorine detection in Gale Crater, Mars and implications for past environmental conditions
- Preservation of Organic Molecules in Mars Analog Samples: Insights from SAM-like Pyrolysis and Derivatization Experiments
- Renovating and Updating the Geologic Maps of the Apollo Landing Sites
- SAM and the organic matter in Gale Crater, Mars - Inventory and implications
- Systematic study of impact of Perchlorate on the derivatization reagents (TMAH and MTBSTFA) onboard SAM
- The Habitable Zone: Intended Applications, Controversial Misapplications, and Needed Improvements
- The Impact Of Planetary Rotation Rate On The Reflectance Spectrum Of Terrestrial Exoplanets Around Sun-like Stars
- The Impact of Background N<SUB>2</SUB> Pressure on the Habitability of Tidally Locked Rocky Exoplanets Around Cool Stars
- The Impact of Stellar UV Activity on Habitable Moist Terrestrial Exoplanet Atmospheres Around M Dwarfs
- The Main-belt Asteroid and NEO Tour with Imaging and Spectroscopy (MANTIS)
- Transit Spectroscopy Simulations of Tidally Locked Earth-Sized Planets Using GCMs: Examining What We Can Expect from JWST and Next-Generation Observatories
- Understanding Life Signatures Across Geothermal-Ice Gradients in Europa-like Environments using Raman Spectroscopy
- VPLanet: A Simple Model for Planetary System Evolution
- Warming Early Mars with Climate Cycling: The Effect of CO2-H2 Collision-Induced Absorption
- A measurement of water vapor amid a largely quiescent environment on Europa
- A seismic signal and noise budget for Titan: Preparation for Dragonfly
- Assessment of Ocean Tide Modeling Based On ICESat-2 Data
- Ceres as an Astrobiology Target
- Degradation of the biomolecules in Europa-like ice conditions due to exposure to ionizing radiation.
- Derivatization and Thermochemolysis Treatment aboard the MOMA experiment
- Effects of drying and rewetting cycles on respiration and greenhouse gas emissions in saturated ligneous substrate
- End to End MOMA (Mars Organic Molecule Analyser) Campaign with the GC-MS Engineering Test Unit (ETU)
- Evidence for Projectile Tunneling at Small Craters on Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Evolved gas and X-ray diffraction analyses of sedimentary rocks in Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the Vera Rubin Ridge to the Glen Torridon Clay Unit.
- Future studies of large planetesimals in the solar system with astrophysics assets: JWST and beyond
- GEDI and ICESat-2 Geolocation Parameter Calibration and Performance
- Geophysical Exploration Of the Dynamics and Evolution of the Solar System (GEODES)
- High-resolution Gravity Field and Tides of Callisto from the MAGIC Gravity Investigation
- ICESat-2 Altimetry as Geodetic Control
- ICESat-2 Precision Orbit Determination Performance
- Impact-melt Rock Populations in Apollo Double-drive Tubes
- Integrated Gyration-Leapfrog Model for Electron Irradiation of Europa's Surface
- Investigating Lunar Surface Photometric Properties in the Near-Infrared with LOLA
- Lunar Tethered Resource Explorer (Lunar T-REx)
- MAGIC, A Discovery Proposal to the Icy Moon Callisto
- Miniature Laser Retro-Reflector Arrays (LRA) for Lunar Landers
- On the GRAIL-LLR low-degree gravity field inconsistencies
- Optimization of the Sample Analysis at Mars Wet Chemistry Experiment for the Detection of Organics in Glen Torridon
- Recovering the Earth's Climate with the ROCKE3D Global Climate Model
- Revealing the Varied Sources of Faculae-Forming Brines in Occator Crater via Surface and Sub-Surface Analyses
- Seismicity on Tidally Active Ocean Worlds in our Solar System and Beyond
- Serendipitous Geodesy from Bennu's Short-Lived Moonlets
- The Lunar Volatiles Orbiter: A Discovery mission proposal to determine the history and dynamics of solar system volatiles through observations of the Moon
- The Search for Chiral Asymmetry as a Potential Biosignature in our Solar System
- A Global Meta-Analysis of Halophilic Microbial Communities
- An Atomic Interferometer Gravity Gradiometer for Earth Science
- Analysis of Organic Compounds in the Apollo 73002 Core Sample as part of Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA)
- Biosphere False Positives from Thin Air: Abiotic Mechanisms for O2 and O3 Generation in Planetary Stratospheres
- Brines on Ceres: Origins and Transport Processes
- Challenges to the retrieval of PH3 from ALMA & JCMT observations
- Constraints on the Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Glen Torridon Clay-Bearing Unit from the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument Suite
- DAVINCI+: Opening the History Book of Venus and Connecting Analog Exoplanets
- Deformation along Enceladus' Tiger Stripes: Insights from tidally modulated icequakes and stress release at Ross Ice Shelf rifts, Antarctica
- Fluxgate Ring Cores: The Past, Present, and Future of Space-Based Magnetic Sensing
- GEDI Geolocation Parameter Calibration and Geolocation Performance
- GEDI Gridded Products: Algorithms, Methods, and Performance
- GEDI Precision Attitude Determination
- GEDI Precision Positioning Performance
- Geochemical Processes Along and Above the Glen Torridon/Greenheugh Pediment, Unconformity, Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument.
- Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation Science Planning System (GEDI SPS): Tracking and Sampling Performance
- In Situ Geochronology for the Next Decade
- Integrating GEDI, ICESat-1 and -2 to Characterize Vegetation Structure Dynamics: DOs and DON'Ts
- Laser Desorption/Ablation Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry for the Exploration of Astrobiology Targets in the Next Decade
- Mars Sample Selection Using a Highly Constrained Tactical Timeline: A GHOST Terrestrial Analog Field Study.
- Moon United: Determining the Cosmic-Ray Exposure Ages of Pristine Lunar Samples.
- Photometric Modeling of Bennu at 1064-nm with the OLA Normal Albedo
- Robust mascon estimation from spherical harmonics
- Sample Chemistry Revealed by TMAH-Evolved Gas Analysis: Results from the First In Situ Thermochemolysis Experiment at Gale Crater, Mars
- Satellite laser ranging mascons: Ice sheet and global ocean mass change from 1993-Present
- Silylation Protocol for the Analysis of Meteoritic Amides
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The NASA Mass Change Designated Observable Study: Status Update
- The Resilience of Habitable Climates Around Circumbinary Stars
- The Search for Fatty Acids on Mars: Results from the First In Situ Thermochemolysis Experiment at Gale Crater, Mars
- Coastal land change due to tectonic processes and implications for relative sea-Level rise in the Samoan Islands
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Springmann
- A. Steele
- Avi M. Mandell
- C. Briois
- Colin Wilson
- D. C. Richardson
- E. C. Pavlis
- E. J. Fielding
- E. Mazarico
- Edward Molter
- G. Filacchione
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- J. Stansberry
- Jeanne Sauber
- Linda E. Sohl
- M. H. Burger
- Martin Rubin
- Natalie M. Batalha
- Nicolas B. Cowan
- P. H. Reiff
- P. K. Manoharan
- Perry A. Gerakines
- S. Vance
- Sean N. Raymond
- Shin‐Chan Han
- Siegfried Eggl
- Stefano Bertone
- T. Prusti
- Thomas Quinn
- V. J. Bray
- Vishnu Viswanathan