Emergent Information Technology Inc., Greenbelt, Maryland
flowchart I[Emergent Information Technology Inc., Greenbelt, Maryland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (33)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Preliminary List of Shocks seen by Wind, from Launch till August 2001
- A Search and Analysis Tool for HESSI Ancillary Observations
- A Study of Magnetic Reconnection Processes in Solar Active Regions using TRACE, MDI and EIT Data
- ANTS: A New Concept for Very Remote Exploration with Intelligent Software Agents
- Acceleration of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Low Corona and Association With Surface Activity
- Accessing and Utilizing the MODIS Snow and Ice Products at the NSIDC DAAC for Cryospheric Research
- Active Region EUV Intensities, Magnetic Flux and Coronal Heating
- An Evaluation of MODIS Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent Products at the NSIDC DAAC
- An New Data Set for Climate Research and Weather Forecast: AIRS on the EOS Aqua Mission
- Can the SOI/MDI Detect White Light Flares?
- Classification of IMAGE/RPI-Stimulated Plasma Resonances and the Determination of Magnetospheric Electron-Density and Magnetic-Field Values
- Dual Nature of the Solar Wind Quasi-Invariant
- Glacier Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) and the GLIMS Information Management System at NSIDC
- Increased Magnetospheric f<SUB>pe}/f<SUB>{ce</SUB></SUB> Values in Response to Magnetic-Cloud Enhancements of the Solar-Wind Quasi-Invariant on 31 March 2001
- Ionospheric Responses to Magnetic Cavities during Northward IMF Conditions
- Limb Flares, CMEs & Metric Type II Radio Bursts: A New Statistical Study
- MPACT: Architecture and Design of a COTS Science Co-Processor for Space Science Missions
- Multiscale Image Processing of Solar Image Data
- The association of kilometric continuum with plasmaspheric bite-outs: a multi-event study using IMAGE, GEOTAIL and WIND measurements
- The design of the GLIMS (Global Land Ice Measurements from Space) glacier database.
- High-resolution global and local lunar gravity field models using GRAIL mission data
- Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field: Results from MESSENGER's Low-altitude Campaign
- Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field: Results from MESSENGER's Search for Remanent Crustal Magnetization Associated with Impact Basins
- Time-variable Gravity Solutions from 1993 to 2013 from SLR and DORIS data
- High-resolution gravity field modeling using GRAIL mission data
- A Test of General Relativity with MESSENGER Mission Data
- Orbit Determination of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Status and Recent Development
- Estimating Crustal Properties Directly from Satellite Tracking Data by Using a Topography-based Constraint
- GEDI and ICESat-2 Geolocation Parameter Calibration and Performance
- ICESat-2 Constraint Analysis and Monitoring System (CAMS) Operational Performance
- ICESat-2 Precision Orbit Determination Performance
- ICESat-2 Surface Sampling Performance: Orbit Design and Calibration and Validation of Reference Ground-Track Pointing Control
- Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation Science Planning System (GEDI SPS): Tracking and Sampling Performance